The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 25, 1906, Image 4

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AN INVITATION To Inspect the Hindwmt Fall and Yinter Patterns of High Class CUSTOM TIALORIN’G MATERIALS And to Have Your Measure Taken b/ An Expert Cutter Representing STROUSE A BROS BALTIMORE. Tire Well Known Makers of High Art Clothing Orders Will be Taken at Our Store On Monday and Tuesday August 27 and 28. LEVY’S I Great Closing: I Out I Summer Sale ■ BARGAINS ALL OV r . R THE STORE. WHITE AND 01 AC'r H*T WAISTS WORTH $4 98 AT $8.75. GENUINE BARGAINS. I Zefmenovitz, B TELEPHONE 215. 218 NEWCASTLE STREET. Get in Touch With the ttest of Us BY HAVIN* A BELL TELEPHONE in Your Home, Your Office, Your Store GALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF c:;!h:n Sell le’eptione and leietraph Cos., AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW Do as Directions Call for and it will Never Fail. In One Day. Infallible. No matter what kind of a Corn it is, it cures the worst In three days. This is the best and neatest corn cure in the world amsm-mmmmm mafarwaairnMmTi '!S£ j£i MQT7QAM ’phone THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS SATURDAY, AUGUCT 25. 1908. scdeti( LIUl* Ann," Maxoy a. recovering 'from a ous, of tonauliti>*. Ca J. J Foster, of Darien, is the j guest ol .Vi b. U. M. Bfcggs. we* Mrr. Ik.'iniiiii, of ./acl'konvilh , I* Ai B. i nn'll. V, Jr. i Air K. T 5. LhnlVv Hr., leaves to-; v io *i*ii i< . in Wiimii^ton., Min* Brown and tho Misses tiirovn ham* rv-UirufM] from St. HsnonJ ! Ah. Mar;:.ret B;u .ijoo I*n (•.: ■>r : to cuff r rcitooi *it Mil | nil". • - j Mi Ij’U v Ff inter is K|>Miniii'.' t a- ,V ua &l, Hi.noil with ‘lit M. . Kostor. # a -V • lh‘ft.y itain -*y leaves, loiiior f t Halsioiou: afioi a time to ivj* ntiv* . hi re. * *. m Me ,M. IT. ,M .(ill!- . {rin has returned ir<.in : vs ’ to Mrs Ai'lnur iian.s i 'in Hi Simon : *. Thmiiiis O'Conmu and .Mi ' | llt 7r ‘ti Merit umery will return today i from a vi; it to Albuny. Alice Sneed, who i the cai" ' iol Mis Richmond Taylor, i;.- d< j < ii’i and in i" it tin.' ell., [or amr j Mine loiigra. '.lre Omar Wilder, aflei a \ i:it to Mrs. John It. took aud Air a Ada Cook in Woi cestel r, Mass., is now vb.itliig rulativt"! In Milford, .Mass. SIT DC WO AFTER YOU READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT Ami send nr; you ynine and addror.y iiiiil we will 6<'ild you ma|in, plain .mu jiarlieui.trs regarding tiso ir w iTtDi'i'T.AND (OCONV CO. of (ho f;ia on the th-oiy.u Southern and iOor idn railroad. \V< have tuv greute T real : Ht.ate btuyain ever otteied Itmdaence lots $1.5,00; huim*;;s Jot, $2.i,00. One ai re lrinds adjoining the s;■[,,(loo, a acre I'.actr, S7r,.OU. 80 I acre limets ; low ak s7,an per acre. Throe crops a year averaging front 3,j ad to $ .'ill per acre. Tho abovA prices will double in six months. W.'