The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 12, 1906, Image 3

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FALL BARGAINS IX Refrigerators *F*Y "KT 'T 1 maßi- nion. , pr.sler. We CLJWeCmRVEY. 316 NEWCASTLE STREET ' *** Sl'ii M'W wMJ . m • •*-•* ■* <; v "■■ J. B. DAVIB, Y E. (r. TAYLOR /DAVIS & TAYLOR Livery Feed and Sale Stabl^ HEAVY DRAYAGE, STOCK FOR SALE. PROMPT HACK SERVICE Cor Q and D Street* j>h o ne y MAULiORY UIPE Direct sb. Service between New York and Brunswick SAII I N(lS* EVERY FR,DAY FROM NEW Y ®R>< ATU M. 6 L . VI? • EV€SY FRIDAY FRIM BRUNSWICK Tl SUIT TIDE. Lowest Wate* and L'nsurpissed i Passenger Acconimodationk Apply ii W. M. t UPPER A CO.. or C. H. MALLORY CO.. I Aaeme. •runewU.k, Qa S3 Burling Bile. Naw York Kit. Atlantic Coast Line .-rt.sENUErt SCHEDULE Effect April 16, 1906 uany | tmiiy 1 dTATJOaa daily , uaU| 0 1 94 | | 95 j 9^ 4;lop j 6:00a | Lv.. .. ..Bnnswick Ar ) fj:l£p | 11:45a C:10p | 7:55a Wa*cros | 6:90 j 9:55a lo:aop | 11:46a | Albany | 2:00p | 6:46a B:4t)p‘j l:40f | litriotoui . 3:30p , :oo* •1.25a 2:2e>a .. .'.Sadlor, ~ ii:soa | <.odi ; 7:66 ', TABtpa , 8:o6p 7 rfla | 7:35a | Port;ranma 7:30p U:49p| 2:47p | 'A&oofia % | i.olp , i:l9a l;usa | 4:2uJj j TAczsifVjJr I a:3sp , 3:10# 5:U5a | | Montgctntfry I i;ooA | 7:45p |l2:p | Sav|i,nali j 2:46p | 3:15a 5.6§a | 6:iff 1 dharienon .. , f.&p ( n ; 4 o p . i.fbp | 4:6fi i .. .. 7:25p 9:osai l:Epp| 7:45* I igton .. .. * .. .. | *-45p | 4:l(>fl 1:404 • 9:09a | A . ~ j V 4:|6 rtfflao|lpbl4 .. .. hl:ssa |l2ooJ 7.?0a 2:QOp H HewTorfc •• 1:25a | Through Cullman keeping carTertloe Pom Wtycrow to north, east anal 4RHMlfllill9nnorlda- Pullman dining oars on train* U and 82 between Jacksonville and New Tort. • cjßadtf - ***** HMI 1p... uel^MMßrsirtßMßhttM CoonecUous made at Poit Tamp* with U. S. mall stamehlps of the Fralnaular and Occidental Steamship Lane, leaving Port Tampa Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays at ll:40p. . —, . Tot Further Information apply to,. J. WRIGiHT, Agent J. F. NORRIS. Ticket Agent, Brunnwlca, Ga. Brunswick. 0. T. C. WHITE, D. P. A., THOS. B. MYERS, T. P. A., Savannah, Chi. Bavannak. Qa. W. J. CRAIO, P. T. M., - ■ai. jpnßei ' ii The Brunswick Battling ftnd Manufacturing Cos 1 % 1 " ) . Mar.dWs*Wtr % n 40DA WATER ANX> MINERa\.J|ATERa, C.IOCRS, SUCCESS Is what we are a!, ways striving for :n our business. We have succeeded in buying just what, you wafct. Whc you see our TOILET ARTICiJSS you will uudoubted ly agree with us. Not alone is tlie as sornt mo co gemr sortment more com plete than ever be fore, but there is a character about our goods that you will recognise as dis linctly high gimao. You cannot men tion anything we ought tto have that is not there. We S| iaii he glad to have you get Pro scriptions filled They'll be ust righ Smith’s Pharmacy THt WWfrtWICK OArt-Y NEWS WEONesDAY, EPfEMrp R 12> The grand opera housf FRIDAY 6EPTEM3ER 14. ONE NIGHT ONLY. VV< lister Cullison —PRESENTS— THE COMPLICATED FARCE COMEDY “HINAWAV m, ALL FOR FUN—FUN FOR ALL • Latest Songs, Dances. Specaltics, A Competent Company ot Mirth Producers. The Laughing Hit of tha Season. BABY COVERED WES Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Unless Hands Were Tied - Wasted, to a Skeleton —Awful Suffering for Over a Year —Grew Worse Under Doctors—Skin Now Clear. would Rave died , BUT TOR CUTICIAm! —•„ “My little non, whi n about a year and a half old, began ij> have on a come out on his face. 1 had a phy sirinn treat him; ' F'd the cores grew 4r w “NJ| tvorw-. Then Uiey W _ beg;,n to come on v t) i<! hi-; amis, then on \ j other parts of; liis '"" fvt and then one /ykh, /.aiwnron his chgst, -jW.' ' - po than the -/[mm K "V*' 1 ”- Then I call ed anotle r physi cian. Still he grrAv vwrfe. At the end of about a year and a half of Kulh ring he grew so bad 1 had to tie hi:; hands in cloths at night to keep him from eeratehing the.