The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 28, 1906, Image 3

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SUMMER COMFORT C.McGfIRVEY. 31J NEWCASTLE STREET J. B. DAVIS, E - F ‘ t *VLOR D4VIS & TAYLOR Uivery Feed and SalcStab!® heavy dr'ayage, stock for sale, prompt haw^hwo. -TO THE— CLOTHES WEARING Pilftl If I INDISTINCT PRINT £ U J (Xle desire to announce that we will open our new store ■ Saturday Sept. 1, Masonic Building, 210 Newcastle St. :am |man Wi | W maim hri— lawriniinip ~r ~' ~ i amwamw Our stock will consist ot men sand boy’s suits, pants, o’&lls shoes, hats, Furnishings of ail kinds, umbrellas suit cases and traveling bags, in fact a complete line of wearables of the best quality for men and boys. We cordially invite your inspection. We solicit your patronage. W e nisan to hold it by deserving it. WOOD ■ BAILEY CLOTHING CO. Good refrigerators for small money. Yoh might think that these were in ferior refrigerators whin you took at the price. Such is not the case. We want you to examine them carefully before buying. \Ye want you to know also that t-hey are guaranteed by us. To make oiw prise jiossitde, we had to buy largely and ,of course, we paid cash. SUCCESS is w’bat we are ways striving for in our business. ’.Ve have succeeded in buying just what you want. When you see our VoiteT articles you will undoubted ly agree with us. Not alone is the as sornt uie co getor sortment rtare com plete than ever be fore, but there is a character about our goods that you will recognize as dis tinctly high grade.. You cannot men tion anything we ought tto have that is not. there. We shall be glad to have you get Fro scriptions filled They’ll be tst right Smith’s Pharmacy THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1906. fill CORO raw Would Soratch and '5 ear the Flesh Unless Hands Were Tied—Wasted to a Skeleton—Awful Suffering for Over a fear—Grew Worse Under Doctors—Skin Now Clear, WOULD HAVE DIED •BUT FOR CUTICURA. ‘‘My little son, when about, a year sod a half okl, begun ty have sores coiae out on Lis face. I had a phy- sician treat him, but, the son's grew worse. Then they jf _ _ | began to come on c S$ '&■ I his arms, then on \ I othe- parts of his body and then one S&A came on his chest, ■ -f.\y Vvor-o than the _ others _ Then I call /i a /fliu.uu ed auother phvsi . cian. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad 1 had to tie las hands in cloths at night tm keep him from scratching tiiesi ires and tearing the flesh. “He got to be .a mere skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My Aunt advised me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. So great, was hep faith in it. that, siie gave me a me piece of Soap to try and a little , - die Oint ment. 1 took it home wi.hmit any faith but to please tier I tried it, and it seemed to diy up the sores a little. “1 sent to the drug store and got, a case of the Soap and a box of the Ointment and followed the directions, and at the end of about two months the sores were all well, lie has nevrr had any sore: of any kind since. “He is now strong and healthy, and I can sincerely say that only for your most, \v< uderfiil remedies my precious child would nave died from those terrible sores. 1 used only one cake of Soap and tu >ut three boxes of Ointment. (signed) Mrs. Eg bert Sheldon, It. Id 1)., No. !, Wuud viile, Conn, April 22, 1905.” ruiplote TLxienml ft ml Internal Treatment for Every it j nor* rot • ! to H j ifula, tr Infancy to Age, coiniitiUng of C’ntlrnrH Soap, Ointment, /*<*•.., Kewii y<‘nt, .Mlc. (lii t‘ rt" f Ohocolfli • < oflteU t'iiiM, iuc. prr viftl of R" . maybe luul i ' alloiuxgiiifF .v ttioc!*' net often cures. Potlit Dnig .vCltcin. C*>rj>., Sole l J roj>. Hoatuu. h lolitd i'ruu,“ llow to Cure i iuo> liuuiorr.' A Heallr.t, ft. The Rev. J. C. Warren, paWr o di.arou Baptist church, Belait, Oa says ot Electric Bitters "It’s & (Jo vend to mat,kind. li cured m o lame bank, stiff Joints, and complet physicist: collapse. I was oo weak t took me an hour to walk a half mile Two bottles of HCoctri* Blttedn hat made ie so strong I have Just wait ->d three miles in fifty minute* c,r> feel like walking three mere, Uta made * new man of me.” Greater* remedy for of all stomach, lives- an .3 Sidney complaints. Sold under gas/? *.rxw- at. Smith’® jtamstsy. P:i* v -VMsHjS. For lessons in typewriting and sten ngraphy cal! on Mrs. Alma Hortman, 1 No. 117 kmit* Lee street PETITION FOR PARTITION, I Tlia National Bank ot Brunswick vs. Joseph Friedluuder. Petition for partition. In Uie nupetrior aourt of Glynn county, Georgia, Decem ber term. 11106. l'o th" Defendant, Joseph Kriedlauder. Take notice that a petition has uee 1 filed by the plaintiff. The National Bank of Brunswick, against you in the above proceedings and a hearing has been set before the judge of said court at elnuu'bers at Baxley, Georgia, on the 27 th day of Oetob" r . 