The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, February 23, 1905, Image 2

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IHE BRUNSWICK DAILY NKWS ■ i PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEW? PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARENCE H. -EAVY, Editor and Manager. LfcUIS J. LEAVY, Jr., City Editor EVERY DAY EXC<y^Mil*tiriWfc SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Tertna af aubacription in the city and by mall free of charge to all part* cf the United States and Canada, Mex ico, Porto Rico, Guam, Philippine Is lands and Hawaiian Islands One Year •• • * s '°° Six Months 2 ' 50 Three Months • ... <■ ••• • 1-25 LQ One Monoi ... 4^ L T u{l an, |: V ¥ 'i • A sss 5 7 ■ 'CI TELEPHONES. . fc office, editorial r<. . • ■K editor <-h. s ., •se 20 7 Giou&esfcer Si? ©el. ni the Brimawlcu. Us., post as aetond class mall matter Correspondent** Holi< 'U>i, but to re jyiv* attention. totters rnmsi he a& companlea by **m t net for publication? Tnit tut a u te or good faith. Rejected cousmvinlc'lions will be re turned If accompanied Wy postage ■ RemittauoJ should lie madl by po tel note, check or money order™ oi registered letter. Address, News Publishing Cos. Hrunsv ’■ >-. Oa PUBLISHERS NOTICE Th* News Publishing Company de shea it to be distinctly understoo that all Ifgal advertiscmenta must be paid for In advance. Wo cannot affdfo to devote our apace to auch adver tiaements and wait on the courts tor 'he money. We may yet have a hotel on Kt Si mon In time ior this auiwmer'.> •> 1 *■ l rests. You oau't tell. On lo St. George seems i‘> tie th< ■watch word with the eu@rgi.-tic man there times. Tbo new eoloiiy Mil: lair to b@ a great success. it seeah* to tis that Senator West of Lowndes should mate nu effort lu find out which la lain , i homv and try ami at least slay in the buck yard of tlie rpncb. -i The city council is scheduled lo meet this evening. Several manors oi interest uve to be discussed, an-.; council should remember the eyes ot the public are on 11. From this view of the horn:-cop- . w. are Inclined to believe that secret sir) Hitchcock, disturbed the wrong i a vr.nger, when he Jumped on Hoke Smith of Georgia. We would like to know 11 the city authorities, especially the city council Committee on i>ollee, have abandoned the rule requiring policemen to wear uniforms while on duty. There are st\ era! on the force just now In Uictr dress who carry old Inhabitants to the days of the forty years ago. WE WILL GET THE LIGHTSHIP. The people of this city will be great ly pleased with the information that after a very hard fight Congressman loantley has succeeded In securing a favorable report from the committee on commerce on the hill providing foi a lightship for Uio port of Bruuswiek l'lic Brunswick congressman has been vol'kmg on iliis bill for several ututus and from tiiue to tune he has endeavored io have the commit lee re volt favorably on M only to be dls aopotulW at the eleventh hour. The (.01 that the bill has received a lav ■ able report lvom the committee hav ijj the ntntfer In charge '* tanta ount to M# passage by the lower rouse awl tW fact that Sons tors Ba con awtf'felav’yvill lookout for it when it reachessenate, means that it wttf K.tvo In tx-coutiug a ia-v^r Thla 1# rwutiwly a great lawn ter fongjsinok and* IK a* impnoennu' that MrsiilMf irtWOb to the ship pJtg ;>f ilm port. Our able representative In congress deserves to LoMBOUf .v.lulirteHl on this luagnltieeut pfi^erf' of Work for Btusswlok, us well ns for the stork lie has done for other sections of 111'' district at (his session Ct congr-gi a .