The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 09, 1906, Image 2

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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARANCE H. LEAVY. Editor an Manager. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr., City Edito EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Butered at the Brunswick, Ga., i*>s office as s**ond cJaae mall mutter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms of subscription in the cit. and by mail free of charge ta all parti of the United States and Canada, Mex ico, Porto Rico, Guam, Philippin islands and Hawaiian Islands. One Month >BO Three Months $1.26 Six Months $2.50 One Year $6.00 Notice of discontinuance sf Ads and Subscriptions must be made t business office In writing. TELEPHONES. Business Office, Editorial Room.. 18. Sue Editor LL The City Editor ** Society Editor *6® Office 207 Gloucester Street. OFFICIAL ORGAN OP Glynt, County, Glynn County Commissioners. Tlie United States Court of Bank ruptcy for this DlstrleL Corresporyence solicited, but to re jelva attention letters must be so eouipanled by a responsible name, no fur pub lcallon, but as a guarantee of good faith. Rejectud communications will b returned If accompanied by postage. Remittance shauld ba made by pos tal note, check, money order or registered letter. Address News Publishing Cos., Brunswick, Ga. Well, tomorrow la August II). Tin* dove of peace #< etna to he giving Russia a wide 'berth. The republican convention in lowa eeerna io have beeu a frost for one, Secretary Bliaw. The Charleston News and Courier thinks that it is Harry Thaw'* wife’s mother in law who deserve* the sym pathy. The democrats of lowa assembled at Waterloo endorsed Bryan Tuesday. Is the name of the convention city signiflcent? ■ !■■> ♦ The steel eas'.tet In which he Is bur led tn probably the most costly arti cle which was ever pnrchnned for Russell S-.tge We have an Imaginary view of thu Jog of “auditor" floating away and the picture Is not a pretty one. in fact It is red In ' ! •' Breen hand wagon !.i evident! ; a very stout and strong vehicle. Judg ing from the largo number of per sons who are getting on It. Wilt* uthe returns are received from the gubernotr nil <l< < tion Wednesda” week several well known Georgians will get a correct view of the esteem In which their fellow eltitens hold them. ANOTHER KARINE HORROR. The dispatches from Cartagena, toll of another great sea disaster in the sinking of the Italian stenmer Birin off Cape Colas, which is on the strath western shore of Spain. The details of this latest horror of the sui are heart-rending and nar rowing The ship loaded with immi grants, some eight hundred in number, was hound from Spanish and Italian ports to Montevideo and Buenos Ayres and raa upon the reef of Honutgas island and quickly sank The acci dent caused a wild panic among Ilia passengers who were chiefly of the lower class and the men, It Is re lated, fought with knives to keep thi women and children out ot the boats that they themselves might occupy them. The members of the crew were overpowered by mere force of number.* Mild the captato In desperation com milted suicide by shoottug. It is noth ing loss than miraculous that iu this atate of affairs any lives should hav“ been saved, hut some five hundred out ot eight hundred are reported as hav ing been saved, three hundred being tost. The whole world shudder* to hea" of such au appalling disaster The loan of three hundred lives is of It self awful, but to read of the me i forgetting that they are human atm striking down helpless women atm children with knives makes us marvel ht the narrowness of the dividing !iu“ he! wett the matt and the brute. It is related as a fact tbat more were killed by panic than were drowned, which again impresses rh# Importance of di# TAXING THE SAGE MiLLIONtJ. While busily accumulating his uii: lions. Russell Sage was persistently accused of shirking his share of th - public. burdenB —he swore to his tax returns but we never knew what h • was worth until he died New York needs cash, but the slate comptroller laments the disposition made hv the will leaving all to his wife Under the inheritance state tax law had only half gone to her the stub of New York would have mulcted thi< millions- under the will it g< Is on l v Hhout SBOO,OOO. Was Mr Sag*- Hit if In dying and did he chuckle in hi quiet way over the thought Dial n - "do" the state In dealli as in life? II may yet. he that he drew hi will with this end In view and that