The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 08, 1906, Image 2

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THI BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY ► VLkRANCE H. LEAVY, Editor an h. inager. L< 116 J. LEAVY, Jr, City Edito E ERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. •* ttc Brunswick, Ga. pos •ffi> i as aacond class mall mat.ef t ASCRIPTION RATES. Tsi ns of subscription in the clt. ano by mail fres of charge to all parh of t le United Btatea and Canada, Mex Ico, Porto Rico, Guam, Philip,,.n islands and Hawaiian Islands. On* Month .50 Throe Months 51.25 Pi* Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 Notice of discontinuance of Ads and Subscriptions must be mad* t business office in writing. Tin CPHONES Pueltesa Offlct PV|*n*iat U/joiu..lH rh ' W' l * • .. .. . .*4 Th* On Mttws. .. .. .. .. ... .14. <-l.‘ tOtii .M 4,, h OiTice 20/ (ilOuvdfc .r OFFICIAL OI?QAN OF GlyuL County, Glynn County Commissioner*. The United States Court of Bank* ruptoy for th;* DistrleL Correspondence solicited, but to re jeive attention lexers must be an ec upnnled by a responsible name, no to pub iuation, but as 'a guarantee of g; i faith. tejfected communications will b re jrued If acooiupanted by postage. Remittance should be made by pus ial note, check, money order or reflstered letter, Address News Publishing Cos, Brunswick, Ga. May ! be tliose Cuban Insurgents arts lik ! the Georgia politicians—Fighting foi office. The case ol' Stenuland is another in, itratiou of he sure your sins will lTn you out. ' ho political lineup lu Brunswick tit -e days is decidedly a speculative pr losltion to sc the least of It. The effort of President Roost.veil to reverse the tariff, will probably in in the loppliq- off of the letter “f ■ lit. mucky is not represented In th 1 an tual meeting of the irrigation con gr< t. Tiint s not strange, however. Tien Jell Davis gets into the sen at there will be langiWe used that w satisfy nil tdmtWl- There Is no datum Itt th< e In Know as: -'it. . tUte cnfanttt.t liowiw cVHL inunity more lit l iMßfhnn dor cm; of enorgeUr 0 C ' , undo in a year. ' W Valter \VolrV , ' l struck the pole yet ro*® hupey that hot air is .tot in Hhjffle for dlsti Unit lon yel . ( ongressman Bankhead l^Tipmcky ur t In one respect, ha has ft job that might last until otto of the old fel lows die. New houses are now being built in Br hkwick to accommodate tho Influx j of people to thm city. Pretty goon sit n. Tom Crenshaw contends that he has a perfect right to wtu for railing commissioner, und we o""“ with _hlm. Did you hear any municipal rum blings yesterday? But then maybe yon dhl not have your earn right close to the ground. Those dummy haute directors in Philadelphia arc having an uneasy time hanging on to the ragged edge ot suspense. The populists of Georgia declare that they have abandoned the Held Now pray toil us how much of It did they occupy. Think of tt, a Hoke Smith conven tion endorsing iffyun tor presi %] ucy. Politics. Indeed, make strange b utellows. — ,Vliat's the matter with Branusa and Sheppard dividing tho twotow pieces. A half loaf r . than no bread at all. ,jH The mteiKtnte commctceM s ston it after tli*■ railroads <IH ® ih... turn u u inis lo know *m4 at.'in ill.- l.nek system 11.. r publican i In ska went in n> the liJB 14 t in wel ounng ljfl ay is but wjL lie i-r jflfc;. AN AUTOMOBILE OAKgIr. I ——WMW— If the reports 'bat the remarkable increase 'n the craze for automobile? in the cities be true, the danger of collisions is not the only one. or evt*n the most serious, that attaches to the motor car. A woise danger than that! is the feverish efforts being made by young men with small salaries to make a show through the individual ownership of an automobile, it is oaid that many young men in Chicago where the fad has reached a redic ulous craze, who get salaries not la ger than $2" a week, have purchase ( automobiles. The iople in that city who are able to own automobiles are no* the largest class of owners Some of the more expensive touring cars are owned by wags-earners and people wiio receive small salarie, It was found that In a number of in stances men whose, incomes were not more than SI,OOO per year possessed motor cars that cost as high sis $2,- 500, which were pure, ed on the In stallment plan, and It was further learned that not a few homes were mortaged to get money to purchase machines. This kind of love of show la one or the worst dangers of the motor car craze. Its Influence Is pernicious to a degree and is sure to lead to the dangerous practice or living beyond one’s means, with eventually a o ; reckoning. A good many people ara foolish enough to believe that makint a show of wealth after this means will help them to get Into society. Society based upon crlterlons is not worth getting Into. It reminds one of the British writer’s picture of the man wlio was put on the witness stand and asked if he considered ihe accused a gentleman, to which he re plied that ho had so regarded him be cause he kept a gig. The people of Brunswick all c ’ ;o from somewhere In the neighborhoo' of Bt. Louis on that proposition I hoi the trolley lino Is to be built at once. Wake up you menthoi s of the Coni njercift! Longue and the .Board ot Trad*. The “good old summer time is about gene; get a move on for the coining of the battleship Georgia to Brunswick. Galveston's Sea Wall. Makes life now safe in that cit us ton the higher uplands. K. vV Goodloe, who resides ou Dutton street tn Waco, Texas, needs uo seawall for safety. He writes' “I have used Ur, Ki 'g's New Discovery for Consump ti n for the past five years and U keeps them well and safe. Before tlia time I nail a ougli which -for years hud been growing worse utow its gone.” Cures chronic coughs, la grippe, croup, wltoopl ig cough an prevents pneumoula Pleasant to take. E ery bottle guaranteed a Smith’s Pharma y. Price 60 trial botilea free. > ■ Concatenation of Hro Hoos. On account of the meeting of the International Association of Concat enuted Order of fleo lions the South ern railway will sell tickets in Okla hoina City, i. TANARUS., at tlie for the round trip. Ticket* will he o sale September 7, 8. and !• and wU be good Tb return leaving Oklahoma City not later than September 14.i For futrelir information call on address. B H. Houseman. genera agent. Ir, Self Defense. Major Hamm, editor and manager of tho Constitutionalists, Eminence Ky.. when ho was fiercely altacked four years ago by piles, bought a box of Busklcu’s -Arnica Halve, of which be says: "It cured me tn ten days and no trouble nhice.’’ Quickest he* 1 or of burnß, sores, cuta-snd wounds Twenty-five cents at Smith’* Pliar rnacy. * Reduced Rates to Baltimore Account Jubilee week' the South ern railroad will sell round trip tick ets to Baltimore at the exceedingly low rate of *22,30 for round trip Tickets will be or sale September 8 9 and 10 and will be good to return leaving Baltimore not inter than September 17. For additional Infor mation, n*Ul ou or uddress li H. Houseman, geueral agent. Old fashioned pound cake, the klu mother used to •> cents ;h‘V pound at Lobe us tiakery, 100 A street. diiffiwptmon Beer, joist lecelved, a car load of Pabs Uriinug company s Blue Kitvboi) beer j.Jtto m .old clasik saloon m / 1 •’ - YT ft Cy * 1 your nerves *rc weak, when you f—j rf / T _ C easily you feel all run **■ *-*■* t L./f Vll down, then is the time you need a good / sfong tonic—Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Your doctor will tell you why it has such power over weak neves, why it makes the bk'-d rich, and why it gives courage and strength. A k hie. ii it is not jurt the medicine you need. w ef ?h J.c.ayerc?.. ' M for iLdlAßcf ■ •, our ggd * ! * ~ M 1, Wsa. G. F. ANDERSON, AgL L. C. SvilTH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Typewriters Rented and Repaired DOLLAR RIBBONS AT 75c. I'b'l*liik a Way .IrroM a UuunlitU. Picking a way is good fun. You must first scout till, id in general,,Then you determine more carefully Just where ein Ii hoof is in fi#! i’or iustnuce. it is a question of whether you are to go above or below a certain ledge. You decide on going below because thus you will dodge a little climb and also a rather slippery looking rook slide. But on investigation you find, hidden Tfv the bushes, a riven bowlder. There Is no way around it. So then retrace your stops to Ihe place where you made your first Choice. The upper route again offer- you an alternative. You select one; It turnn out well*; forks again. But you discover both tin forks utterly impracticable. So back you must hike to the very beginning to discover, if you can, perhaps a third and heretofore uncousidered chance. Then, If none are good, you must cast In review the features of all your little explorations in order to determine which best lends itself to expedients This consumes time, but it Is great fun —Outing Magazine Mills I>U Kid. "This is milk fed kid,” said the le dh er merchant, "it Is very soft and tint and pliable, isn’t Iff" He smoothed the delicate white skit, and went on; “All first rate kid Is milk fed. It comet to ns from the French mountaineers. These men are superb goatherds. Tbt ir immense nocks supply the n Id’s kid gloves. The goatherds of Fro.-vc are careful to keep their kills on ex clusive milk diet. They pen the little unimitls with ti ir mothers In rocky inrlosiU'CH, r,-here there la no grass. At that the kids often escape, often man age to e.i. solid food, for, with almost human perversity, kids that shouldn't lie weaned wean themselves early, whereas ...,es that should he wean'd cling like grim Jontli to iujlk. One moil of grass will skin, will rob it of its softie- pliability, wilt harden rml ami stiffen It; lienee, when - ou buy kid gloves always cha <t the in,lk fed kind ”~-I’iucUiimtl Enquirer, A \ Ti Vi; Taxedo. W Tlie Ttr; - - coat gut Its imiim irom the fashionable colony at Tax.-d’a, and Ihe original of the pl; e was Think Cedar. I.i of die old natives Mill Call ji I me!: Cedar. Gem a- i ida heeli. one of the orlglual settle, i of the country. nit- the pkee idle lake war, tlieirmed-li - .11! u than li is now and was simply known us die ti. h pond. One day e l I jihilua-li an l Ids sons lind gme there to • h it game. The dueks were very plentiful; uiutier oils ci dnr trees w ere growing out of the rocks along ti, • shore. “ us give tips place a name.” said tlie old man ' us call It I)nek Cedar." no 1 1 uck Cedar It was and continued to he for many years until tho name was changed p itivedo. Ouce ft Nest of Pirates, Bundy, In the Bristol channel, is an Island where one may see an earth quake at any time. There Is nothing ala inning about