The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 05, 1906, Image 2

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I DAILY NEWS lAItY BY lINQ COMPANY VY, Editor an r., City Edito tPT MONDAY. iswiek, Ga., jxjs aa. mail matter N BATES, ition in the cit barge to all parti end Canada, Me* uam, Philippin an laianda. -60 | h,r nni 91.26 SiMonth* 92-60 o/e Year 95.00 Notice of discontinuance sf Ads ■Lid Subscriptions must be made t uinrss office In writing. TELEPHONES. Editorial Room.. 18 ■Bit) Hdltor *4i ■Muitor 4iH |3||3|fiß* 207 (ileutester btreet. ■ OFFICIAL ORGAN OF §|m> Csuoty. i:is Hm t'eiinty t'uinnilsakinera. ■Pi,* United States Court of Bank- V for this District Correspondence solicited, but to re jeive attention letters must bo ao conijanled by a responsible name, no , for pub icatlon, but as a guarantee of kernel faith. if Rejected communications Will b if acoompanted by postage jjjKi-imn.ineo sheuld be madi- Iw pos note, check, money order or dwibtsied letter. Address News Publishing Cs., W Brunswick, Qa. M ”"1 * 1 .- ■' UJ "-.L-'JJ-l • Those citizens of the Isle of Flues aie fussy little bunch. — Only 'liree wis ks and Ralph uu t Fred c:< > take a long needed rest. Che; til U im had better move before I nominee gets hold of him. ler Nan Elizabeth la littla a live proposil ion iti Ml ; a hard light for a clean Hopkins Is doing the right ie right time. land Douglas Is having a time In dodging the sher the country. rnntorlal pontes are no-v i* home stretch and Hoke is safe by many lengths. The Southern Cotton association will have to buy a car load of white him - Ilia Hmvernnient to pay them for work Pftnlshed and yet unpaid for. What gt Lgnntic nerve. K If you want to vote tu the coining and have not register BHBBH >*. ooit uuii; ii. xi iv ,-.T I >w.i i.lcj lol'.ili.t with the ■H I'l I !>••! .IH.I .•II:.-I lll.>l> 1 < Ml. yyHB" Hi. t..tvu‘ i>i ovsu.-i iiaj kohio 11l uow I'lunii ill Ills I'linK a • ijfV ■' ■ . • •<-I h ill milium .lull,ii to id . asblci must have been .. ilic faithful. fc h.u f. t-i of lumber for eucii .lav In July shipped lliiough jrtil VI m wick ought to giy croak.'is a case ..f <’',>l.l feet. failure* of the city council to the trolley line In the hands of reliable people has retarded Bruns pick's growth to the tune of about ;jyearn. The sanitary department now has n force of hands cutting down the weeds in all ports of the city. The department ! ls doing the proper tiling and he onuiuetnled for It. it Hi. Wit men '"' wl, ‘‘ -It .1 1 111)0 all I Site: VftiSn . . u: 9Bh^q|^P>i ;t . . ■, ~1:, ;•, V!. -.,:,. B i'" BH" .m< u'-- ' '■ 'll.' X II x Ifni.i. i \*..i :. 1 1 ill. ..; ; -V i-uS;;: '■ : Jpg, BL ■V ■ THE NEGROES PROGRfcS* At the opening session In Washing ton yesterday u f the Negro Young People's Educational and Christian Congress, Bishop Wesley Caines, of Atlanta, a leading negro divine, noted tor his radical utterances, made an address In which he undertook to out line the progress of the race since emancipation and also to point out some of the difficulties under which it labors. “We should feel encouraged,” said Bishop Haines, “as our statistics show, not only an Increase along material lines hut there is every evidence oi mental and moral growth. In forty one years of freedom our people have ao. emulated about two billion dol lars worth of property and we hav • advanced so that fifty l>er cent of on. race can read and write. If our peo pie have achieved so much in the past j fifty years what may we expect in the next?” The speaker did not stat i from what source he received his figures and we do not know whether they are cor reel or not, but, presuming that lliov are. he ts quite right in declaring that the negro should feel encouraged. But he is wrong when he intimates Hint the white man ts striving wltih un christian splril to crush us and pre vent us from doing what we can The white .people as a whole and pat ticiilarly those in the south, stand ready to help the negro in every laudable endeavor to make himself a useful citizen and to advance the mor al and material prosperity of the col oi ed race. Bishop Gaines speaks of separate cur laws as an “awful humil iation,” to which the negro has been subjected to and yet nothing has been more conductive of peace between the two races in the south than these same separate coach laws, some time known as the "jim crow” car