The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, December 04, 1903, Image 4

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FRIDAY MORNING. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, JR., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. j SUBSCRIPTION RATES: r Terms of subscription In the city j fend by mall free of charge to all parts •f tho United States and Canada, Mexico, Porto Rico, Guam, Philippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: One Year ••••♦ 5 00 Six Months 2 50 1 Three Months 1,25 One Month 60 Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., post bfflce as second class mall matter. OFFCIAL ORGAN OF ; The city of Brunswick. The county of Glynn. ! Glynn county commissioners. I Tbe United States court of bank ruptcy for this district. Correspondence solicited; but to receive attention, letters must be ac companied by a responsible name, not lor publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. Rejected communications will be returned If accompanied by postage. Remittances should be made by pos tal note, check or money order or registered letter. Address, i News Publishing Cos. , ( Brunswick, Ga. " “ TELEPHONES. Business office, editorial rooms ...188 Society editor ' * 1 Office, 207 Gloucester Street PUBLISHERS NOTICE The News Publishing Company de sires it to bo distinctly understood that all leoal advertisements must be paid for in advance. We cannot afford i n ir .such adver tisements ana wait or. the courts for the money. ' some husbands and fathers no dwb‘ Wish they could Jump over Christmas. The house ad hte' to be waiting on each other to make the motion to adjourn. At last accounta'ceneral Wood was still explaining bow it was be recclv ed that present down in Cuba. If the coucil would do a good piece of work It will continue its work on the improvements of the streets oi the city. From all indications the Riflemen s lair is proving to he a great success both financially and from a social standpoint. The question of lease hold Interests |o town commons property is cue that Is of vital interest to property own era of this city. _ Wonder if Bryan will take part in Chamberlain s campaign In England? it he does you can put it down that Joe is a looser. Brunswick ought not to kick be cause we hrve no trolley lines. Just look at the trouble Atlanta is having Keeping warm in hers. WaycrOßS 1 two mayoralty candidates have decided to go hunting on the day of the election. Are they going in the woods to hunt votes? Old man Dowie seems to know what to do with money as well as he knows how to get it. He has soaked about seven hundred thousand lately. Thomas N. Theus, who died in Sa vannah Saturday, was an unrepentant "rebel." So pronounced was Mr. attitude upon the war question that he was always regarded as -'unrecon structed." • He habitually wore gray as his civilian garb, though deference to the uniform of the southern soldier and his abomination was the blue of would not participate in a parade of veteran--, bccinse Mue-clad regulars oi the United talas army were ia hue- ABSURDITY OF REWARDS. The governor of Alabama Is try ing the experiment of offering rewards for those concerned in lynching. The results will be barren, as it has been tried too often without success to ap prehend such persons. It is perhaps owing to the number of citizens en gaged in the work or assenting thereto It would be considered treacherous for anyone of a band of lynchers to give away the ames of others, and such revelation might lead to the lynching of the person giving suchin formatlon. Thus it ts shown the folly of attempting to find out and prose cute lynchers. Life is far better than money. Similar efforts have been I made in Florida. Sheriffs and other have at times made a great show of finding out who lynched a man but all the zeal manifested by such .officials soon evaporates and no one is either arrested or punished. When ithere can be perfect and unquestioned security against tho loss of life and property vouchsafed to a person evidence may be obtained to lead to the detection of a mob, hut not be fore. The thing is too risk to tamper with at present, and rewards will never be paid as long as life and prop erty of tho person giving informat ion is In danger. IN HAPPY RETIREMENT. Mr. Cleveland has chosen the better part. In taking himself definitely out of the list of presidential possibili ties, he renounces no honor which he has not already had in full measure, but confirms himself in the admira tion of his countrymen, while ensur ing an old age enriched by dignified leisure and troops of loving friends, instead of being embittered by strife and trouble. Cobden wrote, apropos of Lord Pal jo o2n etp jo usra ii,, jrnjj 'uojs.miu