The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 06, 1906, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY .NEWS VOLUME 5, NUMBER 256. Tem? ill lo Begin Work in City Undfifi tho illd Befr franchise fit !HE ATUfifA COMPLY _ m Mayer Hopkins Says Ail Arraaoements Have Been Matte l and That Active Work is 5 Soon to Becjin. .-In i .inure -1 I||. ip.' '• ' 'l> cifl A ft ft ijLiut,’. 1' 1 as ik>s j ifeffitnyK •• ( e.ii ami "is 'nr * * I/ " S W "Wwi*' Kpl ||- ’ Ifv^^fcLto.''a , -i etjLud i ■ ■> .'if*' ■ Vj, e j" n'T. -ti :/ - ; 'i- i -V .' ' STOLE A BIG ROLL ♦ T Negro Woman on St. Simon Swiped a Pocketbook ▼ Officer Sam Goins yesterday arrest ed on St. Simon Aildie Snells, a negro woman, charged with stealing a uoek etliook from Mrs. I’. W. Seovilte. who was conducting a boarding house oh the island. The pocketbook contain ed $lO9. The robbery occurred several days ago, and as soon as the money Was missed Mrs. Seoville notified Officer! Goins, who has since been at work on the case. He had little difficulty In obtaining a clue, but finally learn ed that the negress. wlto hail bei-n working about the house, stole the money and the arrest was - made yes tearday. The money has not us yet been recovered but Officer Goins hopes to get it within the next few | days. FOXV GRANDPA" LAST NIGHT A Good Sized House Witnessed Open Ing Performance. The theatrical season was opened In Brunswick last night, the bl'l being Foxy Grandpa, Despile the nn issuullj hot<weathv n good sized house was , present to witness the perfor mance. The company meastifc and up in many ways to the advance reports receiveu hero of it. There were s number of attractive features, some new and en joyable specialties were introduced. The chorus was most too rmiiH. bni it was pretty well trained and some of the music was new and catchy. The costumes were ail new and prei tv,, while the stage effects, scenery, etc., was appropriate to tin- play. Manage# Felan ha# made several Chritigcs at the opera house. One of the most fmjiovtarn announcements is that •'♦ho 1 curtnfff wlffTto up-{wompfl - at Ji,3® o’clock at every perfoi maie and those arriving after that time will have to take back seals until ai ter the first act. Inist uigbt nea-:, llialf the audiense arrived late and annoyed the players and spectators (in moving about the house., it does seem that the theater-goers could ar rive on time, when they know Unit, ■site curtain is going up puniiptly ai ar,d Assistant Treasurer Warsbip fill frobabfy 4ie Sent tor Shicap Bank President IS \l K II MOBOSOO Authorities in Washington Were No'i tied by the Sultan Yesterday That, the Prisoner Could be Secured. * Washington, Sept. ■' Tins sain ti* : partnnin today received tnlvi -s on, tin' ~nlf.itn of >tWH ' ; sawing Us' United Slates that, ha nahati.' object mu tv!. • • <l<mt #u n kind. .s' Its t(rli;,. Vti' wanin'.' Vvenne Think. ('hi nisi was arrested in this rit.v a Ww (lay ago. While no (Ifsinila uiinouncottuiu; was made liy the oflh i.' s In toda it is believed that the rorptw i of ill s Officials of Chb aso to scud a warship for Sit'tfslaud will'bn raut<l „i>. th government U was staled tin .somclidny would lie done \vittiin the next tew days. WILL GO TO QUINCY. MASS. Bev. Wyllys Rede Accepts a Call to That City. The news, has just weir and till.- eit that Rev. Wyllys Rede, former rector of SI. Mark’s Rpiscopal etmi'i h, is accepted an invitation fvopi tiie-nii,;-, -ShWrihv.' (if' Tiro '•dftkew.De (of -'■'ifcrkw.-i to become dealt of tiie oalVteiTVal at Quincy, ill. 11 Is understood that th! invitation vras receive 1 by fv. Rede last Barter "ml tftai lie has l ad it tin der cousidt ration, together with r;i 1) scvrrjggknnrhes mtci’ # ■ it. will o fdo t *i hint" eiifHi and b.O itlil b>; work immediately date Hig peril inn at (Juiee;, will !”■ u;i“ •• j I large Influence and nsef - . I ii j a live and. fir i pea-i i' f I !