The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, October 23, 1903, Image 3

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FRIDAY MORNING. -i~ vv LINE OR FALL RUGS. fDALiIiORY LiI|NIE Direct ss. Service between New York and Brunswick . IMr c. EVERY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORKAT 3 P. M. every FRIDAY FROM BI&NSWICK TO SUIT TIDE. Lowest Rates and Unsurpassed Passenger Accommodations Apply to W. M. TUPPBR & CO., Agtsor C. H. MALLORY & CO,, Brunswick, Ga. 16 Burling 81 ip. New York City Clyde Steamship L* n e BRUNSWICK TO BOSTON via CHARLESTON, S. C. s' Weekly Service THEO.' G. KGER, General Manager.W. M. TUPPER & CO., AGENT3. 19 State St. New York. Brunswick, Ga, CUMBERLAND ROUTE BRUNSWICK TO FERNANDINA, DAILY ERVICE —SUNDAY EXCEPTED Leave Brunswick 8 A. M. Leave Fernandina 2 P. M. m. M- TUPPER & CO. Agents I LEDGERS ORDER BOOKS DAYBOOKS J. J. Vickers & Cos WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF OFFICE BOOKS, OFFICE SUf PLIES, OFFICE DESKS AND TABLES, MONEY DRAWERS, AND Everything a Stenographer Needs ’Pdone 375 J. J. VICKERS & CO. 310 Newcastle st Are You In JNLeed of Some fteai 1 If so it will pay you to call and select from my large stock. I also make a specialty of wheel wright and blacksmith work, and do all kinds of wagon and buggy repair work. Horses shoed on the shortest notice. Give me a trial. j T. B. BURNS, We Issue Trading j Stamps MORGAN’S Drug Store. Mattings and Sings There Is a time for everything Right now is the time for Mattings and Slugs Old mattings are the bane of house keepers. They won’t lie flat: they wrinkle and pucker and snap and loosen. Every roll here is fresh and new made from the best China makers.. _ , C. M’GARYEY Worth a Thought This Statement Will Interest Scores of Brunswick hec.s. The facts given below are worth i. persual by all who are anxious about uuir pay steal cuuuiuun oi ... a ci... ariy situated to tue resident of Sa • auiiah. ft is a local occurrence an,. au . thoroughly investigated. k- Woods, retired, resiuing ai 103 President St., Savannah, says: "i cannot speak too highly of Doan s A ' < n f- v I’iHs. They acted promptly and effectuady with me upon a very bad case of lame back from which I have been a great sufferer for quite a while. 1 here was a dull heavy pain across my loins, a never ceasing backache day and night, but worse at night vhon it keeps me awake. At times i was totally incapacitated for exertion ot any kind, the secretions from the kidneys were very dark, contained a sediment and caused me any amount of trouble, especially at night, when tny rest was much disturbed. I used any number of remedies but with no apparent benefit until I obtained Doan's Kidney Pills. The results of their use were that the backache left me, the kidney secretions cleared up and did not bother me. I could go to bed and rest all night, getting up in the morning rested and I felt better in every way.” Plenty more proof like this from Brunswick people. Call at the Hun ter’s Pharmacy and ask what their customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents a box. Fos ter-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y., sole i agents. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no other. ' fMß&gjt, 4 -gif COME IN AND GIVE US YOUR ORDER WHEN IN NEED OF THE FOLLOW ING: Dunkley’s Chipped Celery for Salads, Celery Salt, etc. KE/I|W’s o"oc C eV Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Housekeepers, wash your lamp chimneys and globes in Lavadura wa ter; it prevents cracking by heat. Wanted, everybody to bathe in La vadura treated water; it’s a delight ful bath; all first-class grocery stores sell Lavadura. Furnished rooms will rent easily it kept clean with Lavadura; it cleans marble work beautifully, paint work and varnish, doors, window facings and door facings, with very little work: 10 cents per package. If you want employment of any kind have your clothes washed with Lava dura, so that you make a neat ap pearance; it will help you. Can you sing? If so, sing "Lava dura!” The song is new; but, oh, how easy. Everybody must try Lavadura once for bathing, or they will miss the greatest treat that money can buy; sold by all leading grocery stores and drug stores at 10 cents a package lavadura is the finest thing for washing yolur pets, dogs and cats, be bies. children and grown peopie. | Requires no labor to wash clothe.