The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, November 06, 1903, Image 2

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FRIDAY MORNING. WUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THI . NEWS PUBLISHING CO. C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers to the dtv and by mail frw of charge to all parts of the United Stale, and Canada, Mexico. Pc a Rico Guam. Philippine ■slandr end Hawaiian islands: Per Month.... $ 50 Six Months 2 50 One Y 5 00 Entered ai the Brunswick, Ua., post •fltre. ;s second-class mall matter. Hon Fmory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily New:, as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUSLISHEHS NOTICE. l„e News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood •hat all legal advertisements must be paid ior In advance. Wo cannot af ford to devote our space to such ad virtlsements and wait on the courts '•ir the money. At _ (ionium is tbo man. McClellan laid Low low alright. Old man Uowic should form a heal ing trust Tom Johnson will go “way hack and Seth Ixjw.” Devery is about the biggest political curiousity in the country. The despot's heel did not land on Maryland’s shore after all. Senator MeCoraas will lose his scalp next. Old Maryland is a bird anyway. The returns from Maryland and Kentucky are enough to jar any old republican. It is to be hoped that the election in New York will do away with Dev ery forever. He is a freak. Tho Macon politicians are having trouble finding a man to run against Bridges Smith. Wo do not wonder at it. The board of city registrars have a serious job on band and it is lo lie hoped that they will treat it in tho manner it deserves. The (Jimid Government club and lbs advocates should remember that old acquaintances should not be forgot ten. The colored vote in 181)8 for in - stance. l A MOTHER’S LOVE . The law id on tine trial of Mrs. ICI - (luerry Snow, in New York. She has practically dolled the courts und with her two children has tied to New Jersey. Because of a mother-love as big its the world is wide. It was one of those domestic trag edies. There was a beautiful woman and a manly man. There was money and a tine home. There was every thing you could think of to make peace and happiness except a Arm lose and inspect that knows nothing ol divorce courts. The Snows separated. '1 lie family skeleton was taken from the closet and made to perform in court and Mrs. Sn >w was granted a divorce. Then the judge did a cruel thing, lie awarded ouo of tho children to Mrs. Snow and left her to make tho selection. There was a girl elf six and a boy of ten. And .Mrs. Snow was told to choose To select one jewel and discard the other, aitohugh Loth were part ot her very life. It was cruel, unwise and unfeeling. Surely tho lower regions has nothing worse than these traged ies at home. She Hod with the children and every mother wlk> reads those lines will feed, if she does nletl say "Thank God that sho did." A SERIOUS DUTY. The board of registrars will meet this mon ling for the very important purpose of pissing upon the qualifi cations of their fellow cititens . erctse the very important function of suffrage. That tbl* is a serious duty there can be no doubt; it is ihe sovereign ! right of all male citizens of this country, who have met all the legal requirements to express at the polls their choice for men who are to occupy elective positions. It is, therefore, a grave proposition that these three gentlemen have to contend with. To deprive a man of his right to vote is to Idm a serious injustice, to accord a man the privil ege to vote who is not entitled to it is to do an injustice t.o the entire com munity. Therefore wc may say that tilts board, chosen as the represen tatives of ail the people, have a most solemn duty to perform. Wo propose to watch their conduct 1 and pass judgment upon it. They are good citizens, well and favorably [known in the community, and we are entertaining the hope that any crit icism we may have to make as to their conduct in the matter will he of a pleasing nalute. Ship Notice. Neither tho master, owner nor con signees of the Brithish steamship Pen nine Range will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said steamer. F. f), M. STRACHAN A CO., Consignees. Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees of the Russian hark VVeljekset will lie responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew of said bark. ERICSSON, Master. Ship Notice. Neither tile master, owners or con signees of file Spanish bark Maria Luisa will tie responsible for any debts contracted by the crew ot said bark. FORMOSA, Master. Ship Notice. Neither the master, owner nor con signees of the British steamship Thy ra will lie res|H.nsililo for any debts contracted by the crew of said steam er. F. D. M. STRACHAN & CO.. Consignees. Just received a full new line of ready-to-wearers. Give us a call. Kenner Millinery, opera house build ing. A. R. U. C. uniiqi STPI'KO AND CAKING Laying Carpct3 and Matting. Puffin n Cane So ’ft- in 31' '•> -* ’ -' s made and rf.noorp-.s, ' r .' rr.iture I -and carpets cl iti sJ, 3aby Carriage Pips’red W. H. T'dOVIAR. -| 10 Glouct*.-..- etri Mrs. Mollie Allen, ol rtgulh Fori •y., says sho has proveuto.i attack! .f cholera morbus by;;.; C.i: berlain's stomach and liver tahiet when she felt an attack coming on Buch attacks ion use.vll ..ii.-e< indigestion and tho tablets arc, i u wiiat is iKdittaj to clean the stub., nd ward or Hit dj grouching ft ii Attacks of ’•■’i.'iun jujiie may be pn act' J in t'. ' *- Miss Slater will iiavo in anew line of handsome trimmed hats by Wednes day. Ladies come and see them and see if we can't tempt your pocket boon. Quail on toast at Wilson’s. Steamships are using Ui vail uni for scouring decks; will not scratch the paint; try it. Fancy glassware of all kinds take a fine polish after being washed with Lavadura. Housekeepers, wash your lamp chimneys and globes in Lavadura vv.i ter; it prevents cracking by heat. Wanted, evorybouy* to batne ,n !.a vadurn troi txx w i , ts a dough lul bath; all first-class grocery store sell Lavadura. Furnished reoms will rent > i-il.v li kopt clean with Lavadura; it cleans m>ai Hit work uoautuully, p.iin; w< anl varnish, door <, window do in and facings, with very lit; . work; Id cents per package. if you want employ mein of any kite; have your clothes washed with iun .t dura, so that you make a neat a, pearance; it will help you. Can you sing? If so. sing “Lava dura!" The song Is new; hut, oh, how easy. Everybody must try Lavadura once for I guttling, or they will mi.-s tin greatest treat that money c>n buy sold by all leading grocery stores am drug o’ ,-r - at 10 cent s a pa kage PERHAPS your overcoat needs a ew collar or new sleeve lining. See .lint Carter at 504 Monk streot or ring ’phono 253-2. FOR MEN—Get out you winter suit and overcoat. Have them put in pond order by- Jim Carter, ring phono 253-2. The Pleasure of Eating. TVi-rovs suffering form indigestion dyspepsia or other stomach troubles ■ ",i hat .< dol ilycnoi sia curt digests what you oat and make t • it ii h j. veet. . n modv . •‘ior fa l ;;-- care for indigestion '.it *■ sn. j . ; t ail com; la at.- affectin. t It nl'i - r r.;embr..n-*r. of Ike ; tch or digest ve tra.ct. Y.'hen j. t'.i. ■ Koi.-d l'y. pepsi.; IT e..wyil.dt_ you end t-1s t - good, and every bit el the neutrintcp.! that • i . o grin. jS assimilated and aj-prop .itoit bv tit blood and tissues, bolt) by Joerger': harmaev- TO TICKLE YOUR APPETITE Imported Edan Cheese, Imported Swiss Cheese, Imported Parmasan Cheese, Domestic Pine Apple Cheese, Domestic Creame Cheese, UFOtiV'C fancy grocery, Phone 11. 312 Newcastle ‘PHONE 321. Wilson’s j Slestauranl \ The Up-To-Date Place to Eat | f\\\ Delicacies of tf?e Seasoi) ’tikenc 321 9rcmpt tfervieel ‘PHONE 321. Do You Want To buy something good when you are giving a present? If you do we have it in JEWELRY, CUT CLASS FINE CHINA, SILVERWEAR, ETC. Call and be convinced. I{ciiiioii 51 oil (-)|)1;. Jeweler and Eye Speicallst 215 Nkwcakti.k St Time by wire frem Washington Dlaly. Keeper of the City Clock Grane Mitlinery Display. Fall and Winter MILLINERY < ■i MISS KATE SLATER, ' -4 504 Cdouccstcr Street. You are cordially invited tc attend | f m | ' HIS r Pi Pii THE PRICE OF A LIFE is sometimes included in a prescrip tion that costs fifty cents. Maybe tirst grade drugs would just barely cure, and second grade drugs prove just a tritie too weak. Life some* times hatig-s by a hair, and that hair may be the quality of a single drug. Wo buy oniy the highest grades, ir respective of cost. In the tilting of prescriptions, protits ars the last things wo think of. SMITH’S PHARMACY Cor. Newcastle and Monk Streets . . , BRUNSWICK, . . GEORGIA. For Croup use CHENEY’S EX- PtC 1 OrtAN I. Just received a full new line of eady-to-wearers. Give us a call. Aenner Millinery, opera house build ‘n9’ - . - ■.