The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, January 20, 1905, Image 1

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THE.BRMSWCK VOLUME 4, NUMBER 419, INTERESTING MEETING WAS HEED LAST NIGHT BY THE CITY COUNftt MANY MATTERS DISPOSED OF Applications lor License Received from Many Saloon Owners inak nit REGULAR COURSE A Number of Reports from Different Committees Were Rendered and Other Ros tine Matters were Handled. The regular weekly nioctng of mini til occurred last nipln and Coiisidern llt business < i a routine naluri was tiHiisno.ied. Ti-.osu present were Aider men Aiken, Wood, Robinson. Topper, and Me.vmun. Mayor Hopkin nnd Aldermen Downing Golden un i Watkins before the ronfiimni ion of tin min uft-u, which tu i ■ road in reyulHi id* ,- i>\ the fieri, the cily aiiorncj cjll'-J tiMention to an erro tin mm- in wlieh )l was made *ll appear that at tie la inciting it wa> inwr.i .u..| •.•tinied I > Ja.vti one hundred copi,--. of tee ,o icin', merits to tlio city code printed, rite ity attorney ninted out that lie mo turn was tliat otic hundred enpie e. the amendrueaf. to the chart' r he prim i '± instead ii tin* cotie. On mtitlt at! cark was iririrmtrtd to so chan: ■ lie minutes . The clerk also called attention to tie, tact that at the last meeting of the council a board of equalized s was i let el lint tlteir term of oll'tv \va- in’ named . On motion til Vlderman Xee nian. ttl< hoard was elected for Ihe following term.. I’. W 1 leniin: 1 . fot ~ period of tluec year. K. ii. .Mason, for a period of two yea's and f. I>. Cgg, for a period of one year After these mi changes the minutes for the last meeting wen approved. Under the head of eomiminh ai ions and petition* Mrs S, V. Taylor asked council to have lane oportd adjoining Ni w Tom, lns L>:i;e 07:1, 2:574 ami 237a owned oy Dr .1 M. Vladderi and the peiitouer, who alleged that Me •Mndtleii he - 1*f■ i m oima‘.im,” thereby inflicting serums Die value of her property. Referred to the committee on public work?. Jackie Wiit'e .sexton of the coloi-m ci metery, asl 'tig for an inert a 1 In pay. ilo stated thai his duties were manifold and felt that council .-uould ~> more money for the work Filed. Airs. Maty A. I.ambrtgbt asla .1 tor permission to make certain repairs on Old Town lot No. I n t! the building rm which lot was recently destroyed by hre. Refused. From H. lv rwon, asking for invesli gatoin and relief because of <•< i-ruiri complications in 11,tax sales of let .No. 1401. Holt rrH io c ity attorney From \V. C. Hacther, physician .uanstnttling bill of s2ll against C‘llm tiin Brown, >•*t > jaiior. Dr. Haulier [olntetl out that the- bill tea long pa*' duo anil that as Mr. Drown was lit the employ o) the city garnlslino nl proceeding could not be sued out and avked that council- see to ii that Mr Drown paid the claim. Te petition was referred to the committee on po lice, tire and l milling permits. J-robably tlio most important com rintnication of the evening came from Kev. W. F .Hollingsworth, acting for the owners of the auditorium on Kg cut street, 'llie petition pointed out. that two years ago petitioners ashen for permission to erect the auditorium ana that this time the same petitioner desired the permission'- of council to sel! said building. Tin- petitioners si-r tortli that tile bull-ling was a -mure* at expense and cure and 'hat It could be sold for an amount sufficient to pay all expenses and proh/iby leave a residue, which, it was desired, should te used for a city hospital. The peti tion was granted. In regular order the following com munications for license to retail liquor wi re received ami under the law gov erning such cases, same were ordered received and published; Julius May. 2uß Hay street; C. 0. Califf, 214 Fay street; T. Newman, 218 Fay; Morgan 4c Davis. 