- in “Lavadura;” just put two table spoonsful in a large tub of water; let the clothes soak in the treated water all night; they will lie cleaner than you can wash them by hand; no rub bing; no scrubbing; nothing fades; nothing shrinks; just rinse them out in clear water; that is all. Steamships are using Lavadura for scouring decks; will not scratch the paint; try it. Fancy glassware of all kinds take a fine polish after being washed with Lavadura. Crockeryware, silverware, tinware, glassware can be washed beautifully clean without danger of scratching with Lavadura. Mot Over-Wise. There is an old allegorical pictun fa gir' scared at the grass-hop pe hut in the act of heedlessly trending on a snake. This is parallelled by 1.,e v.uo spends a large sum '’ noney building a cyclone collar, oi. neglect to provide Ins family wit bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Choi era and Diarrhoea Remedy as a sai. guard against blowe! coiiiplaini whose victims oumumhcr Uiose i the cyclone a hundred to one. Thi lemedy eveiywhere recognised as th most prompt and reliable niedicim Just received a barrel of escoper nong wine. Will sell at the astonish ingly loy price of $1,25 per gallon. S. Leviscn, ilO Bay streets , . THE BRUNSWICK DAIL NEWS. Cheap for Cash Flour, Best Patent. 24 lbs 60c Grits per peck ..20c Me?l. per peck 20c Sugar, Granulated. IS lbs .. ..SI.OO Laid, Pure Leaf per pound lie Lard, Compound! per lb 9c Butter, extra boquet creamery,, ,25c Bacon, best per lb 10c Bacon, good, 7 l-2c. 2 Coffee. Arbuclile’s 11c Potatoes, Irish, per peck. 26c Soap, Octagon, 6 bars, 21, Tomatoes, 4 cans 25 Tomatoes. S cans .-. 20c C. L. Parker, UNION CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. EDWARD MARTIN clean and prist your clothes He does good work and will give yen Satisfaction. Phone 146-2 50S Monk St. For Asthma use CHENEY'S EX PECTORANT. Only the Experienced ;an guarantee and give you a flrst ,dass jo'J in Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing clothing. Jim Carter has the Ipgt—experience. ,LYNN CLEANING AND PRESS ING CLUB. Andrew Wright, - ■ Proprietor iOO Gloucester Street, .leaning, Repairing and Tailoring “Prompt Attention” Our Motto. 3EST MATERIAL . . . CCMPF.TF.NT WORKKMEN \n order will convince you that wc will give satisfaction Phone 31. if THE PRICE OF A LIFE is sometimes Included in a prescrip tion that costs fifty cents. Maybe first grade drugs would just barely cure, and second grade drugs prove just a trifle too weak. Life some times hangs by a hair, and that hair may be the quality of a single drug. We buy only the highest gra les, ir respective of cost. In the filling of prescriptions, profits ars the last things we think of. SMITH’S PHARMACY Cor. Newcastle and Monk Streets . p . . BRUNSWICK, • • GEORGIA. ftbtiol UysgsegisEa Oaire Oiqssts veil at Vs “if* Bear m Mind That we Bel] #1 fir, * Fir e Arms, Cutlery and Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle. EMPTY AND LUADED SHELLS GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P.O. KESSLER Monk StreeL JOHN D. ROUNTOS, “Brunswick's Candy Store.” JUST ARRiVED Most complete line of the finest candies in town. Over 50 different varieties of Chocolates. SON EONS, AND CRYSTALIZED FRUITS, TABLETS ——also—— FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOS, ETC. Taffy Candy Made Daily 208 Newcastle Street. mm phis ap PMIMS Black Patti. The Black Patti has rallied round her Troubadour banners about all the talent wroth having in the colorec world of comedy and song and dance. Her success has been so great that she has been able to create a sort of monopoly and plutocracy of a jet tint. Her company floir this season, the eighth of her great success, numbers over two score of white teeth and shiny-eyed male and female funines and funsters. This collection of tal-J ented singers, dancers and cake walk-' ora is headed by the merriest droll merry Andrew that ever split his face in twain when he .smiled; Bob Kel ly, "The Heal Coon” is a corker—in fact, a fancy cut glass stopper in the v.ay of a good cork—who don’t need taunt cork to be black, or be merry, droll or hilariously amusing. j The Troubadours will appear at the Grand Opera house, Saturday evening, Oct. 24th. Why Smith Left Home. Mr. George Ober, the emineut com edian, will be seen noxt Friday even- 1 ing at the Grand Opera house in Geor ge 11. Broad hurst’s celebrated come- dy, “Why Smith Left Home," sup ported by an unusually excellent com-' pany of players. This attraction is one of the first class and will, no doubt, be greeted by a crowded bouse j Mr. Obi r has established himself as one of America’s foremoet comedians and his performance of the part of Smith is said to be excruciatingly fun ny. “Why Smith Left Home” is t brisk, snappy and thoroughly whole some modem comedy of the refined type. A complete equipment of scen ery and accessories are carried. The cast includes the foil iwing well known people: Miss George Elliot, Miss Josephine Sherwood, Miss Sallie Sax on, Mr. Richard Cochrane, Mr. Roland A. Osborne, Mr. Win. Welp, Mr. J. Graham Murphy, Mr. Chas M. Ken nedy’ -M-d*. CORRECT PHOTOS Thats What You can count on at WILSON'S STUDIO. Come and Give Us a Trial High Art is Our Motto. Gloucester Stret. Ship Notice. Neither tho master, owner or con signees of the American barken llm Benny Doon will be responsible li any debts contracted by the crew < said barkentine. Burgess, Master fluan £}anu# FANCY GROCERIES AND SHIP SUPPLIES -i 1 ’Phone 141=2 402 BAY STREET W. H.Matthews, A. L. Simmons, President Manager Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing 'Co. We are Open to Fill Orders for Soda and Mineral Waters. Cider, Cordials, Nectars The Famous Ginger Ale, Orders Filled Promptly. 