The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 08, 1906, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY '.NEWS. VOLUME 5, NUMBER 258. TIES REACH A Hi PUCE —♦ — They are How Bringing from hf io 60 Ceiil Apiece ) CAN’T SUPPLY THE OEMAKD Lumber Prices Are Also Well up and There is not the Least " ar of a Slump—Why the Mills Closed Down. Croasties bringing 59 and 01 cents and #llll tiie (lumber and . rosatlo Industry in danger in Brunswick. The very idea Never before iu y of the crosstie industry 1 ° reach ed that iugh Several weeks ago h<._ . u in Tho News that ties were c05,.,.g 57 cents, tnau people now familiar with the business were surprised, but the price has advanced slightly since that time, and while many ties ait now being purchased for 58 c uts, still as high as 6u cents lias been paid tor many during the past few weeks. The crazy announcement sent broad cast that a big slump v, as expected in the lumber market unuweijl the lum bermen of this city 4inr'stated that demand for lumber today is,as heavy us it has ever been. , The closing of Ujvo or three saw mills recently was wit cnuHid by a de cline In lumber priced because ot the fact that timber * iatjds from which the logs have liefcn cut for years have about exhausted and there Was no more thnebof toi the milln j to cut for the present, The high price ties -are bringing now lion, believed that the price will not drop in weeks auc| with lies sell ing at frojn 57 to f>B cent# it is a|- naist im|sHs(bie to supply the de mand. No indeed, there is no danger of a slump in the lumber and ci'odstle business In this section. TO MAKE SUNDAY j TRIPS Steamer Hessle will go to the Island Tomorrow. While /the steamer Artaquiu has been taken off the run to St. Simon for the season, it is announced that regular trips will be made to tho beach each Sunday for some time yet, the trtpß to lie made by the fast and oomfoHfttde steamer Hessle. The schedule on Sunday will be as follows: Leave Brunswick at 9 a. jii, god 2,30 p. in. Leave St. Simon jt If q. n*. (Hid 5,30 p. m. It (g ex- that the people of the city will continue to visit the popular resort 4u)iUR ih® remainder of the season, if the hot w’eqthor contln- U(r*. i". ■■■"■ V "y 1? S’ MARiNf! IMPROVEMENTS OUT AT ORANGE PARK The people of New Town will soon have a neat little resort in their nigh borhood, where they can go out at night aud spend a few hours pies Fht7y. Orange Park, between D and u •treeu, has # been fenced in and very oon a neat band stand will foe er ected and the Atlantic hand will prob ably render occasional concerts for the people residing in that section of tiie dly. A resolution has been passed by council an kmount with which to erect Hie birni stand. A number of other im provements will be made and the park will be a place. gpecial Brvio for Colored N| e n. On acount of the National Baptist convention which convenes at Mem phis, Tenn.. next week, the Southern railway furnish a firs' class coach through from Gy-' MempMa {or the special ac tuates. the csf rutewick iit 6.50 *. n., ■ amber U, en 4 will 8° via At. wp. mid Birming ham reachtnß MemP h,e #t 7 <45 Mi ß next mornlnd . For further inform atlon call on or addrss 8. H. House man, general agent Married In Baxley v jhit r Will Ci Podge and Miss Will!'’ .Mae Brook*, of Brunswick, : U-4 |n BMtrrlai* ■** ~ Byrd, Eei■■ P" L n “.L col. Byrd Lfcom,* *£ £±£ss here ’ '"T’Vjj. PRETTY ‘HOUSES Three to Be Erected Shortly on Dart mouft St. Seems ns if the Building Boom Hns Struck Brunswick in Good Style Now. More new houses to go up. A contract was let yesterday fo, them, the* lumber vjas ordered, ami the work will begin as soon as jios siblc. Jndge j. D. Sparks yesterday stated to a News reporter that he hart just let the contract for the erect ion of three pn tty new houses or. Dartmouth street, just west of Bay- View. These houses will ire three story of twelve rooms each and will cost between three and four thousand dollars each. The worn on thorn will be push.ul as rapidly us possl hie and they will be ready for oeeu panc.v in the course of a few months The News told yesterday of a mini her of other property owners In the city who contemplated building at once, and it seems that within thirty days at least a dozen large and com fortable residences will lie in course of construction. But even with this number of new homes the demand for houses will not lie supplied There are iu Brunswick today not less than a dozen families who are pa tiently waiting to secure houses in the city and those to be erected will he engaged long -before they are lli lalied. Tho residences to be erected by Judge Sparks will he in a very dcsi - airahe location and will easily iiud renters ci mm Registration Books Will be Kept Open for a Time and All Shoulld not I Fall to Qualify. The registration books aie still open at Collector Read’s uflice at the court house and those who failed to regis ter for tho democratic primary can now qualify for the general state el ection to he held next month. It is hardly probale that many names will Be added to the -books. AH democrats registered weeks ago in older to participate in tlie pri mary. As there is no republt an ticket iu the field, the democratic nominees being without opposition, very few republicans will qualify loi the election. There are fewer ne groes registered iu Glynn county this year than ever before. Duly afloat 100 have qualified, and there will books. If you neglected to register before the l.poks clpsp. But the name of every democratic ypter in the state should be upon the books. If yu neglected to register before the primary it is your duty to go and qualify now and be able Jo Kivp the democratic nominees a vote nejjt month. The books will re lliatn Speti-mtHi 14. ’ WEEDS ARE GUI City Ha* Been Cleared of Unsightly Growth —Streets Are Now All Clean. The weeds are all about gone, ll took some good work on (he pun i the city to get rid of them, but .the unhealthy growth has been about re moved from the streets and vacant ljJts of the tit. . At a meeting of council seveial weeks ago a resolution was passed calling upon aJI vacant lot owner,- to have the weeds removed at once, The ordinance required that if ihc property- owners violate ( ty, U city would remove the weeds aud th/r. H sue executions gainst the owncis of the lots, in one oh two lnxbfn,; s th(a W9* dun®, put a U‘K B Mtjtjurity at the owners,‘to save int|ra expense, put men co work < bopplii*' fotvit U*S unsightly growth. On a.'.the sdrmta and squan%dhe city has hat Its fores ai work, eve.*- weal bar Im'l'u i-<-moved . jj|| it is slntwj’y h n"'l \ tor the rfMd|||gK ! 4sßr?nu*r 11* weeds are.-®'- W tug kplaee (or mosqnl f c-.,W . -n ft - liv "ifi iwHr |f • pfnyj[A jjfi — —4 , m -yu? ' A, 6. S a. and Ifeis Cenlial in Race for Thai City BOIH AIE liLliG HAW The Local Road is Now Only Short Distance From the Alabama . eMtropolis—Other- Line Goer, to New C' p. • Two railroads arc in, ;i construct ion ra.e to get to Jii-miuy.h ’-n \la One is th-a Illinois CVnnal nut! ; u 01 her is the A., It. K A. Tit., !o in.-r rood in. Hready pit el •. # utiiiuk in lli; non: -mi a. > , voi to lie in that i-'.-uivi by ; i- , of tho ycur. The ml. . ro. ;! is hull,: 1 ing now from Jti-ssi.-nu.