The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 08, 1903, Image 2

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TUESDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THU NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager. C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... City Editor. Advertising rates outdo known on application. CliurcL and oilier char itable organization noticoa published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers la Ui<* city end by mail fr ee of charge to all parts of the Hulled Slates and Canada, Mexico, Po u> Rico, Guam, Philippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Uoolli $ 00 Six Months 2 00 One Year 6 00 Entered at the Brunswick, (in, post otUce, as second ciaHs mail matter. Hon. Emory Speer lias designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, in bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. Tje News Publishing Company de sires it to lie distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for in advance. We cannot af ford to devote our space to such ad vertlsements and wait on the courts 'or the money. FALL ADVERTISING. Now is just the time to begin, your fall ADVERTISING cam paign and THE NEWS will be glad to talk wntli you about it at any time you may select. Ring phone 188 or drop us a postal and we will take pleasure In sending a solicitor around who can giVe you any and all infor mation in regard to prices, style etc... You are injuring your busi ness by delaying the matter. It Is time to start right now. Tlic I Midibar lay to th<> vagrants: ‘‘Qo to work or move.” Now for the ttoaHuiu of broken heal:; Football! will six 'in ‘be on attain. ICxio ilium; cm- nigh on Unele Sam must nay tin- ilelieits.. Allpigood la oiire to curry the prison com miss h;n crowd with him. Whether a papor prints! an Item or not is with the paiier in question. The striker it; alright until the rent uml gruccy liill bite, him Trouble t hen The paper t hat cam be sullnsidized by a few dollars worth of prhiiling will not do to tie to. The man who ts always toiling other people bow to nuccec.l is himself gtai orally a failure. Yesterilaj wn bailor .la. am! lb political orator told the dear laborers how much he loved them. There are too many people, mud good ones, at that, for any one man ♦o hold more than ouo ollice. As the. peoide now feel alaiut it the job of dcfo-Amg airy mem'eer ol l.c prison ii hoard is an easy one. City council 1 meets next Thursday 11 toil and wo hope that committee will he ready u> report uu Ute “contract lug” aldermen. t'iiai ru.a'i Turner, of the prison Qom miKshm, is the lli"st members to go tale re the pi-opb- for roolootion ;uei watch the ps>plo take his scalp Will: those fmil> 1i v* officials win) lire nj'\thialnn capable the Nous is net popular because ii has the manhood to let the people k2i w ala >. 1 them. 1 hat 'aa/.y mini who wanted to g>a Uie pres.blent daughter should hav, got Booker interested He may have tlio ) ,i. , dear for a 1 Oir-o 11 a Interview with the president. the Nows was jutoi mod some days ago that the law requiring property owners 10 keep their lota tree from wet da wvuiiu if ngjdly enfluroed flu the future, ibis is mi excellent idea and should have been done lougc ugo. The matter oi getting up ire c.uui val is in tint handoi a , oiuuulte composes! of Mess. C Miller, f New man and i 11. Haym Thr.s- uetn i men could u. 4 have bean iu.,,i . li: the News Its is sure Uuu it .: , uieu can nmst. a succo „ o. u... .... it Is tlus trio. AN EXAMPLE FOR THE NEGRO. The negroe always gets credit when he deserves it, 'in the south, as the following from the Dawson News will show: “The death of Bill Huckaby, the well known and prosperous farmer of Terrell county, removes a negro whose life stands out as a worthy example to tbo members of his own race. Industrious, faithful, honest, he acquired property; respectful, genial and of strict Integrity, he won friends among hlis own and (lie white till'd; straightforward and nnapsumnmg, he enjoyed the profits of his labor and the growing and lasting esteem of those who knew him. He was one of those class of negroes who has solved the race problem for themselves by never cnslddring tt in it shaping their Action to conform to tVicir own welfare and to the inevitable standard sot by the white man Would that we had more Bill llitckaliys in the south.” There Is no making a mistake in the language of this paper. The deceas ed negro was a good one amd he got credit for dt. In the north they endeavor to keep the negro from owning property; hero we encourage hlim In any endeavor to become a land owner and we help him when he tries to do right. This rase a/t. Dawsoni Is another example or our oft repeated story that itho southern white man is the friend of tho negro. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results n death. Thus a mere scratch, iti fiignifloa'it cuts or puny boils have aid the death penalty. It, is wise o have Bucklin's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the best salve on arth and will prevent fatality, when Sums, Sores, Ulcers and Piles threat- Ji. Only 25 cents at all drug stores The Genuine vs. Counterfeits. Tile genuine is always better than a counltorfeit, hut the truth of this statement is never more forcibly real ized or more thoroughly appreciated than when you comimre the genuine DeWitt’s W'itofb Hazel Salve with the many counterfeits and worthless sub stitutes (half nro on the market. W. S. Ledbetter, Shreveport, La., says: “After using many ollior remedies without benefit, one link of DoWitt's Witch Hnzel Halve cured me.” For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, no remedy iw equal to lJeWitt’s Witch llazel Salvo. Hold by Joerger'a par maty. Some Remnrknble Guns, At the siege of Rhodes the Turkr constructed mortars by hollowing out cavities iu the solid rock at the proper angle, and ill the arsenal at Maltii ts n trophy of the long and glorious defense of Valetta, in a Turkish gun, about a six polluter, composed of u copper tube colled over with strong rope and "jack eted” witli rawhide. In the same col lection are some antique "quick Brers,” breechloaders, with small bores and Immensely long barrels, like punt gnus The Malay pirates put great trust ill the long brass swivel guns culled ‘Tela,” and iu Borneo these Idas were used as a kind of currency, lurge sums being estimated In guns. The Chinese cast excellent bronz. guns (there Is a line specimen of then In Devonport dockyard), hut so littb did they understand gunnery that li the so railed “opium war" the forts o the Bocea Tigris, defending the Canton river, had the guns built imraovabl; Into the walls. The Kikli gunners op postal to us In the two Punjab wars though they loaded with amazing reck lessness. shoveling in the powder from open boxes, stuck to tlicir guns to tin last. The blood of the tirst man killed was smeared on the gun, and the whole detachment died beside it seeuer than retreat. -Chambers’ Journal. 311* IVt SuperMtttlon. “Superstition seems to be connected In the minds of most people with wo men, ladders, rabbits’ feet and horse •hoes,” said the young girl at the piano “Asa matter of faet, however, 1 know that men art 1 fully as superstitious as the women of my acquaintance, and sometimes more so. One young man of tuy acquaintance, for instance, who has literary yearnings and who finds sure lie could astonish the public with his brilliant stories if be could only get some editor to accept them, spends his summers in the country gathering In spiratton, local color and four leaf clovers. When w-lnter comes he returns to his hall room iu the city, writes sto lies by the- wholesale and dispatches with each consignment to the editors a four leaf clover. Sometimes the arti cles are accepted, and then the writer ascribes his suci'esa to the talisman, hlore often, howevw*, they are re turned. with the musost in a more or less crumpled condition, and be spends what leisure hours be has In trying to figure out why it is those clovers don't work every time. Never for a moment does he ascribe failure to any faults hi his manuscripts. Isn’t that the limit tu the way of supersdtloar’—Fhiladei phhi Ledjrar. For further Information call on any agent of this company. G W. berry. General Manager; J. A. McDuffie, Traffic Manager; Ben. J. Ford, General Passseuger Agent. p houe 209. If Its oysters >ou waul u ;q Wii •on’s. Letters from Women Cured by the use of Kodol are received dally Their troubles nearly all begin with indiges tion or other stomach disorder. If the food you eat fails to give strength to your body. It Is because the juices se creted by the stomach and digestive organs are inadequate to transform the nutrient prop erties of the food Into blood. That is Indigestion. Tho system is deprived of the amount of nourishment required to keep up the strength, and the result is that one or more of tne delicate organs gradually grows weak, and then weaker, until finally it is diseased. Here a great mistake is made. That of treating tho diseased organ. Tho best doctors In the land make this very mistake. V/hy should they ? It is so easy to see that the trouble is not there. Kodol Cures This famous remedy puts the stomach and digestive organs in a healthy condition so that rich, red blood Is sent coursing through the veins and arteries cf every muscle, tissue and fiber throughout every organ of the en tire body, and by Nature's law of health, full strength and vigor is soon restored to each. Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. 1 have taken Kodol for nearly two months after each meal and it is the only remedy that gave relief from the terrible pains I endured. After a time I would take it but once a day. and now, while 1 keep a bottle handy I seldom need it, as it has cured me. Mss. J. W. Coolbauoh, Milo Center, N. Y. Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottlasonly. SI.OO Size holding times the trial size, which sells for SO cents. Prepared by E. O. DeWiTT A GO., OHIOAQO •coueifd •J9OJ3Of ‘Xoeiujeqd stilus cy, Fortson’a Drug Store. To Croto JVetm Hair COKE DANDRUFF GORE and Hair Tonic is ih Tie if 7lf ti> re i^ I nifintions COKE, SHAVING FOAM HJK RA2JY SHAVING Bonin Huy noap.Mii handy inf’ntlapuibto Inlios If iuf tmrt.oi wt d**** Uol k‘rtp t ( HliMviliH I'unlit MHiui |ft‘ to A K Urtutn U . tlblitfo for • Sale by W J BUTTB, Druggist Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant ii,|t ■ 2 C J THE QUICKEST LUNCH fc Jean be had here. We call it J "rapid-lire lunch” because It is J served so quickly. 3, If Is not Bred at our patrons, fa J however, hut placed before fhemfc In a dainty and appetizing man k 3 " ° T ' It y This lunch costs little, can bek 3 qutakly disposed of and satisfies C 1111 hut the most robust appetites 0 J. W. WILSON, Proo. ? 'Phone 321. 5 fteievue i/enie. ESS! need la approaching. Indigestion flip lloueness, Jaundice, Chill* and Far., Blck Headachs, pain* In the back aid kidney* |j depend apoa malaria, aal Bellevue Tonic ourea them all la aaj W. J, BUTTS, Wrought Iron and Woven Wire Fencing The Celebrated PAGE make. C. W. DEMING, General A|jent. Brunswick, Ga. Mrs. Mollle Allen, of South Fork, Kv • "hy** eba has prevented attacks of cholera morbus by takiug Cham berlams stomach and liver tablets when she felt an attack comiug on ouch attacks are usually caused b indigestion and these tablets are just what is needed to clean the stomach and ward of' fht approaching attack. Attauka of Mitcu* colic may he pre vented ip t’ earns way. * BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. WANT COLUMN. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to And anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else hat, ad vertise in this column. FOR RENT. FOR RENT —Furnished rooms to rent to men. 218 Union street. FOR RENT—Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. FOR RENT.—Front room; furnish ed and use of bath room. Excellent location. Address “D,” care News. FOlt RENT—Three unfurnished rooms kitchen, store room and pantry on first lloor; also two furnished rooms up stairs at 712 Union street. FOR RENT.—Taree furnished rooms and kitchen, storeroom and pantry on first floor and also furnished rooms on second floor. Apply 702 Union street. FOR SALE. FOR BALE —Two good milk cows. S. Marks. FOR SALE*—A good piano. Apply at the Arcade. t FOR (SALE. —Household furniture and one piancs in good condition. Ap ply at 712 Union street. (■ FOR SALE.—One young milk cow. Cheap. Apply to Capt. Cfcas. Ander son. FOR SALE —A desirable farm, con taining 25 acres, improved; a short distance from the city. Enquire at The News offioe. FOUND. FOUND. — Diamond scarfpln. Ow ner can have by calling oln Barlow Anderson. Identifying same and pay ing for this ad. FOUND. —Fine pistol. Owner can have by paying $1 for this ad. Ap ply News Office. 