The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, December 31, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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6 ' YOU NEED NEVER ASK U 8 If a thing, s “the best." The fact t*"*t we sell It answers 1 * theat question. Physicians generally know j. , this, anu for that reason our ; ■ prescription business is large. SMITH’S PHARMACY. 501 Newcastl 3 Street. ARE YOU GOING NORTH OR WEST. -.THE... LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R. R. offers unexcelled passenger aervlca Modern trains carrying Pullman Sloop ere, up-to-date Coaches, tree Kecllning Chair Cars and Dining Cars between Souther and Northern cities. The Finest Dining Car Service In the South. Ail Agent* Sell Through Tickets vl* L. A N. For rates, schedules and steeping car reservations, apply to J. M. FLEMING, Florida Passenger Agent, 206 West Bay St, Jacksonville C. L. Stone. G. P. A., Louisville, Ky- My entire line of merchaura and amber hit briar pipes at astonishingly low prices. Sig Levison, Phone 130. 310 Bay Street TOILET ARTICLES FOR HOLIDAY TRADE. r Wl HAVE A HANDBOME LINE OF BPECIALLY ORDERED TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE HOLIDAYB. ALBO A FINE LOT OF NOVELTIES IN THE CIGAR AND SMOKERB CLASS . ALL JUST THE THINS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTB. REMEMBER, WE CARRY EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE. ■ IN DRUGGIBT SPECIALTIES, CANDIEB, STATIONERY AND , BRUBHE3 OF ALL KINDS, WE ARE OFFERING SOME GENUINE HOLI DAY PRICEB, THAT WILL AND MUST ATTRACT YOU. PRESCRIPTIONS ARE OUR LONG SUIT. I L j| 23 Morgan’s- S)rng tftore. ! ' TELEPHONE 49, "JZ Mepl. per peck .. 20c Sugar, Granulated, *l9 1-2 lbs fl.Ot Lard 10c Lard, Compound, per lb Sc Butter 28 cents Bacon, bou. per lb 10c Bacon, good, 7 i-2c. 2 lbs 15c Coffee, Arnuclile’s 12c Irish Potatoes, per peck 30c Soap, Octagon, 6 bars, 210 Tomatoes, i cans 25. Tomatoes. 3 cans . .. . -20 c C. L. Parker, Cream dc llontho, Cream de Vio let, Cream de Rose, Crearir de Coco, Casino Cocktails and lob of other cordials to numerous to mention at Slg Levison’s, Phona 130. 310 Bay Street "A sttch in time saves nine” hav ing your clothes cleaned lit time saves buying ne(j oues. Georgia Pressing club, phone 141-4. Ship Notice. Neither the master, consignees or owners of the British steamship. Calrnstrath, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said steamship Hunter. Master. Holiday Novelties in the Whiskey and Cigar Line 225 GRANT S fREET THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1903. ' T v * Mg ’ 1 1 n dun,. ftmmsmmmm* Bran -' (■■■■■■■■■HDamestlc '•xi! \* 'V.-.’*- popular' '3 w’ sp(-1 I r.■ ty that baa the public. 1 Vfv' -O- ■ Elgin Club, in ti ul- whiskey, l park.uje, lor to any point, ex and family use, to ' C. Bowen whiskey, this Wran absolute distillation of 1880 Pool and Blllard Tables are< kept In an up to date condi tion. 1 . th We serve an elegant FREE LUNCH from 11 to 1 p. m. Your patrosage Is highly , predated. PHIL KELLER. WOOD T J. KENNER Bay and Gloucester. Phone 37C Pine 75 c Mixed 90'c Oak 1.00 ■Li' - All kinds of bottled export beers, "half-and half” and ales, at Slg Levison's, Phone 130. 310 Bay Street PERHAPS your overcoat ueeds a ew collar or new sleeve 'mine. See lira Cs-ter at 504 Monk sticet or ring nhnrp 253-2 Worth a Thoimht / CF This Statefriont Will Interest Scores of .Brunswick neauei*. ffc.its given below are worth a who are anxious about CUUUUiCa u. *.u. larly n lm | llliml | vannah/i It is a 1 local occurrence an. can be thoroughly investigated. W. E. 'Woods, retired, resiatng a 103 President 3L, Savannah, says: cannot speak too highly of Doan .Sidney Pills. They acted promptly anc effectually with me upon a very bad ca3a of lame back from which 1 have been a great sufferer for quite a while. Phere was a dull heavy pain across my loins, a never ceasing backache day and night, but worse at night when it keeps me awake. At times 1 was totally Incapacitated for exertion of any kind, the accretions from the kidneys were very dark, contained a sediment and caused me any amount of trouble, especially at night, when my rest wae much disturbed. I used any number of remedies but with no apparent benefit until I obtained Doan’s Kidney Pills. The results of their use were that the backache left me, the kidney secretions cleared up and did not bother me. I could go to bed and rest all night, getting up In the morning rested and I felt better in every way.” Plenty mora proof like this from Brunswick people. Call at the Hun ter’s Pharmacy and ask what their customers repo*. For tale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents a box. Fos ter-Milbum Cos., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents. Remember the name, Doan’s, and take no other. Housekeepers, wish your lamp chimne a and globes In Lavadura wa cor; it prevents cracking by heat Wanted, everybody to bathe in La vadura treated water; It's a delight ful bath; all first-class grocery stores sell Lavadura. rooms will rent easily if kept clean With Lavadura; It cleans marble work beautifully, paint won. .