The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 13, 1903, Image 2

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BUUDAY MORNING, BRUNSWICK DAILY SEWS. PUBLISHED YJAHA BY TH* ■ NEWS PUBLISHING CO. Manager. H LEA / Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notice* published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Terms to subscribers to the city and by mall free of charge to all parts of the United States and Canada. Mexico. Po o Rico. Guam. Philippine islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Mouth * 50 81l Months * On. Year * 00 Bnlered at the Brunswick, Oa., post oib.e. as second-class mall matter. Hon Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Oeurt, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Qtynn county. TELEPHONE 108. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. l„e News Publishing Company de sires It to be distinctly understood jhat 11 legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We cannot af ford to devote our space to such ad vertisements and wait on the courts ’o* the money. Bishop Handler always was famous for bulling In. And those weeds are to be out down. "Praise etc." The base ball bat will soon be draped In deepest crepe. And after all a negro beat them all shooting at Sea Girt. Brunswick needs and must have sonne more small factories. No dceibt Miss May Goelet thinks she has played wondors. And ahe has. A Tennessee man hns sodded because hts wife loved him too well Strange. At last reports Tom Eason was still mad with the newspapers. Why dont Tom buy them all up and sus pend the hunch? Those western and eastern and northern and southern trips of "Ted rty” are still keeping tlio secrot scr vice men busy. Nearly every <*lty In Georgia Is pro. taring u fair, carulva or entertainment of some kind for the fall. Why cant Brunswick do the same? We really believe that the board o tirade could have sonic effect on the strike situation if it would only shake Itself together and get to work at It. i _ laa John Temple Graves Is doing a work that should have been done years ago and he will go down In history as one of the few real orators of the age. The northern press Is having a duck lit because Bryan and Clark are laying down together. A good sign that they are afraid of the re sult next November.. Hoke Smith has becu Initiated as a Woodman. lie lias been in the tall ami uncut timber long enough to bo familial' with the habits of his associates, says the Washington Post. _ __ Alabama is toi pass a vagrancy law similar to the one effective in Georgia. it the solous o( the stale will read it over closely they w ill tiud that it needs modifications in several ways. Brunswick is not the only city In the state is deuliiig with a strike at present. Machinists ot the Cen tral ar out in Macou and threaten to go out all along the line, aud Waycross is experiencing a striki with the cigar makers. To the mayor and the members of council: We tender you thanks on the part of the people of the city for the purchase of that lawn mower Now, if you gentlemen will put it to week on those weeds the ruumiuii ity will owe you a life long debt of gratitude. NEW YORK CITY’S ELECTION. The fusion forces in New York have determined to battle with Tammany again under the leadership of Seth Low, who was elected two years ago mayor of the greater city and has given a very good administration of its affairs. There was considerable of a tangle among the fusion ele ments as to the renomination of the mayor, but it seems to have been unraveled. The logic of the situation required the renaming of the mayor, as the fight, would necessarily be upon ♦,i f\ record of the fusion administra tion and the chief figure In it should stand before the people. liqt democratic elements of the fu sion movement think Mayor Low has been too much of a republican par tisan and fear that his reelection may he to the advantage of the Roose velt administration and have a bear ing upon the presidential contest next year. They have urged, and many strict non-partisans have Joined them in urging, that, an independent dem ocrat be nominated for mayor to suc ceed Mayor l.ow. and it appeared at one time that tills view would prevail and the trend was toward the selec tion of the energetic William Travers Jerome, district attorney of New York county, who was oa filed the “Prince Rupert” cf the fusion cam paign two