(i,ono . and siiiv eons re ion i- urn atrougiest in that section and the stao having a • ’tiiiicrshlp of about GuO. Mi- Rede i; ,1. native of Qiilin an I thus will return to his birth place and lake il'- hi: ministry there ___. A NEW FORCE AT THE GRAND Tickat Takers, Ushers, Etc, Were on Defy Last Night, Quill a inre - inimb' V of e mint' lll’lii " Ml • | Grand opera house anil the new forhtf BF. NSWtCK, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER G. 1906. t§ m ii flu TfiJSIIi! Qi till iLSITMiJ 1 E, IL & 4. 11l Soon Bars s 'large fo ca ,i : Work Here mi mm lane New that the Rom 13 Naming Di mingham tiic Company will Have Terininais T fished to Accomodate Business. S’Yoit may >ay fliaf witliin th-.- next W Weei. ■ I.age foi u wifi Ii put ■ w>n'i a 11. 1,-rniiuni-i of the At 'a. t;iimil. -m and AtJ.iniw rail dJl\Un,u:-w.|: ami that will i will rapidly until 01.n,x>li•- • od.” ' Tills wan the si a 1 .1 mt ui * to a ! Ne ,-; reportcr'•ycsl-'i’da,l liy an 011 l I mi (if , Idle above toad who li.hi evi -1 -il > just ieeeive.l some Information | o!i (lie subject. "fou knew',’ ho continued, “the 00m iiany never iiifi-ad-.-ii to have the lei ; aiinals' completed until tiein,- ,a ! opor.itlon to liiimlngliam, and Uns i'Ove nil the Irilim-el-K lhai eenld be ; acini red wen- rushed to the atone of • •xielision a id wouderliil piece ot 1 • and building lia;-- been done on the ■in 1 is aim .11 m .by tie fhst’O 1 lie year iho man'.wlil ; h 00m le(ed i > Hiruiin:;h?.ni. There bile .11- OVilie, will now pay uapgn-., ,ial at’,, itlon 10 Uie totiuiusjs ,• ie ~.vv : , ; w .o ,' j ■ t’V) i-ie win!: has; adv heeh' im a itbttt the next few weeks the Id;, i dfn .Atlanta will rotten* a. large men will hr put to ve rk building tie Wharves, wn-rehmirien, ietr„ and the work will be* purl. and ns rapidly as j lurve-f'ile. I ti-i IMi t), ; the flint ol tit. •'<.ar the !• ; nin ils in Until' wiei, ..ill be snlTlfh illy ioutputted i.o accomodate the in < n of ih mad. "1 under; litn.l (hal a dwtl has Iwo ejua.b,' iili the inn)! util agefll ol I | i iV-.l Win ill. nil tv a, III I. y will be . and ill ; ||. to mine 1 work. All the . Hirers secure, jby the mad fremtofoi-" have been pip. ip : ini, Un next crowd will coin, to engage in tor to in at v. ork.” As is W'll known Vi.. little worn bits .on ipdur. on siw the dredge Atlantic* loft port, ns il las been al most Impossible to s's-uve lahover., but now ns the mad . nearing ■' the yfUaitama metropolis and through ] it.tlii will soon no in operation be j tween and tJiunlnghAm ;tit, company will have to hustle with it mtimmoth ienuinnbt in order to j take cure of the iminoi.m business. IP HIM '• m " i I'" t.t.i ■ 'i .vi (*■ "r 1,1 I,l B< '* ■ -‘is / | J|j§' V, s!*. :l ■h V M. f. m r fefJMP' Hp ■ IHH f ®r • 1 ii .i .1 • ■ "V- I HV iiiiii r. in r• ■ i. I! Mb .. jd^SwWHS^L^.' —♦ — iiiiw Believed Thai Backbone a! Hal Spell Has been Broken Nil IM BF THE STORM Believed That it Has Either played out or Taken a Different Course—The General Conditions 1 "i.'ouli 1 weather wRh nc • ix.'o.ial how ’■ i Hn forecast of tin-wcath -1 mail who ,> < Hi U ’tie wimtlih was very much imsellleil in flic north and there was liable to he some con] vveaihi’i- hero. In Ibe general condition of the 1 -ilher. issued yesteiday, tin:: wenlh er observer calls attention to the Mml of weather that was being feit b> the people of the north and mi Idb we and There is rain coming in this diiaction and thou the temporalum i forecasted lo go lower than il is PI.) v, Tiio teim r rat lire yesteiday was on an average of about what il has been ally liny during the past few weeks and il is dot. fri be regretted if 111" temperature does go to a point that is lower than where it. has been hov ering for some time. During the mid dle of the day the tlurinomeler Juis .been, pin. ing .in % dnude, fjfia, i,iin<a j}. happen CRWSWS.4.-A; th? a lAyirir, ' ll that iiigiNujup. 1; AIM: (Piriiig thy -minor. 