The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, November 28, 1903, Image 2

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SATURDAY MORN I NO. NWSWICI DAILY SEWS. . PUBLISHED DAILY BT THI- NEWS PUBLISHING CO. C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOU 18 J. LEAVY. Jr... City Editor. Advertising rates made known on Application. Church and other char Katie organisation notice* published at halt the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Terms to subscribers in the city and by mail tree of charge to aU parts et the United Rtatet end Canada. Mexico, Fo 40 Rico. Guam. Philippine ■elands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ 50 Biz Months 2 50 Ono Tear 5 00 Catered at tbs Bninswlok, Ga., post eflu.e. as second-cists mall matter. Hen. Emery gpssr hat designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedlnge, tor Clynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHER* NOTICE. 1-0 News Peblishlng Company de sires It to be distinctly anderstood that all legal advertisements must be paid Jo r In advance. We e&naut at ford to devote our space to such ad verUseiuents and wait on the courts ’or the money. Yes, it ie cold enough for us. You need not ask us about it. The bird to the Thanksgiving hunt er; “Never touched me." The cornerstone of the steel plant had not been stolen up to a lats hour last night. When wo look upon the features of some husbands we really believe kbit "love is blind.” Now that the turkey season it over we may expect the politician tot re sume business at the same old stand. Capt. O. M. Carter came out of the federal prison Friday. He will now proceed to enjoy the money he stole. That new vagrant law was fast and furious for awhile but like all things ft seems to have played the last act. There Is no place for the newspaper "HKV* MLVijf Uncertainly canTgefttj) abovtalfid the lower rig lens —he gets that right here on earth. It Will lake two or three davs (or the complete death list of the foot ball games on Thanksgiving to sa. nothing of the huutere. Wo are act uaily afraid to load out dispatches. Somebody stole the steel plant of flee. Now it they had carried away Umated and some of Ills associates at the beginning of the bluff it would have been one tune that liiiom would liavo deserved a medal. Whether there Is any truth iu the report about Hanna ami the republi can nomination one thing seems to In certain—it Is worrying Hoosovelt ami anything that worries him pica,us the rest of the country, REFORM .HE SCHOOL, t The w hole course needs to be sim plillied and children should be learn ed to spell, says the Brooklyn Eagle. The spelling of even high school children of honor rank is disgraceful. The old routine, parrot-like spelling ju.. ~ an-., be tore toe r.i.ncli o. progress along with the old fashioned was of teaching children their alpha . C.<. J non leant 10 v> UK i . ... , ieally, and they are supposed to spell by the same process. They are sup posed io bill they don't. The theory sounds well, lut it doesn't work. It might do, perhaps, for at.lilts of an cthe.- race learning the Kngliahh lan guage. But in the larger classes ot the public schools the thing is a dis mat failure. There seems to be no way of teaching the average child to Fpell save by going over and over lists of words until he has glued them In hi* memory like a parrot. It may not be scientific hut the results ahldr and It i results that count. And then there is arithmetic, upon which the public schools Jay prop erly, much stress. But they teach the pfoce K * with out the reasoning that underlies them. Asa result, a bright will "do' complicated examples with out the slightest idea of why he takes save that the teacher told him to. When he comes to new pro cess he is at sea until the teacher baa told him how to work that. There i no time for the reasoning w' ivh children of as earlier #eera tion were put through in solving prob lems without the use of pencil and j paper. The training itself was a pretty good substitute for geometry and log ic. A child who mastered it had cer tainly learned to think, and that is the foundation of all education. If a child learns to think or to spell un der the present system, it is because he stumbles into it or else is taught at home by parents who went to school before the modem frills were invented. In place^of these funds mentais he gets an excellent" smat- tering of history, a pretty goo idea' that there is such a thing as English literature, with some knowledge of the biographies of men and women who made it. a patchwork of Interesting facts from natural science, makes a few rudimentary motions towards drawing and painting and gets a sort of vague notioin that if he were real smart he could learn to read music. These are all excellent thing in tbern fhey arose a curiosity I:, rare canes of hunger for knowledge which mav lead the child to study after he leaves school. This is fine If it can he combined with good spel ling and