The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 15, 1906, Image 3

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FALL BARGAINS IN Refrigerators llisilPw 25 PER CENT reduct,on [i ® l, y n° w f°r next summer. You 111 bI ,| • h can't mala- money easier. We hat•• M I I- I lO Refrigerators left, which tve want w{ yNSSsHfI flHj fji to move out of our way. Next , summer you will have to pay 25 per ■CigftSsL W^Wi T cent more for the same Refrigerator C.jVIeGARVEY. 316 NEWCASTLE STREET Not alone is the as so rot me co geuir sortment more com Jr*j?sn2*{\ Y®J plete than ever be \ i l’ore, but there is a S ""V I character about our \r ( tt'i ' I tinctly high grade. |L'/ffl Jwj i a You cannot men ' tlou anything we ought tto have that a - : -v^s > have you get Pro They’ll be ust riglT jg|||M Smith’s Pharmacy J. B. DAVIS, E. F. TAYLOR DAVIS & TAYLOR Livery Feed and Sale Stable HEAVY DRAYACE, STOCK FO R SALE. PROMPT HACK SERVICE Cor G and D Street# Phone 2 The Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing Go Manufacturers of SODA WATEP AND MINERAL WATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NBC TARS, VINEGARS, SIMONS SPECIAL GINGER ALE ANP RYE OLA. PHONE 273 213 OGLETHORPE ST We Refund Money if you are Not Benefited ——fl T AD f\ t-—- An Excellent remedy for people who have no appetite. Cures coughs, bronchial and lung troubles. For pale weak women Claro has no equal. * yse , ■*mmsamß?j& xvtm rr~Hnn- Tirr-mr i rr~nnirrTiniiriTniiiiiii*'iiiri—— miiiwgrf J. E MORGAN P S? NE i . ' F'" THe BRUNSWICK DAVLY NEWS SATUFUMY, SEPTEMBER 15, Is(J# WILD WITH ITCHIHGJSCALP Hair Fell Out and Was Rapidly Be coming Bald Tried Many Reme dies Without Success For Two Years—Hair Restored and Speedily CURED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OiNTMENT “I was areally annoyed L>y dnndrv.lT for two years. Jr was so had that when 1 combed my fa iir large flakes would fall from the comb. The it efaing of the realp at times was almost un bearable. Then my h ir begun to full out,starting at the temples. The hair grew thin and 1 was rniiidly becoming bald. .Nothing 1 used gave any relief until I began to use Cuticura S-apand Ointment. The lirst week 1 used them they relieved me of the itching scalp, find after six months’constant use the dandruff disappeared, my hair grew over the bald spots, and my scalp be came dean and healthy. •‘For the first two months I sham pooed my head three tine-s a week with warm water and Cuticura Soap and applied Cuticura Ointment after each shampoo. 1 used live Boxes of Ointment and seven cakes of Soap, (signed) Thus. Clement., 123 Mechanic St. ; Camden, N. J., May 12,190 b.” TORTUIUMURING Humors, Eczemas, and Itchings i Cured by Cuticura. The agonizing itching and burning of tlie skin, as in eczema; the I rightful 'sealing, as in psoriasis; the loss of hair and misting of scalp, as in sculled head; the facial distigumneat, as in pimples and ringworm : the aw ful suf fering of infants, and anxiety of worn out. parents, as in milk crust, tetter, and salt rheum—sill demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to suc cessfully cope-wish (hem. That t'uti cura Soap, Ointment, and Fills are Much stands proven beyond all doubt. ConipJoU* Bxti'Mihl nni! Int- r.rl f'rm*i i. ;;l f rev. -y Humor, from l’implcs In Nn.fn Hum •. y It? Ape, oi.Msihlitifi of t itiv lira Soup, •’lmmi-id, Mosul V*nt, /810. (in form Uf OLmcolm. Fill,, per vial of <><•!, may lx-liui! <>f till <i; i:"i: isis. a siip i. runs. I’tdfer Drop .N Mlltm. t> * !>.. Sole l'mp ... R, ton. i aile'l Fvt-e, " I low lol'm i .••!. in and IJIuoU llumuM,” NOTICE. Is hereby given to the creditors of tlie estate ot John Henderson late of said county, deceased, to ren der in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law properly made out. And all person indebted to said deceased are here by requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This Au gust 31, 190 b. J. M. Mosely Administrator of John Henderson No other beer contains ihe wealtl of brain and brawn for Blue flibmo) bon. You can save money ; y buying you clothing, shoes, huts end gent's fur niehingg from Big Levlson, 308 an 309 Bay street. Cali on Robertson & Cos., tel. 420 for wire fencing. Wail: for (he opening. Wood Bade Clothing Cos. New swyet potatoes at. 0. L. Far ker’s; phone 94. FOR SALE. Two-story house and lot on B stree between F and G. Brice sl,','ih; Two-story 'house and lot corner 10 and F street*;, eastern frontac, ■ Brice, $2,100. Two good building lots on (5 street, near Court House Square. Southern frontage, SOOO. Eight pice building lets 45X190 each In southern portion of city, $225 each BROS* T ON. F(-ND!