he left instructions with the legal, which may yet vindicate hi.; name i , Ihe community which ’‘expected In.a to do something for the public it last." But the New York Inheritance law offers a premium for just such dispo sition of a great estate mid lim : the owner heavily If he does olheiwis There is a wide difference between three million and less than one Un law offers the choice and Mr Ka" should not be censured for taking th hint. In the beginning am iawi <h (Oiiraged the keeping of eslati v. int;i<-. Our forefathers knew what the had done for English society Now perhaps we are accepting the English theory of the elder time we may soon worship the elder son and pro tect him ns our remote ancestors did America may now feel the need m an aristocracy but we nave nothing but wealth for a foundation wo note that lawyers offer many device.-. whic’i Sometimes evade the intern and let ter of Ihe law. The Aat or famil. furnishes a model which the Vander bilts have endorses] —other endorse inents are uncommon. The czar might call on tin Japs to help him pul down the revolution. The city council will have a splon did chance this evening of taking a real tumble to Itself. The city council will either have to back water or row like the very devil this evening on that Neff deal. The Connecticut preacher who re ceutly reported that he saw a sea scr pent gave himself dead away. The people of Brunswick really do not blatue Neff, it was Ihose hack of him -steady companions oi "the au ditor.” The boom Unit goer, up against the lowa Idea must he in line form or it will be knocked out ip the ilrst round. SEHBIFF'S sale. Btnto of Georgia, County of Glynn: Will tin sold at the eoiill hone" door ot said county on the Hist J’ueHiy In August next between the legal ours of sale to Hie highest and lies 1 ilildor tor cash an undivided mi e-half nterest in all that certain lot or par cel of land lying and being in said state and county, and in the city ot iruiiswiek therein, and in that po - thru of said eltv known and da scribed on Hie plan or map thereof made by George Baldwin, A. I). 1837, as "town commons;" said tract, lot r parcel ot laud being known and do ctihod on said plan or map of said own commons as ttie eastern on air of iot number one Lumdred and forty eight |H*I, lying between Wnli and Albany streets on I*.** west ai.a ast and 1 and J street* on the north anil con Hi. Bald one half ot said lot containing ninety by ninety (iioximi feet and being bounded as follow i. owlt: in the north ninety (90) feel y a part of town is 111:11011s iot 1111111- or one hundred and lorty seven (147); on the eaet ninety (00) feel y Albany street; on the south niuet v t*o> feet by a part of town commons ‘ot number one hundred and fort nine (149); and on the west ninety SHU feet by the remaining one-hnit of said lot number one hundred an I forty eight Uhl; levied on as the property ot lewis (Jill under and bv vnliio ut a h. fa Issued out ot the supviloi- eouit of said county in fuvo of Mary K. Gill against Lewis Gill or principal, SOO, Interest oil su’d linclpa), $35 as attorneys foes and ate of court. Levy made aud re turned to me by ){. S. By lee. deputy sheriff. Thia July 13, 1906 W. 11. PBR.RIE. Sheriff. Citation. ÜBOKGIA, Glynn County. To all whom it may concern: Mr F. A. Brocklugton having Iu proper foiui applied to me for perm a ont letter of administration ou the eatate of B. A. Bror Kington, laie o said county, this is to cite all au.t singular the creditor and next of kii of S. A. Brockingtou to bo ac.d ap pear at my ofrtee within- the tinw allowed by law', and show cause, f any they can, why pel million t ad ministration should uot be granted o Mrs. S. A. Brocklngtcn cm S. A. Brooklngton’ estate. Witness my hand and official slg nature this l!d day of July. 1906. HUHACfi UAHT, Ordinary. how Rates to Asheville. On account of the Convention of Commercial I .aw* lxmgno of America the Southern railway will e<!l round trip tickets to Asheville, and return at rate of sll ,Sf>. Tickets on sale July 28, 29. 30. 1.l iu it returning to August 8. Py depositing ticket limit will be extended to Sept. 30. For further m , formation call on E H. Houseman, j We have nothing to conceal! No secrets to * g § hide! We publish the formulas of all our medi \fM 0 B 0 S g cines. You will find these in Ayer’s Almanac rY W A tf $> f OT 19(36. If you do not have a copy we will gladly send you one. Then show the formulas to your doctor. If he does not approve, then do not buy; if he approves, then buy, and keep these stand ard family medicines on hand. **"*>'■£?