The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 25, 1906, Image 3

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SIMMER COMFORT nGood refrigerators for small money. want you to examine tSem carefully before buying. \Ve want you to know us. To make our price possible, we C.MeOARVEY. 316 NEWCASTLE STREET you will undoubled a'oae's *-'‘ e 33 vWJ sornt mo to gemr k 00h ■-yl; sortment more com r\ YraJ / plele tliati over be- V * l"il there is a goods that you will * \ recognize as ilis fhliH Js’.Vjsl / You cannot men tion anything n have you get Pro They'll be list, right jm&Bji Smith’s BEE Pharmacy J. B. DAVIS, E. F. TAYLOR D4VIS & TAYLOR Liivery Feed and Sale Stable HEAVY Oft AY AGE; STOCK FOR SALE. PROMPT HACK SERVICE Cor G and D Street* £hor.e ST Atlantic Coast Line rA&a|ji'4Gfcrt SCHEDULE Effect April 16, 1906 | Daily | STATIONS Daily | DpUg 90 | 34 | j 95 | 9i 4:top | (LOO* | Lv.. .. ..Brunswick Ar | S:l.sp | 11:45a E:top l 7:55a Wa&cross | 6:30 | 9:55a 10:30p | 11:45a |.. Albany | 2:#op j 6:45a S:4op | l:4op | Jackson* I 3:30p ( a;vug 2.2,5a 2:25a Saafyr, „ |l:soa | /.fijk | 7*:uii | Tampa 1 B;t>j>t* 7.35a | 7:36a | Pqirt.Tamp* 7:30p 11:40p| ?:47p | Valdosta | 4:01p , :19* 1:1,6a | 4:20p | .. Thomasydia | 2:35p j 3:10* 8:05a | ! Montgomery I 6:60a | 7:45p j 35p |12:66p j Savannah I 2:45p i 3:15a &.56a | 6: 14p ; Charleston „. .. f 6\sNp |ll:4!>p 7.46 p | 4:07a ! Richmond .. .. 7:25p 9:05a I:sop| 7:45ft Washington | 3’45p | 4:10 l:40a ' 9:09a : Baltimore „ •. • • I >-■ 1 •1.25a |11:22a j inriladelpbia |11:55a |J2:lOa 7.30a 2:OOp || NewYork |9:25a | 9:26* Through Ruff man sleeping car "sen ice Horn Wayeross to north, east and west and to Florida Pullman dining oars on trains 85 and 82 between Jacksonville and New York. •%s£& % Connections made at Port Tampa with U- S mall stamships ot tb* fen ins alar and Occidental Steamship Line, leaving Port Tampa Sunday* Tuesdays and Thursdays at IT4Op. i + „ - .*m For Further iuformatlou apply toT J. WRIGHT, Agent J. F. NORRIS, Ticket Agent, Brunswick, (la. Brunswick, (la- T. C. WHITE, D. P. A., THOS. E. MYERS, T. P. A., Savannah, Qu. Savannah, Ga. W. J. CRAIG, P. T. M., St, Simon Transit Company ELEGANT AND COMMODIOUB Steamer Attaquin DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Leave flt Simon Mills ..610 . m Leave Brunswick 8.00 a. m Leave Ocean Pier 6.45 a. m. Leave Brunswick 2.30 p. ns Leave Ocean Pier .. .. 10.30 a. m. Leave Brunswick 5.30 p.m l wav* Ocean Pier 4.00 p. ns. Ar. St. Simon Mills .. ..6.30 p.m SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave Brunswick 9.00 a m. Leave Ocean Pier 10.00 a. ns ‘Leave Brunswick 11.30 a. m. *Leavo Ocean Pier .. ..12.30 p, m Leave Brunswick 2.30 p. m. Leave Ocean Pier .. .. 6.00 p. m •Leave Brunswick 7.30 p. m. ‘Leave Ocean Pier .. .. 8.00 p. • These Trips Will Not Bw Pot On Until June Uttt Subject to Chang* Without Notion. The Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing Cos Manufacturers of toDA WATER ANP MINERAL WATERS, CIDERB, COROIALS NECTA.' tiymr*. EimntMa Spatial Utogar Ale ana *•%“***% rM . v CH*Mf Vft ~ **...* US OR4TWSIW RT. - THE BmjnsWfCK DAYCY NEWS SATURDAY. AUGUCT 25, 1908. IT ' BABY EOm WITHSDRES Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Wnless Hands Were Tied—Wasted to a Skeletoi —Awfui Suffering for Over a Year—Grew Worse Under Doctors—Skin Now Clear, WOULD HAVE DIED BUT FOR CUTICURA. ‘‘My little eon, when about a year anti a half old, began ty> have sores conic out on his face. 1 had a pliy- sieian treat him, but the sores grew worse. Thru they W ',-1 began to come on c 5 his arms, then on \ vr I other parts of his body, and then ono /yj&. came on his chest, - V-T-r,---.