laws. The negro bishop talks sense when he appeals to his hearers not to de spuir. lie is right, too, when he says that the negro still has a giant bur den of Ignorance ami ru carry upward. It is those things chief ly that handicap the forward inarch of the negro race and added lo these Impediments Is the foolish ambition of social equality which so main ne groes are nourishing and which is fed ami encouraged by those northern white people who do not comprehend the race question. Bishop Gaines Is again right when ho says that the negro could not stay In til)is country were it not for “our while friends and llieir strength of character,” hut ho hurts the veil' cause ho represents by roslgnaling Certain while men in high official places as sworn enemies of the color ed race. Wihat Gaines should do i to work harmoniously with those who are endeavoring lo help his race and if lie would do more lei him Impress upon the negro the importance of Obeying the laws of God and man ami seeking to accumulate property by honest toil, putting aside all) ide i of social equality. THE DOWIE DECISION. The decision of United State. Judge Hand Is In the controversy over the property of Zion City Is Illuminating in Its treatment of the relations be tween fanaticism and the law of the land Howie Inspired a large utimhcr of honest luit easily influenced pen ble to come together, build a town und .pool their interests wdth him ns the sole director of (hone interests. They gave him their money and he used it as his own, clalmnlg tilie ah solute ownership of all the property held 'by the community This, Judge Uniili decides was wrong. Though not yet appointed by any and for his followers, thnt was Howie's legal rela tion to liliem. Their property was still theirs, and he was responsible to them for the use lie made of it. This appears to be good sense anil equity. In every community there are certain people whose minds arc so roust Hull'll that they will believe any thiug more especially if It be of a religious nature, if only tt ir proclaim ed with energy and the a;, pea ranee of sincerity. Dowie, a self styled proph et, who derlainied with Hery oratory, tound enough of these people to form a community which s now estimated to be worth from twelve to twenty one million dollars In material prop- erty. besides conducting various indus tries wtikh, if properly managed, should be productive of much more. All this properly ha s now been pi i ced in the hands of a receiver who will take charge of it (or the real owners until a general overseer- can | be selected by the votes of the whole community. This proceeding if not disturbed by the higher courts, should result iu bringing order out of what is now chaos, or near it. aud may eventually place the community on a basis. I __ Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the hair grow 11 7 w g • because it is a hair-food. Feed the hair [\] p r-f lIT bulbs, and the hair grows. That’s A. Y w LAJ **■ ALX 33 nature’s way, and that is all there is to it. Strong and healthy hair stays in, keeps soft and smooth, and grows thick and heavy. Then aid nature with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. A little of it often does great things. There’s genuine comfort in a handsome head of hair! MAKES OLD THINGS NEW IF ALSO keep. them new. There will le- no old, dull looking furniture or rimgy woodwork in homes where ihh Wonder-worker is II and. No rrfmishing or revarrushing neres-.aiy. 1 UjUtd Veneer is not * varnish, but a surface (nod and cleaner llial builds up tl, original finish and makes it Light* r than ever. it in tandy restores the brilliant newness and finish of Pun’ ■%, f nrnituicr, Picture Frame,, Interior Woodwork, Haidwood Floors and all fadished, varnished or enameled surface-. Removes scratches, slafhi, dirt and dullness, A child *an apply it, Nothing hut a pir.r of rlire e doth is nee ltd and there is no drying h, wait for. NEW SIZE PACKAGES 4 anti* a liotil* 25 eta. 12-ounce bottle. 50 eta. SOLD BV COLSON HARDWARE COMPANY. STRONG Again ** w ' ,at Mr*. Lucy ‘ ’ j Stovall, of Tilton, Ga, l/Zlf; i ~ 'rlv''** 8a a^er taking -VPJ 1T> X Kodoi Dyspepsia .L* Cure. Hundred* of'other weak ar * Jrl Y being r f I n ?