The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 14, 1906, Image 3

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\ FALL BARGAINS ■/ (.* IN ■pßjijpSjP Refrigerators lisEßll |*2J ■' 25 PER CENT REDUCTION ■BH ; I. *' §MJ ISM I I■' r'f v " Ir* iwn ' f vTCI r KpnY<W39 Fl, Buy now for next summer. You iigiiu ■ f 1- ■ I j ■ Mf| jtlfpsK‘K-S can * mate money easier, We 10 Refrigerators left, which we want affijji 1 <v-ff to move out of our way. Next summer you will to pay 25 per cent more for the same Refrigerator C.MeQARVEY. 316 NEWCASTLE STREET J. B. DAVIS, E. F. TAYLOR © D4VIS & TAYLOR • livery Feed and Sale Stable HEAVY DRAYAGE, STOCK FO R SALE. PROMPT HACK SERVICE Cor G and D Street* Phone Z 'he Brunswick Bottling I and Manufacturing Oo Manufacturers of gSODA WATEP. AND MINERAL WATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NEC pRS, VINEGARS, SIMONS SPECIAL GINGER ALE AND RYE OLA, | PHONE 273 21S OGLETHORPE ST n' We Refund Money if you are Not Benefited * * i T A O A \ IS m gw _ B v* :.;j . dit ails A %P ** K k , e'£^\ T *TjaSSMSB 5 C^X&)^^;@S9^£aSUSK£i9MGMRSnHnESBBnKK|IS9V!nEBBMMHI An Excellent remedy for pc pie who have no appetite. Cures coughs, bronchial andf lung troubles. ;or pale weak women Ciaro has no equal. • ■ '“y* —"* mam*** ranMnwmnxfiSHHi ••'-.•■- •■ ■•• ...^^ Trlr;rr . T| . (rri , )ffTrr . T . r ..- 1 |||T . n f | 1/ J.E MORGAN SUCCESS is what we are al ways striving for in our business. We have succeeded in buying just what you want.. Whc you see our TOILET ARTICLES you will undoubted ly agree with us. Not alone is the as sornt me co gemr sortinent more com plete than ever be i’ore, but there is a character about our goods that you will recognize as dis tinctly high grade.. You cannot men tion anything we ought tto have that is not there. We -■ nil] be glad to have you get Pro scriptions filled They’ll be ust righ' Smith’s Pharmacy THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1906. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Webster Cullison —PRESENTS— THE COMPLICATED FARCE COMEDY m ALL FOR FUN—FUN FOR ALL Latest Songs. Dances. Specaities, A Competent Company of Mirth Producers. The Laughing Hit of the Season. PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c, SI,OO. Seats now on sale at box office. For lessons in typewrit a;; and ate* ography i tJi on Mrs. Alma HorUuan, No. 117 South Lee street. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the cred itors of the estate of J. R. Dijia-ru, late of G’.yun county, Gu., dee-fused to render in -ti 'gcouut of. -their de mands to arc wiffii.'i the time pres cribed by .-.w, properflt m\ue out And all rev ons in’.--' •1. !.i said de ceased are hereby roq>: d'fo naslio imnaediate payment - th itiidrslgncd This August 51. fif-o Hate ...Mr - Jc.- i A(lminislstra:rix Tcztei icnto Auuexo of J. it. £>i:h:ri. NOTiCn. Is hereby given to the cre< itors of the estate ot John rsou late of said county, deceased, to len der in an at count of their dc*nmn<ls toj me within the time prescribed byliaw .properly made out. And all person l indebted to said deceased are h\re- 1 by requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This An gust 31, iuot>. J. PA. Mosely Administrator of John Henderson Dr. Williams Indian rue Oir.tmant will cue Blind. Biec-diug, Ulcerated and Itching piles, it absorbs the tu mors, allays the itching at once, acts s a poultice, gives instant relief. Dr. Williams Indian Pile Ointment s pre pared for piles and itching of th delicate parts. Every box is guaran teed. Sold by druggists, by mail for 50 cents and SI,OO. Williams Mfg. Go.. Prop’s. Cleveland. Ohio. No other beer contain? the wcalt! of brain and brawn for Blue Ribico; bon. You can save money -r.-y buying you clothing, shoos, hats and gent’s fur Qieninga from Sig Levison, 308 an Arts Bay street Call on Robertson &. Cos., tel. 426 for wire fencing. Wait for the opening. Wood-Baile - Clothing Cos. New sweet potatoes at C. L. Par ker’s; phone 04. FOR SALE. ’ Twa-story house and lot an E street; between F 1 and G. Price $1,700. I Two-story -house and lot corner W-j 1 and F streets, eastern frontage I Price, $2,100. ' 1 Two good building lots on O street,; near Court House Square. Southerni trontage, SGOO. Eight nice 'building lots 45X190 each in southern portion of city, $225 each. BROBBTON. FENntG CO No. 4944. Repout op the Condition of The National Bank of Brunswick, in the state of Georgia, at the close of business, September 4th. 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $609,896.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 2,003.01 U. S. bonds to secure eireu lat ion 100,000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 3,000.00 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 25,020.39 Other real estate owned. 7,044.57 Due from National Ranks Hint reserve agents) 287154.84 Due from State Ranks and Rankers 47,525,34 Due from approved reserve / agents '78,403.30 Checks and otliercasli items, 4.556.82 Fractional papet* currency. nickels and cents 7 396.71 Notes of t *t her National / Ranks / 1,000.00 Lawful money reserve; in bank, viz: Specie $10,331.30 Legal-tender notes 22.650.00 35.181.30 ihuleinpt ion fund wit U. S. treasurer (5 per cent, of circulat ion ! 