--. ~ q\ mile, south of lhrmingliHr.r, to Pelham, ~|. , mill fro thut poln! (~ rti ia.t g„. : mud bait the right of way fo. ihe on tied distance. while ..ill,: will be laid from Brunswick, Ga , o Tailad ego, Ala., and Gains will lo ruimiu., in a iew luoiillis. From Talladega to Ita-yiii-’i a rou- a phi-.-. of country will he Iravi-i - i but It is proposed to open a ilcli coni field and other mines. I'n-m llesso tucr it is understood that there are two or this to Birmingham popi-r are under con.cdciutkm the most likely route to bo via JJu: icy,* tlic steel suburb Tlio hast in con structing the two liner is ..i s ,i purpose. Both lines arc to m: i bid for the unniuge of this iH:li-icf. which consists mostly of coal, coke and |r©q .el steel and the liuished produ Is of iron and steel, l &.• A in l i Idle MiflßWurlH to t 1m- A:l.i:itii Brunswick Tit all! i hi::.- a li • for.-ljTi p. Ilmm:. i mini expect t. illiUllli .1 l.i- ge . 1 ,:111. • I'. lh<‘ Gulf v ia Now Orleans. MANY NEW !ND- ■ITi-ifb | for Georgia cirif.’ The Tradesman of fact v k re ports the following new' industries for Georgia: Fitzgerald—f 15,t. '0il cpinpr- ami warehouse company. Biunsv.T k—sloo,ooo - Ic-cpltoi: sys tem; naval stores plant. i'ioga“4jyiMo—soo,ooo limber cone 4 any. Atlanta $ 15,000 worltqjpbn:- ing mill. “ • Columbus- -Brick and terra bbitn works. Will Arrive Monday. J. 1!, Abrunis, geot-rai i lanagor :>f the Aiken Canning Company will re turn to tthl.-t -city iTfitn Hollywood next Monday and wake a.-rauvnn m:, for the opening oyster fact ory. Mr. Abrams lias had a very sue eessfn! season at Hull. wood In Ids Jiuii aud ve.uQtabk' taniilup fuc ovy. Waycross Adopts the Law, Waycror.K has followed the notion or the .racksonvlllg' authorities ami now lias an ordinance which provides that all dogs seo on tin streets not raux vied must be shot. This Is done to prevent mad dogs from dot's any damage Cut !t is miller a drastic measure and a ntl) tbei of aluahle dogs have been klll'-d tiltlio. h they wero, not wad. —IW—>. e cu-i 1” earning I! Is llllller d,#MfcCuit .1 (III’: will visit the miu del of October .1 circus ,- is cannot be aseortnitwl but tho small bo'y and the ountry folk will a wad; It with pt-w'.tu-e. ■ Teachers. Meturnlng. *Tffe- taactjfci.; iiulilii .--.chgols. ftfjp npeedi: Mii.v of tbetr vacatp aim near*- all A them v. it! lie ii"un' for the openltr on Si j>: -mb- B h-—A mimhet of the teach<>r: return ed to Lie .Itv Four . Ar. !-.>• jGfJ ' jf> Mi it-: f.,0 -, u . X a Jm j&ijXu BRUNSWICK, GA.. SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 8, 1906. sisfifi&i nrfi 1? r ' mm v Compy Organized fesfsnlay to Opei ale Steameis on tiie. Ocniu'gee iiSIIS AtiU IHIEHEOTEo! | The Cortl. trly is Capitalized OIL $25,000 fid Will at Once Piace Orders for the Building of Some More Boats. A meeting was held in Macon yes - t- iiiuy by a targe number of the leatt - t nnshuva tncii for the purpose or ’ 1 11 1 -i 11, tfic Macon Navigation C'cuipany, which proposes to S|)crnle f- -nlarly a line of steamers between Macon and Brunswick on (ho Oemui r, 1 ami A, a.malia ivi rs. Tli# Macon Ncwr ol Thin.winy contained Hie fol h*wing admit Hie proposed me, ling: The Macon Navigation Company will be organized in ,-i nm s m-elin of business mi ll to lie Ik Id i:i the chamber of commerce tomorrow at t.eniom] at 5 o'clock. Officers will be elected and a charier applied foi at once. The stock books wil be 'opened for subscription aim ’h* IM'dfcers that have lit-en made up t-i ibis lime assure tin pt,j oto: | f Ute i-nli isc thut lhere v*: lie little tiiilicu : in" getting s up Ihe amou i of bi. i'll uc- shary to make rher uavipatmii a thorough success, tin.