a real mastery of arithme tic. But the schools have not been able to combine the two. Bike the fabled dog swimming the stream, they have dropped the real meat of elem entary education for its shadow in the water. It is time that this process should be reversed and the children fed and nourished. It is a good thing we don’t have to buy bonnets as well as turkeys at this season of the year. With the present prices on both these "necetv slties" we are constrained to believe that the average man would go brake. That old saying about stealing a purse and trash is not so much fiction after all. The man who. stole that steel plant got some tra.oh but if he had caught the "boosters" he would have caused us to have a great deal more faith In the trash part of It. All wool dress goods at cost prices this week. Mrs. M. isaac. Wo have $5,000 in cojd cash ready to loan out on good security. Phono 323 or call on Joel Broi’., 308 and 300 Bay street. Our big turpror cNy*hlng sals will start today. Mrs. M. Isaac. Join the Georgia Pressing club if you want first-class work. Phone 144-4 Huyler's candies sold at Fortson’s drug store. Wine List for the Holidays. N. C. Scuppeiiumg wine, port, sherry, muscatel, tokay, catawba and black oerry wine. Per gallon SI.OO per bot tle 25 cents. Big Levison, 31u Bay street, phone .130. Wilson, has a fresh shipment of ducks, quail and other game. , Dcn'e fall to visit our store if your ooy needs a suit or art overcoat. Mr ,VI. Isaac. H. S. McCrary wants ten thousand ies cut. Cash paid every Saturday. Call on H. S. McCrary tor work. Great sale of jackets and skirts at our store this week. Mrs. M. Isaac. Joel Bros, have an immense stock f watches, diamonds, jewelry, revol vers, gum, overcoats, cutlery, opticai goods etc., and you shotil go and sec them. Blankets from 98 cento a pair up at Mrs. M. Isaac's. Fortson's lirug Store fills preserip .ons with the purest drugs that are made. Call for Shamrock sour, the best chaser ever put up. Cline & Ludwig. Oysters, wild duck, quail, etc., at Wilson's. Customers: 1 nave out a great many glasses, glass holders, spoons and waiters, that were left and forgotten. IMease call me up over the phone, my number is 27 and I will send for them. I thank you in advance. Fort son's Drug Store. CORRECT PHOTOS Thats What You can court on at WILSON'S STUDIO. Como aaid Give Ue a Trial High Art is Our Motto. Gloucester Stret. Our milk shake soda is a fine mel low drink. Try it. Put up by Cline A Ludwig. .LYNN CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB Andrew J. Wright, Prop. Cuits Cleaned, Pressed and Dyed. Repair Work a Specialty Hats Cleand, Dyed and Reblocked Prices gladly quoted on application 'Phone 394-2. 100 1-2 Gloucester If you need anything in the jew line fed Joel Brothers before you go to the high price jewelry etores. We a lot of untedaamed pledges. TO TICKLE YOUR APPETITE 1 1 Imported Fdan Cheese, , Imported Swiss Cheese, , Imported Parmasan Cheese, < Domestic Pine Apple Cheese, Domestic Creame Cheese, 1 KWS o"oc c e V RY, : Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Witecn’s Restaurant The Up-To-Date Place to Eat Delicacies of ttye Seasoi} OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE GAME OF ALL KINDS. ’Whcne 321 {Prompt Service Agency for WAGNER, the FLORIST. Wait For it 1 WILL HAVE THE LARG EST AND BEST LINE OF &MAS PRESENTS OPENE- J'R'kjr TtlON IN ABOUT TEN DAYS. WAIT FOR IT ]{cnnon Jvlolt ©pl?' 1*) Jeweler and Eye Speienlist 215 NKWCAKTI.K ST. Time by wire frem Washington Dialy. Keeper of the Ci'v Clock L i’ 1 1 *. ".teST i .-ii < • u • is sometimes i.cU’dati in a prestrip tton Hut costs fifty ctnt3. Maybe first . ~ ilc drugs would just barely i tie, i.iul second grade drugs prove just a trifle too went:. Life some tit ies hangs by a aair, and (hat hair may bn the quality of a single.drug. We buy oily tin highest grades, ir roruertive of cns 4 . In the tilling of prescriptions, profits nrs the last things wo think cl. SMITHS PHARMACY Cor. Newcastle and Mcnk Streets . 0 . • BRUNSWICK, • • GEORGiA. For Croup use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. Requites no labor 10 wash clothet n "Lavadura;” just put two table room, il in a large tub of water; let lie ci,.;lies soak in the treated v.afei ill night; they will be cio..uer tlia, ou can wash them by hand; no rub ■mi-'t; no scrubbing; nothing fades; nothing shrinks; just rinse them out iu clear water; that is all. Go to Penington's saloon, corner of Monk and Grant stroet.s. Fine wines, iquors and eigara \V. W. Fenning ca.. Before buying Christmas presents see some of Joel Bros, unredeemed pledges. You can get diamonds, Jew elry, watches, novelties, etc., at one third actual value, THE BRUNSWICK OAIL NEWS. WANT COLUMN. ~~ ~ s If you want a position, s house . servant, or wmt to And anything that has been lost, or want aorne thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this eo'umr FOR RENT. FOR RENT -Furnished rooms to rent to mec. 218 Union street. FOR RENT —Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. FOR RENT.