The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, January 25, 1905, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWCK *NEWS. VOLUME 4, NUMBER 124.* PROCLAMATION IS TO BE BY GEN. TftAPOjT PROTECTION TO-WORKING* HAS POWER TO RESTOREGRDER — + —. Czar Will Not Return to Palace Until Order Has Been Restored MOB AND CAVALRY HAD 4k A CLASH YESItRDAY Announced That he Will Receive Com municatien Lorn Only His Officers. Trouble Expected in South ern Rusia, St. Petersburg. Jim. 2b—General Trapoff was tt-!a afternoon lnstalieu iu tha winter palace -with tie i ;I: nut completa power to U3O any means that he can and may desire for the restora tion of order. He will imujouiate.y is sue a proclamation guaranteeing pro tection to all those who wish to vark and stated that those who interfere v ith the native villagers will ar rested. Te ofT.ce uf Tr-iucEY n;u£ announced this afternoon that ilu ciar had determined to rtc-'i’. com ir.unlations uoa i.obody caaept his officers. It was also f-iven out thn: he v oni rot return to the palace until oru-.-r Pad been res.uud. fit. Petersburg, Jan. 24. —The Rur s’an government ordered live Sum machine guns from • c.-’.ln, \vi: i Instructions to ship as soon an possi ble. A half do'/.n or mor> prominent t-e.u who are supposed lo be among the leaders of the r volt, v re : udden iy arrested today. It. Ik announced that other arr. is if prominent Ruslans. su| -d !•• be connected with the revolt v, id he mam u morrow. MOB AND CAVALRY ENGAGE IN A FiGHT St. Petersburg. Jan 2!. A ver< fight of a large-niv’> and ■ kip: recurred this afternoon, t l r - t <■ which it net yet known :t it ffi l.eved that n number of mia'C .;c oc nr red. 7ROUBLE IS EXPECTED IN SOUTHERN RUSSIA Odessa, Jan. 21.—Copies of Uipor’s petition to the czar are being circulated •i' tfuutncfD Kufisia. Tl'o w * 4 caused a great Torment, v hten is In cteasing hourly Tonight many shops have been Hundreds of * eople who anticipate a big strike t- morrow are laying in a big supply uf food stuffs. Tire ait-ration it. south cru Russia at present la t-oiious. SAY NO REGIMENT REFUSED TO FIRE Sl Petrsburg, Jan. 21. It is now oik t ally denied that a single regiment rr.lused to oDey orders yestords an-, tile war office expresses not the a light est doubt ol the loyalty ot t. j tre jpa. A SENTIMENT IN ITT FAVOR, The People Of Brunswick Hate to Port With Old Auditorium Bjildii x The News i-as resolved a ni.ailr r of conuriV.n'.cationr, all of them eurgest- Irg that some i!a>- be arrived a- which v. ill obviate the necessity of selling or 1l otherwise removing the old i.iulto riua building. A great many reasons mo set out for the posltlcr tak a and toko cf tho:s arc cp.ondi l A number of people str-m to If I u;-t the tearing Jow-n of the bulluii-g wi 1 boa io.*p in the wrong d...:ction rnd looks too much like going back ward, others aro of tho opinion, that the amount, duo on tha stricture could raised and that inch a build- B be needed, iu the- event that grows very rapidly In the 11 In all there is a dccidcu senti ment against tearing down the build ing. ..isa* Hie net Arrlvan. The handaome steam yacht Hornet owned by tho Carncgies of Dttngoness. strived In port yesterday to undergo repairs at the foundry of the B.iesen-' irk-Hensell Engineering Corop-iny. Be. tore returning she will go on tae ma-! rme railway and will be thoroughly overhauls*}, RUSSIA HAS ORDERED 500 BIG GUNS FROM BERLIN ST. PETERSBURG, JANUARY 23—THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT 1.A3 ORDERED FIVE HUNDRED MACHINE GUNS FROM BERLIN. WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO SHIP AS SOON / S POSSIBLE A HALF DOZEN OR MORE PROMINENT MEN. SUPPOS ED TO BE AMONG