226 Bay; K. Dahltn, 300 Bay; Burns & Dickey, 206 Monk; H, Sc-lig, 2U Grant; P. Horan, 112 Bay, \V. A. O. Andetson, comer Cgletnorpe and Gloucester; Burns & Dickey, 600 Bay; Willis Moseley, 22G Oglethorpe, B<-n McLendon, 230 Bay, Sol Can way, i'j7 Monk; J- S- Peterson, 112 Moult: Tom Thomas, 216 Day; l’Vince .fames. 326 Ogethorpe; Gilbert Williams. 318 Oglethorpe, Alex tfhep : id 316 Llay: t:. Lowenstein 200 Monk! big 1.(0Ison 310 Bay. Tom Foley 61S Day, li. 1). Ponder, 100 Hay; P. Keller 200 Gloucester K. Levisoil, 310 Monk: James Golden, 401 Oglethorpe; Hugh Porter, Oglethorpe hotel; G. W. Beach, corner Gloucester and Grant; S. D. Ge \adis, corner Monk and Oglethorpe. Bids were opened from Keunon Motf asking for privilege of repairing city cioek. at rate of $7.50 p r month same rate as paid last month. There were no other bids and Mr. Mott was award ed Hi. Tim drug for the year brought forth lliree bids as follows: Hunters’ Pharmacy ,$8.50; Atlanta Pharmacy. $9.7,V, K .Joergcr. SO,OO. On motion etm contract was awarded u Hunter’s Pharmacy, the bill of that concern being the smallest,. Under the Iliad of seports the follow ing business was transacted : irons Use commit lee on police, are and building permits, having in charge the petition of T. J. Wright, agent A C. 1.., asking privilege to install tire a.arris box on 1 0:1st Gine docks Grunt 1 a under condition that the box in c.nestion be under supervision of the ire chief. From the same committee, with ref -1: i'iii'c to the petition of Hiobston, Fen ■ip k Go., for permission to make repairs on frame building on Old ; own lot. No. 13 recommending thill ame be not granted. Adopted, From the same committee iu the pe litlon of it. F .Owenst assistant chiei r.' jsoliee .asking for allowance t’o r . i r>.e ie. .1 for Use year lilisf. The re j ml pointed out ihai the officer has in alio e.i feed for his nurse for pri'setil '’ear and recommended pay for last year be not granted Adopted. A resolution was Introduced by Al derman Robinson rind was adopted, p.ovitltng that rule No. 20 be amended sc as to mak' the committee on ordi nances a standing commit tee. Alder r inn Ne vman Introduced a resolution , Inch was also passed providing that ten car loads <d Augusta gravel lie or > t red at once to be used to repair and ft, leh the evt ra! streets ot the city. A resolution was also Introduced by Alderman Newman, providing for a per manetti diain to lake, the place of the 1 tesent A str< el ditch. it was pointed , at that lit* present difeb wav an eye -..-re ami entailed various expenses to the ,-i'y and ilir.l Uie cost ot in.'.falling tt e drain would not be over SIOO. _ Alderman I upper introduced an or dinance which was placed on its tirs; K-ading, providing lhat Die cty prtnt , 1 he retpiir ’i to give a bond in the rm of $.700 for the fait In ul perform :r;ai op all duties a.tacked to bald of lice. An ordinance was also introduced by Ahierutaii Newman, providing fur the mooting with power'and various other duties devolve lg upon the recently ap pointed board ot equalizers. Among oilier things tic- ordinance provided tha< the hoard shall meet 3d days after the lneouug of city tax as sessors and that their work shall be ci,; iet. 1] within forty li'ivs after their l ist meeting. It is also prescribed v ariiiii.-, and undry rournine matters tor the board. tide 1 lie- ;p; roving of a liurabor of accounts council adjourned to meet Thursday night next. GEORGE EDDINGS ENDS LIFE Despondency, Due to 111 Health Pre cipitated Deed. Charlotte, N. Jan. in.