8-18 FOUND—On the Atlantic Coast line track near Gloucester crossing by a colored laborer, one filled case watch, ports of chain and charm. Owner cani have ibiy identifying the same and paying for tlhiis ad. amd paying reward Apply to Sifc Levison, 310 Bay street. LOST. LOST —Gold link cuff button. Fin der return to the News office and re ceive more than the button is worth. LOST. —Brofafch, set in gold aon taintlng photo of two little girls. Re- Vard If returned to Newis office. LOST. —Cresent Vchainless bicycle. Return to this ofluV and receive re ward. 8 _ LOST. —Broalch trimmed in gold and pearl in center. Lost between the postoffice and Hanover park, or on Gloucester or Monk streets. Will pay liberal reward if returned to this office. | LOST. —Account book. Same was written in Jewish language. Return to News office and get reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTJIC®. —All parties are hereby warned and notified not to trespass on Long Island or Little Bt. Simon Ail trespassers will he prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. John Currie. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—GirI to fill and label bottles. Address Box number 5, City. WANTED—To buy at once second hand officp furniture. Address box 291. City. 9-6 WANTED —Two neatly dressed —white boys to act in the capacity of cash boys. Apply to Mrs. M. Isaac. "Meet Me at the Arcade" .. Free Lunch at the ARCADE V LOBSTER SALAD, BAKED BEANS, COLD SLAW, SLICED TOMATOES, SWISS CHEESE, SARDINES, AMERICAN CHEESE, PICKLES, OLIVES, “Meet Me at the Arcade” The Pleasure of Eating. Persons suffering form indigestion, dyspepsia or other stomach troubles will find that Kodot Dyspepsia cure digests what you oat and makes the stomach sweet. 'Phis remedy is a never fatting euro for indigestion and dyspepsia and all complaints affecting the glands or membranes of the stom ach or digestive tract. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia cure everything you ea(t taste good, and every bit of the noutriment that your food contains is assimilated urn) appropriated by the blood and tissues. Sold by Joerger’s liarmacy. ♦Shorter College Founded I 877 by Alfred Shorter. An endowed Insti tution tor laJies. stands loreinost in America in point et health. Otters a thorough education under ideal con ditions. The best school for the beet people. Music Conservatory offers uneoualled advantsfes. Early tests*ration necessary. Many late appltcsnta turnfd •away last year. Session opens Sept 2 4th Illustrate# DeWitt is the Name, When you go to buy Witch Hazel alve look for the name DeWitt on -veiy box The lime una Witch Hazel is used in making De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, which i. he best salve in the wrld for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema aid iles. The popularity of DeWitt'i v’itch Hazel Salve, due to its many cures, has caused numerous worth ess counterfeits to be placed on the market. The genuine bears the name of E. C. DeWitt & Cos., Chicago. Sold y Joerger’s Pharmacy. Potent Pill Pleasure. The pills that are potent in their action and pleasant in effect are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. W. S. Philpot, of Albany, Ga., says "During a bilious attack I took one. Small as it was it did me more good than alomel, blue mass or any other pur I ever took and at the same time it effected me plca-v-itly. Little Early Risers are certta'uly idcai pill. Sold by Joerge'' Phs*-“-cv. For tho Beat in Printing—Try the News Job Office. I THE OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. (Brunswick’s Only First C Class Hotel, f Reasonable Rates to \ Traveling Men. £ Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. [PHILLIPS the TAILOR [ Opera House Block, f Has a large and selected stock of [new goods, for the coming season, I best of work and perfect fit guar -1 anteed. J Pants made to order for $4.00. [Suits made to order for $15.00. t If you want a Swell 1 Suit give me a [call. WOOD Oak and Pine B. H. DANIELS, Phone 326 DEVARIS & LIVADAS, Country Grocery£Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204 Monk St. ’ Phone 141-3 UNION CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. EDWARD MARTiN "* ' clean and press your clothaa He does good work and will give |jaE Satisfaction. Phone 146-2 508 Monk St COAL. AND WOOD. CONEY & PARKER. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what ytu **?*- BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle St Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE A SPECIALTY, A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING Laying Carpets and Matting, Putti in Cane Seats in Chairs, Mattresses made and renovated, Furniture re packed and carpets cleaned, Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOMAS, 110 Gloucester Street. ► FOR ►Fresh Meats 3 £ REMBEMBER * Durden & Cos 3 WCif and 1 Street sell it for ' ► leas. Ptooue 352, and what you and border will be delivered promptly 4 1 READ THESE PRICES. i ► Stew Meats from 5 to 712, , pound Steak from 10c puuud to ’ jl2 1-3. Groceries just as cheap/* i*iit**ii****** a Doctor. "I am just up fre/m a hard s|iell of the flux” (dysentery) says Mr T A Pinner, a well known mov .haul of Drummond, Twin. ”1 used one bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Be;.an-i was cured without having a dm. r. I c.uisidci it the best cholera hKtiieq.o iu tic world." There ia do use of employing a doctor when this medicine is used, for no doctor eau prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint in any florin either for children or adults It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sals by ail druggists. Gives _ Horfont Full y nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- Health els< When these important organs fail to act A A cuti/t regularly the system becomes clogged with impurities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid laxative, and is good for every member of the Ti/17/00* K family. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. •'FA OAlcy <3 Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc fc—— 'nr Elixir *■ THE- l [BAY IRON WORKS; * Manufacturers and Repairers ol * : Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills; f Marine work a specialty i t Packings, Fittings * t and Supplies; t Estimates furnished free ol Charge. * t 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, ♦ k ♦ ~ President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. ♦ &. Downing, President. E. H. Mason, Vice President E.D.Walter, Cashier, The National Bank of Brunswick. BKUNbWICK, GA CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN U FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS Mid total RESOURCES in excess of ONE HALF MILLION Do.J,Alta, are devote.! to the assistance of legit iuiate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited tr um individuals, linns and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts bear Interest, compounded quay* erly. Interest bea.iij. cerlficatss of deposit issued ou special term*. MONEY ORDERS the "BANK ERS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOCIA ION” are cheapen tu.. ore conven lni tna poztoQU.* or espies*. ii (REAMoIKniTOCIQr I -WHitSKjey. J a tirand j OIHISKEY JJ organ & Davis U DISTRIBUTORS, Brunswick, fcs. • * I "f I I SEAL BRAND COFFEE GOES. It needs no introduction The fact that 1 sell it is enough. “Emperor’s Blend makes Ideal Iced Tea Sold by this store only THOMAS KEANY, Fancy Grocer, 312 Newcastle Street. Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and see J. H. Tankersley and get one of his. hast Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes ail grades and prices to order. Fine line of horse hata, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, valices, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and with dispatch. Call on him. J. H. TANKERSLEY. I UNREDEEMED j ► PLEDGESj t } { THREE DROP-HEAD, SINGER > t J ( SEWING MACHINES. } i ONE FINE DOUBLE BARREL S f * PARKER AUN J l f l They Go at a Bargain, j • S. B. NATHAN. Jk Wtoen you want a pleasant payslc try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Uver Tablets. They are easy to take and plesamt In effect. For sale by all drugging. SEPTEMBER S ANY CHURCH or parsonage or In stitute supported liy voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quan tify of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note: Have done so for twenty years. Sales tens of millions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Unseed oil must he added to the paint, (dine in two minutes). Actual cost then about $1.25 per gallon. Samples free. Sold tiy our agents Bowen A Thomas. THE DOG < ? DAYS ARE HERE ’ .j , Have you your store and offices , equipped with Electric Fans, * IF NOT, PHONE No, 7. 8 ( __ A Our Electric Fans make any^ i ho* day cool; will furnish a^ i Seabreeze or land breeze as de-^ sred; will turn August into^ October, and will mix up more A j coolness with more than any other thing known of. 'A MUTUAL LIGHT & WAIER CO. I WOOD T J KENNER Bay and Gloucester. Phone 376 Pine 75 c Mixed 90 c Oak 1.00 You can find at Miss Slater’s Mill!-, ue:y parlors artistical flowers, good for paper hats and other cheap trua mings. almost given away.