5,000.00 Total L $945,782.48 LIARIL lVms. Capital stock paid in. j $150,000.00 Surplus fund ,/ . 50,000.00 Undivided protits, less/ ex penses and taxes paid / 29,104.96 National hank notes/out standing / 98,300.00 Due to ot ner Nat ional/banks 9,507.96 Due to State RatdJ, and Rankers / 15,848.14 Due to approved /reserve agents . . / 2,121.98 liividends unpaid i 40.00 individual deposit J subject to cheek j 502,209.87 Demand cert iiicaw-s ot de posits ! A 51,504.52 Certified Checks [y I 92.25 Cashier’s checks ouiitaiid >dg„ I 2,121.08 interest Reserved tof July 1 1,881,72 Notes ane bills rediscounted 30,100.00 Total . .... f..... ...... $945,782.48 Si at e of (leorgia, (7 unity of Glynn. I, 13. D. Walter j cashier of the above named batik/do solemnly swear H-at the above statement is true to the In st of my knowledge anil belief, 13. D. Walter, Cashier. . ''- ri ct—Attest: , , L. R. Akins. 13. 11. Mason. E. F. Coney. Directors Subscribed and sworn to before . mo, Ctis .11 1 it. da,> of September, 1 9<Ki. ■ Wlm. Nussbaum, j Notary Public, Glynn county, Ga. See that your druggist gives yli no imitation when you ask for Ken uedy’s Hitzaiive Honey tad Ttr, th angina! Laxative touch uyr*,,. Notice Is hereby given to the creditors ol' the estate ot Cyrus Morris, late of said county, deceased., to render in in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made but. And ail persons indebted to said deceased are here by requested to make immediate -pay ment to the undersigned. This the 31, of August, H909l \ John Byrd, Executor of the IXst wild of Cyrus Morris. V — For Lessons in typewriting and f,ten ography cal! on Mrs. Alma Hortman, No. 117 Sout* Lee street. ~ T - work of all kinds aa<i condit ions i.roDiptly done. Cobb & Wheeler, 31S Newoa.ats.le etreet Ueleplioa 'We carry THE stoc/c of flooring, siding and celling. R/unswJck Plan ing and Forwarding Company. Old fashioned pound cake, tiro kin mother used tr. make, 25 cents per pound at Lebeu’s bakery. Hi# A street. LOST.—Ladies’ gold wuficli, black ' riibhon fob, on B street/ between •' and T. Return to Newt office and receive reward. ' THE BRUNSWICK RESTAURANT NEW FROM START TO FINISH. OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 12 NIGHT. SPECIAL RATES TO REGU LAR BOARDERS. ALL THE MARKET AF FORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. H, E. IVERSON, Tel. s2i. Prop. •OhN D. ROUNTOS, Brunsw/|k*s Candy Store. Don t buy Ijlurnt sugar and imagine you are gettnjsg pure chocolate. Such substitutes life injurious to health. , For pure eh i-iplate and all other can dies call on t|:>. A fresh si i Uly received every week Horn Mcnii • the famous chocolate maker. Kithtnin 'bulk or in boautifiu bound and lisnf pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOES. ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle S*reet. Do Genera! WALL PAPERING DO YOU WANT YOUR HOME DECORATED IN THE LATEST UP TO DATE STYLE? IF SO CALL ON ME AND I WILL SHOW YOU MY SAMPLES OF WALL PAPER. I WILL DO YOUR PAPER HANGING, PAINT ING, GRAINING, STAINING, KALSOMINING AND PICTURE FRAMING AS GOOD AND AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE CAN AND LIVE. DROP US A CARD. J. M. Wilson 502 MONK STREET. Notice to Debtors ana Creditors Notice is hereby givem to the debtors to the estate of Hani/ah T. Osborne late of said county, deceased, to ren der in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out All persons ndebted to said deceased are request d to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 39th. day of Au gust, 1900. W F. Svmons, Exeputor of the estate of Hannan T. Osborne. 9-28-6 wka. ’ All old time cough ;ruju Mud Ui bowels. This Is wrong. Anew hie w>i* advanced two year; ago I Kennedy’s Liat f ve Honey and TANARUS; Tale remedy acts on the mucus mem brands of the throat and lung* an. 9riee %kt cf Qeer THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER To Dealers per Barrel $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO ANHEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $.9.50 To Consumers $lO 00 PABST CELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers $ 0. 3 0 To Consumers slo.ou EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER To Dealers $lO Ou To Consumers $10.5(1 EXPORT ? 8.00 S. fHewman, 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. . - •• v • s- ■ 2v FAWNING TI WE HAVE A FEW SECOND HAND FANS (AS GOOD AS NEW) ’ WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT $5.00 TO $9.00. SUPPLY LIMITED. SEE US AT ONCE IF YOU WANT ONE WE ALSO HAVE A SUPPLY OF BRAND NEW FANS * '+ i uitual Light & Waiter Cos. FOR SALE Six Hundred h <usi ttd Acres Virgin Pine Timber, in Cta. and i !a L ALSO TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRF'i timhww located°*foi^"pur chashersP 3 BEEN - BOXED ’ w "7 Southern Land & Timber Cos .' ♦ • P. O. BOX. 177, BRUNSWICK, GA. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. ~ —-r: ~—- T " w - • - MALihORY Direct as. Service between New " t.. L ml tfrimsw/cL. SAII INtiS* EVERY FR,DAY FIiOVI NEW Y3RK AT 1 > M. ’ EVERY FRIDAY FRIM BRUNSWICK T| SUIT TIDE. Lowest Pates and Unsurpassed Pas sender 4k©cdnt i nnrdtfatlona App-y ti W. M. UPPER *. CO., or CHi MALLORY CO Amm. trwiawlek Qa, M fc.<f|ln Bllu Nr ■ York City