The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 04, 1906, Image 2

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■ # **©d clase mail uiutcer | SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I Terms -of subscription in the clt *nd by mail free of chargs to all parti of the United States and Canada, Mex ico, Perto Rice,. Guam, Philippin and Hawaiian Islands. f One Month .60 Three Months $1.25 Six Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 Notice ef discontinuance ef Ads and Subscriptions must be made t business office in writing. TELEPHONES. Business Odlce. flSdltorlal Room. 18. Sbe BKlitor 43. Tbs City ■ditor *4< •ociety IDdltor 4M •fflcs t*7 Gloucester Street. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Glynt County. Ulyas County Commissioner*. The United Btates Court of Bank rugicy for this District Correspondence solicited, but to re jelve attention letters must be ao eompaulsd by a responsible name, no for pub.loatlen, but aa a guarantee ol good faith. Rejected conimunlcations "Nil b relumed if acoumpanted by postage Kemittaneo should he made by pus Lial net*, check, money order or letter. Address ■V News Publishing Ce„ Brunswick, Ga. Cut down the weed*. Seven more days until August to Michigan has landed on the Bryan band wagon with both feet. They have gone to stealing cruisers and gun'bontH over In llUHsla Farmer .11 in Smith seems to be as good a card as little Joe Brown. Fay Templeton has made up her find that marriage Is not a failure and has tried It again. Cheatham had a close call and In fu ture he will let the other fellow do the stock gambling stunt. Ralph Smith and Fred Lewis have certainly carried enough rountlea to elect a half dozen governors. The Green-Oaynor case is getting Into life again. This Is u great coun try for the miscarriage of Justice. They have issued Invitations to 12,- gOO reserve seaters for title Bryan re in Madison Hipiare garden your eyes right on the Esllil up In Hi iniswirU and watch tilie, We get SOllle ot t lleSj/\ V e.-d LC Imn!. ! T. '''l He/'.- ,|.-1,1 U > i" 1,11 i^anii ■ Igggfc wL ‘ " * y £ 1 ‘ ' Tin' im. -1 1 ’ SSIfB' w tllfk. ' mm i:i • *fW't 11., It i.l I -I: |.. . ■ lumber for t>aie,i ■ dullest month in shipping wi' tll.'lt’ Mint i-.ii, B w him t.ii B i.'.-i,-ti of ti\| W col.l none * Breeds Bah I§& : ||& m ¥-’• jJJSr tip.' ilT^^ririi.nt to there Is no reason why peopTTdioui! not wash. A man may find no com fort in a three day’s growth of beam but that does not malic him presents ble to polite society. Even if there were no utilitarian purpose in keeping the streets free of grass and weeds, the aesthetic seme of the continuity would '!>>• gratified and the aesthetic sense i- not to be despised as a community asset. Ar. a matter of fact good appearance goer for much among comniimtth: ami ev. pec ially among municipalities What must the visitor to Brunswick, for e?: | ample, tliink of ibis city m lie iru< ; es tiirough the weeds three feet higlm in some side street. We know what tile home peopl. think and we say it is time lo ml tihe weeds and grass in Bruit vvici: and the sooner the city authorities get about it the better It will ! !.o for everybody. It will cost some money of course, probably more Ilian it would have cost to keep down the growl i from the beginning—hut the peopl > are willing to pay for the decent ap pearance of the city, and besides, the money will be well invested In tlm reputation for yoo.i streets* Us em ployment will give to Brunswick. The motto of the mulclpalily for the next few weeks should he "cut grass." UNCLE SAM WILL AID US. The department of laliot and com inercc appears to appreciate the spleti did fight the state of Georgia h nmk lug to catch the tide ol immigration to tliis stale and is going to assist i lithe work as fully us it can con sisfeut with the law. Tiie department seems also lo appreciate the spirit, of thrift and energy displayed by Hi 1 people of Floyd comity in Bending i man from Rome direct to Norway and Swoeden in seacli ol the kind ol Immigrants wanted In Georgia. Tin following sent out under a Washington date line will give some Idea of wlml the department