The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, November 18, 1903, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY MORNING MUSSWICK DAILY SEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY TH! . NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ) | C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr... City Editor.: Advertising rates made known on j Application. Church and other char Itabl* organization nrdices published at half the regular rates. FUBSCRIP f ION RATFA Terms to subsc-thors In the dlv i and by mall free of charge to ail parts of the United Slates and Canada | Mexico, Po jo Hlco. Guam, Philippine j Island* and Hnwaiitai Islands: Per Mouth $ DO 1 Blx Months 2 CO One Year 6 VO omiered ai fho Brunswick, Ca , post office. a second-class mall matter Won. Emory Bpeer ha* designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. T ..e News Publishing Company da elreH It to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We can nut uf ford to devote our space 1.0 such ad vt rllsemeata and wait on llio courts '• - the money. r M America will aeon be called "the land grabbing country. Editor Boil millet now ca ls Macon the Chrysanthemum City. Brunswick can get a now library without a donation from Carnegie. The physicians are all pieptring for the Thanksgiving football games. If vou want nil the local news all the time you will have to take The News. A little want ad. in the colunina of The News Is sire to bring resuits. Try It once. Give the average Glynn county far mer a *5 hill and he will do no farm ing for a year. One or two men, we could naxno them, are responsible for the present political situation In Brunswick. If some of our citizens were as ac tive iu n<*i , J, f, w buna 111 u city as 4V|r- - ‘-r\’ •• *7"‘l* \ ’"<VP <t f—l‘.7 * uantlty. > litio- * And all tfcSCTw' — — ti "to be leading in llie matrimonial line jvint at present. Three ol them have won young wives lately. Let/? get another name for the site where the steel plaut was to liuvo beer erected. On the “old steel plaut site’ sounds embarrislng. The Amerieua Daily i’ress has sm pended publication. The l'reas wits a Jive daily laoid will be greatly missed from our exchange table. Savannah people are enterprising. Their fair came to a close Saturday . and already arrangements are being made lor another u<xt year. "Dr. Crum,” says tlio Washington Post, ‘‘is dividing timo between collect ing customs and his salary at Char leston and watching tho daily reports of senate continuations." A South Carolina editor struck big buck last week. A relative died and left him several thousand dollars. He quit the newspaper business and gave his plant away. In reporting a football game Sunday a Virginia paper said there wore no accidents, only that uoto of tho players had both legs broken, another had his left arm and several limbs dislocated. Death must be classed as an accident up in that state. THE DUTY OF THE PEOPLE. The New York Herald warn,! the people of this country tlmt the re cognition of the independence of Pa nama is now a thing done, and it is our duty to stand by the government, right or wrong. Did the recognition of the Confederacy by various and sun dry nations secure its independence? What is our government. Shull we conclude at this late day that an ac tion by the president forbids all de nial and even shuts off discussion? If so, this Is ahead'- an empire, at home and abroad, while we have not even the consolation of proffering our allegiance to a Caesar or a Napoleon, but only to a man on horseback. — Jacksonville Times Union. MARYLAND tN IT. The Marry land women deserve sympathy and respect because of the protest entered against the omission of their state from the Davis memor ial. Certainly they are not responsible for the fact that Maryland did not secede with the other southern Most of them were not Hnn at the time of the secession and none of them had a voice in the matter., Nev ertheless it in a fact that the state did not adopt an ordinance of seces ■soin consequently It cannot be nurn j In-red among the seceedlng states and never was a part of the Cot >>' sate : States of America. We have the authority of Mrs. Nor man V. Randolph, chairman of the central committee of the Davis Mon ument association, for the (itatomen; ll<tt Maryland will have a perinanor i and honorable place in the memorial, and that Marylanders In future will hlave no reason to complain, he asham ed or to fool that their state was for gotten (when they look over the record which will lie carved and built in the enduring form. Maryland will be honored by the south as it well deserves to be for the gallant hosts it sent to the war and for splendid generosity and sympathy of which the whole south was the grate ful beneficiary after the war. The city of Baltimore should have a special place because