The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 03, 1906, Image 2

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RE BRUNSWICK DAILY HEWS F 1 PUBLISHED DAILY BY The news publishing company j CLARANCE H. LEAVY, Editor an Manager. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr., City Edito EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Entered At the Brunswick, Ua., ;ios office as s*coud (lass mail matter SUBSCRIPTION HATER. Terms ot subscription in the Cit and by mail free of charge to all partt of the United States and Canada, Mex ico, Porto Rico, Guam, Philippm islands and Hawaiian islands. On e Month -50 Three Month* $1.25 Six Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 Notice of discontinuance ef Ads and Subscriptions must be made t business office in writing. TELEPHONES. Business Office, Editorial Room. .J*t the Llilitor 43. The City Editor .. .. 84* Society Editor ....468 .Office 207 Street. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF (Jlytn <'ou sty, Glynn Comity Commissioners. Tlio United Stui<-H Court of Bank ruptcy for tlu District Correspondence solicited, but to re .mive attention letters must be ite coni] unl£<l by n re: ponMiblo name, no for pub Ication, but on ;i gunrsulcc ol y.ooil fill Ui. Rejected communications 'vill b returned If accompanied by pontage. Remittance should bo .undo by po* tal note, check, money order registered letter Address New- Publishing Cos., Brunswick, G *. f-luvou day more imiil Augm" I ,; All aboard ! Cor y in a jin i>i>.v .01.! di-rout ■ pngt not to o.ountcti.'moc him Roosevelt's ill nial i|. |iaiti,-n'lit eartmiK itb k. 1 liny all ilsht enough. _ jt— *• * —•*— ■ ~ Wi ltman'ii arrival at tli" north pole liaa not yd lioi n aunounia ' ll you listen haul von might hear that dirr'r (or the trolley luneial on AiiKHßt 10. That Bayun haml wi'am had to 'low down iu Ohio the other day to let on the demo rata of the at at it That July shlpidni;, re, ord ought '<> put alx nit three or lour Brtimiwiscli cioßltera and ealauitty howlers to lu-l Tie "an ilior” and ihla little uitcit ought to have win els i nlhelr heads tiv thin time, vv litia;; for the trolley line. Three hundred llious uul dolki; jinii. osllioiiK bu ted h\ throe dollar Hnao elms never did do very tm-eli Timiti s . in Wall sliev I. Over in .Mahani i tin .nln riialo. l'uet in prill..’ warm. But tie') huv not reached the Uui./.aid Uvular' stage yet. Those folk down in tli I I oi Pint ought to do tin i-l": u p stunt aim give someone else a cliunce at tin limelight. Whenvei- (he "ainliloi" I: seen about the Oglethorpe (lien you can be! you life somebody from Ja/.kaimville coming. Clark Howell is an awful clever fe'knv and lias a host of friends, bm that 'daring" habit of his ha land i him in trouble. Savannah Is going to try Iho san itation plan ii! the proper way. ils 111. l going to weed out rite dirty pol iticians The rest will be easy. Just such fellows as Richard Cheat ham often get good men in bad re pate, lie ought to be yanked out of •he Southern tlotion Growers' Vsso la tiin. There is a member of Hie legisla lure in aieuc who wears (lie name ot Bourbex r Wonder il tbe gentleman conducts a hop jack or a beerine stand? To certain patties in high official places in Glynn counly respoctfuil. Suggested the vvi dom of that Old pro vM, "fools rush iu wlitw angels dare to tread. a year hence win n you call lit SHAME. THE Cusl Oe v*t>i IH 1 Tim press dispatches ot Tuesday gave the details of the latest c’aapw in the Corey divorce scandal. At Iteno, Nev., Tuesday. Mrs. Corey w. granted an absolute divorce trom h‘-r husband. W'lliam Ellis Corey, presl denl of tbc steel trust. The husband did not resist the proceedings. On the j contrary, his lawyer was present and J announced that a legal separation was [entirely satisfactory 'o Core, and no ! defense was submitted. Tlie story of this domestic tragedy illustrates how great prosper*! . sons times literally spo is men. Cm / lie pan 1 if. in a iihumch cjjiai ity, tu t ing when lie was yet a pool -man. Hi., wile shared his struggles, his i ties and ills prosperity with um Finally he tea hod tli /.I'liitii .n' hi succes!'