thinks on the foibjec! and will be gratifying to the people of Brunswick where tlie want of labor Is getting to be pronounced “Officials of the department of commerce aiffiTi lior are greatly Interested In tlq/pro jeef for the diversion of 1 man i era ills from foreign countries to-Mhe south ern states. A oouunmßcatiou was re cently received IToni the Mauufac tillers and MVTOfuiuls' Association o! Floyd could;,, Georgia, staling tin it proposed to send a representative EX for the purpose of inducing to settle In that county Tim is to be sent to Denmark and Sweden, ss an immigration agent for the county of Floyd and istnte of Georgia, duly commissioned and up proved by the governor. lutormatlon wan deelrcd from the d> partm. ut ot commerce and labor, whether this course met with thn ssuclioi) of lids brunch of tlie public service, and if there was anything in the law which would prevent send lug the ageut uluoud on bjt proputn u mission. After a careful consideration of the matter the Floyd county association was informed that according to the proposition set out in Its letter to the department there was u idling in the suggestion which was in conflict with the laws and regulations regarding the seenrug of desirable Immigrants for Flovd county or any othci section of Georgia, it would be necessary, however, for sli aliens coming to the United States to satisfy inspection oltl clals at ports of entity that they are entiled to admission lu coumvtlon with this subject -if distributing aliens Counntssoner Sar gent Is on record in the following language: "It is impossible to l>o rijeve that a practical divice cannot bo found If not through the action of the federal government alone, then will) the cooperation fhf the state and city authorities. Too much en couragement cannot In* given to the efforts of certain railway companies to divert a i>ortton of the tide of Immigration to the southern states. Importance of this subject cannot he ln the efTtxt of immi tlu 8*95 jSk . s■''$ ■'' 'Wm Bj:T.•i:' , -B | ’' ••* r "’ 1 Wri.ti. K, WAKES OLD THINGS NEW IT ALSO keeps them arw. There will be no old, dull looking furniture or diCi#y woof] work in home* where this wonder-worker m used. No lefmishtng or revarnidting necessary. Liquid Veneer is not n vernidi, but surface food and cleaner that builds up the original finish and makes it blighter than ever. It instantly restores the brilliant newness I and finish of Pianos, FumituK*, Picture Frames, Interior W<*xJworfc, Hardwood Moor* anti all polished, varnished or enameled surface*. Removes scratches, sum*,"<lirl and dullness. A child can apply it. Nothing hut a piece of i hecse cloth i:> needed and there is no drying to wait foi. NEW SIZE PACKAGES 4*unc bottle 25 eta. 12-ounce bottle 50 cts. SOLO BY COLSON HARDWARE COMPANY. -*• STRONG Again '( i* what Mr*. Lucy f'ijjSSj l Stovall, of Tilton, Ga. 11/ f l Sdld a^ter -KW ''V’r'X Kodol Dyspepsia [Wg&vte.iggfoii. Cur*. Hundred* of other weak '’<**"*„ - women ar* *#] wjFy being r• - f S >l| *tored to perfect / ’Ek j j health by thi* rem / ml edy. YOUrnaybe i /< youwmuk. V, 'Jic, I j r| •* l;:d‘gwetiancauw La nearly *li the eick n that womer, have, it deprive* the system of nourish ment tr*t tns daticata organ* peculiar t> woni*m coffer vmA*a, and baocura dlt*4r* Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enat'le* the sterna ,h and digestive organ* to digest ar.d atehrilate all of the whoie •omc to id that may be eaten. It ncurlshcr the body, and rebulldt the weak organa restoring health end efrength Kodot ouret tndigeitian, oonetipatlrn, d/spepsta, eetr rising*, hel ,:htr.g. h? t Tbur* and ail *tamas dlaerdsr*. Digest* Wht You Bat uju^ja^uSLi mctsspwiri'rt S * Mda ] ~ in" . ■— STmiM 'miz jMk to most women in u te<to of J \\ft& yS* anxiety, m \ -n.. thought lI.N and sweet auti. gallon. iw j With the ;•?••-. .non . ! pain DCcessaiv to childbirth, .