THE LEADERS CF T LY ARRESTED TODAY. OTHER ART CXPECT^^^k^ PROGRAM BY THE MENS cNk interesting Meeting of the Organiza tion Was Held Last Night at Club Rooms. The meeting of the Men’s club last right was not largely attended, but i hero was a spirit manifested that with only a fair measure of support will win a successful series or meet ags for the year Kov. Sam Small •md Mr. J. O. Green were *octed mom hers. The meeting nights are changed to Monday night of each week at $ p. m. The program for cast Monday night. :• a discussion of the -war in the Far -last and its effect upon the clvli'za (;n of the world. For the fourth Monday night In Fob u try an address by J. T. Colson upon -3 al'.espearoan subject of his choice. S', mi-e:pearean address. 4th Monday i March Walter Brobstm fourth Mon lay in April, Dr. Wyllya lode ; '-Tth Monday lu May, Prof. N li. ailcrd. Talks were made "fun the club ana t relations to the community ami the - for such an organisation id its enthusiastic support by Dra. .tkinson, Drunker and Rede, Rev. Sam mall and by the chair. Now with extension of A. & 13. to Birmingham ia sigh: Is the time to iial'.e this club the power for useful ness it may and canj-.nd must be made A MEW STATE ENTOMOLOGIST ~ I. Smith Appointed to Succeed Wilmon Newel!. It. I. Smith, assistant state entomolo :t will bo tirmert as state enlomolo- I to succeed Hon. Wilmon Newell, who resigns to become professor of ntoniologist at the University of Lou i.-tana. The position wu offered to *lr. Newell several weeks ago and he had the matter under considers ion for some time. Ho went to Baton ouge several days ago to confer with lie university authorities about the place and has finally agreed to accept the appointment . The fact that he is to leave Georgia 111 be generally regretted. Since- no became associated with the department •t entomology bore several years ago e has made hundreds ot friends In .-very sectibn of the stale and has mado an admirable record In the office f the state entomologist. He was one of the most experienced r.on ev-r holding that position nn;l did - tillable work In stamping out the dis os's of fruit trees. Mr. Newell cainn to Georgia from Texas where ho nan - orked a3 an entomologist hr. Umlth, #ho suceeds him, is an experienced man and has been with He department about two years. The appointment ol Mr. Bmlth will not b ..ado until Cotamlsio-.or of Agriculture O B. Steven j returns from New or • eans where he has got-e to attend the meeting of the commissioners of agri culture of the southern states. .HANDSOME YACHT ARRIVED FOR EDITOR PULITZER. A handsome little launch arrived In the city Monday and was unloaded yes ttrday, for Joscrh Pulitzer, the well known millionaire owner and editor or tho New York World, who will ar rive at Jekyl fhortly. The launch was unloaded and will be carr ed to Jekyl probably today, where It will be fitted up and put in the water. Mr. Pulitzer, It Is understood will arrive In the city tho latter part of r.fxt week anl will occupy his cottage e-u the island until toe season closes. Ho Is a regular visitor to the Island and is always among the last to leave, Italy Honors Whltelaw Reid. Romo .Jan. f-4.—King Victor Emnn vel today signed a decree conferring the grsd cordot of the crown of Italy on Whltelaw Ried of New York. i— - - ■ ■ I The Wether . Forecast for today in Georgia: fair and colder. t ERUNSYICK ■ /lESDAY^MORNING.ISO?. M R^D. ’KLi [SO Vvl J • ■ W VO be I ed In Swindling. New York, dan. 24.—Mrs. Duke, who Las been ilguriag in tho courts here ! 