The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 25, 1903, Image 3

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FRIDAY MORNING. Bj|j Furniture Bedding We are specialists—that means a lot. Our experience anil knowledge Is tot old. We leel that it will lie ol' great value to you in luying and a satisfaction to us in' selling. Furniture of the robust simple hint tor ms the strength of opr conception whether it lie in hall, library room or bedroom. C. JVIeGARVEY, mflhhOßY LiiNE Direct ss. Service between New York and Brunswick „ ... SNlr c. EVERY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORKAT 3 P. M. SAIL.IINUS: EVERY FRIDAY FROM BRUNSWICK TO SUIT TIDE. Lowest Rates and Unsurpassed Passenger Accommodations Apply to W. M. TUPPER & CO., Agts or C. H. MALLORY & CO., Brunswick, Ga. 16 Burling Slip, New York City CUMBERLAND ROUTE BRUNSWICK TO FERNANDiNA, DAILY SERVICE—SUNDAY EXCEPTED Leaye Brunswick 8 A. M. Lea/e Fernandina 2 P. M. m. yi. tupper & co. Agents Clyde Steamship Line BRUNSWICK TO BOSTON via CHARLESTON, S. C. Weekly Service THEO. G. EGER, General Manager. W. M. TUPPER & CO., AGENTS. 19 State St. New York. Brunswick, Ga, inly the Experienced can guarantee apd give you a first class job in Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing clothiDg. Jim Carter lias the yni—uxperieuco- GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary and Marine Fairbanks, Morse & Cos. Make. ‘ " C. W. DEMING, £ 3en t. Brunswick, Ga. S' 1 ■ • f!EW FRUIT STORE Everything In the Fruit and Con fectionary Line Always on Hand. Good and GEORGE LYONS, Next to Morgan’s Drug Store BRIGHT'S DISEASE, DIABETIS Bloating, Gravel, Dull Backache, Blad der Disease, Uriny Affections, Deep Seated Cases Especially Cured By Stuart’s Gin and Buchu. Stuart’s Gin and Buchu acts directly >n the bladder, the urethral tract aud the kidneys, driving out all the oh Btructions aud making a perfect cure of the most aggravating, dangerous and deep-seated cases. Gravel symptoms —Burning sensa tion in passing urine, frequent desire Kj uriuqje, tie uripe' (s think and sed ipieptary, the whole nervous system is disordered, digestion impaired, sieei disturbed, loss of strength and vigor Stuart’s Gin and Buchu will cure ev ery symptom, disoive the gravel between the urine, bund up l< nerves. Mucous Discharges--Difficulty in passing water, ulcerations, irrelations of the urethra, disagreeable odor ol ike urine, pains in back, swollen an }r!es and legs, catarrh of the biaddei are a|l quickly and permanently cureu uy Stuart’s Q!r and Buchu. Jiright's Disease —Dry sldn, short ness of breath, urine dark colored The worse cases cured by Stuart’s Gin and Buchu. Pleasant to the taste Thoroughly tested for past 20 years in private and hospital practice, witb a record of 896 cures of chronic kid ney and bladder troubles—the kind that had resisted all other treatment. Druggists or by express, SI.OO art Drug Cos., Atlanta, Ga. We have tef aside IS,OOO bottles for free dis tribution so as to prove our claims, bo write at once. Sample bottle free by writing Stu in use lor (liese diseases l*oi bur Jby ail druggists. In Good Shape. The News job office has resumed business and is ready to do all kinds of work on short notice. Let us h'd on your next job. ~ The PRICE OF A LIFE is sometimes included in a prescrip tion that costs fifty cents. Maybe first grade drugs would just barely cure, and aecoud grade drqgs prove Just a (rifle to,o" weak. Life some times hangs by a hair, and that hair may be the quality of a single drug. We buy only the highest grades, ir respective of cost. In the filling of prescriptions, profits ars the last things we think of. . SMITH’S PHARMACY Cor. Newcastle and Monk Streets ... BRUNSWICK, ■ . GEORGIA. i.o to Miss Slater’s for the next five days ami buv flowers at your own •1 EPWIN W. DART. -i-'orney and Counceller- at Law Court Ho'.iae. Brunswick, Ga. uR. W. CHURCHILL HATCHER Kovdenee 710 Union Street. Office 300 1-2 Newcastle Street. Telephones 183 and 46. Office lluiirs: 9 to 12 a. m„ 2 to t 30 u p ' • lo 10 n m. When perfumery or hoe: stationery is wanted Forston's drug store'is the t>jaea to get it at a bargain. Going at unheard of prices. Avery targe assortment of maerschaum and amber bit briar root pipes absolutely at cost. S. Levison, 810 Bay streeL Quick A.