—George Kl- IB Kddiits ,a well known young mart o; this city committed suicide at his loom In tie* piedmont Inn at an early hour this morning. Despondency caus ed by codiuii 1 ill ncatth, is said to have been resiamslble for the msh uci Eddlng* was last seen at the supper table at the Piedmont Inn last nlglu. lit- left the dining room saying I bat he was going to his room, thai he felt worse than usual and expected to re tire early ,hoping that sloop would ben efit him. Abo il 7 o'clock this morning a colored girl, who is employed by Mrs. Hamilton, proprietress of Piedmont inn went lo Eddfns’ room to call him lor breakfaux'. She knocked but re ceiving no answer opened in-; door. Lying hi a pool of Ills own blood, she found the body of the unfortunate ycung man. FREE MAIL DELIVERY 18 SECURED FOR DUBLIN Congressman Brantley has secured a promise from the post office depart ment for fi'ee n ail delivery for Dublin and an inspector will be sent at once i arrange the street numbers and oth er details. Dublin’s receipts have been Increns ng rapidly and in tha January showtng Mr, Brantley secured the new faculties | for tp* thriving Georgia city, THE MIDIIOm _ ISIO BEBQLB Large Structure, Usedrfor Revival MeetkißS, will be l orn Down 10 PAY IHE INOTBItDNtSS Permission to Sell the Building Was Given Council Lj^to^a^Vdyer w Mi ■ The at corner ed a ago for the 1 •pose of holding revival meetings, wjKbc sold. t he for cash. It seems that all of the indebtedness ms Use building lias not been paid and those in charge are desirous 01 settling same, there! nc the only eoneoivanb' way to do 'hiS is to dispose of Use building. Her. W. I Hollingsworth, represent ing the iiwsse .-; .last night aasked the permission of tho city council to de pose of the building, which was, grant ■ and, and, when . 4 i:esUoneil on t.tu sub jed by a New report or, Kov. Hoßlsiss worth Elated l;al bids would iso ai.ivi.-i t sed for and Inat Hie building tvmiW lie sold as soon as possible. A sufficient amount, to pay fit en tire lndebtslinest of ib.e bulbling w li st,bsenbetl by tillfs ten' people m the < ity a few years ago, tm all ol tin amount has neves been paid although efforts have ' ten made >0 collect fi Several mcoic.s have recently i.eeis lu Id by those who-(darted the move ment for Use audit.,l'sum or tab. mil it was finally decided to dispose 01 it Mr .Hollingsworth could not 01 course state just who th. association hoped to sell the building to. lull it will probably lie bought ami torn down the material in It being used again. The auditorium Is not a very hand some building but It lias the largest scifing capacity of any building or Imli in the city, and has accommodated large crowds ol several meetings, etc. It was erected especially lor the hold ing of revival meetings. MRS. CHADWICK WILL (iETOUT ON BAIL Bond Was F ta at $40,000 Yesterday and it will Boon be Secured for the Prisoner. Cleveland. O. Jan lit. It Is Ij.di "cd mat .wiiliitt the course of a ic • . - Mrs. Chadwick -vim has I? ■-n in jail l ore Sind In 'V* York for some time will be given her freedom tor t a* least. . Hoi hail was today llxed al *!" ‘" ,fl and attorneys representing the .• • • ■ announced to - she would have hiulty ill pT'.tng up Hie tie'-". ; y amount. Sin- was gr<r.tly rlaii-d when * n i ; ii‘ic id that the h til had been fixed. MISS GRACE VAN STUDDIFORD, SINGER, WILL BE SEEN AT THE GRAND TONIGHT The theaier-goi-rs of Brunswick will tonight have (he oportunlty of witness- Ing one of the he* comic operas that has ever vlsi'ed ihe south, wi'n one of iho best known singers on the American stage as the Far. The attraction la “The Jted Featlnu and the star Miss Grace Von Si.udilt ti rd, a singer with a repulsion well known in Ihe. ‘lieatrleal world in Bur land and the t'nited States. Mr Harry navis, who was 'seen here with the Gran Opera company a tew canons ago and sang with splendid nice e.m, “Goodnight Sweet Dreams is the tenor of the company playing tin right and an effort will be made to pave him sing litis beautiful song again The attraction has been royally re ceived throughout