10r the past I'ew weeks on acouut of I the alleged insanity of her husband I v. ho was confined in a sanitarium tor tome time, was Itorseif arrestee t. placed in the tombs. the arrest wa3 maae as a result of lequisition pap era reueivwi from fax |ls where she iormerly lived and v. mro she- owns considerable property, ckaie lug her with swindling. Sho strongly denied tuo charge when a. rested. MANY TOURISTS ARK HERE.. Visitors, From North and East'burning South In Fores: Tl\o tourist season has set b auo •< cro are many vlsf.< r.> out.. 0 s ree(b u. at tiie build legs arc time don tied pluce3 about which they Imivt it ad so niuen. Many of tue visitors com the north stop hereop tuo ..way to JackKOuvl le or jfeing south,"our. ’ho majority of the n ar gu. i-i at Hie hotels of the city who have i .chid ed Brunswick in the itinerary :-,auui "ard to escape cold and mow <i mf north. The hotels aim beaming houses of Brunswick are now v. oil a Tod. Tho beautiful weather Ibat j. iun;- wick is having nnd tic warm tempera tures that moot the coining visitors v ho have corny from tempuraiut . s be tow zero and icy winds slinging chunks o' snow into their laeos, give them joy all the more he- niy apprec dated on account of the hltvUuess of tho land which they have let'- behind .lent. Fauns wick is now at the heighih ot its social season and visitors cau get an idea of real southern culture m the city that is found so perfect iu the nowhere else The warm climate, the beauties of the surroundings tii; his torical attractions and the picturmque negroes all ccmbine to make th city an ideal retreat for the snow notion ice chilled traveler from the north and it Is small wonder tnat so many are n aklng the c ! iy tho objective point or their winter traleves iu the sou u THE PALMETTO SOLD TO TWO LIBELLENTS. Knocked Down on Bid of '"hornas Rav end fo r Only S4OO. The Savannah News of yesterday t:n vs: The schooner Palmetto v-as sold be fere the postoillce ut JO o’wock .--.-ster | aav morning by Deputy United Oates Marshal Joseph F. Doyle Th< hoa-. ; v as knocked down to T. P. Kavonei I,on a bid of s4('<J tho highest of fered. it was learnel aftenvaid; that | Air. Raven el -vas bidding for John J | Reliv and John W Simon .- two j £ the bufcUents. Despite the fact that the Pa duetto is a thoroughly mo cm Vesei cr-d is la good condition throughout, there was lUtie latevcst apparent in the bin il-nu. There ire first | £2OO. Prom thlt figure the -..eputy j marshal gradually pi hod the puce up 'an additional 1100 and tuea .t wa. , inocked down. Tr.j price obtained ■ will not satisfy all tie libels tha-. have | i, filed against tho vessel that ot j Savannah Fish and Oyster Company alone being $525. ¥. R. EELK, OF ALGBTA, TO LtCTU.IE HIRE SOON. V/ell Known Georgian Will be Heard In Brunswick Shortly. The iadlo3 of thj First Mot.hodlet church have succeeded In seeming X r . It. Belk ,of Augusta, to deliver a lee tore here the iattor i art of uext month- Mr. Beck is one of the best known lec Bums wick will be (•.waited with inter- Hirers in and his coming to cet. The lecture lsatu be given for the ! benefit of the hew MethoiUt church on which work will shortly begin |P§M| JfWmp’ ' t, dm pan y*'' - CASE AIM INIEKESMnJ®ST Some Sensational Evftnr-ce. Whß Points to Fraud, Out MM the Trial—Other Cas.u Tried • ] After a two aviß-slaon of the bank! court hel.S here, Judge Max* Boac rrf,-r: o ir bar.krr ptcy. recessed Die beii inr of the Henry Tyre Uo..j '■ -d-.ruiitt", case, of Patterson, CrC-onAt. >- o to be determi® i! The , ; r sf day pu 1 ifTVof th-- second, wan ensumed la t'e'Jkiag ot the testimony of Iter y T re, the prc. i Went of the c.efuncl corporation and I seme Interesting a. I i-i ! t iv I tional disclosures were. i,ro. ght out. The firm hag o, .v.