*' ci,e?ry 7-icr.v. m ESOLI THINGS NEW 11 ALSO kef rj>? th f*m nnv. Tlkvp wiil Ik: no old, dull looking furniture or dingy woodwork in homes where this wonder workrr is usrd. No rehniflnng or rtvamUhmg nece *dry. I Jquid Veneer is not r* varnish, hut a sudare food anti charier that htnhls up the ouginal finish aitd makes it brighter than ever. It in tantly restore* the brilliant newness and h.OTah of flan’ s, [• urnitur':, fVtture bramr*, Interior Woodwork, I iardwood f 100 rs Anri all polished, varnished or enam.Jed snrbuxa. Removes scratches, stahis, • Int and dullness. A fluid can apply it. Nothing but a p. eof cheese cloth b needed ami there i* nr* drying lo wait for. NEW SIZE PACKAGES and ounce* bottle 2* rts. 12-ounce bottle bO ct#. SOLD BY COLSON HARDWARE COMPANY. STRONG nTfex Again n '• what Mr*. Lucy pL. / Stovall, of Tdton, Ga, 1 ItJiJ said a^er taking >y Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Hundradi ot^er women an /1 bein * r f I ip::! *torcd to perfect / jj health by thi* rsm / edy. YOU may b* I- *1! if you will tales 1 Indignation caote* ne*rl} *ll tn# sick ness that womu xar*. It oilvia the *yr.t*m of nnurUh mnt aiid tb* 4*in.*te organ* peculiar U woman suffer w**k*v and Immom diseased Kodol Dyspepsia Cura enable* the stemarh and dljritUvo organ* to diyest and assimilate all of the who!*' tome food that may be eatsn. It nourish** th* fcooy. and rebuild* th* weak organa restoring health and etrength Kodol ouret indigestion. ccnstlpatlrn, dyspepsia, tout riamge. > nburn and all etonwoii ditordera Digest* What Ygu Bat rf'feksiw* 77T I > eua ( #sii Wrrei|.OJ(Wf||l lifl sre TIME to most women i* 1 trim of * V \"3- tens anxiety, se: ; oi' thought 11 ll end sweet r.sit iei jwition. W 1 With the cessation of pain T accessary to childbirth, , tliete comes calui nerve*, f sleep and re> upon*’ ion. MOTHER'S FRSEND doe* diminish the pain acrompanytna maternity. With it* aid mother* can *nd do bring healtby, ivwl dUpoeltfoaed and Idea! babie* into th* world. Moming *ickne**, *ore breasts aad ex crnciaticg pains oaoaed by the rreduallv expand tug organ*, are relieved b) this penetrating end relaxing liniment Arnoag the manifold aida to childbirth Mother s Frtosd has grown Is popularity and gained a prestige among rich women a* well as poor; it is found and welcomed In the mantlet) a well a* ia the cabin e *BrI eeeenlog the mother’ agon"' of mlsd aad dlmtoiah'agpaln • beautiful la tiuenc* is wrought upon th* child, end last sad of j-eoTiih, ill-tempered and sickly form* yon cv healthy, laughing bcmaslty,retnaia h>g a bias*log ever tn yon aud it* country. AU Drex*i:l> tell Methrr a "Hand at Writ* lor otir traa *ck "Motharhsad" ru BBSOFIILB RtaUsHSI CO.. tltaaU. la Dr. Williams ludlan Pue Ointment will cure Blind. Weeding, Ulcerated aud Itching piles, it absorbs the tu more, allays the itching at once, acta s a poultice. gives instant relief. Dr. Williams Indian Pile ointment s pro pared for piles and Itching of th ■ delicate parts, livery hox Is guaran teed. Bold by druggists, by mail for 50 cents and SI,OO. Williams Mfg. Cos,. Prop's, Cleveland, Ohio. For lessons in typewriting and sten igraphy call on Mrs. Alma Hurt man. No. 117 South Las street THE BRUNSWiCK OaILY NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1905, YOUR WANTS WILL BE SURE COMING '■ N THIS COLUMN - Do you want a position, a house servant Have you lost anything? B ycu want te rent a room, or have yoi a room er house to rent. If se pu j .ii ait. hi Tnc News cneop ceiuinr,. FOR RENT. I’UR KKM —Two story uouse corner jLorge mid Aumeiol slieets. Also two siorj n use i\o. 30j lira ill struct. Apply at &eti Carpenter. i- OK RENT. —A nicety furnished sec -ml .story trout room with bath. Ay piy al No. 108 Reynolds street, sec oud house above post oitice. FOR SALE —Good horse and buggy; suitable tor family use. Tne horse a vary gentle and can he easily man aged. Apply to N. Weinstein, city. roll jtlSNT—'I v.u-r lory house, corner Alt’ E and F streets, S2O per mourn iWobslou. Fcmlig A- Cos. FOR RENT —House 711 ICllisl street. Every con vena nee. Newly papered and (minted, good condition. Posses sion given at once. 10 F. Coney. FOR SAGE. —Folding bed in good condition Must be sold by Wednes day ns the same will have to be re moved. Mrs. 11. G. nine. WANTED. WANTED —Dealer or manufacturers gent to handle iire and paving brick lor my new plant. A. L. Crawford, Columbus, Ga. WAN'PIOI). —A nigh* watchman. A(- ily at Hilton and Dodge mills ai once. WANTED. Position by two white hoys, ages 12 and 14 years. Appi. to Henry KecViner at Krause’ hnk i ry. WANTED —A saleslady experienced in dry goods. Apply to A. Zelmenovits. WANTED. —Ten brick mpsonfi find 25 laborers. Apply to M. C. Alexander at new A, U. & A. depot. V/AN TED-—Lighter size 16x50, 18x6 or 20x80 feet. J. W. Watkins. WANTED—Twenty salesladies am: five salesmen. Apply to M. Isaac at opee. WANTED —People to know that Uni ie Sig will loan you money on anything of value. All legitimate business sol icited. Sig Levison. 