The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 31, 1906, Image 3

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f'HMER COMFORT '' jiiiii i'~' "i* us To make our price possible, we -CLWteGARVEY. 31 NEWCASTLE STREET !| have succeeded TOILET AKTiCLKS you will undoubted- Not alone is the as smut mo co gemr sortment more com plete tbun ever be fore, but there Is a character about our goods that you will Smith’s ,Pharmacy J. B. DAVIS, '3m E. F. TAYLOR 04VIS & TAYLOR \ 0 m Livery Feed and SaleStaftle HEAVY DRAYAQE, '*STOCK FOR SALE. PROMPT HACK SERVICE Cora and D Street* Phone ? fa - MALLORY LINE Direct s '.c between New York and Brunswitl iY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORK AT 1 i M. SAILIN 1Y FRIDAY FRIM BRUNSWICK Tl SUIT TIDE. Lowest i*nd Unsurpassed Pjjisspnire'- comment km* A*aiy tl W. M. fUPPER * Cp.. or C. H. MALI.ORY 4 CO„ Tr * Jkftwte ftruneiulek. G. M Burling 110. New York,, We ReM onev if you are Not Benefited WWB" f 3py v j/ I jKQnHaHMRMV* An El ; / {V /j * v i Cu <SMftiJ2jisjfctoD*:hial and ffcS- ‘ ' './. V "j H a. ■ ,-|-' ; # *‘. '-"^t,. >'..'.v ,w., i*/ .*. -< ;*.'■ ;•.j-j;^l|rg• ;;j-, 5, e - v 1 •-. Ww£j\ y *’4f■ l y rf-'<W ’ ;K Sv t’ %£J IT' . ’ y/ il-j . j -!ftf■ ’*■<•-'*'-'•••y : /ffl'r sj>i-v;s}j^K&mnm T I ■i p :, ■.;. ;. if: ?■■ if A--' f#-v.Vt. , ■.*>•.%.■■ * If: ?lb [> . Jw,' ■*■'# I'-.-k- > t.f v,. , < il v ;*. ’! * \ * / \ % Tl * * % m mSk , <-• r, ✓ , ri k • <,&,* ~ -}(p w* Pni WraE?* a r' *r TH* Wlims :K OATtY NEW* FAItSAY AUGUST 31, 19C6 - a m cm WJTH W Would Scratch and r the Flosh Unless Hands Were d—Wasted ':oaSkeleton —Aw' jfferingfor Over a Year—Grew orse Unier Doctors—Skin No. ,'!ear. WOULD HAVE DIED ,■ BUT FOR CUTICUBA. A “My ntttr sun, when about a yes? “sad a half old. he,, u v hgvi* aa&gt come out on ins fane. I had a phy sic tor. ttegi Uiui* Tv but ihe in< gr-w kr ~ worse#} Then they If „ —1 • began. o eeme on 2 <£'l ids arms, then oa \ j other parts of his body, and then one Sv¥~. on his chest, SS3Bb'^ orstl than tho /i iT ; Y others, Then I call , '“.jW ed another physi cian. Still be grew worse. At tin- end of about a year and a half of 'offering be grew so bad 1 had to tic his hands in cloths frt. night to keep him from scratching the sores |tn! tearing the flesh. ‘•lie got to bo ft mere skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My Aunt, advised me to try Oatirur.a Soap and Ointment. So groat Wtu her faith in .it that iho gave toe a tpoaU piece of {Soap to try and a little* of the Oint -■'l Burnt. -I tool; ■: Tv".; i,,mi! oy ! i % itsoemed to dry tip the sores' a little. “ 1 sent to the drug store and jjsi a cake of the Soap am! box of tea Ointment and followed the di'wt and at the end of h. a; ’v i • ribs the ■rores v. • ; .;!> \ '■ . I never had any sores ol . - kind simv. *' II- ! J'f • $ -and I can sincerely snv thal only ft , your . • m precious child would i-- diid from those terrible sores. 1 used only one cake of Soap and rJviv 1 thru- boxen of Ointment. (sir. i: Mr* Hu bert Sheldon, R. !•'. 1.-.. Xv. 1, Tood viile. Conn, April d-f, l‘t" ' CooipU-tf Etonfl! it mi IrU-yk- i ■mmcrit Every nmuor, Irf.n -*:•'! - i> Serf.. • lr.