The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, December 22, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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6 STEAMBOAT LINES, MALLORY LINE TO NEW YORK. Arrives every Monday; Leaves very Friday at high tide. Dock, foot cf Minis (Sold street. CUMBERLAND ROUTE. Dally except Sunday.—Steamer Em meline. Lr. Brunswick 8:00 a. m. Hr. Fernand lna 12 00 m. l,v. Fernandlna 1 30 p. m. Ar. Brunswick 5 30 p. m. TVyl- - *• —l •ft. SIMONS ROUTE. Bteamer Egmont. Lv. Frunswlck 2 00 p. m. lAr. Brunswick 11 00 a. m. lAr. Brunswick 0 00 p. la. Dock, foot of Mansfield street. !Lv. Brunswick 00 a. m DARIEN AND ST. SIMONS ROUTE. Steamer Hessio. Ar Darien 12 00 m. J.v. Darien 2 00 p. in. Hr. Brunswick 6 00 p. m. Dock, foot of Monk street. YOU NEED NEVER ASK US If a thing s “the best.” The fact that we sell it answers ineat question. Physicians generally know this, anu for that reason our prescription business is large. SMITH’S PHARMACY. 201 Newcastle Street. ARE YOU GOING NORTH OR WEST. ...THE... LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R. R. offers unexcelled passenger sen ice Modern trains carrying Pullman Sleep era, up-to-date Coaches, tree Reclining Chair Cara and Dining Cars between Souther and Northern cities. The Finest Doting Car Service in the South. All Agents Sell Through Tickets via L. A N. For rates, schedules and sleeping car reservations, apply to J. M. FLEMING, Florida Passenger Agent, 206 Wes'. Bay St.. Jacksonville C. L. Stone G. P. A., Louisville, Ky Have your Sunday suit pressed by the Georgia Pressing Club. Photo 144-4. Huyler's candies sold at Fortscn's drug store. TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE XMAS TRADE. WE HAVE A HANDSOME LINE OF SPECIALLY ORDERED TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. ALSO A FINE LOT OF NOVELTIES IN THE CIGAR AND SMOKERS CLASS . ALL JUST THE THIN© FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. REMEMBER, WE CARRY EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE. IN DRUGGIST SPECIALTIES, CANDIES, STATIONERY AND BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS, WE ARE OFFERING SOME GENUINE HOLI DAY PRICES, THAT WILL AND MUST ATTRACT YOU. t J|-Jj PRESCRIPTIONS ARE OUR LONG SUIT. j A Morgan’s Brag dtore. TELEPHONE 46. TT; L. J. Leavy, A. H. Leavy ffhe Brunswick Auction & 'Commission Xo. L. J. Leavy & Son, Mgrs. If you want to Buy or C-ii -avlb!,.' — *- - AUCTION^ COM Ml SSI ON N, RENTING, STOCKS, COLLECTING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS, Liberal advances made on Consignments. Here are Some Holiday Prices Oat Meal 10 cents. Flour, Best Patent. 24 'bs 65c Grits per peck 20c Meal, per peck t 20c Sugar, Granulated, 15 1-2 lbs sL.ol< Lard 10c Lard, Compound, per lb 5c Butter 23 cents j Bacon, best per lb luc j Bacon, good, 7 l-2c. 2 ibs lor Coffee, ArnuokJe’s 12e Irish Potatoes, per peck 30c Soap, Octagon, 6 bars, 2! Tomatoes, 1 cans 25 .Tomatoes. 3 cans .. .. 20c C. L. Parker, “A et-tch in time saves nine" hav ing your clothes cleaned in time saves buying new ones. Georgia Pressing | dub, phone 144-4. i __ ! Ship Notice. Neither the master, consignees or! ■ owners of the Italian bark, Scottish j Chief, will be responsible for any debts : contracted by the crew of said bark. { Oloose, Master. Special Notice. All bills against the British S. S. "Gorjistan" must bo presented at our office before noon today r payment theref wi.l be debarred. F. M. D. Rtrachan & Cos.. Agents. Christmas Novelties in the "Whiskey and Cigar Line 22S GRANT STREET THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, TUEBDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1903. THE ARCADE 210 Gloucester Street ■ Is headquarters for all the pop-' : ular brands of whiskey on the ’ Market. _ ; Stone, Hunter, Magnet, Duke of Cum-, ‘ berland, Wilson, Metropolitan, ’ Club, Silas Johnson, Congress, f Hall, Cambridge Rye, Elgin Club,, i including Bourbons, Gins Bran-' 'dies, Imported and Domestic' ’Wines, and a full line of popular’ ’ Cigars, I am putting out a specialty 1 that excells anything that has ever been offered to the public. Four full quarts Elgin Club, an ' excellent, high grade whiskey,' put up in a neat package, fori $?,85. Delivered to any point, ex- ; press prepaid. ; I would call special attention; , fer medical and family use, to J Pure H. C. Bowen whiskey, this i is an absolute distillation of 18301 pool and Biiiard Tables are I kept in an up to date ccndi- < tion. < 3 We serve an elegant FREf , LUNCH from 11 to Ip. m. ] i Your patrosage is highly sp-‘, predated. , PHIL KELLER. " WOOD T J- KENNER Bay and Gloucester. Phone 37( Pine 75 c Mixed 90 c Oak 1.00 Grand Master to Visit Rebe’tahs. All members of Essie Deitz Rebekah lodge No. 1 a-e utged to be at the lodge rooms at 3 o’clock q. m. Reg ular meeting. Grand Master J. A. Hyud will be present and desires to see you. N. A. Pylsma. N. G. I W. E. Porter, Secretary. Worth a Thought This Statement Will Interest Scores of Brunswick Readers. The facts given below are worth a persual by ail who are anxious about their physical condition or are nut, iarly situated to the resident of Sa vanuah. It is a local occurrence and can be thoroughly investigated. W. E. Woods, retired, residing ai 103 President St., Savannah, says: “I cannot speak too highly of Doan’s Kidney Pills. They acted promptly anti effectually with me upon a very bad case of lame back from which I have j been a great sufferer for quite a while. | There was a dull heavy pain across my loins, a never ceasing backache day and night, but worse at night , when it keeps me awake. At times 1 1 was totally incapacitated for exertion ■ of any kind, the secretions from the ! kidneys were very dark, contained a sediment and caused me any amount of trouble, especially at night, when my rest was much disturbed. I used any number of remedies but with no I apparent benefit until I obtained | Doan’s Kidney Pills. The results of ‘ their use were that the backache left I tne, the kidney secretions cleared up 1 and did not bother me. I could go to 1 bed and rest all night, getting up in i the morning rested and I felt better in every way.” Plenty more proof like this from Brunswick people. Call at the Hun ter’s Pharmacy and ask what their customers report For sale by all I dealers. Price, 50 cents a box. Fos- I ter-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y„ sole agents. Remember the name, Doan’s, and take no other. Sherries put up In marachino. The best in the market, only 75c., bottle. Slg Levison, Phone 130. 310 Bay Street. WANTED—Twe traveling salesmen in each state. Permanent position; S6O and expenses. Centra Tobacco Works Cos., Penick, Va Lavadura is ti e finest tbf”<* for washing your pets, dogs and cats, be -ies, children and grown people. Try a box of “Belle Rose* cigars, guaranteed long filler at $1,50 per box cat 50. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S. Levison, 310 Bay street W. M. TUPPER A CO- Forwarding and Shipping Aganta. Lighterage, Towing and Marina In cursnca. Corraspondanea Solicited •RUFSWICML A. Call for Shamrock sour, the best -haser ever put up. CUno & Ludwig. Wine List for the Holidays. N. C. Scuppernong wine, port, sherry, muscatel, tokay, catawba and black berry wine. Per gallon SI.OO per bot tle 25 cents. Sig Levlson, 310 Bay street, phone 130. CARDS, THEN DEATH A DOOMED DESERTER WHO PLAYED -POKER AND WON. A* n Preliminary to HU Bsermlot He Had Hia Winnings Disti’ibnied Among the Members of the Squad That Shot Him to Ueatb. “It Is a curious fact,” said a meiu oer of Company A, Third Maryland, “that military execution had a peculiar fascination for men who were daily accustomed to see hundreds slain In batrle. Men who shovel a brc;siw>ik In on a trend; full of slain comr/ftes and chew hardtack or eat salt pork while at the job with a callousness which only such frequent scenes or on cnrreuccs would make possible In the human heart became peculiarly sens! tire and alive to the solemn parade and formalities of a military execution. “In our regiment we had a private soldier sentenced to be slot for desert ing to the enemy. His name was Thompson, and he !■ do::.