The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, February 22, 1905, Image 2

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I HE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED ifAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARENCE H. -EAVY, Editor and • Manager. t-feUIS J. LEAVY, Jr, City EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY * Terma of aubacription in the city and by mal! free of charge to all parts cf the United States and Canada. Mex ico, Porto Rico, Guam, Phi.ippine Is lands and Hawaiian Islands One Year *•< **• * SOO Six Months 250 Three Months . ... 1 - 2!> One Monm 60 OFFICIAL ORGAN O c The yr~Zl ' ' o f Glynn. 'ItOT riMIY rEl<£r, k *. Bil ' • Correspondence solicitedtint to re ceive attention, letter* must bn ac companied by a responsible i aftm. uoi "for publication, but as a gu;i ol good taltb. Rejected communUvtUonw will be re turned If acoorupanled by yosiage ■ Reniltlniiv*- Humid be iaa-n. by po t- UJ note, check or money order <>.- registuied letter. Address, News Publishing Cos. ... ~ Brunswick, Ga. PUBLISHERS NOTICE Ths News Publishing Company de files it to bo distinctly underatoo that all legal advertisements must be paid for in advance. We cannot afford to devote our space to such adver tisements and wait on the courts for >, money. It is certainly up to West, m i-own ttes now. By the wny his any ono hoard an., thing from that Baltic Hoot lately? A largo diamond will win wort fa r ladies than a dozen taint heart i it eago News. Mtoro than tne-t.hivd of all oar < a port trade has been in two groat < >r ■ —cotton and w heat. Mr*. Chadwick inmap unu ■ lie "and lies them all. Andrew Carnegie will please take notice. Up in classic ifowuni thoy call a ■whipping post a castigating column Now wouldn't that jar you'.' Those continued rains suggest lie. tact that Brunswick would be in piv ty good ahapy If she had bonds to w ater. Hi enemies declare ho was afraid to speak In congress. But it utnkus us that when iiearst did speak the whole country appeared in the role ui auditors. From the of Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, you might deduct the moral that whenever a letter Is to lie written that should hi destroyed, it 1* lieitei not to write It. 1 .tunar, of Fiorina, scums to nav Ills eyes on the senate, tie is a fleer giau ami the Florida politicians had better keep their eyes on him or he will supplant some oi them. Represent** ivo Under, of Pommy vauia fears Ibe Japs may lake the Philippines away from us. Some per tons fear they will not. —Washing!?). lost. There are the usual stones a.unit the destruction of the peach crop, to there arc about the lobster crop. dm. there are always peaches in sotoau end lobsters all the year around. The Mjtaenird lkmtou Herald says that "the jhdicat uma are that Domino, sloner of porporutious Garlield working hh passage. Tlie corpei . dons will jMjS l !**orbing" him out cl pi job before tba knows It, thiuks the .•'acksoiivllleKT.UiesUnioii. The two, n cit who thought could by Maassiuatun. two ,l!u4?i1&!i8 were jootuumies. Donm lesa they wer- hbtjfri by the same foot nilcriAe. IT freedom be good for a the people themselves will strike the blow. An elderly ilihj who appeared •; a witness In a London court could not v!