the south and has made a decid 'd hit in all of the large lilies. The Savannah News or yester day had the'following to say about Miss Sitnldiford and the attraction: "W'e in Dixie have so many good musical comedies and frothy operas this season that we too, art- able to jcatlfy our little vanities by muking something betier suited to our itullvidu ul tastes mix'd have been used with effect but as a whole, “Red Feather 'for many reaton..,#.houhl bo classed 'at the best production of the kind this season. “De Koven employed his most be witching scores .with ever and anon cne of those spnorou# surprises in eho- GA.. FRIDAY JkORNING, JANUARY 2^9o^ VMN{P TIME sqpM*. ~ V (treat Southern Leader Honored by Old Soidiers Last Night CAMP I IRE WAS A SUCCESS Old War Songs Music, Dancing and Re freshments Mad e the Evening a Very Enjoyable One to the a Veterans, eJflB was pronounced by all who - n.i Lvrl .innuali 1 I the most enjoyable niecsing pf the h-nds of the "Gust Cause" ever held occurred at the Rifle men's armory last night. Ai a Hioeiul meeting of I'amjßack sell. No. 806 lh r .V., held hist week it was resolve. 1 1.0 have a Vamp fire' a which everybody should rlo just, as m ariy a., possible what they would mv. done a t camp tiro iinhe days of 1 1,1 war between the stale*, There, was to he no program, no ••orators", m everything of a formal nature. The ■oca I chapter ol ike DaugnlursAot the ,'onfederac.s wore asked tu provide rein-- iituents .for tlio oecasion, amt ley did. Tin- .Marine Iv-ind was ash •and 1.0 fmiiish music for (ho evening, and they did. ilnue an hour 01 short talks 11 peri in. ot tuples, inlerspi i sOd with -* - ice tious b> 1 iie hand and oeeaAymu "ii, .; of the 'We're Old Confederate eteiana" variety and then refresh m nis yore served. After Dial the real sn 1 van. 1 hose who saw a prom li-al couple, liolh of whom arc well vsu 11 in t.’onl'i-derate circle... dance n -r, 10 t; . in 11.- 01 Dixie, wilili the lady ,ang 1 In- words, will 1101 soon forge; . enthusiasm of the hour ' ’Ronnie leu, Hag jimi simply form'd every body into iht- chorus, fjJven a ooftain clergyman prevent joined,-in, although we violate ttu ooiifld<>tiro. 7ml- will’ fluff bis feeling by saying lhal he knows he cannot sing a note. The history ot the Brunswick Kiite •v on was rehear,sod by a sister of the company's firs; captain and many sin ’■Ues id camp and army lit,- were told. Si me of them w. n- very comical anil many were thriilingly imeresting. On ttie whole ii was ju-t surlf an evening as was planm-d some lime ago and it. 1 . probable Thai it will lie repeated a number of times each yea: hereafter. A note of tnanks was tendered the .Marine hand, and the proposition to give thorn a return anteiialnirienl was . i tiiiuonsly T.eered and will probably m carried into effect. A Few Snapshot*. Dr. liur'Hughs can sing ''VS o re Old 'lime Confederates." lie proved it at. last night s camp lire. Dr. Joerger had the veterans lined , j iii-l night .ilid 1 resell tod etteii of j Hu- old boyr. with a sample of hard t..eli as a perpetual and everlasting r uvi iiii of evening. Urio of the limy teamed .Ml too soon that it was , ot the kind f Hard tack he thought it. I'.wTj’-.lim Lambright. can stand be-! lore a crowd of ladies and tell a good I rtory when b, has the moral support I of his, oi l I'me comrades I:..: ■V: : :, r -■, >ms I ■ -V; -if v- - ■ •■■■ & y/a-, S''- .'Jj&jLesteti J. l * ; If j* " %-iA, ■<! *%.'