The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, January 26, 1905, Image 1

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TRE BRWSWCK toOty'^NEWS. VOLUME 4, NUMBER 125, BHUMSWtCK’S LARGEST BUSINESS CONCERN ELECTS ITS OFFICERS, AHHUAL Mill OF DOWNING CO, —♦— It was Held Yeste day at Offices of the Com pany Here LUVCHEON WtS TINOtIUD Major C.*vnlng ia Aga : n thj Pres. Idant, R. W. Patterson, Vico Preol* dent and J. J. Co-solsy the Secretary. The annual meeting of 11.0 stock holders and directors pi lha Downing Company was held iu this Uy yc-star day and was largely attend,. : by tUo who are intermixed iu tills ...-tut xuuus with enterprise TSia first meeting of re u.-e.\ war Ut of taa itcuukoidern, v.;cu wa Wd in the on era oi the com iay ana the only matter of interest v. *3 thu at action of a uircctornte 0. he torn (ta x'> for the year, which rxauiteJ a., follows: G Downing. .. .L Tail and J. J. Connie/, of fcruneviei: H. V*. Paterson .off e,v dork: E. . . f lic a. o. Tilton; VV. (.:. creou. of i . .-. am. i.. L. coviagU-u. Ci fensn-t .n. 'ms xueet.uc of tho stoex.x . a a very unarm) o>*n one ana nl. .hoe. resiiiv bee*jut. ii wO ut* UX-jfv: . ;UOit nL u# ;ond..ct of tea f .or thw past /eat au uo-p 0 >-u tfi Eiun.. eoxxudccce for tne .j.. l-uaiediaioii following n. 'Tint o. ffie siocKii-jtdere a me.; 1., ct tin dno'-Tors was held uIU uic i u. : aia. tors of hoslnesh wore tram- vtou. Pro labiy too mo: 1. miporiaot v kof the board, certain)/ the moot npo: tarn 1 lie so far as t e stoc.taoi.l. . ..o con C‘ rned, was ’fie deinarin,; . . an an pual dividend ofter. i.or c m on the captal sloes.. in this connection, it m . he of In to real 10 say that the co: . xi .. ha. tits in tho custom of do : • this annual tou par pant divideim .or many years find Use too con.i'-i o. ta. ht nrd rostoiday was only i. ; it lia? l oon ror a gooo, long uun. During the mooting ox tb . Urectors they Cuivors 1. r the yea. find it is a ,-r at comflim >. t to the (,resent excel cut board tt say thin tLoy were a.i unanimously ro-e-.ctSu ;c their oikcxai places. Thu tiiacers eiec.o,. yesterday ~..0 03 to. lows; C. Downing, Uiunu.-ick, pros juoxxi: It. W. Hattefsoa, !.••* torn v-ce prosider.J. J. Conoijy .Bruns v. .cn, iccrotaty,, After tae n iw-ting, tho participant!: enjoy oU a spicadiaiy arii'i fed iuncu ten in tie private dining n c:a <i the t. f letnoipe, wonn proved 1 ho one ot u. e_iG3t delightful auair of toe alau ever given in Biunawica. On luO wn< ? tao do.xxgs at the day y,ere pieasetxt ones tor Brunswick's prc-atest The : .lifioidera were ail pleased with the a ’ pti com. dividend ana me cirootors . ere y.eas ed w.ui last year s o,o<t 1. i*_d oe iieva that the msuageaieo. wiii once uroit m toe cvuauct Oi ti e oujiueso this year. Aa orunswicli will jola Thu News in wishing oiu couipan/ uae very laitesx measure of success not on. y ut iSea, but iu tuaay roars to count> aounurn. At Eastman ui., a to* u. > ugo cou sideraaie aaouement was vt-u.e'u .vsei. ita eoutoera Jt&l.way .ox; suy, .. y lt cvuatrucuou iung tuempiu u> Uy a Bititt track king Exist’La ..osa av DU*. Tae gang uad suecee >d i.i piac lug la pos.uo i orossues ij abo it ivO leet. ween tee watc-ai appeared au u (at a ju( to iuuhar piu.-.-uo j! tae work. Tuo mayor auu <t. a. ecce instructed the to re move tae Ilea, ulixe cue A the ittlfcMa appialad bo J. £1 ■ ■ -p. actor -c■' t . *t:raat. tee those ri-i^HSH D ties, but c e v ~rk o: Ci^crosstiee wn l.nishcd. Hawa-i to Tax Crfcle- Honolulu, Jan. 17. via Cu\ Francti co. Jan. 25.