** of " ' Mr °® t *'* CF DEEP TO *BRUNS • WICK. K 1 .i-w li< Issue will be an of the Brunswick l>ocfc 'ompany, L whffli was he’d In New York yseter ■lay. to give an j I'lli-Ulcent. accent of tlie doings of a wie same Hie we are in position to i li-riiil interest; -idvieed flint the hoard or cf! Iwho have been sorving in the Ia t is to bo largely HtipplaWed toy n,en of broade r views and larger fluan cis anil the Information also conies dial an Ofiuitabfe weight. is to be plac , on lie holding;, of f.h< •com.r-anv in Uils city and on Wf. Klmon. Inasmuch ns we have heretofore dis- Lussed this subject In these columns ■ is with considerable pleasure that position to briefly chronicle * fgHui!!lil|ed Wi lIOII'-lly |,e Brunswick people are tcaily in earnwatt about building aho Tel on Ht. Simon that the Brunswick Duck' and :Clty*fcv'fstnietit (xitiipauy *1)1 not be an üb.t u% to On tlie whole we art ylcaw-d with (he dayclrujfifU'i.tjs wlifftb io our mind, id tVe niceflht; pans out as we navo been . wade to hetleve It will, will iui;-.ii mtlt ii I'oi 1 Urunawick. REALLY HAPPY KING. ' In these days when kings, emperors anil others are being murdered and threatened it Ss pleasing to note that there is one sovereign in Europe who is happy and who lias the eonlidenee ol his people ot all classes ami kinds. King Christian IX of Denmark is me man and really he is one or mo finest old fellows on earth, lie i i Iglity six years old and is actually loved by thousands of hrs subjects. A Atm lor these people who haveJm attention for him tiro not lackers or ■ court oftlemlss or the host of folks wlm "gel something out of it," but the plain people, who know him ,aeo Mm often, tutu can get to speak to h m easier than you cun l ass Ino por mis of the Wl de House in our liber tv' loving republic Just now King Christian Is domi ciled in his winter palace and the so < ini seaaon is in full swing. The old Monarch doesn't like fuss and leath er. lie lias smadieii enough social ! reeeih uis m his court to make tile average court, shiver. fiie only court function emlured 10 those that cannot be passed over, king Christ,lan walks out unattended' wherever he will, lie receives the public each Monday, and about an ti nt is required to get in is a clean uhirt and a re pedablo suit of clothes. The old kii.g is Ituowu as "Uie gramliaihcr oi Kuropo,” and the dun es are proud at the title. ROOSEVELi AND THE NEGRO. president Roosevelt expressed whole some truths hi fresh lights and win ids accustomed felicity in ] is Lincoln iay address in .New York last week. HJa summoning up of the ne gro problem in the terse out forcible sentence, "il he stumbkv. help aim tut if he lies down Jet him stay,' wilt long live as a bright epigram, exprest ing at once justice, common letise mid mercy. His aigument that the eieva tiou ol Die colored man neeossar i > carries with it an improvement is •A 'llld and convincing, yet Air. U.ujo. veit'a way of putting it is so coat ; nd attractive that it is wu i worthy or reproduction hero; 'if lu any c-jiumtinily the level ot in- U'liigince, morality and mrift among the colortul liuu oiui tic ratsed it is, humanly speaking, sure that that same level among the whites will be raised it an even higher degree and it is in it*.* sure Ui:u (lie debasement ol Djo i.lauks will iu the end carry wen it an I attendant debasement of it.? whites. riiere si good reasou for believing t'.at the southern people art. 1 fust re.i - ''dig ttds great truth, and that beio;c vrry long tli.'y will thcinsei -,s sotve the raced problem bequeathed by a torim-r aid h">, liberal gnerai'on ,u sceofilubce \vuli the eternal principles of justice and righteousness. In a pc 1 iVs government like the republic, the right of an equal opp.a tuaif;. in every mau .wholly ot eoi or of creed of politics, is die t-uibda t on stone of cur political sys ;l( ,, ti nt is just what l'lieonlort iiooitn'clt nuans by his couttnucU plea for a •square deal. Tlie real Eignitlcaucu ot the president'* visit to Now \orii as the overwhelming cm.Uuutams vfth which hj was everywhere receiv oil, • The cheers and phniuiu of miri ness and prolessloual tutj, no less iUuin the welcome at the people giuor my. , ~ . , • THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1905 hve a falling out with your hair It