|| \ ored to perfect / 9k 11 Ith by this rem / 1 YOU may be IT " ou **' £ * L--*. t 'y' In 4*gi .etlon causa* ne.rly ail Uw eick r.s*e that women tv**e it deprive* the system of .lourieh* meet ai .and the inhc-.ite organa peculiar U woiner. suffer weaken, and baeanu diseased Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enable* the stomach and dlgiatty* organ* to dig tat .od asatmiiat* all of the whola iom food that may b* eaten. It ncurtiha* tha body, and rebuild* th* waak orgwra restoring health and strength Kodol euro* Indigestion, cnnetipatlyn. dyepepela, aout ritinfc i-tburaanu all etomoot. disorders. Difteste What You Bat rensnwanrorm res^rasTcri I Ww*a M MtMl 4. h* 5 I VtftUrv lia.OiMltt I ♦ STORK HM£ yijmi to most women w a t-int of J V \io3P auei'lv, serious thought ljl U and sweet anti, ipatlon, wv r With the ion of necessary to childbirth, there cornea calm nerve*. fc' aieep and reotiperiilion. MOTHERS FRIEND doe* diminish the pain accompanT-ln* maternity. With it* aid mother* css and do bring healthy, awoet dlapoaltiuncd Slid Ideal bsblea Into th# world. Morning ak kntaa, ore breaata aad sic enn. rating pain* oautad hr til* gradually expanding organ* are reliaTad by thu panatretin* and relaxing liniment. Among the manifold aid* to childbirth Mother’s rfiend ba* grown in popularity and galasd a preetlge among rich women as welt sa poor; It U found and wricomad in tha maurioa a* well a* in tha cabin, e *By leaaesing th* mother’* agony of mind and dlmlnUhlng oatn a beautiful lnfinenct 1* w *nght upon tha child, aad instead of peer ’j, ill-tampered and sickly forma you nay* healthy, laughing humanity, reauida lug a btaaaing ever to yon and its country. Xu Drugging aell Mather's rrttad at la Writs ter cmr Ira* Seek "Molharhead'' nut luogtika sttuLATas c.. atiw*. as. Pr Williams Indian Pus Ointment will cure Hlitid. Bleeding, Ulcerated and Itching piles. It abseeba the tu mors, all.iyo the Itching at once, acta a a poultice gives Inslant relief. l>r. Williams Indian Pile Ointment s pro pared for piles and Itching of th delicate parts. Every hoy Is guaran teed Sold by druggists, by mail for 50 cents and |I,OO. Williams Mfg. Cos, Prop’s. Clevsland. Ohio. For lessons In typewriting and stpul •graph* cal! on Mr*. Alma Hortman. I No. Xl7 South Lee street. ’ ■ws SUNDAY. AUGUST 5. 1 CK>& YOUR WANTS WILL BE SURE COMING IN THIS COLUMN Do you want a position, a bouse 6trvant. Have you lost anything? D ycu want to rent a room, or have yoi a room or house to rent. If s>e pu aii au. in The News cneap voiumn. FOR RENT. KOK RENT —Two story house comet A urge ami Aiuneiwt so eels. Also iwo story u< use iso. nOi Uranl street, -spidy at sufi Carpenter. Hill UE.NI.--A nicely famished sue ■ml story front room with tiata. As ply at No. 108 Reynolds street, see oml house above post oilice. FOR-SALE Good horse and buggy; suitable for family use. The is vi ry gentle and can be easily man aged. Apply lo N. Weinstein, city. Foil KENT—Two-nory house, corner **l 10 and I*’ streets, s2u per iiiuAin. Uiobstuii, Fendig k- Cos. FOR RENT- House Til Ellist street. Every convenience. Newly papered and painted, good condition Posses sion given at once. K F. Coney. FOR SALE. — Folding bed In good condition. Must be sold by Wednes day as the same will have to be re moved. Mrs. H L. Ffine. WANTED. WANTED —Dealer or manufacturers gent to handle fire and paving brick for my new plant. A. L. Crawford, Columbus, Ga. WANTED- A saleslady experienced in dry goods. Apply to A. Zelmonovitz WANTED Ten brick masons and 2a laborers. Apply to M. C. Alexander at new A. B. Sr. A. depot. WANTED—Lighter size 16x50, 18x6 or 20x80 feet. J. W. Watkins. WANTED- Twenty salesladies ane five salesmen. Apply to M. Isaac at once. ] WANTED —-People to know thatUneie | Sjg will loan you mouey on anything of value. All legitimate business sol icited. Sig Levison, 308 and 30'* Bay street. WANTED. —Lady or gentleman ol fair education to travel for a firm o: $250,000,00 capital. Salary $1,072,00 per year and expenses. Salary pail weekly and expenses advanced, ref erences required. Address with stamp .1. A. Alexandra, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED —Lady or gentleman n fair education to travel for firm oi $200,000 capital. Salary, $1,072 per year aril expenses. Salary paid week Iv and expenses advanced; refer ences required. Address, with stamp J. A. Alexander, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED. —Position by a competent ol;keeper. Can keep any class o books.. Twelve years experience. Address “Reliable,” care News. FOR SALE—Three mule timber cars, complete, together with the mules, 110 acres of land, 12 head cattle. Al so option on 200,000 feet good saw mill timber in Camden and Glynn counties. For further particulars ap ply at News office. FOR BADE. —-Ten room house in good condition at the corner of London anc| Davis streets. Apply to T. J. Foley. FOR RENT —House corner Norwich and Howe etreets. Newly painted and kalsimined. 