* .. . the >v ol u large mimJ'mryjl naBMPm ®Eb' in thtM uif *. wj;ll l> furdllared Here ai... tu vark-ua wo' it wjji he a great beu tOt to Uu> city Pt Sninmch. WE HAVE ONE TOO, COL. \ Hon. J. the ranroad in a warm carder v hit that "There Is a ring ii. Ailantoßd In ofctnjls poifcgt” \ • -ell, surely the astute states man and is not day ringing out fact br*W3 the sa rela i on to the we I runawlclc It and maybe mne of col lar to wear, are devoting their eiwr,-y to put. him out of Husinecs. a. It were. • Here in BrutiStv >l> we have a ring more clanfsh ttiaji Is the autocracy of iiie land of the Czar and quite as brutal; a i ng r,'fuses tosconslder ith. eternal fitness of things, but has None question to ask iu passing Jfen general matters “how does ho bide bound is this political iirau - '.i'k lhal il :ib.-'>- w*t : - '■ i;li ■ : " .Jwk i’ll' t-oin mu ii 11 > ; i,-l ,r n,of fall 1% Jim. and obey Hi>- HJndatps of j[He pillars that le. aud valt* Jto*'tt!i ynw little 1 allot on ■ dtefranr mid an ass-bhimt* cffoW-la made to employing labor ", fltfe swt'fcttt af- a 'thousand dollars, pm week‘or -a- 'dollar per mcalU. Thla P runs wick ring lWs been known to cvy embargo after.'embargo ou Bruns wick enterprises,""'on some protest or (the other, whim I ho whole truth of tins u,alter la that those ai the head of the enterprise in question refused to bcome sheep and bleju at the signal of the good shepherd. As an evidence,of some of the work lugs of this ring here in Brunswick, witness the chairman of the democrat i, executive commli tee, resting r in the olliee of city attorney <wT County attorney at one and the sumo tune! Witness Uu act of council in defeating for the olliee of city attorney ■in able lawyer whose ability was ute niiesUoned and who, while in the office made a record unsttl'iaEScd by any : redeceaors in years and years. Witness the fact I hat the only city official, whoso pay was increased Utls year was the city printer, who now receives fuO per month, for work, which a few .year:, ago was done for tper month. Witness tint chairman of the board of the county oemmlsu-iouers, exacting two. year:-, ay;.)’, a promise from thu sheriff. whose accounts be audits and approves, to change the organ of his edict .mi witness tins sheriff making the promise two years before he was .„:.;n nominated lor the office, Wirue-M ait administration ,un nar iuw, ;-.u e!i'.np’.:i (hat it has not in its unploy a single man, who failed to rote right" except a few policemen, who arc under a civil service law, and those are being removed as rapid iy as pretenseu or excuses can be man u.ueturod against them. Ah. Indeed Col. Brown Is late in find mg out the fact that there l.s a ring in AtluuLi, aud If he will jay a little visit to Brumwick, we will show hint one that bus the Atlanta circle beat a city block. Holst the lights- on the lightship! Brunswick needs a trolley and should have one. Albany is to get a federal court. Good for Albany. So Commissioner Pope Brown lias tound a nag. So have we. The board of trade will meet this n orniug. tin down and try and whoop up a quorum, Henator t'nrmaeh says that Kooso- e't is Hryhi s ablest lieutenant thin U rather a doubtful compltmeut to both of the gentlemen. Old man 'the Slovens has decided U let J. Pope Brown hold on to hit. jdo Wonder how Pope worked Jos. Cue thing is more than maelfect he Jiao Billy UiUortlt gets througn some -11 dy is going to get hurt and hurl badly. That l-< udt u halt'd' says < Cuyier Smith of ViUnta must pay him six pounds for abut before he heconn s 'V Smith Cuvier. Cheap Rates to Atlan’a. Account of the state meeting of (Viuitbcru Cotton association, Atlanta fib. 21, the Southern Hallway will s< 1| round trip ticket* from Bruns wick ta Alla..'a on Feb. 20 at JS.M tor Ibo round irlp. with tinal limit r< lumlug Feb. 2.4, 1906. For further in iormatiot, scheduloe. sleeping car res I . rvatioos, write or apply to, i E. H. Houseinan, I hose rn , Qeo*m Agnt I BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1905. who