The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 29, 1906, Image 3

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| SOMMER COMFORT HOood refrigerators for small money. ferior refrigerators when you look at want you to examine them carefully before buying. \Ve w nt you to know also that they are guaranteed by us. To make our price possitile. we J^.MeGRRVEY. 318 NEWCASTLE STREET J. B. DAVIS, E. F. TAYLOR DAVIS & TAYLOR liiver and and Sale Stable HEAVY DRAYAs,*, stock for sale, prompt hack service Cpr 0 3 nd D §treet*> Ehone 7/ MALLORY LINE Direct a*. Service between New York and Brunswick EVERY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORK AT 1 F M. SAILINGS: E vcry Friday frim Brunswick ti suit tide. Lowest Rates and Unsurpassed Faasemre"- Accommodation* Apply u W. M. TUPPER JL CO.. or C. H. MALI.ORY a CO., **•*. Brunswick. Ga. E3 urllr G Silo. Naw York Clt. Refund Money if you are Not Benefited An Excellent remedy for people who have no appetite. Cures coughs, bronchial and lung troubles. For pale weak women Claro has no equal. 0 (gfV I#.’ " v ' /f r i v . ':^sC, SUCCESS is what we are al ways striving for in our business. We have succeeded in buying just what you want. When you see our TOILET ARTICLES you will undoubted ly agree with us. Not alone is the as sornt me co gemr sortmenl more com plete than over be fore, hut there is a character about our goods that you will recognize as dis tinctly high grade. Vou cannot men tion anything we ought tto have that is not there. We shall be * glad to have you get Pro scriptions filled They’ll be ust right Smith’s Pharmacy This Brunswick daily news Wednesday, august 29, 1900, 81BV COVERED IS Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Unless Hands Were Tied—Wasted toaSkeieton — Awful Suffering: for Over a Year—Grew Worse Under Doctors — Skin Now Clear, WOULD HAVE DIED BUT FOR'CUTICURA. ‘‘My little son, when about a year and a half old, began to have sores come out on his face. I had a phy- sician treat him, but, the sores grew wr w ~*X.iS worse. Then they If __ _ 1 began to come on cf •<!> ; his arms, then on 't i other parts of his b°dy, and then ono /yfe %camo on his chest, ' ‘worse than the -// iFM li n °'. ,iers - J Uru V’ 111 !- ed anotner physi cian. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in cloths art night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the Mesh, “lie got, to be a mere skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My Aunt advised me to try Cutieura Soap and Ointment. So great, was her faith in it that she gave me a small piece of Soap to try and a little of the Oint ment. I took it home without any faith, but to please her 1 tried it, and it seemed to dry up the sores a little. “I sent to the drug store and got a cake of the Soap and a box of tho Ointment and followed the directions, and at the end of about two months the sores were all well. He has never had any sores of any kind since. “He is now strong and healthy, and I can sincerely say that only for your most, wonderful remedies my precious child would have died from those terrible sores. 1 used only ono cake of Soap and about three boxes of Ointment. (signed) Mrs. Eg bert Sheldon, R. F. I>., No. 1, Wood ville. Conn, April 22, 1905." Complete External anti Internal Treatment for Every Humor, from Pimples to Scrofula, from Infant > to Age, Consisting of Cutieura Soap, •Joe., Ointment, ih , Resol vent, iAtc. (in form ..f Chocolate Coated Pills, L’Ac. per vial 0)1 Htn, may In* hud of ati (Jrucr.Uu, A•• getoifeu .'uren I’ouer UriijrxCheni. Corp., Sole Props., liostpn l'rec,“ How to Cute liaby llu wo t*." We carry THE stock of flooring, siding and ceiling. Brunswick Plan ing arid Forwarding Company, Tin work of all kinds and condit ions promptly done. Cobb & Wheelon IIS Newcautale street ’J)e; / hon WinHT TO A IMS ( SAVANNAH & Wlvn I 1<J j MONTGOMERY. VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY, w J'.STHOIIVI>. LtVHMMM). Leave Savannah 5.00 I‘. M. Leave New Orleans It. 25 A. M Arrive Helena 0.15 I*. M. , .. Arrive Abbeville 10.10 J>. M l "' av '‘ * ~T 1 • M Arrive Coriiele 11.10 p. M | Leave Montgomery 7.45 P. M Arrive Americas 12.45 A. M. Leave Lumpkin 11.54 S*. M Arrive Riehland .. 2.00 A. M Leave Riehland 12.10 A. M Arrive Lumpkin 2.22 A.M. j Leave Artteiieiis 1.40 A. M Arrive Montgomery 0.45 A.M. l eave Cordele .4.15 A. M Art Ve hirt'iin . . . 