—1 Ue upre:i o court ot Hawaii has given a novel decision to the eud that the six miles ot tco uans- Vaclflo cable which Ilea vithiu tha three mile limit below lev; tide mark U taxable ac personal property. The cable oompan made no return of the cable, the assessors value 1 it at 42,- OU) and tha supremo 00'. rt declare* # iambi* ▼*># at *WAu>, BANKRUPT COURT a— Case of the Morgan Drug Store Will Ee Heard by Referee Isaac Today. In the bankruptcy court yetterdr.y Col. C. P. Goodyear, the trustee of the ‘ elate cf the Henry Tyro Company, ! ankrupts, of Patterson, Cin.. filed his bond for and the court catered •>.n order approving the same. C?IP Goodyear will proceed to P.iatterson •it an early and^ d4> take charge of the i tsets of this estate and to engdgo ao • -vely in the auministraioa of hit trust The application of ihe appraisers In *ho E. L. I.ioore bankrupt vy case ol . earson was filed and C. H. Loavy. '■ustee of the estatet was ord’.rvd to ••ay the appraisers |SO each and their J ■ uveiir..; vatensos as compensation or each services. I The co.irt t ill be engaged today In he <>p the Morgan Dru,, Store tnd I. N, Bishop cases and ':a re oenraiug ci the iuterveutirn of the J •f. Goa Cos., of Waycrou* >u the fi. G Villisms ease. in tne Morgan Drug Btore and I. N. . shop cases trustees will be sppointeu .iu apprarsert numed by jueg.' isaac ■ id the bankrupts will bs cane <0 I'nrk cf Macon re, resent ao petU.ouing creditors in ths Jlor an Drug Store case, and Kay, Beane; ad Conyers of this city, represent u benkruot. t rovutt and Whitfield repres 'i.t Dr. N. Bishop and Ataicsou ear Duu <u> 11, e ere !<%. iB. session is escccted to b. unite • interesting cue to the people of this iy Sieiug intere and la e Morgan ITug Store rnattci. Th. art will convent at II o'clock. rOfil IS Oil TRIAL —*. — videncs Looks Rather Gad icr Cor. tractor. Who U Charged jth Arson. X S. Fort, the young white man who as placed in jail a few days a -,o on no very serious charge of arc:;, was ■veu a [rjiliiilnary heating before übtlca Fahm yesterday afternoon, but of the vast amount c evl enco in tho case, it was no! concluded net went over until ten o’cloet this .uroint;, ween tho Inveauaatlon will a resumed. Judge A. E> Gain, l'eo.r sent tho ■nm is tas rvu .c.and Juuge c : mmee appears lor the' At -e hearing yeaverday, tha most dam riag witaesa asatnst the accuse : was .and ICnchuon, a painter, who tta; em oyea on the two building;; He ..wore Fort cau.e to see him ace .shoo .m how he would llko to see a name iO sgld so th ) witness swoto ,tin. it he as in me aottp ou the Hnat con nets .mi that it would be worth fifty <3 liars t. any man who would burn cutset town. The v itueas also swart that iter Fort visited him at h'a hoi sa ia . state of intoxication and site -i,U)u n renew the conversation ( n tho same, wuereupon, be ornred n n to cave the house. This witness also .rought cut tae faot that Fort knight _ ouilaera risk insurance policy a the ..■us of eight Hundred domra. James Prim and A. Noaieas. o vnera y. the prupemy deatroysa, weu a iso .worn aad uic'r teatiuiony only rolat . a u* no .act tnat taetr ooatrac price ..tilt Tort was only seven n. adreu ottar.t i<>r the two houses an : that ,o had C. : vu five hundred and i venty . ght udhiia. on same previous o too mu Chief Greer, of the Brcmsw'k are epartme-nt, was called and he t( stifled cat he saw ihe two houses ouiy two nays hetore the fire and tout they * ore mere h 1 Us and wait* not hail completes*.. This i* a very serloua <aa ua the penalty tor a r uon In Georgia is death or the penitentiary tor Ufa. It Is understood that the and ,-fense will attempt to prove an alibi when the case is called today, cent ndin* t' fcprt was not In the city on tho night of tho ourntag. It 1* understood that about fifteen witnesses will he examined today and the chances ere that It will take the entire day to complete tho ca -,. The matter le ettreotiui considers ! tie teterest to the sity- TRAFF yamioii ——♦ — Mercury In Brunswick Ear!