-est. J. A. Guiledge, of Verbena, Ala was twice in the hospital from a se vere case of piles, causing 24 tumors After doctors and ati remedies failed Buckien’s Arnica Salve quickly ar rested further inarsation and cured him. It conquers aches and kill* pain. 25 rents at all druggists. For grass shears and lawn mowers [ es.ll t Douglas Hardware Cos., and acd get the beak *• the least money. MONEY IN DIRT IF YOU KNOW IT. Here are some real bargains of Brobston, Fendig & Cos., the up to date real estate agents. Read them. The Jno. Wood home on Union St. beautiful house and 7 room house. Terms SSOO cash S2OO per quarter. 4 small houses, rent for $16.00 per month. Will sell for $750. Vacant comer G and E streets. $550 2 lots on A street, close In, $250 Two small houses near Lover's Oak, SBGO for the two. Two story house! and lot 90x180, on North Albany street S9OO. COMfc AND SEE US FOR GENER AL NEWS OF REAL ESTATE. Brobston, Fendig & Cos. News office for tb best in piloting. As an all round household article Lavadura is the greatest discovery of tne century. When you patronize a laundry, try ne that uses Lavadura. It will not fade the most delicate colors or wear out your clothes. Do you know Lavadura? It is the greatest thing that ever happened. Lavadura is for Bale-' at all drug stores. Lavadura has wonderful healing and curative properties. It makes an excellent gargle for sore mouth or throaL Lavadura will clean your windows, paints and floors with less “elbow grease” than nything ever tried. Lavadura will clean the finest jewel ery and silverware and will not scratch or mar the most delicate sur ace. Do you want your hair soft, fluffy and free from dandruff Use Lava dura- Lavadura destroys ail chemical de feats in the waiter and it is tlhe chemical that roughen the skin and cause it to become dry and scaly. If you want your complexion clear, skin soft and smooth as velvet, use Lavadura. No housekeeper can afford to De without Lavadura when she has once tested its merits. If you want a bath that leaves the skin like velvet put Lavadura in the water. All first class grocers sell Lavadura. Novy is thp (ime to wash your blank ets; Layadura will make them sott as silk. Have you tried Lavadura? If not you want to do it once. Lavadura is superior to anything on the market for general household purposes, Lavadura is the finest thing on earth for washing silks, laces, and fine woolen goods. For cleaning silver, glass and china try Lavadura. Lavadura will clean your marble topped tables and dressers until they look like new. Puts an End -to it All. A grievous wail ofttimes comes ar result of unbearable pain from ovi taxed. organs. Dizziness, backach liver complaint and constipation •lit than... to Dr. mug ..o ■ t’iiis they put an end to it aii. Tar re gentle huf, thorough. Try than. Only 25 cents. Guaranteed by ai Freshest vegetables In town at Chris. Araheiter’s FewcasUp and Monk streets. Get out your winter clothes and have them put in good order hy Jim Carter. Phone 253-2, 604 Monk street. Lavadura destroys all unpleasant odors caused by perspiration. Prepare for cold weather hy having your heavy clothes cleaned and repair, and by Jim Carter, Pome 253-2. 504 Monk treeL When to need of a quart o{ good whiskey come an(J pqp. l will •savq yt>u money" on the" following mauds: Lewis 66, Paul Jones, Yellow Label, Old Monopole. Old Saratoga and many other brands. S. Levison, 310 Bay street. Unredeemed pledgee for sale. Joel Bros, reliable pawnbrokers. Just received a barrel of escoijpr nong wine. Will sell at the astonish ingly low price of $1,25 per gallon S. Levisca, 3}Q pay street Brunswick s cold wave is coming. Prepare for it by sending your win ter clothes to J. G. Carter. Remember, Joel Bros., the reliable pawnbrokers, will loan you money. Call and see them. Oveircoats can be made new at Jim Carter's. Phone 253-3- 594 Monk street Dyeing old clothes for winter is the proper thing just nerw. See Jim Garter Phone 253-2, 604 Monk street. Artistic effect finish and lastln* ua! (ties considered. Wilson’s Photo graph Studio, 602 1-2 Gloucester 8L has no competttorr do thars “j* BUM.” BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. soil MAYS ip moths MURRAY AND MACK TONICHT. The two jolly fellows, Hurry an.! Mack, in their newest musical com edy, “A Night on Broadway," is announced as the production at the Grand next Friday night. Imagine a series or situations, ri diciously and irrestably funny, dia logue! ithait sparkles with wit from beginning to end, plenty of good mus i by competent vocalists, and a casi, i"] APi " ? vSVk/'v ■ i • : • -AiSi f ft I 's'ir a- ** Mr .H: f j§ t f| vM- -mm* • §'mm ii Sf \ < % ■ f- ■ \/' J **•* V, } *•>'.