The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, November 13, 1903, Image 2

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FRIDAY MORNING. vVUSSWICIt DAILI NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY TH . NEWS PUBLISHING CO. C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr... City Editor. Advertising rates made Known on application. Church an'’ other char itable organization nr'.ces published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION HATES Terms to stioscrlbers lo the ci ' and by mail free of charge to all part* of the United States and Canada Mexico, Po „i Rico, Guam. Philippine island* and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month I I t>U Monl ha 2 50 One Year 0 00 Catered at the Brunswick, (la., post office ar seuond class mail matter. Hon. Emory Speer has desigrated Th e Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, far G’ynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. T ~e News Publishing Company de sires It to be distinctly understood •hat all legal advertisements nursi ' paid .or In advance. Wo cannot af ford to devote our space to such ad vtrtlsements and wait on the courts Vt the money. Who can tell us the present status of the Atlanta depot? What we need uiosily ul this partic ular tme is Ifesss politics and more manufacturing enterprises. Senator Morgan lias iosl hi- job on the canal commission. Jl* is most too honest to suit the republicans. Place an ad in The News for one month and you will be a constant ad verUsor after ttiat because it pays. Congressman Rufus E. Lester is to have opposition next year in the per son of Hon. J. A. Brannon, of States boro. ? We should pay the solicitor gener als a salary. There would be less of "you hud better plead guilty ami pay the line." C.ornmn seems to be gaining ground every day for the democratic nomi nation. A large majority of the deni ocratie members favor him. The old veterans are having a great time in Augustin lliis week, i! they come toi Brunswick next year WO will endeavor to entertain them |iu equally as good style. The Atlanta Constitution has sent a .staff corrospoudunt to Columbia and till- people of this section of the country can rest assured that they will hear ail the news from there as quickly as possible. The Constitu tion i,s always lirst to givo lire news and continues to lead southern jour nalism. THE BOARD OF TRADE’ The Brunswick hoard of trade met in annual session yesterday and named officers for the unsuing year. The ol fliers are all well known business men. men who are anxious to work for lie imprevalent and advancement of tlielr community, and all they waul is the cooperation of the business men generally. This, it must lie admitted, has net been given iu the past. At many of the board's meetings there was not a sufficient number prudent- t> iorui a quorum, end all the work of the organization lias been loft to one or two. Our commercial body has planned much giKiil work for the coming year, and it does seem than the business men could devote one hour per week to tlie organization and attend the meetings of the borud. A city without si live, energetic, and progressive commercial organization is like a vessel without a mainsail Utere is nothing to push us along. New industries are badly needed iu tliis community, iu fact we must nave them in order to prosper, t.ttd through the lxjtird of trade is the lava way to procure them. lads cooperate and make anew rule; go to the city hall every Thurs day morning and partieipoe in (tie deliberations and the result will be . v c , ti ,.. n lends his aid The officers arc Willi: g to do everything possible for ihe progress of the community, hut they ask the assistance of the business people gen erally and this they luusl have lo ob tain good results. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF GLYNN. Under arid by virtue of an order granted by ihe Honorable A. H. .Mac- Donald, referee in bankruptcy, the un <b rsi'-jned, trustee or the estate of Mat White, bankrupt, will sell at pub lic outcry, before the courthouse door, of Glynn county, Georgia, at Bruns wick, on the first Tuesday, being the lir; day of December, 1903, between the legal hours oi sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all of the following h**!