■/A \ worse than tha W M HUB N °‘ hm ‘ J. hvu \ CiM r ed another physi cian. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad 1 had to tie his hand's m cloths at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. “He got, to be a mere skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My Aunt advised me to try Cutieura Soap mid Ointment. So great was her faith in it that she gave me a small piece of Soap to try and a little of the Oint ment,. 1 took it home without any faith, but to please her 1 tried it, mid it: seemed to dry up the sores a little. “ l sent to the drug store and got a cake of the Soap and a box of the Ointment and followed the directions, and at tho end of about two months the sores were all well. He has never had any sores of any kind since. ‘‘He is now strong ami healthy, and l can sincerely say that, only for year most wonderful remedies my precious child would have died from those terrible sores. 1 used only ono cake of Soap and about three poxes of Ointment. (sighed) Mrs. Eg bert Sheldon, R. F. j)., \’ (> . i ( Woud ville, Conn, April 22>'T005.” Complrti* internal Hint Internal Treatment tor Every Humor, from Pimples to Scrofula, from Infancy to Am Consisting of C'uticuia Soap, V- , Ouuinmt, Aic., Hml~ V-nt, sl*c. (in form of Chocolate Coatcti l*i!!a, SAo. pci vial ro *•>, may tie hail of all druggists. A tingle set often curok. •rotter f>)iugXc('hein. Corp., Sole Pro os., ISoston. Airmailed t'reo,** How to Cure iiuby lluiuorr." A Healing, o,d The Rev. J. C, Warren, pastor a -iharon Baptist church, Belklr, Da ■ays ot Electric Bitter* “It’s a Go send to mankind. II cured ms o lame back, eel ft joints, and eomplet ohyeiclal collapse. I wan o weak i. took me an hour to walk a halt milo two bottle* ot Elootria Bitted* hav made me so strong ! nave Just wall *>i three miles in fifty minutes an Teel like walking three more. Its made anew man ot mo" Creates' remedy for ot all stomach, liver ana ddaey complaint*. Sold undet sma at fsmltt’e ?&nin>4j. Fdw i SIT RIGK' 7 ' DOWN AFTER YOU READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT And send us you mime and address land we will send you maps, plats and particulars regarding the new FRUITLAND COLONY CO., of Geo gia on tHo Georgia Southern and Flor ida railroad. We have the greatest real estate bargain over offeted * Residence lots $15,00; business lot $25,00. One acre tracts adjoining the town $25,000, 5 acre tracts $75,00, 80 acre tracts ns low ns $7,50 per acre. Three crops a year averaging from $l5O tp SIOO per acre. The abova prices will double in six months. Write today. You will hear of tiling* you never knew before. Fruitland Colony Cos., Q-125 Clark St. Chicago Or W. TANARUS,. Giessner, Care G. S. &. F. R. R. y Macon Citation. Georgia j Glynn county. i Whereas R. R. Tlopkt is administra tor of the estate of A. L. Franklin, represents to tile court in his petition duly lilt'd and entered on record, that ln> lias fully administered A. Fran Min’s estate,. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, In show cause, if any they can, why said administrator 1 should not be discharged from his ad ministration, and receive letters of i dismissal on the first Monday in Sep tember nine. Horaco Dart, Ordinary. | No other beer contains ihe wealth of brain and brawn for Blue Rlbrnon hop. Blue Ribbon is the only beer brew ed by the Pahst. II is made of malt and hops and practically digests it self. _________ For lessons In typewriting find stei igraphy call on Mr*. Aim* Hortman, No. 117 Soi:sb street. The End of the World. Of trpuble that robbed E. ii. Wolfe of Bear Grove, lowa, of all usefulness came when ha became taking Elec trie Bitters. He writes: “Two years ago kidney trouble caused me grea suffering, which I would never have survived had I not taken Electric Bit ters. They also cured me of genera debility. ' cure cure for all stom ach, liver and kidney complaints blood diseases, headache dizziness and weaknwss or bodily decline. Price 50 cents. Guaranteed by Smith’ Pharmacy. Tin work of all kinds and eor.dit lons promptly done. Cobb A Wheeler, SIX Newcastle street fr.leulu'm Adminitrator's Silo. OBOdtGIA, Oiynn County. By virtue of the court of ordinary of said county, will be sold at. puv lie outcry on the first Tuesday fn August., 1906, at the court hoima in said county, betwses *ke usual hours of sale, the following real estate in Oiynn county to wit: One fourth In terest in lots numbers HI and 33 and also seventeen and one half feet by, ninety feet of lot number 35'. Bounded as follows east, by I>ee street, nortn by F street, west by Stonewall street. H. B. TAYLOM, Vtolnletrator on the Batata of Pau- Uu C. Tsjlar, PETITION FOR PARTITION. Tho National Hank of Brunswick vs. Joseph Friedlander. Petition for partition. In the tupurior oourt of Glynn county, Georgia, Decem ber term. 1906. To the Defendant, Joseph Friedlander. Take notice that a petition has bee i tiled by the plaintiff, The National Hank of Brunswick, against yon in tho above proceedings and a hearing has been set before the judge of said court at chain', ers at Baxley,! Georgia, on the 27th. day of October, 1906. said cause being returnable in dm course to the next term of said Superior Court, to be held In and for said county on the first. Monday ia December, 1906; and yo* are hereby commanded and required to by an i appear before said judge at sluunborsi at the time and place aforesaid, anil thereafter at the noxl term of said Superior Court as aforesaid, to an : swer said petition, as in default there-! of the court will proceed as to jus-; Hoc shall appertain. j Witness the Honorable T. A. Par-' kor, jmigt of said court, this 2Stli. day of July, 1906. H. F. du Biijnon, Clerk Superior Court Glynn Count Georgia. ! BRUNSWICK j RESTAURANT ■ NEW FROM START TO SI FINISH. . i OPEN FROM 6A.M. TO ] 12 NIGHT. SPECIAL RATES Tp REGU LAR BOARDERS. ALL THE MARKET AT FORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. ! H. E, IVERSON, Tab 82!. Prop, SEH RIFF'S SALE. tat.a of Georgia; County of Glynn: Will be sold at the court house door of said county on the liml Tuesday m August next between Uho leg;i, ours of sale to the highest and bs’. udder tor cash an undivided one-half nforest in all that certain lot or par eel of land lying ami being in said state and county, and in the city o£ Jrunswick therein, and In that po"- tion of said city Known find de scribed on the plan or inaj, thereof made by George Baldwin, A. !>. 