/ This Morning, V7s Only Six Pi nts .Above. Six above \cro. Now freexe you? Dropping gait of ono^^B degrees tho mercer Gnued on tno toboggan until it )&Rgfeaking wflwbttroo men 1 ‘-'EisRK i 7 air.v nark. •and taking WM The I 1 11 *W BP tween five and ton poiW,. aLr. v the ’tto mark i# unusually cold '.<•• ather for this south Georgia porr, and uiosa w inter tourists who aro hero #i a ro tnindod of ttiCir froze nciimataa; 'ster day, but tho ‘ ery cold weather maoo tfce coal and wood dealer cuuoit 3. it ras a little rough on the people ccus .ocued to a “tunny clime” and thrre v as some little suffering aiuci. ; the poor evoQ la Brunswick. Tho morcu v started on the Town r ard shoot Tuesday afternoon a: out 3 t'ciock. it grew gradually all tiring tho night, and those who retir ed with a more comfort tor cj erlng awoke /estm’day morning vv t ice ■ergs next to the, at les that wS3 lua Steadily the cola -oiiilnucd, acooiuisuied by a suft, v' vi. .nU( . -rough the wires and made H ere., .ud from o .ns’ido. Leut nin'M ,u ji\ / before it the thormometar it. alei a j aiiove riro, ai i ouioric . im.i topped o. ; r two mote degrees t n si when it v.aj iaat vitited 011 ti, out -ue by the ir mm reporter u v., . car ,mg on a big fiination witli do. b xove. However, misery.loves comp-.u v ann ha spark of comfort that liru.t wick atm will have this morning is ta read eg of toe weather news in othe • star a. whore the thermometer <•> 1 uov i.nvo numbers low euough to .tore ■do drop of iua mercury. GLITTERING GkC.TIA” TO . jHT. A High Class Comedy Will be t is At traction at Grand This Ever .13. The attraction at the U'aud i right will bo Glittering Gloria” one uf the i.lfehest Comedk'a on tiro road. "Gloria" is amusing 10 too i: yhest dogreo and i*s humor ia of fnc kinJ t!v at Will tnako some people 11. check treir rlsibles without, fear of hr rising their dignity. The play pas a o .neci . a story that taugs tosoluer ex oding ij well through tho entire thru* acts. ’ he story Is mso bright aa to ii :< -and situations whtca ere oeacelv vd and well developed, CJloria has been out visiting for sev t’ai weeks an l comes back with a vn use full ot favorable cr.ti<-.s .. ana tne applause of other cities stm nn o ing in ror ears. She has Letn a rrm._ received and lior powers fasel. aeon. aumiUed ail or whicn wili bo iu fie: tavor her a. fisher and Kyi by were tar sighted enough to provide th ; xuay with tne beet of aiatoriai tor !•; ~u*o out all of ira important aetaile and cast appoariug iu Gloria is o.u that gives aseuraute ox tne best Is.n .Umg. Miss Doromy Mortou is the CHw.u and laa touud the part most c -.-a uthors who refioet har -.-ciaUi,utiohs A ia Goo. H'aiai'ni, Wilton sietl-H, Bern U*ary Lum UtHinea irina* D•.> nw v\. M. f 1 eemaa . Alfred Vanderbilt Hurt. Now York, jau. Hi.--Alfred winter mit is auiiennj from a uaaly w... .cho.i vrkle ns a rossit of a tail bore - ack riding. No Mercy for Hamilton. Columbus, 0., Jau. 26.