The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, December 15, 1903, Image 4

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TUESDAY MORNING. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARENCE H. LEAVY. Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, JR., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Terms of subscription In the city and by mall free of charge to all parts of the United States and Canada, Mexico, Porto Rico, Guam, Philippine islands and Hawaiian Islands: One Year 5 5 On Six Months 2 Three Months 125 One Month 50 Entered at the Brunswick, Ga„ post office as second class mail matter. OFrCIAL ORGAN OF The city of Brunswick. The county of Glynn. Glynn county commissioners. The United States court of hank ruptcy for this district. Correspondence solicited; but 4° reeelvo attention, letters muflt be ao eompanled by a responsible name, not for publication, but as a guarantee of pond faith. Rejected communications will be returned If accompanied by postage. Remittances should be made by pos tal note, check or money order or registered letter. Address, New* Publishing Cos. Brunswick, Ga. TELEPHONES. Business office, editorial rooms ...188 Society editor 147 3 Office, 207 Gloucester Street PUBLISHERS NOTICE The New* Publishing Company de ■lres It to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We cannot afford to devote our space to such adver tisements and wait on the courts for the money. Old Suator Morgan’s speech on the Panama sll nation seems to have waked up the g. o. p. That was wrong In Savannah to pass that duo hundred dollar counterfeit bill on Senator Tillman. Congressman Lamar, the new mem ber from Florida, seems to get on to things at once. He is an old Georgian Maybe that accounts for it. What Is the matter with presenting W. J. Bryan to Europe for a Christ mas present? He seems to he in bet ter favor over there than ho is at home. The Macon Telegraph is paying at tention just now to the various char acter and kinds of cats. We could furnish some Information on the sub ject of cat fish. That was a great dispensation on the part of the Atlantic Coast Line to give Brunswick a passenger tram. When measured hy what Brunswick gives the Coast Line, every train in and out of the city should he a strictly first class one. Lee Crlhb, the Coffee county mur derer, has one more chance to dodge the scaffold. The commission appoint ed by the governor is now investigat ing his sanity. An Atlanta man is going to roll a whselbjjrrow froan Atlanta to St Ixmis just to show that Atlanta is enterprising. To demonstrate that fact it seems that he would make the trip in a flying machine. tv congratulate both Dr. A. C. lllain and Surgeon General Wyman on (he appointment of the former to the po sition of Assistant Surgeon of the .Ma rine Hospital Service in this city. Dr. Blain is eminently qualified for the position and Uncle Sam is to he rogrMulated on finding a physician of such splendid ahilitiea to succeed the n- Rurf-rd. through whoae death the vacancy occurs. A HUMAN NATURE STORY. The case of J. E. Starke, on trial in Jacksonville, charged with the murder of his own brother-in-law, is attracting attention all over the south, and is of general interest in this city as a former Brunswickian, Thomas C. Bor den, has been brought into the case. The story is one of those old ones that deal with the infidelity of a wife and the doings of a lothario. It is a story teeming with human nature interest The wronged husband inadvertently finds a love letter written to his wife by one of his fel low citizens and supposed to bo friends He loved his wife madly and this sudden revelation of her falsity dethrones n as r, and serves to demon ize the very soul of the man. He seeks the office of the brother of his wife, and there finds her, who had brought dishonor to his name. Whether from madness or otherwise the truly aggrieved husband pulls a pistol and fires, (presumably at the woman who had despoiled IBs home VV ■ - The hall strikes the brother-in-law and death results. Starke, the husband, is arrested and placed in jail and these are the cirucmstanccs that are now I/' ing fought out in the criminal