years ago. It appears, however, that the logic of the situation lias prevailed and the fusion forces will go before the people on their record, which is certainly creditable in the matter of municipal administration, which U 167 urge should be the only consideration In the city election. Tammany thinks It will win this year surely and shows a disposition to put up one of Its trusted braves for the head of the admin istration. hoping to have a man for mayor who will do the will of the or ganization absolutely, as Mayor Van Wyck did. But It may be lliat tlie Tammany loaders will find that such a program will not work out and they may have to make concessions to the independ ent element amd regard the reform disposition among their allies by nom. inating a man of high type and inde pendent views, such as they had In the tight against. Mayor Ixvw two years ago, when Edward M. Shepard headed the ticket. It Is believed that in such a situation Mr. Shepard him self would very likely be chosen as the head of the ticket, and the Cham pion/i of two years ago would again faco each other. That would make an Interesting contest and Mr. Shop aid would have a very exxcellont chance to win. He Is one of the ablest and sanest men in the country and has been discussed as a possibil ity for the democratic nomination for the presidency One of the most prominent poiiti elans of Brooklyn, In urging his nom ination for mayor this year, has that a man should l-e named who Is ldg enough to lie president The municipal contest in New York is far reaching in ils effects. II show* something of the political conditions in the state of New York, and has its influence upon the situation in the state. And New York is the greatest state iu the Union and its political disposition is a matter of concern to the country at large. Therefore it is that the phases of the municipal contest In New York city will be followed with great in Iciest in all parts <f the United Slates. a Doctor. "1 am Just up from a hard spell o the (lux" (dysemtery) says Mr. T. A Dinner, a well known met ha at o Drummond Tenu. "1 used one botth if Chamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera an Diarrhoea Item coy and was cure without having a dor. .r. 1 conside t the best cholera medicine in 11, world. 1 ’ There la no use of employing a doctor when this medicine is used. Of (lO (liH'ltll i*ilu |il CoCl IliC ti IK't , jiedicine lor bowel eouipluiiit in in. form either fur chiidreu or adiiu a never tails ami is pieasaul to tak. Cor sale liy all druggists. The Pleasure of Eating. Persons suffering form muigestion. dyspepsia or other stomach troubles aui i:iiu (hat Koilal cure digests what you eat and makes tn doinaih sweet, I’ois remedy is a bevel falling hire for indigestion and dyspepsia and all eomplaints affecting the glandu or membranes of the slum ach or dSgeslyve trar't. When you lake Kodol Dyspepsia cure everything you eajt taste good, aud every hit ot Die limitrimeat that your food contains is assimilated and appropriated by the food and tissues Isold by Joeiger’s hartuacy. Letters from Women Cured by the use of Kodol are received dally Their trouble* nearly all begin with indiges tion or other stomach disorder. If the food you eat fails to give strength to your body, it is because the juices se creted by the stomach and digestive organs are inadequate to transform the nutrient prop erties of the food into blood. That is indigestion. The system ts deprived cf the amount of nourishment required to keep up the strength, and the result is that one or more of the delicate organs gradually grows weak, and then weaker, until finally it is diseased. Here a great mistake is made. That of treating the diseased organ. The best doctors in the land make this very mistake. Why should they ? It is so easy t* see that the trouble is not there. Kodol 4 Cures This famous remedy puts the stomach and digestive organs in a healthy condition so that rich, red blood is sent coursing through ths veins and arteries of every muscle, tissue and fiber throughout every organ of the en tire body, ana by Nature's law of health, full strength and vigor is soon restored to each. Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. I have taken Kodol for nearly two months after each meal and it is the only remedy that gave relief from the terrible pains I endured. After a time I would take it but once a day. and now, while I keep a bottle handy I seldom need it, as it has cured me. Mas. J. W. Coolbaugh, Milo Center, N. Y. Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottbsonly. SI.OO Slzo holding 2'4 times the trial elze. which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. O. DeWiTT & CO., CHICAGO *,JBjaop ‘Xoeuijeqd s.qiitug cy, Fortson’s Drug Store. To Grow fleW Hair COKE DANDRUFF CURE ' and Hair Tonic is the Vest COKE, - SHAVING FOAM J tQK EASY SHAVING 1 Itaut* ttity Kiint’.M* |/coJlupsibU tg tutw) If ymir Iturl.or <Joo 1 uol k*p< oVnßlmTiittf 'tc I A I Mfwoit' lo , vUtair * ft>T T' (ftitftC For Sale by W J BUTTS, Druggist Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant * £ J THE QUICKEST LUNCH U J can be had here. We call it our J "rapid-fire lunch” because It is * served so quickly. 5 is not fired at our patrons, however, but placed before 1 hem Jln a dainty and appotizlng man- b ner. • S This lunch costa little, can bet lu'ckly disposed of and satisfies J* all but the most robust appetites. J J J. W. WILSON, Pro-). £ ’Phona 321. S i&ekvue i/enie. Title < Jlebr .ed tonic is In growow demand. Ths season ot the grea’ast need Is approaching. HidUeeJon flit llousneso Jaundice, Chilli and Fever. Blck Headache, pains In to* back and ala nays all depend upon malaria, aai Bellevue Tonic cures them all in any W. BUTTS. Wrought Iron and Woven Wire Fencing The Celebrated PAGE make. C. W. DEMING, General Agent. Brunswick, Ga. Mrs. Moliio Allen, of South Fork. Ky., says she has prevented attacks of cholera morbus by taking Cham berlain's stomach and liver tablet when she felt an attack coming on Such attacks are usually caused I Indigestion and those tablets are just what is needed to clean the stomach and wan! oF Uit approaching attack IttaciiS of oHe may be pro vsateJ in t -aoie way, • BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. WANT COLUMN. If you want a position, a home, a servant, or wint to find anything tnat has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertlse in this column. FOR RENT. l FOR RENT—Furnished rooms to rent to men. 218 Union street. FOR RENT—Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. FOR RENT. —Nicely furnished rooms in excellent location. Apply 3UJ Union street, comer of Monk. FOR RENT. —Front room; furnish ed ami use of bath room. Excellent location. Address “D,” care News. FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms kitchen, store room and pantry on first floor- also two furnislhed rooms up stairs at 712 Union street. • * FOR RENT.—Tnree furnished roams and kitchen, storeroom and pantry on first floor and also furnished rooms on second floor. Apply 702 Union street. FOR RENT—The Coney residence, 708 Union street; 8 rooms, gas and electric lights, porcelain tub and basin. One of the best residences in the city. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Two good milk cows. S. Marks. FOR SALE.—A good piano. Apply at the Arcade. FOR SALE. —Household furniture and one piano in good condition. Ap ply at 712 Union street. FOR SALE.—One young milk cow. Cheap. Apply to Capt. Chas. Ander son. FOR SALE —A desirable farm, con taining 25 acres, improved; a short distance from the city. Enquire at The News office. FOUND. EOJJND. — Diamond scarfpin. Ow ner can Jiave by calling oin Marlow Anderson, identifying and pay ing for tpis afl. FOUND. —Fine pistol. Owner can have by paying $1 for this ad. Ap ply News Office. 8-18 FOUND—On the Atlantic Coast line track near Gloucester crossing by a colored laborer, one filled case watch, parts of chain and charm. Owner cam have <by Identifying the same and paying for tlhlie ad. ad paying reward Apply to Shr Levison, 310 Bay street. LOST. LOST —Gold link cu tt buttpp. Fin der return to the News office buffi hk eeive more than the button ia worth. LOST —A pearl stick pin, cresent and star. Return to this office and receive reward. Also badge, lyre oL gold with initials G. M. C. LOST. —Bixfifcp. ip gold con tainting photo of two litji!ie gjfl§. Re ward if returned to Newts office. LOST. —Cresent ispatuless ’qipyeie. Return to this offlee and receive re ward. _ LOST. —Broaich trimmed in gold and pearl in center. Lost between the postoffice and Hanover park, or on hlo'uceetey pp Monk streets. Will pay libera} rpwijrp it returned to this office. | 1 LOST.