seventy-two with unsatisfied ambitions are desperadoes.' The saying is true of some men at other ages—say, forty five. But Mr. Cleveland has shown that libs ambitions are satisfied. Not even the extraordinary turning to him at this time of the hearts and hopes of thousands among the best in the land can move him to again Holt health and happiness in political turmoil. The third term traditions!, he does jk+f iutbiflon, buf-'undoubtedj|g*tectß IP. mi tin ■ I ' operative against 6ld enmities would be, fh&feVbf, though he could have doubtless ridden them down as so many times before. But, as, we say, his decision is a wise one. The villieaticms of a few years ago have given place to praise; his party is returning to his feet, his coun sels are sought with all the old confi dence. What better ornament of his declining years could he hope to have . —New York Evening Post. Old man Platt insists in. keeping his seat warm in that amen corner. Those Atlanta street car riders must be freezing to death during this cold spell. But the Atlanta papers are making it warm enough for the coim -4> nics. RICE CULTURE. Some Fine Points About the Growth of this Great Cereal. The reason that the Japenese are so muscular is that they do not polish their rice. In American mills the out side coating of tho rice kernel is rubbed off. The process is as follows: Ist. The outer husk is removed. 2ml. The bran, just within the husk, is re moved. 3rd. The solid kernel is then rubbed, to remove the rough por tein surface ami to give the kernel a gloss. This is called polishing and the material removed is called polish, one of the most nutricious substances in all the cereals. Polishing removes moire than threefouth of the liber material. In Japan, China and India polishing is not done, except for for eign markets. The Japenese army in the advance on Peking out-footed the armies of Russia, German", England, France and America. The Japenese soldier is fed on rice, with a ration of beans and fish. He can double-quick for four teen hours and repeat it for days. The Japenese or Chinese may be shot through the body and if no vital pat is cut, they scarcely notice tho wound. Bloe Is an article that is sold en tirely on its appearance, although we are candid to say that the unpolished rice contains more nutriment. But the public demands polished rice, and we have to give it to them. You could probably make arrang ments to buy unpolished rice if you desire it. Klee Is the greatest tood in the world. „ . . . Fresh Glynn county unpolished rice is now on sale by J. M. Burnett. Best dinner in town at Wilson’s today, 'phone 321. Four fine Indian ponies for sale. They are Just from the reservation. I Come and seo Ihuiu. H. McCrsry. TO TICKLE YOUR , APPETITE ' 1 Imported Edan Cheese, , Imported Swiss Cheese, , Imported Parmasan Cheese, . Domestic Pine Apple Cheese, 1 Domestic Creame Cheese, ' KWS GROCERY, Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Wilson’s Restaurant The Up-To-Date Place to Eat pil Delicacies of ti?e Seasoi? OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE GAME OF ALL KINDS. 'iPhone 321 Prompt tierviee Agency for WAGNER, the FLORIST. Wait For It I WILL HAVE THE LARG EST AND BEST LINE OF XMAS PRESENTS OPENE ED FOR YOUR INSPEC TION IN ABOUT TEN * e ii n on Jeweler tod 215 St- Time by wire frem Washington Dialy. Keeper of the City Clock tli . is sometimes .nciuded in a prescrip tion tint costs fifty cents. Maybe first grade drugs would just barely cure, and second grade drugs prove jurt a trine too weak.’o times hangs by a hair, and that hair mar bo tha quality of a single drug. We bur oriy the highest grades, ir respective of cost. In Che tilling ci prescriptions, profits arn the last things we think oi. SMITHS PHARMACY Cor. Newcastle and Monk Streets . • . . BRUNSWICK, • ■ GEORGIA. For Croup use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. Requires no labor to wash otothe.- in "Lavadura;” just put two tabic spoonsful in a large tub of water; let the clothes soak in the treated ware: all night; they will be cleaner than you can wash them’by hand; no rub bing; no scrubbing; nothing fades, nothing shrinks: just rinse them om clear water; that is all. Call for Shamrock sour, the best chaser ever put up. Cline & Ludwig. The best in the photograph line at Wilson’s. Read our phenomirtal 25 c offer for Friday in our ad elsewhere in this Issue. .Mrs. M. Isaac. SI,OO children's shoes at 75c at Is r.n-'j a nd Tuesday. THE BRUNBWICK DAIL NEWS. WANT COLUMN. If you want a position, a house, * servant, or wtnt to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this columr FOR RENT. ‘ FOR RENT —Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. FOR RENT—Rooms at 703 Union street. Llectris lights and use of bath room. Apply on premises. FOR RENT. —The offices now occu pied by the United States custom house. Apply to Brobston, Fendig, & Cos. FOR SALE —We have a large quan tity of sand which we will sell at rea sonable prices. The sand is well adapted for building purposes. Ward Grocery Cos. FOR SALE—Some fine mules, apply to H. S. McCrary. FOR EXCHANGE—Nice country property for city property. Apply to Mrs. M. T. Smith, 1211 George street, WANTED.