308 and 30“ Day street. WANTED. —Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for a firm o: $250,000,00 capital. Salary $ 1,072,00 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly aud expenses advanced, ref erences required. Address wjth stamp .1. A. Alexander, Brunswick, Qa. WANTED—Lady or gentleman o fair education 10 travel for firm oi $250,000 capital. Salary, $1,072 per year anl expenses. Salary paid week ly and expenses advanced; refer ences required. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED. —Position by ;i competent ok keeper. Can keep any class o hooks.. Twelve years experience. Address "Jteiiable,” care News. FOR SALE —Throe mule timber cars, complete, together with the mules, Hit acres of land, 12 head cattle. Al so opljfin on 200,000 feet good saw mill timber- in Cuuiden and Glynn counties. For further particulars ap ply at News ollieo. Foil BADE. —Ten room house in good condition at th,* corner of London and Davis streets. Apply ip T. J. Foley. FOR RENT —House corner Norwich and Howe streets. Newly painted and kalsimined- 7 rooms and JnvS'J yard. Apply to Mrs. Peters, 614 Un ion street. FOR DENT. —Four room cottage on the corner of George and Ellis streets Apply at 222 Union. FOR SALE —Three desirable resi dences, 101. 4or> and 409 G street, ai- Bo furniture contained in house 405 G street. Apply to Mrs. Gann. HAST. —Phi Kappa Sigma pin. Was lost Monday. Reward if returned 1o (lilt, office The prettiest line of four-in-hand neckwear ever offered in Hiecity at 25 cents each. Come and look and be astonished. Sig I-ievHcn, 308 and 309 Bay street. IMPORTED Lime AND Lemon Juice IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Ginger Ale Root Beer AT KEANYS DR. GEO. COESTER, VETINARY SURGEON. All domestic animals treated. Leave Orders at Bruce'a Drug Store PHONE 412-4, PETITION FOR CHARTER. JEORGIA, Glynn Ccjunty: To ihe Supiiior Couit of Sadu County: The petition of J. W. Nussbaum, A. J. Crovatt, and Bo ling Wkiitfleld, o' said state and county, and such oth ers as may he b< leaf ter associate 1 with them, shows: First That they desii. for tbem=elvts and said associate* and success rs to be in orporatel under the urun . and tyle ot S el ■' -u 'lie <i T.m ber Company. GecOi.J* By and under that <<-. " ,•••* name tr -ue and be sued, contiact and uc contracted wit.i, to plead to U-- impleaded uni to have full powu anti authority t let:- , acquire, pur i chase and hold lauds, tenements i good- and caul. Is, and the same o | sell, mortgage or cucumber as mat !be deemed pout, for the interests ;.if j aid corporation. I bird To use a corporate seat, adopt by Jaws and rules binding upon its men. not inconsistent with Itio law • f Pais slat- or of tit U:iti and Stiu s, anu to nave, posses > ana enjoy ... rights, powers a.;, pr. ,iie„e o a.i . bj siuiject to all is,- ao.htKo vv;*.. . are or may bo usually u-.ct-.sary tee cjusibteni with the pm pos .-s oi sue. orpuiuliou especially, and usually an pertaining to and -grunted bodies coi pointed under the law., oi said state, and do all such things as are or uu, ne necessary to tine x' cut ion oi these purposes. Fourth The capital stock of this assoc la t.on shall De the sum ot forty thou oand dollars lslU,Uodj lo be dlvideu nno tour thousand snares of the pu; .auie oi one hundred dollars (SIOO., tacit and Whicti capital stock tiicy pray me privilege oL increasing u any time to a sum not to exceed on. hundred thousand dollars (siuu,ouoj and if said capital stock should be .so iiicrea. ed, to diminish tne same ; any amount not less tnau the ongiua. capital stock, in any or In either .as by a two-unrds v. te of une puiCKhoiii ers of the .sum company. Fifth That the and objects Jo. which your petitioner* desire to u. incorporated tor art to manufacture. bay, own and sell lumber, cross ta.-. limber, naval store., lunih< r pro: acts and lands of ail kind-; to lease. own equip, and op erate steam mitts, lo buy lease, own and sell lands, and to owe and operate boats and lighters and such tramways and railways as inn.. u>.