—The jcprams court today refused to oai.fci a motion to ills a writ ot error 1 1 the caso of Herman Hamilton, who • - ooa e'emned to dlo Friday night .i t'no v'cctric chair lor tho uiurdor of ; wotk can in Portsmouth. An effort ill be mada to got the governor to commute the sentence so that tae caso r-uty be taken betoie the pardon board. To DrsifjO Tennessee River. Huntsville, Ala., Jau. 25. —Coagres* n an William Rlcharduon writes from V ashtngton that ho has secured an appropriation of $15,U00 from u.) gov eminent to dirdge tho Tonnercoe rlv i f between Hobbs Island and Cantors ville to remove sand bars and deepoa the channel la the hope that tallway I tiansfer boats operated the Nash j ville, Chattanooga and St. Louis rail road can hereafter operate lulog a , low water ee>l. kRUNS VICK, GAn Tf!l gf MORNING. JANUARY ’* in New 1 Doing Gi j Damag^SP* • " vjaF , SEVIR\L DFAIHS W SO FAR Jgjl^^UD Have polled to Their Trams**lf ‘s* poor sm-jj&ii —n l arge Stoamrhlp Alhora Near New York— Washed upon Baach-S*i<r Deaths Hava OicorreduMn: Uia Exposure—Gold inte-Bj Sections. Mm New Tork, Jan. £s—’TUß' erffst row storm and gale in theVß .ry ot Manhattan isintd fcj- at loaßr. iyity do years wo# tho one whic^visited hm c.ty eiarty this m-ruing auH which . as been lacpi-santly at work for tko i.iiio day. A i a r-‘ suit of the storm, vvh: b w:< imethhig tori 18c, ad. t.uslifciu hi* ihjs iy has been proitlcall/ atop: *ts A*, i., .■ hour tho wind i.-i rayir.s ta vo ■•city of M miles tut hour hr,j t end oea not seen to m: In oir.iix, i- taO, e storm muicutea ne w sireeg p It very minute The rapidity ot-J-tip ind has can and great snow and. :,is, p, ;r secthuiß of th, : city wdtcfi \ inicti ■ niiy miiKo it imiosslbio for ti. rail mads to ship goods. It is flashed by a no hero this tlij,> ::foynf eiulition jridvaiis over tht-entA. com ry east of the riv'er. " Another fearful sign of tho ro/erity the weather \\ tin ,g Evj 1 til luil p live stock. In ail tile Liiorouji farSps •nany horses fell dead In tije strefts ‘‘fid it is reported that the loss fr&n ilia source in the city hnsi been consf labia '• Ail surface lines of street transput • tlions -have been fearfully lisuedt* ■ii day and n largo er theijj •iuvw ceased operation* altogether. lenm lines also e„; erisneed* grorlt lidiculty in operating and the Lonjjj • l iaud railroad censed to operate .ether. The Erie line announced ail znanitoument of its through service .nd various other transportation com uDlea have been more or teas 11. Jared ••iinnsf *ho da.v. 37 eAmer GOES ashore -IN BRIGHTON Cf-iACy. Information wae reran on here lata afternoon of tbe grounding of a' isamsmp whose name o.iuld baj '. lamed, on Brighton Beach. The ves-j .‘cl la fast asqoro cal it is im;o‘sibia| o Bsceiuatn to what extent ek-vr the .lew or tho ,-hip , injured. Other terlotis vr >'ks aio rsportod • n Capo Cod to the l>:*'v&ra, with; .■iea*n-i. vnrylrg lu eeuiU ae te U<e' amount of iivsses sustained it ut rocortea f:ow Uilghton i.iadl ru at tfiUß fur three head bodies have "ten lotiud, tne bodies having oe-ju sfiisuert übiioru, the men .tßim off simxe wrecked vostei. DEATH AN PDEBTRUCTION i/iARKED GOTHAM’A COLD SPELL While it Is elmost impossible to ol<- r.m accurate mlormatioa to the actual itatha troia todays weather, tlv :s far hiee de-a'as have been reported front xuo.'Uio and a large number have oen Injured The HUtterlnjr on the vest side oi the cliv is intoiiso. Thla district 1 T.tcklv nettled with noor puople and It reported tnat great sufftrlng is be ins .experienced amung those uuabl. .o purchase fuel. Efforts have boor, made to supply the people with cloth ..og, but It la expected trat the.o will ,e great suffering tonight, as It is nn possible to supply tha hundreds with sufficient bod clothing and tuct. Sunn* South Frozen. Atlanta, Jan., 23.