Baltimore has mover Jailed to answer a call from the south. The holiday season: Is drawing neat and now la the time lor tlio merchant to begin bin advertising. The News is here lor that purpose and a tolc phone message will bring around a solicitor. Queer that the Good Government club forces will hold secret sessions every night wn in they are not to in dorse any caudi lacy lor the- while primary. Toe leiJeis '1 lae club can tell you today just aL.iut the u i tuber of votes each candidate will receive. Steamships are using Lav ad lira for scouring decks; will not scratch the paint; try it. Fancy glassware of "liiijns take a fine polish after being, washed with Luvailura. Housekeepers, waste your lamp fi^miuTiysTauJi'“gtiioes In"l.avadura wa ter; it prevents cracking by beat. Wauled, eveiyiieily to bathe in l.a vadura Uenli-d wuiet , it's a delight fill hath: ml find class grocery sell l.avadura. KurnMiotl rooms will rent*easily i: kept clean with Lavadura; it cleans .marble work lieautaniiy, paint \<o:> and varnish, doors, window facing, and door facings, with very liUh work; Id cents per package. if you want employment of any Kim. have your clothes washed with Lava dura, so Hist you make a neat a,, poaranee; it will help yon. Cun you sing? If so, slug "Lava dura!” The song is new; hut, oh, how easy. THE GEM FRUIT STORE. Next to Morgan’s Drug Store STAFF LYONS, Propr. Everything in the Fruit Line, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff adn SMOKERS’ SUPPLIES Fine Domestic and French Candies CANDY MADE DAILY FROM THE CHOICEST SYRUPS. Come and See Me. STAFF LYONS. Take dinner at Wilson’s today. The placo to eat. Confessions or a Priest. Rev. Jno. S. C 0.., otf Wake, Ark., writes, "For 11! years l suffered from Yellow Jaundice. 1 consulted a number cf physicians and tried ail sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then 1 began tho used of lSlectric Bitters and feel that 1 am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve years.” if you want a re liable medicine for Diver aud Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get Electric Hitters. it’s guaranteed by all druggists. Only [>oc. Not Over-Wise. There is an old allegorical plctu'> a gIF scared ni i i:e arass in I It in the act of heedlessly (rendu. u a snake. This is parallelled b> c i:..til who spend, a .urge t>. ;t ■ cney budding a cyclone cellar. u> eghvt in provide his family we hottie of Chamberlain's Colic, Che i'M and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe ard against Wav el compla.m . hose victims cutnumber tti-.c•*' iiio cyclone a hundred to one. To, i tiiedy every wt. re recognized as t' ,ost prompt and reliable medicine The Weather is fairly good now for having clothes put in order for winter. Bee Jim Carter, ’phone 2&3-2 glgjgjjgjg 1111 TO TICKLE YOUR < APPETITE I Imported Edan Cheese, , Imported Swiss Cheese, , Imported Parmasan Cheese, < Domestic Pine Apple Cheese,' Domestic Creame Cheese, ’ Wv's ; Phone 11. 312 Newcastle [ ‘PHONE 221. Wilson 9 a Restaurant The Up-To-Date PSace to Eat jlll Delicacies of ttye Season ’shone 321 Prompt iseroke\ ‘PHONE 321. Wait For It I yVILL HAVE THE LARG EST AND BEST LINE OF XMAS PRESENTS OPENE ED FOR yoUR INS££C- __ TION IN ABOUT TEN DAYS. WAIT FOR IT Kciinon M° ll B Jeweler and Kye Speicalist 210 Nkwcaktlic St. Time by wire irem Washington Dialy. Keeper of the City Clock j 1 THE PRICE OF A LIFE is sometimes included in a prcscrip- I ion Uiat costs fifty cents. Maybe first grade drugs would just barely cure, and second grade drugs prove just a trille ton weak. Life sonic times hangs by a hair, and that hair may be the quality of a single drug. We lmv oniy the highest grades, ir respective of cost, in the filling prescriptions, profits ars the last tilings we think of. SMITH’S PHARMACY Cor, Newcastle and Monk Streets .... BRUNSWICK, • ■ GEORGIA. For Croup us© CHENEY'S EX PECTORANT. Requires no labor to wasli clothe, in ’T-avadnra;” just, put two table ts ooonsful in a large tub of water; let the clothes soak in the. treated water ill night; they will lie clo.iner than on can wit'll them by band; no rub bing; no scrubbing: nothing fades, nothing shrinks; just riuse them out iu clear water; that is all. Distress After Eating Cured. Judge W. T. Holland of fireon'.mrg. 1.a., who is well and favorably known says "Two years ago 1 suffered greatly thorn indigestion. After eating, great distress would invariably result, last ing for an hour or so And my nights were .eatless. 1 concluded to try Kodol Dy pepsia cure and it cured me en tirely. Now my siceu is refreshing and iudigsteion perfect Sold by.Joer qer’a pharmacy. THE BRUNSWICK DAIL NEWS. WANT COLUMN. t you want a position, a huuse, ~ servant, or wint to find anything that ha* been lost, or want some thing that seme one else has, ad vertise in this column. FOR RENT. FOR RENT —Furnished rooms to rent to men. 218 Union streeL FOR RENT —Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fecdlg & Cos. FOR KENT.