*•. r V- AeW * < y&t $ i • GRACE VAN BTVDOIFORD, fflflONOMk * p£br ve)r of h'ciifM£s will be VisaWe in North America Win BE 10EAI l\ CANADA i Prof. Otis Srhemore, of Savannah Talks Entertainingly of Three jjjwii'nemena of Morning and Evening Stars, t I Lovers starry e^Hß^ win Ho lieres>*ed iu the heav tiomenon lor the new year. There will hi'-four eclipses of special Interest to as: rouomeis. Two of these will be in pail visible m IHo United anti . cnee the iiue’est i>> Two of '-Rose eclipse.; will be of Uni sun and I'.vo of the 111 ecu .One of each .will he. ''slide at leas' in part ail over North America. Bier .Otis Ashmore, of Savannah, has (he following to say of the heaven- G phenomenons for Hie new year: I hi' annual eclipse of the sun in At arch will be plainly risible in Ana*, i.inlia only, '.'here will f,e a partial eclipse of the moon iu February which also will noi be visible here. The par -1 a! eclipse of the moon in. August, how ever .will b- generally visible here It. the .!th- month there will be a par. t al eclipse of the sun which will ne visible lu re, t hough (lie eclipse will he y.'eater hi the north In Canada tills eclipse will lit a total one and 110 doubt, : mile v ili cross the border to wHuess (he 1 dutiful phenomena of c. magical tu-ntng the day into ulgbt. Prote am for 1905. file program ol' the planetary pile noniona begins with g short dialogue iu a Isioil Uranu -and the moon are the prmcipaJe actors. The separation 01 almost file degrees auiUs of too much •'pace to form a striking i ctute, even veiiltl wo tin ! iln l planet. On the last, day ol the- month this event is reperat eci. but alas, with 110 better luck as tt.t as our entertainment is concerned than will he the case the brat time. I rnnus Is on, of the morning stars and is only :-i short distance from the "fa. having hi.l rccertiy deserted the banner of lair Venus Mercury Is also a moving star, and movos gradually away from tin sun until Jan. 22, when lit; reaches his farthest elongation west. A lew days abend of this date anil a corresponding number'of days after can he seen with unaided vision a short while before sun up, shining like one of the smaller magnitude sta-s not. far from the spot v. here Old Hoi first w inks bis eye in tl morning. .Mercury and the moon are al their nearorst for the month on the Itll. Saturn Is an evening star anil is on his way toward conjunction with the sun. where be will arrive about (lie middle of ne-o mouth. We .shall see I tit little of hin: for some time to come as be ii. not at his best, and when with i > a few weeks of a meeting with the sun it Is lan ! to find him without a glass. The Evening Star. Venus is now about three hours be- tai effects for which lie Is so famous Claries Klin - tickTfcd his risibles to the point of p; in in preparing his por tions of the por pourrl and Charles Km erson Cook won fame enough derived from his lyric contributions did he have no other. “Miss Van Studdiford works hard : lid intelligently. Equipped with every natural qualification for the title role ■ he added a charm ul manner and a voice 01 rare c'lltilro. Hei singing w-as full and true mwl from the moment she veiled the first note ol “Entrance of Hilda she had the responsive audi one- in low-. with her. It was in the duct wiih .Mr .Davies, "To Cal! Thee Aline" that the real strength and beau ty ot Mis-t l an Studdlford's voice vh re brought out and she was encored again and again . Miss Studdiford's was not the only voice in the company above in the or dinary. Miss Caro Tracy, in Anil a, a punish viri wed a rare connalto with entrancing effect. "The Rose and the Breeze " one ol Cook’s lyrics gave op l.oriunliy for the display ot his mar velous voice mi tin- lower register. The lun way in the hands of Wil liam j. McCarthy, lads Cassnvaui and Myron F. David. Mr McCarthy us Baron Jtulverstruus, a fi ii u.l of lieu Feather, 1h a comedian of the Sam Bernard type but is possessed of much) individuality. The aitemlunce lust l night was unusually large.