* anJUmrsa, The BRUNSWICK DAIL NEWS. WANT COLUMN. f you want a position, a house, *. servant, or wtnt to find arv .ilnq tnat has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. FOR RENT. FOR RENT -Furnished rooms to 1 rout to met. 218 Union street. FOR RENT —Stores, offices ad dwellings. Apply to Brobstou, I'endig & Cos. FOR RENT. —A five room house. Apply to 121 north Amherst street. FOR RENT —Rooms at 703 Union ulreut. Blectris ligats anil 'uise of bath room. Apply on premises. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms at 303 Union street. Apply on prem ises for rates. FOR RENT.—From November 1, a seven room house, ail modern improv emtnts centrally located. SIB.OO per mosth. House is situated on C street. Apply at 112 North Lee. FOR SALE.- Restaurant by Decem ber J. Good stand for the right party and owner will sell cheap. Mrs. it. Rainey, GOB Bay street. FOi SALE. FOR SALE-Maudem bicycle at a great bargain. Enquire at News of fice. FOR SALE —20 acres oi land, a $230 barn and full supply of farming implements, ten acres cleared, eight miles of E. S. Boulevard. Will sell at a bargain. Apply to C. 11. Leavy. FOR SALE —My truck farm Fancy Bluff also stock .cattle and hogs. Will sell above farm at a bargain. Call or write to J. R.Doer flinger, Brunswick. Ga. FOR SALE —We have a largo quan tity of sand which we will sell at rea sonabße prices. The sand is well adapted for building purposes. Ward Grocery Cos. FOUND. FOUND —Bunch or keys, throe in numebr and containing one old style yale. Owner can have same by des cribing property and paying for this advertisement. Cal', at this office. WANTED.—By a competent book keeper, it position or work of any kind. Best of reference. Address A. C. care News office. JOHN D. ROUNTOS, “Brunswick’s Candy Store.’’ JUST ARRIVED Most complete line of the finest candies in town. Over 50 different i varieties of Chocolates. EON BONS, AND CRYSTALIZED FRUITS, TABLETS —also— FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOS, ETC. Taffy Candy Made Daily 208 Newcastle Street. COAL AN D WOOD, CONEY a. PARKER. BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle St. j Bicycles, (iuns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE A SPECIALTY. Quick Arrest. 3. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala. was twice in the hospital from a se vere case of piles, causing 24 tumors After doctors and all remedies failed, Buckien’s Arnica Saive quickly ar rested further inajpatien ana cured him. It. conquers aches and kills pain. 25 ceni* at &il druggists. For grass shears and lawn mowers call at Douglas Hardware Cos., and and the heat tnAe*U raoaat PHILLIRS the TAILOR Opera House Block, Has a large and selected stock of new goods, for the coming season, best of work and perfect fit guar-, anteed. Pants made to order for $4.00. Suits made tu order for ..iS.CC. If you want a Sw'elS Suit give me a call.a CORRECT PHOTOS Thats What You can count tilt at WILSON'S STUDIO. Come and Give Us a Trial High Art is Our Motto. Gloucester Stret. Try a box of “Bello Rose’ cigars, guaranteed long filler at $1,50 por box vi 50. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S. Levisou, 510 Bay street. Fine old California wines, S. Lev isou, 510 Bay street. THE ARCADE i i 210 Gloucester Stre.t i Is headquarters for all the pop ” ular brands of whiskey on the ' Market. t W W ‘.V Saratoga, Yellow Stone ’ Hunter, Magnet, Duke cf Cum-' berland, Wilson, Metropolitan' Club, Silas Johnson, Congress. Hall, Cambridge Rye, Elgin Club,, including Bourbons, Gin3 Bran-, dies, Imported and Domestic Wines, and a full line of popular, Cigars. lam putting out a specialty that excelis anything that has ever been offered to the public. Four full quarts Elgin Club, an excellent, high grade whiskey, put up in a neat package, for $3.85. Delivered to any point, ex press prepaid. \ I would call special attention for medical and family use, to Pure H. C. Bowen whiskey, this is an absolute distillation of 1880 Pool and Biilard Tables are kept in an up to date condi- 1 tion. Wc serve an elegant FEEL LUNCH from 11 to 1 p. m. Your patrosage is highly ap-' predated. PHIL KELLER. W0C 313 Oak and Pine B H. DANIELS, Phone 326 BROWN & C 0 Contractors, Manufacturers, and flippers of Railway Cross.ties and Dealers in YELLOW PINE LUMBER Brunswick, Ga. ; Electric ; Light : A Pleasure and Convenience ‘ iT MAKES , Your homes look bright. No oily lamps to keep in order ■ Saves breaking lamp chimneys Safest and best way of lighting Only turn the button to get the light; easier than striking a match. DArIK WINTER EVENINGS are here and now is the time to consider—For rates and inorma tion ’Phone or call cn MUTUAL LIGHT & WATER CO. t New Plumbing Establishment We have opened a plumbing, gas and steam fitting shop ai No. 12<; a street, we will be pleased to icrve the public. We will carry a ' 1 ?'<• I; (s. da and are i:i position to do any and all classes ■ f work in our lhie. We are both :tl ; lnm ,, 'f'ru and Know every detail of the 1 usinass. Phose 228. Gilmore & Wood For LaGrippe and Influenza use CHENEY S EX- 1 P ECTOR ANT | Gives, —wni—ffffl i ■ Jiarfort Jiine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be | j * tracedHo irregularities of the stomach and bow- I I Health e * s ' When these important organs fail to act 1 regularly the system becomes clogged with ■ j 1 impurities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s I ; 3 Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently B ft and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid ■ J laxative, s good for *vc-ry member cf the TUf „ t p\j , c (| family. Fifty cents a bottle at ail drug-stores. Jr*-Ui£iLr2y ,s f| Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal f pfYlOtl. H for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat etc Elixir BAY IRON WORKS: V i Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills; Marine work a specialty. ! Packings, Fittings . > and Supplies’ Estimates Furnished free of Charge. 829 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, i‘re3idenf and Manggcr. Secretary and Treasurer. NOV. 4=14, 1903. MlLk,: . 1 — 1 : ~. j .kiT -f SAVANNAH Industrial and Agricultural FAIR ill l : UNDER AUS PICES OF Savannah Racing Association jgTs T v > A SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTIONS ALONG INDUSTRIAL! AND AGRICUL TURAL LINES. n 1 . $12,000 10 Prizes $, 2(0oo 1.0 —Days Racing—-SO -. . 'I I “THE SPORT OF KINGS,’’ upon the best and fastest Mile Track In the South, by scores of thoroughbreds from all parts of the ifiuS&ixuU. , UNITED STATES. MIDWAY, CIRCUS ATTRACTIONS, ALL AMUSEMENTS UNEXCELLED. LOW RATES BY ALL RAILROADS. County Exhibits Solicited. Savannah Best Produce Market in the South. For Premium List, Space, Concessions, Entrance, all particulars address GORDON SAUSSY, JOS. F. DOYLE. Gen’l. Manager. Secretary, Fair Headquarters, Savannah, Ga. ©. Downing, President. £. H. Mason, Vice-President. t.O.Walter, Gssh *p. Tiie National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, GA CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES In excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, ars devoted to the assistance of logit irnate enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, firms and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts bear interest, compounded qca terly. interest hearts,- ceriß ot deposit Issued on special term* MONEY OBDUiaS the "BANK ERR’ MONEY ORDER ASSOCiA low *' n> -**-• ' ore convenient tha- poctofitn* or express. Bear m Mind That we Bell Fire Arms, Cutlery and Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle. EMPTY AND LUADED SHELLS GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P.O. KESSLER Monk Street. CM AS. 11. JEWETT —Genera! Dealer in— TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES NEW AND SECOND HAND Stenography Taught. Stenographic wor'. done. BRUNSWICK, . . GEORGIA.' % NOrB*®ER 6, 1903. WOOD T J- KENNER Bay and Gloucester. Phone 3/6 Pine 75 c Mixed 90 c Oak i.oc EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Councelicr at Law, Court Houw. Ikrunswfek, Qa Don't Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and see J. H. Tanhersley and get one of his. Last Better, Solis Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes all grades and prices to order. F:ne line of horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, anti Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, valices, in fact all leather and carnage work neatly done and with dispatch. Call on him, J- H. TANKERSLEY. Just received a barrel of escouer nong wine. Will sell at the astonish ingly ioy price of $1,25 per gallon, b. Levison, 310 Ba*r street* Ald:S ByiipSjiSlS; fiigasis visat ytu ?. The largest assortment of briar root pipes, all stiles, 50 and 75 cent val ues, at 25 cents. S. Levlson. Beck s Mule Feed best for horses. J. M, Burnett.