1906 said eause being returnable in du< course to the neat term of said Superior Court, to be held in and for said county on the firs; aloud in December. 1936; and yon are hereby commanded and required to be an i appear before said jndge rd oSiauibers at the time anil p ace aforesaid, at. I thereafter at the next term of aael Superior Court ns nfor. -aid. to an surer said petition. s in default there of the court will proceed as to jus tice shall appertain Witness the HonornV ■ r. A. Par- Vec. judex of said court, this 28th. day of July, 1906 H. F. du Bigncn, Clerk Superior Court Glynn Count Georgia. THE restaialt NEW FROM START TC FINISH. OPEN FROM 6 AM. TO 12 NIGHT. SPECIAL RATES TO REGU LAR BOARDERS. ALL THE MARKET AF FORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. H, E.IVERSON, Tel. SSL Prep. FOR SALE. Twp-story house nntl lot on E street between F and G. Paice $1,700. Two-story house and lot corner id and F streets, eastern frontage Price, $2,100. Two good building lots on O street, near Court House Square. Southern frontage, sf,oo. Bight nice building lots 45X190 each in southern portion of city, $225 each. BROSBTON, FENOIG A CO KTaf* io|Pt)llo Speakers Merer refer f pityingly to the poor. This brands TOti at onee as a dema gogue. Never isay anything respectful of corporate wraith. In so doing yon lay yourself open to the charge of be ing a hired man. Never use sktngiif yon want respect able people to take stock in yon. Nev er use pure English. The masses hate priggishness. Never lalk'Straight to the point. You will iio accused of taking yourself too seriously. Never tel! futiny stories. They lead to the suspicion of chican ery. Never praise “our forefathers.” An cestry pride is disgustig.g. Never ap peal to the “sturdy immigrant leaveu in on.- midst." it '-lies the old families Newark News. t.ifr’s Utvisr-t AWiiprrinrnt. It bus been said that sucees-j consists ,t\ ,■ oi; ; 1 ■::I at which one sums, rnd !.e • b::;ci\ in it. Each cue should have an ideal of what is to be the e? K pre.-emm of his or her life, if this is at tained in <>;r,o degree such a life may be- called successful Hence, tile sue aessful man or woman la the one who has succeeded fairly well In shaping the ae tual life in accordance with (he Ideals of life This requires u strength and persistence that call for continual struggle. It forms tlie highest achieve aient of life, linlwor well says that Uni tiau who succeeds above Ids follows la the one who early In life clearly dls -enis his object and toward that oh jeet habitually directs ills powers.— From “Vital Questions,” by l*r. Uetirj, D. t'hapln. „ I Do General WALL PAPERING L*t> YOU WANT YOUR HOME DECORATED IN THE LATEST UP TO BATE STYLE? IF SO CALL ON ME AND I WILL SHOW YOU MY SAMPLES OF WALL PAPER. I WILL DO YOUR PAPER HANGING, PAINT ING, GRAINING. STAINING, KALSOMINING AND PICTURE FRAMING AS GOOD AND AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE CAN AND LIVE. DROP US A CARD. J. M, Wilson 602 MONK STREET. Low Rates to Asheville, On account of the Convention of Commercial Law League of America the Southern railway will sell round trip tickets to Asheville, and return at. rate of $ 11,85. Tickets on snle July 2, 29, 80. Limit returning to August 8 Ey depositing ticket limit will ho extended to Sept. 20. For further in formation call on E. 11. Houseman, genet Hi agent. 9rke Skt cf s}eer THE ORIGINAL BIJDWEISER To Dealers per Barrel $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO ANHEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $.9.50 To Consumers SIO.OO PABST CELEBRA TED BLUE RIBBON i Dealers slo.s'’ To Consumers $ll.OO THE PABST EXPORT To Healers / $ 9.50 To Consumers SIO.OO EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER To Dealers sio.oo To Heusumers _ $10.50 EXPORT $ 8.00 9. jiewman , 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. WE HAVE A FEW SECOND HAND FANS (AS GOOD AS *W) WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT $5.00 TO $9.00. SU. . LIMITED. BEF. US AT ONCE IF Y®U WANT ONE. WE ALBO HAVE A SUPPLY OF BRAND NEW FANS Hutual Light & Water Cos. FOR SALE i Six Hundred Thousand I P Acres Virgin Pine j limber, in Oa. and Fla. ! ALSO TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES TIMBER READY FOR SAW MILL PURPOSES, HAVING BEEN BOXED, WBUJ LOCATED FOR PURCHASERS. ADDRESS 4 t Southern Land & Timber Cos 1 P. 0. BOX. 177, BRUNSWICK, GA. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. "J