-t,res am Hearing the flesh. “lie got to be a mere skeleton, and was hardly able, to walk. My Autjjiii advised me to try Cuticura Soap :>IC Oi.itnieni. So great . :i(h JP it that she gin e me a small piecOW Soap to try and a little of lietJP roent. 1 tm; it Imme wiih-.iitWny faith, but to please, tier I !> and it, mid it s.-cincd to dry up the sores a lit,Me, “1 sent to. the drug store and got a ealce of the Soap and a hex of 'the Ointment niul follow and the di; li , and of about two mouths the eoHifcrcre all well. Ho never had By soj ; of any lcinn "'lf' teßow ,nn<l4l canli K only for your na> * nd'wk j’i niv previous child \voul,aVi; died from those tenibfa) oriv. mjjj.sod only one cake of Soap ml .-..%it llirce oox.',i 1 kf OintiSi tit. .Ill; Ml . i | %-Tt Sheldon. 11. 1 I'l o. I. Wood- I \lllc, Uoun, April •' I * ” | . ' .i ■ ■ 1 l'*:m I .-1 . , 1... I •' > '' ' 1 11.d.l i V Id, -dr. <;n <-:• ' •■ . I,! | , I Offtl),;nayfo f oil t--. ri-u. \ sin:- IVII.I 1,1, II . iiev," Uuw (v, (Jure iiuUy llmuwrf ' For it’4-.:-,oiiK in typewrit’!* >nrt *ito O'A raplty tall on -M?•-. Aliuh f lortmau, No. i!7 Soutlt I,o*l 8t! < L i NOTICE, NbUce i. hereby given to Hie-crert itof:: of the eata 1 . Jkf It. l)ilta#l, late of Ci.vrin r. o- ifl f 1.i.. i), < . nned lo rend"] in an ledfint. of lli.dr mauds to me wiildn the lim o eiihi'd by tuy/, properly made mil.. Ami all persons imlei il to sa id de ceased are hereby requesled lo make immediate payment to th. yndfsigneis This August 81, tSM>6. Kate D. HolzCndor', Adttiinlslsfratr' .; Cum. Teidomeuto Aitncxo of j. it. Diiifiri, t —w—— NOTICE. Is herein dv n lo the creditors of the estate if John Hfei lute of said count: , de< , f; to ren der in an m count or Hu ir dom; ids lo me within file time pru-erlbed by lav. properly made out. And all person indebted to said <h ce;i eq an here by requested ho rm.: Immediate pav itienl. to Hie iiiuh m-d, '('hi:-; An gust .Tl, IDiic J. M. Mosely Administrato: of .foiu, UendAt-sbh Dr. Wim-.n::- liiii:.,/, rlie Oi: cmorii. wtll cure mind. Uleeillng. U.cerot*w| and Itching idles, it absorb the tu jU*rs. Allays tile ih .in,- a.i ■ - . rts (five - inswet r -t. Dr. '’jg b" l.h ■ B i: ' liS . I -IX ■:> guar a • A.S, uMil for % and ; ni.m . ■ a<- s rdf,a ..... Y>hi V * Ci tel. me the wealtl of ibrain and blue fllbrnoi bos. W SIT RICH* 1 " DOWNyIBeR YOU READ THIS AUTjBRTISEMENI And us you .4® and address and wt w S( . B rj , f maps, im and a',, 'em., regard#!,'* the^B| MtV’i'n,/ xu cot glam,-; imi rah: ■ u< H-. if. > wd. ur .Mmm ' . i * ■ i yjs JlstL, *' j FINEST BANK NOTE PAPER, • ft here the Material For 6nr l.reeo* hacks U Made. The national flag flies over t! _-ov. iTiimi-ut mill,” ownctl by ti: I'rane ai!y m Dalton, Mass.. bt>> ail lie paper for tlie United State- ereeu acks is made there. It is o , of a roup of mills in which the francs iye made paper for more than a ceg ry. The founder was Zeuas Crane, •tore ho could get the first null suirt- I he had to have a large quantity of •s. ihn rnvs were scarcer in Com* days than now. The Italian had not {hep arrived, the junk shop was un known,, and, although the rag hat er passed through the streets of Poston once a week, lie had not yet appeared iu tlie western part of the state. This re-ulted iu an appeal to tile people, based on !iE !i eootoinic and patriotic grounds. Handbills