- . ital ste.-k of the cotlipuny will be ST.i.eflO, Macmi is lint the only city iutorc t td in the dev.-lopmerit of navigation on 111 Oenmi: e. Tkd link living let- tel v. a ret-eiv, and ii.v the cbamher ot commerce ibis"niornltrg: " '• *- tlawklnsviHe, pa .’Soi l, t;, 19m, Alacici Cham, er o CopimcKe, M e c ni, Ga. Gem I men: IP, followln.- ros'ilu ’ inn eas Unanlumnsly adopted at a to min (ll tt u . I fa-■: i nsviTle board ot Ir -de, August JI, 1 to wil. ''- anlv ('ll, 'l'llMl the . : mlmr otjt-omne: < b artii, endorse tiie < r t" 1 of t e Macon Cbamher n! Com merce' to male navigation 'practieni, Oil (he Ocmuigee river.’’ "One 01 interesting l’en: lire:, of the m s nu ling .Tomorrow afternoon will lie tie, rejiort of Km met Small, chainiian of Uie cbm inn lee wJiicl! has in charge - the‘experi ou.'iil of the Nan Klizabeth. Wltlle the details of Ibis report eouil not be seeitr .and In advance ol 11 ’ moellng, enough was leanicd to warrant tin- statement. t’iat theiNan demonstrated the fact thnl the River e; not only navigable but that navi gat inn can he conducted at a good profit to ilie men engaged in it. Tl.o. ligures and data of Mr. Small will show bow well the Nan has don ironi a eommer: ial slarld point are how mitcli better she, could have e in, andvr more [avertible conditions. "Tiie m,•ikh mo 'ting will not he con j in,-d 10 He- nienibei-f ■if the clumi.-ierj of commerce alone, Imt wijl bo open' lo a.lI biminess men Itipry mnn who is Interested directly '■ thd frir tnt rates to and tirmi a icon Is invited to lie present win Die meeting is called in order and -M the gain "ring (he benefit 01 'll moseiiee and olvice. "Several jiriyporji ;| e- \-e i.rey-u made to the 1 / ’ Hi ' city Hi rough ,V?r. isunei i'o it maintaining ilnvigidloll or tin it. r anil these, too, will he | admitted to the met M . for tli: ioe and aclion. ” > TO RESUtCr THEIR MEETINGS Commercijil League Wil] Hold a Ses- Ms.\on Next Tuesday tilliiy of Hie IP i fl k Cojiim- i M J ; ; \r ;* ~jp CIEIIII6 ; BE-111 61 i — l l— That lie 'i! 1 Oppose McLemion lor CammYssloner 6AS A Mi II! ill j And Says if the Themasville Man Does not Withdaw he Will De- Feai Him in the General El ection in October. • A special sent out from Atlanta yesterday says; “Tlmmrs C. Ci nsnnw e iu til,far - lor rallnmd eomniissloner, in opposi tion to the nomine,' or the stato dem orratle convention, R. C. M.-i.eiidnn | Mr. Crem-.ihaw makes formal an I luiuncenient of his eainiidacy tor rail road commissioner lo succeed .in.nyi: M Brown and called oil Seer; tav or Stale Cook today and demanded Hup his name tie placed on the blanks to ’■e 11; ol in the geliei,:! stale elect- ion, October ,7. Mr. Cook replied Ihal he did not know whether or not he would he re quired to accede to the demand of ! Air. Crenshaw as it was not in line wllli the custom in Gem ;la and Mr. Crenshaw was referred to Attornev General Hart for an opinion. Air. Hart, replied- that It was a question strictly as to wheih-r Mr. Crenshaw could get his name on th Ik-bet. He gold that any person wb 1 was had a rigid 10 run a railroad mm. ■ whether n- i unlid by the rCan or . ot. I . being I ut. up toSeeretai-' Cooi saw thy printer, who placed his nam : on the ticket... .Thp ticket to 1 e voß.nl for therefore bears the n..# of .Mr. McWmilon and Mr. Crenshaw. Crenshaw’s Announcement To I lie People of Georgia: I am a democratic candidate fm railroad commissioner at the g in , election in Oetobi r next, and i v, ask that judgement on in e.ui.lie ■ k- suspended until I can piepf.e ai issue an address to nil voters of tl state, giving them reasons for is > andidacy and why 1 should be < lee oil. I feel I will bo able 10 show tin ; people of Georgia beyond ali ques tion that Mr, S. (!. Mcl.