-.' ribed property, boiiu t part of the estate of said Mat:. White, bankrupt, to-wit: All of that certain lot, tract, of par cel of land, situate, lying and being in the city of ltrnn ;wi< k, said county and state, and being in that part of said city known as New Town, and being designated and described on the map or plan of said city as New Town lot No. 3457, together with all the improve ments thereon. The purchaser will he required to deposit fen per cent of the purchase , rice immediately after sale. Said i ale to he made subject to the approv al of the court. At Brunswick, Ga., this, November Cth. 1!K)3. .J. S. FRANKLIN, T i, e< in Bankruptcy of the estate of Matt White, bankrupt. Miss Slater will have in a new line of handsome trimmed hats by Wednes day. L. dies corr.c and sec them and see if we can't tempt your pocket book. Steamships are using Lavadura for scouring decks; will not scratch the paint; try it. Fancy glassware of all kinds take a fine polish after being washed with Davadura. Housekeepers, wash your lamp chimneys and globes in Lavadura wil ier. il prevents cracking by heat. XV in f ybody ‘ l , bathe in i.:<■ vad lira tr -Me . water; it's a delight ful balli; ail first-clan:; grocery store soil Lavadura. Fun;! lu’d rooms will, rent easily il kept clean with Lavadura; it cleans uuurhlu work beaußluliy, paint work u::d varnish, doors, wß.low facing and ihs.r facings, wild very little work; lu (ants per package. If you want employment, of any kind l ave your clothes washed with Lava dura, so that you make a neat ap pearance: it will help you. Can you sing? If so, sing “Lava dura!” The song is new; but, oh, bow easy. Ship Notice. Neither the mister, owners or con signees of the Russian bark Weljekset will l.e responsible for tiny debts con tracted by the crew of said bark. ERICSSON, Master. Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees of Up Spanish bark Maria Luisa will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said bark. FORMOSA, • Master. 4LYNN CLEANING AND PFiESSING CLUB Andrew J. Wright, Prop. Quits Cleaned, Pressed and Dyed. Repair Work a Specialty Hats Cleand, Dyed and Rcbiocked Prices gladly quoted on application ’Phone 394-2. 100 1-2 Gloucester THE GEM FRUIT STORE. Next to Morgan’s Drug Store STAFF LYONS, Propr. Everything in the Fruit Line, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff adn SMOKERS’ SUPPLIES Fine Domestic and French Candies CANDY MADE DAILY FROM THE CHOICEST SYRUPS. Come and See Me. STAFF LYONS. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED and PRESSED at the UNION Cl EANINIi and PRESSING CLUB. THEY DO THE BEST WORK IN THE CITY. 'Phone 1402. 508 Monk Street. A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING Laying Carpets and Matting, Pcuc m Cane St. s In Chairs, Mjtlrrs-e: made ami renovated Furniture if packed and carpets cF->ar fd, Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOS.IAS, -| 10 Glouceste- StreeL WALTER C. BROBSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with Brobston. Fendig & Cos. BRUNSWICK, GA. C. P. GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Over James 5. Wright's Gloucester Street. Brunswick, Ga. Mrs. Muffin Alien, ni Smith Fork „v. sal:; she has pruveni.‘l attack: f chole-a morbus by taking Cham berhuus stomach and ii'-cr tablet, ••.mil she felt at: attack oomil'T “t Snell attack:: are liscl'y •■ause I : inligestton and tlics i,.li)eis arc j :s what is l . i-1 i-y w,iau -..0 lid ward -. if thi inching at lack Attacks of ' "'an vkic may be pi< ' etc i ra t’ ' '—■ !a ;• t) - - ' th'”" washing your pots, dogs and cats, bc- PROFFES SIGNAL NURSE—Mrs. Regina Uuricy offers her services to ihe ; eopit i>l this <i v. Can give the very but of references as to le-r abil t\ ns a professional nurse. Address at 401 G streeL , i " - f.ssf =r = I != i TO TICKLE YOUR < APPETITE Imported Edan Cheese, ( Imported Swiss Cheese, , imported Parmasan Cheese, - Domestic Pine Apple Cheese, Domestic Creame Cheese, W'’S or A oc C ev, Phone 11. 312 Newcastle ‘PHONE 321. Wilson’s Restaurant The Up°To=Date Place to Eat j3ll Delicacies of tt?e Seasoi) • 'Phene 321 Prompt Service Aw i———■ mm •PHONE 321. Do You Want To buy something good when you are giving a present? If you do we have it in JEWELRY, CUT GLASS FINE CHINA, SILVERWEAR, ETC. Cali and be convinced. I{cnnon Molt (r)j)h. .Jeweler and Eye 215 Nkwtasti.k St Time by wire frem Washington Dialy. Keeper of the City Clock r ' iP// 1 ' Lil L.. J THE PRICE OF A LIFE % is sometimes included in a prescrip tion that costs lifty cents. Maybe first grade drugs would just barely cure, and second grade drugs prove Just a trifle too weak. Life some times hangs by a hair and that hair, may lie the quality of a single drug. We buy only the highest grades, ir respective of cost.' in the Ailing ?v prescriptions nrofits ars the last things we think of. SMITHS PHARMAC* 9 Cor. Newcastle and Monk Streets . ■ . . BRUNSWICK, • - GEORGIA. For Croup use CHENEY'S EX PECTORANT. Reqni’es no labor u> wash clothes in "Lava,turnjust put two table siroonsuil in a large tub of water; let die clot lies soak in the treated water all mglit; they will be cleaner than you can \va !i them by hand; no rub bing; no scrubbing; nothing fades; nothing shrinks; just rinse* them out iu clear water; that is all Distress After Eating Cured. Judge W. T. Holland of Greenburg, i-a., who is well and favorably known says “Two years ago I suffered greatly ifiom indigestion. After eating, gTeat [distress would invariably result, last [ ing for an hour or so -’.ml my nights were costless. I conclud <1 to try Kodol . Dyspepsia cure and it cured me en | tirel.v. Notv my sieep is refreshing i and iibligstcion perfect. Bold by Jov - 1 ger's pharmacy. THE BRUNSWICK DAIL NEWS. WANT COLUMN. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anytning that hat been loet, or want some thing that someone else has, ad yertise in thia column. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms to rent to men. 218 Union streeL lOR RENT—Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Facdig Cos. FOR RENT.—A five room house. Apply to 121 north Amherst street. FOR RENT. —Seven room house 1004 Luion street, $12,50 permonth. Apply to L. Artou. FOR RENT—Rooms at 703 Union street. Electris lights and 'use of hath room. Apply on premises. FOR RENT-—Nicely furnished rooms at 303 Uniotn street. Apply on prem ises tor rates. ■ FOR SALE—2O acres of land, a $250 bam and full supply of farming implements, ten acres cleared, eight miles of a S. Boulevard. Will sell at a bargain. Apply to C. H. Leavy. FOR SALE.—Restaurant by Decem ber 1. Good stand for the right party and owner will sell cheap. Mrs. R. Rainey, 608 Bay street. FOR , SALE—My truck farm at Fancy Bluff also stock cattle and hogs. Will sell above farm at a bargain. Call or write to J. R.Doer flinger, Brunswick, Ga. FOR SALE—We have a large quan tity of sand which we will sell at rea sonabfle 'Prices. The sand is well adapted for building purposes. Ward Grocery Cos. FOUND, FOUND—Bunch of keys, three in numebr and containing one old style yale. Owner can have same by des cribing property and paying for this advertisement. Call at this office. FOU NT). —About two weeks ago, a black silk ruff. Owner can have by calling at 222 Union street and pay ing for this ad. WANTED.—By a competent book keeper, a position or work of any kind. Best of reference. Address A. C. care News office. LOST.—Set of upper false teeth. ; Finder will be rewarded by returning to this office. 13. 1 WANTED.—Fifty crosstie choppers at cnee at 15 cents per tie. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. JOHN D. ROUNTOS, “Brunswick’s Candy Store.” NEW ARRIVALS of the Finest Chocolates, Bon Bons, Crystal ized Fruits, Fruit Tablets, 1 lb. and 1-2 lb Boxes of High Grade Chocolates and Crystalized Fruits —also— FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOS, ETC. Taffy Candy Made Daily 208 Newcastle Street. GOAL AND WOOD, CONEY & PARKER, BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle St Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala. was twice In the hospital from a so vere case of piles, causing 24 tumora After doctors and all remedies failed, Buckien's Arnica Salve quickly ar rested further luamatiou and cured him. It conquera aches and kills pain. 25 cents at all druggists. For grass shears and lawn mowers call at Douglas Hardware Cos., and and get the best *•* tie least money. PHILLIPS the TAILOR; Opera House Block, Has a large and selected stock of] [new goods, for the coming season,! ■ best of work and perfect fit guai* ] |anteed. I ' Pants made to order for $4.00. ; [Suits made to order for $15.00. < If you want a Swell] Suit*give me a icall.3 CORRECT PHOTOS Thats What You can count on at WILSON'S STUDIO. Come and Give Us a Trial High Art is Our Motto. Gloucester Stret. FOR MEN—Get out you winter suit ami overcoat. Have them put in good order by Jim Carter, ring puone. 253-2. THE * * ARCADE ■.i , a 210 Gloucester Street * a Is headquarters for all the pep-’* ular brands of whiskey on the * Market. WWW Saratoga, Yellow Stone", Hunter, Magnet, Duke of Cun- " beriand, Wilson, Metropolitan Club, Silas Johnson, Congress,' Hall, Cambridge Rye, Elgin Club,} including Bourbons, Gins Bran- < dies, Imported and Domestic! Wines, and a full line of popular; Cigars. ; lam putting out a specialty , that excells anything that has < ever been offered to the public. , Four full quarts Elgin Club, an ' excellent, high grade whiskey, ' put up in a neat package, for' $3.85. Delivered to any point, ex-' press prepaid. ■ I would call special attention; , for medical and family use, to: ■ Pure H. C. Bowen whiskey, this: , is an absolute distillation of 18801 Pool and Biilard Tables arc! kept in an up to date condi- ■ tion. • J We serve an elegant FRET LUNCH from 11 to Ip. m. “ } } Your patrosage is highly ap-, predated. , PHIL KELLER. f BROWN & CO Contractors, Manufacturers, and kippers of Rail way Crossties and Dealers in YELLOW PINE LUMBER Brunswick, Ga. Electric