'ldle maxinmiu temperature yenter day was rl and tiio loweat 7H. Ilow > v< 1 Hie hjuuidiiy was great and llii and (In# ini ease discomfort of viiich many complain, j No further traces old, he severe j ■,(oriii repiyrled Tuesday was receive,l ' .1 1 liir. or! yesterday and vessels will go lo sea today. It is believed Ilia; | tin storm Inn either played opt, ms i a i.lie’ll a different puuvse and n | 111 leer of if i.-, no felt ai SOUHI AI 1 lautic ports A BRIDE THIRTEEN YEARS OLD Is Torn From Her YoutPful Husband in North Carolina. Raleigh, N., s.—WilHm Ito Well, IS yours of :iyrr* lias been sc.i nratert from Ills bride of two days, win* was thirteen year of igo in May. They fled from Way no county, near ihis city, on Inst Tuesday afternoon and went to Kingston, where license was obtained, and tliov vent tea nide.i further where a may!strafe maritoP then. Permit of Hi,’ hride. who was N.m nte Hinson, wns iniule l>y. tier father and she was talon hone. A trial held before Magistrate ! flic’ll flißdrrey lo.s.'pit'aki life iwr and lie pi at Ihe cti ;p to lurtge Web who minted a separation. No'ainjr was done to Howelt. who imaile mi agreement with th? pill’s lather that lie would make no further effort Oi see her. They parky! will! a farcwejl kiss, she \y'vh ia>rs in her eyes and Howell seeming in he resigned to his ill fortune BRYAN’S HOME CITY TO M-fctiT HIM WITH ARMS G'Cat Preparations Being Made for His Arrival. Uneoln, Neb,, Sopl Elaborate preparations are belny, made for the | reejßptwn ad entertainment of Wit | limn Jennings Bryan when ha retting to hiu home city next week. The njM't date of his arrival has not as fixed as there Is still some uncßhiuty concerning his movements after having Chicago, Origins Ik the arrival of Mr. Bryan was mt for today but it. 'be-ame i\ec postpone the date, prop-, • .% f% .j on jay <• I ,ie ay. e the M '■ ‘ BuNn.*. 1: hiHe.l alii 1 "" £<• M f, ‘p.'b ' I MANY TO ARRIVE 4 Immigrants are Now Headed for the South Colum'lilna, S. G\, Sept. 5. —A tele gram was received last night from Uuinted StrtYalPlm migration Inspect or Watson saying that he had secur ed tl\p consent of the North German Lloyd management to make Charles ton n port of call, and land ininil grant ships there direct Com Europe It is a very gratifying bit of infor mation and is read with great pleas ure by the business interest here and throughout the state. The establishment of the line wilt affect not. only the Immigrant, prob bun which has been been puzzling, but also the transatlantic freight sil nation in this part of the south. The shipment of cotton and cotton goods ’to Eurpoo amounts to four hundred million dollars, and Charleston may be xepeeted to .get a good portion ot* the business under the change. And the cotton mills of this sec non will welcome the lino as a moans of getting their products ahroan quicker and cheaper. Freight in sev eral other respsccts will he affected and the cotton mill managements wel come the news its promising a relief I the labor problem they are wrest ling with. A REIDSVILLE BOY KILLED BY DEPUTY Reidsvlile, On..' Rept, 5.--E. C. El more, deputy sheriff of Tntuall count.v sliot and Instantly killed Jess't Britnch a young white hoy about 12 veins of age, here lasi night. Deputy Elmore, together with Branch and two other joung men, lyopt to the house of a negro to msL bini on .a wavnyit., sworn out. bi' lfranch. tije three -e. n 'around tho art* deiiumdeii tne negro ’ T%T fj(?gr.v tried to escape through a window, ■aliich caused both Elmore and Branch to run to that end of the house, and inch thinking th,. other was the ne vo both raised their pistols. Elpitire ifred shooting Branch through ike breast. . Elmore Is prostrated with grief in Oise of the sad accident. Body of an Italian With Many Wounds in His Neck Was New A'ork. Sept. 5.