The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, January 22, 1905, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK D AJmLY NEWS'. VOLUME 4. NUMBER 122. UNCLE SAitfTRUSUE j FOR THE UTTLEGATION OF 84NT& DOMINGO AGREEMENT HAS BEEN SIGNED —* — Is to Pay the Debts and will Take the Custom Receipts OWr IHIRIY-IWO WILL ON This Coverrfrent, Seemingly Acts as Again. Skate Domingo. .'an “1.--A cc’.iract vas Bigneil yesterday b> Ct-uUnatirter Dillingham ,repir,-.nan.e th ■ " ton mates satl a representative of the ;:ov ci Ament of Santo Dointi;;. a, b:- : i-let', the • fornu-t govern tent ' • ■ charge ot and adjust the pub! r debt ■ . the latter. Tie 'rarity viil be the collecting of t.ll custom nut:'. > y m- United States until the <!.' t 1 L ;iy paid. 'l ac exact stale of the n. . t ‘--in irt will bo officially published Mon day next but It Is .... and, an-' fr • an a.i.nritatlvc source, that un; .aM.i •at .t amounts to U lrty-two l: ill.: .* Joi iui a. Washington .Jan. 21.—Th-- l • ,o.>t (.astlno has fee i ordered j ■ li:e : ngo city to con ey C>: .1 a: hi! Dillingham to Sun Juan at • .r.v| be '.viil take a st< a:m-r for >’ i Stator. I'lie kuto utpaii' i* ir i v,-y well satisfied with bis con rue with Santo Domingo. MEWS ALONG THE RIVER FRONT Several Vessels Lc-it But None Arrived Yesterday. It will be high water on ilie 1 . r to J' ay at 9 a. m Tin* following ve-sols salted rday: British steamer Cairustrath, CaTal:- Loud ,for Manchester—btrachun & t 0.. Steamer Rio Grande, Captain Mein tosh, lor New York. Schooner R. W. Hopkiin, Cos; tain Hitehbom for New York, Raster & Cos. Carnegie's yacht, Hornet, will be un from bungeneas tomorrow James Coker has returned front Fi r i.undina where he bought a imfeNMV steamer. It will be used in the flshl business. The fcimmeliiie goes on 'be marine latlwuy tomoriow. The line new launch of Wesley Greenfield will be put Into the water ticking the week. The dredge doing work between Cabin Bluff and FernandUm owing to un accident, lias not ii"ii working (luring the past few days The little steamer Annie Laurie left for Cabin Bind Kri-.lav to tow a iqhter of lumber to Mils port. The owners of the steamer Harry . i ‘it. which runs between Fein dint; uud St. Mary’s have pureja, ia large e- boat AT THE CHURCHES TODIY interesting Services at the Houses of Worship. At the Baptist church at 10 a :n. B. Y. P. U devotional meeting At 11 a. m. preaching serv ices At 3 p. m. Sunday school. At 7:30 p m. Evan ptllstlc services. The B. Y. P .U. meeiins will bo conducted by the young people Special services at tile Second Ad vent Christian church at 11 a. m jjpd 7.30 p. in. The morning the me .viil be ‘ Assurance” ’Use evening tbc-fi.c will Li “Hell or the End of the V .cited.” The usual services will be Id at ,ne First MethGiilat church today. The pastor .Rev .J. V/. Malone, v preach at 11 o'clock >n Catholicity :■ : Broth •erlictd and is anxious for til tit morn terthi; to be present. The Linday school, D. W. Krauss, B.ips.'bi. udent, v.lll meet at 3 p. tn. Junior unique at 1 at nlgnt the senior leas m wilt hold the servlc<s. A special invitation la extended ta the young peojm to at tind this service. All are cordially In vited. To Install Uod^e. 'Ttu next regular convlrotion of the TRoysl Arch Chapter which occurs on itp 25t hlnst will no an important one .n that Chapter will ho nearly constituted on that day by Deputy Grand Lecturer C. D. Ogg, ot liruns wick. The ultctlon of officers for en suing years wiii also take Dine®.—" idea Georgian . WILL BE SOME TIME YET. 'W® Nothing Authentic About the Race fo- Postmaster. There Is absolutely nothing new in the race for 'he Brunswick postojeo and it is Hkei. that there will be no appointment • ntil the middle or the and of the week. The News under stands that the matter has been left entirely with nie Georgia referees and they will name the maD who is to succeed Postmaster llrown. The longer 'he appointment is delay ed the more Intense Is the Interest i-eing manifested here MAKING HARD (— Pnip Owners to Pass Littlefield Bill. News conies Iron! Washington that %wncrs are handing out IT, -of money to pass the Littlefield i 111 which ma.- he termed an anti-pilot ’Measure. It now appears that the pilots will -In out, and, as a prominent Wash ington correspondent writes. “The ship owners trust will be defeated." MANAGER MECLEARY LEFT YESTERDAY FOR MACON Will Taks Charge of Armour Agency at That Piace. A change In the local management of tl..