212 Oglethorpe Brunswick, Ga. ANY CHURCH or parsonage or In stitute supported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quan tity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note; Have done so for twenty years. Sales tens of xandons of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed oil must be added to tho paint, (dine in twe minutes.. Actual cost then about I $1.25 per gallon. Sample* tree. Sold by our agmta. Bowen <& Thomas. A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING paying Carpets and Matting, Putting m Cane Scats in L lairs, Mattresses made and rcnovatei Furniture is packed and carpets _ vtt td, Baby Carriagr Repaired. W. H. T 10MA8, 110 Ulou< at*' Street. Try a box of “iJolle Rose’ cigars, guaranteed long filler at $1,50 per box of 50. Satisfaction guaranteed or i money refunded. S, Levlson, 310 Bay street, _ as fIRS. CUMMINS Had No Appetite 25 Emily Street, Crafton, Pa., August 15, 1903. Mrs. 8. Cummins says: “I had been troubled with insomnia for sev eral mosths. This made me weak and nervous and my appetite was very poor. I disliked the sight of food. I tried a change of air, their v "ions Paine’s Celery Compound Cured Him. YOU NEED NEVER ASK US If a thing a "the best.” The fact that we sell it answers theat question. Physicians generally know this, and for that reason our prescription business is large. SMITH’S PHARMACY. 301 Newcastle Street. C 0 fir H IT WHEN FINISHED our work will pass tho most rigid examination by experts. All PLUMBING jobs—no matter how small and slm plo, or large and complicated—aresur cessfulb handled. Material and wor! manskip In covered places is just r good as that in plain sight Got oureatimatos boforo placi r contract eusewhere. MOSES DANIEL. 205 Gloucester Street. ‘PHONE 321. Wilson's Restaurant The Up-To-Date Place to Eat pil Delicacies of tl?e Season '9honc 321 9rcmpt Service ‘PHONE 321. Get out your winter clothes and have them put In good order by Jim Carter. Phono 263-2. 504 Monk street. EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Councellcr at Law. Court Hou. •runrwlck, Ga. Don’t Make a Mkea About your harness, but call and see J. li. Tankorsley and get one of hlB. Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes all grades and prices to order. Fine line of horse hats, hoots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, valices, In fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and with dispatch. Call on blm. J. H. TANKERSLE.Y. Quaker Dairy Feed is best for Milch cows. Wholesale by J. M. Burnott. Mrs. Molllo Allen, of South Fork, .y., says she has prevented attacks of cholera morbus by taking Cham berlain’s stomach and liver tablets when she felt an attack coming on Such attacks are usually caused b. indigestion and the?® tablets are jusi what is needed to clian the stomach nd ward of' thl approaching attack. Attacks of ' “Vous colic may be pre vente.t In Uiß same way • OCTOBER 23, 190?. medicines, all of which did mo so gfPood. My cousin, who was visiting me from Indiana, recommended Paine’s Celery Compolund. I have ta ken two bottles and sow my appetite *s splendid. [ have gained nearly 15 pounds in the last month.” For Whooping Cough use CHE-I NEY’S EXPEC TORANT, Fresh Georgia syrup at 60 cents per gallon at Will Nisi’s. No. 324 E St. GASOLINE; 1 § ENGINES Stationary and Marine Fairbanks, Morse & Cos. Make. C. W. DEMING, A3ent ' Brunswick, Ga. grand opera house Saturday, October 24 the world famous Black Patti Troubadours all new features. in refined 40 kies 40 COMEDIANS Black Patti Presenting j DARKTOWN’S CIRCUS DAY a ” the smartest and swellest ' VARIETY MINSTREL and , OPERATIC SPECIALTIES Ever produced by tills—the j Greatest Colord Show on Earth. GRaND opera house FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 23. The Talented Comedian MR. GEORGE OBERJjJ Supporte-’ by MISS GEORGE ELLIOT and A NEW YORK CAST Presenting GEORGE H. BROADHURST'S MERRIEST FARCE Why Smith Left Home Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and SI.OO GRAND OPERA HOUSE Wednesday, Oct. 28 JULES MURRY L Presents Marie Wainwright As Viola in Shakespeare’s CLASSIC COMEDY > twelfth Right EMINENTLY CAST AND SUPERBLY MOUNTED Carrying the entire cenic production including the electrical effects. Special Announcement 'Owing to tho interest already shown in Miss Waiuwright’s engagement it is suggested be the patrons to se cure their seats as early as possible. FREE LIST SUSPENDED. Prices—, SI.OO, 75, and 50. Everybody is cordially invited to attend the grand millinery opening today at Miss Slater’s. Strangers are specially invited and those who . to get an invitation come anyway The largest assortment of briar root, pipes, all stiles, 50 and 75 cent val ues, at 25 cents, S. Levisou, New Georgia syrup, 00 cents per gallon at Win Nisi, No, 321 K street. comer J.