. in Ids election t.O lie head oi tin ati 1 I nisi This Ii am.fei rod him from the steel district ; of Pennsylva nia lo the great metropolis of the na tion. There lie was hailed as anew industrial king ami was given lie pad blind of welcome fm New Yorkers are ever ready to welcome tin in v comer who brings with him money -mil powei. Mr. Con y wa ; soon awi-i-t into the giddy whirl of gay'-t., and, t < use a homely phrase, hi . In ad wa completely tinned. The ' utlici wo man” In the case uppe.ned ml the man's nexl slop was'to ileliberaiel. 1 ahaii.lon his wile, .vim," on y I mil seems to have been thal sin was still iin phliii, tina:,:,iiiniug, devoted woniaa sin- had always hoi n. Tie details ol the IteariiiL at Reno are not thrilling. They do not tell ot Corey's ugly conduit, either in New Voiko! abroad, but limy carry with i,hem the story of a tragedy. 'I he man who, in the hour of his success, is guilty of such conduct as this man Corey deserves Dim scorn and con tempt of all docent, liigli-nmided :no ,ile. William Ellis Corey pivsonls a sory speelucle. Certainly ho was not a (It person to he the custodian ol Ins Hi year-old sou, and bis own aistet spoke the truth when sin- made tin; declaration Slmtrie upon the man who abandons ins life time • wflien the sun of prosperity sliim -.. mightenl upon him after she lias speni the best, years of her life in aiding lorn to lii I nit foil mm and happiness lo hi t door. THE SOUTH’S CORN CROP. While the roiiUli. is rich in natural resources and has made great stride in inaiiiilaetuiiug and Industrial ib velopiucut. Hie backbone of southern wiul-fh eonliiiiies !o lie agriculture. Since southern farmers have avvakcue I to the folly of the all cotton idea ami have begun to diversify their crops oa a broad scale greater results have licca a. Ii loved. I’lle torn crop of the south ii dance, lias grown to be one ol .1 hig test resoiirei s of wealth. In 1901 the com crop of the state'- ll Virginia, North Carolina. Soul i C.uolitia, Georgia, Florida. Alabama. Texas, Tennessic. Kon'uel v and U e i a ....till* -1 in •86 t 'ioil.o() , J tusli e's; In i'ior, in 8l(*.000,0tl0 bimlicls, a ain of 110 per cent. The crop I lii/ year will lie nearly a billion Imsliel: and the crop of the enlire country, vvi'f be only about two and a half billlo-i bmdicls. Tin- Wall street Journal points on* lbat in live years tlie Curoliuus in creased ilicir corn out put from foi l two to til* > -eight million bushels; ticor gia from thirty-eight lo foily-cjgbl mil lion bushels. Alabama fiom (•.vciilv seven lo forty Three million bushels, while Texas Increased from sixty mil lion toone hundred and thirty-nine mil lion bushels. \ Irgihia lias inei tsc-l from forty million bushels in l'*9l to forty three million bushels in lao.Y Tin* value of Hie south s corn crop is estimated at s.'.oo,lMHi,nuo, which i a vast fortune in itself. But Ibis cion must be increased further until tie line shall have come when the south ern consumer will not have to buy a single bushel of corn from the western We can raise all our own corn and it is economy to do so. I'uion street simply refuses to have paced sidewalks. FOR SALE. Two story house and lot on K si nvl Ik I ween K and G. Price $1,700. Two story house and lot corner iC and P streets, eastern frontage Price. SJ,IOO. Two good building lots on G street, neat Court House Square, Southern irontage, SOOO. Kiglii nice uilding lots daXP.ta each In southern portion of city. s7'J‘> each. BFOSBTON. FENDIG & CO. We are here to please give ns yon* and see how quick you will tc; i;. o \v Hu ■Let ;n>o • f , f y . That is too n?d- Been coming oat ! st C* t ‘in iff"? 