- business of 'he Armour Packing t.omminy .occurred yesterday, when ~ V McCieary, for several months am.. < r of the affairs of the company . t - cby vas transferred to the . .... n, -lit ot th" company at Macon. Mr. M el'leary has been In llnms for about a year and ft half and . that lime he has made a large f lr. uds in both the business .■ : ii ciTlos of Brunswick. He • lentihed with the musical : . oi the city and wtT bo missed fruit that r aim especially. u connection with the removal of r. McClcary. ii may be of interest to -ay that no successor ban yet beet P pointed, but Mr. William Herrle. in has been employed by the concern ter a year or uvo is now in charge r the hitkincss in Brunswick pendiip; Iho appointin'pi of i a local manager. COU.hCrhD MONEY TO lil'RY FLYNN Cut the Body Had Not Been Recovered and the Police Are to Inves tigate. finding ot the body of Jim Flynn brought mu .1 piece of decep Mm that will likely be investigated hv :>■(* police. About two week* ago a petition was ■ irc.ulated asking for funds "to bury Jim Flynn who was drowned trying to save iiis brother in law. Numerous donations were made, r.ot only by Flynn’s own rs-ee but by the white peo ns well. It now turns out that the whole 1 king was a rake as Flynn's body was rot recovered untii Thursday and the n r.eral occurred yesterday. It Is sate to say that if those who carried around the subscription list : u brought before a court of Jusilce p-ey will get what they doeervo--n ...rm ,a the cLaingans. Who 'a the Fisherman? An o!d Bruncwick fisherman recent ly presented timßOif at an Insurance office and 13a 1 he wished to insure bis life. Ke was naturally asked his ;pe Hl3 rep'v was ninety tour' "Why, my good man we can not tn aura you,” said the company "Why not? 1 "Why you are ninety-four years ol age." "What of ’hat." the old man i:id. • Look at statiLtlCß and they will tell you that tewc-r men die at ninety-four than at and otuer age.''—Camden Geor gian. Will C'.osidar Invitation- Danville, Va Jan. 21.— Mayor Harry 4 ood'ug Is iu receipt of a letter irom William Loeb. Jr., secretary of tne picsident In v iiich he states that wnidi rrranKemont • for the contemplated southern trln of the president haxo been completed the invitation to visit this city will be given due considers t.on. Steamer Encounters Storm . Mobile. Aia, Jan. 21.—The Norwe gian steamer Ueacon which arrived htre today reports creaking the Amer ican schooner Tralda Worth 50 miles oE Swan island. Assistance was otter ea and retured Captain Worth report -u he encountered a severe storm Sun day, Dec. 16. v hlch carrted away both masts. Crew of six mon all well. He had a cargo of cocoa nuts and was bound for .New York DAVIS OFfSUCi. ADVANCE M Does Not See the Auditonum Sold HF HAS THt MOMtY RFA^Y Let Out the Amount the Debt No vi Due cn thL m--e ture—Writes a Very ■ng Letter. communication wmi t:e of infß-est to the people of the ciTy Bencrally an 1 expresses a sentiment which is er\ likely to find many i sponses in Hie city. The people i runswicivj hCTe come to tool a a.-im iutenjst in tli ■ old auditorium and t.iey ngret thaat. ii has become nee. t ary ti sell the building, g ies lion. Inn what will be well received iu the city Editor Bruns>v ck News, Dear Sir: —i see In yesterday's edi turn of your paper whereby notice is given that the auditorium is to bu sold. Rev. NY. F. Hollingsworth representing the owners last ntyht asked perim.mlou cl the city council to dispone of the building, which was granted, it igcms • 'at there Is p small balance still due on the building and lh:it is piviu a an excuse for the tearing down of tins sirueune, wh ■ U cost perhaps ten lim es the amoua. of this small, balance whiiti is now due. And in connection v itli this matter I wish to state that I was by ili ,e by yt.ncr any that tie- mount of li.iJai.e : due vas $125. lie Mr. Kiysiiy being on , of H o committee. And l have ii'mnt eon eluded that if it is agieeahie with mi nartiea cone, rued that 1 will sidv.iiiee the amount a ov.