- The body p atl Italian with a number wf gliastley wounds in ills neck and breast was iu a section of the woods mar .iamalca, p I. There was no ign of a weapon and no traces or a strugfile Tiie police dedileil after a cavetul study that the murder re sembled in many respects the famous barrel murder mysterj and others that have followed it. In wh of the cases anil that of the victim after Hie imiuU-f was carried from I lie scene pj the crime and the body disposed of in some lonely spot. Each of the viclims were of Italian Up-th and death had been caused, 'ny staii blne. "Black liand FAttisjcr" itSWi on tin verdict nf the police and they have generally tried in vain to unravel Hie mystery surrouding the cases. The victim of today’s crime, like ■Most of the ethers, is unidentified The, is that of a man of alKiut 4d v< age. Laborers Scarce. AltO.Uugh the contractors are paying Die regular scale of wages, tile work ou Glynn county's now court house b botng somewhat delayed by a sc:;, inly of hands. This tlie case I and if the vagrancy lwrs m en forced to the Jotter it. wow lie. There are hundreds uegrMmand some whites "too, around' day B_ or i fHf ' is . hi -Miiim. " : $" ■ ’■ 1 . > ' • ! no m. ... ,B| PRICE FIVE GENTS. HI BE PAVING IIL STfiEEI New Ciiy Ordinance Will Cos 1010 Effect in a . Tew Days WORK am IfiEil WAY All Property Owners on the Street Will be Required to Pave in Front of Their Premt***— To Enforce Ordinance. Within Uie next sixty days it is more Ilian probabl” fliar Union street will b" paved from one end to the other, ami it will Li in far u ie .i.rettiest Mieei in Brunswb-k or in this sec- UOll of Uie stale, in many parts of the street the paving has adready com meneeii. l he city ordinance, passed by coun cil some time ago, requiring all prop erty owners along the street to jiavo in front of their premises be comes effective in a f,w days and will be rigidly enfoi\ ed. Ac is weU known, council had before it man ' weeks before it was -finally passed and it id ways had some opposition, on thd g: bund that many of the Union street prokihi.y owners were tot financially nave juot M this Uiua, But ■Ctjuncil itetermiued to iiiiproxo. this iKipittir residence street anc the ordinance was passed. It requires that, tl reef be paved within sixty da -a! . the ordinnne becomes rffeetive nd ails for c ment blocks to bed. ilw aUi. walks all adong the sir-et will >b b-lae.’iu, thLajime material "u h used and w lli(.‘ paving is CCC pleted lire be one ot tl rfi'dflj^H.e. It is exp- a number the propi rt , e will not pavi the ree e ike ordlnc provide in iff Ii cases the shall h.t\, Mn> done. Ex tious will In the • ers and the inuA* > collected. While this 1 T*li‘ta.nce will wc hardship on mmV people, at the time 11 wilt be \ ood city, and it is hojtefiLAhat. the . will be dime u much tl Sea Watt Makes life *iw safe in t as (an the, higlier uplands Goodioe. who resides oil Dutt in Waco, Texas, needs no s safety. It* writes: ‘*t hav King’s New Discovery for tlon for the past live ye; keeps them well and safe, time I had a cough which ~ > had been growing worse n_w . gone.” Cures chrdnio cougl.s, la. croup, whooping cough an prevents pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guaranteed a t Smith’s Pharmacy. Price 50 and SIOO. trial butt loh free. ■, . / . Ir, Self Defense. Major [Tamm, editor amt manager of Hie Constitutionalists, Eminence Ky., when he was fiercely attacked four years ago by piles, toughl a bo* o! Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, of which h" says: “It cured me in ten days and no trouble since ” Quickest hea* et i*l burns, seres, cuts anil wounds Twenty-five rents at Smith's Phar niacy. , — _—-— j The Weather forecast foi today Georgia: showers along the coast §Lf Concatenation of H^Hooe. oi the muring of tliff HKtMW Assoeta ’, of C’oncat feflß Of Lr . .be South Bl ii > 'Vpf T ' ’ • All, I*o 0 WM ' •""! ’• and wit I !■ •’•In;; Ok' .born;- B', . it B’d'ui cal! on Bgomaa, geuera \Beer. Jfcjad l’.f*;i