court of Duval county in Jacksonville. The tacts in this very sad case play upon all the emotions of human life The false wile, the erring- husband, (for Borden was a married man), the grief of th<s wronged man, the gay love letters, all weave together a story full of wiaywardnesss and duplicity, teeming with a woman’s ingratitude and a man’s lack of manhood. Starke lias teen on trial a week anti the case Is not yet ended, but it seems that the defense is making a splendid fight and will yet save the defendant from the noose. However, there is another very sad feature to this affair. A good woman is in widow's weeds, and a loving husband and father is in the grave, nil because of the falsity otf the wom an. Angel, who lost his life in the oiise, was in no wise connected with the facts in the matter, and why lie and his should he made to suffer so ardently is another of those decrees of fate that baffle beings human and evidence the inscrutability of tlie Oin uipotent.. THEY ARE PROGRESSIVE. A reference to the advertising col umns of The News this morning will convince the most skeptical of our peo ple that the merchants of this city are thoroughly progressive and enter prising. They have purchased large amounts of space and they make bold to bid for the holiday undo of the peope of their city. We commend them for their outer prise and we are Indulging the hop< that the people of Brunswick will pat rtrnlzc h; me merchants and especial)} those who come to you and tell you they have what you want and will appreciate your trade. Wo cannot understand how a mer chant will expect the people to come and purchase his wares if lie fails to let them know what he has, or that ho wants the patronage. Patronise the business man who is energetic and public spirited enough to say to you thut lit is in business and wants you to trade with bun Head our advertising columns this morning and then go and do your shopping and do it with those who are represented in The Nows, lor they arc aggressive, hustling merchants to do business with. Nicholls, on the line ot the it. & lh. seems to be growug ut a rapid rat* . Wo have all kinds of beer here in Brunswick. What's the matter with having Bishops? It is truly good signs of the times when the board of aldermen for tho next year have not been heseiged with office hunters. "What 1 see on a Mexican Dollar was the unique subject of Her . Phil lips in Augusta Suday, and the Chron Sole thinks that during the Bryan dm paign the gold bugs could see only 60 cents in it. The New York Telegraph says that "if you are fond of statistics you may be interested to learn that during the past year the i■ wo consumed by Americans would fill a canal 100 miles long. 100 feet wide and 10 feet deep. Yttiat is } hi displacement FOR THE HOLIDAYS WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING SPECIAL LINES OF TURKEYS, DUCKS, CHICKENS AND OTHER EDIBLES FOR the Christmas Trade I ALSO CARRY MY IJSU AL LINE OF CHOICE WESTERN BEEF, PORK, LAMB AND EVERY THING IN THE MEAT LINE. Albert ylrnheiter, PHONE 89. 207 MONK STREET. j&BSk TIE A STRING AROUND YOUR FINGER , If you can’t remember any oth . er way that this is the time and . the place to get your material • for your Fruit Cake. Our motto • is the purest and the best the ! market affords. W’s oSy. t ; Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Wilson's Restaurant The Up-To-Date Place to Eat fill Delicacies of tf?e Seasor? OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE GAME OF ALL KINDS. ’Whom 321 Prompt Service Agency for WAGNER, the FLORIST. Wait For It I WILL HAVE THE LARG EST AND BEST LINE OF XMAS PRESENTS OPENE ED FOR YOUR INSPEC TION IN ABOUT TEN DAYS. WAIT FOR IT Kcmioii Nijolt Jeweler and Eye Spcicalist 215 Newcastle St- Time by wire from Washington Dialy. Keeper of the City Clock || • *** THE PRICE OF A LIFE. is sometimes .ncludsd in a proscrip tion that costs fifty cents. Maybe first grade drugs would just barely cure, and second grade drugs prove just a trifle too weak. Life some times hangs by a hair, and that hair nay be the quality of a single drug. We buv only the highest grades, ir respective of cost. In the tilling of prescriptions, profits ars