> imined p.ihl take tlu claim rather l,at have the auiillonurr, tom down as il is now threatened to be. .1 ust here 1 wish to slate mat i do not believe tlial any such lower was ever delegated to Mr. Hollings worth as he seems to think bar. been. 1 believe that there is legal slops which could be taken for him.or any one to recover sucu amour,r. as may be due them from this structure, but I think that they, the committee should give a dst of the names ana the amounts opposite who na.e contribut ed in the erecting of this structure. The total sum expended and Urn amount recei' ea and the balance duo, having the people ar> opportune}- to liquidate this Indebtedness. However, ii it is the money they want, and they are so very bard up for a dollar, they can have it, v; I have before stated. Hours truly, John t'enson Daviy, 304 Hay SI. Itninsu-vul/ l},;, Jan. 31, JpU"*. WATER ROUTE IS SOLUTION So Declares Garden Concerning the Transportation Problem. Columbia, B. u., Jan. 21 —T he t .-eiith annual meeting of the South Carolina Car Association which lias been i 1 ses sion hero lor two days .closed this evening with an addr ss by Hon. Hugh il. Gardner, oi New York city formerly president of the iSjutuorn society. Among the subjects touched up m oy Mr. Garden vas the jireposed inland water route, which hi said wan the eolutlou of the transportation prob lem in the aouth. At the conousiou ot the address the annual banquet was served. Died Aloic by roc r.oad3lcie. Valdosta, Gj., Jau. 21—Luke mas, :t til known end very old segre, who lived near Wall Mill, was fount dead near the roai this luoruing. He haa been dead auout tea orvs The negro it IT home last Monday week to .0 to, Jacob Black's nous., a uisi,... • 011 three hues. His 1 >ii.s Uioti it he j v as at BiaekV until yesterday isorn lug when they learne] that he ht and nev | mi arrived iiie'e, A search wa, lneti-: luted an tithe entire ncigii 01 hood | ifonrt-d me I, rods and lielJs laid the tody was louml. The o.d lita.i nuty lave been ail ed but the dca p,cvalffi that he was Is ken 1.1 on toe way urul that he strayed off from the road. Ferguson Kills Himself. Nashville. Jan .21 —ft. K. hTvgtisou, lead delivery clerk of the Lous *re and Nashville railroad at tlffi; p.unt committed suicide ’.ms by Liowing out. his briiiua with a pistol. His mind had '.econ e unbalanced trom brooding over family troubles, ilu was f7 years of age. Negro Hanged For Murde . Perry, Ga. Jun. 21. —Hue West, a negro, wah hanged here yesterday lor murder. The crime for which West was hanged was the killing of ids wife ' several weeks ago. The occasion at tracted a eft ad of both white* and itiacka to P*’ry, BRUNSWICK, GA„ SUNDAY CORNING. JANUARY 22, 1905. ~ Tj MEETS Session omor “ lining N Naim) ii f Tyre and I. I Many "Jt Jp. Jr • a W Judge Max will hold a session! f'-i *be court tomorrow for Fm purpose the following Ihe H"iirv- Py r<- Cos., case in wltloh trustee will be named and apprals-S is appointed. The examination ot! be officers of this bankrupt concern 111 also take piace and some Interest ing developments are looked for. This L thp cusp u will he remembered, xlicro the president of the company, ■ 'Cnry Tyre, is accused of some lraml uient acts in connection wtlli the hank) ruptcy of his idrapany. Garrard and Muldrtni and Jacob Ga zan, attorney-, or Savannah, will ap--- n ar for the creditors and Toomor and hcvnblds attorneys, ot Waycross, win represent the bankrupt. Other out ot ,(.v,n counsel will also attend the tiear ll-s- --Ihe I N. Bishop case will likewise ■’< me up tor hearing, in this case a 1 1 union will hi appointed ami the ex amination of-the bankrupt takes place. The motion lor r<- hearing of the in tervention of Hie J. ivl. Cox & Cos,, ot Wavcross in the H. G. Williams & Cos.. ci.kc is also assigned for bearing to morrow. SAW MILL Mt-iN MOLD BUbY MEETING Lumber Men May Hire Scandanavians to Take the Plac eof the Negro Laborers. Tlfton, Ga, Jan. 21.---The Georgia Interstfle Haw Mil! Association its January meeting In JaeksbhvTte,' Fla., yoHterd'i'- morning. President h. H. Tift, picsided. The classification and inspection rules adopted at the Savannah confer enci! were approved anil adopted by U.o association. These rules have now teen adopted by all parties to the con lerence. The Georgia Interstate Haw Mill Association, the South Carolina I .umber Association, the New York Yellow Pint K>change, New York Ltmi I.< r Exchange and the Baltimore Hun ter Exohang.