3 7!* for a long time, has it? So much the ! i l li&g JL A i! f worse! But it is not so bad as it might uj be, for you can stop this falling, and I you can stop it quickly, too! There is one remedy, just one—Ayer’s Hair Vigor, it stops failing hair, cures dandruff, and keeps the scalp clean and I nealthy. We speak trom long experience. iaw£i ?”?’ MAKES OLD THINGS HEW 11 ALSO Lwja ocw. lherfwill \rr no old, dull looking fiiimture or dinjjy woodwork in homes wline this wonder worker i*s uv*d Nf refimdimjf or re varnishing n<‘Ct"*ary. I irpid Vcne-rr i not j* !.h| n surface food and r leaner that builds up tin original finiJi •nd makes a hri-fiti'r liiari ever. It i-. tantly r<-form ild- Lriiliant newm-ss and finish of Ltaiv-s, F'irmlti><\ Puturc f t m r , Inlnri 'f Woodwork, Hardwood x loors nd all polished, varnished or enameled surfaces. Keniov*:: scratches, slams, dirt and dullness. A child can apply it. Nothing but a pi" #- ri Jircse f loth h needed arid there in no drying to wait for. NF.YY SIZE PACKAGES 4 ounce bo tile ?5 eft. \j. ounce bottle .50 eta. SOLIi BY COLSON HARDWARE COMPANY. STRONG nfW Again I<s4 ;/) what Mr®. Lucy i Stovall.of Tilton, Oa^ fi r,a ' r * ? -ft ßr taking ) /k Kodol Dyapepsi* ir- i C lliuairod* ;y,fJ Ty ' of other wak - women ar, Yo'V being r f J ! <!| torcd to perfec) / IJ health by this rem- I xivj YOLI may b, ? \ •!! if you will Uk . 1. '•"•a T * d'gviitlonciiiwi - n*r!r sll the ®ick rei". li-il worn*; 6wva, it 4*pßv the *?ttm of noorlh -muni and the 4*lk.*t organ® peculiar t, worriM- unr ■- weaiun. raid havauto Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enable® tc* ktomach and ditftatlv* wfitsi tn digest and a*®hniUs<a all of th® who!*- ,c;-av faxi that rnay b® xc*rv. It ncuri®hs th® body, end rebuild® the weak organs, restoring calth and strength Kodo! enn* itidig*tion. con*tipatlyn, dyopapsia, mbi ft sings. bWiirtg,hr i -t hura and ail dtsordur®. JMsiestiP Whit Ycxi ir'r*, a Ann UijtaSLJisKiJ’a. ' , 31 % ]fr*x Xvi'Vij lA iMI e .<.v .y, i STBF:"< ik I 'trvt. J? ttr Yl g vi*'rxi£, -- ) - iMM to tnofit woiru n a off Biixi*“t v , r.t ’V'us 11 jtl and M'vr.'t ftiiiit tpulori. With the or'Hsat , .i n tsf naio 1 ucoessai V to v litll mft h, then* roiues oaGu lu'ixrt. dlwp fftul ns ur'j Alton. , ; SWOTHF.RS FRiEND *4^ d-m* diminish the pain accompanying maternity. With It* aid mother* ca oc3 do bring hraithy, w®*t dupotitioned •nd ideal h.ihies into th® world. Morning •icktrcs®, ®ore breast® aad x -eru.'latl ig pain* cai;e-l by th* gradually ®Tj>*oub)(j organ®, r.r r!l*y*d by tht® petvatrating and relaxing liniment. Among tlie manifold aid® to childbirth Mother * Friw-d ha grown in popularity ®nd gained prestige among rich women a* well a* poor, it ia found and welcomed in the mauaion a® well a* In the cabin. • , By leaaeuiuH ihemother 1 * ®rouvof mind and dbufnUhiag pstn a beautucllnGuenca U wrought upon th child, and Inatrad of CTlsh, ill tutprrd *nd sickly forms you ■wlsmllSt, laagttlng humanity,remsta ing a blessing ever to you and Its country. AM Drnr(ft*: sen Mathtr'i FrUad at f IM. Write fet n-r fias K-ok ‘'SfotHrrhosd'' (MS ISAMAti 10 (LSULATM CO-. Atlsata. A* For Iffsott;! iu typewriting .and sten ograpl-y call on Mrs. Alma Hurt man. So. 117 South street Hr Williams' Indian Pile Olutnicn will cure hllud. bleeding, ulcerated and itching piles. It absorbs the tu mors. all y, the itching at once, acts • -""'Ml , cues instant relief. Ur. We ,ims Inulnn Pile Ointment is 1 repined for idles and itching of the delicate litis 1?\ cry box is guaran teed. Sold by druggists, hv mail for anu SI,OO. William) Mfg, Cleveland, Ohio iHL anvkzwick DAILY NE.W3 FRiD/CV- AUGUST i, !