“ TMKy'oyrpHHiNG JUDdRWN PARDEE FOR YSfITING LETTER hind the situ ;C setting, and graces the vjjrly eyeuiiig hours .with her radiant beauty. We shall have her with us throughout the remainder of the win ter, hut each succeeding night alter reaching her extreme eastern limit she will reduc 1 her stay until the latter fart of .April when she will be iu con junction with the sun, aud will then become the morning star. Jupiter ie still very conaticuous dur ing the greater portion of the night. Neptune is h o one of the evening stars an.t is moving on toward the sun. This planet aud the moon have a some what distant meeting on the 19th. Mui'k i nnil •• Oiuo Jj Ijiii it) I lio uonlir summer months it will he about three times its present slap. In May Mars will he in opposition with the sun, ris ing in the east al about the same time the stm is setting in the west and his beautiful ruddy light will make him easy to find in the diamond setting that serves but to enhance bis beauty. ISAAC WAS MADE CHAIRMAN. Eiunswickian Honored at Odd Fellows Meeting in Walcrosa The Brunswick delegates to the Odd Follows meeting, which was iidfd in \\ averoHM Wednesday, returnin'-; o ti e city yesterday and they till reported a peasant tint'; in the Alagie City. Ibe district meeting was made per Dumont and officers wore eoeted: W. I Porter of tl is city the district grand master, was ill and unable to attend U.c meeting, and on account of the bo -1 ions illness of his brother Grand Mas ter Bennett was also unable to preside at the meeting and Judge Max Isaac of this city, was elected chairman and presided at iho meeting. In the elec Pun of permanent officers lie was also chosen as the ihatrtrian of the organt ration. It was decided at tin- galdering in Way cross to hold these istrict meet ings quarterly hereafter, the city to he f looted by the district grand master 7 lie next meeting will in all probabt! xty lie held in this city. To be Hanged for Assualt. Muskogee. I. TANARUS„ Jan. 111.—A jury in the federal court has returned a ver dict of guilty against Joe Vickers, charged with committing a criminal assault upon Mrs. Bessie Duban. white near Wagoner, last May, and he will be hanged . MINISTER M’CORMICK HAD A CLOSE CALI With Number of Diplomats He Came Near Being Injured in St. Peters burg. SI. fvterslmrg. Tan. lit.—l,ator ac count:-. of the tiring at Hie Czar state tint a Shrapnel shell was tired from (lie battery, firing a salute with blank ct rl ridges. One policeman kill* and and four men wounded. The empress, a number of diplomats .including American Minis ter McOarmirr, narrowly escaped in a nearby saloon , PHYSICIAN INDICTED FOR NOT HAVING LICENSE. Chauauoogfl. .bin. Hi. Late yesler dry evening (he Hamilton county grand jury returned an Indictment against. Dr. Gibson O’Neil of tills city, for practicing without license. This action has been brought by the state end county medical associations foi the purpose of testing the law against such doctors us O’Neil advertises him m if to be. He has offices in Chattanooga and Momphl and treats rheumatism and kindred troubles by Hashing colored lights on the diseased portion of the body. Training Ships at Charleston. Charleston, s. C .Jan. 19. —The Ger man training ship Molake, Captain At leer, arrved In port from the West Indies lliis afternoon and will remain about ten days. Officers are ashon. tonight attending the one hundred anu thirty-ninth banquet of the German Friendly Society and officers, sailors and apprentice.-, will he entertained while hero. SOLICITOR 3ENNETTS BROTHER S D.INv The many Brunswick trends ol yo licitor General John \V Bennett, will regret to lean, ol the serious illness of lis brother, J. K. llenneli. A special sent out from Way cross published yes terday, says “J. K. Dennett lt> dying at ihe lev deuce of Ills brother. Solidtor ,i. Wal ter Bennett. "Mr. Bennett has been ill for same Lille but conn- ,!