has a lian* cold? ’Then tell Ayer’s Cherry Pueioiai. acii him now if cureJ your Tc’J him aT.vay kr ~ in the as!t his have knoQßßjflhaniula for over sixty years. V -OWku WS Susfer^are fiK Chi mil Umbrellt* WATERMAN’S FOUNTAIN PENS W OPTICAL rOODS JEWELRY, WATCHES CLOCKS, ETC. CAIL AND LOOK. REPAIRING and ENGRAVING Eye* ■xamined Free. ! pennon Mott the Jeweler s>lfl NEWCASTLE STREET. I Exact Time by Wire Daily Iftom Washington T Keefer of City Clock. [)r. S. rKOV^ffIFI.OACH, —3P^fflST— I cause responsible for Hie accomplish more la cun can ever lie accom pli shJrby guessing through the mail. \n\i. natural that I ?houM have confidence In my treatment than W new ] could, have I know v bar i have done and can do so no aot ask the patient to pay tils money merely up. 'a the claim I make. tint, nave numerous testimonials from those who have taken my treatment, i concentrate my practice to the spe cial disease.- which I have most Itnn ciiihly studied and most sineeastiilly mastered. Fai'h ease rocelves my honest opinion. If I can’t benefit you 1 will cumtiillv tell you so. Xonsulia ilon ami cx imfiiatiou without cost, effice Bl!I Newcastle stree.t Bruns wick. Ga The Red Star Bakery iOO NEWCASTLE ST. Announces that they have engaged Mi Henry AN EXPERIENCED GERMAN BAKER and will give special attentien te fruit and all other CHRISTMAS CAKES. P Ro^ovvin, temptation ■ , to slight quality for larger profits is " quite general, bat uk we uever yield to I \*c | * n ** le slightest le Y * gree. Our repute <\ Uon ® a purveyors Pure Drugs la too vautalde to be risked in such manner. So for our own r-akes as well as ywurs ,uur drug will always be fouud the purest aud best obtainable We are thankful for the confidence we have gained lu this respect. We do not propose to forfeit it. Come In and get some thing for that cold and cough SMITH’S PHARMACY. Nawcaat* and Monk BU. tOL£YSHttET^-TAH for children/ onto, Mr*. Mo opiate/ Mo guoss wuik with us. We weigh very pound of coal sold. t’hoii* >2O W Muter The work or organization on new It- It ary at Smith's lUiannaey is now he tig pushed rapidly and the first fifty certificates are all that will lie sold at ii.ill rate, h.ivw you Investigated 11T Fer Rent. A fist of four rooms with all oonven lences Itl.UO pur month. Apply to lift Morwiob etruas. Do you ml i position, a house a servant-. lost anything? Do yc.u wanyto "-t® 3 i ,om, or | room or rent.. . an f i In The NewSHp-'fWaJBW. waVeu. WANTEU-A ft gentlemeti board e:s. House is t-Jy.;nieii* lix.-atoil. Apply to F, A(iKNT% WANTBIJ-ito. per week; good opporturt’ty for aiLSpr v-.ineut. Are wur quick. Cigood rotvr u ces. Our new negro book "sells like hot cake".’ Jenkins, Hurt el & Cos.. Auanta, Ua. WANTED Manager for branch of-: Jtaewe contemplate opening hero in I Adilrexs with rclerencel Whoii :. e Clio.Hi , r ~^& R RENT FOIt 1 1 HN*Vfhjlo7b.-, Clonce er street. 5 i<|Pia Con Vn i. nce.s. I’ossi ggn gi * at once. Ap ply 701 UloueeWer streec FOR KKNTy\£<firt!*nee cornfSj of tlnlon and Mci.t itreets. Eight rooms, besides kltiChen.hfTath room arnl pantry Apply to Mrs. It, Movers. FUR KENT -6 room house wit Lath and all modern Conveniences. Apply 42C Union street. FOR RENT - Flat of four furnished looms for lignl bouse keeping. Address r. O. Box 30. FOR RENT —The residence located a* 1607 Uloueesler street. Apply on premises. ROOMS FOR ItBNT- Nice furnish ad rooms all conveniences, near ceu er of city, hot ami cold water baths. Apply 303 Union street. FOR SALE FOB SALK -One horse and buggy, tpply to H. Kaufman, 509 London str. FOB SALE Bay street lot HO X ISO between Monk and Manallem streets. Also S room two ,story house batn j r-aiin and modern improvements coi ter Norwich and ami Alherniarle, nea Halifax square, Inquire at prenie es LOST. LOST—GoId Stick pin, two hearts v,Hit