these “earthquakes, ’’ however. They are simply certnlik cu rious crevasses In the west Is land. w hit'll (tie local people call by that name. I.tindy In former centuries Was a notorious nest of pirates, in King Henry Ill’s time William and Mnrisco, a traitor to the king, liuilt a castle there and set up as an early Captain Kidd. And so )t went on through the centuries until in tho inffl c!le of the eighteenth Thomas Benson, a Barnstable merehnut, wlio was then lessee of the island, was convicted of piracy and snuiggiiug atnl expelled. He had a contract for carrying con victs to V eohmles and used ante; !y to land mis ou I.uudy audgrflWleir labor there. H Tin- Mur lii Ili * Cnlendnv. uß'lie figure i). which came into the calendar on Jan. V, issit. will stay with us 111 years from that date, or until Dec. 31, 11-39. No other Lgure has over had such n lon run, imd the 9 itself has only once before In a race which lasted over n cor tug tbit in which it continuously flgJßl from Jan. 1, 889, until Dec. 31, 9t™a period of 111 years. The figures Sand 7 occasionally fall Uto odd'combina tion*, but neither of them has ever yet |*rvt for a longer period than 100 ■kusecutlva years In oar CAieudwrslQcw the predict mode of ou lob' was est-Kished. It Is ali>4NH from tlieir n-iative positions uH nomerals it is an el-her of them t<> 01... c- cci.i m.-iiviv for tliau r. cis iiiry *@’S YOUR WANTS NILL be sure COMI.Su IN THIS COLUMN Do you want a position, a house strvanL Have you lost anything? u ycu want to rent a rcom, or have yoi a room or bouse to rent. If s*pu *r aJ. in Inc News uncap cwviim. FOR KENT, FOR HiiNT—T wo story house cornet atorge aud Ann * ret Stlet-ls. Also two story u< use ,*,o. ido Gram Street. Apply at got Carpenter. vim i.r..,; —i wo-Mor. house, corner of K and F street.,, s2u per tuoaoi. .rooston. Fenuig a- Cos. Ktdt RENT. Five room ” cottage three doors from postodice. All mod eiu cciuvennuces. Apply to 711 Glou cester street. WANtED. WANTED.- Thre* or four tabl lioarders. Apply to Mrs, C. it Floyd, No. 'u.’i F street. WANTTJD —T'eople to know that Unu* Big will loan you money on anything of value. All legitimate business sol icited. Slg Levison. 308 and 3lt‘t Bar street. FOR 1 >BNT. Four room cottage on the corner of George and Kill., street yVpply at _22 Union. < FOII SALI3 —At a sacrifice, to houses and 7511 J 00 feet of land; 1 four rente house just 'built; 1 thjre.croom house in good condition; roots.for $12,00 per month. Only st’.l*B. MUST GO Ay fly to R. W. Durden, p'.on - jSC or 111(19 (! street. -— —’ . LOST.—One pair of gold framed spec tax. its. Will pay reward for return to News office. * —, WANTED. —Good practical sawyer capacity of mill about B,did) ner dac. Goo.l place for right man A Living Hton, f.roukiuan, Ga. ffl 0 * Under New Management THE BRUNSWICK B-AIESY 100 A Street. I hare purchased the Bakery of Mr. J.. M. Hoodi npyle m 100 A Street and will continue to do business at the tame stand. Orders for Fancy Cakes given special attention. We guarantee satisfaction and assure you that you will get the best bread that can be made Jimt give us a trl^%. Out of towr. orders will re ceive prompt attention. F. W. LEBEN. Pro, AT ST. SIMOIN PIER GOOD MEALS AND LODGINGS AT KING CITY ST. SIMON PIER MBS. B. HARRELL. FROM TKp BEST SOURCES How and where a grocery stock i bought determines Us va) ueand qual Hy. We could buy cheap stuff and sell to you at cheap prices. Yo might thjnk we wtmltj be good pro ! pie to trade with -but we wuuldu t' bo. We buy from ihik best sourer* 1 pay fair prices and i ha\e you a f il l profit—just enough to pay ter hand!