—A five room house. Apply to 121 north Amherst street. FOR RENT. —Seven room house 1004 Union street, $12,50 permonth. Apply to L. Artoiu. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms. Apply at 500 G street. FOR RENT—Rooms at 703 Union street. Electris lights and 'use of bath room. Apply on premises. FOR RENT.—The offices now occu pied by the United States custom house. Apply to Brobston, Fendig. & Cos. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms at 303 Union street. Apply on prem ises lor rates. FOR SALE—2O acres oif land, a $250 barn and full supply of farming implements, ten acres cleared, eight miles of E. S. Boulevard. Will sell . at a bargain. Apply to C. 11. Leavy. FOR SALE!—My truck farm at Fancy Bluff also stock cattle and hogs. Will sell above farm at a bargain. Call or write to J. R.Doer flinger, Brunswick, Ga. FOR SALE.—Shelving and counters. Will sell at a great bargain. Apply to G. F. Gay, 504 Gloucester street. 11-14. FOR SALE —We have a large quan tity of sand which we will sell at rea sonable prices. The sand is well adapted for building purposes. Ward Grocery Cos. FOUND. —About two weeks ago, a black silk ruff. Owner can have by calling at 222 Union street and pay ing for this ad. j WANTED.—By a competent book j keeper, a position or work of any kind. Best of reference. Address A. I C. care News office. 1 WANTED.—Fifty crosstie choppers at once at 15 cents per tie. Apply Brobston. Fendig & Cos. WANTED. —Youth to do reportorial work. Apply to City Editor of The WANTED. —Two cash boys. Salary *2.r>n per week. Apply at once. Mrs. M. Isaac. WANTED.— GatSef. office today. WANTED.—Young man 22 several years experience in lumber office de sires position. Moderate salary. First class reference. Address position, care The News, 11123 PROFFES9TONAL NURSE—Mra. Regina Curley offers her services to the people of this city. Can give the very best of references as to her ahil tv as a professional nurse. Address at 401 G street JOHN D. ROUNTOS, "Brunswick’s Candy Store.” NEW ARRIVALS of the Finest Chocolates, Bon Bons, Crystal ized Fruits, Fruit Tablets, 1 lb and 1-2 lb Boxes of High Grade Chocolates and Crystalized Fruits —siso — FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOS, ETC. Taffy Candy Made Daily 208 Newcastle Street, COAL AN D WOOD. CONEY & PARKER. BRUNSWICK CYCLE’ CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle 8L Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. PHILLIPS the TAILOR Opera House Block, ; Has a large and selected stock of, !new goods, for the coming season, ■ 1 best of work and perfect fit guai' [ [ anteed. 1 Pants made to order for $4.00. [ Suits made to order for $15.00. If you want a Swell■ Suit*give me a call.jj ; FOR MEN —Get out you winter suit and overcoat. Have them put in good order by Jim Garter, riug phone 253-2. Miss Slater will have in anew line of handsome trimmed hate by Wednes day. Ladies come and see them and see if we can't tempt your pocket book. ~ | THE * ARCADE i t 210 Gloucester Street r - ; Is headquarters for ai! the pop- J ular brands of whiskey on the s Market. WWW Saratoga, Yellow Stone , Hunter, Magnet, Duke of Cum-" berland, Wilson, Metropolitan" "Club, Silas Johnson, Congress! ‘ Hall, Cambridge Rye, Elgin Club, j 'including Bourbons, Gins Bran-; dies, Imported and Domestic; Wines, and a full line of popular, ' Cigars. ' ’ lam putting out a specialty 'that excells anything that has eVer been offered to the public. ’ Four full quarts Elgin Club, an * excellent, high grade whiskey, " put up in a neat package, for '53.85. Delivered to any point, ex ' press prepaid. I > I would call special attention i for medical and family use, to .Pure H. C. Bowen whiskey, this , is an absolute distillation of 1880 , Pool and Biilard Tables are kept in an up to date ccndi-’ . tion. - We serve an elegant FRET > LUNCH from 11 to 1 p. m. Your patrosage is highly ap preciated. PHIL KELLER. ' BROWN & CO Contractors, it Manufacturers, and If iff eis ! - of Railway Crossties and Dealers in [YELLOW PINE LUMBER i Brunswick, Ga. Electrics ; by the chicks v > J A Pleasure and Convenience H JT MAKES Your homes look bright. No oily lamps to keep in order ” Saves breaking lamp chimney - Safest and best way of lighting . Only turn the button to get the .light; easier than striking a match. DARK WINTER EVENINGS ” are here and now is the time to considei—For rates and inorma tion ’Phone or call on MUTUAL, LIGHT & WATER CO. New Plumbing Establishment ( AVe have opened a plumbing, gas and steam fitting shop at No. 120 A white we will bo pleased to [:ierv< the o'.lie Wo will cirry a I” Mil stic l i-f goads ar.d are in a [position to do any and all classes : .if worV i.j i pi- l.ue. We are both 'iriw-tioa! nluni'licn anil know every detail of the businais. Pliose 228. Gilmore & Wood 120 A STREET. For LaGrippe and Influenza use CHENEY'S EX PECTORANT^ Everybody roust try l.avuduta once for bathing, or they will mi.-, greatest treat that money ean ' ‘eold by all leading grocery stores ana drug stare- at 10 rents a package Go to Miss Slater's and get one of those new lithograph pillow tops and' cards to match. Just received. 75 / j Fully nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be B traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- g hf onlth els - When these important organs fail to act E 11 tzUllfl regu i ar iy the system becomes clogged with i ■ impurities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s I I Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently I I and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid ■ I laxative, and is good for *very member of the JUf y!o\3*K 9 family. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. * rl J I Mozlsy’s Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal J^QtYLOfl ■ for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. _ ( , less —w ELlXir THE ' j BAY IRON WORKS; Manufacturers and Repairers of * Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills: Marine work a specialty ! i Packings, Fittings j and Supplies Estimates furnished free of Charge. 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. b. Downing, President E. H. Mason, Vice-President t.D.Waitor, Caahter The National Bank of Brunswick. ss . BRUNSWICK. GA CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS sad total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the assistance of legit Imate business enterprise*. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, firms and corpora tiona. SAVINGS DERAIL TMENT acco unt* bear : ate rest, compounded quar terly. Interest biaritj' ceriflcates of deposit issued on special term*. MONEY ORDERS of the “BANK ERS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOCIA ION” are cheap*- sia.i ' ore convenient t.ha' poetoffice or express. Boar in Mind Tlm^we^l] Fir e Arms, Cutlery and Sporting Good3, Fishing Tackle. EMPTY AND LUADED SHELLS GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P.O. KESSLER Monk Street. CHAS. H. JEWETT —General Dealer in— TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES NEW AND SECOND HAND Stenography Taught. Stenographic wor‘ done. BRUNSWICK, • • GEORGIA. Just received a full new line of 'eady-to-wearers. Give us a call. Millinery, opera house build ng. —- [ THE OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. [Brunswick’sOnly First: Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to : Traveling Men. ) Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service, i C. P, GOODYEAR, JR. SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING WORK Will be glad to make special terms to parties for CORRESPONDENCE MANIFOLDING and LEGAL WORK Wrought Iron and Woven Wire Fencing i he Ccictratvd PAGE make. C. W. DEMING, General Agent. Brunswick, Ga. Quaker Dairy Feed is best for Milch cows. Wholesale by ’ y. Burnett. NOVEMBER 18, 1903. WOOD T-J KENNER' Bay and Gloucester. Phone 370 Pine 75 c Mixed 90 c. Oak i.oo Attorney and Councellcr at Lr*. Court House, ttrunswick, G*. Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and see J. H. Tankersiey and get one of his. Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Give* Best Satisfaction of any. He makes ail grades and prices to order. Fine line of horse hats, hoots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, valiceH, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly dune and wuU dispatch. Gall on him. J- H. TANKERSLEY. Just received a barrel of escoper uong wine. Will soil at the astonish ingly loy price of $1,25 per gallon. S. Levison, 310 Ba* street. .I&d&S SSysjpi®|iisit3 ©ur*® wiiat y-vs The largest assortment of briar root pipes, all stiles, 50 and 75 cent val ues, at 25 cents. S. Levison. Peck’s Mule Feed best for borses. J. M. Burnett WALTER C. BROBSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office with Brobston, Fendig & Cos. BRUNSWICK, GA. C. P. GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Over James S. Wright’s Gloucester Street. Brunswick, Ca.\ Try a box of "Belle Rose' cigars;, guaranteed long filler at $1,50 per box of 50. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S. Levison, 310 Bay street For Whooping Cough use CHE NEY’S EXPEC TORANT. GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary and Marine Fairbanks, Morse & Cos. Make. C. W. DEMING, Aaent ' Brunswick, Ga. Crcckeryware, silverware, unwary glassware can be washed beautifully clean without danger of scratching with Lavadura. W. M. TUPPEH A CO. F t &hi Agents. 3 ®'/. Tow 09 - <r!3 Marine In eurance. Correspondenca Solicited. - MUKiWICtfs A.