aniethist net. Finder will please it turn to Miss (lassie Dixon, at flu Union afreet and recede reward. Aten- tur.ln e catalogue explains, low we leper barber (role m a few weeks. I’o'.i!.ins guarauii-ed Can nearly earn expenses before finishing Write today. Atoler Barber Hollege, New Orleans La. THE OAK BOAF DING O’lSfe (06 G fet FACING MAGIiOLIA PARK. j Good Table Board end Cool Boom* Raise: ■? per Week Mrs. A. F. Turner, Proprietor Removal Sale. H. T. Hitch & t 0., have moved to No. 220 Gran’ street rear of Shawl 1 artier shop special attention given to ft . cctton of tents. Fire ami accident fsimmee. (’. O. Sappontield will he aisociated wall them lad us col lect your rents and write your insur ance. I’lione S&li-t. .-tows This. We offer one hundred do; ars n ward tor any case of Catarrh tli.u t ni not he cares by Hall o C'aiaiio Cur.-. F J. Cheney. & Cos., Toledo. O We, the iimlerßlgtu,,!. have known K J. Cheney ior the ' .sf -r, . >ar< an. I relieve him iM-il-.ctly Um. i.-iu.o u. .. , business transaction, atm iiiiau- ult: able to carry ont any ohllgatlaiin mart hy bis Arm. Walding, K'nnan A Marvin Wholesale Uruggists, Toledo, u Hall's Catu-rh Cure is l iken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood ad raucous surfaces of the system, i eetiiuontals ..cut free I’rlcc 75c per bottle. Sold hy all druggists Take Hall'* family piils for const *tl. Ketnefttbnr that alt pr. scripuons hi ed at Fortson's drug store are filled ty Hr. For ten peis-mally and that they receive ’.cry jirompt attention. Free delivery aud every other atten tion. 4 —4 BRUNSWICK BOTTLE & MANUFACTURING COMPANY. —Manufacturers of— SODA AND MINERAL WATERS. CIDERS AND VINEGARS. CASCADE GINGER ALE A SPECIALTY ALLEN I .SIMMONS, 212 Ogiethorpe Street. Phone 372 J. U, Raffo & Company,;! ■ —Manufacturer of— CLEAR HAVANA CIGARS, box Trade a Specialty Our Brag Brands. FOXY BELLE, LORD COVENTRY, ROYAL SEAL, LA TALVBRADAD AND GOOD POINTER. Factory at got MONK tTRSBT, JOHN D. ROUNTOS, "BRUNSWICK’S CANDY *TORE. FRESH TOMATOES AND\CELERY. ut hscrwe* the r%qbe<:t" Grao# o- J Those EAMIUS JACOB’S CHOCCLOImS D-licioos Eon Bens, aid Fruits, Tablets Both in Bulk and in 1 Tea itlfolfy (Vcoraled ’’acksfies in t lb r. < 1-2 lb Boxes FRU fS, CIGARS AND TO \ BACCOS, ETC. 203 Newcastle Street. lOpen Again ; ; in ; I puli Blast I ii I I AM AT THE SAME OLD I I STAND WITH THE SAME I f OLD GOODS. | , IF YOU WANT[ THE I i ™ i Y v -v,.„r‘^ * WHISF.tES BRA IES, * *1 BEERS, C!JARS AND j * SMOKERd^SUJPPLYES. I * ON ; S. Uevison, 3lO BAY STREET. lOIEYSKIDNEYCIIKE Makes Kidneys aud Bladder Bight L-gal Notice. From and altot March 3, labG the advertiscniinl.s of the sheriff of vf'yuu county will he publsbcd iu the tiunswick Journal uutil further no t.ce. W. H. Berrie, Sheriff Glynn County. TONSORIAL PARLORS. I Make a Specialty of Massaging. SeLCiAL AT • FNTION TO CARE OF LADIES AND CHILDREN C. A. CLARK, 205 N r-vcasCe Street Phone 146 3. “HE OPERA HOUSE BARBER SHOP Massaging and Headache Cure a Specialty We Also Give Special Attention to Ladies and Children CUR TONIC IS GUARANTEED FOR ALL SCALP DISEASES OR MONEY REFUNDED J. E. NORMAN, Prop. Phone 394-3 fOLETSIiOKEY^LAR atop* tku sough sue hU*luagi I Fortson’s drug store is nefldqtmrlers tor everything lr. the drug line. Go there and be wall served. ! Spoilt and her Beauty .llarlett Howard of 209 W tilth street. New York at on etirae had her beauty vpulled vdli skui troulile. She writes , 1 had salt rheum or eszema for years, hot nothing would cure it, until I used ' Kucklen's A idea Salve.” A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and -ores. 25c at Smith’s Pharmacy. -• -.