-nd varnish, doors, window facing and door facings, with very little work; 10 cents per package. Can yon slngT If so, sing "Lav*, dura!” The song U new; hat, oh, how easy. The Weather Is fairly good now for having clothes put In order for winter. See Jim Carter, ’phone 263-2 The celebrated White Rose and •reen River whiskey at Pennington’s alooc, corner Monk end Grant streets. Steamships are using Lavadura fo. scouring decks; will not scratch the paint; try It FRUITS AND FLOWERS. In letting out an orchard keep to father all trees of the game variety. Good garden soil la good for pot plant*, but can be Improved by the ad dition of leaf mold. Weak rosebushes may often be made t* grow by giving them an occasional watering with liquid manure. On# advantage with small fruits is that they can be made to furnish a supply long before trees come into bear lag. v In plahting a border don’t plant every thing in rows. A row of hollyhocks, for instance, isn’t half as attractive as irregularly placed groups that break the outline. With pot plants In a general way toe Uttle water Is better than too much The dropping leaves indicating drought are more easily remedied than yellow leaves, the result of being kept toe wet In preparing pots for plants the pieces of broken pots or crockery in the bottom should never be omitted, as without proper drainage the soil be comes sour, the plants languish and the leaves become yellowish. Willing to Be Sued. “I once tbroalened to sue an old fel low In Vermont for $lO that he owed a !lent of mine,” said a New York law yer, “but the threat did not seem to im press him much. ‘“What good will it do you to sue me?" be asked. " ‘lt will get the money,’ I answered. “Here the feliow came up close to me and said, ’Say, if that’s so, sue me for S2O, won’t you, and give me the other $lO/ "I gave-up hope of collecting that Ulm.”—New York Times. H'aiMiiK fa cite Orient. The Japanese rip their garments •part fbr every washing, and they Iron their clothes by spreading them on i flat board and leaning this up against the house to dry. The sun takes the wrinkles out of the clothes, and some of them have quite a luster. The Jap anese woman does her washing out of doors. Her washtub is not more than ■lx Inches high. The hardest worked washerwomen to the world are the Koreans. They have to wash about a dozen dresses for their husbands, and they have plen ty to do. The washing Is usually done In cold water and often In running Otreams. The clothes are pounded With paddles until they shine like a shirt front fresh from a laundry.—Chicago News. Do Not Sleep on Your Left Side. When a patient complains of a bad taste In his mouth every morning on waking up, says a physician, the first question I ask him Is as to the position he assumes when going to sleep. An Immense number of people sleep cm the left side, and this is the most com mon cause of the unpleasant. taste which Is/ generally attributed to dys pepsla. If a meal has beenjaken with flMHr three hours of going to bed, me leftside is to give the stomactra task which it is difficult la the extreme to perform. The student of anatomy knows that all food enters and leaves' the stomach on the right side, and hence sleeping on the left side soon after eating Involves a sort of pumping operation which is any thing but conducive to sound repose. The action of the heart Is also Inter fered with considerably, and the lungs are unduly compressed. It is probable that lying on the back Is the most nat Ural position, but few men can rest easily so, and hence it Is best to culti vate the habit of sleeping on the right side. It is very largely a matter of habit, and the sooner it is acquired the better for the sleeper and the worse for the physician. The Bucket Shop. The name bucket shop is said to have originated in Chicago when legit imate brokers would not handle an or der for less than 5,000 bushels, and a lot of places sprang up where men of small means could speculate on a tri fling capital, as small as a dollar, and these speculators were spoken of con temptuously as buying and selling wheat by the bucket full. The term was eventually applied to all broker age In stocks and grain when the amounts dealt In were smaller than legitimate dealers or brokers would handle and more particularly to places where there tv ere really no legitimate transactions, btMhrbcre the proprietor and customer singly bet on the mar ket, the proprietor allowing the cus tomer to take either end of the bet in conoideiation of a commission, which In reality is his percentage in the game •■Com* Mere!” In Japanese. A writer on children's games in Japan says: ‘Blind man's buff as played In Japan is quite the sains as the game played by western chil dren, but If you play it with Jap anese I may warn you not to say •Come here!’ in English to any one you may be trying to catch. It will