The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, November 05, 1903, Image 4

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Thursday morning. THE PLACE WISE BEYERS SEEK - In spending your dollars, the most reliable mer Slants. largest stores, best assortment and lowest prices on merchandise are sought. I V'li/A TAILORED SHIRT WAISTS—MAN JfTS L-W-* TAILORED SKI RTS— LADIES’ j CLOAKS— MISSES CLOAKS AND Miff'S JACKETS, KNIT UNDERWEAR Mitr.O- '/•/./SWELL NECKWEAR, FINE ml*- if fa \ HOSIERY—LEATHER GOODS. miMM 10 % off for cash on skirts waists and s A .-w Phone 207-3. No 303 Newcastle Stree B. NUS-SBAUM We receive Fresh (E *ery Week CHEESE Swiss Newfchatell Minster Limburger Fromaye du Brie Rcgueford Edam DILL PICKLES. And a full line of fine groceries Give us a rail and be convinced If You want , < the best flour made, buy -ROB ROY-’ lt has no equal for bread, biscuits and cakes The Downing Cos. Brunswick, Da. Lafferty' s Complete Flour | 'H 300 PER CENT RICHER IN i*| PHOSPHATE T HAN ANY OTHUfR High Grade Hour Snow White Color [.* • ' NUTTY FLAVOR * Special Shirt Sale 50C' - ‘ 39C at “ELKANS” SAUSAGE W snei s V; jrst Kuack Wurst Salami Dolog.ia Postrama Coose Liver Rings F ISH HewHe’rring Cod Fish Mackerell Sm. Salmon Anchovis Blooders Am. Mackerell PERHAPS your overcoat needs a “w collar or new sleeve lining. See • C.oler at hot 'Monk street of ring 'phono 21,3-2. ( OR MEN —del out you winter suit and overcoat Have' them put in ‘I oni( r riy Jim Carter, ring pkom J V World’s 1 Record We hold or the best selectioon of Pine Eating Chocolates ever shown in Brunswick, and something new ad ded almost daily. BEWARE of inferior ahd adulterat ed goods that may look alright, but are greatly injurious to the health. Ours are all guaranteed strictly pure, and are sold at popular pri es. Fancy packages a specialty. 4 Lloyd’s. dome Social Tieivs Tides. Mias Mary Porter leaves next week to visit friends ir. Jones, Ga. -Mrs. A. D. 'oaje and little Henry and Willie rterilts are visiting rela iH'i-s in lJ'.xie, Ga. * • A me'ding is called for this aftor cxin of all tiie ladies interested i:i t!i< 'rummage sale and all who wish to s. in, the library are urged Lo ire j,res ell. t A Tie ladles of Brunswick are rc iiuested to donate pot plants and cut tower; to the flov/or booth of the Riflemen's fair. All who will contri luitr. to this booth are requested to i h-piiunc Miss Sadie Dart, tho chair man. The marriage" of Rev. Walter M. Udinore and Miss Mary Estelle Tay lor occurred yeslerday at Liberty City. The wedding was a very pretty homo -liair and after tho ceremony the hride and groom left for Brunswick where they are at the Oglethorpe. Mr. Gilmore is one of tho most pop ular divines ia the city arid is greatly loved by his congregation. The bride is a beautiful and charming young udy who will receive a warm welcome from Mr. Gilmore’s many friends here. The Ladies Ajil society of the Bap tist church, tlie Sunbeam society and lim members generally have presented a numehr of handsome gifts to the young collide. Their apartment at the Oglethorpe is entirely fitted out with new and beautiful furnishings by tho Iriends of the popular minister. A ■i-mllde Will I*, given Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore Friday evening at the church "nil a n,umber of their friends will en tcrtaiui in their honr. . Albert C. Ranks ,lr., entertained a of lii.", friends with n din u ' ,ilMt ove "i"S celebrating the happy occ; lK i„.|| of his twenty-first birthday. 1 lie l-ajlor and dining room wore beautifully deconated with ferns and quantities of choice roses. The table was most artistic, the color scheme was white and green. The center- I'lccc was entirely of beautiful large chrysanthemums, which wore grown m Milled geville and liad lieen sent for ' i ""‘ lrcsor,ted to Mr. Hanks by l!l ,liK f'Tends here. About tlie effective centerpiece were grouped; twemy-one tiny green) candles wliich ' limed lirightly in symbol of. the bright years ol the past, and an omen <rf the happy ones in the future for the popular young host. Covers were laid lor twelve and au elaborate dinner was ,served in six courses. After din ni'T the guests enjoyed several games ol cards. Those present were: A. C. luniks, Sr., Hunter Hopkins, Tom O'Connor, E. r. Ifurdett, L. L. Lamar, Wallace