-a ... nl-tl i >l - 'tildeat ZDrug dtcre I PERSONALLY FILL ALL PRE SCRIPTIONS. HAVE BEEN HERE FOR 29 YEARS. ”NUF SAID.” t JF. 106 A Street. Telephone 116 Oak and Find_ WOOD W'c have a large lot of both which we will sell at reasonable prices. DAVIS WOOD YARD George St. Phone 266-4 CASTOR IA lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought It you want to buy line glasses, hand sonic ilxtures, and a whole lot of show 1 am not liiwhe market. But if you want the genuine article in whiskey, .beer, wine, ctr*r* and tobaaco then I am the man y-o-'re looking for. B. Lee. teas Ml Moat Crete AreVYm in the Market /cnspß City^roperty,^!proved orUn- Timber, Tur pentine cr Farming Land ? If So, See R. R. HOPKINS 6c SON BRUNSWICK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. HIGH GRADE ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Inside Wiring a Specialtj . We Install Small Electric Plants . 1 ■&. JOCK ELECTRIC SUPPLIES We Work to Pass City ElectriciaT^^^^ j a L. Farmer H. J. Von Weller, 104 Newcastle Street. Day Phone 410 Night Phone 262 4 | EVERYTHING IN THE Fresh Meats AND Vegetabie Line I Fine Grt'ceries %hih ylrnlteiter Newcastle aim Monk Tel 64. D.B. FARMER FRESH WESTERN MEATS EGG3, IRISH POTATOES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE Free Delivery Cor Monk and Oglethorpe Streets PHONE 1 I^^ To Solve THE SERVANT PROBLEM Put in a Gas Stove AND MAKE LIFE EASY .04, &. ■ WE DO THE Plumbing MUTUAL LIGHT AND WATER COMPANY. PHONE NO. 7. ABE YOU THIRSTY? if you are and a good drink of the boat Whiskey or finest BEER will quench it 1 aan fix you. See my Wine and cigar list. H, Selig, 225 Grant Street. Tontc to the System, For liver troubles and constipation there Is noth'ng better than IteVVltts’ Little Early ‘liners the laroous little pills. They ilo not weaken Ihe stout ach. Their faction upon the system is mild, pleasant and harm.ess. Boh Moore, of LiFayette, Ittd., cays ‘No use talking DeWtit’s Little Early Ris rrs do their work. All uUu..- puts ! have used grippe and make me sick in the atomaeu and never cured roe DeWitts’ Little Early Risers proved to be the long sought relict. They are limply perfect" Person* travel ing flnd Little Early Risers the moet reliable remedy 0 carry with them M *4 IMME* . .... i AM HEADQUARTERS FOR Fre-h Groceries, Fruits, CIGARS, TOBACCu- ind COLO DRINKS. 1 WANT YOUR TRADE NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY Cieo. Lyons, COR. MONK AND BAY STREETS —ZT * ~ Tenor, INSTRUCTOR OF ’ VOICE, PIANO, VIOLIN, THEORY, HARMONY AND COMPOST. ION. Address OGLETHORPE HOTEL. FOR BICYCLE REPAIRS Ring Up 11. (jirvin Phone 136-4 Prompt Service SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Thousands are sick every y<- - r with some Until of bowel complaint. Thous ands are cured by taking Di. Seth Arnold's bat am. Warranted to giva satisfaction by Smith’s f'he-macy. Purity, perU.ction and precision ex '.mpliilt-il iu tli' slices a1 1 '.'"acts made in Uninswi.-l, u> 'no luxie Drug Cos. For Rent. A flat in four rooms with a’l conven •nm a 4X 0 pet month. Apt ly to lib Norwich street. in liixii; land in Brunswick is Ilia Nixie Drug Cos., manufacturing pure fpices and flavoring extracts. FINE FRUITS, CIGARS, CANDIES AND COOL DRINKS. Fresh Candy Made Daily JNO. GAVERAS, 302 Monk Street. Ob! Papa don’t forget to buy $| bottle of EXPECTOx RANT for your little - girl. can buy it at any Drug Store and you know it never failij to cure my Croup and_Cpugk.. — : —"■tt t—'^ss Qreen Coffee GOOD 20c VALUE. Fwo Pounds for 25 c. CAHN’S Phone 296. THE OIXViLLE CASH STORE GROCERIES AND FRESH MEATS No. 600 Cochran Ave. Telephone 211. M. J. SOUZA. Prop. Of full strength .purity and excel lence, spices and llavortug extract! r ade by the Dixie Drug Cos Have your inter pipes fixed by the Bay Iron Works. Jfrs, Housekeeper to her grocer: Al ways send me the DWe btauj splcu and flavoring extracts they art the best made. Imported bottled beer, 20 cents per ottle or 92 00 per dozen, at 219 Ray treat, T. Newman.