appeaivd with the headlim a in large type: "Americans, •neounn o your own manufactures, and they will impftive! Ladies, save your fags!" They were carried to all the homes and shops in Berkshire and -adjoining counties, urging "every woman who has •the good of lier country and the interests of her family at heart” to save her rags and send them to the new factory or to the nearest store keeper, “and a generous price w ill lie paid.” When the mill was ready tlie rags were there in abundance, and op erations at once commenced. The wurkiug force consisted of four mob. 1 two girls and a small hoy. with Zenns 1 Crane as superintendent and chief pro prietor. Tlie paper was made in hand molds, ami the output was 100 pounds a day. Today tlie output is many tons of the flnest bank note paper.—* World’s Work. THE WIND BELL. How It Is Constructed In .Input,, Its Original Home. • The wind bell, as its miue tuißties, is made to ring by the action of the wind -in fact, ill.’ wind hell is not a bell at all, sirlctl.v speaking, lint a con trivance composed of a mimfler of pendants suspended in a circle from a ring and hung close together so that they will come into eouiact and pro- when swayed liv the win” Soiiiii wind bells produce sounds that are pleasing and musical. Rome are made witli glass pendants, some with pendants l of ltietalj some are very small and simple in construction, oth ers are large and massive ami olabo- In England tlie first newspaper was published In Will’d by Nathaniel flutter. The name of the sheet is umertaiit* In liii'd the lirsi Dutch paper was printed. It contained two small folio pages of (hows in the Imperial library at Rf. L'eter.slmrg are two copies el’ tlie first Kussian newspaper, which have the date There are also son e proofs of the same paper on which are correc tions written in (lie hand pf IVter the Great. This monarch fool; great inter cst in the paper and personally super inlen at its editorial composition, The first paper e litblislied In North Amoiiea was the IVdou News-Letter, which first was issued April lit, 1701. Tills paper was printed on a sheet twelve inches by eight and contained two columns of neu It survived un tii 177(1. 11. advocated tlie cause of (lie British : ovcrimient ai tlie outbreak of tin: UoVolution. j I I'rcwiiM. of Mind. Afi oi presi nee of mind was ! tiifiol’ a ivumau wlm. i.eim: left alone in Bie hou e ulglu heard a noisi ; in ™e dining room and .new that Inn ! glare were removing 1 lie plate. She was too lar from any other house to Mammon asslslunee. hvlzing n large I i'fti"' 1 ' luig which lay on > talde, she iu dined |( ami broke it on he wall of (tie stairs will] a loud repo The thieve: mistaking it for a piste drolped thely plunder and fled. Thorn lily perhaps which we all c of.. omij this ready wit which makes action ns prompt as thought iiv danger. Hell' eon trol, which we can enlUvulo, helps un to attain it in a decree, hut it is large If u gilt of nature, like a keen eye or nimble tougtid. Wo who are born with out it may ciu.sole Suiselves wllli the fact that emergencies come lint one. or twice in life, while every hour calls for the use of eommoii sense, putie, ••• and self control, all of Which vfft v* have If wo will ■j. ■ i I*’. . A Hog nut n TJuII. A certain Irich officer responsibl -f'-r dog lie.'Uses bed „ syste'n of dis" *" Ing Ills vie',,." lie knocked Uu side door of .per hpyis, . (mil If a dog burked In* iimuee a- iy demandisl that the owner-show in ) o’Yy Every dog must have his / n-cver. a,n,i one da - fh s-. !e- 1 '" ; d thA .i, -ot whh his A , ■ . nearly Intact j j,! ng the vlctojrious. teriicr