—Fifty crosstie choppers at once at 15 cents per tie. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. LOST—Black and white setter dog, with name C. C. Califf on collar. Re turn to Brown & Cos. LOST—Red leather pocketbook con taining, valuable legal papers; will pay reward for return to S. D. Lamb, f.04 Monk street. LOST—At the Riflemen’s fair Wed ne®lay ngiht, a little baby pin set with one turquois. Reward will be paid for return to this office. WANTED —Energetic reliable, su ccessful advertising solicitor and col lector who can create new business and maintain it. Permanent position to right party. Address Hot Blast, Anniston, Al®. JOHN D. ROUNTOS, “Brunswick’s Candy Store.” NEW ARRIVALS of the Finest Chocolates, Bon Bons, Crystal ized Fruits, Fruit Tablets, 1 lb. and 1-2 lb Boxes of High Grade Chocolates and Crystalized Fruits —also — IT FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOS, ETC. Taffy Candy Made Daily 208 Newcastle Street. COAL AND WOOD, CfINEV & PARKER, savSr ( buying new ones. Georgia Pressing | clul/, phone 144-4. : PHILLIPS the TAILOR Opera House Block, ;Has a large and selected stock of. inew goods, fo the coming season, ; 'best of work and perfect tit guar-, | anteed. ’ Pants made to order for $4.00. ' Suits made to order for $15.00. If you want a Swell; Suit give me a call. If you need anything in the jqw line see Joel Brothers before you go to the high price jewelry stores. We a lot of untedeemed pledges. 50 cents underwear goes at 39 cents at Mrs. Isaac's. Confessions of a Priest. Rev. Jno. S. Cos, of Wake, Ark., writes, “For 12 years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a jifmber cf physicians and tried ail of medicines, but got no relief. Then I began the used of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve years.” If you want a re liable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by all druggists. Only 50c. Prices cut on all shoes Monday and Tuesday at Isaac’s. CORRECT PHOTOS Thats What Y'ou can count on at WILSON'S STUDIO. Come and Give Us a Trial High Art is Our Motto. Gloucester Stret. A Purgative Pleasure. if you ever took UeWitt's little ear ners for biliousness or constipa tion you know what a purgative pleas, uie is. These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all without producing unpleasant effects. They do not gripe, sicken ir weaken, but give .one and strength o the ussues and organse involved. W. H. Howell, of Houston, Tex., says: “No Letter piii can be used than rut ile Early Ui-ers for constipation...a.e aeadache, etc.” Sold by Joerger’s mar?. THE * ARCADE s • 210 Gloucester Street } Is headquarters for ai]_the pop-' ular brands of whiskey on the ' Market. WWW Saratoga, Yellow Stone' Hunter, Magnet, Duke of Cum-] berland, Wilson, Metropolitan, Club, Silas Johnson, Congress, Hall, Cambridge Rye, Elgin Club,; including Bourbons, Gins Bran-, dies, Imported and Domestic, Wines, and a full line of popular, Cigars. I am putting out a specialty ' that excells anything that has ’ ever been offered to the public. ‘ Four full quarts Elgin Club, an ‘ excellent, high grade whiskey, ’ put up In a neat package, for ’ $3.85. Delivered to any point, ex | press prepaid. ■ I would call special attention ■ for medical and family use, to . Pure H. C. Bowen whiskey, this [ is an absolute distillation of 1880 [ Pool and Biilard Tables are ’ kept In an up to date ccndi [ tion. I k - f We serve an elegant FREE f LUNCH from 11 to 1 p. m. I " > Your patrosage is highly ap • predated. \ PHIL KELLER. BROWN & CO Contractors, Manufacturers, and kippers of Railway Crossties and Dealers in YELLOW PINE LUMBER Brunswick, Ga. ; Electric : Light _ -mmm A Pleasure and Convenience S |IT MAKES „ ■ [ Your homes look bright. No oily lamps to keep in order ' Baives breaking lamp chimneys | Safest and best way of lighting Only turn the button to get the , light; easier than striking a ’ match. DARK WINTER EVENINGS ’ are here and now is the time to ' consider—For rates and inorma tion 'Phone or cail on MUTUAL LIGHT i & WATER CO. New Plumbing Establishment We have opened a plumbing, gas and steam fitting shop at No. 120 A street, where we will bo pleased m ;erve the public We will carry r. ill stock, of goods and are in a position to do any and all classes of work in our line. We are both nraeticat plumbers and know every detail of the bnsinass. Phose 228. Gilmore & Wood 120 A STnEET. For LaGrippe and Influenza use CHENEY S EX PECTORANT Miss Slater will have in anew line of handsome trimmed hats by Wednes day. Ladies com e and see them and see If we can’t tempt your pocket book. Go to Miss Slater’s and get one of those new lithograph pillow top* and •ards to match. Juit received. Gives —t—mi mi Full / nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be I ■* traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- 1 Health els - When these important organs fail to act I v regularly the system becomes clogged with f I impurities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s K Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently I and thoroughly cieanses the system. It is the perfect liquid B laxative, and is good for overy member of the JUT sy „ family. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. JTAtiZIMy S Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal J ptYSpifi for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. Elixir THE j BAY IRON WORKS! Manufacturers and Repairers oL Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills! Marine work a specialty Packings, Fittings and Supplies Estimates Furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, President and Manager, Secretary and Treasurer. c. Downing, f*ratio.nt. E. H. Mason,Vlce-Pret;dent. E.O.Walter, Cashier. The National Bank oi Brunswick BRUNSWICK, GA CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES In excesa oi ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the .~4slstan<sa of tegit lmate busineae enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Invited from Individuals, firms and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts bear interest, compounded qumv terly. Interest b> irlnj cerificates of deposit Issued on special terms. MONEY ORDERS of the “BANKERS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOC!* ION” are uheape-' sir. ' or convenient tha' pot to thee or express. Bear m Mind i That we Sell Fire Arms, Cutlery and Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle. EMPTY AND LOADED SHELL3 GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P.O. KESSLER Monk Street. CHAS. H. JEWETT —General Dealer In— TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES NEW AND SECOND HAND Stenography Taught. Stenographic work done. SRUNSWiCk, • • GEORGIA. Just received a full new line of •eady-to-wearers. Give us a call. Kenner Millinery, opera houee build ng. - \ THE OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. ; BrunswicL’s Only First Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuisbie. Perfect Bervlce. 1 C. P. GOODYEAR, JR. SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING WORK ; Will be glad to make special terms to parties for CORRESPONDENCE MANIFOLDING and LEGAL WORK I—- W 2*ought Iron and Woven Wire Fencing The Celebr. led PAGE make. C. W, DEMING, General Agent. Brunswick, Ga. Quaker Dairy Feed is best for Milch cowa. SVitolwale b* i Buanstt, DECEMBER 4, 1903 WOOD T J- KENNER Bay and Gloucester. Phone 37£ Pine 75 c Mixed 90 c Oak 1.00 60VYIN W. U Oil' l Xbout your harness, but call end •ee J. H. Tankersley and get one i t his. Laet Better, belie Cheaper, Gives Best baUsiacuou ot any. Jtle all gradf-3 and prices to order l ice line ot horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a speciuity ot repairing trunks, r slices, in £aot ail leather aud carriage work neatly done and with dispatch Cali on alto. J. H. TANKERSLEY. f Skill*© SiSMts what V-m *■■?*< Peck’s Mule Feed best tor horses. J. M. Burnett Walter c. brobston, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office w!*.n trobsten. Fermig & Cos. BRUNSWICK, GA. C. P. GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Over James S. Wr: jht’s Gloucts-er Street. Brunswick, Ga. Try a box of “Belle Rose’ clgcr-t, guaranteed long filler at $1,50 per box c£ 50. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S. Leviscn, 310 Bay street For Whooping Cough use CHE NEv ’3 EXPEC TORANT. GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary and Marine Fairbanks, Morse & Cos. Make. C. W. DEMING, Agent. Brunswick, o*. Crcckeryware, silverware, tmwarq glassware can be washed beautifully clean without danger of scratching with Lavadura. IV. r. TUFV-Jfi & CO., srding ant* Shipping Agents. Lights. .gt, Tewing ami Marina in< •ii ran or. Correspondenca firhisiffi • SUf’iWifw. m Wine List for the Holidays. N. C. Scuppernong wine, port, sherry, muscatel, tokay, catawba and black berry wine. Per gallon SI.OO per bot tle 25 cents. Sig Levison, 310 Bay street, phone 130. Wilson has a fresh shipment of ducks, quail and other same,