rr:isrim£Tve you! Then what? Better please it by using J Ayrr’s inSr Vigor. The hair stopicominglbut, becomes sort! ard smoothdeep, rich of youth comes back ; to - An elegant dressing. Soiu for 00 years. L^yy'; JBped^jy^: "Presents * TH/h| AflE THE BES TIN (Jut G l\ss and\ Silverware Fine * China JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS CAIL AND LOOK. I Kennon Mott I The Jeweler 216 NEWCASTLE STREET Dr. S. TROY I#LOACH, —SPECj^mT— I responsible for the accomplish more in cue can ever be aecotn- tlirough the mail, li ijAHit natmal tliat I fhcrobl have i confidence In my treatmeut tban j#iiew ihtlea*. coulii have I know piiat I have done ami can do so do not ask the patient to pay Ins money merely upon (lie claim 1 make. Hut nive numerous testimonials from those who have taken my treatment. i concentrate my practice to the spt Cm I diseases which I have most Ibor < nhly studied and roost successfully mastered. Fact, ease receives my hottest opinion. If I can't he no lit you t will candidly tell you so. Gonsiilm tiou and ex tmlnallon without cost I dice 221 Newcastle slree.t Bruns wick. Ga.. The Red Star Bakery 300 NEWCASTLE BT. Announces that they have engaged Mi Henry AN EXPERIENCED GERMAN BAKER and will give special attention to fruit and all other CHRISTMAS CAKES. P Rogowin, temptation '■-*.:•**'**Mr. to slight quality for larger protttg is C7°" Quite general, inn we never yield to I \V/ ,n the slightest do rytv]y}ys gree. Our reput a tlon a* purveyors <|ifpure §/ \| Drugs t \ | to too yainahle to 11 \ | be risked In suelt I \ i manner. So for // ! \ our own salves as well as yours .our drug will always he fimml the purest (MuyfiSggal and best obtainable We are thankful j * ur 1 i*° confidence />1 { ) we have gained in p - thla respect. We k v.K' ~.V) do uof propose to forfeit it. Come in and get some thing for that cold and cough SMITH'S PHARMACY. Newcastle and Monk Ste. iOLEYSIfONEIMCAR for child ront cafe, Mr*. Mo oplato* No guess work with us. We weigh very pound ot coal sold, Pbon* S2u W MUler. The work of organisation ou new li brary at Smith's Pharmacy Is now be mg pushed rapidly and the hrst fifty certificates are all that will be sold at naif rate, havt you Investigated ItT Far Bent. .. A fiat at four room* with all ennven fence* 18.00 per month. Apply to 110 Do 7WI want a position, a house a you lost anything? Do ycu a room, or a roSn or to so put au. in The IVBts chea^K£n.n. ~Hinted. WANTER —A few gentlemen board ‘ e-.b. House is cimvoiimn'ly located. Apply to F. this AGENTS WAs*ks-10 per week; good opportunity An ewer ijuick. good refer (l cos. Our ivdwnegro book "soils ’•ke itot cake?.’ Jenkins. Hortel & Cos., nt lunta, Ga. WANTED- Manager for branch of fice we contemplate opening here in Brunswick. Address with reference 1 Whole. 1 ale House, Oincln- FOR RENT FOR KENT -House at 705 Glouces ter street. 5 rooms all modern cMven i-nces. Possession give at one* Ap o‘y 701 Gloucester • treet. FOR UKNI’ Kesiuenci- corner of Union and Mcnk streets. Might rooms, besides kitchen, bath room and pantry A;-ply to Mrs. it. .Movers. FOR RENT -6 room house wit rath and all modern conveniences. 1 Apply 42G Union street. FOR RENT—FIat of four furnished rooms for light house keeping. Address O. Box 30. Full RENT-—The residence located ai 1507 Gloucester street. Apply on ptemiseg. ROOMS FOR RENT Nice furnnti >v.l rooms all conveniences, near een er of city, hot and cold water baths. Apply 303 Union street. FOR SALE FOR SALK -One horse and buggy, vpply to 11. Kaufman, 009 lxitidon sir. FOR SALK -Bay street lot 30 X IMU between Monk am) Manslleiu streets. Also 8 room two story house iiatii room and modern improvements cor t er Norwich and and Alhermarle, nea Halifax square, inquire at premises LOST. LOST—Card case containing