—A five room house. Apply to 121 north Amherst street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms. Apply at 500 G street. FOR RENT—Rooms at 703 Union street. Electris lights and use of bath room. Apply on premises. FOR RENT. —The offices now occu pied by the United States custom house. Apply to Brobston, Fendig, & Cos. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms at 303 Union street. Apply on prem ises for rates. FOR SALE—We have a large quan tity of sand which we will sell at rea sonabje prices. The sand is well adapted for building purposes. Ward Grocery Cos. FOR EXCHANGE!—Nice country property for i.'lXy property. Apply to K f■>. if. T. Smith, 1211 George street. WANTED. —By a competent book keeper, a position or work of any kind. Best of reference. Address A. C. care News office. WANTED. —Fifty crosstie choppers at once at 15 cents per tie. Apply to Brobston. Fendig & Cos. WANTED—By a single man, nice furnished room with use of bath; dotes not mind paying good price. Ad dress S. this office. WANTED —Colored woman who is reasonably good cook. Call at The News office. WANTED—Nurse. Colored girl be tween 12 and 15 can, get good position by applying at this office this after noon at 4. WANTED—Energetic reliable, ~suc ccessfu! advertising solicitor amd col lector who can create new business and maintain it. Permanent position to right party. Address Hoit Blast, Anniston, Ala. PROFFESSIONAL NURSE. —Mrs. Regina Curley offers her services to the people of this city. Can give the very best of references as to her abil t.y as a professional nurse. Address at 401 G street JOHN D. ROUNTOS, “Brunswick’s Candy Btore." —j! N E sti tf^** t * r Finest Chocolates, Bon Bons, Crystal led Fruits, Fruit Tablets, 1 lb. and 1-2 lb Boxes of High Grade hocolates and Crystalixed Fruite —also— IT FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOS, ETC. Taffy Candy Made Daily 208 Newcastle Street ,COAL AND WOOD. | ■ ONEV & PARKER. "A st.tch in time saves nine” hav ; ig > ur clothes cleaned in time saves Pc. g new ones. Georgia Pressing j, .o, phone 144-4. PHILLIPS the TAILOR Opera House Block, ! Has a large and selected stock of new goods, for the coming season, best of work and perfect fit guar anteed. Pants made to order for $4.00. Suits made to order for $15.00. If j’ou want a Swell suit give me a call. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF GLYNN. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Honorable A. H. Mac- Donald, referee in bankruptcy, the un dersigned, trustee of the estate of Mat White, bankrupt, will sell at pub lic outcry, before the courthouse door, of Glynn county, Georgia, at Bruns wick, on the first Tuesday, being the first day of December, 1903, between he legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all of the following described property, being a part of the estate of said Matt White, bankrupt, o-wit: All of that certain lot, tract, of par cel of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Brunswick, said couqty and state, and being in that part of said city known as New- Town, and being! designated and described on the map) or plan of said city as New Town lot s’o. 2457, together with all the improve-’ monts thereon. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent of the purchase | price immediately after sale. Saiu | sale to bo made subject to the approv al of the court. At Brunswick, Ga.. this, November 6th. 180?. •J. 8. FRANKLIN, Trustee It Bankruptcy of the eitate of Matt White, baalwupt. _ THE * ARCADE : * 1 210 Gloucester Street * * • Is headquarters fer ail the f ular brands of whiskey on the * • Market. ’ WWW Saratoga, Yellow Stone ‘ Hunter, Magnet, Duke of ‘ berland, Wilson, r Club, Silas Johnson, Congress 5 ’ Hall, Cambridge Rye, Elgin Club, j ’including Bourbons, Gin3 Bran ‘dies, Imported and Domestic j f Wines, and a full line of popular j * Cigars. f t ) ( lam putting out a specialty j f that excells anything that has } t ever been offered to the public. t Four full quarts Elgin Club, an f excellent, high grade whiskey, , f put up in a neat package, for ( ' 93.85. Delivered to any point, ex-' ( press prepaid. f I would call special attention! f for medical and family use, to! Pure H. C. Bowen whiskey, this! ls an absolute distillation of 1880! Pool and Biliard Tables are I kept In an up to date ccndi * tion. t ! t ! t We serve an elegant FREE , t LUNCH from 11 to 1 p. m. } { ! f Your patrosage is highly ap-^ f predated. , t PHIL KELLER. } < k k k k k ‘a k k It k ‘a h k l BROWN & CO Contractors, Manufacturers, and hifr c ts of Railway Crossties and Dealers in YELLOW PINE LUMBER Brunswick, Ga. Electric ; Light mV:'- —— A A Pleasure and Convenience'' fl IT MAKES 4 Your homes look bright. No oily lamps to keep in order 4 Saves breaking lamp chimneys i Safest and best way of lighting , Only turn the button to get the ( light; easier than striking a match. DARK WINTER EVENINGS are here and now is the time to consider—For rates and inorma- ' tio n 'Phone or call on ■ MUTUAL LIGHT ' & WATER CO. , i New Plumbing Establishment We have owned a plumbing, gas atid steam fitting shop at No. 120 A street, where we will be pleased to serve the public. We will carry a nil stock of goods and are in a position to do any and all classes if work in cur hue. We are both orartical plumbery and know every detail of the business. Phose 228. Gilmore & Wood For LaGrippe i and Influenza use CHENEY S EX PECTORANT Everybody mutt try Lavaoura once fur bathing, or they will mi.