-ulon is not a fit. and proper person to be cutru.-t --ed with mo hi and responsible ilu ties of railroad commission! r. * Conditions surrounding (he < amll dacy of Mr. McLendon justify .me in saying with the utmost donfidenca Unit unless he retires from the race before ef,etton I will defeat him . the ballot box t-wenty-tive thousand votes. Very respectfully, T. 0. Crenshaw MEN KILLED. Merida. Yucatan, gopr. 7 . -pp : ! l i: "'tin of a cabin on tho British ) ' lc ' r Halls in the port of Progress,! | lirniig t Instant death to six men yes- 1 tiiday They were In a small bout alone; We tho stefuncr, which was "■ I; : ualoaded, when several toes ot ifoxed machinery broke from HlO hoists atul crasher! down gp.mroly on top of the- small 1.v0.-t. Two wen resr-ued tin.m.vL 'it' j 8 understood i l .-,-- the boat will he detained In pore until w, official silgalion can pe made of tiio aecidi lit witlcli has ed much comment. All the dy?gd aiT Alexlcaus. I Gen. Norman Dead. XiLshville, Tend., Sept. 7. -Gen. 11. 11. Norman, adjutant gencfal of Ten le s.i aunder Governor * Buchanan, died td,;nly nl Woodbury, Canmm cottill®Modav. General Norman had just an address at a re union rtf Confederate soldiers, expir ing wlifle in tin; act <yf resutiiing his seat. During the iiplnor:!' strike at K>e,W<’reH, in which s'ate trooptd Gom-r.-il Norman waq' ■MMM tote Exploded. teltfr ' t'-'i”' 17 - - Four > pounds ■k oday as ,t \ \ a Iner'r hfni k-M . „ w 1 w vv 1 1 • * VESSELS WAITING Several ReadyforSea But Fear the Big Storm Predicted Gale Has not as Yet Been Felt Along the South At lantic Coast. Not a safTing vessel has left this l'ort since Ihe storm warning was sent out Tuesday. There are a num ber now loaded and ready to go’ til sea, Imt. the masters are waiting I’m some definite report from the hurri cane which has been raging along the Cuban coast for the past three or four days. Kvjdonily tiie storm iias changed its course and taken an inland route as several Georgia cities have re ported being hit by a gale during the past few days. Tli’e vessels in port ,loaded will waif a few days and if nothing is learned of the storm they will go to sea. DEPARTMENT HAS NOT HAD A CALL IN WEEKS Hv- miemlrers of ](he Brujnswick hre department arc having an easy, or rather a hard time of It. just now. 1 here lias not been an alarm simnd il in al least a month, and not in ’ '' in 1 months lias the department l ad to fight a blaze of any size. The memWs would rather bo kept busy 11 ’"L kiond to more alarms. DP Tex peeled that the lire loss for Hie present year will be the smallest in several years, as there has been only one or fwo eonliagrations of any ize during the year. But Few Have So Far Been Sect ir, the Local Market, Rut They Will soon be Plentiful. Wliile people on tin- (ice fields uvo Teen shooting rice birds- fur onto time, none of the toothsome lit birds have so far ’seen seen oil n" local market, but ir is expected ii,!lt '|g' restaurants will soon be ad ■’ ' Using them. Jusi now the prices of the -favorite' dish of the gourmand are high, but u a abort time almost everybody can eat ot the juicy gamy piper. While the devotees of Uie tooth 1, ,l!p i dish rejoicing at the pres enr; in tip: rice fields of the coast ot tin rieebird, not. delighted are the planters to whom the ri - is a decided pest. The hungry reed bird comes south to devour tic nourishing a fa growing rice and docs a 10t... ol 'lni- age to the crops Dice tichi re | 1 ’. roes have to be employed to tiro awn n f th flocks of lice birds with the/, big muzzle loaders half (Hied with b:ack powder. It is rather an easy job banging away in the air and tho forty cents a day thus earned conies in handy, but just the sane- tl i lile of keeping me birds 00 'the move Is great. 