1837, "town commons;” said trivet, lot r parcel ot laud being known and de cribed on said plan or map of said own commons as the eastern one alf of iot number one hundred and forty eight (148), lying between Wait and Albany streets on the west ami and i and J streets on the north *ud south. Said one-half of said lpi. containing ninety by ninety (39x90) feet and being bounded as follows, owit: In the north ninety (90) feet y a part, of tow.u commons lot limn er one hundred and forty seven 1147); on the east ninety (90) feet y Albany street; on the dout,h ninety 90) feet by a part of town commons ot number one hundred and forty nine (149); and on t,he west ninety 90) feet, by the remaining cue-had, of said lot number one hundred ami forty-eight (148); levied on as the property el Lewis Gill under and b value ot a it. fa. issued out of Mm superior uoiiil < f =Aiid county in I'avo of Mary I*. Gill against. Lewis GUI or principal, SOO., interest on sa l riuoipal, $25 a. attorneys l'e.ii and sts of court. Levy made and re turned to me by U. S. Pylue, depul-: sheriff. This July 13, 1906 vY. H. BERiIUE, • Sheriff. Citation, f' v ; GEORGIA, Glynn County. 1 o nil whom it tn.iy wmoGni: W. If. C-j Hilton, having in j> r< form applied to mo for lottery of mlmlniatration on tho ! tato of J. .VI. Stuart, iato *rj‘ [county, I his i<l lo site all and singular the creditors and next of kin ot 1. Stuart to lie and appear at my >.i flee within the time allowed by Jaw 'nd sliow cause, tj ~uy they can. why peneaneut, ’artniliiiatratioh should i not be granted to vv H. Crorton on .1. M. Stuart's estate. Witness myjiaud and official sig nature this 2il day of July, i%r>. HO it AOI-i UAftT, Or<liuary. Citation. State of Georgia, County of Glynn. To the Heirs at lxtw, next ol kl'l, and creditors of U. Dart,, late ot said county, Deceased, and to ail Whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that W. F Symons, administrator of the estate U. Dart, Into of said county, decent-., a has made application for an order an-, thorlisitig him to sell for the purpose <f paying the debts and distributing! the estate of said U. Dart, deceased, fifty-three snares of the capital stock of the South Atlantic Towing Coiriptv By, of the par value of SIOO per share) which application will be heard by me in the court of Ordinary of said coun ty mi Ytiy day of August, 1906. if there ha objections to said sale let ho &ine be presented a 1 wild bear ing. This July 7th, I9OL j. O. CftAWiPOKD, Ordinary Wayne county, Georgia pre aiding on account, of the dlsuuu'ir'- cation of the ordinary of Oiynn county. For lev son in .|* wGt.lng t-,d steri ography rail on Mrs Alma Hortman, No 117 'loutA Lee strowt See that your druggist gives yo t>o lmlUtlon when you for Ken nedy’s Laxative Honey Tar, tit wriEtaA: Laxatlrt nmo to Pidillfl Sprokm, Neper refer pityingly to the poor. Tills' brands you at once as a dema gogue Never say anything respectful of corporate wealth. In so doing you lay yourself open to the charge of be lng'a hired man. Never use slang if you want reap able people to take dock in you. Nev er use pure Hug; ... Tha masses hate prlggislmess. Never talk straight to the paint, i’e will l>e : •; used of takbig y -; - seriously. Never tell funny -t g-l They lead to the susp'so eld ery Never praise “our l< :• fa, lie . ceslry pride is tlisgtis'iiut. N" - peal to tile “sturdy imi i 1 . •/, , -Newark .Vews. • • • • . . : It. has beep s tid th.-t u. , get ting -Mil Id; .. - ; Is ■ .. being happy in -it. E : i,c : have an 1 lof what is to i t pros:.ion o' bis ■!' her ITo it t titled In ' cue ;• r, i . . bo called successful. Hme-e. tl ■ j vi'ssfu! man or \ •mm |- g . v . has su. i Jo 1 falrl wel ■ , tae nctu.ll life in .it-eerdanc,• y e t • , t ideal ■ of life. This retjui . ~ , and per' , .-iico that cal: for com; - j struggle. Ii ftsriii-.- the highest * meiit of life. Bulwer well says that Urt i '.nan who succeeds uliavr Ins felloe s : 1 the one v.'b i early n life • .'