-; (he goods. We wouldn't touch cheap; quality for a great deal. \Te la tend, to maintain our reputation for', honesty j in all things. THOS. KEANY. * a Hulini, vuo #w. \ The Kt *. 4. C, warren. psttvnL> Sharon uititut jMei, Beuur, urn says ot * ‘"‘B /K SOUTHERN * railway V|V I^HEDULE Effective January i; )u g. N. ii. FollowLg scbgiini e tigurea published only is inlorn: lUun anu are not guarana-a. TO Tnt NjRTH AND EAST. Nos. -2. 34. IV. 30 j Lv. Brunswick s.ffop Ar. Jesup ii. a. iO.JOy . Ar. Bavaunah 1.i.,p. i at. ColumLfia 7 Ar. Ashevilie i.e.p Ar. Charloue lv.ddp. . s,ssa Ar. Danville 2.2 ;a. z.lop Ar. Richmeud S .sp. .4ip Ar. Waal .ng.en P.. -k Skiep ,Vr. Baltimore lu.sOa. Il l,pi Ar. PUiseieiphis. I y Ar. New ir.ia 2 Sop 6.20a to the wtar. Nokila. 13 ! Lv, BiVr. Jump ' s.iea tv.'JOp! Ar. Ma ;nu l.Tup 4 t>oa Ar. Atlanta l.ltip. 6.203 Ar Home 7.10 p *, 7 25a Ar. Chuttanopga *.66p ’ 8.453 Ar. KnoxviUe i.lya. i.tup l At. Louisvrffe &.;oa h top Ar. Omciuu.iU 8.15a. < -l.ip , Ar. Hi. i.euia 5 12p. • 7 .;2a Ar. Birmingham 9.1 by. 12.01.1 1 \r. Memphis - 7.05a, - 8.02_p I Kauam, City 9.*Wi Ar. Chicago 7.73. j Trams arrive at Brunswick as ful ! Jowa: HNo. 14 arrives at Brunswick at g.ffO] a.. tu with connections from Ltv annah and Hast, anu also from at lai.ta and V'xst. No. 16 arrives at 4 25 p. ro. from At lanta will tv'eni. 1 No 24 arrives at 7.10 p. m. with con-i ! nectioiis froth all points East THROUGH CAR BEKYICE. Mis 28 aha 30, ‘ WASHINGTON AND! FipRIDA LIMITED., carrying Pullman, Drawing iuom an.l Sb- ,i ! IF cars between Jesup sad New: york. * NOS. 13 and 14, “Tbf FLORIDA 1 M,iMITED’ carry through Pullman brewing room. Bleeping ears ;•*; t o J -up, A*l-nM, 'h ch.n.’i, Chicago, K.'ioßas Gily. and Coioru-tj Springs. UNEXCELLED Dtutn* car s 1 vir on ad train- For infonnation r to rates aar scbedui' , s. at'., nppiv to H B. SPENCER, G and . (VsshingttMi | C. C R H HARDWICK. P •’. M.Wasi. ingtrn, D C 1 W It. Tz TLCiB, fi P V. YJasr tngfon, I’ O. BROOwS MORGAN. A 0 P. A, - Atir-V Oa. .0. HOUSEMAN,G A , Brunswick <i*.. 'Phone 1I * 1 \ 1 ;N?w Greek [American [Restaurant ! AND LUNCH RCONfriL . _ r\ [ N’C IT AND DAY INEATEST PLACE IN THE CITY AEVERYT, ,G FIRST CLASS I SEB . 'F. UNSURPASSED. I I NOW OPEN. I ! IN OLD ARCADE BUILDING J NO. 210 GLOUCESTER ST. IPOLETES a, HOODENPYLE f * a ; • TELEPHOrfc NO. 430. See Davis & Blackerby Fine Press * Peaches APPLES PER i ECT 33 CENTS CHICKENS, EGGS and BUTTER at the lowest market price* SEE US FOR TRIAjtf&ROEO. Telephone 446 202 Monk Street For loaaou* Ip typewriting and eteM ography call or. Mrs. Alma Hortiuau, No. iii South shreot A torpid, carkarodne more bodily FL, ttS anytlsft else It u good to system ou occasionally. liver up sit get into shape gr&Uy. The bes i-auM* are der vejfcrom th* ue o MMgtt’J Little O*- Rfcer*. Hell* Sold hy * s .-m A JB HEALTH a® ™unr • ItepfcuiML- f- "rv rvout probtraucKi ai* of th 9 fmertfMlj ZA r rgzu<oi eiiue: * >* jas Nervous Pr jsiration. Lost MaaLooA ->iir*nSiy liu>a v 7, J.2>, 1 uJliJfuliLrr.ili Xc'D*.al Wcrry. ejkcetkSxve uak of 'T*°*cfoorbpiuc: which i*aJ to and Insanity. Wiih everf Ei USiNfi * s ° ‘ r weeuve: • to cure • - refund ibe mon%i . Soid a& SI.OO per tK. * IMI uuinUt 6 Pores Tor Sa.OO. Utt noTTV CHh.dli al CO.. CiovdanUk Ol>tn For Sale by HUNTERS PHARMACs Generdj Headquarters 'For Automobiles if yon are inti: e market foi an lutomofcile .a bicycle, or If yon want paTrs iu either of th-se departments see me. 1 also have a fu : l line of eyeia ; siindrso. Sole agent OLESMOBILE, FRANKLIN