<#<, YOUR WANTS WILL BE SURE COMING ’N THIS COLUMN Do ycu want a position, a house servant. Have you lost anything? D ycu want to rent a room, or have yoi 3 room or house to rent. If so pu -f. a®, in Tne w<.wj oimap weiume FOR RENT. Hilt KENT —Two story hou.,e comm ivorgo anil Amiivitit stivers. A i,.) lu blOly 11 use NO. jUj Grant slleot. Apply at 566 Curpculer. toil KENT.—A nicely futiiished sec uiu story flout room wan bain, /eg piy at No. ins Reynolds street, sec oint house above post office. FOR BALE—Good horse uni! buggy; Hit -liie lor family use. 'I ne horse is vny gentle anil can lie easily mail used. Apply to N. Weinstein, c'ty. I'uit RENT Two. Tory house, cornel ol E and F streets, s2(l p< r month linibstou, Fendig I: Cos. FOR RENT.—House 711 Ellis street lb aescs ot land, 12 head cattle. Al i cptiou on 2110,Ub0 leet good saw mill timber in Camden and Glynn eomiii-M. loi further paiTieiilais ap ply at N< ws office. WANTED. WANTEO—Dealer or manufacturers gent to handle fire and pavuig brick for my new plant. A. E. Crawford, Columbus, Ga. WANTED -A saleslady experienced in dry goods. Apply to A. Zehnenovit/. WANTED.—Ten brick masons and 25 laborers. Apply to M. C. Alexander at new A. B. & A. depot. WANTEO—Lighter size 16x50, 18x6 or 20x80 feet. J. W. Watkins. WANTEII —Twenty salesladies am: five Apply to M. Isaac at i nice. WANTED-—Feoplu to know tbatUncie Big will loan you money on anything of value. All legitimate business sol icited. Sig Levison, 308 and 30" Bay street. WANTED. —Woman servant. $lO per month with room. Apply to Mrs. El mo A. Turner, Altamaha Mills. WANTED. —Eadv or gentleman ol lair education to travel lor a firm o: $250,1100,00 capital. Salary $1,072,06 per year ami expenses. Salary pail weekly and expenses advanced, ref erences required. Address with stamp J. A. Alexander, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED—Lady or gentleman o fair education to travel for firm ot $250,000 capital. Salary, $1,072 per year uul expenses. Salary paid week Iv and expenses advanced; refer ences required. Address, with stamp. J. A. Alexander, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED.—Position by a competent - keeper. Can keep any class o books.. Twelve years experience. Address ‘'Reliable,” care News. FOR SADE. —Ten room house in goo I condition at tlie corner of London and Davis streets. Apply to T. I. Foley. FOR RENT —House corner Norvviot and Howe el reefs. Newly painted and kalsiiniiieil. 7 rooms and large yard. Apply lo Mrs. Peters, (ill Uu lon street. FOR DENT Four room cottage on the corner of George and Ellis streets Apply at 222 Union. FOR SALE.—-Three desirable resi liences, 401, 405 and 459 G street. :n --so furniture contained in house 405 G street. Apply to Mrs. Gann. I OST Phi Kiippa Sigma pin. Was lost Monday. Reward if returned to this office. Low Rates to Asheville. On account of the Convention of Commercial l.avv League of Aineri: :i the Southern railway will sell round trip tickets to Asheville, and return at rate of $11,85. Tickets on sale July 28. 29. 30. Limit returning to August 8. I’y depositing ticket limit will bo extended to Sept. 30. Foi further in formation call on E. H. Houseman, general agent. t Fir® Domestic and Frrcß Straw bats for men, women and children a! *acrlCc price* ®t tsig Le* Isos'® JOS and )i> ous coughing and Weeding from th lungs; and 1 owe my good fortune u Hu* world's greatest meilicdue. Dr King’s New Discovery' for Consumpt .oa. which 1 know from esrperlene IMPORTED Lime AND Lemon Juice IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC (linger Ale Root Beer AT KEANY’S PbwMM <1 £l2 NswcJlstls Mi DR. GEO. COESTER. VETINARY SURGEON. Ait domestic animals treated. Leave OrdersaM|r^^^ri^^^lpr m ftiiiiiiiMmßwMßßllßillM m ?t‘l I HON FOR CHARTER, JKORGIA, Glynn County: * To the Superior Court ot Saiu County: The petition of J. \V. Nussbaum, A. J. Crovatt, and Dolling Waitl'ield, o' *aid state and county, and su.h oth iei s as may he hereafter associated , with them, -hows: First That they desire for them.