Light i A Pleasure and Convenience ! [ IT MAKES , Your homes look bright. No oily lamps to keep in order Saives breaking lamp chimneys 1 Safest and best way of lighting Only turn the button to get the light; easier than striking a match. DARK WINTER EVENINGS are here and now is the time to consider—For rates and inorma tion ’Phone or call on MUTUAL LIGHT & WATKR CO. , New Plumbing Establishment We have opened a plumbing, gas and steam fitting shop at No. 120 A street, whore we will be pleased to erve .the public. We will c .rry a iff stock of goods and are in a position to do any and all classes >f work in ottr line. We are both 'railieal plumlten and know every detail of the btisinais. Phose 228. Gilmore & Wood For LaGrippe and Influenza use CHENEY S EX PECTORANT ———s—— — ! Everybody must try Lavadura once for bathing, or they will miss the greatest*treat that money can buy; ■'Old by ail leading grocery stores and drug stores at 10 cents a package Go to Miss Slater’s and get one of those new lithograph pillow tops and cards to match, Just received. Gives,— 'Perfect Full y nine-tenths of the ills ol mankind can be I j cl. t traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- I HeQ.lth els ’ When these important organs fail to act I regularly the system beegmes clogged with K I impurities, and perfect health is‘ impossible. “ Mozley’s g I Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently H I and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid i | laxative, and is good for *very member of the jj family... Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. J*L(}Ztey J I Mozley's Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal T eiYSCti I for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc ■ Elixir \ TUB — 4 BAY IRON WORKS: Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills; Marine work a specialty. ! Packings, Fittings and Supplies] Estimates furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, v CLAUD DART, * President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer* * NOV. 4=14, 1903. !.?i2a. i.,. 1 , ip, 1 il?l£:0 SAVANNAH Industrial and Agricultural FAIR UNDER AUSPICES OF .--Ml ... . l! ' ..V M e> \J Savannah Racing Association &£ A . v-. , ' — A SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTIONS ALONG INDUSTRIAL! AND AGRICUL TURAL LINES. $12,000 10 ITemiums-ln Prizes $ 12 , 000 10—Days Racing—lo BIB1B!'®® ' “THE SPORT OF KINGS,” upon and fastest Mile Track In (the South, by scores of thoroughbreds from, all parts of the illSlftfcW . UNITED STATES; V . MIDWAY, CIRCUS ATTRACTIONS, ALL AMUSEMENTS UNEXCELLED. LOW RATES BY ALL RAILROADS. County Exhibits Solicited. Savannah Best Produce Market in the South. For Premium List, Space, Concessions, Entrance, all particulars address v GORDON SAUSSY, JOS. F. DOYLE. , Gen’l. Manager. Secretary, Fair Headquarters, Savannah, Ga. C. Downing,, President, E. H. Mason, Vice-President. E.D.Waiter, CashUr The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, GA CAPITAL of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars and total RESOURCES In excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, arc devoted to the assistance of legit imate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, firms and corpora tions. SAVINGS DCPAR TMENT accounts bear interest, compounded quay, terly. Interest beard 7-. cerificates of deposit issued on special terms. MONEY ORDERS the “BANK KRS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOCIA ION” are eherw rm.. - or convenient tha* postoffle* or express. Bear in Mind That we Sell Fire Arms, Cutlery and Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle. EMPTY AND LUADED SHELLS GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P.O. KESSLER Monk StreeL CHAS. H. JEWETT —General Dealer in— TYPEWRITERS CF ALL MAKES NEW AND SECOND HAND Stenography Taught. Stenographic wor’ done. BRUNSWICK, . . GEORGIA. NOVEMBER 13. 1903. WOOD T J- KENNER Bay and Gloucester. Phone 37C Pine 75 c Mixed 90 c Oak 1.00 EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Counceilor at Law. Court Hou. *nunsw!ek, Q. Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and see J. H. TanUersley ami get oue of his. Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes all grades and prices to order. Fine line of horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, valices, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and with dispatch. Call on him. J. H. TANKERSLF.Y. Just received a barrel of escimer nong wine. Will seli at the astonish ingly loy price of $1.25 per gallon. S. Levison, 310 Bam street ffigeats whitt you Tlie largest assortment of briar root pipes, all stiles, 50 and 75 cent val ues, at 25 cents. S. Levison. Peck s Mule Feed best for horses, J. M. Burnett.