-n engnsetfc usiness lorn lif'ie over one year iffni wLon thrown into involuntary bank ruptoy owed debts of shout $13,000,00 •"hd rroduced assets jffluod nominally U $14,000.00, but acting/ worth, scarce iv half that amount. 'JTio attorneys representing tlio creditors, Garrard & Mekirim and JacolftOtzau yf Sayan rnh and Col. Leon Wilson ,of\vay cvos3 subjected tho president Of the c- ucorn to most searching ennss-ex -.mination .and have brought out facts which may result in the charjm tnat ‘.out $5,000.00 of BSSvt.i are aS pres nt unaccounted for. Just hi lore taili ng the recess, tho apyo!uhtK;nt of a unstee vvas made. Cob C. J l , Qoodycnr i cing appointed to this petiti-iu, re c ivlng tiro unanimous vote of all tho realtors present and represented. Jtittye fctuc.-nQsintMv-J u.. iSfem uent of appraisers of the estate, and will take this matter up at his con vi nlenco. The next session cj the court will be -held January 26 when tiio Morgan Drug Store case and the 1. N. Bishop i’use both of Baunawicli will be hearg .Arid trustees appointed. An order wg.s onterel ln the -Mrs. Btßle t4fcn case of Hrunswick, directing the trusted to sell the busi ness of this concern on January 28. LIQUOR MEN EXCLUDED. From Membershlo of the. Mine Work ers Convention Indianapolis. Ind. Jan. 24.—1n the mine workers convention today Unt uck Dolan of Pittsburg n-d a move merit to have I he constitutional amend, merit excluding barkeepers and saloon keepers from membership lay over for a year. The debate lasting two hours rmled In a decided vote lor tho Im mediately operation of tho amend meet. The convention declared strong lv iu favor of co-operative stores. It was decided to emplcy an attor ney to draft for presentation to cou tc-rk and state legislatures an em p.oyer’s liability bill. Announcement of tho vote tor na tional officers showed the re-election ol the present officers. •* RIOTS REPORTED >ArANOM; BUILDINGS ARE DESTROYED Berlin. Jan. 24.—ltlots aro reported a! Railoru. A Russian I’aland mob ol workmen and -esirvists fired upon sol dlers, killing two officers. In tho c< urso of rioting a number of buildings wero completely destroyed . Tiie-re is uieut excitement Jumped Through Car Window. Jackson, Miss., Jan. 24.—J.. H. Dish es oom, a young white man charged j. Ith embezzling funds from the Forbes Plano company at Laurel jumped through tha coach window of a train ihlle being taken back to laurel from Aiabama. Ho made good his escape, although handcuffed at the time. Small Negro Kills Another, Ashbuin, Oa., Jan. 24. —Jim White, colored, accidentally shot Lewl3 Wool today. Wood lived 30 minutes. Botu were email boys. W’hite tried to carry film home but gave out. China not "Butting In." Berlin. Jan. 24. —The Chinese min ister called on Chancellor Von Buelow • odey and gave him some positive as .urances that China is not infringing neutrality. Interventions Filed. In the bankruptcy court yesterday two interventions were filed in tho ii. Levison case, cno by Morgen & Davis, of this city for 4000 and the other by the Acme Brewing Company, Ma con for 1550. They will be be&rd on February 4- P MICHH, [ BEING IHSTADLED j I;-- . % iJJumber on Improvements 9 in PfOsi at Sash F'actory ihE CAPACITY IS INCREASED New Dry' Kiln Has Recently Been ft Erected and Some New and Mod- V ern Machinery Haa Been fiAlered. g An ft i not icall 'hi,-: 1 V u.wj- g 1 ;r to ine front ImporßWWhThls jJkFt'l'i.ii state, improvoments being steadily made, new machin ery fs being Installed, the capacity ip : nag tacrwsc-l and tho factory Is now an : : - on full .Tuo and'A'ten ov>. • mo .r y;i i The o’-.u-rp’:.-,.-. rel'eijf- dto Is the j : ‘ Or; 1 : i>,tsit. Door and plind Factory, j ..’liintc ' out I . the shoo, ot the At ; r>le -g irmi). -l:nn>. limp-:; ti i-- a si. few day.