re <’ ipt* of ('. B. Turner, member of Ash posh Aerie Fraternal order of K i g:es of no value to any one save own er Kindly return to G. ii Turner carnival grounds, LOST Gold Slick pin, Iwo heart* v. it.ii ami'tliisi set. Finder will please u-turn to Miss Gussie Dixon, at 71b Union Streep ami receive reward. Men-Our free catalogue explains low we teacr barber trade in a lev weeks, l’ostLens guaranteed. Can nearly earn o'p oises before lim-Jun-s Write today. Moler Harbor College, New Orleans I.a THE OAK BOAT,DING HOUSE rO6 G St FACING MAGIIOLIA PARK. Cccd Table Board and Cool Room* Rates: $4 per Week Mrs. A. F, Turner, Proprietor Removal Sale. R. T. Bitch x■ Cos., have moved to No. 22b Gran' street rear of Slmw, 1 arber shop special attention given to ci i ection of tent*. Fire and accident lsuramv. C. O. Sappenliold will tie nisoclated with them. Ix't us col lect your rent* and wrlto your iiism mice. Plume £53-4. .lows This. We offer one hundred dollars n ward for any case of Catarrh that ran not he cures by Hall's Catarrh Gim F .1. Cheney, A- Cos., Top do, O. We, the undersigned, have ktmwi. F. J. Cheney ior the last 15 IralS am: believe him ocrfecUy honorable in a. business transaction.- and financial! al le to carry out any obligations mad by his Ann. Walding, Klnnan & Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, u Hall'* Cat.iTh Cure is t ikeu luter acting directly upon the blood .red mucous surfaces of the system, testimonials :ent free Price 75c per rottle. Sold by all druggist*. Take Halt's family pills for const! ttaa BRUNSWICK BOTTLE & MANUI-ACTURING COMPANY. —Manufacturers of— SODA AND MINERAL WATERS. CIDERS AND VINEGARS. CASCADE GINGER ALE A SPECIALTY ALLEN L. SIMMONS, 212 Ogiethorpe Street. Phone 372 J. U, Raffo & Company, —Manufacturer of— CLEAR HAVANA CIGARS. Box Trade a Specialty Our Brag Brands. FOXY BELLE, LORD COVENTRY, BOYAL SEAL, LA TALVBRADAD AND GOOD POINTER, Factory at 20* MONK STREET. JOHN D. ROUNTOS, -BRUNSWICK'S CANfY STORE. FRESH TOMATOE* AND CELERY, just Received, the Hiciest lArafle o I These ‘•FAMIU# JACOBS CHOCC-loTES UelioodJ Chocolates Bon and Fruil# Fruit T-inlets Both in Bulk and in Beautifully Dec orat'd •acknqe* ic f lb an,l 1 t i i*> Ro,,< FINEST FRUITS. CIGARS AND fO BAG COS. ETC. k T f1 \ L i; v A.att J.aily 20S *1 e.vcastle Street. Open Again in puli Blast I AM AT THE SAME OLD STAND WiTH THE SAME OLD GOODS. IF YOU WANT THE BEST <N 1^ WHISKIES BEERS, CIGARS AND SMOKE#i # SUPPLYES. CALL ON S. Uevison, 310 BAY STREET. fOIEYSKIDNEYCOKE Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right I.- gal Notice. From and aliei March 3. 1905 the feral advertisements ot the sheriff of ciynn county will bo putdshed in the I imißwick .lotirnal until further no t.ce. W. H. Berrie, Sheriff Glynn County. TONSORIAL PARLORS. i Make a Specialty of Massaging. SPECIAL AT' FNTION TO CARE OF LADIES AND CHILDREN C. A. CLARK, 205 Newcastle Street Phone 146-3. ~HE OPERA LOUSE BARBER SHOP Massaging and Headache Cure a Specialty We Also Give Special Attention to Ladies and Children CUR TONIC IS GUARANTEED FOR ALL SCALP DISEASES OR MONEY REFUNDED J- E. NORMAN, Prop, Phone 394-3 FOIEYSHONEY^TAi •tops the eougb end hetislunga Fort yon’s drug store is neaxtqiiarters tor everything Ir, the drug line. <h> there and In: well served. Spoilt and her Beauty. .Ilarlett Howard of ;!f)9 W 34th street, New York at on etime had her beauty tpolled with skin trouble. She writes '* hail salt rheum or e vema for years hut nothing would cure it, until 1 used Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure heaier for cuts, burns and :ores. 25c. at Smith’s Pharmacy. firunswkk’s 'tildctit S)ruq dtere I PERSONALLY FILL ALL PRE SCRIPTIONS. HAVE BEEN HERE FOR 29 VEARS. "NUF SAID.” 9‘ foerger, 106 A Street. Telephone 116 Oak