11 ni 11 Defunct Philadelphia Bank Is to Be gin Business With a New President.. Philadelphia, Sept. 7.—The real es tate Trust, (Company, which elosetl it dhors several wi eks ago, the pie , Ident of the hank being short a large sum of money, couimitted suicide, will open for again at once with George IL Jiv'.r, Jr., the present receiver, 'fijNj tllrectors of the bank have . 7 uL ; l,i w nirAusei veft amnaU hustne.., / ; c.' 1 , > n ... PRICE FIVE GENT#. WATCH IS KEPT Oil SIEKSUI -—f— t Officials [felt Chicago Ban Oolite ites to Coro . rail Suicide • Hf WANT iff a CHAT m He Has Been Turned Over to Representatives of the lllino Authorities and Wit! s oor Ue Brought Back. Tangier, Sepf. 7—Paul St< the'wrecker „f the Milwaukee Slate bank. Chic,:,,, who wa ‘■'l hel ° few ,lf vs ago, w; turned over to ii, e r( tivos of tile Illinois authorit Stensland i.< huing close! • o prevent him from conur cide. It is ik'lirvod that i) alone for any length ot can secure any kind of a will end his life, therefr vTateh will ho kept over 1, reaches Chicago. To Succeed Senator Foster J. \\ . Hughes, of Lmiowicl, haa teec-n nominated for senator from tha soeoid district, to succeed t’apt. J. D.: li.slei’, of Darien. || was Mclntosh’s time to name the senator and Mr’., Hughes did nol have any opposition,: Sti|| on Cumberland. Manager Miller is still on Cumber land is entertaining a number of guest al the hit.el. Mr. Miller will prol>- übly spend the winter 011 the island and will take care of all the hunters who go mere tor a few days sport Will Locate Here. Mr. C. 11. FicUcn, who travels thia territory for the National Biscuit Cos., has n , w m : ’h-’ r TS from Way cross lo Octal. (hougix he will jH; Jpt>i Ire t|,i ter- iCrnM San Domilngo Insurr, ctiort. Cape listen* Hayti, Sept 7 —& messenger ■ ■mfcy,.lm(Mht details of the capture nfAvotion/Vaa,,t t , ijomiu- Ko, i,y the i "Aurgents. At the head of uv" QueUito, Jimiuez, NauiUn and vl '/als arrived before iJajahon. \wldctt 'ag only de fended by scvontyl SVc-rument sol diers, who retired into the fort ana September 1 the town capitulated, for Robertson, New Orleans, Sept. 7.—ln the deni ora tic primaries for congressional nominations, which were held today, there was a contest in only one dis trict, the sixtli Congressman a. y Hobenhson w.<: opposed by Georg' H. Kavrot Karly returns fom. lift precinct. Throughout the distric show Robertson to tie nearly 200 vo es behind his rival. Robertson h> had terns in congress. Galveston's Sea Waff. Makes life now safe in that c ms (onj the" higher uplands. P Goodlqe, who resides on I ;, sti in Waco, Texas, needs no seawall safety. |H writes: “f have >.po(! King's New Discovery for Const Boil for the past five ye- ,s ar keeps them well and safe. Before timo i had a cough which-for , lUid been growing worse nor. gone.” Cures chronic coughs, grippe, croujr, whooping cough prevents pneumonia. Pleas ar take. Kvery bottle guaranteed Smith's Pharmacy. Price 50 ani trial bottles free. Concatenation of Hco Ho On account ot f. eatmtlug iliUtunational Association of Aa|od Order of Hco Hoos tl I rrailwiy will ’Til tickets |H'a Cl'.b 1. TANARUS„ at B i tfo t'> u !l trp. Tickets - ptiOahcr 7,8, and ' ;jdR it to feetnni leaving yjk; Vl.. jjit than S u ,>t fll nto u, > n ■y lie,-, Artes to Ba. ib ,■ wi-ek \t.s. B tiie exceeding! ‘ffiffnWWnlB I’'''' 1 ’'''' *' >'i n<l trip September i peel iO retllll! üßi, U