- —Account book. Same was written in Jewish language. Return to News office and get reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTKCE. —All parties are hereby warned ami notified not to trespass on I fing Island or Little St. Simon All trespassers whl be prosecuted to the fullest extent of tbe law. Jbhn purrle. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED —Good collector 23 or 24 years of age. Call at 1071-2 Monk street Boyd & Cos. WANTED —To buy at once second hand offiqe furniture. Address box 291, City. 9-6 WANTED —Two neatly dressed —white boys to act in the capacity of cash boys. Apply to Mrs. M. Isaac. Made Young Again. “One of Dr. King’s New Lite Pills each night for two weeks has put me my ‘teens' again,” writes Dr. l. H. Turner of Dempseytown, Pa They’re the best in the world for llyer. stomach and bowels. Purely vegeta hie Neyer gripe. O"'- 26 cants a* ♦Shorter College Founded 1877 by Alfred Shorter. An ©nriowr and insti tution for ladies. Stands foremost in America in point J health. Offers at liorough education under ideal con ditions. "The best school for the best people. Music Conservatory offers unequalled advantages. Early registration necessary. Many late applicants turned away last year. Session opens Sept. 24th. Illustrated catalogue will lb- --n* to President Si*' ra P*s, >. 0. Box (tom*, (£*. Ricebirds at Wilson’s today. DeWitt is the Name. When you go to buy Witch Hazel alvo look for the name DeWitt on vt'ij Pox. The (.ini;, un.i- m.ii'' Witch Hazel is used in making De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, which Is he best salve in the wrld for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema and iles. The popularity of DeWitt's Hazel Salve, due to its many cures, has caused numerous worth ess counterfeits to be placed on the market. The Genuine bears the name of E. C. DeWitt & Cos., Chicago. Sold y Joerger’a Pharmacy. Go to Wilson’s today if g-ou want to enjoy an order of ricebirds, oy sters, or anything else that the mark et affords. How the Armada Fought. The Spanish officers behaved with the desperate heroism which became the countrymen of Cortes and Santa Cruz, and never did Spanish soldier or seaman distinguish himself more that on this tremendous day. There was no flinching, though the blood was seer streaming out of the scuppers, l’riestt went up and down under the hotvest Are, crucifix in baud, confessing am' absolving the dying. But the eugagement from the first preserved the same character wi h h had been seen in those which laid pre ceded it The Spaniards’ courage was useless to them. Their ships couid no* turn or satl, their guns were crushed by the superior strength of the English artillery, they were outmatched iu practical skill, and, close as the ships were to one another, they could not once succeed in fixing n grappling iroF. in an English rigging. Thus, while their own losses were terrible, they could inflict but little in return. They had endured for five hours to be torn to pieces by cannon shot, and that was *ll.—Spanish Story of the Armada. Potent Pill Pleasure. The pills that are potent in their action and pleasant in effect are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. W. S. Philpot, of Albany, da., says "During a bilious attack I took one. Small as it was it did me more good than alomel. bine mans or anv oib'w ,>;n I ever took and at the same time It effected me pi 03=— illy. Little Early Risers are certte-'-iy ideai pill. Sold by Joergp”" ' T> hr- —>cy For the Best in Printing—Try the News Job Office. TflE OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. Brunswick’s Only First Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. PHILLIPS the TAILOR Opera House Block, Has a large and selected stock of new goods, for the coming season, best of work and perfect fit guar anteed. Pants made to erder for $4.00. Suits made to order for $15.00. If you want a Swell Suit give me a call. JLJJUL!. 1 J ,_ WOOD Oak and Pine B. H. DANIELS, Phone 326 PBYARI3 * LIVADAS, Country Grocery Store, STAPLE AND FANG/ GROCERIES 204 Monk Bt. - Pi,one 141 L UNION” CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. EDWARD MARTIN clean and press your clothes Hs does good work and will glva yea Satisfaction. Phone 146-2 508 Monk St. GOAL. AND WOOD, CONEY & PAR.KER, Kodol Dyspepsia Gure Digests what viu “?♦ BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle St. Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. I FOR ¥ AND ;Fresh Meats REMBEMBER ► Durden &Cos . Wo..