-, theic comes calm iimei, t ' aleep and te uperaiiou. t| .MOTHERS L FRIEND doaa diminish the puiu accompanying maternity With Its aid motkera can and do bring healthy, aweet dtipoaitioaed ami ideal babie* Into tha world ifomiag atekneaa, tors brent* as it *. eructating pain* canted by the gradually expandtug organa ara relieved by thli penelratlcf and relaxing linlaient. Among the manifold alda to childbirth Mother a Friend baa jrown in popularity and gained a prestige among rich women aa well aa poor; it U found and welcomed in the mansion aa well aa in the cabin, e a By laaaening the mether’a agoex of mind and diminiahlog pain a beautiful Influence ia wy. nght uprn the child, and Instead ot peer ’’ x, ill-tempered and alckly forma you hart bealthy, laughing humanity, retrain ing a bleating ever to y on and tta country, all Dnughia actl Melbtr'a Fried at $1 aa, Write for .nr free Book ‘ MelHarbead 11 IU *R*l*LB atactATOS CO., AlraU. Aa For lessons In typewriting ami alen ography call on Mrs. Alma Mortman, No ll' South Iso street Or Williams' Indian File Olntmen will cure blind, bleeding, ulcerated and itching pth*s It a’ sorbs the tu mors, a11.,\ s the itching at oirce, acts :;e niKiultlce gives instant relief. l>r. Williams' Inuian Pile Olutim lit is I repared tor piles and Itching of the delicate parts. Every Imx Is guar an toed. Sold by druggist*, by mail for i>o cents anu SI,OO. Williams Mfg. L'o., Props. Cleveland, Ohio is own family. Ask him if he and lung troubles, such as hard cak lungs. Do as he says, at any w.iw.uuolWKtil We p-iV.i.h J. C. Ay rr Cos., ■■■ lie formula, of ail oar medicine. ■ _ 1.0 . a*AB9-_ YOUR WANTS WILL BE SURE COMING IN THIS COLUMN Do you want a position, a house tirvant. Have you lost anything 1 L> j ycu want to rent a room, or have yoi j a room or house to renL If se pu ad. in Tim News cheap coiurnn. FOR RENT. FOR ItKNT- -Two story cornet jcoige and Amherst streets. Also i mo story m use .No. 50j Giant street. Appiy ul 5u6 Carpenter. i'Ofl HUNT. — A uicely furnished sec <ud story front room with hath. Au lily at .No. Jus Reynolds street, see ond house above post office. FUR SALE—Good horse ami buggy; Mutable lor family use. The burse it; very gentle and can be easily rnuii aged. Apply to N. Weinstein., city. colt KENT—Two-rtorj i louse, corner ol E and F streets, S2U per luoutu iirobston, Feudig Ai Cos. FUR ItKNT —Mouse 711 Ellist str.-< .. Every convenience. Newly paper, i and painted, good ccndition. Fosses sion given at once. G F. Coney. WANTED. WANTED—DeaIer or manufacturers gent to handle file and paving brick for my new plant. A. L. Crawford, Columbus, Ga. WANTED—A saleslady experienced in dry goods. Apply to A Zelrnenoviiz WANTED.—Ten brick masons and 25 laborers. Apply to M. C. Alexander 111 new A. B. &. A depot. WANTED —Lighter sire 16x50, 18x6 or 20x80 feet. J. W. Watkins, WANTED—Twenty salesladies ana five salesmen. Apply to M. Isaac at once. WANTED—PeopIe to know that linen: S;g will loan you money on anything of value. All legitimate business sol icited. Sig Levison, 308 and 3(> u Day street. | WANTED. —Woman servant. $lO per mouth with room. Apply to Mrs. El mo A. Turner, Altanmha Mills. WANTED. —Eadv or gentleman of fair education to travel for a linn o: $350,000,0(1 capital. Salary $1,072,00 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expenses advaiuipd. ref erences required. Address with stamp J. A. Alexander, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED—I.ady or gentleman u fair education to travel for firm ot $250,000 capital. Salary, $1,072 per year ani expenses. Salary paid week lv and expenses advanced; refer ences required. Address, with stamp. .1. A. Alexander, Brunswick, Ga. WANTBD. — Position by a competent okkoeper. Can keep any class o books.. Twelve years experience. Address “Reliable,” care News. FOR SALBJ—Threo*inule timber c;irs, complete, together with the mule-, J4U acres of land. 12 head cattle. Al so option on 200,000 feet good saw mill timber iu Camden and Glynn counties. For further particulars ap ply at News office. FUR SADW.—Ten room house ia good condition at the corner of Lnudou and Davis streets. Apply to 'l'. ). Foley. FOR RENT—House corner Norwich said Howe streets. Newly painted and kalsimitied. 7 rooms and large yard. Apply to Mrs. Peters, Cl 4 TTi iou street. FOR DENT. —Four ropm cottage on tin* corner of George and EH is streets Apply at 222 Union. FOR SALE. —Three desirable resi dences. 