and Pind i WOOD We have a large lot of both which we will sell at reasonable prices. DAVIS WOOD YARD (jeorge St. Rhone 266-4 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought SigulTuroof C&y&d&U: II you want to buy line glasses, hand some fixtures, and a whole lot of show I am not In the market. But If you want the beer, wine, cigars and tobacco then I am the man you're looking for. R. Civ-! lams Ml Host atreet in the Market / O XOR Jm; roved or Un_ l imber, rFur ptrfunc or Farming Land? \t So, See JR. R. HOPKINS Sc SON BRUNSWICK RLECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.— i HIGH GRADE ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Inside Wiring a Specialty. We Install Small Electric Plants i ELECTRIC SUPPLIES We (i Work to Pas^ City Electrician R L. Farmer H. .!• Vcn Weller 104 Newcastle Street. Day Phone 410 Night Phone 262 4 EVERYTHING IN THE Fresh Meats AND Vegetable Line Fine Groceries 'Chris ylrnheiter Newcastle ana Monk Tel 64. D.B. FARMER FRESH WESTERN MEATS EGGS, IRISH POTATOES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE Free Delivery Cor Monk ord Oglethorpe Streets PHONE 14^^^ To Solve THE SERVANT PROBLEM Put in a Gas Stove AND MAKE LIFE EASY -tiki WE DO THE Plumbing MUTUAL LIGHT AND WATER COMPANY. PHONE NO. 7. ARE YOU THIRSTY? If you are and a good drink of the beet Whiskey or finest BEER will quench It I oan fix you. See my Wine and cigar list. H, Selig, 225 Grant Street Tonic to the System, lor liver troubles and constipation there Is notb’ng better than Hewitts' Little Burly 'fisers the finnans little pills. They do not weaken the stoui huh. Their action upon the system 1* mild, pleasant and barm ess' Hob Moore, of LiKayette, Ind., ‘avs "No use talking DeWtits Little Karlv Kls trs do their work. All otlmr pifls 1 have used grippe and make me sick In the stomach and never r "ired me HeWltts’ Little marly Risers proved to be the long sought relict. They are simply perfect” Persons travel ing find Little Early Risers the most rsllahle remedy to asrry with them, hold by all toftmwfia I AM HEADQUARTERS FOR Fre'ih Groceries, Fruits, CIGARS, TOBACCv. jnd COLD DRINKS. 1 WANT YOUR TRADE NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILV Geo. Lyons, COR. MONK AND BAY STREt. I S M ITII Tenor, —INSTRUCTOR OF—- VOICE, PIANO, VIOLIN, THEORY HARMONY AND COMPOSE, ION, Address OGLETHORPE HOTEL. FOR BICYCLE REPAIRS Ring Up H. Girvin Phone 138-4 Prompt Service SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Thousands are sick every ye ir wim some form of bowel complaint. Th andsr are cun-ij by taking in : , Arnold's bal'.ini. Warranted to K .,j satisfaction by Smith's Pin- na.-> Purity, perieclion and piv<v unplified in ti e sluices an I II n .. >, < Airaots made in Bninsn in, t.v luxie Drug Go. For Rent. A flat of four rooms with a'! .tiiccs SB.OO pet month Ap, o Morwicli street. In Dixie land in Brouswi iin Dixie Drug Go., mauiifaciiirin sptcc-s and flavoring oxtnu FINE FRUITS, CIGARS, CANDIES AND COOL DRINKS. Fresh Candy Made Dady JN*>. GAVEHAn 302 Monk Street Ob! Papa don’t forget to buy a bottle of.CHENEY’S EXPECTO RANT for your little girl. You buy it at any Drug .Store and you know it never to cure my Croup and Cough, Four Pounds Granulated Sugar for 25 c. Bold with Every Can of WALTER BAKER'S COCOA. CAM NS Phone 296. THE DIXViLLE CA9H STORE GROCERIES AND FRESH MEATS No. GOO Cochran Ave. Telephone 211. M- J. SOUZA. Prop. Of full strength .purity amt excel lence, spice* and flavoring extracte r arte by the Dixie Drug Do Have your nater pipes fixed by the Hay Iron Works. Mrs. Housekeeper to her grocer: Al ways send me the Dlx'e btauj tp'.cn aid flavoring extracts they arc the best made. Imported bottled beer, 20 cent* per ottle or 12 00 par dozen, at 216 Hay trat, TANARUS, Newman.