10.40 A .ill Leave Ahheville 4.20 A. M. , ... ... Leave Helena 5.15 A.M. Arrive Vw Orleans (>.oi I. M. Arrive Savannah. t) 30 A. M. Train will consist of PULLMAN lUJKI'KT IS LEKI’I NO TARS, Dayt'oa lies between .Savannah and Montgomery without enange; inakimr dose oniineelion ai Montgomery with all lines diverging for Pensaoola Molule, New Orleans and all Western polnis; Hit niingliam, M< iniihiMl. Louis, Nash ville, Chicago and all Northwestern points; tin. .SHORTEST LINK to Montgomery, New Orleans, itirinimrhani and the earliest arrival at these points. At Savannah dose connection is made lor all KA.STKKN POINTS, Uiehmond, Wash’ ington, New York and. with Coastwise Steamships for Ualtlmore, rhiladelpliin, New York and Hoston, Let sleeping car reservations and full information from any SKADOAIU) Agent, or write to t utiu.i s I . S ITI W tHT, A ms!, (leiieral Passenger Agent, Savannah, Georgia. PETITION mft PARTITION- j The National Hank of Brunswick' vs. Joseph Ftfledlander. Petition for i part Mon. hi the Bupefrior oourt i of Glynn county, Georgia. Decem ber term. 1906. To the Dofeml-u t. Jos- 'ili Friedlander. . Take notice that a petition has filed bv the-plaintiff, Thi* National- Bank of Brunswick, against you in the ehovu proceedings and a hearing : has been set before the juilg© of. said court at chambers at Baxley, Georgia, on the 27th. day' of Octobe--. 1906, sai-1 cause being returnable in due course to the next term of said Superior Court, to he held in and for said county on she first Monday in Psvember, 1906; and you are hereby commanded and required to he an i appear before said judge at Chambers at the time and place aforesaid, an 1 j thereafter at the next term of said Superior Court as aforesaid, to an swer said petition, as in default there of the court will proceed as to jus tice Shall appertain. Witness the Honorable T. A. Par ker. judge of said court, this 28th, day of July, 1906. H. F. cJu Dlcpion. Clerlt Superior Court Glynn Count ! Georgia. THE BRUNSWICK RESTAURANT *. NEW FROM START TO FINISH. OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 12 NIGHT. SPECIAL RATES TO REGU LAR BOARDERS. ALL THE MARKET AF FORDS ALWAYS ON HAND H. E. IVERSON, Tel. 32!. Prep. nititi to f'ahUo tfcukm, Never refer pityingly to the poor. This brands you at once as a dema gogue. Never say anything respectful of corporate wealth. In so doing you lay yourself open to the charge of be ing a hired man. Never use slang if you want respect afclo people to take stock in you. Nev er use pure English. The masses hate prigglahness. Never talk straight to the point. You will he accused of taking yourself too seriously. Never toll funny stories. They lead to the suspicion of chican er}-. Never praise “our forefathers.” An cestry iw-ide is disgusting. Never ap peal to the “sturdy immigrant leaven In our midst." It riles the old families. —Newark News. . Isifr** \f*hl<*vfYnent. It has been said that success consists In getting that at which one aims, and being happy its I!. Each one should have an ideal of what is to he the ex pression of his or lmr life. If this is at tained la come degree such a life may be called successful. Hence, the sue uessfu man or woman is the one who has succeeded fairly well in shaping the actual life in accordance with the Ideals’of life. This requires a strength and persistence that call for continual struggle. It 'forms the highest achieve ment of life. Rulwer well says that the man who succeeds above Ids fellows is the one who early in life clearly dis cerns his object and toward that ob ject habitually directs his powers.— From "Vital Questions,” by b>r. Henry D. Chapin. I Do General WALL PAPERING DO YOU WANT YOUR HOME DECORATED IN THE LATEST UP TO DATE STYLE? IF SO CALL ON ME AND I WILL SHOW YOU MY SAMPLES ®F WALL PAPER. I WILL DO YOUR °APER HANGING, PAINT ING, GRAINING, STAINING, KALSOMINING AND PICTURE FRAMING AS GOOD AND AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE CAN AND LIVE. DROP US A CARD. J. M, Wilson 602 MONK STREET. 9rke ef %eer THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER To Dealers per Barrel $10.50 To Consumers SII.UO ANHEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $.9.50 To Consumers SIO.OO PABSTCELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers $ 9.50 To Consumers SIO.OO EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER To Dealers i $lO ?u To Consumers •- $10.50 EXPORT • $ 8.00 9. Jiewman , 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. We HAVE A FEW BICOND HAND FANS (AS GOOD AS NEW) WHICH 'WE ARE SELLING AT $5.00 TO $9.00. CUPFLY LIMITED. SEE U3 AT ONCE IF YOU V. ANT ONE. WE ALSO HAVE A SUPPLY OF BRAND NEW FANS flutual Light & Water Cos. FOR SALE Six Hundred Thousand Acres Virgin Pine Timber, in Ga. and Fla, ALSO TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ACREB TIM .ft READY FOR SAW MILL PURPOSES, HAVING BEEN BOXED, H LB LOCATED FOR PURCHASERS. ADDRESS Southern Land & Timber' Jo P. O. BOX. 177, BRUNSWICK, GA. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Get in Touch With the Rest of l BY HAVINB A BELL TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF outhern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Cos., AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW