The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, November 11, 1903, Image 2

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. WEDNESDAY MORNING MUNSTO DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY TH NEWS PUBLISHING CO. C. H. LEAVY Editc. LOUIS J. LEAVV. Jr... City Editor Advertising rates made known or, application. Church and other ehar- Itabl# organization notices published at half the regular rates SUBSCRIPTION RATES Terms to subscribers lo Urn c*;v and by mall fre® of charge to all parts of the United State*’ sud Caom: t Mexico, Po .1 Rico. Guam. Philippine island# and Hawaiian islands: Per Month $ 50 Six Months 2 50 One Year 5 00 ISntered at the Brunswick, Ga.. post sflice, a* second-class mail matter. Moo- Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as tie official organ of the United Sta cs Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for G'ynn county. TELEPHONE ffea. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood ’bat wll legal advertisements must be paid .or in advance. We cannot af ford to devote our space to k>jcu ad virtlsemeuts and wait on the courts • the money. And now it is Indian summer again. Gorman or Cleveland will bo the nominee. Miss Goelet will now lot go—of the the money she has. Georgia can now lie appropriately called "the state of fairs.” A congressman is general) digger at his own home than he in in Wash ington. Our shipping record for Monday is enough to make the croaker get in the hole and stay there. When you get to "pestering" sen ator Morgan about the canal he bets mad sure enough. We hope the Wayeross fair will ho tt great success and we have every reason to believe lhat it will. A church in Hagerstown fired the preacher, the excuse or reason being “wo want no political preacher.” So far the city council lias only a small pension list but oven then it is tx*> large for the pocketbook of tbo people. This is a precedent breaking per iod am! we would just as soon have Cleveland do the breaking as any body else. i There is no reason why we should not get the next Confederate veteran state reunion. Like Dick Grubb says “We can take care of them alright.” Wouldn’t it be manly for Bryan to come right out and say lie is for tiie democratic nominee whether it be Cleveland or any other good demo cra,? sD-fc* The number of new residences now in course of erection in all parts of the city is proof conclusive that our population is increasing. People do not bulild boluses to look at lint to live in. WE BID YOU WELCOME. To the members of the Presbyter ian Synod, who are with us tilts morn ing, we bid a warm and cordial wel come. We hope their deliberations in tliis city will be fraught with mani fold advantage to the church, the state and the people as a whole. Tlio com ing' o|j the distujnguishcd Italy of clergymen and educators to Brunswick is a distinct compliment to the people of tliis city and one which wo appre ciate in the very fullest measure, So. this morning, we extend felicita tions to these emissaries of the Om nipotent and wish them God speed in their truly ennobling work which counts for so much tn the affairs of the people generally. We tender you, with the profound ness and deference due to your or ganization. the keys of the city and the hearts of her people and truly neither the one or the other ever fell into hands more worthy of them. We are now indulging in the hope that you may he pleasantly impressed with this little city of ours, the gem of the south Atlantic and we trust that you will come to see us often and in coming stay longer. Welcome. WORTHILY SPOKEN. During the municipal campaign in j Now York that peanut, spectacular Jerome, of district attorney fame, took occasion to say some very unkind things, in a personal way, of McClel lan. the successful candidate. The night before the election in a speech in Madison square garden, Mr. McClellan replied to the attack In the following splendid fashion: “Before I close I want to express the sense of indignit-* 1 suffered dur ing this campaign; it |.-„ 1 believe, the only painful feeling which shall out last the decision of the people at the polls. The name 1 beat was home more worthily by another, who has long since been gathered to his fath ers, afier a life which I believe was one of unselfish devotion to his country and loyalty to his Maker, I assure you my fellow citizens, that, not for all the honors of this world, not for any station, however high, would I dishonor it. In this campaign a man lias dared lo assert, that I have dis honored it. 1 rejoice to say that among all the factionists that have supported the cause of my political enemies there was not lint one mouth foul enough to add this atrocious slan der, and i could not forbear at the end of this campaign, publicly taking notice of him lo assert this expres sion of my contempt.” THE COMPLAINT FROM DOUGLAS It seems to us that the hill of In jection filed by the people of the city of Douglas against the B. ft B. and the A. ft. B. railroads in this city yes terday, carries with it a very reason able amount of justice. Under the present contract between the two lines whereby the B. ft 11. has trackage rights over the A. ft B. from Bushnell to Nicholls, it Is spec ifically stipulated that the trains of the 11. ft B. shall not stop at Douglas and that no freight or passengers shall be received or delivered at that point. To this contract the people of that city except anil have asked the court to anjiull the agreement on the ground of Illegality. So far as we can sec the bill is on the right line. It now seems that the two lines, for a reasonable considera tion, have decided to bottle up the metropolis of Coffee, so far us the II ft B. is concerned, thus depriving the city and the community of another transportation line. This contract also works a sever* hardship on the people of this ctiy for the simple fact that under its opera tion thousands and thousands of pounds of freight and hundreds and hundreds of passengers that would come hero are diverted to other points due Lo the exclusive fact that the “bottling up” agreement exists at Douglas. The matter is an important one and wo cannot see what course the court can pursue oilier than the cancella tion of the contract. A. tv. U. C. uPHOI.HTEKINte AND CANING .dying ai..a iwattm,,, I--...- . .1 C*ne St, .3 o Urav-t ■ route anti rcnt-vatsc, i-urniture re .'catKcts sa-pc to a, a. ad, Bany Carriages Repaired, vv. H. THOMAS, 110 Gloucester Street • PERHAPS you, overcoat needs a ew collar or new sleeve lining. .S, i,ui Curler itl imt Menu struei or ring phone 2uii-2. t-OH iviEn—Get out you winter .suit and overcoat. llavo them put in good oruer by Jim carlev, ring puono 253-2. WALTER C. BROBSTON, ATTOHN H Y AT LAW. Office with Brobston, Fendiy & Cos. BRUNSWICK, GA. C. P. GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Over James S. Wright’s Gloucester Street. Brunswick, Ga. Mrs. Moliie Allen, of South Lot it ,y„ says she has prevented attacks f ehole-a morbus by taking Cham iierlain’s stomach ami liver tablet .heu she felt an attack coming on t'uch attacks are use Uij ;u, l radlgestlon and thos i!,Ms are jit what is Ltert~l to un the stomach nd ward of Hit r ,’ t . reacting attack Attacks of ’ ”’iv“ -x>iic may be pro enteJ in t’ - -v A Pury.Ktvv ,'t .si, e. if you ever took DeWTt’s I.<tK car riers for biliousness or constipa i'U you knew what a purgative plea .lie is. These famous Kttla pills cleanse the liver atui rid the system if all wit aut producing unjuta effect s. 1h y do not gr pe, - r eaen but give e'e and strength o the Leslies and organs? involved. W. H. Howell, of Houston, Tex., says: No t etter pni can b- use.i t.ian Lil le Early Hf -ecs for e.,. stii P a. su’i, uMdai he. etc.” Sold by Jocrger’s pharmacy. ' ■ ■ —sr—' - ■■■ : :~ -r- ~ ' z~. TO TICKLE YOUR i APPETITE ' Imported Edan Cheese, Imported Swiss Cheese, , Imported Parmasan Cheese, ■ Domestic Pine Apple Cheese, Domestic Creame Cheese, ' Phone 11. 312 Newcastle ■PHONE 321. Wilson’s %estauranl The Up-To-Date Place to Eat pll Delieaeies of tf?e Seasoi? ’tfhone 321 j {Prompt Service] •PHONE 321. Do You Want To buy something good when you are giving a present? If you do we have it in JEWELRY, CUT GLASS FINE CHINA, SILVERWEAR, ETC. Call and be convinced. Kennon Molt (;)pl>. Jeweler ami Eye Speicalist 215 Newcasti.k St Time by wire frem Washington Dialy. Keeper of the City Clock li, * njft I fjpy/y . 1 I /Jr // t 1 ’ ? THE OF A LIFE is sometimes included iu a prescrip tion that costs fifty cents. Maybe first grade drugs would just barely cure, and second grade drugs prove just a trifle too weak. Life some times hangs by a hair, and that hair may be the quality of a single drug. We tiny only the highest grades, ir respective of cost. In the filling , prescriptions, profits ars the last things we think of. SMITHS PHARMACY Cor. Newcastle and Monk Streets . < , . BRUNSWICK, • • GEORGIA. For Croup use CHENEY'S EX PECTORANT. Requites no labor ui wash clothes in ’’laivaJitra;" just put two table uoonsful in u large tub of water; let the clothes soak in the treated water all night; they will be cleaner titan you can wash them by hand; no rub bing; no scrubbing; nothing fades; ntithing shrinks; just rinse them out iti clear water; thut is all. Distress After Eating Cured. Judge W. T. Holland of Greeiiburg, 1-a.. who is well and favorably known says “Two years ago i suffered greatly fiom indigestion. Alter easing, great distress would invariably remit, last ing for an hour or so and my nights were icstless. I concluded to try Kodol D> • peps:a cure and it cured me en tirely. Now my sieep is refreshing and indigsteion perfecL Sold by Joe*-- ger’s pharmacy. THE BRUNSWICK DAIL NEWS. WANT COLUMN. If you want a position, • house, x servant, or want to find anything j tnat uas Peer, lost, .. w_..t j thing that Borne one else has, ad ; vertise in tnie column. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms to! rent to mec. 218 Union street. FOR RENT —Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobstou, Ken dig | & Cos. FOR RENT.—A five room house. Apply to 121 north Amherst street. FOR RENT —Rooms at 703 Union street. lxloctris h t> nts and use oi bath room. Apply on premises. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms at 303 Union street. Apply on prem ises for rates. FOR SALE —20 acres of land, a $250 barn and full supply of farming implements, ten acres cleared, eight miles of E. S. Boulevard. Will sell * at a bargain. Apply to C. IX. • Leavy. FOR SALE.—Restaurant by Decem ber 1. Good stand for the right party and owner will sell cheap. Mrs. R. Rainey, 008 Bay ."beet. FOR SALE—My truck farm at Fancy Bluff also* stock cattle and hogs. Will sell above farm at a bargain. Call or write to J. R.Doer fiinger, Brunswick, Ga. FOR SALE—We have a large quan tity of sand which we will sell at rea sonabje [.’rices. The sand is well adapted for building purposes. Ward Grocery Cos. FOUND. FOUND—Bunco o, keys, three in numebr and containing one old style yale. Owner can have same by des cribing property and paying for this advertisement. Call at this office. WANTED.—By a competent book keeper, a position or work of any kind. Best of reference. Address A. C. care News office. JOHN D. ROUNTOS, “Brunswick’s Candy Store.” NEW ARRIVALS of the Finest Chocolates, Bon Bons, Crystal ized Fruits, Fruit Tablets, 1 lb. and 1-2 lb Boxes of High Grade Chocolates and Crystalized Fruits —also— FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOS, ETC. Taffy Candy Made Daily 208 Newcastle Street. COAL AND WOOD, CONEY & PARKER. BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 267-2. SOT Newcastle St Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE A SPECIALTY. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala. was twice in the hospital from a se vere case of piles, causing 24 tumors After doctors and ail remedies failed Isuekieu’B Arnica Salve quickly ar rested further inamation and curec aim. It conquers aches and kills pain. 2K cent* at ail druggists. Far grans tOte&rs and lawn mowers call at Douglas Hardware Cos., ard and gat the host tn* laas-t money [PHILLIPS the TAILOR j Opera House Block, j Has a large and selected stock of i new goods, for the coming season, i ■ best of work and perfect fit guar- j |anteed. j Pants made to order for $4.00. } ‘ Suits made to order for % iS.OQ. ■? If you want a Swell] Suit give me a j call.J j j CORRECT- PHOTOS Thats What You can count on at WILSON’S STUDiO. Come aad Give Us a Trial High Art is Cur Motto. Gloucester Stret. The Pleasure of Eating. Persons suffering form indigestion dyspepsia or other stomach troubles Will ami that Kodol Dyspepsia curt digests what you eat and makes tv stomach sweet, This remedy is t ever failing mire for indigestion am dyspepsia and all complaints affectiny the glandi or membranes ot trie sion ach or digest ve tract. When yot take Kodol Dy.pepsia cure everythin, you cut taste goad, and every bit c tue noutnment your lot i couUat is assiniilateii and appropriated by tilt blood and ussuen. cole uy Joerger harmaov. Lavadura is the it seal thing fot washing your pets, dogs and cats, be 'tes, children aud grewu peopie. THE ARCADE > c 210 Gloucester Sliest f is headquarters for ail the pop— ' uiar brands of whiskey on the ’ ' Market. WWW Saratoga, Yellow Stone , Hunter, Magnet, Duke of Cum-* ■ beriand, Wilson,' Metropolitan” I Club, Silas Johnson, Congress; I Hall, Cambridge Rye, Elgin Club,; I including Bourbons, Gins Bran-; I dies, Imported and Domestic; 1 Wines, and a full line of popular; > Cigars. < ; t lam putting out a specialty f that excells anything that has, l ever been offered to the public. ( Four full quarts Elgin Club, an f excellent, high grade whiskey, f put up in a neat package, for f $3.85. Delivered to any point, ex-' press prepaid. { S f I would call special attention, f for medical and family use, to, f Pure H. C. Bowen whiskey, this, is an absolute distillation of 1830. Pool and Biilard Tables are kept in an up to date condi-- * Lon. t t f We serve an elegant FRET t LUNCH from 11 to 1 