UilHr Tugs, “that's the sort of * 4 see out o’ tpe T r . v(. Tbtatocs it c. .. Far kw pi'oiie 9:4. - if e to Debto's amt Creditors N'oth'i. i, liurchy given lo the debtors t< in i-jFti ot Hannau T. Osborne late o: .'4\ county, deceased, to ren der in .Jg accouin ot their demands to an i#ithin the time prescribed by law, yfiperly inn out All person's ndebtßltiMjflid and used are lequest d to e d.e pay ment to the .'9th. au gust, # V 7 F. s noons, # Un c-late of |i anu a r Yjßk- *" ff/F iA THE BRUNSWICK RESTAURANT new FROM START TO FINISH. OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 12 NIGHT. SPECIAL RATES TO REGU LAR BOARDERS. ALL THE MARKET AF FORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. H, E. IVERSON, Tel. 821. Prop . JOHN D. ROUNTOS, Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don't buy burnt sugar and imagine # ou : , u ' < ' Sotting pure chocolate. Suon substitutes are injurious to health. For pure chocolate and ail other can dies call on me. A fresh supply received every week from Menier the famous chocolate maker. Either in hulk or in beautiful hound and half pound boxes. * FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY ?08 Newcastle Sirent. 1 Do General WALL PAPERING DO YOU WANT YOUR HOME DECORATED IN THE LATEST UP TO DATE STYLE? IF SO CALL ON ME AND I WILL SHOW YOU MY SAMPLES OF WAIL PAPER. I WILL DO YC , ; PAPER HANGING, PAINT INO, GRAINING, STAINING, AND PICTURE GOOD AND AS CHEAP AS CAN AND LIVE. DROP US J. M, Wilson y2 MONK STREET. Appropriat^F ■ f7 -1 / \\!l /If o . sa ¥ tllut il an “pure as the iilly ”* / \\\\ /Ml I is tne only stanfuM of commjji.son in *> m I \W\f ■“* purity which is tine enough I<lntrast M \*/ to measure the remarkable pul\ty of I ilf fa AMERICAN QUEEN S I a beer that has been declared ‘ the £ 1 experts to be the very flower of America. h AQ \ Wo use only the finest, choicest,;be <h oi I ; \ groin and hops. Vlv' walefrom ofor <v v. :■'> • HZ* \ welts, and of crystalline purity. i ,j. MfXWS \ \ fresh, airy and flooded with sunshine, and f#| |%W % \ methqda are characterized by-the utmoslLai' ;| . % five you a family beer so pure t. hat it can only , At ■ U • be compared, in justice to it;-el% i o the liliy. $|F • ■ y< y * ACME BREWING COa I MAC ON, GEORGIA ' ffijji I JM I ! /Pto/vmrfimßie®* Sight * savannah & if; IKAirUl KAir U- < MONTGOMERY. VIA SEABOARD Eg air \ 5 m, f> % Aniv ' V:!* u.'is p; - .. m. M vf < Drill _n Hn| it t . > ■ H Hiuiii.imi .TVI ■ ■ . ■ £• §M* m n. \ ,i Iw&fiti. A v SB*'*'- Mull mid ■uu >" r ••" 'I -ill HIIIKC ,| " •:if!i • -1 i"l W i-ii tf, 5- •. . 9rke %idt cf %eer THE ORIGINAL BUOWEISER To Dealers per Barrel To Consumers mqq ANHEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $.9.60 To Consumers ?10 00 PABSTCELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers $10.50 To Consumers suuo THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers $ o ...y To Consumers $lO Ou EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER To Dealers To fiensumers • EXPORT y. jfeummi, 213 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. FANNING TIME WE HAVE A FEW SECOND HAND FANS (AS GOOD AS NEWi WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT $5.00 TO $9.00. SUPPLY LIMITED. SEE US AT ONCE IF YOU WANT ONE. WE ALSO HAVE A SUPPLY. OF BRAND NEW FANS riutual Light & Water Cos. FOR SALE Six Hundred Thousand Acres Virgin Pine l imber, in Ga. and Fla. DC . A _„ ALSO TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRFS TIMRI9 LOCATED 0 Fo 3 R'purchasers? 3 ADDRK3S NS BE£ " '*7l southern Land & Tim her Cos P. O. BOX. 177, BRUNSWICK, GA. OPERA HOUSE-BLuCK.