* some now an.l mo icrtt i.iachir.ory ha.t boon Jr. ,sialied etui ui’;!' -t! >3 be n or:tere ,: which will uo j.daecu .r *ios;ifio.i us soon ns It arrives. Amourr the late.-.- improvements to bo ma le i.i a large t.ty kiln which was r - im.v lew days ago and is n . beitig ■ ,od. 'Within the course t-r a few weeks n now panel tasor and ■ ; g 0 diag onal j inner wilt bo lnsta-.. .. With the addition of tht pd tv.-o modern pieces or machinery the capacity of '.be mill will I’o greatly Increased while the quality of work will be higher class. The industry is now being managed by D. E. Patterson, who is doing an excellent work. lie has had many jtara experience in the manufacture ■of sash, dooi 3. blinds, etc., aud the company secured an excellent mau to '••liUdbC fLe plant. The local company is now wou crowded with work, orders coining Dom all sections of the country, which are rapidly filled. Tito plant employs qtiilo a number of workmen and alto i,other it is a much larger enterprise than tho average person would mink. WILKES FARMERS ARE IN LINE.' Will Reduce Acreage and Amount of Fertilizers Used. Washington. Ga., Jan., 24.—A con vocation of farmers, merchants and professional men was held here Satur day ut which time a permanent organ ization of the farmers was perfected. Hon. It. D. Callaway was elected president of the Cotton Growers asso of Wilkes county, with J. Duke Burdette secretary and treasurer. Reports showed that the farmers oi Wilkes county will reduce thedr cotton acreage 30 p>r cent and will curtail the use of commercial fertilizers at least 40 perc.nt. The committees re ported that only in a few cases did ihey have a farmer to refuse to agree o\er his signature to cut down his cot un acreage and the use of guano to a material degree. , Wilkes county sent a delegation ot five members of the Gotten Growers convention. They are are Hon. R. D. Callaway, A. S. Anderson, M. P. Pope, v\. O. Bobo and J. H. I ritzpatrlcK. More than £2OO was raised t-t the meot big to help defray their expenses on Gils trip. LARCE DISTILLERY 13 SEIZED Alleged Irrenularites of Plgg’s Plant Causo Action. Danville, Va„ Jan. 24. —After sev eral days' Investigation of alleged ir regularities, revenue officers have seiz ed whaat is known as Plgg’s distillery at Dry Fork. The distillery, which is He largest in th.s section of tho coun try, was licensed and operated by Sidney Jones, but is believed to bo owned .by J. Hutch Bigg. One humiroT barrels of whisky were seized, fifty of which are at Salisbury, N C., and twenty-five In Richmond. ; be distillery Is known aas a 23-bu3hei . ti.:,. Thu s; le.i of whisky duilng the mouth of December amounted to $12,- •30. Tl.o plant has be u remodeled and fitted np with improved steam ma chinery during the past, two year#. This community being dry the din till ay has been doing * large retail oue tness. TWO WHL GO TO GALLOWS; TWO GF.T LIFE SENTENCES. Tallahassee, Fla.., Jan, 24.—'Two men have beer, sentenced to ho hanged and two others to life Imprisonment it- the circuit court here, ishman Ku wards, Milton Larkin and Manuel Har ris wore- convicted of the murder of N. W. llpps, width occurred near there fast September. Edward and Larkin “a-ill go to tho gallows and Manuel Har iis to prison for life. John Itepro pleaded guilty to tao charge of murder In another ca* and v as glvan a l’fa aentana ffaasi&ffil in Over $50,000 of Property Discovered in Moore Case SCHEDULED AT $22,150 V hile Appraisers' Report, Filed Yes terday Placrs Assets of the Bank rupt at $76,502,50—Ca5e an Interesting One. The appraisers in the case of E .L. Moort, tho Coffee county man who recently went into bankruptcy, Hit* their report w'th mo referee yesteruay and some very interesting disclosures were made . in tho first place the appraisers ■u-nd over fifty thousand dollars mor , perty than was sched lied by th Bankrupt, in his petition Moore’s ar -orue/a only scheduled property valued 1 JJ2,100 but in their report tiled yes hay tue arpraisers stated that t..