-eives land said associate# and success rs jto be incorporated umler the name j ami tyle ot Americaa dto sc dim | her Company. Lcsond. By and under Unit corporate natue to sue and he sued, contract and ;>• contracted wit,:, to plead and to Ik impleaded and to have full povvet and authority h i ■:t: , acquire, pur chase and l>o!d '.aa.t.j. tenements goods and chat . Is, and the same sell, Mori gage or cucumber as may be deemed . o r. loi the interests or aid corporation. third To Use a eorpO/aic sea!, adopt by laws and rules binding upon il a m-.iii oers not inconsistent willi tlie’ Jaw ■ 1 I’liJi, stai or o: t.i L -.1 .i . tat- ... and to nave, pos.-.05.., and < .joy ;o tne rig,us, powers and pi,, o . tie subject to all li,■: iiii.iiia -s \\ c aie or may be 8.-ii.ilb n-co aaiy con-istent wiili m purpo; \s oi .-.a,.. .urporulton especially, a,in u.suall.. ap ticn laming to ami grained bodies cm unrated under me laws oi :-:iiu stau and do ail such Llnngs as are oi iuay ne necessary ua Uuo ip cut ion ol these purposes. Fourth Tiro capital stock of this aatocia turn slian be lUc sum ot lorty lnou -anil dollars tS4O,UOUJ to be rliVidei. into tour ila, suaics of tile j,a: ,a:ue oi i.iio iiuii.Oed dobars tsiaU) men and wuieu capital stock up., pray tne privilege oi increasing t. any time to a sum not to once; U on . luiudred tiunisand uoduxs aim il said capital stock should be merea ed, lo duiuuisii tne same any amount not less tnali tie origin., lock, in any or in either *as bj a livu.thirds v, tc oi i„ ■ su.ckhoiu ci., ot the said company. Fifth’ That tne purposes and o' jocts to. : which your pcuiiouers dm ire to b iueoi'ioi ated lor ar to maaulaci. buj, own linn t,eii lumber, tioss ts. umber, naval stores, lumber pro. nets ami lands of all kind. . to lease. own equip, and op -irate steam mills, to bu. lra-e, own ami sell lands, and to owe. and operate boats and lighters and such tramway:! and rail tv ay as ma,- o.i doomed rtilvliable for the pu. po.e ot said eurporaUon, to act a„ steveiloros and forwarding agents and it do all matters and tilings of any and every description upon, in ana about tide manufacture, purchase ana sale ol lumber, limber, crosstles, lands, lumber and Umber products, geneially, as well as to engage m uioielULiull mg. Sixtn That said corporaiton may bo au thorized to incur debts for corporal*! purposes, and to issue notes, uouds and niongag- s to oeuro sucii indent duess. That the affair# oi raid eoi p ration may be luunaged and itn bus uie.-3 conducted by a preside lit and a board of directors as may be pro scribed by its rules- and by-laws, arm they -may be selected as therein pro vided. and have full power to select and appoint such officer-: and agent/ as may be required by said corpora tion. Seventh Petitioners further pray that the principal office and place of doing business of said corporation shall be at ice near tne city of Brunswick, Glynn county in a . raid that it may be allowed to estubiisii such branch offices el t .-. here as the busi ness of such corpi i a lion may from time to time require, and that cor poration bo cri ated for the term ot twenty (20) years from date of the granting of ils charter, with, the priv ilege of renewing same at the ex piration i, f said term, and that they may have conferred upAn them anu their associates and successors aii such rights and privileges as are us ually granted suen corporations. CROVATT & WHITFIELD. Petitioners Attorneys. Stale of Georgia, County of Glynn: I certify that the foregoing is a rue copy of the original petition for incorporation of the American Tie it Timber Company, filed in my office, this 12 day of Julv, 1906. H. F. DIT BIGNON, Clerk Sunperior Court, Glynn County Ga. * 1,. KINO, ST KB I Nr. C\.. •■)• i usd l>iis.s Native Herbs fer Central De bility and I wish lo it’ll the public about this great remedy. It is the better* the market.'