=s tin greatest treat that money can buy sold by all leading grocery stores ana drug store? at 10 cents a pocka -o Go to Miss Slater's and get one of; thee* new lithograph pillow top fi ant'" sards to mateh, Juat reetlvad. Gives ■mMnMKOMMB 0 riant Ful ly nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be 9 1 traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- g fl GCllth els ‘ When these important organs fail to act £ regularly the system becomes clogged with 1 I impurities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s I Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently S and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid ■ lascative, and is good for svery member of the \/fr\ tIoW c family. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. 15 Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal J for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. Elixir f rp -pi [bay iron works? f Manufacturers and Repairers ot | Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills: Marine work a specialty. I t * ♦ Packings, Fittings ; ♦ and Supplies; ♦ Estimates Furnished Free of Charge. * : 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. f 4 w. Downing, Frestrenv. E. H. Mason, Vice-President. E.D.Waltsr, Cashier. The National Bank oi Brunswick BRUNSWICK, GA CAPITAL OF ON3 HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS end total RESOURCES In excess ot ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the -saistance of legit lmate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, firms and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts bear interest, compounded quar> •erly. Interest bewtsF ceriflcatee of deposit Issued on special terms. MONEY ORDJU3 of the “BANKERS' MONEY ORDER ASSOORft ION” are cheapo - or* convenient tha - or express. Bear m Mind Fir e Arms, Cutiery and Sporting Goods, Fishing T< ckle. EMPTY AND LUADED SHELL3 GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P .0. KtrSSLER Monk Street. CHAS. H. JEWETT —General Dealer in— TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES NEW AND 'ECOND HAND Stenography Taight. Sten-graphic wor'. done. BRUNSWICK, • ■ GEORGIA. Just received a full new line of eady-to-wearers. Give ue a call. Kenner Millinery, opera house build ng. : THE OQI ETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. Brunswick’s Only First Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuish-e. Perfect Service. C. P. GOODYEAR, JR. SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING WORK Will be glad to make special terms to parties for CORRESPONDENCE MANIFOLDiNG and LEGAL WORK Wrought Iron and W r ovea Wire Fencing The Celebrated PAGE make. C. W. DEtoiNG, General Agent. Brunswick, Ga. Quaker Dairy Feed is best for Milch I cows. Whoiesalo by. 7. 49 Burnett NOVEMBER 28, 1901 WOOD T-J- KENNER Bay and Gloucester. Phone 37t Pine 75 c Mixed 90 c Oak 1.00 - . tPV7IN w. dart, ' AHorney Cduhceticr at Lav*," Court Hoofc*- Sriinswlck, Ga. Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and eee J. H. Taakersiey and get one of hie. Last Leuer, sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes All grades ana prices to order. Fine line of Horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty ot repairing trunks, vailces, in faet all leather and carriage work neatiy done and with dispatch. Call on aim. J. H. TANKERSLEY. Jit&lUlSs k*ijf uigjaeis what y-.vj jt. Peck 3 Mule Feed best for horses, J. M. BumetL . WALTER C. BROBSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offiet with Brcbston, Fenaig & Cos. BRUNSWICK, GA. C. P. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Over James S. Wright s Gloucester Street, Brunswick, Ga. Try a box of "Belle Rose* cigars, guaranteed long filler at $1,50 per box ch£ 50. Satisfaction guaranteed or atreet refundeJ ' S- Levison, 310 Bay For Whooping Cough use GHE NEr’d EXPEC TORANT, gasoline ENGINES Stationary and Marine Fairbanks, Morse & Cos. m^ko. C. W. DEMiNG, 3ent ' Brunswick, G*. *i™ keryWare - Bilve ™are, unwary glassware can be washed beautifully of "***"■’• W. M, CO. u£,? ar t lnß *UU. Correspondence Solicit^ ■r'llf A \Ti- #a ,rimd •TkM.ifcS U V , n “L e pipe - 1 carr y the larg ©st assortment o t meet* shaum and briar pipes In the city. I P®,, n ° t B . ca * r 8 e fan y profits on them Call and be convinced. Mg Lavison, 310 Bay etreet. Phone 180,