—The south Is now oyperienclng the coldest weithor o the season, the mercury o Ing severa olnte bolow zero In many places. Thc severo cold Is accompanied by a high wind and the weather la not only cola tut very disagreeable. In this city to right the thermometer registered sis Ulow freerinr, the eoldst it fcw been here l setae ttnse. fertwtefy, her- Tzard j pOKfifiV,' fe-jrJipSrsts Enveloped Snow Whirl Demolished and Several Mk Injured. Har’: 1 .Oohn.. Jan. 25.—The Bob. t " n C WB~ ! train, on the New York tow iUkm and on >■‘Of®)2r tv fT rl today. '■•aflßu.'ov tv • ‘tiffin tou a l ijl"ylci tPir 1 <xi ’w Jr^ '■-ihiflHmii: •.itJBI' Haven rou t • cir i nSJPBfirUi the engine. > < ouipietely wrecked ana •• cv 'Bl<vJ^cngcib vvoie badly hurt. mfjmm undergoes opera > r.lfaf nventi’r Has Decn OvW fer . Many Years. i-S'ork. Jan. 25.—A critical eurgi cas'tsjTjiaUon has been performed oi iUc'fes A. Edison at his homo near N. J. Great secrecy was main 'mi*, i by the laamliy in regard to the ..fa j sand few JetaUa could be ebuin . -j. ' ' The oparat'en wna for a mastoid ...etas behind the oar aud vexy cios3 <j Uh brain. as la.geaaraiiy Unarm tne inventor no been deaf fox many years and tfi a tLiauOn has teexx growing worse. He a j otaxi suit: ring cona.ueraaly for . tout h titi. aod the mailer of an ■ , vSikitu ;v as treached ht vwv.i days ru, bat tui-to was strong nope mat it . I^,at to avo.' it uo.-.;cp%- i, nowever, that while /i. ximiifin .. ixb better in many parilc ata, tiii; g.ov. tlx vus not yioldiug to ii.-ilUauiu au.t too coacusiou was ••■viiij ..ui i_e operation would havo :J,*u po:iorxut.d tu once., it wss-te „ub lair- .dot hiit and was nok-.£xawi>- v,p 111-:til ini' e-.rry hotir this morning, .rating ocuupted more than two hours. Mr. iiuisoa, vyho is DV year sold, re nniiicd up auu about until a few hours rcfore tile opevation btfiau. A QUIET t-AUINET MEETING. Stcrctaries Hay and PJetcalf Wera not Present. vt'ashington Jnn, 25—No matters of sittiai imporuuce were considered ~u today’s meettug of the 'abinoL Sec • rota:ion liny mid Metcalf did not al i-t<d the meeting .the former being do tallied at homo by a severe cold and 'ihe latter also being indisposed. Assurance was given that no. infor n hudn iu Ut. Petersburg was laid be xere tbe caoiiiet, although ttxe preai idfnt eariy in the day was advlsod on ■iievoiopnioxii.i in the situation by a tiibiograro irorn Atnoassador McUor !nl?k. • oor, it iu thought that, the crops will ,he only stighuy Injured by the coiif. V— - - , Cdltl In Boston. i "boston. Mass, Jan .25. —floston and el* of New Bug land is now experieaof ti.g -tne cokle3t wc-atnor-of the winter.! in'many places around hexe the ther-j nouVfcr i from live to ton ponua bo-i ia? zero and it is eteadily growinj rfii.byr. .Vue city is almost snowbound Philadelphia Suffers. !!f,tla-.ia.t<*.ia. Ka.. Jaa. 25.—Theie ta' cfeSjsiuWacie tufteriug among the peorj i kopie ia this city on uveauut of the litieiuo ‘.-•U weather. The uteicury treat way down bsxovv ths zero merit (• I# ii.£lC't‘iOOL. In*j WO** ther Leixtg ths ■ OX tab winter. Chicago Snow Bound. Chicago, January, 25.—Chicago l.’kff; funny other cities ot !i.c r G.ftt us:crs, is nitoost enow bound . £ result of tho soieis cold weather v, ~iii . now i tevaaiug m ail aeeuoiu a 'he country. ■s ' In Nrw York Stats. York, ~.iu .25. —A groat, storm t- .priy ailing and eiogglbg the rali i.ala'jiud it:.el thiouju the beats is .Jgnt.:-. Tue stow has badly drifted y a brisk wind, which keeps the track overbd soon after it is cleared. A i , | tw. more dog-tea of cold would malts x equal to the great buzzard. At times ue air is so Hilod with snow flying ■efore the winds that the buildings poaitis could not be seen. The .crai U of gv at Intensity and much . jury is reported from various soc iims. Tho telegraph wires have suf ueJ greatly. The damage to trans portation (s great and the suffering m tho quarters of tho poor la consid rable. The worst feature was an ounced today when it was given out :,at the weatl er would bo colder. In tee shopping district business of all /ends is suspended and the blizzard covers the greatest ere* since the f.e*e oi IMI SCENE XT ' oifePETERjrfI^SIJND4Y RE PEA if! IT MOSCOW fBATILE RtPORTED ——— Unconfirmed Rumor Says Japa Ships Sunk by ths Russian Qaitio Fleet. Paris, Jan. 25.