The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 27, 1903, Image 6

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SUNDAY MORNINO. I± it is AjiytMng in tli<e JEWELRY LINE ' BBTHSCHILD HAS IT FOR YOU The largest and best selected line of jewilry ever brought to Brunswick is ar riving daily. Silverware of every description, Diamonds, watches, Clocks, Novelties. FINE PIANOS I have accepted the agency of several of the best known piano companies in the country and now have a full line which will be sold at the lowest prices. You are Invited to Call and Inspect My Large Stock. A. ROTHSCHILD 209 St. I HK ARCADE 210 Gloucester Street Is headquarters for all the pop ular brands of whiskey on the Market. WWW Saratoga, Yellow Stone Hunter, Magnet, Duke of Cum berland, Wilson, Metropolitan Club, Silas Johnson, Congress Hall, Cambridge Rye, Elgin Club, including Bourbons. Gins Bran dies, Imported and Domestic Wmes, and a full line of popular Cigars. I am putting cut a specialty that excells anything that has ever been offered to the public. Four full quarts Elgin Club, an excellent, high grade whiskey, out up in a neat package, for $3.85. Delivered to any paint, ex press prepaid. I would call special attention for medical and family use, to Pure H. C. Bowen whiskey, this is an absolute distillation of 1880 Pool and Billard Tables arc kept in an up to date condi tion. We serve an elegant FREE LUNCH from 11 to 1 p. m. Your patrosage is highly ap ' preciated. PHIL KELLER. Lavadura destroys all unpleasant odors caused by perspiration. Prepare for cold weather by having your heavy clothes cleaned and repair* <i by Jim Carter, Pone 2a '6-Z. oU4' Monk Ireet. Well Known Colored Man Dead. I>aron BaJlaird, colored, who was for wvoral years cashier of C. A. Clark’s barber shop, died at his homo in this ctity yesterday. Laron was popular among the white people as well as *the members of his race When. In need of a quart of good ■whiskey come and see me. 1 will save yon money < n rh- following brands Lewis 56, Paul Jones. Yellow Label. Oil Monopole. Old Saratoga ami many other brand- S. Levi son, 313 Bay street. Lavadtira destroys ail chemical de fexjta in til- .V • r an . ,t is we ,v m. a, ": i r,., . .:~n 'v- ’-is and cause it to become dry and •: aly. If jo., want :■ -or uxpi-x'.or clear. Lav a Inra. No h.ur an afford to be nrith Lavadu i when -. as i If you want a I-a-i. - v" leave* the skin like velvet p'.t ;a the wat cr All fir-t cia.-- cr - :*■: ■- .. Lavadura. N M ' •• i jets; I-avadura will make them &o:t as. silk. Have you tried Lavailura? If tot j you want to do :t once. I-avadura i- -upv: r to anything cn; t li-- mai , . ■- par poses. I ~ i■.r .i- ■ fine it 4 1 lag earth for wa.-l.ii _• -s. la ■—a- . fine woolen goods. For cleaning silver, gia:-- and c7i. :.a try 1-availiira. As an all round household article Lavaduia is the greatest di.-v -v-ry J me centur; When you patronize a laundry, try no that uses l-avadura It vviil not lade tht‘ most delicate colors or wear | out your clothes. Do you know Lavadtira? It is the great.-I tiling that ever happened l.avadura is for sale at all drug I stores Lavadura has wonderful healing and curative pn>; erties. li makes an excellent gargle for sore mouth or throat. Lavadura will clean your windows, paints and floors with less “elbow grease" than nything ever tried. ] ad lira will clean the finest jewel ery and silverware and will not scratch or mar the most delicate sur ace. ]>o you want your hair soft, fluffy and free from dandruf? Use Lava dura. Freshest vegetables !n town at Chris. Arnneiter’s >"*iwcastle aud Monk streets. llovr lt Armftdn Foc*rh. The Spanish officers behaved with the desperate heroism whin. became the countrymen of Cortes ; id Santa Cruz, and never did Spanisl uldier or seaman distinguish himself : re than on this tremc. dous day. TANARUS! <re was no Cinching. thotsh the blood was seen streaming ont of the scupp- s. ITiests went up and down under he hottest fire -nn :Sx i: Land. col. sing and ab-~ :' ;.i- the dying. But tie eng' _>-ment fr tie £ r*t preserv : the -atn- -tisra 4 r win.