401, 405 and 40!! G street., al so furniture contained in house 405 G street. Apply to Mrs. Gann. I ■<VST.—UhI Kappa Sigma pin. Was losl Monday. Howard if returned to Ibis office. The prettiest line of four-in hand neckwear ever offered in thocity at 25 cents each. Come and look and bo astonished. Sig Jjevlsen, 308 and 309 Ray street. *■ Fin* Oamtatlo and Franck eStraw hat* for men, women and children at aacrlßcn prictw at Big I** toa'a ii>* tad *OB ftay atreet oua coughing and bleeding from th luuga; and 1 owe my good fortuue t the world's greatest medicine. Dr King’s New Discovery for Con sum pi on. which i know from experitmr IMPORTED Lime AND Lemon Juice IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Ginger Ale Root Beer AT KEANYS Pho* 1 SlB Newcastle St, DR. GEO. COESTER, VETINARY SURGEON. All domestic animals treated. Leave Order* at Bruce's Drug Store PHONE 4*2-4. FOR CHARTER I LEORGIA, Glynn County: ; To the Sup iitor Court of Sain County: The petition of J. W. Nussbaum, A. ] J. Crovatt, and Bolling Wlaitfield, >y said state and county, and sush oth ers as may be hereafter associate i with them, -hows: First That they desire for them-oivi .- and said associate, and to be ia.e point, i under tile name and tyle of American Tie &, Tim jber Company. Second. By and under that cot borate name to .me and be sued, coutiact and contracted wiun, to plead and to b Impleaded and to have full powei and authority t has.:, ncquiic, pur chase and hold lands, toneuieut:. good- and cant. is. and the same . sell, mortgage or t at umber as iua> be deemed W&>< for the iutcrenls m aid corgoiatiou. third 5u Use a e*o;],a.a: :: il. adopt by Jaws and iihes Piiaiiiir upon Ps m.-m e rs not iueon.-.isi ni Witii 111 *e law - . f rnis slat, oi of tile United State.-, and to nave, por. ..., aim onjoj in. tne lights, powers and pnvii- an., bo smiject to ail it in.lni . ...... ire or may be u..uau> n-.c..- .ury . coii.visLeut with Hi yiirpo.-.s o; .. . ' orpoiation especially, and usually an pm taining to and granted bodies cc. poraled under tne lavva oi ..aid slat and do all such tilings as ate or in., no hec..rsary Us tiro ex-cution oi tie : e purposes. Fourth Tiie capital i.toca of thin assocla tron shall be the sum ol forty liion sand uolirii iS4O,UUU> to be divtdr . mto four llious-um . ns. .; of the pa .aino of numired dollars (siuu> each and wiuieli capital stock tut . rruy Hie privilege oi increasing .. uny time to a sum not to exceed on hundred thousand dollars lslbii,oUU, and if said capital stock should be >•> men teed, to dimuilsii the stunt: : any amount not less than the origin, capital dock, in any or in euher rat b., a two-Llurds v. of ive ptocahoi.i ers ot llie said eompany. Fifth That the and objects to. which your petitioners tic.ire u: !•■ incorporated tor ar, to maiiulactuie. bay, ov.u and sill lumber, cross 1 umber, naval stores, Tiuniicr pros acts and lands ot all kind , to lease. own .equip, and op .sale steam niilis, lo bay, own and sell muds, and to own and operate bouts and lighters tu,.i siicti tramways and railways as ins., bo dunned -advd abl for tne pm pose of said eoipoiation, to act u.-> slevedoros and forwarding agents and hi do all matters and tilings of any and every description upon, in aim about tlhe manufacture, purchase ana sale of lumber, timber, cross lies, lands, lumbet and timber products, generally, as well us to engage iu merchandising. Sixth Tliat said corporation may bo au thorized to incur debts for corpornm purposes, and lu issue uoto-s uouoa and mortgagees to secure such iuaebt eilness. 'Flint ‘lie affairs of said cor poration may be managed and itis bus mess conducted by a president and a board of directors as may be lire scribed by its rules and by-laws, ana they may be soli ctcd as therein pro viilod, and have full power to seiec; .uni appoint sued officers and agents us may be required by said corpora tion. Seventh" Petitioners further pray that the principal office and place of doing business- of said corporation shall oe at. .or in*.ir the city of Brunswick, Glynn county in smt:'. and that it may be allowed to establish such branch offices 1 1 c where as the bus!