—Excitement is caus ed here by a dispatch printed in the .vgcnce Kuasn. from at. Tutorsnurg to .he' cuect of a rumored fight havntg ,6koa place on tho Indian ocean tween the Russian Baltic ileet and (Ur SWRnose squadron. The Japanese met disaster, losing a battleship ana .wo cruisers, the rumor says, but t.Hc Russian casutitie3 are not lisied. The Agence Itusse is subsidized for llu.s- Man purposes r.nd it is most unreliable and it is impossible to verify the ru .aor. MEW WORLDS’ RECORD MADE AT ORMOND BEACH Ormond Beacli, hiu., Jan 25.—Anotl r world's re- erd for automobile spe.\. a3 rbtulilifchcd here today when LtwU Ties# dfove lxia id-horse po\w. iMtxey steunx cir a ir. 23 second-, at. This?is 'he beet record for a4O ourse power machiaa. p nia SALE OF COTTON LAND. Plantation Will be Used for a Peac' Orchard. Americas, Ga., Jan. 25. —Twelve tiiOiizaud, &v*i bundle! dollars cash as paid today for a cotton plants on of l.oou acres near America. -> hich will bo immediately planted in ,‘ l '6t'h orchards. The purchaser was .Charles Ware, of Dayton, 0., who is mi eating lagely in orchard muds her. aravnig recently acquired 2,000 acrot v hich are being plantol in peaeix trees. 10 II KrliJi Srunswiek Riflemen Will Nominate at Their Meeting Next Wednesday Night, The Brunswick Itiflemcr wif holu the election for tho captaincy of tho company next. Wednesday night ana "hen this matter la settled the com pany wll begi-i to get in good shape, tor tha inspection, which will he hole March 2. Col .Obcar and a United State at my officer. Col. French will conduct tho inspetion. The Klitemeut will re celvo new uniforms tuis spring when the uniforms are issued and with a row captain and new uniforms tilt Company will no doubt start put with renewed vigor and enthusiasm sustain ing Ho well known reputation for be ing one of the best drilled and equip fed organizations in tha state. NEGRO BOY S CRIME. Tried to Ctaae out the Whom Family and Get Fair Start. Albany. Ga.. Jan. 25. —Particulars • crime cvwmuted by an eleven tear old noire boy on tho Pent plan istioa, six ratios south ot Alt any, tvor. brought to town this morning. Fout tbildrtm of i< -rai Jordan wore playin. ir. oae of tha plantation nausea win*;, tbs eleven yea- oni boy remarked that he was going to clean out the lantli. He went into tha house and retunu-i with hU father's sbo’guu the content:-, ot one barrel of wnicn was fired Into the breast of hla thirteen year old toother. The load passed through the toy’s left lung and the uoctora say ho ttnnot survlvr The hoy then attempt to to suoot another brother and sistci Int they eluded him by hiding la soon bushes. The youngster Red after the shoot ing but was caught tins morning at n nagro'a home two isi.les from vvhor, ti.o was cumaiitied. The ci 1. C.en wore a'>aa when tho shootin; occurred au i without protect ion. Thief at London Embassy. London, Jan. 25.—A big brass platr U the ontranca of tho Russian embas sy here was wrenched off at 2 o’clock this morning. A special constable oi duty at the embassy witnessed tha ac lut was unable to get to tho spot in time to arrest the man, who pursuit. Tho incident is regarded n simply the act oi a common thief. Big Cargo of Russians. Philadelphia Jan. 23.