p. m. if ; f Your patrosage is highly ap . preciated. PHIL KELLER. ' f ■w r oo:o Oak and Pine B H. DANIELS, Phone 326 BROWN & CO Contractors. Manufacturers, and hipyers of Railway Crossties and Dealers in YELLOW DINE LUMBER Brunswick, Ga. : Electric | Light A Pleasure and Convenience , IT MAKES Your homes look bright. No oily lamps to keep in order Saves breaking lamp chimneys Safest and best way of lighting Only turn the button to get the light; easier than striking a match. DARK WINTER EVENiNGS are here and qow is the time to consider—For rates and inorma tion ’Phone or call on MUTUAL LIGHT & WATER CO. , New Plumbing Establishment ’*hf— * n- * r.l’ir.i'r'ng. gr.f ind steam fitting shop at No. 120 /. troot, wli .ro we will be pleased to we :h- public. We will carry a i ..., -r-i, *• r-ooris a-.d are in a position to do any and all classes f work in our line. We are both ■ A??! plumber'-, and know every detail of the business. Phose 228. Gilmore 6b Wood 120 A STP.EET. For LaGrippe and Influenza use CHENEY S EX PECTORANT , Gives, a Perfect Full y nir ‘i tenths Of the ills of mankind can be I LJ tit. t i' ace f, t ° Irre ß ular ties of the stomach and bow- 1 Cl eCLLt ft e '"ben these important organs fail to act I n re golarly the system becomes clogged with I I iZnn Fr ajd pe F fect health is impossible. Mozley’s 1 U andVl Ehx !s, IS f P leasan t lemon drink which acts gently I 1 l*it£e r °nn 8 H h - 7 clean , ses the system. It is the perfect liquid ■ Ei ! V e > and u good for *very member of the „ y i Fl t y rents a bottle at all drug-stores. M-OZcey S 1 w s *- emc \ Hot J )r °ps are without any equal J ornnn U^° UghS ’ ccds ’ br °nchitis. sore throat, etc. J~*6tTlOn h"" 1 ™" ”"™ a —Elixir TEE--". * BAY IRON WORKS: Manufacturers and Repairers of * Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills! Marine work a specialty _ ! ■ Packings, Fittings j and Supplies^ ’ Estimates furnished free of Charge. A 629 Bay St, • W- R ‘ DART < CLAUD DART, ' President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. •* NOV. 4=14, 1903. ■21212111 ■ , SAVANNAH Industrial and Agricultural FAIR UNDER AUSPICES OF ' ii'": Savannah Racing Association A SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTIONS ALONG INDUSTRIAL! AND AGRICUL. TURAL LINES. | 112,000 "* i* ren, ' ,,,ns 111 ''h"-$12,000 10’-Days Racing—SO ■*' “THE SPORT OF KlN<£," upon the best and fastest Mile Track In the South, by scores *f thoroughbreds from all parts of the MIDWAY, CIRCUS a|IvEMENTS UNEXCELLED.. LOW ttATES BY ALL RAILf? A DS. County Exhibits Solicited. Savannah Best Produc Market in the South. For Premium List, Space, Concessions, Entrance, [1 particulars address GORDON SAUSSY, JOS. F. DOYLe" ' ~ Gen’l. Manager. Secretary, Fair Headquarters, Savannah, Ga. u. Downing, president. E. H. Mason, Vice President. E.D.Waiter, Cashier. The li ational Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK. GA CAPITAL OF : NE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS tnd total RESOURCES In excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, *re devoted to tb.j assistance of tegit in ate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, firms and corpora lons. SAVINGS BEPABTiSENT acco urns bear interest, compounded qua?- erly. jeari-- cerificatea of deposit issued on special terms. MONEY ORDS.RC of the “BANK ERS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOCIA ION” are ehearw -m,- - ore convenient tha- poßtofflce or express. Bear m Mind That we Sell Fir e Arms, Cut’sry and Sporting Gcpds, Fishing T. ckle. EMPTY AND LUADED SHELL3 GUN AND BICY2LE REPAIRING. P .O. KESSLER Monk Street, CHAS. h". JEWETT —General Dealer in— TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES NEW AND SECOND HAND Stenography Taught. Stenographic work done. BRUNSWICK, • • GEORGIA. NOVEMBER 11, 1903. WOOD if _________ T J KENNER Eay and Gloucester. Phone 37( Pine 7s c , Mixed go c Oak i.oo EDWIN W. DART, attorney and Counceilor at L j.*. Court House* Brunswick, Ga. Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and see J. H. Tankersley and get one of his. Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes all grades and prices to order. Fine line of horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, valices, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and- with dispatch. Call on him. J* H. TANKERSLEY. Just received a barrel of eseoper nong wine. Will sell at the astonish ingly loy price of $1,25 per gallon. 1 S. Levison, 310 Bar street .4&gSoS i3ysfs©jss*a Ckar-a: Bijastß witat yau <“?* The largest assortment of briar root. 1 pipes, all stiles, 50 and 75 cent val-' ues, at 25 coats. S. Levison. Peck’s Mule Feed best for horses.? J. M. Burnett