be ail right to sry in Japanese “Chot to oide’ (Come here a moment) of *Oide nasal’ (Condescend to come here). The person spoken to will not ‘oide’ of course if he or she can help himself or herself, but If yon call out hi English ‘Come here!’ as l know a foreigner did once, yon may interrupt the game. ‘Come here' (In Jape cose character written ka-mi) mean:: for eign dog. Inu is the word for native dog, bat the first foreigners in Yoko hama, Americans and English folk, al ways said ‘Come here!’ to their dog* and the expression has become a Jap aneas word * SELIG'S Glues —— ~ Perfect Fully J nine ' tenths of the Uls of mankind can be I U ' tfeed to irregularities of the stomach and bow- 1 Health cls ‘ when these important organs fail to act 1 _ . regularly the system becomes clogged with i I o Pe f feCt W* is Mosley’s I ■ Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts eentiv P I and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid I 3 laxative, and is good for every member of the Tlat t > I family. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. JVlOZtey S * Mazley’o Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal I, | for coughs, cnlds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. Elixir mfllihOßY LINE Direct ss. Service between New York and Brunswick ~AII I\’fi<S' EVERY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORKAT 3P. M. aAILIINUO. EVERY FRIDAY FROM BRUNSWICK TO BUIT TIDE. Lowest Rates and Unsurpassed Passenger Accommodations Apply to W. M. T’JPPER & CO., Agtaor C. H. MALLORY & CO., Brunswick, Ga. 18 Burling Slip, New York City m BAY IRON WORKS! Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills! Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies; Estimates Furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St. W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, < .‘reaiderit and Managtr. Secretary and Treasurer, < Whiskey and Beer Habit PERMANENTLY CURED BY “ORRINE," A SAFE, SURE AND HARMLESS SPEC/F/C Physicians i-.onounce drunkenness a disease of the nervous system, creating a morbid craving for asi mutant. Continued indulgence in whiskey, beer or wine cats away the stomach linking and stupefies the digeatlvs organs, thus destroying the digestion an 4.„ ruining the hea -h. No “will power” can heal the inflamed stomach membranes, “ORRINE* permanently removes the craving for liquor by acting directly on the affected nervey* -storing the stomach, and digestive organs to normal conditions, improving the appetite anWsstoring the health. No sanitarium treatment neG&seflfy-}' 41 ©T? RI2CE “ can be taken a', your own home without publicity. Can be given secretly if desired. • CURE GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED.® Mrs. E. WycliZc, New York City, writes: “‘ORRINE’ cuirdmy husband, who was a steady drunkard for many years. He now has uo desire fc~ stimulantg, his health is good and he is f ully restored to manhood. He used only fiv' boxes of ‘ORRINE.’ ** Mrs. W. It. D. Helena, Mont., writes: *‘l have waited 0r...* year before writing you of the permaner: cure of my son. He took sanitarium trea ,nent, as well as other ad vertised cures, '''tit they all failed until we pave him ‘ORF iNE.’ He is aow fully re stored to health ”dhas no desire for drink.’k Mr. A. E. L . Atlanta, Ga., writes: “I was boru with a lotcof whiskey and drank it T Tnerc is no beverage more healthful that? the r.ght kind of beer. Barley malt and hops —a food and a tonic. Only 7,Vt P er cent of a', ohol—just enough to aid digestion. B>: get the right beer, for some beer is not healthful. Schli'a is the pure beer, the clean beer, the filtered and sterili-ed beer. No bacilli in it —nothing but health. At- i Schlitz is the aged beer that never causes biliousness. Callfor the Brewery Bottling. % The Beer that made Milwaukee famaut. , Morgan & Davis, 21* & 8t i Bay St.. Vhone No. B*. Bruns wielt C. Downing, President. E. H. Meson. Vlo*-P-'fv ! <2<> : : o -vs'er, Cathlsr The National Bank < i h; va> wiek BRUNSVvK k l \ CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIR’ V ' HOOSAfiu OOj.i Rj, and total RESOURCES In excess or ONJf-HAl> MIL) iON UO: i.Afi.3 are devoted to tha assistance of iegit lmate iuslceftr eutciprises DEPO&I A-'COUNTS Invited from iwJ iflush firm: and corpora tlono. SAVINGS I'HP ART Jf ENT seeo unts ben lntt.-eai, compounded ••••<,• terly. In ter eat . bearir t cerlficates of depot u issued on spec:*! terms MONEY OR' >HRS ef the “BANKERS’ MONK. ORDE'- a-'.. . . ION” are che*’ *v -m.. • ors oonven isnt tbs nn*or -or for thirty-two years. It finally brouerl;t tue to the gutter, homeless and friend css T was to resist the cravi g- and would steal and lie to get whiskey. Tour boxes of ‘ORRINE’ cured me of ; 1! de-.ire and I new hate the smell of liquor . ’ Price $i per box, 6 boxes for $5. Mailed in plain, sealed wrapper by Orrine Company, 81714th street, W achinpton, D. C. Interest log booklet (sealed) free on request. Sold and recommended by MORGAN’S DRUG STORE