* A BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doc tor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures n| iqc Constipation, Dys- DLloo pepsia, Kidney and NATIVE I .iver T roul >le, Skin HERBS Diseases, Kheunia tisp. and many Blood diseases. It is purely vegetable- -contains no min- eral poison and is pre pared in Tablet and Powder form. Sold DOSE? in One Dollar boxes cs | with a Guarantee lo *** cure or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request. MKDICINR MAJLKD PROMPTLY CV HJLL McNiSH, Sterling, Ga. THR ALONZO O. BUSS U>., WASHINGTON, l). C. Pal! sii the Biuuswick Development Com pa n to Gee their plan. Mas Isaac, president. SOS Gloucester street. For lessons In typewrit’tg and ste> ogiaphy call on Mr- Vlnta l-lortman, No. 117 South Lee si sect Tin work of all kinds and condit lous promptly done. Cobb S- Wheeler, 313 Neweastal* street Tivlophon We lend money to build homes. Brunswick Development Company) Max Isaac, preeiden., offioe 30J mr-r .j • j-*-i UiYM sTli Wjf I ‘ I si Ttc great remeuy Icr nerveu- prostration and all diseases of the gc n-rati organs of either sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or Lost Manhood- Impotcncy, Nightly Kmissions, Youthful Errors. Men v .al Worry, excessive ust ' of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. With erery 4STITD fiC-tin $5 order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at SI.OO per box. UOlflOr c JOK PIOTT’S tlih.TIK IL (0.. CkvclHud* Olilm — For Sale by HUNTER’S PHARMACs General Headquarters For Automobiles if you are tnth e market fot an automobile ,a bicycle, or If you want ra pairs in either of these department® s eo me. I also have a fuil line ot cycl* sumires. Sole agent. OLESMOBILE, FRANKLiN A NO POPE TOLEDO AUTOS. I am now in my new quarters No. 340 Newcastle street. Call and sae ny stock- I have with me an exper t automobile' repairer, Mr. Hvwt, oj Savannah. ! B. J Qiewitie. • BY DOING YOUR BANKING WITH * l*The Naiionai Bank _ of Brunswf k M 1 1 CAPITAL $150,000.00 SURPLUS $84,000. 3 Year Savings Department Pays Four per cent interest cotimpounded quarterly. WESLEY iGREEN! iELD, Pdc D.iving Contract®." WHARF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SPECIALTY. SCO L street, Brunswick, Ga. SHERIFF SALES. IV.TK of Georgia, County of Glynn: v'. :li hi sold before the court housj door oil the first Tuesday in Au gust, a BOG, between the legal hours ef sale the following property towit. That certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being In the city of Bruns wick, ci unty anu state aforesaid, ana known and described on the official map of said city male by George It Baldwin in 1837,.the following prop erty to wit: The western half of old tow® 10. No. 168. Levied on ns the propert,- i i Matilda Tatnall under and virtue of a tax 0. fa. issued by I!. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county luxes due for the year HlOo, amount of tax $189.68 besides interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that cerlaln lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of Bruns wick, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on the official map of said city made by George It. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The eastern five eighteenths of the western half of old town lot No. 224. Levied on as the property of O. N. Taylor under and by virtue “of a ia v fi. fa. issued l-y 11. J. Read, tax collectin', for state ami county taxes due for !ke year l”>iri, amount ot tax vf 1.12, beside# interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by jit. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. /.Iso ut the same time and place, Hunt certain lot or parcel of land, j lj-Rig and being in the city oi'Bruns i wick, ev unty and slate aforesaid, an t l.i.own and described on the official map of said city made by George it. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: • lie western half of new town lot No, 1669. Levied on as the proper ty of estate of J. R. Dillard under and by virtue of a tax I'i. fa. issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1905-, amount of tax $311.78, besides Interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by R. fc?. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city ofßruns vvick, county anu state aforesaid, anil known and described on the official map of said city made by George It. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The eastern fourth ot old town lot No. 471. Levied on a® tlie property of C. A. Clark under and by virtue ot tax fi. fa. issued by H. J Road, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1905, amount of tax $21.07, besides Interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by K. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city ofUrunn wick, c unty and state aforesaid, and known and described on the official map of said city made by George It. Ballwin In 1837, tlie following prop erty to wit: ’Hie western half of old town lot No. 306. Levied on as the property of Flora Harmon under and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for tli® year 1905, amount of tax $12.00, besides interest and oust. Levy made and returned to me by K. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. W. H. BERRIB, Sheriff Glynn County Ga. cnkTlmiuy Contractor of Piledriving, Dockbuild ing and Trestle Work. WM. GREENFIELD, MGR. Phones 214 and 417. Open All the Y ea r The Wtittc*. House at Ocoak pi St Simon 1 stand, will remain ope all the year round. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME MRS. W. L. WALLACE Aug I.evnoo can stop .voter trotrm Jf it U money you need. Money *• VwMied on anythin# of vulna. and doth In# for tale by Si# Leri*o# Had, watches, clonk BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF Railway Crossf ics AND DEALERS IN Yellow Pine i timber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. JO* N l>. ROUNTOS, Brunswick's Candy Store. Don’t buy burnt sugar and imagin you are getting pure chocolate... For pure chocolate and all other candies call on me...A fresh supply re ceived every day from MENIER, the famous chocolate maker. Either in bulk or in pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS, TOBACCO ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. —TAFFY CANDY MADE DAILY.— 20S Newcastle street. Cobb and Wheeler GNEPAL TINNERS. THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. 212 Newcastle St. CAR LOAD OF PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE H 11 ji| JUST RECEIVED AND ON DIS PLAY AT THE DILLON BUILD ING ON BAY STREET. ROBERSON & CO. Telephone 489. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO (ieneral Plumbing OF ALL KIND We carry a full and complete |ine of STOVES and RANGES and do all kind of STOVE REPAIRINQ. J. H. BOHN E. Phone 397, 428 Newcastle Street. DeVoe’s old Stand. U. B. GARNET T. GENERAL CONTRACTOR * When in need of A PLASTERER, A PAINTER, A CARPENTER Call on the old original H. B. GARNETT. CASTOR IA Ft infants and Children. The Aind You Have Always Bought Stgaatu.-e of Shoes! shoes!! shoes!!! for men women and children, all kinds, all sizes, all prices. Prices tosuit the poor. Slg Levison, 308 and 309 Bay street i