Klkan, C. A. McArdio, Prank - .’, L Scott, J. \V. Varnmiue, lorn Lewis, Howard Smith and El liot Hulls THE BRUNSWICK tfell-Y NEWS. THE OLD RELIABLE V - A Absolutely Pure THERE 13 NO SUBSTITUTE BOARD OF TRADE TO MEET. Several Interesting Matters Expected to Come Up Today. The board of trade will hc-Jdi its reg ular weekly meeting at the eity hall this morning. It is expected that several interest ing subjects will come before the board for discussion and a full attend |aace is urgently requested. Our commercial body proposes to do some go<j|l work for Brunswick this winter, ai.i the officers should have the eacqieiiii'.n of the people gener ally. Confessions of a Priest. Rev. Jno. S. Cox, ot Wake, Ark., writes, “For 13 years I suffered from Yellow Jaumdice. I consulted a number of physician® and tried all sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then I began the used of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a diseiUHO that had me in its grasp for twelve* years.’’ If you want a re liable medi ciue for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, g,et Electric Bitters. It’s guaranteed by all druggists. Ouiy fiuc Go to Miss Slater's and get one of those new lithograph pillow tops and cards to match. Just received. Lavaivrra hi tie .i.o:-v thing i washing yomr pets, dogs and cats, be- UOh.>., ■ j i•. . i Muscatel, pout, Sherry. Catawba ad blackberry wines at 25cents a hot" tie, one fifth station each. All these wines of California vintage. S. Lev inon. Crockery ware, silverware, tinware; glassware car; b>e washed beautifully clean without danger of scratching with Lavadura, The Weather is fairly good now for having ci'otihos put in order for winter. See Jim Carter, ’phone 253-2 Requires u 1; ux,r in wash clothes in "Lavadura:;'’ just put two talile spoonsfnl in u lurge tub of wafer; let the clothes sank in the treated water all night; Ihn> will be cleaner than you can wnsL Cfi:f by hand; no nib bing; no lierub'l i’: r: nothing fades: nothing shrinks; just rinse them out in clear writer;, that is all Fine old California wines, S. Lev iscrn, 310 Bay street Oisti*ess After Ea’ting Cured. Judge 'W. T. Holland' of Groenburg, La., wh'.i is well and favorably known says • “ .Two years ago I suffered greatly from indigestion. After eating, great distress'* would invariably nvv.iit. last ing for, an hour or so and my nights wore ostlops. I concluded to try Kodol Dy !>'Jb'itia cure and it cured me en tirely. Now my sleep is refreshing and fndigsteion perfect. Sold by Joe’ - - ger’s| pharmacy I A Purgative Pleasure. i.f you ever took DeWitt's little enr * riers for biliousness or constipa tion you know what a purgative pleas, use is. Those famous little pills > dean sc the liver and rid the system of all without producing unpleasant effects. They do not gripe, picket! 5r weaken, hut give ore and strength to the t.ssues and organse involved. 'TV. H. Howell, of Houston, Tex , says: No better pill can he used than Li ed* ior censti; .dion, sir 1 bv. e'< * 'SoM by Joorger’s jjjliarmacy. Are You Preparing, for Winter by having your overcoat and winter suit cleaned and repaired? See Jim Carter, the leading clothes cleaner and dyer. jjuati jftanua i . FANCY GROCERIES AND SHIP SUPPLIES ’Phone 141-2 402 BAY STREE'T CENTRAL SCHOOL S. E. Corner of F and Norwih Streets PREPARATION for COLLEGE or BUSINESS DAY SCHOOL and NIGHT SCHOOL J. H. SWINDELL, Principal. ILYNN CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB Andrew J. Wright, Prop. Suits Cleaned, Pressed and Dyed. Repair Work a Specially Hats Cleand, Dyed and Reblocked Prices gladly quoted on application „ 'Phone 394-2. x 100 1-2 Gloucester PERSONAL POINTS, B. H. Daniels is in Waynesville. Geo. T. Jones, of Macon, is in the city. E. W. Harris, of Jacksonville, is in the city. A. H. Baker is in Florida on: a bus iness trip. Dr. T. H. Haines, of Atlanta, was in the city yesterday. J. R. of Savannah, was in the city yesterday. J. M. Danieln, of Offerman, is spend ing some time in Brunswick. J. E. Browning, of Scotland, was a visitor to the city yesterday. A. F. Dixon, of Bristol, Ga., is reg istered at the Oglethorpe. General Manager Berry, of the B, & B! returned from a trip up the line yesterday. C. A. Tyler, C. O. Beauchardt and A. G. Garbutt, of Braxton, Ga were visitors to the city yesterday. The Pleasure of Eating. Persons suffering form ir digestion dyspepsia or other stomach troubles '■•ill find that Kodol D/cpop'da cure digests what you eat and m. 1.