- \ nau tound property valued at $7(1,5: *" l '°al eaato .saw mill machinery, u;peutino lands, city- property in Va;- .-.n. cotton mill stock aou inter, it in ■ ortad proper ty. ni prau.ers are D. VV. Kiauns •■' *• i- fhmuyicr, or mbs city, an ; - ‘ bi'U i , Jo .nson, ot Wit; cro;,., irv cave . .. o.rr u.e f ropett;. ii ui< bankrupt u,- , v carc-HU a, nu . -l ent of same. it will bo remember a I that till bankrupt sheduled his liabilities i47,0U0, the largest case which ever been in the bankruptcy cov.t i this district. Isis creuuors l. : . b-'red in all sections of tin stain i Tie case lias attracted considorab: at-, teutlou. The fac tthat over $50,0(>0 worth oi prqperty not scheduled has been lo tated by tho appraisers has made the case a very interesting one and it is expected that there will be some - ard fought battles for different pro forty before the case is finally settled. The trustee in tjie case. C. H. Leavy, ( i this city ii now busily engaged In lit paring to dispose of the property and will bring tho case to a close as lupidly as possible. ATLANTIC COAST CITIES WILL FANDLE GRAIN CROP Chicago, Jau 24.—1n tho contest Ia tween cities at the Atlantic const ,ur mose on the gulf of Mexico for the tra'' lie in tho grain crops of Nebraska, Kansas and lowa, the “Chicago Gate v ay and the Atlantic secured a victory today when traffic officials of the east ern and western lines reached an agreement to meet any competition of the railroads from Omaha and Kansas City to the gulf. The roads were given full authority by the Hues from Chicago lo New York 1 hlladetpliia and Baltimore to make rates on export grain which will be l unging the tariff this way. In other words the rate making power in west ern grain for export was passed over to the western roads by the trunk lines eastward. The eastern railways have only to accept the rates made by their western crnnections and haul the treight turn ed over to them. The agreement is without time limit and may continue t,o long as the competition ot the gmf remains an active factor in the traffic -he rate from Omaha to New Orleans by tho new tariffs of the Missouri Pa cific Is 13 cents per ICO pounds. RANKER IS ON TRIAL FOR CRIME Or MURDER. Two Venires Exhausted Without Jury Bying Secured. Roanoke, Va.. Jan. 24.—The case ot Charles R. Uthburn, banker and bro ker charged with killing Dr. Fred i.efew, a young Roanoke physician, ~ua called yeilordny, Judge A. M. Aik en, of Danville, presiding Two Roa noke venires were exhausted and elev en jurors secured. Tho judge then or uved the sheriff lo go te Franklin coun >,y tor a venire. On October 30 last Fish burn had a difficulty with Lefcw s young step son, Uter going to the Lctow residence i j inform tho doctor wiiut had happeneo The two mon quarrelled ard Flshbur ; cut Lefew in the breabt, puncturing l ho heart. Lefew lived two woeks. Yn mmllloß are promineuL TOUTH SHOOTS HIMSELF; THEN MANGLES B V T RAIN Newman Thon as, of Bartow, Ca., Dnau From Accident. Bartow, Ja., Jan .i' Newman Thomas, the 14 year old s ,:i in Hr. \V. A Thomas ,ot this place •.eeldenialiy shot anl killed himscif he re ttatuday. The body was lying on the rau-oad track nd was afterward iun over by a paaalnf train anil badly mangled. PRICE FIVE CENTS. San Senators So Review ills Action Regarding San Domingo MAY CAUSE SOME TROUBLE Senator Bacon Introduces a Resolu tion to Force Facts In the Matter. Has President Usurped Func tions of Senate? ~ Washington. Jan. 24.