- T hese rules will here after be as the Interstate rules ef 1005. A committee consisting of if. U. lilt, chairman, M. K. Amarous, W. S. West, It. 15, I'aul ,G. T. Betts and El v oo<i C Jiarrel) was appointed to for mulate and ;!si) empowered to put into effect anew price list based on the new rule;. It la very probably the price on the prime grades will be ad vanced unde, this new list. Labor conditions are very unsatls uietory so much so that a number oi Florida millls are serlousxy conaiaer -11 g the employment of Scandinavians U. take the place of the negro labor. Flat cars rre reasonably plentiful, although even these are scarce la acme sections. Box ears lor the ship ment of dressed stock are very hard to obtain The outlook for a lumber market is better than tor a long time. Indeed U is not as eiten a question of price .as it is if the mills can furnish at any ! price. The prices on planing mill stock ; were advanced %l per thousand feet straight ihroiigii. | due freight Situation m Florida is In tury bad snaps and shows little proba | Lilly of an early Improvement. An i auxiliary committee was appointed to assist the Fioi ida freight rate commit tee, which hal a contereuee v/lth tiie l'loriila railroad commission on the 13, ir. regard to 'he increase in local rate* to go into effect on the 10th. This committsee will go with the senior committee to Tallahassee to ask for a ’ reduction In the maximum rate. One Killed, Another .njuied. Montgomery Ala., Jan. 21 - Conduct ot J. A. Miller, of the Mu.ivgororay Street Hallway Compan, was kljlod un,j a negro badly Injured today as rssult oi collision betwoen a Louts vibe and Nashville engine and a street cr Mil jar's body was mangled into a pulp. piipip m Fe\yf ? § f ire Made the if CotllrAtion m f wr /ries is stili manager he Company Proposes Maikng Some 1 Big Improvements in the Mam f moth Plant Near Thic City The Officers. Mu 1 annual the hoard ot of the Taylor-Cook Cypress Wimpauy was held at the offices of tho Company in this city ana among other tilings the offi cers were elected: President, J. C. Turner ,of New York Vice President, O. N. Taylor, ot Brunswick. Secretary, Karl Fries, Brunswick. Treasurer, W. A. Burnham .ojjairving ton, N. Y. M This is one of the concur* of the city which set ms to be good, sound basis and all of the officers elect. ”1! yesterday me sterling business men and are sure to see to It that the scores a big success In it will news to the .peo ple of Brim know that Mr. Karl Fries, >\ i:l In the position t manager of iho and he nas been the ease in will be pleased to render the bosr of service in the patrons. CHILD'S GRIEF OVER A RING \ SOFTEN a BURGLAR'S HEARTS Chicago, Jal. 21. —A little girl's grief i’ver the loss of a ring her dying moth , 1 gave her has touched the hearts ol three Chicagr burglars. The ring came back through the malls today, barely twenty 'our hours after it had been torn from the finger of 15 year ill Vera Fowler, grand daughter ot .Millionaire Eugene Flshburn iu whose mansion the burglary took piace. "We have mothers, too" was the ex planation for M,e return of the jewelry hieli was a i-umll part of the liur glare' plunder none of the rest of which was r> turned. Tne letter in e'oslng the ring was addressed to Miss Vera Fowler and the unsigned note within read is follows: "We are n' * professional burglars. We ail nave radiners. *H)u. incioseu is the little ring which you said was a gift from your mother. Test regards.' The letter was given to the police by Mr. Flshburn and it will be used to develop a possible clue to the robbers !• entity. TWO DAYS AFTER WIFE DIED HOCH MARRIED HER SISTER Chicago, Jan. 21. —Johann liocn. wno married nis sister in law. Mrs. Emily Fisher .two days after his wife died, and who Is alleged to have disappeared i •two days.sub ( quent to his second wed uing alter ge' 3750 of his second wife’s money, is being sought by the police. The coroner and police today' took up the question of exhuming the 1 ntidy of his lust wife Hoch married two sisters within a mouth. He ad j vertiaed for wife last December. Neighbors say that after the adver j lined a number of young women appear and ai HocU's house. Among the callers j as Marie VVu’ker, who owned a small candy store. She and Hoch were mar ried a few we. Is ago and within three .lays the hri.e was taken