The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, October 08, 1903, Image 2

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THURSDAY MORNING. WUNSWIIH DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAn.Y BY TH 1 NEWS PUBLISHING CO. C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr... City Editor. Advertising rates Made known on application. Church and oilier char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to sut/scribeis In the city and by mail free of charge to all parts of the United Stales and Canada, Mexico. Po ja Rico, Guam, Philippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month I SO 81s Months 2 DO One Year 5 00 sintered at the Brunswick, tla., post office, as second class mail matter. Hon Emory Sperr has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the otticial organ of the United States Court, in bankruptcy proceedings, for G ynn county, TELEPHONE 138. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. T..e News Publishing Company do sires It to he distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must he paid for In advance. We cannot al ford to devote our apace to such ad vertlsements and wait on the courts ’or the money. didn't they call the wliito pri mary last year. That extra session is a dangerous thing for Teddy. The heait record of Brnnswikc -a somethingi to brag about. There are so many ’’avaiblo’’ men the democrats seem to be at uea. Hobson's little Job gol him more ad vertising than he bargained for. The primary would ho a primary idea, if it was not a secondary thought The pi-Q'ddont lias been invited to Jacksolirvilie —for advertising pur poses. Wo hope that that thousands of visi tors will come hero to the carnival next week. US' " " fy-i. '— l;irtori l ’l" and Brunswick will he a largo city in a very short time. By all means gel an ad. in the Sus day Nows. Treat your business rignl one time anyway. And even John (!. Carlisle i,t being / < mestiouffd for Bio presidency. What may \\J oxpect next? This is August weather wo uro now living hut we suppose wo will all oiuiugh of tlio ilhor kind in a low weeks. A LAW, A WOMAN, SOME SHAIOIE Mrs. 1,00 sin is a relinod Chinese wo man. She is iiiglily educated. She is going to teach in Chinese schools in Now York. The schools need lo t Mrs. Sin came to llio homo of the free. On the day she landed at San Fraselseo seven thoiKUtml loreigneis Bwarnuxl into New York in .in nil lions of the globe. Some of them looked mighgty unpromising, it will take years of mixing and molding to make American citizens of them. But they came in. Mrs. 1,00 Sin didn't. She was bar red out by the Chinese exclusion act asd ball's of red tajue. They put her in the detention pen, where they kept suspected criminals and paupers, and there they kept her lor forty days while the red tape was unwinding. Then bonds were gives ior her and she was allowed to go to Moaned aim there she wailed lor import, o cemu Ironi China, then she w.i.s I'e .u ne t to enter the United b.aies. it took live men Ills ol tom foolery to admit one quiet little Chinese wo man isto this count v y. The Clnue.-e exclusion law may or may not ho a good thing. Not all lieoido who are ai l iving by steerage lrom loreigu polls are equal to the Chinese. in these days, when liusts walk through the slatutes, wiien it lakes irom two. to seven trials to send a known murderer to -he gallows, H seems that a law that can uiakt u martyr o£ one little almond eyed school it ai her out to be renovated an revise-d as to iiii|sjse less of a shame the laud ol the free. OUR ATTITUDE. A mass meeting of the white tax payers of Brunswick is called tonight for the purpose of considering the election of four aldermen in Decem ber by the white primary system. Our various utterances define, in . measure, our position in this mattei. We are opposed to this white pri mary; not because we do not believe in the rule of the white man, not be cause wo would give the negro one more inch of citizenship asd authori ty than he now enjoys; not because, in the slightest fashion or in the re motest idea do we believe in equality as between the races. The negro population of Brunswick does not eon tribute one tenth of nine per cent of the Income of this paper, in fact, tin source of revenue from that quarter is a mere bagatelle. But we are op posed to this primary because we do not like the source from which it ran nated. It. is necessary for us tot slate that wo are now. have always been and hope we wili always lie opposed to that political power that now dom inates Brunswick. They came intto power as reformers, on a tidal wave of iKi'pular indignation against evils that seem to have existed; they prom ised reformation; they promised, with one fell swoop,'to do away with ring rule, and all along the line to institute such a form of government, as Ilrunjt wick had never Been. We call mion the people of this City to hear witness to what extent these pledge.