7 rooms and large yard. Apply to Mrs. Peters, fill Un ion street. FOR DENT. — Four room cottage on the corner of George and Ellis streets Apply at 222 Union. FOR SALE.—Three desirable resi dences. 40t, -105 and 409 G street, al so furniture contained in house 405 G street. Apply to Mrs. Gann. HOST —Phi Kappa Sigma pin. Was lost Monday. Reward if returned to this office. The prettiest line of four-in-liand neckwear ever offered in fchecity at 25 cents each. Come and look and ho astonished. Sig Levisen, IIOS and 309 Bay street.. f Fin# oomaatle and Frenefc Straw hats for men, women and children at aacrlhca price* at 81* Lew laoa’a *0 *art *0 xt arrawt ous coughing and bleeding from th htnga; and I owe ray gooil fortune te the world's greatest medicine, Pr King’s New Discovery for Consumed .on. which I know from experienc IMPORTED Lime AND Lemon Juice IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Ginger Ale Root Beer AT KEANYS Phene it *l2 Newcastle At DR. GEO. COESTER, VETINARY SURGEON. Ai! domestic animals treated. Leave Orders at Bruce’s Drug Store PHONE 4*2-4. PETITION FOR CHARTER ▼ JEORGIA, Glynn County; T<< the Sup*nor Court of Sain County; The petition of J. W. Nussbaum, A. J. Crovatt, and Bolling Wloitfieid, •y said s*ate and county, and* yu.k oth ers as may be hereafter associate! with them, shows: First That they desire for them; elves and said associate* and oucccss. rt> to be in:orporated under the name and tyle oi American lie k Tim her Company. Second. By and under tnat corporate name to -ue and lie sued, contract and ~c contracted with, to plead and to Ik impleaded au.l to nave full puwci and authority L ka ; , acquire, pu:- chase and i.oid lands, tenements good- and chat Is, and the same soil, mortgage or one-umber as iuu> be deemed m, i for the interests -i aid corporation. third To use a corpora.** *eai, adopt n. Java and ruled uncling i, \ i ii ; ; .. is not inconsistent with the iu-.v ■ 1 t'„i state or of tit - United Elates, and to nave, pos. os, auu ..-ojoj ai. too 1 igiils, powers an.! p: r ,, n ah. ho subject to ail ii, ,:;iL . v.'iii, .. are or may he Uriiaily nece .vary .1 cansist* nt with tin- tuipti. o, t-u: . . orpurutiou erpectali), anil usually uu pertaining to aud giauteii bodies coi poraled under tot iavv_ ol .am slat. , and d*> all such tiling.- as are oi ni.ij no nec*ssary e. t..e ex cation of these t u rpOdsos. Fourth The capital stoea of tiii.-, associa t.ou .shall De the sum ot forty toon .and uoilars lu.UUoj to ue divnieu 1.110 iour thousand Shares of the pa; ■ Uitie ot .ne nullified dollar.; tstoo, tacit ami which capital stock inc, a ray me privilege ot increasing a. any tune to a sum not to exceed oik hundred thousand dodars tsitid,oUd) ami it said capital -lori; should l>e so increased, to diminish the same '. any uiiiouiit not less than tin oiigiua. Capital slock, 111 any or in either .as bj a two-tlllrds *• te of t.’P kloeiiiiold of tile .said company. Fiftn That the purpo es and o’.jects loi viiicli your peuiitiners desire to L>. incorpoi tiled lor ar 10 manufacuu. . bay, own and sell iuniber, cross tuo. umber, naval stores, lunilii r pro. acts and lands of ail kind-, oj lease. own equip, and op -•rate steam mills, lo buy Ease, own and sell lauds, and to owe and opeiitto boats and lighters and siicii tramways and railways as uia.. be doomed advirahlie for the put pose of said corporation, to act a-, stevedores and forwarding agents and •o do all Matters and tilings of any and every (Imcriution upon, in ana about tthe manufacture, purchase ana sale of lumber. Unity r, crus-cues, lands, lumber aiul limber products, generally, as well as to engage iti uieichanuisiug. Sixtn That said corporation may he au thorized to incur debts for corporate purposes, and lo issue notes, Donas and mortgages to secure such iudent edness. That the aitairs of said cor poration may be managed and its bus mesa conducted by a president anil a board of directors as may he tiro