*n. t. a o, co:iict!og of Outwore. Si.ip, •& . ‘it., sum, , H aol vrm.Wc. (tnf >‘ nn.f o!v‘E>Lu’' r.. n • :■ ■ • laj Of Of'.. tn\V lit! ;:*d Of a!: draggitts. A .ingr*#i-t Mf.eit rS. Putler Drugi.< iin.> V >.,Sulv l'r •!>.. lbiktoti. jaaTMolieti Free, 1 ' U.'v.' to Cvrt iJvtby -timeon*.' Wo carry THE stock of flooring, siding and coiling. Brunswick Plan ing and Forwarding Company. Tin work of all kinds and roudit ,on# promptly done. o<>bb A Who. ir, CIS> . Et.rsmt "fefnnliau NIGH!' ?RAIJ*JS I VIA SEABOARD i AIR LINK RAILWAY. 9 / • - litH ItOI \ll. % " ", '■ !! ' 1 S.tK! 1* ■ Leave New Orleans 0.25 A.M. * Ant-.- ti• ;• .in, -,l if. Arrive A1,,!.. ........ .. IlmniiiKliain....... ..... 1.20 P. M \irivr . ordt-ie )J i , | Leave Alouigoinery 7.45 j*. M Amy. A m-.rlcu • 12.'45 A. M I o v Ltmipklti 11.64 l’. M A e if I-'-rv; llielihind.. 12.18 A. M Ar ■ •*!! ekit, I •„ . M i '-ave Ametlcu* 1.40 A. M t iti ve 1.-, nil ham. lij 4h A M ] I-cave Aldieville 4.2ftA.5l , I "ive Helena 5.15 A M V" : " ' ’ •"' *’• fV ,i Arrive hi vunuali 9 80A.M. Vill ee... ) , nl i;f I, i, MA N KT ■■ LKKi’I NO (.'A 118, DayCoiches between Kavunuali ami M bill-mm e,-y Wit In >,: eiiangr; m.ihing -■lo.-e ei-mi.y. -m at Menlg-iiiierv with all line- diverging for Pensacola, 7 ■>!);,. New Oil- -II- am; aj A . ;><• - ; liii iiiiigliam, ,\!em)iiiis, Hi. Louie, Ntfslivflle, ('iiicago and ali ..nrri'X' t -rn )im in !Oli l'l-HT f1 V • In Miuilgomery, New Orleans, Blrmiturhum and the earliest arnv.i i -e-■- ... ,i M:• . van nail \ lose emmeei nm is tieele for all KASTKItN I'O t NTH, Uielnnond Wash inctem, >■ \ \ rn-; i a ills i aistwl-e K(eainshl|i-.-. fur lin Iti more, i liiladeljiliia, New York and Boston. ’ Gt si-, eping e r . t —hi; e arid full inliiniiat-ioi: from any MKA lIOA 1! I) Agent, or write to nUKI.I S r. STHWART, 1 Asst. (Jeneral Passenger Agent, Savannah, Georgia. petition for Partition Th# National Bank of Brunswick vs. Joseph Friedlander. Petition for parfWioa. In the t-upetrior oourt of Glynn county, Georgia, Decem ber term. 1906. Ttaßhc Defendant, Josep! Pric -Hander. Take notice that a petition has b- i tiled by the plaintiff. The National Bank of Brunswick, against jou in the above proceedings and a ii-.aring; has been set before the judge of' said court at chambers at Bax’.ej, 1 Georgia, on .the 27th. day of October. 1006. said cause being returnable in, due ycourse to tk* ne*i t> rm of said SuppHi.f Court, to be held in and for, said county on the Srsi .\6onday in 1 December, 1906, and you arc hereby, com;,landed anu required to ire ani appear before said judge at eluunbera at the time and place aforesaid, aud thi reaftcr at the next term of said Superior Court as aforesaid, to an i swer said petition, ns in default there-] of the court will proceed as to jus-, lice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable T. A. Par kqr, judge of said court, this OSth. day of July, 1906. H. F. du Bignon, Clerk Superior Court Qlyuu Count Georgia, THE BBIINSiiOK RESTAURANT NEW FROM START TO FINISH. j OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 12 NIGHT. 