- and to Com pany K. This ataa Thompson had de serted off vedette post one night and some two months nftirward eauie into our lines, where mem hers of ids own company happened to lie on picket duty. Thompson did not calculate on this. His idea !:i ccr.nug in was to sur render as a Confederate soldier and he sent north. It happened near to the Weldon railroad, v, here our division o! the Ninth corps was then posted. O f course, on being recognized, lie was taken to headquarters. and a court martial was immediately convened. It leaked out somehow- that Thompsea was not the humble soldier he seemed, but a Confederate officer and spy. If. bad been an officer In the United lUatf-j navy before the war. He resigned and went south, where he secured the com mission of colonel of infantry. “Being a Marylander of family, ef forts were made to save his life, but in a quiet way, as his relatives feared to lisclose his real identity for fear he would be hanged as a spy instead of shot as a deserter. Friday, the day set for execution in the Army of the Potomac, came arouud too soon for Thompson and his relatives. The night previous he had been informed that all efforts had failed at Washington. I was on guard duty over him, and my brother was one of the detail of twelve men selected as the firing squad. My brother didn’t like the job, and came to the tent where I was on guard to consult with me how to get out of it. Thompson overheard our conversation, and, knowing my brother by name, he broke in: ‘Say, Tip, you must not back out. I want you in the squad, as I know you are a dead shot and will save me from the sergeant,’ “It was the practice for the sergeant if the firing squad failed to kill the loomed man with a volley to place the muzzle of his rifle against the temple of the prisoner and blow out his brains. “After Tip had consented the offices of the guard permitted us to play cards with the prisoner. He had a roll of bills, and we were soon in a stiff poker game. Two guards, including myself, by brother Tip and Thompson, com posed the quartet. We played until gray daylight, and Thompson skinned the party of every dollar. He had phenomenal luck and watched the game closely. "In the afternoon he was to die, and about noon he asked to see the lieuten ant of the firing squad. Handing the officer $5OO, he asked him to divide it equally among the men detailed to shoot him. "The division was drawn up and formed three sides of a square, the fourth side being open, where the grave of Thompson was freshly dug. Th 9 band played the dead march in ‘Sau.!,’ and Thompson, at the head of the fir ing squad, marched around the three sides of the square, with the coffin in which he was to be inclosed carried im mediately belffnd him. Reaching the open space, the coffin was set down, Thompson seated himself on the end of .t, facing the firing squad, about twelve paces distant The death warrant was read, and the chaplain tied his hand kerchief over the prisoner’s eyes. 1 watched Thompson, curious to note if he would hear the reports of the mus kets that killed him. Presently I heard the iieutenant’s low voice: ‘Ready! Aim! Fire!’ “In the next instant Thompson top pled back into his coffin a dead man. The reports of the mUskets he never heard, as I saw him swiftly fall over before I heard the guns crack, and so l settled this disputed point to my own satisfaction, and to that extent the ex ecution of Thompson interested me and no more.”—Washington Post To Thread a Hair Through a Walnut. To pass a hair through a walnut without boring a hole seems an impos sibility, but the feat has often been done. The hull of the walnut when examined with a strong glass If seen to have Innumerable small openings, some of which lead entirely through the nut The trick consists in using a very fine hair and an infinite amount of patience. Pass the hair into one of these minute crevices and urge it gen tly along. Sometimes it will appear on the other side at the first trial, but if It comes out at the hundred and first you will be very lucky. He Had Learned It. “1 heard a good story the other day,” began the grocery man, “about a cer tain politician.” "That will do,” Interrupted the dis appointed officeseeker. “In the first place, there are no certain politicians.” —Chicago News. SELIGS Gives Perfect Fully nic *- tenths of the ills of mankind can be 1 __ ' traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- i Health e * s ’ When these important organs fail to act \ . regularly the system becomes clogged with j ■ impurities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s I Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently I ■ and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid j laxative, anci is good for every member of the ILff- _ 9 family. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. JYlOZiey S 8 Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal T OSVtnn | for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc Elixir OlftMiORY LilflE Direct ss. Service between New York and Brunswick CAM | Nft c. EVERY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORKAT 3 P. M. EVERY FRIDAY FROM B!?tINSWiCK TO SUIT TIDE. Lowest Rates and Unsurpassed Passenger Accommodations Apply to W. M. TUPPER & CO., Agtsor C.. H. MALLORY & CO., Brunswick, Ga. 16 Burling Slip. New York City rp |_| Tn BAY IRON WORKS! Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills; Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings ; and Supplies Estimates Furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, ! CLAUD DART, i'reelde it and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. ‘ Whiskey and Beer Habit PERMANENTLY CURED BY “ORRINE," A SAFE, SURE AND HARMLESS SPECIFIC Physicians pronounce drunkenness a disease of the nervous system, creating a morbid craving- for a stimulant. Continued indulgence in whiskey, beer or wine eats way the stomach lining and stupefies the digestive organs, thus destroying the digo c ion and ruining the hea:th. No “will power” can heal the inflamed stomach membranes. “ORRINE’ permanently removes the craving for liquor by acting direc:; on the affected nerves, vestoring the stomach and digestive organs to normal conditions,i;:ipro • lug the appetite and restoring the health. No sanitarium treatment necessary ; “OR Iw! E ” can be taken a. your own home without publicity. Can be given secretly if ue ed. • CURE GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. • Mrs. F.. WycliT, New York City, writes: “‘ORRINE' coud my husband, who was a steady drunkard for many years. He now has no desire fo- stimulants, his health is Sood and he is tally restored to manhood, [e used only fiv boxes of ‘ORRINE.’ ” Mrs. W. 1.. D., Helena. Mont., writes: "I have waited otto year before writing you of the permauetn cure of my son. He took sanitarium trea‘ nent, as well as other ad vertised cures, hut they all failed until we gave him ‘ORRiNE.’ He is now fully re stored to health ; id has no desire for drink. Mr. A E. X., /-lanta, Ga., writes: “I was born with a love of whiskey and drank it WM ■- . jggar There is no beverage more healthful {SpgSr the right kind of beer. Barley malt and hops —a food and a tonic. Only 3 per cent || ff of alcohol—just enough to aid digestion. B Bu; get the right beer, for some beer is not healthful. ES Schlitz is the pure beer, the clean beer, the filtered and y ® sterilized beer. No bacilli in it—nothing but health. ¥ M And Schlitz is the aged beer that never causes biliousness. p| If Call for the Brewery Bottling. K TA Saar that mada Milwaukee femaue. yjj Morgan & Davis. 21S & Sli Bay St, W JmsjjjF Phone No. M, BrunswioSt C. Downing, PrcMdent, E. H. Htien, Vioe-PresldenL E.D.Walter, Cashier The National Bank of Brunswick BRUNSWICK, GA CAPITAL OF f-NB HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOI RCES In excess 01 ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to 0.3 assistance of legit imate business enterprises. DEPOS T ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, firms and corpora- Rons. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT aceo unts bear interest, compounded qr*i terly. interest beasts? cerlficates of deposit Issued on special te-m* MONEY ORDERS of the "BANKERS’ MONBi* ORDER ASSOCIi ION” are cheer <*r - ors convenient tha' or express for thirtv-two year*. It finally brouel: me to the putter, homeless and irb'iuT • I was powerless to resist the cra\i:g md would steal and lie to get wli I >ur boxes of ‘ORRINE’ cured me of Ide ire and I now hate the smell of liqm r Price $r per box, 6 boxes lui Mailed in Jlain, sealed wrapper by Orrinc Company, 17 14th street, Washington, D. C. Interest ing booklet (sealed) free on request. Sold and recommended by MORGAN’S DRUG STORE