•- • j each member of which is fully ale Id make his or her part as effective as possible. Imagine all this will form a very clear idea of ‘A Night on Broadway,” as presented by Murray and Mack. The plot is simple that a child can understand it and so intensely funny and tansing that the old and young alike, are in a continual uproar of laughter during the progress of the play. NOTICE. Be it resolved aud ordered by the commissioners of roads a|nd reve nues of Glynn county, that a lax rate of .007,250 mills be assessed and lev lied upon the taxable porperty of Glynn county, for the year of 1903 for the following purposes: To pay the legal indebednes3 of the county, due, or to be come due during the year or past due 001,250 To repair court house or jails bridges or other public im provements 001,250 To pay sheriff’s, jailor’s cor oner's or other officers fees . tha|t they may he entitled to 001,250 To pay expenses of courts, jurors, witnesses, fuel servant hire, stationery and the like 002,000 To pay the expense incurred IjlT supporting the poor of the county ........ 000,125 To pay foir educational purposes | 000,375 For sinking and interest. ..001,000 Total rate 007,250 State of Georgia, County of Glynn, Office of the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, September 18th. 1902. I certify that the above is a truo copy of the minutes of the Commis sioners of Roads and Revenues of said county, of date, September 18th. 1903. Witness my hand and official sig niture. A. O. TOWNSEND. Clerk of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue. a Doctor. “I am Just up from a hard spell < the flux” (dysentery) says Mr. T. A Pinner, a well known me, liant o, Drummond, Tenn. ‘‘l used Qr.e bottl f Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera an Diarrhoea Kerned} an l was without having a dot r. I consider t the best cholera tt.n -c >.< - world.” There is no uso o! employing doctor when this medicine is used, for no doctor can presence a n.-i --nedicine for bowel complaint in an. •’orm either for children or adults t never f-* : l? -lad 's p’-nsant to take. For sale by ail druggists. Mr. Joseph Pominvi' i, of Stillwater, Vlinu., after aver $2,000 vith the best doctors for stomach rouble, without relief, was advised iy bis druggist Mr. Alex. Richard, o try a box of Chamberlain’B Stomach ind Liver Tablets. He did so and is a veil man today. If troubled with in iigestioc, bad taste in the mouth, ack of appetite >r constipation, give hese tablets a trial, and you are cer ain to be more th; a pleased with hfl result. For sale at 2b cents per hox by ail druggist* Moth and Dust Can Not Corrupt •our clothes w hen they are treated to Jim Carter’s clothes cleaning estab lishment 504 Monk R t_ Rhone 2532. Sash, doors stjd blind* for sale it Dt-dgla* Hr'dwara 00. STORM INSURANCE. Protect your property against loss or damage by cyclone and wind storms. Policies issued by JAMES S. WRIGHT. Kodaks for sale at first cost at Fort son’s drug store. Come and buy .it •noe. Don’t miss the chance. The Open-air rying Process it Jim Carter's gives the clothes a fntfmes* *bat they don't get else vhe- Good Sanitary etl.ods ire used at Jim Carter’s for cleanin* clothes. Everything well lighted ar ventilated- STORM INSURANCE. Protect your property against loss or damago by cyclone aud wind gtormfl. Policies Issued by JAMES S. WRIGHT. Worth a fbought This Statement Will Interest Scores of I Brunswick Headers. ‘ 'l u tails given below are worth a persual liy all who are anxious about ■heir physical condition or are ;:nm iany situated to tue resident of Sa ■ an nuh. U is a local occurrence and can lie thoroughly investigated \ir i.. ii- , w. E. Woods, retired, residing al Ut.l President St., Savannah, says: I cannot speak too highly of Doan's Kidney Pills. They acted promptly and effectually with me upon a very had case of lame hack from which 1 have been a great sufferer for quite a while. There was a dull heavy pain across my loins, a never ceasing backache day and night, but worse at night when it keeps me awake. At times I was totally incapacitated for exertion of any kind, the secretions from the kidneys were very dark, contained a sediment and caused me any amount of trouble, especially at night, when my rest was much disturbed. ! used any number of remedies hut witli no apparent benefit until I obtained Doan’s Kidney Pills. The results of their use were that the backache left me, the kidney secretions cleared up and did not bother me. 1 could go to bed and rest all night, getting up in the morning rested and I felt better in every wav.” Plenty more proof like lliis from Brunswick people. Call at the Him ter's Pharmacy and ask what then customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents a box. Fos ter-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y„ sole agents. Remember the name, Doan'. _ and take no other. Anew collar and sleeve binding and your overcoat will save the cos! of anew one. See Jim Carter be fore cold weather. Phone 253-2. The Pleasure of Eating. Persons sufferin' form indigestion dyspepsia or other stomach troubl. .