A NO POPE TOLEDO AUTOS. lam now in uiy new quarters N 34i Newcastle street. Call and *o :9? I :$|v h with me an expiet automobile reaalrer, Mr Sweat, o* ii>:*vannah. j. B. J. Ole wine. f~l _ >4 DOING YOUR BANKING WITH ***The Nationalj.Bank ofßrunswf’k S Ift Vw $150,000.00 , SURPLUS $84.0002 Year Savings Dspartment Pays Four per cent interest coumpounded quarterly. WESLEY H. GREENFIELD. - Pdo Diivlng Contractor WHARF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SCC L ; treet, Brunswick, Ga. Tate Spring’s Water WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS CELEBRATED WATER _ _ * bf THE GLASS, BY THE CASE OR BY THE BARREL HUNTER’S k SOS GLOUCESTER ST. Notice to Creditors. Georgia, Uly un county, j Al| creditor* of the estate of Han | nail Coburn, late of sab! county, ar . lu-reby notified to render an aeroun [ of their demands against said estat I properly, made out, to the undersign i cd or payment thereof will be debar red. H. F. dußignon, As administrator on the esbute of J.. Hannah Coburn, deceased. • The End of the World. Of trouble that robbed E. H. Wolfe of Hear G r ove, lowa, of all usefulness came when he became taking Elec trie Bitters. He writes; "Two year ago kidney trouble caused me grea suffering, which I would never hav survived had I not taken Electric Bit ters., They also cured me ot genera debility. ' Sure cure for all stom ach, liver and kidney complaints blood disease*, headache dizziness and weakness or bodily decline. Price ho cents. Guaranteed by a.Smith 1 Pufrmacy. W Blue iilhtHni is the only beer brew • and hv the Pahst. it Is made of mal and hops and practically digests tt self. New sweet potatoes at C. L. Par ker s; ptlOUe 114. New sweet potatoes at 0. L. Par kei s; phone bf. Au old time cough syrup hinds thehuwela. A uew idea was adva*- eed two yea re ago in Kennedy’s Laxa alive Honey and Tar. This remedy acts to the mucus membranes, relipv cs the Imwels at the same ffw. ft expels all cold from the system, it clears the throat and strengthens the mueug membranes, relieves colua, coughs, croup, w boo (dug cough, etc. For sale by ail druggists. iJHAS. BUNKLEY Contractor of Plledrlvlng, Dockbulltt- Ing and Treetl* Work, WM. GREENFIELD, MGR. Phones 214 and 417. Open AH the Year S the Wallace Boom at Oeeaa, • idL Mmam lauad, will raman*#*** ' rmx ronad. US 0 "* always welcome j- WALLACE BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND 6HIPPERS OF Railway Crossties AND DEALERS IN Yellow Pine Lumber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. - - ok- ijj—. - . ■ i ■ ww • i, c- ever cquailcti it. £ f 0 rv.-r surpass it. | Or, Ring’s j Kew Bissovery i | A Perfect For All Throat and I ( ure: Lnny Troubles, n Money hack If 1. fails. Trial ilsxuwswwwwMijicwiisßsnii iw—BMsl^ass Cobb and Wheeler GNEPAL TINNER*. THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. 212 Newcastle Bt. CArt LOAD OF PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE WIRE FENCES THAN WOOD | j 111. ; p 't:gg| Figure With ROBERSON & CO. on the subject Phene 426 No 2 Wright’s Spuare IAM NOW PREPARED TO DO * General Humbing OF ALU KIND We carry a full and complete line cf STOVES and RANGES end do aiUiind o' STOVE REPAIRING WL K BOH NE. Phone Wf, 428 Newcastle Street. DeVoe’e ole, Stand. h. b. OARNfcT r. GENERAL CONTRACTOR * When tn need of——— A PLASTERER, A PAINTER, A CARPENTER Call r the old original H. Q A R N ET T. For leaeona )o ty-pewming and aten ****** call on Mr*. Ainu Hortman, No. 117 Sooth las C r A STORIA Fr- infants and Children. The sind Yob Have Aiways Baughf Hwsthe : f or #0