■; >n df:M, g tl I-, > urn U g.” I Air. Uenne'-t. like the so'ieitor, Laa many friends ir this city who hops he is still alive ai 4 will recover. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ANOTHER JUICE II THE HACK Republicans and Democrats are Busy Discussing the Affair HE MAY HAVt IROLB I* Bec.ufi*, of Writing Letter Advising Against Impeachment of Swayne De Armond “in Sham e and Sor row’’ Because of fiction of Federal Judge. ; Washington. Jan. 19.—Tim letter of ~'udge Pardee to General Grogvenor again figured prominently in the debat. in the holism has beeti mucU citicised by for hav ih; made pubhe the letter of Judge p r (lee on the gr,.-uud that this action was most, unjust to Judge Pardee. Gener al ahum., that under the au tiiority given him by Judge Pardee tmo hi.-, own discretion in the matter , ’ a: ' right to read the letter ITio action of Judge Pardee in writ ing tlm letter was severely scored by 'udge Do. W'raoud, of Missouri, who saiii it was with sorrow and shame ti nt lie had ‘"itnesued the exhibition made by- u Pardee letter. It was, he aid the first time in tbe history ot lie country- that it had been furnished " lU '#i slJec: ‘ lcle of a Jutlge attempt, nag t.mnfiuence by political consldera.. non.-; t.iii- action of the house acting in i's pi, soul judicial capacity, as Judge Pardee does in hi s letter, in which lie ays; "1 do not think that a republican mjtme -should vote impeachment against him.' Judge Do Arniond said he had al ways understood Judge Pardee to be an up right judge aild he regretted to ; <’<• him in this way place a stain upon himself, which could not be eradiated ;..v an hundred years of usefulness. He likened this a -t. to that ot a man who . Quid write -1 similar letter to a juror n. Judge Pardee’s court and pictured Die righteous indignation Over any su, '.h act, even on the part of the most, ignorant man who might be presumed k- known no better. Referring to Die date of the lector, which was written in March fast, Judge lie Armcnd .said, employing that sarcasm lor which he Is famous .that if p w.. r e not for the date it might have berm suspected that tlio letter was written by some of those otTicr judges who according to recent diseio ure.s have been reported In the habit, ot charging the miximum expense ac counts; bin of course he would make an such insinuation against Judge Par dee. The lei ter has been widely dlsctissod y,| d a good many men have suggested it as in itself warrant for the impeach ment of Judge Fardoe. Of course, so lar this is only talk and it is doubtful il anything more will he heard from It on (hat line, a good many men seem u- think ihere Is reasonable grounds for doubting the friendship of General Giosveiior for Judge Pardee, in view l Ills action in making public tills let ter. lie Armoml (.Missouri) declared that i Judge -Swarm- was not Impeached it will be because of the blindness ot partisanistu, hate and zeal.' 1 Mr. Do Arlond tMissouri) said there had been a effort to dispose of this case not on it: - merits, but by drawing a fine down the center aisle of the House. "If." he continued, "wo knew that In- (Judyc Foidoo) was one of those like Jrdge Suayne, who has ecu siuing u.-eie llio law regarding his expense allowance for the purpose 01 drawing. ti\,m the treasury money which does ot. belong lo lam, we could timl a reason for that letter where no r-. a-on now can be found to exist unless P should he the narrow partisanship." Mr. Do Arntond expressed surprise that inasmuch as three charges had been made against Judge Swyne tnero should lie objection to having him plac ed on trial hotore Ihe senate that his guilt or Innocence might he ascertain reviewed the differ ent Judge Sway no Unit ing cause for impeachment in all and said the record of the case would be an impeachment ol Judge Swayne as long as time shall last aud memory shall * UdUr - a —.L^j