■ill fin i tort Kodol Dyspepsia cure digests what you eat and make? t ton.mb sweet. Tv is i einedy is i ever fall ng •".ire l’or indigestion ami iyspepria and nil oomplaints affecting he flap da or r emhrarw ot th ■ stop jell or iliges vc trait. When ym take Kodol Dy. pepsin cure everythin, you eait taste good, and every hit o. •he noutriment tb 1 your food contain is assimilated and appropriated by the blood and tissues. Sold by Joerger’v barmaev- When you are served with a choc olate cream at Forston’s drdug store it is none other than Huyler’s choc olate, the best in the market. STORM INSURANCE. Protect your property against loss or damage by cyclone and wind storms. Policies issued by JAMES S. WRIGHT. I Cures ill Kidney end jpi Bladder Diseases Foley's Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. If you notice any irregularities, commence taking Foley's Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady. A Merchant Gurod After Having Given Up Hop*- A Veteran of the Olvfi War Cured After Ten Years | " Foley & Cos., Chicago. of SuHorln 3- Gentlemen:—l was afflicted with Kidney and A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writes: Bladder trouble for six years and had tiled numerous “Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my preparations without getting any relief and had given bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY’S KIDNEY ( severe i could not move part of the time. I consulted £ CURE was recommended to nit. After using one j the best medical skill available, but got no relief until I bottle I lould feel the effect of it, and after taking j p OLE ys KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. 1 six fifty-cant bottles, I was cured of Kidney and £j am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me.” 4 Bladder trouble and have not felt so well for the past y 6 H twenty years and I owe it to F'OLEY’S KIDNEY RafneA arfraa I CURE. James Smith, Bentons Farry, W. Vi. I*olllßo .IIUZ3S Two Sizes? 50 Gents and sl*oo mwmm* SOLD EftD RECOMMENDED BY *■■■■■■ oAlf - oaua store. _ President Suspenders Ease L--A Comfort \'V Freedom \w Durability Jr Metal Parts Rust Positively Guaranteed it | jj// \l jfg 1 “ President” is on buckles. J Everywhere SO cts., IfO■ 7 /S\ / or by mail postpaid. Hr*-' • 1 fJSj 1 Llsht or dark, wide or narrow. M. t / 1/ fY\. Iff y C. A. EDGARTON MFG. CO. F‘S / JL / a Box 476, Shirley, Masj. \ky|L '^£ r - Bear m Mind That we Bel Fire Arms, Cutlery and Sporting Goods. Fishing Tackle. EMPTY AND LUADF.D SHELLS GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P.U.KtSSLESt Monk Street. Good Advice, Ihe moti miserable beings In the world are those suffering from dys pepsia and liver complaint. Mori han seventy-five per cent, of the peo pie of the United S’.fiies are adßcted with these two diseases and their ef •cts: such as Sour Stomach, SicV headache, habitual costiveness, pal pitation of the heart, heart burn, waterbrash, gnawing and burning pains at. the pit of the stomach, yel low skin, coated tongue and disagree able taste In the meuth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, etc ; Go to your druggist and get a bottle ' of August Flower for 25 or 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try It SEPTEMBER 25. ~ j ■- —| WHEN FINI and 110 D our work will pass the most rigid examination by experts. All PLUMBING jobs—no matter bow small and sim ple, or large and complicated—aresiu . cessfull handled. Material and wo’ manship in covered places is just CL good as that in plain sight. Got our estimates before placl J contract ousewhere. A. H. BAKER, 205 Gloucester Street. Gale Seminary. Tenth year of Misses Gales’ semi nary will begin September 30. Thor ough collge preparatory course and also general course. Each depart ment is under a most thorough and competent teacher. For further par ticulars apply to the Misses Gale, 708 E street.. W. IVi. TUPPER A CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agents. Lighterage, Towing and Marine ln> surance. Correapondence Solicited. ShRUP#WICK. GA.