—Tho steam ship Friesland arrived here today from Liverpool and smong her passengers wers 580 Russians. Most of them , cas* turn th* south tf Russia. PRICE FIVE CENTS. iiiaiips m : ' WITH M Cossacks Fired on Thrco Thousand Demonstra tors Yesterday A RLSOt S HOiM FORMED Pesult of Ea'tle Unknown, But It la £cli£'hfcm!(Hat a Number War* Killed and Wounded In the Battle. f Moscow. Jan. 25.—The Woody cn nacted at Si. Petersburg Sunday were yiMt-ad in a It us degree of v.otence in .Is citv ' ■ tv. wn-.m government Coe -.!cits, fi red on force tiiouaand demom • ititori in the Plaiatskay dlstrtou -ia afternoon. The uGe.,3 formed a perfect cordon ioarid tao ontire city to fiwent the Htrikera. who were holding Unmenc* ...tiUsiriii meetings in tbe autnufao u.riag districts from liroai'.tng therein. It .s teucrtcti note that the grand lake. Sen.ias, has taken rotugo in : leral.n . t that, his vherenbouts in citv ate nut kuovvn. tt ia auito miotosiaio to arrive at any accurate conclusion as to the itt.i.h uni. hat both tiie troop:; had the ■> . Auaihiluts fou.stubbornly and it s esummtid tint several hundred •■•ere ip tne couliict , Indicaiiimu Brno arc a sympa uctia. revu,t<xion has bucti and :. ed iii iv cr the On,rare and other coafiiete •a exptictc^^omcuianly. JZAR REPORTED STILL IN HIDING London. Jan 25.—At 5 o’clock this morning a dispatch from fder.yow stat s, the strikers at Bt. PcTersburg ■ reeked the palace of Grand Duke Ser ius. Tim czar is now reported to be •dding at Lividia Crimea. STOESSEL 13 CRITICISED. Nothing Heroic in tha Way hs Surren dered at Port Arthur. Lnilon. Jan. 25.—The Timas corros i-ondcut at Pekin, who hat! returned ■ on: a visit io Port Aithur, discrlboa i o i.nprcKsio. a ho gathered there, and x&yti'. ": Without seeing them, nobody could form any idea of tho .stupendous strength of the forts or tile incredible eroism displayed In their capture: "Ko foreign officer is able to explala :!:o reason for the surrender of Port rthur. Those who have son the con dltion of tho fortrous beliete that no moro discreditable stirrer ter is re .’tr.:, and in I.isicry. There were 2b,000 hla boiled nion capable of making a sort.e. and hundreds of officers. THE DIFFERENTIAL CA3E. liHorsteta Coumcrja Cornr,,fusion R*- ga.i on Same Yesterday. Washington. Jau. 2.1.— I Tho Interstate • omuiorce Commission today began . hearing on what Is known as ths i.'fforential case. This care is rog&rrt cs one of rioat Importance Involt og as it does (he problem of the differ -dials in tho relative freight rates to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,. Nov/’.ort Nob.-, Norfolk am. othsr At lantic seaboard points. TWO MONSTER PETITIONS. Cno is of 5,C0 and Another of 7,000 Names. Ita!ei?h, N. C., Jan. 25. -Two men. pier petitions have been presented ta the legislature by tho n,i rchants ol forth Caroilru. One petition has fly# thousand sii.'.uturos and for ths enactment of a li.v for g.ivnishmont .ho other p t>t!ou has sev< a thousand s'snatur-.s of mere or. nis ..J auks ths irpeal of what. Is known as tho mar chant's > urchaio f<"x .this loi-jg a tax v.htch Is lovird upon tho amount of purehasi a. YAOL’I INDIAN3 KILL THREE. Fromlncnt Mexican cr.ti Tv;* Servant* Meet Death. F,l Peso, Texas, Jt.n. 23, —Antonio > sftzaiian, a member of % px-mlncut .Vexlc with two servants, has br-r-r murdered by Yaqn’. Indians ,i tho same vlrlnlty where four Amer icans were siain hist Thursday. The family of M. t’oero a rniichmao, wsk robbed ,but they vvtto allowed to §§ with their lift*, __