-, have been redeemed. We point to a city government owned ami controlled by one man. or at least, two, who have resorted to every means in the code of dirty politicos to carry their ends without respect to citizenship or conditions. Show ns. if yon please, in all of the wildest of ring rule of the past an administra- tion more partisan, more pointpd'in its hitler partisanship than hns.,bwn tie one whose emesariop clp: tm 'ueath tin- eaves of tin etfy I jy ,u "* wc will surrender our lint, to come tmek mrim-' ■ We are oposed to find tile lasi oiTort Off + 4 |r* wsi of the <V.0,l v + <j we find in it 'very/W ♦ ♦ tnde of the man who \ + 4 and. seeing nothing hut .•iff'&w I *. .ra p ed them to kinip froim drowning. ■ •*, As stated above, there is nothing; kindred except tlie broad piano of clM zesship between us and the niegro. nnd wo aro at all times willing ten mb mit our claims to the arid trainmen* of the wbiic taximyers of Ibis eomniuhi- ty. But when tiic lime docs come that w</mm-t disfranchise the negro, for, (loti's sin lit) let's hope that it will not 1)0 done or instigated by a party i t politicians who seem to see the hand writing on the Veil. II lias boon charged in certain fjuar tera that because we are defending the rights of tile negro that we are in favor of negro dominate y. That is a Ho. pure and simple, unmitigated, and its author has our personal invitation to call us to account whenever ho may elect. And now, In ooneluoion. and redo ing the nutation of a white primary to ils political basic point we woul t like to add that had 11 not been for the vote of (lie great mass of nogroo.' in Cllynn county the present politi cal parly in power would have m l utter Waterloo in the campaign of 'PS when it lirst came into existence for Ihe reeovds show that the highest tea jiirily received hv one individual can didate on their ticket was only u:. asd the Sterling precinct, with fitly about 17 (white voters) came i Brunswick with IdS niejorily. W e trust we have mad ! our attitude eh-ar to those who would like to knew to those who are olitfeally Had !. it we i are not. hut I lie people may nst assured of one thing we arc not id b*' hoodwinked to peuncl reel iaiig and aspiring candidates, and the> may also test assui.Ht that t!..,- not strike at us over tht uewr. A shoulder for we are in no ; en e stajci ill;- .s'-etinsil le 1. i- him. HAVE WE MADE OURSKLVKk CLEAR? gome people seem to he under the impression that a newspaper does not need money. We judo so front L.. manner in which some of them do not pay their subscription hills. Everything j in the \ \ Pure and Fresh We Keep them so e Just to PLEASE YOU THOS KEANY, 312 Newcastle Street. BROWN & CO Contractors, Manufacturers, and Shippers of Railway Crossties t .. and Dealers in YELLOW PI ML LUMBER Brunswick, Ga. itieigvue i/onie. Tbl: jlehr, ,ed tonic It in grown,* demand. The season ol the grea'*t need la approaching. Innutantion, Bis liousness. Jaundice, CVtllU acd Fever, Sick Headache, pains in tee beck and kidneys *H depend upm rae’arls, -xnd Bellevue Tonic cures them *ll Is nay lorut, W. J, BUTTS. > W rought Iron and Woven Wire ' Fencing The Celebrated PAGE make. C. W. DEMING, Genera! Agent. Brunswick, Ga. THE HOG DAYS ARE H! RE Have you your store and offices equipped with Electric Fans. IF NOT, PHONE No. 7. Our Electric Fans make any hot day cool; will furnish a Seabreeze or land breeze as de*, sred; will turn Auc ust into October, and will mix up more coolness with more atmosphere than any other tiling known of. MUTUAL LIGHT <&. WATER CO. , MONEY IN DIRT IF YOU KNOW IT. Hera are some real bargains of Brobstcn, Fendig <£. Ccr., the up io date real estate agents. Read them. The Jno. Wood home on Union St. beautiful house and 7 room house. Terms SSOO cash S2OO per quarter. 4 small houses, rent for $16.00 par month. Will sell for $750. Vacant corner G and E streets. $550 2 lots on A street, close in, $250 Two small houses near Lover's Oak, SBOO for the two. Two story house and let 90x180, on North Albany street S9OO. COME AND SFE US FOR GENER AL NEWS OF REAL ESTATE. Hrobston, Fendig & Cos. Quick A. rest. ,T A Gulledge, of Verbena. Ala was twice iu the hospital from a se vere rase of piles, causing 24 tuniuni Afier doctors and all remedies failed. Ttuckien's Arnica Salve quickly m rested further inaumtion ami cured him It conquers aches and kills pain 25 o**s hi tii druggists For gr&'-a shears and lawn mowers call *1 Douglas Hardware Cos., and and jet the host *•* toe leaxt money. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. WANT COLUMN. it you want a position, a house, servant, or want to find anything tnat nas been tost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertifit- m this column. > FOR RENT. -._ _ • FOR RENT—Furnished rooms to rent to men. 218 Union street. FOR RENT—Stores, offices and jwelitngs. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. FOR SALE. —Houses and lots on every street in Brunswick. All on easy terms and long time. W. B. Burroughs. FOR SENT.—The ofjee just va cated by C. W. Doming , 108 New castle street. W. B. Burroughs. FOR RENT —Four room house corner of E and J streets. Apply to C. L. Parker. FOR RENT.—A five room house Apply to 121 north Amherst street. FOR RENT.—(from November 7, the Slater house on Reynolds street. AV ply to 112 North Lee. FOR RENT—Two story five room house with bath. Appyy to Mrs. C 11. Colesberry, 121 north Amherst. FOR RENT—From November 1, a seven room house, all modern improv c-mtnts centrally located. SIB.OO per mosth. House is situated on C street. Apply at 112 North Lee. FOR RENT —Two story seven room house, 1004 Union street, sl2 50 per month including water. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Tandem bicycle at a great bargain. Enquire at News of fice. FOR SALE.—A good piano. Apply at the Arcade. FOR SALE —A desirable farm, con taining 25 acres, improved; a short distance from the city. Enquire at The Nows office. FOR SALE—I 7 acres under fence and 15 acres of it under plow, the Putnam place, Peiicanville, SBOO. Broils Lop, Fcndlg & Cos. FOR RALe. —R log-amt house and lot on Gloucester street. Cost $llOO will sell for half that amount. W. B. Burroughs. FOR SALE —My truck farm Fancy Bluff also stock cattle and liogs. Will sell above farm at a bargain. Call or writo to J. R.Doef fiinger, Brunswick, Ga. FOR SALE—79 acres, 40 acres cleared, small house and barn, in quarter of a mile of Greenland sta tion and mile and a half of 6-mil.e crossing; cheaiper than diktat SBOO ' nroW- .UV fi CTI Krsr, tt-OU. I * FOUND. FOUNT) —Fair gold spectacles, and pocketbook containing thirty-five cents. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for FOUND.—A gentleman’s bicycle, is painted green. Apply at the News office for information regarding the name, ml. LOST. LOST —Between Morgan’s drug store and McCrary’s blacksmith shop, diamond locket engraved, W. E. finder will please return to W. Elkan, SOS Newcastle and receive reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTED —Three boys, not under 51! years of age. apply at Western Un ion Telegraph office at once. WANTED —Good collector. -Apply at News office. WANTED—A reliable woma:|!Vr gen oral house work. Must sleep on premises. Apply 706 Dartmouth street, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED. A gQOd collector. Ap ply at the News office. BOARDERS WANTED —I can accom modate a number of hoarders, both ladies and gentlemen. Rate per week. Apply at 409 G street. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King's 'tfew Life Pills •mod night ft} r two weeks has put mo my ‘teens’ again," writes Dr. L H. Tinner of Dempseytown, Pa rhev’ro the best In 'he world for liver, stomach and hovrels. Purely vegeta ble Never B-rVori O-’-- 25 cents a* Moth Can Not Corrupt *mir clothes when they are treated to Jim Carter’s clothes cleaning estab Ushtneut f.04 Monk ' J t. Phone 2532. j Sash, doors r~d for gale | - - *v -1- 1 *-) IT- -’-ttr,) Cos W. H.Matthews, A. L. Simmons, President. Manager ftriuiMvkk Settling Manufacturing %c, We arc Open tc Fill Ordero-for Sotia ami Mineral Waters. Cider, Cordials, Nectars Tiie Famous Ginger Ale. Orders Filled Promptly. 212 Oglethorpe Brunswick, Ga. Be it resolved and ordered by the toommissioners of roads arid revte nues of Glynn county, that a tax rate of .007,250 mills be assessed and lev tied upon the taxable porperty of Glynn county, for the year of 1903 for the following purposes: To pay the legal indehedness of the county, due, or to be come due during the year or past due 001,250 To repair court house or jails bridges or other public im provements 001,250 To pay sheriffs, jailor’s cor oner’s or other officers fees that they may be entitled to.. .. '. 001,250 To pay'expenses of courts, jurors, witnesses, fuel servant . hire. stationery -and the like 002,000 To ray the expense incurred in supporting the poof of the county 000,125 To pay for educational purposes ) 000.875 For sinking and interest. ..001,000 Total rate 007,250 State of Georgia, County of Glynn, Office of the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, September 18th. 1902. I certify that the above is a true copy of the minutes of the Commis sioners of Roads and Revenues of said county, of date, September 18th. 1903. Witness my hand and official sig niture. _ A. O. TOWNSEND. Clerk of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue. THE OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr.' Brunswick’s Only First Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. PHILLIPS the TAILOR Opera House Block, Has a large and selected stock of - goods, for the coming season, ’ best of work and perfect fit guar-, anteed. Pants made to erder for $4.00. Suits