the last things we think oi'. SMITHS PHARMACY Cor. Nswcastle and Monk Streets .... BRUNSWICK, . . GEORGIA. Ladies Shirts and Wraps cleaned and pressed or uyed at Jim Carter's 504 Monk street, 'phone 253-2. Lavadura is the finest thing fi t washing your pets, dogs and eats, b *ie* children and grown people. THE BRUNSWICK. DAIL NEWS. WANT COLUMN. If you want a position, a house, servant, or want to find anything that hat been lost, or Wj,nt soma thing that someone else has, ad vertiae in this column FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. FOR RENT —Rooms at 703 Union street. Electris lights and use of bath room. Apply on premises. FOR RENT. —The offices now occu pied by the United States custom house. Apply U> Brobston, Fendig, & Cos. 2 FOR SALE —We have a large quan tity of sand which we will sell at rea sonable prices. The sand is well adapted for building purposes. Ward Grocery Cos. FOR SALE—Some fine mules, apply to H. S. McCrary. FOR EXCHANGE—Nice country property for city property. Apply to Mrs. M. T. Smith, 1211 Georgo street. LOST—At the Riflemen’s fair Wed nesday ngiht, a little baby pin set with one turquois. Reward will be paid for return to this office. WANTED—At once an Al.lecturer, suitable for a medicine show. Good talker. Address H. S., Brunswick Daily News. JOHN D. ROUNTOS, ‘‘Brunswick’s Candy Store.” JUST ARRIVED A FRESH NEW LINE OF XMAS GOODS. Finest Chocolates, Bon Bons, Crystal- Ized Fruits, Fruit Tablets, 1 lb. and 1-2 lb Boxes of High Grade dhocolates and Crystalized Fruits —also— FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOS, ETC. Taffy Candy Made Daily 208 Newcastle Street. COAL AND WOOD, CONEY & PARKER. iLYNN CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB Andrew J. Wright, Prop. Buits Cleaned, Pressed and Dyed. Repair Work a Specialty Hats Cleand, Dyed and Reblocked Prices gladly quoted on application ’Phono 394-2. 100 1-2 Gloucester NOW IS THE TIME to have those XMAS PHOTOS TAKEN Do Not Wait Until the LAST MOMENT WILSON'S STUDIO. Gloucester Strut. THE DAVIS HOUSE 307 Norwich St GOOD BOARD AND EXCELLENT ROOMS. Rates per day 75 c Rates per week $3.50 Wo have the finest feather beds in the city. Special attention to TRANSIENT TRADE Fancy all kinds take fine polish after -gashed with Lavadura. Wanted — 500 Men To their Id soiled clothes to the GEORGIA PRESSING CLUB and have them made same as r.ew. If you are not satisfied with the j.-b no charge is made. ‘Pncne 1414. W. L. JENKINS, Mgr. C. P. GOODYEAR, JR. SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING WORK Will be glad to make special terms to parties for CORRESPONDENCE MANIFOLDING and LEGAL WORK A. R. 'J. C. UPHOL3TERINS AND CANING Laying Carpets and Matting, Puttie In Cane Scats in Chairs, made and renovated, Furniture re packed and carpets clear :d, Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOMAS, 110 Gloucester street. ——i——anwun , i ia^a lO For Cent Discount for 0./3LSIH * * * * * * * *— * —*—*—— The Most Beautiful and Varied Line of Holiday Goods Ever Shown in the City. , The following list may Suggesst something you want FOR LADIES HAND PAINTED CHINA, CUT GLASS, in all Designs ARTISTIC PICTURES POCKET BOOKS CARD CASES FRENCH CHINA, of all kinds HAVILAND CHINA DINNER SETS LADIES’ JEWEL CASES BURNT WOOD GOLD PENS AND PENCILS WRITING DESKS PRETTY STATIONERY MANICURE SETS ALL THE LATEST BOOKS, INCLUDING THE NEW GIBSON BOOK, THE CHRISTIE. PERCE AND BIL BERT PICTURES, CHRISTMAS CARDS AND BOOKLETS TO SUIT EVERY BODY. Fleming $£ Waff t ATTENTION, ATTENTION, ATTENTION • Nif f tiiau. free direct frir and 'Carnival, 1 - December 15 to 19 Inclusive Featuring NICK CARTER THE WODLD’S HIGH DIVER, DIVING -ROM A NINETY-FOOT LADDER INTO A TANK CONTAINING BUT FOUR FEET OF WATER. FREE BAND CONCERTS DAILY ATTRACTIONS FURNISHED BY Berger Exposition Company We Slave -Christmas Presents- For Everybody The Largest Stock of FIREWORKS In the City DECEMBER 15, 1903. FOB GFNTLEMEN TRAVELING, CASES BILL BOOKS WATERMAN’S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS CARD CASES RAZORB, in sots or Single POCKET KNIVES GENTEMEN’S DESK SETS SILVER PENCILS BOLD PENS HANDBOME INK STANDS PAPER CUTTERS GENTLEMENS MANICURE SETS