-. u: t *loraach awe Tfiir remedy la . -ever failing cure for inubastion anf dyspepsia and all complaints afioelin. 'he glands or membranes oft!,,.- toon ach or digest Vo tract. When rot lake Kodol Dys pepcia cure everything you eait taste good, and every bit of the noutrimont Unit your food, contains is assimilated and appropriated by the blood and tissue,:. Bob. jy Jocrger harmaev. Ship Notice. Neither the master, owner nor con signees of the British steamship Thy ra will lie responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said steam er. F. D. M. STRACHAN & CO„ Consignees. Quail at Wilsons. Miss Slater will have in anew line of handsome trimmed hats by Wednes day. Ledies com e and see them and see if we can’t tempt your pocket book. Quail on toast at Wilson's. Steamships are using Lavadura for scouring decks; will not scratch the paint; try it. Fancy glassware of all kinds take a fine polish after being washed witli Lavadura. Housekeepers, wash your lamp chimneys and globes in Lavadura wa ter; it prevents cracking by heat. Wanted, everybody to bathe in La vadura treated water; it’s a delight ful bath: all first-class grocery -tore sell Lavadura. Furnished rtxims will rent easily -;f kept clean with Lavadura; it cleans marble work beautifully, paint wt*- and varnish, doors, window facing anil door facings, with very little work; 10 cents per package. If you want employment of any kind have your clothes washed with Lava dura, so that you make a neat a,v pearanee; it will help you. Can yon sing? If so, sing “Lava dura!” The song is new; but, oh, how easy. Everybody must try Lavadura once for bathing, or they will miss the greatest treat that money can buy sold by all leading grocery stores and drug stores at 10 cents a package You will find everything up-to-date in the fancy work line at Miss Slater’s Millinery store. MONEY IN DIRT IF YOU KNOW IT. Here are some real bargains of Brobston, Fendig & Cos., the up ,to date real estate agents. Read them. The Jno. Wood home on Union St. beautiful house and 7 room house Terms SSOO cash S2OO per quarter. 4 small houses, rent for $16.00 per month. Will sell for $750. Vacant corner G and E streets. $550 2 lots on A street, close in, $250 Two small houses near Lover's Oak, SBOO for the two. Two story house and lot 90x130, on North Albany street S9OO. Brobston, Fendig & Cos The best iu the photograph line at Wilson’s. Everything in the beer, whiskey, and cigar line and a full line of pipes nd smokers supplies, is. Levison, 310 '.ay street Just received a full new line of eady to wearers. Give us a call. <enner Millinery, opera house build ing. Try a box of “Belle Rose’ cigars, guaranteed long tiller at $1,50 per box [of 50. Satisfaction guaranteed or | money refunded. S. Levison, 310 Bay street Just received a full new line of eady-to-wearers. Give us a call, i tenner Millinery, *ipera house build-J '"fl- -— — KAISER’S j F^ I. . eOR the* celebrated l t - l I 5 This popular glove is now an acknowledged J success, and is daily becoming better known | Have you Seen the \ 3 CLASP GUN METAL [ a HANDSOMELY EMBROiDE fvIED, St.WF.D AND TRIMMED WITH? WHITE AND FINISHED WITH SILVER LE MODERN CLASP) i SAVE YOUR TRADING STAMPS, THEY MEAN MONEY TO YOU? a KAISER’S | - Remnant Sale MONDAY AND TUESDAY REMNANTS F SILKS, WOOL DRESS GOODS, WHITE WAISTIHGS FLANNELETTS, STC., IN FACT REMNANTS OF EVERY KIND. THESE ARE REMNANTS FROM NEW AND STYLISH GOODS IN LENGTHS RANGiNG FROM ONE TO TEN YARDS TO THE PiECE. SUITABLE FOR WAISTS, SKIRTS, JACKETS. CAPES, CHILD REN’S DRESSES AND BOY’S PANTS Ai! go at Yz price Mrs M. Isaac? WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF RECOVERING H. PI. MILLER & SON We Have a Lot of Cotton Mattresses While They Last M, M. Miller •& dm A Great Crockery Stock.* I Have the Largest Stock of China, Glass and Agateware in Brunswick, Which lam Selling at th e Lowest Prices. HAY, GRAIN AiiQ GROCERIES. A, ZELMONOVITZ, Corner Z. and L Streets. phcne 205 Special Offer For Ten Days Only sls 00 Men’s Suits 11.98 12.00 “ “ 9 ' 9 s 10,00 *• “ 8.48 &50 _ “ “ 7.48 J. H. Holler St Bpo. 230 NEWCASTLE ST. NOVEMBER 5, 1905.