mode to order for $15.00. | It you want a Swell Suit give inc a call. woqo Qarf and ‘ Fine* 3, These 32G DLVARIS & LIVADAS, Country Grocery Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204; Monk St. ’ Phone l it-3 UNION CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. EDWARD MARTIN clean and pres your clothea Ho *loe* good work and will glva kMi Satisfaction. Phone 146-2 503 Monk St. GOAL AND WOOD. CONEY & PARKER. Kodnl Dyspepsia Ouiw Qigasfs wkai vu BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle SL Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. l FOR : GRGCEBIES k AND ;Fresh Meats REMBEMBER Durden & Cc Wt’ and 1 Street sell it tor less Phone 352. and what you order will bo delivered promptly. READ ,THEB:i PRICES. Stew Meats from 6 to 71-2 , pound Steak from the pound to 121-2. Groceries just as cheap. A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERiIVvs AND CANING Laying Carpets ant! Matting, Putting iiv, Cac-e bests in t hairs, Mattresses made and renovated. Furniture re packed and carpets cleaned, Baby Carriages Repaired. Yv. H. THOMAS. 110 Gloucester Street Gives 'Drtrfor'i Fully nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be I l traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- I f-f oftl f h els - When these important organs fail to act g cull fC re g U i ar iy the system becomes clogged with | I imparities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s | Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently H and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid ■ laxative, and is good for tavery member of the s\ y/pv* S family. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. ** J Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal Lemon for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. T'l’ Si ► —THE — * EBAY IRON WORKS: Manufacturers and Repairers of a [ Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills, * Marine work a specialty V ► Packings, Fittings ! r and Supplies; ♦- Estimates furnished Tree of Charge. . I 62 9 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, .'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. • C. Dowmr.g, Eras!dent. E. H. Mason,Vice-President. E.D.WsSter, Cashier. The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, GA Capital OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTH THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES in excess t)f ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the assistance of iegit imate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Invited from individuals, firms and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts bear interest, compounded quar ter iy. Interest beariti cerificates of deposit issued on special terms. MONEY ORDEIiD A the “BANK ERS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOCI* ION” are cheape- ijj • ora convenient tha' poetolllce or express. u .....JfiuxsSpnvoDi • j§ KfreaaasiaagcagSMßMMßF ■ -?lf| Truly a Grand # : ;f7'?ftoLiD oa^iSKEY '’ ■ /f1 ij * *** -- • • vU ' <’ Jj ||M organ & Davis DISTRIBUTORS, Brurwsp*^^ i " ' 'is r sP NOV. 4-14, 1903, SAVANNAH Industrial and Agricultural FAIR ! ! v UNDER AUSPICES OF Savannah Racing Association A SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTIONS ALONG INDUSTRIAL! AND AGRICUL TURAL LINES. . $12,000 ' Promiums-1,, Prizes $| 2 , 0 00 10—Days Racing— -30 * “THE SPORT OF KINGS,” upon the best and fastest Mile Track In the South, by scores of thoroughbreds from all parts of the j.3! v ! UNITED STATES. MIDWAY, CIRCUS ATTRACTIONS, ALL AMUSEMENTS UNEXCELLED. LOW RATES BY ALL RAILROADS. County Exhibits Solicited. Savannah Best Produce Market in the Soutn For Premium List, Space, Concessions, Entrance, all particulars address GORDON SAUSSY, JOS. F. DOYLE. Gen’l. Manager. ' ' Secretary, Fair Headquarters, Savannah, Ga. | Winen you want a pleasant pnysie j try Chamberlam’s Stomach aud Liver | Tablets. They are easy to take and ; plesamt In effect For gale by all druggists. Avery large assortment of maorschaum and amber hit briar root pipes absolutely at cost S. Levison, 310 Buy street Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and seo J. H. Tankersley and get one of his. Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes | all grades and prices to order. Fine line of horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, valices, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and with dispatch. Call on him. J- H. TANKERSLEY. Go to Wilson’s today if you want to enjoy an order of ricebirds, oy sters, or anything else that the mark et affords. , I OOTORER 8, 190.3. WOOD T J- KENNER Bay and Gloucester. Phone 376 Pine 75 c Mixed 90 c Oak 1.00 Good Sanitary . ethods ' i , re ,, use ‘‘ aI -Dm Carter’s for cleaning clothes. Everything well iightrsj aud ventilated. If it is something good to eat you want call an Wilson s or ring phono 32L