* and 1 Street sell it for, less. iTione 352, and what you border will lie delivered promptly. ► READ THESE PRICES. k Stew MeaU from 5 to 71-2 y pound Steak from 10c pound to A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING Laying Corpet3 ar,< Matting, p„t.i in Cane Scats in Chairs, Mattr-a-ses made and renovated, Furniture re packed and carpets cleaned, Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOMAS, 110 OteucMtgf Strati Gives, —■ 111IWI1,1 '“"yi 'T\ or .f or >4- Fully nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be I Jt'erjeci traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- I Health e,s - When t hese important organs fail to act I Z a wUL iit regularly the system becomes clogged with I I impurities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s I Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently I and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid ■ laxative, and is good for every member of the Ti/f oW e family.-Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. KZ Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal 1,(0710 tl for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. # EllXir TTTTTVvtt ♦ THE * |bay iron works ■+ Manufacturers and Repairers of ’Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills t Marine work a specialty ♦ t Packings, Fittings t and Supplies ♦ Estimates Turnished Free of Charge. } > 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, * ♦ president and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. -4 ♦ . 4 G. Downing, President E. H. Maeon, Vice-President E.D.Waiter, Cathler, The National Bank of Brunswick. tfKUNbWICK.GA CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN U Fit TV THOUSAND DOLLARS end total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the assistance of legit Imate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Invited from individuals, firms and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accq unts bear interest, compounded quar terly. Interest bearti i of deposit issued on special term*. MONEY ORDERS -f the "BANK ERS’ MONEX ORDER ASgQCJ# ION” are cheapen to.- ore conveo tent tha postotstce or express. JS. ■ 4&AMoFS^HtOCIOr| '^ HISKEy ‘ 1 TPaly a tirand OIHISHEY - 1: S prgan & Davis '\ij ggPy ' j) fil " DISTRIBUTORS, Brunswick, G*. j IT SEAL BRAND COFFEE SoES. It needs no introduction The fact that I sell it is enough. “Emperor’s Blend makes Ideal Iced Tea Sold by this store only THOMAS KEANY, Fancy Grocer, 312 Newcastle Street. Don’t Make a Mistake Abppt your harness, but call and see J. H. Tankersley and get one of bis. Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Beat Satisfaction of any. He makes all grades and prices to order. Fine line of horse hats, boots, dusters oils and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, valices, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and with dispatch. Call on him. J. H. TANKERBLEY. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES THREE DROP-HEAD, SINGER SEWING MACHINES. ONE FINE DOUBLE BARREL • PARKER .gUN. They Go at a Bargain. S. B. NATHAN. R^XttttKKKKKWHw Wi#en you wart a pleasant pnyslc try Cbamberiac n ‘B Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and **• ®' or aal# by all flrilfflßt#, a. . SEPTEMBER 13, ANY CHURCH or parsonage or in stitute supported Ivy voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quan tity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note: Have done so for twenty years. Kales tens of minions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods tip to eighteen years. Unseed oil must he added to the paint, (dine in two minutes). Actual cost then about $125 per gallon. Sample* free. Sold by onr agents. Bowen & Thomas. * 4 ; the dog 4 f days are HERE 2 ; - j , Have you your store and offices’ , equipped with Electric Fans. If IF NOT, PHONE No. 7. 31 f f ° ur Electric Fans make any"* g hot day cool; will furnish a"* If Seabreeze or land breeze as de * i sred - will turn August *into 4) jf October, and will mix up more t coolness with more atmosphere t! ► than an V other thing known ’■ J £ MUTUAL LIGHT * ► & WATER CO. * 6 ► * WOOD T-J. KLNNCR Bay and Gloucester. Phone 376 Pine 75 c Mixed goc Oak i.oo “Ohe Dose Convinces.” Mosleys Lemon Elixer acts gently , J* U , * P w *ct liquid laxative, in the bowels without any unpleasant 60 seats par * - M Bru* stores,