—Senator Bo mi today introduced a resolution ot ) quiry bearing upon the at Unde of this government toward San •’ominj'6. T j resolution recites the : reports from San Domingo ..‘I tuo statement given out by Mr, fomts after consultation with Mr. •ay and Einniy calls for the facts tn dcial form. J ho object and this /to have the sen te put In possession of the inside v ets concerning the situation down ‘ ln ' I tti'ticuiarly with reference ' tho u:io taken ,by President oosevolt with the idea of disclosing ■ ■‘•’ u ' r *'.< i . sident hat negotiated ' ‘ ; *tv will, the Dominican govara "t;u '-‘Tth i to be submitted in due 01111 t 0 t; ‘ e ~ <; 'uto for its ratification is required utideT the constitution ’ hil ' ■ f o whethor ,tu has boon ' ”■ ’• lent is v ucavorlng :l -* : C,J i ‘ ill -- f ’T the right to matte *■* '’ t ' . lultation of senate 11 ■ ' ■ belici iu. ro that the ' '• •< .tiliied is saro to in •v (--■■■' :-).-i..-..wut iu war. if not -it’ l L - . b ..t Donilni ';.l govern •',ieiit,. v .Ti tnu s-..- called io -■urgonts wi.o con .; . .. niH.ori.iy of the i-erts to resent any arrangements Pres •uent Morales has made. AViiith this prospect, in v'Sv, a jp>oa mny republican members an veil as emocrutic members of tho senate are • jl Opinion mat any assumi-tlon by Tie pre. ulent of the right to make a -eal of this kind with out snbia.Ulng it t: the senate for its approval would be iar beyond his constitutional power. BANK CASHIER KILLS HIMSELF. Business Worry Drove Houseman to tne Deed. Columbus. 0., Jan. 24. —Charles Houseman .cashier of the East Bldo livings hank killed himseU yesterday, lie was forty years old aud leaves a widow and three children and the sut : me is said to be due to busme3S wor- A run has begun on the hank and he street is lined wir,h men, women • be directors ot the bank cay it is sob and children demanding Lieir money, vent and that they will pav all depos itors . The directois of the bany applied to he common pleas court for a receiver and W. H. English was appointed, h\s bond being fixed at $40,000. The run bus practically stopped. Tho sane* are given by an attorney at I.labilities $423,700 o' wh : oh $384,375 are individual deposits. Among the heavy depositors fs Vast ICeer, great keeper of wampum of tho Independent Order of Red Men of tne state of Ohio. AU the finds of the state lodge are on deposit with the in stitution. The directois insist tne cashier’s books are all rigid. BANDIT,* STOLE A CAR. Threv/ Out Motormon avid Conductor and Made off With Car. I’ottsville. Fa., Jan. 24.—After hold ing up tho crew of a trolley car here a masked bur, at a innelv aurbur bf.n point for : in to u-ave at the point of a r u I made off with tl.o car it b icesary to trun oft the current po.ver l-.uuuo U or der to stf.,- Too roian Bcoit . and Com - . wi re bringing tho car 1 . ..irig K.m a pleas ure r ; a Imr.-Jar Jumpea upon tb if ,)-iiorm. After lnttmi dati:. - ... threw liiu'frora Uj ; . • . .'.mo to the r .. . ; •. : tj the hurirlsr th iu fore i . ■ n.T. iv.. . i , car was running at ii; ii rate o' aa -L Stem :r .after leaving th.* c. r. went to the nearest tcleph no u..d saht into headquarters this mts.-a. --. ’ A masked burglar has stolen cur ‘ At Starnei's suggestion the power v.i, i cut off iron the division and the car stopped., The robber then lied in I.recip talc ms:o, leaving his tint be hind in his flight. , SEMI-PANIC SHOWN EY INDUSTRIAL SHARES. Petersburg, Jan. 24.—The situa tion was reflected on the Bourse to day in a semi panic in Industrial shar es. The government energetically sup ported imperial 4s end brSventad a b Ufflp.