.e today. You will hear of things on never knew ) fore. rrultiand Celony Cos., Q-125 Clark St. Chicago Or Vf. f,. Cluusner, Cure 0. S. & FT IT. It. Q-Maeon No other Inver contains Die wealth of bruin and brawn for Ulue iiibmou l**i. lllne Ribbon is the only brer brew ed by the i’almt. It is laude of mat and hops and practically dlgetils it self. Cor leesuuu In •>,*.•• hung and sr.en ijftAfihy v*Ul Oil :!'. Aim* Tiutiuntil, so. ;17 8- ath i> *( I'H.n Tin wor* ot ail IcJudu and condlt lons promptly done. Col>b # Wheeler, 3la New caste I* street Tfelejiuos The End of the World. Of (rouble that re,f,bed R. 11. Wolfe ef Bear iirove, lowa, of nil usefulness came when ha bccauie Inking Klee trl" Hltt,"rs. lie writes; "Two years ago kidney trouble caused me jjroa suffering, which I v.’oulii never hum survived had 1 lint, taken Electric Bit tors They also cured me of genera debti'fy. " cure ow*-o for nil dioin ii"h. liver and kidney eon plaints blood disuviHcs, headache dixzinens and weakness nr bodily decline. Brice r,O cents. Oun ran toed by Smith’ Bhannucy. Moulding and all kinds of building mate 'i.n in stork. Brunswick Binning and Forwarding Company. GOT HIS HASH BACK. War. fVtf~eSf.r Baß T v?ira He Started to Lav: r;*wlir*-*i P( micite • "- . -v V llEr.uell. A'-iryk’.id block, . <<•. tr.-.a. tea. a bottle of Sew b- ,’S '•••r 1 ; r.l 'Si, axd began to -i . r en?,! Laltteer.**. The hair fcl \r. Ha scalp '. ■, . ret deed and In _id' i ; Ltd l'.ejr fit over hid head. Or, . ur.,' icdsy my hair • * *-rC ; acr one ..r, ’ IT: Harplcideworks cn a ; old yiricT' "■ '■ ■ with anew i'a eoverr—dtruroy the , .a;■ i you re* * mow ; !•> : Tec '.erpie'de destroya the rnr. it-a*. ceu. i dvndrjff. failing hair, ~r.d hi ally baU',r:e-r. so *nat with the * ns t v eif :et c anot remain. Uis v t,; . •*; -and anew i frrnwd; eir.rt". Sold hy ieadlni i dri. , r S* t [Or. In i t :m;>v for -U.v.pi• to J." . ' rp'. ,*,e '• T>etr* it Mich. For eale by SmHh’g Pharmacy. You can savj money f y huylrtg yea i c. jthfng. shoes, hats and gent’s far ■Bwtiings from t>;g lAtvlson, 398 an I Ah Hay atreet j Fo; lew,opr. In tvncwrJ'r; and ate' io-*. pnv ,'tll on t'TA!pm lloftinan I*" Koilß’ Lev SI reef I Phone j 3<>7 Bor vonr Sundnv';; Dinni i and j it It's to he had you will find j it here. Ye can’t always tell you in j I hie ad. what we will have, :ls S each cypress brings us ‘"Good | things to eat.’’ PHONE 307. ; '3m 7Ch!i 214 NEWCASTLE ST. a F. .ANUE.'ISQN, AgL L C. SMITH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Typewriters Rented ond Repaired DOLLAR RIBBONS AT 7*c. AT ST, SIMON PIER GOOD MEALS AND LODGINGS AT KING CITY ST. SIMON PIER mrs. b. Harrell. :9ersonak (.} V,‘. Wright, of Ste ve'." was . tne cUy yc_-tviUey. ,h n. H B Doc is spe.. if:ig a !• " days ;e WlilacuocLse. Offi< er Ma it now?., of £'. Eituon, v ' in tile city y .:ay. Wei. Bell, a w*dl Known ha ..anali drummer was iu the rday. Notice to Creditor’. Georgia f. All > iitors of the r wof iate igt'.i Cos. ", .. I oo’ f d c e.’