3PECIAL RATES TO REGU LAR BOARDERS. • ...ALL THE MARKET AF FORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. H. E. IVERSON, Tfll. 82 5. Prop. isnti to Hblte>laken. Never refer pityingly to the poor. This brands you at ouce as a dema gogue. Never say anything respectful of corporate wealth. In so doing you l -y yourself open to tho .charge of be ing a hired man. Never use slang If youvwnnt respect able people to take stock'in you. Nev er use pure English. The. masses hate priggishness. Never talk straight to the point. You will be accused of taking yourself too seriously. Never tali funny stories. They lead to the suspicion of chican ery. Never praise “our forefathers.” An cestry pride fs disgusting. Never ap peal to the “sturdy immigrant leaven In our midst.” It riles the old families. —NewarhaNcws !JfeN AoftieTemrnl. It has been said that success consists In getting that at which one aims, and being happy in it. Each one slim;ld have an ideal of what is to tie the ex pression of Ins or her iite. If this fs at tained tn winie degree such a life may be called successful. Hence, the suc eesafu! man or woman is the oue who has sucoeedgfl fairly well in shaping tlio actual life In accordance with the Ideals of life. This requires a strength and persistence that call for continual struggle. It forms the highest achieve ment of life. P.ulwer well says that the man who succeeds above bis fellows is the one who early In life clearly dls -eras his object and toward that ofo lect bnbbuaily directs his powersy- Fr-om Vital Questions,” by Dr. yunry D. Chapin .<■"> 1 Do General WALL ’ PAPERING DO YOU WANT YOUR HOME DECORATED IN THE LATE6T UP TO DATE STYLE? If 80 CALL ON ME ANP 1 WILL SHOW YOU MY SAMPLES OF WALL PAPER. 1 WILL DO YOUR PAPER HANGING, PAINT ING, GRAINING, STAINING, KALSOMINING AND PICTURE FRAMING AS GOOD ANB AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE CAN ANO LIVE. DROP US A CARD.. J. M. Wilson 602 MONK STREET. 9riee %kt cf %e( THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER To Dealers per Barrel $lO To Consumers n ANHEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $.9.50 To Consumers sio 00 PABST CELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers $10.50 % To Consumers $ll.OO THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers $ 9.50 To Consumers slo.oo EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER To Dealers sin.Qu To Gonsumers $10.50 EXPORT „ *B.OO 9. Jiewman, 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. FANNING TIME WE HAVE A FEW SECOND HAND FANS (AS GOOD AS NEW)' WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT $5.00 TO $9.00. SUPPLY LIMITED. SEE US AT ONCE IF YOU WANT ONE. WE ALSO HAVE A SUPPLY OF BRAND NEW FANS j Hutual Light & Water Cos. FOR SALE Six Hundred Thousand Acres Virgin Pine Timber, iif Ga. and Fla ALSO TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRFB SEo°FOR AW pu”HAaMl O “DDRESS N * B ° X “ Southern Land & Timber o P. O. BOX. 177, BRUNSWICK, GA. OPERA-'HOUSE BLOCK. 5, Get in Touch With thickest of \ *Y HAVINC A BELL TELEPHO In Your Home, Your OffiJW, Your CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF “ oi!%rn Sell telephone and teifpp • TELL YU HOw\