The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, December 13, 1903, Image 4

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SUNDAY MORNING. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, JR., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Terms of subscription in the city and by mall free of charge to all parts of the United States and Canada, Porto Rico, Guam, Philippine islands and Hawaiian Islands: One Year : * 5 00 Six Months 2 00 Three Months 1-25 One Month 50 Entered at. the Brunswick, Ca., post office as second class mall matter. OFFCIAL ORGAN OF The city of Brunswick. The county of Giynn. Glynn county commissioners. The United States court of bank ruptcy for this district. Correspondence solicited; but to receive attention, letters must be ac companied by a responsible name, not lor publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. Rejected communications will be returned if accompanied by postage. Remittances should be made by pos tal note, chock or money order or registered letter. Address, News Publishing Cos. Brunswick, Ga. “ TP I.fOHCN E S. Business office, editorial rooms ...188 Society editor 147-3 Office, 207 Gloucester Street PUBLISHERS NOTICE The News Publishing Company de sires It to bo distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We cannot afford to devote our space to such adver tisements and wait on the courts for the money. It is about timi' for Ktppling to sing of the burden down in Panama. The city clack should strike the next fellow that smashes its far e. . Tire criminals will receive the at tenton of Glynn superior court next week. With a carnival and Christmas all In one week the average Biunswlck ian should be happy. Anew school house and anew church in lirunswek in one year. Tru ly we are on the right line. Cleveland does not want the nomi nation. Bryan does not want him to have it in consequence for once these two gentlemen agree. The coming of the oil plant only indicates what the people of this city can do when they get together on a proposition. If that new resolutions to cut down southern representation on the nation al republican committee, goes into effect, the idly whites in the south will lie few and far 'between. Head the new advertisements in these columns this morning and then go and do your Christmas shopping with the merchants, who are enter prising enough to let you Know that they arc in business and progres sive enough to make bid for your patronage. It should be a source of general satisfaction to the people of this city to Know that the commerce committee of congress lias reported favorably on tin proposed b.'l providing for a light ship fir the port of Brunswick, it the recommendations of this commit tee is carried into effect and tilts light ship is given to us. it will prove to be of great value to the shipping inter ests of Brunswick. The bill lias been before congress for some time and It is to be hoped that the action of the commerce committee will prevail in luis instance STILL TALKING OF IT. The papers of the state press gen erally are still talking of a proposed extension of the Atlantic & Birming ham to Atlanta and to tide water As 'vo sai l some time ago it seems to i- that l:o ,- e is a splendid opportunity for lhe progressive business men of this eitv lo bring this line to Bruns wick. One thing is certain if the line is constructed to Atlanta, according to the plans as are being outlineed, then * js a matter of fact, it will have to have a deep water terminus. V,'< gr now closer to the line than any otbei seaport and, having all ol other necessary advantages, we urelhe logical tide water port of the project. \> of i (Hirso do not know how re liable the rum rs in this connection re, I in we do know that the matter i being lull ed about in other eilio: to a large extent and we linow that we should be giving the subject more oonsiderati n here at home. JEFFERSON ON THE ISTHMUS. Those who have studied the writ ings of Thomas Jefferson are astonish ed at his great versatality, remarks the Columbia State. He studied prob lems of all kinds, from the theory of government to the proper shape of a plow mould. Seme one lias published a letter written by him in 1787 to a member of the French Aeademv of Science, in which he asserts that if a small cut can be made through the Isthmus of Pannama the curent flowing from the Atlantic to the Pacific would soon cut a broad deep pathway capable of bearing seagoing vessels from one ocean to the other. The deflection of the equatorial current through this way would give an uninterrupted flow eastward and would make the G.ulf of Mexico a stagnant and safe body of water. The gulf stream would dis appear from the coast of the United States and a lhSßf—BWß.aiou-w.n—wß would result, the fogs along the hanks of Newfoundland would disappear, and the fisheries, for lack of wram water and tropical weeds, might be rendered less valuable. It is known that the level of the Pacific at Pannama is a few inches lower than that of the Atlantic at Colon, and this of itself might induce a current. All this is interesting; but as the canal will have locks the Columbia State thinks there will be no oppor tunity to test Jefferson’s theory. AT LAST. The announcement that the Atlantic Coast Line is to discontinue its box ear passenger service into and out of tlie city ought to be a matter of great satisfaction to the people of Bruns wick generally. While we never could understand why this line has so openly discrim inated against Brunswick in the mat ter of its passenger service, we are none the less pleased that they have at last agreed to accord us, even in a small fashion, that recognition, we merit by reason of the dollars upon dollars we annually, monthly and daily pour into its treasury. As we have said wo are delighted that the visitors to Brunswick and those leaving via the Atlantic Coast Line in the fuutre will not be thrown into a train of flat, box and third class passenger coaches, so old in the cause that they represent relics of antiquity, in the future. There are very few points on the Coast line system that pay better dividends in ratio to investment than is the case here in Brunswick, and we reiterate we are glad that the company lias decided, at last, to give us passenger cars and passenger trains, instead of box and flat cars and log trains, in the transportation of human freight from and to this city Minority le.uiei Williams seems ti oe a live wire and is giving the ma jority in congress some trouble. ‘‘A st.tch in time saves nine” hav ing your clothes cleaned in time saves buying new ones. Georgia Pressing club, phone 144-4. Miss Slater wilt have in anew line of handsome trimmed hats by Wednes day. Ladies come and see them and see if we can’t tempt your pocket book. Go to Miss Slater’s and get one of those new lithograph pillow tops and oards to match. Juet received. Have your Sunday suit pressed by the Georgia Pressing Club. Phone 144-4. f ~ fi EM M < IMI t TIE A STRING < AROUND YOUR FINGER sj, if you can’t remember any oth 7, er way that this is the time and *- the place to get your material * for your Fruit Cake. Our motto 1 ' is the purest and the best the 7. r ( market affords. ( kFAMv’C. FANCY 1 *> 1 J GROCERY, Phone 11. 312 Newcastle^ Wilson’s Restaurant The Up-To-Date Place to Eat pll Delicacies of tl?e Season OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE GAME OF ALL KINDS. 'ffhene 321 ffrompt derviee Agency for WAGNER, the FLORIST. Wait For It I WILL HAVE THE LARG EST AND BEST LINE OF XMAS PRESENTS OPENE ED FOR YOUR INSPEC TION IN ABOUT TEN DAYS. WAIT FOR IT I{cuiiou sJott (f)pty. Jeweler and Eye Speicalist 215 Newcastle St. Time by wire frem Washington Dialy. Keeper of the City Clock THE PRICE OF A L^FE. is sometimes .ucludsu in a prescrip tion that costs nfty cents. Maybe first grade drugs would just bareiy cure, and second grade drugs prove just a trifle too weak. Life some times hangs by a hair, and that hair may be the quality of a single drug. We buy ot’ly the highest grades, ir respective of cost. In the filling of prescriptions, profits ars the last things we think cf, SMITHS PHARMACY Cor. Newcastle and Monk Streets . c • • BRUNSWICK, • • GEORGIA. For Croup use CHENEY'S EX PECTORANT. THE GEM FRUiT STORE. Next to Morgan’s Drug Store STAFF LYONS, Propr. Everything in the Fruit Line, Cigare, Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff adn SMOKERS’ SUPPLIES Fine Domestic and French Candles CANDY MADE DAILY FROM THE CHOICEST SYRUPS. Come and See Me. STAFF LYONS. Lavadura is the finest thing for washing your pets, doe* and eats, be ues, children and grown people. fHK BRUNSWICK BAIL NEWS. WANT 'COLUMN. If you want a position, a house, • servant, or want to And anything that has been loat, or want some thing that someone else has. ad yortise in this column. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. FOR RENT—Rooms at 703 Union street. Blectris lights and use of bath room. Apply on premises. FOR RENT.—The offices now occu pied by the United States custom house. Apply to Brobston, Fendig, & Cos. FOR SALE—We have a large quan tity of Band which we will sell at rea sonable prices. The sand is well adapted for building purposes. Ward Grocery 00. FOR SALE—Some fine mules, apply to H. S. McCrary. FOR EXCHANGE—Nice country for city property. Apply to 'Mrs. M. T. Smith, 1211 George street. LOST—At the Riflemen’s fair Wed nesday ngiht, a little baby pin set with one turquois. Reward will be paid for return to this office. WANTED —At Once an Al.lecturer. suitable for a medicine show. Good talker. Address H. S., Brunswick Daily News. JOHN D. ROUNTOS, “Brunswick's Candy Store." NEW ARRIVALS of the Finest Chocolates, Bon Bons, Crystal ized Fruits, Fruit Tablets, 1 lb. and 1-2 lb Boxes of High Grade 'ihocolatee and Crystalized Fruits —also— IT FRUITS, CIGARB AND TO BACCOS, ETC. Taffy Candy Made Daily * 206 Newcastle Street. GOAL AND WOOD. CONEY A PARKER, vLYNN CLEANING AND PREBSING CLUB Andrew J. Wright, Prop. —-♦v.T,i,Q-oseeri an.d .OYSd* Repair Work a Specialty Hate Cleand, Dyed and Reblocked Prices gladly quoted on application ’Phone 394-2. 100 1-2 Gloucester Confessions or a Priest. IRey. Jno. S. Cox, at Wake, Ark., writes, "For 12 years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted • number c{ physiciam and tried All sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then I began the used of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve years.” If you want a re liable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get Electric Sitters, It’s guaranteed by ell druggists. Only 60s, . NOW IS THE TIME to have those XMAS PHOTO* TAKEN . Do Not Wait Until the LAST MOMENT WILSON’S STUDIO. Gloucester btret. THE DAVIB HOUSE 307 Norwich St GOOD BOARD AND EXCELLENT ROOMS. Rates per day 75a Rates per week $3.50 We have the finest feather beds in the city. Special attention to TRANSIENT TRADE Fancy glassware of all kinds take fine polish after being washed with Lavadura. Ladies Bhlrts and Wraps Cleaned and pressed or dyed at Jim Carter’s 504 Monk street, ’phone 255-2. A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING Laying Carpets and Matting, Puttinr n Cane Seats in Chairs, Mattreses made and renovated, Furniture re sacked and carpets cleared, Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOMAS. 110 GlOUeent.. Street Wanted — 500 Men To their via soiled clothes to tho GEORGIA PRESSING CLUB and have them made same sc r,w. If you aro not satisfied with the job no charge is Made. ‘Phene 144 4. W. L. JENKINS, Mgr. C. P. GOODYEAR, JR. SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING WORK Will bs glad to mako special terms to parties for CORRESPONDENCE MANIFOLDING and LEGAL WORK lO Per Cent Discount for CASH n * * * * * * * # *—*—^ — The Most Beautiful and Varied Line of Holiday Goods Ever Shown in the City. The following list may Suggesst something you want FOR LADIES HAND PAINTED CHINA, CUT GLASS, in all Designs ARTISTIC PICTURES POCKET BOOKS CARD CASES ; FRENCH CHINA, of all kind* rHAVJLAND CHINA DINNER SETS LADIES’ JEWEL CASES BURNT WOOD GOLD PENS AND PENCILS WRITING DESKS PRETTY STATIONERY MANICURE SETS ALL THE LATEST BOOKS, INCLUDING THE NEW CIBSON BOOK, THE CHRISTIE, PERCE AND GIL BERT PICTURES, CHRISTMAS CARDS AND BOOKLETS TO SUIT EVERY BODY. Fleming Waff, ATTENTION, ATTENTION, ATTENTION i lis-u, • Jat-ii.i free Street frlr and Carnival, December 15 to 19 Inclusive Featuring NICK CARTER THE WODLD’S HIGH DIVER, DIVING FROM A NINETY-FOOT LADDER INTO A TANK CONTAINING BUT FOUR FEET OF WATER. FREE BAND CONCERTS DAILY _ _ _ ATTRACTIONS FURNISHEDBY ft Berger Exposition Company gdt; We Have -Christmas Presents- For Everybody The Largest Stock of FIREWORKS In the City DECEMBER 13, i303, FOR GENTLEMEN TRAVELING CASES BILL BOOKS WATERMAN’S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS CARD CASES RAZORS, In sets or Single POCKET KNIVES ' GENTEMEN’S DESK SETS SILVER PENCILS GOLD PENS HANDSOME INK STANDS PAPER CUTTERS GENTLEMENS MANICURE SETS