- doomed iidvii-nbte for the pui ikisc of said corporation, to act a stevedores and forwarding agents and io do all matlers and tilings of any and every description upon, in atm about Die manufacture, purchase ana sale of lumber, timber, crossties, lands, lumber and timber products, generally, as well as lo engage iu merchandising. Sixth That said corporation may be au thorized to incur debts for corporal*, purposes-, and to is-oie notes, oouas and mortgages to .secure such indent edness. That the affairs of said cor poration may he managed and itu bus iness conducted by a president and a board of directors as may be pro scribed by iu rules and by-laws, unu they may be selteted as therein pro vided. and have full power to select and appoint such officers and agent-* as may be required by said corpora tion. Seventh Petitioners further pray that the principal office and place of qoing business* of said corporation shall do at icr near the city of Brunswick, Glynn county In said state, and that it may be allowed to establish such branch offices elsewhere as the busi neßs of such corpsration may from time to time rt quire, and that cor poration bo created for the term ot twenty (20) years from date of the granting of its charter, with the priv ilege of renewing same at the ex piration v f said term, aud that they may have conferred upon tthem ami choir associates and successors ati such rights and privileges as are us ually granted- such corporations. CROYATT & WHITFIELD. Petitioners Attorney^. State of Georgia, County c£ Glynn: I certify that the foregoing fs j me copy of the original petition f-r Incorporation of the American Tie .1 Timber Company, filed in mv office, this 12 day of au:y, 1906. H. F. DU BIGNON, Clerk Suriperipr Court, Glynn County Ga. I- L KIND, Sti-.rumo. Ga., says: "I ! used Biiss Native Herbs forciejieral la bility and I wish to tell the public about this remedy. II is the best cn the market.’’ A BOX of Bliss Native j Herbs is a family doc- i tor always in the house, j Its use prevents am] cures t HI Constipation, I)y.- | pepsin. Kidney and I NATIVE Liver Trouble,Skin j Diseases, Rheuma- j tisn? anil many | | Blood diseases. It is purely : vegetable—contains no min- ] eral poison and is pre pared in Tablet and Powder foini. Sold DOSES in One Dollar boxes jj qq with a Guarantee to cure or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request. MKIUCXVK MAILED J’KPMPTbY PY RILL MtNISH, Sterling, Ga. THE ALONZO O. BLISS 1,0., WASHINGTON, I). C. Call on the Biunswick Development Compan;.' to -see their plan. Max Isaac, president. 3i>3 Gloucester street. Dr. Williams’ Indian Pile Ointtnen will cure blind, bleeding, ulcerate and Itching piles. It atsorbs the tu mors, allays the Itching at once, acts as apoultiee, gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' Inuian Pile Ointment is* •prepared for plies and itching of the delicate parts. Every box is guar3n teed. Sold by druggists, by mail for 50 cents anu SI,OO. William* Mfg. Cos., Prop*. Cleveland, Ohio Tfct civat r rr:*:uy for nervoux yrostraiion and a.i of tlie cenuratm organs of either ses, snch Ua Nervous Prostration. Failing or Lost Manhood ihe&fox?- Im potency, Niphtly Emissions, Youthful Errors. Menral Worry, excessive ust tfi) tt - Qt Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. With every CQ iICiMC order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at SI.OO per box. ——- For Sale by HUNTER’S PHARMAC: Generaf Headquarters For Automobiles if you are inth e market foi an automobile ,a bicycle, or if you want rt pairs in either of these departments see me. I also have a full line of cycii sundres. Sole agent. OLESMOBILE, FRANKLIN A ND POPE TOLEDO AUTOS. I am now in my new quarters No. 340 Newcastle street. Call and e r.y stock. I have with me an expert automobile'repairer, Mr Sweat, s Savannah. , j B. J. Olewine. __ _ • BY DOING YOUR BANKING WITH National Bank of Brunswt k .l iIL CAPITAL $150,000.00 SURPLUS $84,000. 3 Year Savings Department Pays Four per cent interest coumpounded quarterly. WESLEY H. GREENFIELD, Pile Driving Contractor WHARF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SPECIALTY. SCO L street, Brunswick, Ga. SHERIFF SALES. STATE of Georgia, County of Glynn: Will lie. sold before the court house door on the first Tuesday in An gust, 1900, between the legal hours < 1 sale the following property towit. That certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of Bruns wick, o unty aim state aforesaid, ana known and described on the official map of said city male by George K Baldwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The western half of old ton- i,y v No. ifik. Levied on ns the property If- Matilda i'atnall under and virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by H. J. Bead, tax eoiU'itor, for state and county taxes due for title year 1905, amount of tax $129.08 besides interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by B. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and placa, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city ofßnins vk-k, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on the official map of said city made by George U. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The eastern five eighteenths of the western half of old town lot No. 224. Levied on as the property of O. N. i'uylor under and by virtue of a iix fi. fa. issued by H. ,1 Bead, tax collector, fqr state and- county taxes due for the y-ur 1005, amount of tax $11.12, besides inure t and coal. Levy made and returned to me by U. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of tana, lying and being in the cily oi'Bruns wick, ocunty and state aforesaid, ant 'known and described on the official map of said city made by George U Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The western half of new town lot No. 1669. Levied on as the proper ty of estate of J. R. Dillard under and by virtue pf a tax fi. fa. issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1905. amount of tax $30.78, besides interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city ofßruns wiek, ocunty anu state aforesaid, ana known anti described on the official map of said City made by George It. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit: The eastern fourth of old town tot No. 471. Levied on as the property of C. A. Clark under and by virtue of tax fi. fa. issued by If. .] Read, tax collector, lor state and county taxes duo for the year 1905, amount of tax $21.07, besides interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or pa*#c*i of land, lying and being in the city ofßruns wick, cunty and state aforesaid, ann known and described on the official map of said city made by George R. Ballwin in 1837, the following prop erty to wit; The western half of old town 10: No. 305. Levied on. us ‘ Uis property of Flora Harmqh under and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1905, amount of tax $12.06, besides Interest and coat. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff W. H. BERRIE, Sheriff Glynn County Ga. CHfIS. BUNKLIY Contractor of Piledriving, Dockbuild ing and Trestle Work. WM. GREENFIELD. MGR. Phones 214 and 417. Open AH the Y ear The W macs Hoots at Ocean Pie SL Simon island, will remat* op* ; *U the rear round. VISITORS ALWAYE WELCOME MRS. W. L. WALLACE Ste I/evtron can stop your troubl tf it U money you need. Money • lou*d on anythin* of value, and Nothing tor tale bv Big Lsrlaos ivwstry of ail kind, watch**, etoek m aaimiNt Mw<* BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF kail way Cross t Ses AND DEALERS IN Yellow Pine ! umber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. JOI N li. ROUNTOS, Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don’t buy burnt sugar and imagir yeu are getting pure chocolate...Foi pure chocolate and all other candies call on me...A fresh supply re ceived every day from MENIER, the famous chocolate maker. Either In bulk or in pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS, TOBACCO ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. —TAFFY CANDY MADE DAILY.— 208 Newcastle street. Cobb and Wheeler GNEFAL TINNERS. THE OLD RELIABLES, 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. 212 Newcastle St. CAR LOAD OF PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE We are Agents for PAGE WOVEN WIR EFENCg. ROBERSON & CO. Telephone 489. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO General *- -* * * Plumbing OF ALL KIND We carry a full and complete line cf STOVES and RANGES and do all kind of STOVE REPAIRING. J. H. BOH NE. Phone 397, 428 Newcastle Street. DeVoe’s old Stand. H. B. GARNETT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR When in need of A PLASTERER, A PAINTER, A CARPENTER Call Qn the ol(| original H. B. GARNETT. CASTOR IA Frw infants and Children. The hind You Have Always Bought Signature of Shoes! shoes!! shoes!!! for tmgx women and children, all kinds, sizes, all prices. Price* toeuit * the poor. Slg Levlson, 308 and 300 Bay afreet