tii. iiai* death, apparently, was uue to kidney t.ouble. Over the coffin of tue dead woman, it is alleged Hoch mads love 10 her sister before the corpse was cnuergroumi rad gained th sister's consent to man y him. MURDER IN FIRST DEGREE Chowman V/bo Killed Hie Son Con victed Second Time. City, .Tan. 21—John Mart in E'peyer, a circus performer fomcriy cl New Orleans, who killed iru young .son wi.ilo showing in Kansas City r.v.. veers ago, was today found guilty jI trurder in the '.rot degree. At its Bis ti ial he us given a sentence of t'Uir.v cur: In the penitentiary and appialcl Officers had gone to the circus tern to serve a warrant upon Sp-’yer eharg .ng his with asault upon i >Olll3 *lil, ; . n d a mob ihieat'-nel to Ivueli him. / hen ho broke awav cut Ills child's hioat with a razor und then lued to commit suicide. Speyer sa.d 1 e killed the hoy to snve him from ulvirsea. If Vou Get It at Wilson’s its Good There will be a specially fine dinner i,t Wilson's today and If you want a real good meal you should go there. Take your friend to dinnur there anu both of you will be delighted. mmm TO TALK # ffWRjHE MATTER Ttt^TRIKERS BEAUTIFUL GLf^NLACE. Store of Heller & Bros., Now Convert ed Into Same. The store at, 220 Newcastle street f.rmerly occupied by Heller & Bros., viil be converted jnto a beautirul glass palace. The Howell Crystal Palace art workers will exhibit, here all next week. These famous glass manipula tors have a world wide reputation and are considered to be the chaiahlono ot the art. They are noted as and cloth makers an of making ill' most^Bß^nPNbffKs x .I IMe glass cloLi in J Mbltlons cam:.-t - Bo) ftj the work they make Is 1|( 1 Ihe marvelous. jfSSßjiHiT* ; These workers wf' y.f ef tools or moulds of 1 , • tlon ftl.i' some o: the mo\ L { artistic wares ever public ixhibition. Watch for their windbw display. They will exhibit at 22b Newcastle street. WRECKED BY CIGARETTES, WOMAN ENDED HER LFIE Chicago, Ja.i. 21. —-Because her hus band upbraided her for smoking ciga rettes, a habit which had undermined per health and which she could not conquer, Mrs. Sadie Thompson, wife ot Kobcrt Oliver Thompson, sexton of the (. nk Grove Ei'isopai church has swal lowed a dozen pellets of corrosive sub limate and died after a loug and agon iinig illness. While she was In the iktal grip of the drug the sight of her grief stricken husband and little dau/h ter renewed hr r desire for life and ai though a physical wreck, she prayed that she mignt live for her famiiy's sake. According to the testimony of l liompson, at the inquest, his wife bad been addicted to the cigarette habit ior several years. .“We have often had angry words over it," said Thompson “and she often had tried to bteak herself of the habit but she would always go back to it again. She was nervous and irritable, because of the smoking and once be fore. four years ago, she tried to kill herself by taking morphine. DRANK PARK WATER AND HE GOT WELL Cuban Captain Had Fifty Quarts Ship ped to Havana Fop His Own t Use Jose M. Doominzue, a prominent Cu ban, visited I'runswck some time ago and while here drank “park water." Cppt. Donmnue was in bad health and the water helped him—in fact he says it cured him. He returned to Havana but was not t acre long before he sent an order to Morgan & Davis for fifty quarts of the "wonderful water”. The enter prising firm ' ottled and shipped the water to the Cuban captain and It is safe to say that when this supply expires he will order more. There is no questioning the medicin ui qualities of "park water” and Mes srs. Morgan and Davis can, no doubt, make a big sucess by bottling and ship ping It . SPEAKER CANNON IS FOR STRICT ECONOMY Speaker Will Not Allow Big Public Building Bill to Pass. Washington, Jan. 21.