-# had ’-—a seen la those w! _ had pro cs-ded It. The s ; uitid* 4 ' •••euruge was use.— s to them Their si ip- could not turn or sail. their puns were rushed by the superior strength of the i. agiisij srtliiery they were outmatched la pract .1 skill. snd. ci >se c* the kUijw were to one auothe' they trouid not opee so ■■-*in r ' ■ J. J-,-. --■/ in an E: rlieb rirg he Thus, while their own looses terrible, they 4 OU.d 4 ‘ t but 1 P4 ie h re 4 n. They * i endured for five hours to be torn •_o pie-.* : r ert 4 on shot and that was 111.—Bpanlsb Sb ry of the Armada. A datura! Q edition. T*’ * Fin; *vv. * •ompauied by tut father. wu? looking at the display ix the window of a store ou H road way. v. bore aiJ manner of wearing tiling* were on exhibition. In one cor ner >* a great ruck de<*orat.ed with a t. t collection of M>’k* and bear ini: the Sign, “Half Hose, IlaJf a I>oJ hr " The small boy studied it for a full i! 'U T < 'ilf'ii be railed bis father’# attention to it “ Say. pop.'* he Inquired. “if h*lf hose an- half a dollar, are whole hose a whole dollar: * 1 n: ; no,” laughed the father though I • well ki.ew that the boy* mother had a pair in silk that he had pa -f 1 for and which she insisted woe 1 1 <* J in <1 at a bargain because tbe> wore n.;;.<*d down from $5. - New York Times. Am Kttrpilon. **Y on know,** said the woman suf fragist. “they say the hand that reeks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.’ ” •* lUd loti lons !*’ cried Heupeck. •*l*o3 sure my hand doesn’t rule the world.** I'bihtdelpiiifi I’icnS. ST. JOSEPHS CONVENT SCHOOL Will reopen on Monday, September 23, 1903. Vocal and instrumental musis will be added to the regular course of studies. Extra charges for this course BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. ON HiS REGULAR ROUND. Tax Collector Read Announcts His Dates. For the purpose of collecting the state and county taxes for the year of 1903, I will be at the district pre cincts on dates mentioned, to wit: St. Simon, 23th. district, Sept. 28. Oct. 26. Not. 23. Steri ng. 1356 district, Sept 29, Oct 27, Not. 24. Jamaica, Idistrict, Sept. 30. OcL Not 25. Brrooirman, 27 district, Oct 1, Oct £V Not. £6 and at court house on line dates rot above mentioned. 1 have been given positive instruct ions by the comptroller general to isfue erenions for all unpaid taxes as so or as the time expires and place -• :: : the hands of the proper officers for collection by levy and sale i would much prefer receiving - . ani thereby saving the delin quents cost of levy, advertising and fcaJe. ■ H. J. READ Tax Collector, Glynn county, Ga. The Wastes of the Body. Every seven days "ie blood, mus cles and bones of a man of average size loses two pounds of wornout tis sue. This waste be teplen | ished and the health and strength kept up without perfect digestion When the stomach and digest! 4 * J or cans fail to perform their functions, the strength lets down, health gives way, and disease sets up, Kodol Dys pepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assim ilate all of the wholesome food that may be eaten Into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of the mind and body Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. It is an iderl spring tonic. Bold by Joerger’a Pharmacy. Smith’s Pharma cy and W. J. Butts. Mrs. Moilie Allen, of South Fork, .y., says ehe has prevented attacks of cholera morbuE by taking Cham berlain's stomach and liver tablets i ween she felt an attack coming on ; Such attacks are usually caused b iudigestiuy and those .ablets are just what is u. ed°>t to a? tan the stomach nd ward at* *' * st* roach lug attack Attacks of ' "'■ -otic may be pro |VW I 1> I tn I" ” rt ** **' * Unreedemed pledges for sale cheap at Joel Bros., reliable pawnbrokers. Cniinary Courtship. Janet had molded the domestic >f fairs of a Boston family for so many years that the news of Iter intended marriage had much the effect of an earthquake. “Have you an ■ David been engaged long?" ventured the mis tress of tile household. “One week when nett i’lbbath comes.” stated Janet briefly. “And—and bad you any thought of marrying before that?" asked her mis tress. “Times 1 had and times 1 had not.” said the imperturbable Janet, “as any person will. But a month ago when I gave David a wee bit of the cake I’d been making and lie said to me. "Janet, have you the recipe 'inn in your mind, lass, so you couhl make it if Mrs. Mann’s book would he far from your reachl knew well the time was thaw lag short. “And when.” said Janet, closing her eyes at the recollection. "1 said to him, ‘David, lud, the recipe is copied in a little book of my own.’ and 1 saw the glint in his eye 1 reckoned ’twould be within the month he’d ask me.”