scribed by its rules and by-laws, ana they may be selected as therein i ru vided. and have lull power to select and appoint suen officers and agent* as may be required by said corpora tion. Seventh Petitioners further pray that the principal office and place of aoing business of said corporation shall to ut r near the city of Brunswick. Glynn county in mid suite, and that it may be allowed to establish such blanch office.; elsewhere as the busi mes of such cm p* ratioo may from time to timo l equire, and that coi poratiou be created for the term ot twenty (20) years from date of the granting of its charter, with the priv ilege of renewing same at the ex piration .of said term, and that they may have conferred upon tlhera anu their associates and successors an su h rights and privileges as are us ually granted such corporations. CROVATT & WHITFIELD. Petitioners Attorneys. State of Georgia, County of Glynn: I certify that the foregoing is a rue copy of the original petition for Incorporation of the American Tie & Timber Company, filed in my office, this 12 day of July. 1906. li. F. DU BIONON, Clerk Sunperior Court, Glynn County Ga. t L. KINO, STiiRLINO. OV. says : i b used Hiiss Native He: bs tor CSeucral I)e- I I bility aiut I wish to tell th< public about I this great remedy. It is tl.e Iks' c:i the 1 market." ] A BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doc tor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures n| Constipation, Dvs pepsin, Kidney and NATIVE Liver Trouble, Skin ? HERBS. t l)iseases ’ Itheluna tistp and many i Blood diseases. It is purely ;• vegetable—-contains no min- | eral poison and is pre pared in Tablet and Powder four.. Sold DOSE* in One Dollar boxes . c . rr with a Guarantee to ** cure or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request. MEDICINE MAILED PROMPTLY BY BILL McNISH, Agput, Sterling, Ga. THE ALONZO 0. BLISS CO., | WASHINGTON, D. C. Call on the Brunswick Development Company to etc their plan. Max .suae, pii-ndt lit. 303 Gloucester street. Dr. Williams’ Indian Pile Ointmen will cure blind, bleeding. liberate J and itching piles. Tt a! sorbs (he tu mors, allays the Itching at once, acts' ns apoultiee gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' Innian Pile Ointment is prepared for piles and itching of the i delicate parts Every box is guaran j teed. Sold by druggists, by mail for 50 cents ami SI.OO. Williams Mfg.j Cos., Props. Cleveland, Ohio gjrffin "iPSF EiTM'JTf ixi_4k u i 11 • I 3 Bi£lS aa ■ PiliiiS 1 jr- Tee ffrea* retnalr icr nervous r-rostration and all diseases ot the gentrati^f S organs of either sex, such a.i Nervous Prostration, Failing or Lost Manhood Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors. Mental Worry, excessive u9t of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. With e/erj fKiyR $5 order we puaranKe to c ure- or refund the at SI.OO per box. - Uw.ftt. t* boxes for 85.00. ®lt MOTT’S CUE3OCAL CO., Cleveland. Obf^ For Sale by HUNTER’S PHARMAC; —-- ~ I I* T|—■'Tf— ~ ' m 1 ■ 1 “ 1 General Headquarters For 4utomobiSes ir you are mth e markti foi an automobile ,a bicycle, or If you want re ••airs in either of these department* a ee me. l also have a full line of cycle iundres. Sofe agonL • -- OLESMOBII E, FRANKLIN A ND Pi>P.E TOLEDO AUTOS. I am now in my new quarters N n. 340 Newcast.'fSgtreet. Call and • ny stock. I have with me an exper t automobile" repaire?. Mr Sweat, at savannah. J ' B. J 01 € wine. • BY DOING YOUR BANKING V7ITH Degin Thc National Bank of Brunswif k a lIC CAPITAL 1150,000.00 SURPLUS $84,000.1 8 Year Savings Department Pays Four per cent interest coumpounded quarterly. WESLEY H. GREENF IELD, Pile Driving Csr,tracts." WHARF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SPECIALTY. SGO L street, Brunswick, Ga. SHERIFF SALES. STATE of Georgia, County of Glynn- Will be sold before the court housj ‘loot on Hie first Tuesday in Au gust, 1906, between the legal hours if sale the following property towit. That certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of Bruns wick, o'unt.y aim state aforesaid, and known and described on the official map of said city male by George R Baldwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: I’lie western half of old town. |,> L No. 4(18. Levied on ns the property if Matilda Tatnall under and virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by If. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for title year 19(15, amount of tax si2y.fiß besides interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying anil being In the city ofßruns wick, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on the official map of said city made by George R. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The eastern five eighteenths of t.ho western half of old town lot No. 224. Levied on as the property of O. N. Taylor under and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by H. .1 Read, tax collei tor, for state and county taxes tine for Hie y ar ISOS, amount of tax $11.12, besides interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by ii. li. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, Ling and being in the city ofßiuns wick, oeiinty and state aforesaid, anl known and described on the official map of said city made by George L Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: Tile western half of new town lot No. IGfiih Levied on as the proper ty of estate of J. R, Dillaj-d under and by virtue of a lax fi. fa. issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1905. amount of tax $30.78, besides interest and cost. L* vy made and returned to me by U. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city ofßruns v-icK, county auu state aforesaid, and known and described ou the official map of said city made by George It. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The eastern fourth of old town lot No. 471. Levied on a* the proper;/ of C. A. Clark under and by virfue of tax fi. fa. issued by H. J Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1905, amount or tax $21.07, besides interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by U. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or pajcq of land, lying and being in the Gty ofßruns wit k. county and state aforesaid, and known and described ou the official map of said city made by George R. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: Tlte western half of old town 10: No. 305. Levied on as the property of Flora Harnton under aud by virtue or a tax fi. fa. issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for slate and county taxes due for the year 1905, amount ot tax $12.66, besides Interest and oust. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. W. H. BERRIE, Sheriff Glynn County Oa. CHAS.BUNKUY Contractor of Piledriving, Dockbuild ing and Trestle Work. WM. GREENFIELD. MGR. Phones 214 and 417. Open All the Year The Wtnace. Iloa** at Ocean Pi* 8L Slmoi island, will remait op all the year round. VISITORS. ALWAYS WELCOME MRS. W. L. WALLACE w r ■ „ Stg Levtwm can sto** your troubl if it U money you need. Money . loansd on anythin* of trlrp aad clothing for arielby 81* I>tlbos gwalry at all ted, watch*. rnr Li ■ l BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND BHIPPERS OF Railway Cross {ies AMD DEALERS IN war n Yellow Pine § mu her BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. JO i\ u. ROUNTOS. Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don’t buy burnt sugar and imagin you are getting pure chocolate...Foi pure chocolate and all other candles call on me...A fresh supply r> ceived every day from MENIER, the famous chocolate maker. Either in bulk or in pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS, TOBACCO ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. —TAFFY CANDY MADE DAILY.— 208 Newcastle street. Cobb and Wheeler GNEPAL TINNERS. THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. 212 Newcastle St. CAR LOAD OF PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE ov- i• o* - , . . T i ill JUST RECEIVED AND ON DIS PLAY AT THE DILLON BUILD ING ON BAY STREET. ROBERSON & CO. Ttdephone 48i. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO General Plumbing OF ALL KIND We carry a full and complete iine c,f STOVEC and RANGES and do all kind of STOVE REPAIRING. J. H. BOH NE. Phone 397, 428 Newcastle Street, DeVoe’s old Stand. H. B. GARNETT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1 f When In need of A PLASTERER, A PAINTER, A CARPENTER Call on the old original H. 8. GARNETT. CASTOR IA Fr- infants and Children. The hind You Have Always Bought oi Shoes! shoes!! shoes!!! for men women and children, all kinds, ril sizes, all prices. Prices tosuit tha 8-K Levtaon, 308 and 309 Bay