.ißy. ar" ! of their d'loaner •.• • i;, ' *• id evta iil'OJK i'i. In.oi" oie. o’ " e- ai h'lsign rd 01 p3yni ;,t ih-.-veof will he and 1, 1 red. H. F duakmoii. i \-. 1 !. tr.■ rr " o j. . ilasauh C'iba:o . . - 3"'j : Rl.>ry G J;* ,t 1 ec.'iV"d. ■' I ■- " <*: !’■-'■ f ■ Cmapan-. ■■ (til.' ■- .„me is sold at m 1! n"o ■■ /•• 1 *i;r vity Of r,l tii'.'Wif o Vo. i 1 < r tiOtile and Si • '*• I' ’ woe,',, -' yd Bay .;tr ■ \v, carry Till? fioo;in 1 . ceiling sir. a,’.-' k Bis • i .',1:: , wd Knrw.'tvii' , C y.o aoy. i ;r Willi ••'. i> s’; ■ in: will 1 ',(• BitU’t ii!-“ .. ■.; and Hcliing tn'iOß. It the ..r TIIOIS, ailayn tho itching *t. <e . 'S 1 a., : in.’'ar. r 1 at ! o ~!i... i. in" -in :'id ( . parts! for pile, and itv ting of delicate parts. Eve.ry bc.v ‘ sat: 1 toed. Cold by • i'i,pyray, by : b cents anti w o: do., fVup’B. c-levi •••! We lend tnotiey to build 1 "e Bimo-uv:"!, Jtevelopni' it ‘'on ~ Max Isaac, proPiden.. on nioiiee.Rtcr street At! old ttni "<e ... t/r.vei Tat*y '"'"o: A jot rjipeiw! , ‘i *; ; , Kenn'v’y’p btaif'w Jv an • T* b'lio: rerned* a< en -n n ■ rr >,rx..e, 1,, the G.mat fieri i .npV - ' Tate Spring's Water vVE ARF SOKE AGENTS FOR THIS CILEEF .TED WATER BY THE GLASS, BY THE CASE OR BY THE BARREL ! I HUNTER’S ■ \ 605 GLOUCESTER ST. . Styles . V or Knox anil Youngs HA T S READY FOP, YOUR INSPECTION EVERY UP-TO-DATE STYLE IN SOFT AND STIFF HATS %!%. 4 1,1. AfYV I.Thi r~ *? * A Ir.1 r . uX) Hi il ip tr ■■■’. ■: J’-.’-rvir..v [-/tween New Vo*% and BriHiswlti EVERY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORK AT 1 f M. ; v * *' 1,.. E'VCRV f RiDAV FRIM BRUNSWICK Tt SUIT TIDE. • 1, kvrrs*'"? ftifj iltSßMns’JKtayfrf :• 5 ’5 i :v 1 ’ei*.**'• ••••, rev -I*l. yy >M 4 v ÜBPCR -S. CO., pc C. MALLORY CO- '} : eronaii San. €sa AS Wurt’eig AH>>. Her Ve-v t •’ -■, ’v" ’v' T ] Huuiy o’■; r naioful and serious - , ' ... .n:rvnts fvh most Brothers o(. ■ u c 1 ht (voided, by the use of ; This great remedy “MC r is a God-scad to women, carrying ’ and- ;■ •• i them th rough their most critical LiP [... ~Ld. •• wjs ij ordeal with safety and no pain. Mo woman who uses ‘‘Mother’s Friend” need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and pi raq /*?%, .'I W fa® 0 pod natured. Our booh | | V. -. .. ,•, * . .rn --• r y LV. hi (:.4 i{& tth vw; W woman, and will he sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to | A K Rradfikd Regulator£®. Atl&nta6a. i 4t iOTT’S nr $. 5 1. i: ; > (ft, M£ % ys* S $ T!u ' v w*ak . •• ' ni|X nw *’ an.* i . : v,k .1 U 4L-* w !i omission:;. increase vi£ ■ -T a =r or and banish “pains •V ■ i T -i."i . Tii fti.’ “ l.ll'K SAVKISS” to pirls at ...... ri:a::ir ttot. of organs and body. Kc ~ y k.'invn . i y -• ■” Women rjn.'ls. then’. fan not do harm —life > JV.; -j-y / beco.'t; '. r. ;..--asur!. PMIt B>OX .’JV MAIL. Sola **y •inifr*.: c. Dli. lviu i'T'B cliK.MiviAlj CO.. Cleveland,Ohio for Bail* y HUNTER’S fHASMfft#