— Youth’s Companion. The Habit of Keeping n Dlarr. Upon the whole, the habit of diary keeping does not deserve to be decried. If the diary be a veracious record of public events, it may. at any rate, serve as all exercise in prose writing and precis to tie* writer, and, on the otbet Land, if the diary he merely parochial, domestic or even personal in tone the same may be said of it, wit!, this add ed .[ualilicntion -that at least in the last case it may act in preserving a hu man individuality. Among my papers and books I found the other day an old yellow brown di ary of my great great-grandmother. Un til that moment i had no more idea of the old lady than of Julius Caesar’s nurse, but when 1 read of her journeys to and from Bath, which she much af feeted and where she “see a great deal of Company;” of her loss on Thursday, April 2. 1707, of £1 4s. at cards; her payment on April 2 of is. l(id. for “face wires” (whatever they may have been); of 11 shillings on April 13 for “Chare (sedan, no doubt) and Gloves,” and how, on leaving Bath on the 18th of April, she gave the maids 10s. Od. and the bath “servant** (she was evidently a poor hand at spelling, dear old soul!) another half guinea, then 1 seem to aee her dim shape assume material tone. For your posterity’s sake, therefore, If you think well of your own individ uality and also that you may got a sort of outside view of yourself, you may be counseled to keep a diary; but, for goodness’ sake, do not get hysterical in your confidences with It!—Ail tU* Vear Bound. - j Yo\ to the weak and famous remedy \W\ „ eary despcn . > does forme stem- \M dent dyspeptic, 4 ach that which it Wcuring all Is unable to do for U\, : s , om ac h j itself, even if but VA\ A troubles and j slightly disordered Va\;\ digostive I or overburdened. \U\ttV\ d i 3orde rs. Kodol V \ supplier then atural \ V' \ \ juices of digestion and \ does the work of the 1 \ stomach, relaxing the \mV\\W|\ nervous tension, while l , \ i the Inflamed muscles \i‘A V’AU \ and membranes of that llj j VV\. u aV organ are allowed to \ti\\\\\V'Vv \u Bs I * Illlmx is, jgp™ n- IS is. jy f psiaCure ippfy You. holding 2% times ells for 50c. 4 CO., CHICAGO. -End of B’tter Fight. 1K( physicians liad a lorg and . 1 lien ■ “ vdi : an aheev.s on r.:; : ;:l i..- . | !■' Tlughos, o Du Pont, Ga., and gave me up. Ev ■"■ylody thought, my time had come - ; 1-. j r-i-irf I tiled Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption. The benefit 1 received was striking and was on my feet n a few days. N jvv I’ve entirely regained my health.’ it conquers all coughs, colds, throa‘ air-d inn* troubles. Guaranteed bj all druggists. Price 50 cents and {I.OO. Trial botttles free. Just received a barrel of cscoper nong wine. Will sell at the aitcnish- Inglj lew price of $1.25 per gallon. S. Levisca, 310 Bay street SEPTEMBER 27,' 1‘26I ‘26 -os entUIT ? sX3 TO SIS §£ -oi a-’<j 2? uuasois Egj •uiotp jnotppw sisoo jsoq §& ttßqj atom ou Xsd noX ‘sSe pus Xjund jo3 noX zitpps JOj 3jSB noX jj ojojsq sqiaout uoj jooq oqj WS® Su;3e jo isoo aip sXtd u EH puy -oitioq SuKljt -jois ut Mooq oqj Surasqt) ut ‘it soqonot jsqi jib oil) E£j| UDAD Suuoqt} tit ‘SS3UIJItB3|O tS-g ut mods si jjßq-suQ •Xiund sit JOj q[Et[ jotpo WiM oqj oqj jo; sXd jjEq-auo ’Sat.vvojq oqj ut sjsoo joaq nouttuoo sßqA\ ga 3JIAM si-oo jooq zitjqos i J3oq .iouujui UB JOJ 1 SB Xbj I 1 If it is something good to eat you ; want call an Wilson’s or ring pliono 321. Good Sanitary ethoas are used at Jim Carter’s for cleaning clothes. Everything well lighted aid veutila.ud-