—The house ct mmlttee on public buildings at its meeting today formally turned over to what Is known as the revisory com rmttoe the reports of sub-committees upon different building bills submitted to thorn. There are pending a very large number of public building bills and it is manifestly impossible to put more than a small percentage of these piojects in the omnibus bill which the committee expects to submit at ttii3 session accordingly there was a divest mg out among members of the commit -ee of all ihe bills, the subcommittees i/ting told to designate those they re pi rded us most important .T hese re ports have now been turned over to ihe revisory committee with instruct ions to prepare a tenative draft of a oill. In the talk lu the committee room today. Chairman Gilllt said his Idea that the bill should not bo over H 0,000,000 or 112,0000,000 at the out side and the trend of sentiment seem cd to be favorable to Incorporation ot l\ number ot small projects rather than a few large ones. It, Is doubtful, 1 however, whether a bill cf this kina' can be drawn which will have enough ’ I'crco back of It to put It through at this short session, especially in face cf the speaker's opposition. Chairman billet reported to the Speaker Cannon has shown jut relenting I|RICE FIVE CENTS. CZAR, AT LAST, 10 HEAR THEM No Doubt Brfehihat This 'V^havi Cioud SITUATION IS SERIOUS There is Little Doubt 0.,t That a Per sonal Conference Between tfi Czar and the Strike Leader* 9b Will Settle Matter. St. Petersburg, Jan. 21.—There was no talk today oi the , JslUdf!fiHtr T lmoot ' ing but ai] topics -oi conversation was about the str.:U:rs and the Impending icvelatdoir.'it was pointed out to Nich olas- .that he should receive a tielega utm from the strikers and late this af ternoon the czar informed dolEgatea'" uiat he would meet a committee froth the workmen tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock and tills had a Boottung er ect. So mu :',i so. in fact, that It la believed that the end of the trouble now in slgnt and further that a few voids from the czar will put an end to the trouble. The petition from the workmen to the czar is as follow*: "Assembler! before thy palace we plead for our salvation. Remse not nine aid and raise thy people from their tomb. Give them means or work •us out their own destiny. Rescue them from intolerable officialdom, throw down (he wall that separates thee front thy people; order that they may rule the country with thee. Cre ate for thy people the Happiness wrenched from us, leaving us nothing i.ut sorrow and humiliation. “Rum|a is too great and her needs, are tooruned and numerous for oW t nls only to rule. National represen tation is indispensable as only the peo ple themselves know the country's real needs. Refuse not thy aid hut order a convocation of representatives of all classes ,includng workmen. Let all he free and equal in the elections ana to this end permit the election of a unstttueut assembly by general setStel ballot. "That is our chief demand in which all else centers. It Is the sole balm tor our wounds, which will otherwise „ sreedily bring us deatn. Only two paths arc open to us, either towards liberty and happiness or to the grave Should our lives serve as a uolocauat tor suffering Russia, we shall not re gret th csacriitce, but shall bear it willingly." DON’T CUSS AN IRISHMAN. 5 hi s is the Cause of Nledrlnghau** Great Trouble. Washington, Jan. 21. —The secret of ti e sensation'll fight being made by certain ra ul lien ns against tho elec tion of Niodringhaus to the Missouri senat- r ’ ip i.; found according to the :Tories reacntvE here from Jefferson City, in an exceedingly impolitic ana unfortunate remark made by Mr. Nld tint, aus immediately otter he had secured the republican caucus nomina- Don and had been given the -Informal vote 111 the two Louss of the legisla ture. "I will,” he 1= quoted as having said drive out that d—d irishman Into the Missouri rlvc-ilie meant old Dick K' r:.:s, hie pi' ne'pal opponent for the nomination. Ke a has for yean been one of the strongest fi ztors in tlic republican party in Missouri and ho baa some very intense friends. Ker ens, himself, had' no idea of leaking „ ~i am, .;t iH'-dringhaas itmTthe otnry of :i; th .t was carried to him hv intimate friends and then . 0 pulled cot ho scalping knife. It’s the Irish a aitist the Dutch now. and that meani r, light >0 the finish. GOSHEN FuSTOFFICE ROBBED. Alabama Town Experiences Visit from Knignt of Explosives . Montgomery. Ala., Jau. 2L—The post office. :u Goshen Pike county was robbed last night and all the money and Jtaraps in the safe taken. It is not 'stated in th? telegram whether the ' #ll f e „as blow 1. The outside door was forced open and the robbers seem to have taken their time with the sate. The postmaster John H. Nixon, wired for aVsKtaaco and is doing all be cm to aifprwjwnd the rebber*.