.ti p, < ; •eras his object and toward that oh joe I babuaiilly directs bis p, .1 From Questions,” tv ~,■••■■/ ; D. Chapin. ij Do Genera | WALL PAPERING DO YOU WANT YOUR HOIV DF.CORATE3 IN THf. LATEST j UP TO SATE STYLE? If UO CALL ON ME ‘‘AND 1 WILL SHOW YOU MY SAMPLES OF WALL PAPER. I WILL DO YOUR PAPER HANGING. PAINT INC, GRAINING, STAINING, KALSOMINING AND PICTURE FRAMING AS GOOD AND AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE CAN AND 1 LIVE. DROP US A CARD. 1 j. M, Wilson 502 MONK STREET. Citation, GIiOTMrIA, Glynn County. To all whom it may concorn: Mrw. F. A. ilroekingkm having ia proper form applied to mo for perm . 1 eat. letter of mtmiuistraUou cm tho estate of 8. A. Xliockingtou, late o said county, thin is to cite all nut singular the creditor and next of ku of 8. A. Brockinglon to bo and an j pear at. my office within the tiitm allowed by law, add show cause,' t any they can, why penimticut ad- min is t rati Qu should not be grauiei o Mrs. S. A. Brockington ou s. a. Broeklngton’ estate. Witness my baud and official eng nature this 2d day of .Inly, Riots HORACE DART, Ordinary. _• Low Rates to Asheville, J On account of the Gouv'-nUon ofi Commercial Law League of America; iiiie Southern railway will ->-l| round, trip tickets to Asheville, and rot urn I id rate Of $11,85. Tickets on Tul. 28, 29, 30. Limit relvirtlln:*. •<> Aur.ii.A 8 Py depositing ticket limit will ho extended to Sept. So. For futimv in formation call on IC. \\ ttouneniah general ageut. yi , ■ r ,H‘ .:j : j ,;y w%mrr\ /is attained Queen Beer, and our \ / good Soil : .iL iotighmother \ t / ways h< i . .lex* here, where I / justice is Oi,' is. i ' ;s <\ k > m’ | You don’t 1--T 1 , t. yinijth of purity in beer. B It is hero -rierii, 1 J. ur inny In’ nows to you, but it i.s a fact. m 1 In corn f•• 1 famous brews, the £ chemists of r. Go -nod the decided no a \ superiority of A n ,i reri'irt can be seen in r\ g \ our office). - fl ; - : poii redly to yourself— % could you ask for ■ this unbiased % declaration'*■'j 1 Hardly. Order a r<, ' nf o/’ ri <ori. | frorsTmcT rmiT FOR SALE. Two story home, arid lot m IS :*tr . between F ;utd G. I’rlco (1,700 Two-story house and lot corner H ttr.d K streets, eastern front.', c- Price, $2,100. Two good building lots on G at;- ■ t, near Court House Square. Houic.-ru frontage, SOOO. Light nice building lots 45X190 each in scAithcrn portion of city, $325 each. \ BROSfTON, FENDIQ A CO, ' l iM cf Qeer 7: . OP .• L BUDV/EISER ■'■■•di per Barrel> • :liM'.i $ll.OO /•- USEf SvSCH EXPORT $ .9.50 1 'unsuuuu a 110.00 m J CLUE RIBBON $10.50 • $ll.OO $ 9.50 SIO.OO ’• c-V YORK BEER slo.oo $10.50 ? 8.00 SOLE AGENT. G TIME ANS (AS GOOD AS NEW) ><) TO S9OO. SUPPLY TrtOL IF YOU WANT ONE. k 'OF BRAND NEW FANS " ik Water Cos. POtd SAhE 1 ■ Six H and Thousand I ;Ac 5 Virgin Pine I l imb .in Qa. and F : la. I rwo HUNDRED THOUSAND ACREE; TIMBcI 1 1 11 G L PURPOSES. HAVING BEEN BOXED Will LOCATED FOR PURCHASERS. ADDRESS ■ I i- ed & riniberC<| ' ‘ '■' OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. : ::S APKiiR| ‘ * Dealers in-- , t) WOOD 1 ! ’t l fin, SI-iif4Gt.ES AND LATHS [ 'Nf ' n "IRE BRICK AND TIRE CLAY. r:s ' T PHONE 18. ■yf ATE LaMfYEftSJTY? ATHENS, CJA. i'! <2 t£J <s> ■r- ow, - Chanoslle' whoois as :.vsraucroßs ..■Mil,. ■ yr, AdKICDITiniG, IWf t e v. rdKISSTir, . ,>i sriKxrlfio stOiMiiL ■ - .iiith. room' UW. Tuition IfRKK.> -r / lieu Hi: I . I>< ; ?*ao\C<XMii TcetMiigVm- | *h„* in Btutisiaaiialiip, Jtdpc*- I i vi . iiHtrifki Am*, FlßAnoeftod Journalism. 0i ,\U. . OPENS. iEPT. 19th. SEND FOB BULLETINS J