- iugs of such coi p ration may from time to time require, and tliat cor poration be created for the term ot twenty (20) years from date of the granting of its charter, with the priv ilege of renewing same at the ex piration ii f said term, and that they may have conferred upon tflic-m ami their associates and successors an such rights and privileges as are us ually granted such corporations. CROVATT A3 WHiTFIBLD. Petitioners Attorneys. •State of Georgia, County ef Glynn: l certify that the foregoing Is a rue copy of the original petition tnr incorporation of the American Tie & Timber Company', filed in my office, lids 12 day of July, 1906. 11. F. DU BIGNON, Clerk Sunperior Court, Glvnn County Ga. ii 1 * I, KINO, Stirling. Ga., S’.tvs : ‘I & used Miss Native Her t> for < <iu ral l)e- J bility and I V vish to nil the public about fi 1 this* grea* remedy. It is the Ives* t?. ttie S market." j A BOX of Bliss Native Hctbs ts a family doc tor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures ... Con: tipation, Dyn- DL-100 pepsin. Kidney and NATIVE Liver Trouble,Skin HERBS. ! )iseascs - IJheuma -11 srp and many f S Blood diseases It is purely ( vegetable -contains no min- i eral poison and ispre pared in Tablet and I’owder form Sold DOSES in One Dollar boxes jqq with a Guarantee to ™ cure or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on re-.piest. MKOICINK MAILED PROMPTLY BY HULL McNISH, Agpot, Sterling, Ga. THR ALONZO O, Bi 155 CO., W VSHtNOTON. O. C. -■Jg™!-. .. - Cali ■-> the Bmuewiok Development Com pan/ to see th -ir plan. Mat Isaac, president. Gloucester street. For lessons In tvpewr it-r..- and ste* ogtapht call on vies. 'A'ais tlortmau. No. il7 Eolith -;vet Tiu work of all kinds and condi: ions promptly doue. Cobh & Wheeler, 313 Nowcastale street Teicphon We lend money to build homes Brunswick Development Company,] Max Isaac, proelden., office 303 Gloucester street. i 'i r 1 -3 0 B - rj i 1 -j m- a w mH And te H B S t iw fis o*3 MOTT'n M rs n cun wssj s2 'c jj s>iiyc>s ■ Tne ffrtat n.*mo]y for nervous prostration and ail diseases of the gc organs of either sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or Lost Manhood frfSFjy Impotcncy, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors. Mental Worry, excessive ust of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. With e v-erf SS?TT ; B lIClUij order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at SI.OO i>er box. HICn UOIMJ* 6 boxes for $5.00. DU i?IOTTS C-lILJIIi AL C 0.% Cleveiaud. Olilm —For Sale by HUNTER'S FmARMACs General Headquarters For Automobiles if you are inth e market for an automobile ,a bicycle, or if you want rr pairs m either of these departments see me. 1 also have a fuil line of cycl enmires. Sole agent. OLESMOBILE. FRANKLIN A ND POPE TOLEDO AUTOS. ! am now in my new quarters No. 340 Newcastle street. Call and sea say stock. I have with me an exper t automobile 'repairer, Mr Bwest, o| Savannah. j B. J Ole wine. ( • BY DOING YOUR BANKING WITH *5 6Us If The National Bank of Brunswfcic 1 lIV CAPITAL $150,000.00 SURPLUS $84,000.: J Year Savings Department Pays Four per cent interest couinpounded quarterly. WESL.EY H. GREENFIELD, Pile Driving Contractor WHARF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SPECIALTY. SCO L istreei, Brunswick, Ga. SHERIFF SALES. STATE of Georgia, County of Glynn: Will be sold before the court house :ooi on the first Tuesday in Au gust, ltiiiG, between tiie legal hours i I sale tile following property towit. Thai certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of Bruns wick, ci-unt.v amt state aforesaid, and known and described on the official map of said city male by George it Baldwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: i'ho western half of old town i,> t No. 468. Levied on as the property if Matilda Tatnall under and virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by If. .1. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for title year 51)05, amount of tax $120.68 besides Interest and cost. Bevy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at tne came time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city ofßruns wick, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on the official map of said city made by George K. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The eastern five eighteenths of the western' half of old town lot No. 224. Levied on as the property of O. N. Taylor under and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 15.15, amount of tax $11.12, besides interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by It. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, tl at certain lot or parcel of land, ijiiig and being in the city oiliruns whk, cvuuty and state aforesaid, an 1 I known and described on the official map of said city made by George H Bail win in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The western half of new town lot No. 1669. Levied on as the proper ty of estate of J. It. liiilard under and by virtuo of a tax fi. fa. issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1905, amount of tax $30.78, besides interest and cost.. Levy made and returned to me by K. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and jilace, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city ofßruns wick, e ntity ana state aforesaid, ann known and described on the official map of said city made by George R. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The eastern fourth of old town Ujt No. 471. Levied on a the property of (’. A. Clark under and by virtue of tax fi. fa. issued by H. J Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes duo for the year 1905, quipum of ta.f j ,'21.07, besides interest and cost, : Levy made and returned to nte by ! K. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of Bruns wick, county and state aforesaid, ana known and described on the official map of said city made by George K. Ballwin in 1837, tfie following prop erty to wit: The western half of old towp tot No. 306. Levied on as the property of Flora Harmon under and by virtue ot a tux fi. fa. issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes I due for th year 1905, amount of tax |?12.G6, besides interest and cost. Levy mado and returned to me by ! R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff W. H. BERRIE, Sheriff Glynn County Ga. CHAS.BUhKLtY Contractor of Piledriving, Dockbuild ing and Trestle Work. WM, GREENFIELD, MGR. Phones 214 and 417. Open All the Y ear A'hc Waiwe* Hens* at Ocean Pit 3L Simon used, will remsit ope ; *ll the yeai round. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME MRS. W^^^VALLACfc * '■ ,,r Money f. i strfMUt |R!S of) of * ' B BROWN & CO j DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF Railway Cross ties AND DEALERS IN Vet low Pine ? umber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. JOi t O. ROUNTOS, Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don’t buy burnt sugar and imagin you are getting pure chocolate...Foi pure chocolate and all other candies call .on me...A fresh supply re ceived every day from MENIER, the famous chocolate maker. Either in j bulk or in pound and half pound boxes. I FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS, TOBACCO ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND, j —TAFFY CANDY MADE DAiLY.— 208 Newcastle streef. Cobb and Wheeler GNEPAL TINNERS. THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED, ’ ■ S 212 Newcastle St. CAR LOAD OF PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE ■■ ■— l 1 ■ Pe —--- —, . mmm if JUST RECEIVED AND ON DIS PLAY AT THE DILLON BUILD ING ON BAY STREET. ROBERSON & CO. Telephone 480. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO General Plumbing OF ALL KIND We carry a full and complete line of STOVES and RANGES and do all kind of STOVE REPAIRING. J. H- BOH NE. Phone 397, 428 Newcastle Street. DeVoe’s old Stand. H. B. GARNETT, GENERAL CONTRACTOR When in need of A PLASTERER, A PAINTER, A CARPENTER Call on the old original H. B, GARNETT. CASTOR IA Fr- xiifents aud Children. file rind You Have Always Bought SUtnaturoof Shoes! shoe*!! shoes!!! for men women and children, all kinds, a'l sizes, all prices. Prices tosuit the l poor. Sig Levi son, 308 aud 309 Bay