{J * CO FINEST BANK NOTE PAPER. Whore the Material For Our Uree< backs is Made. The national dag flies over tlie “gov ernment mill,” owned by the Crane family at Daitou, Mass., because alt the paper for the L'nited States green backs is made there. It is one of a group of mills in which the Cranes have made paper for more than a cen tury. The founder was Zenus Crane. Before he could get the first mill start ed lie had to hav.o a large quantity of rags itut rags were scarcer in those days, than now. The Italian had not then arrived, the junk shop was un known, and, although the rag buyer passed through the streets of Boston once a week, lie had not yet appeared in the western part of the state. This resulted in an appeal to the people, based on high economic amt patriotic grounds. Handbills appeared with the headlines in largo type: “Americans, encourage your own manufactures, and they will improve! Ladies, save your rags!” They were carried to all tlie homes and shops in Berkshire and adjoining counties, urging “every woman whs has the good of her country and the interests of her family at heart” to save her rags and send them to the new- factory or to the nearest store keeper, “and a generous price will be paid,” When the mill was ready the rags were there In abundance, and op erations at once commenced. The working force consisted of four men, two girls and a small hoy. with Zenas Crane as superintendent and chief pro prietor. The paper was made in hand molds, and the output was 100 pounds a day. Today the output is many tons of the finest bank note paper.— , World's Work, __ THE WIND BELL. Kovv It Is <Mtixtruetert In Japan, It* Original Home. The wind hell, as its name implies, : is made to ring by the action of the i wind in fact, the wind bell is not a ! bell at all. strictly speaking, but a coil tnvr.uce composed of a number of pendants suspended in a circle from a ring and hung close together so that they will come into contact and pro duce sounds when swayed liy the winds. Some wind hells produce sounds that are pleasing and musical. Some are ! made with glass pendants, some with pendants of metal; some are very small and simple in constructiou, oth ers are large and massive and elabo- See that your druggist gives yi no imitation when you ask for Ken nedy’t lamative Honey r.nd Tar, th '■ t Bios' Laxative nouh synae. Notice Is hereby given to tlie creditors ot tHo estate of Cyrus Morris. Into of said county, deceased,, to render m (in an account ot their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out. And all persons indebted to said deceased are here by requested to make immediate 'pay ment to the undersigned. This the 31, of August, 100G.' John Byrd, Executor of the last will of Cyrus Morris. NOTICE. Net;.-.. is hereby given to tlie cred itors of the estate of J. R. Dillard, late of Glynn county, Qa., deceased to reuder in an acount of their de mands to me within the time pres cribed by law, properly made out. And .ill persons indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to tk uudrslgned This August 31. 1906. Kate D. Adminlsistratrix Cum, MVsfemento Annexe of J R. Dillard. Old fashioned pound cake, tire kin. mother used 1< make, 95 cents per pound at iadieu's bakery, 11)0 a street I .n.!T.—Ladles' gold watch, black li’hhpn fob, on Tt street, between i and T. Rethrn to News office pod receive reward. THE BRUNSWICK RESTAURANT NEW FROM START TO FINISH. OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 12 NIGHT. SPECIAL RATES TO REGU LAR BOARDERS. ALL THE MARKET AF FORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. H. E. IVERSON, Tel. 32!. Prep. JOHN O. ROUNTOS, Brunswick's Candy Store. Don't, buy burnt sugar and imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Such 1 substitutes are injurious to health. Dor pure chocolate and all other can dies call on me. A fresh supply received every week from Menler the famous chocolate maker. Either in 'bulk or in beautiful pound and half pound boxes FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle S*reet. I Do General WALL PAPERING DO YOU WANT YOUR HOME DECORATED IN THE LATEST UP TO DATE STYLE? IF SO CALL ON ME AND I WILL SHOW YOU MY SAMPLES OF WALL PAPER. I WILL DO YOUR PAPER HANGING, PAINT ING, GRAINING, STAINING, KALSOMINING AMD PICTURE j FRAMING AS GOOQ AND AS j CHEAP AS ANY ONE CAN AND ' LIVE. DROP US A CARD. J. M, Wilson 602 MONK STREET, Notice tp Debtors ana Creditors Notice is hereby given to the debtors to the estate of Hannah r Osborne late, of said county, deceased, to ren der in an account of tlu-lr demand;* to me within the time prescribed by law', properly made out All persons ndebted to said deceased are request d to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 29th. duy of Au gust, 1906, w F. Symons, Executor of the estate of Hannan T. Osborne. 9-28-6 wks, * All old time syr.ipa bled t.h bowel*. ThU is wrong. Anew file AdlTfUit-<rt i wo Vf*A r * 1 Kennedy’s Lr.xattfe Honey and Ta; ThlH remedy acts o.u the irev-u* mn brenwy >f the throat and lung* * t ,, 9rke cf fteer THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER To Dealers per Barrel 510.50 To Consumers $ll.OO ANHEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $.0.50 To Consumers $ j oqo PABST CELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers $10.5u To Consumers $ll.OO THF PABST EXPORT To Dealers $ 9.50 To Consumers slo.On EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER To Dealers $!0.0o To Uwusumers $10.50 EXPORT $ 8,00 9. Jiewihm, 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. FANNING TIME WE HAVE A FEW SECOND HAND FANS (AS GOOD AS NEW) WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT $5.00 TO $9.00. SUPPLY LIMITED. SEE US AT ONiIE IF YOU WANT ONE. WE ALSO HAVE A SUPPLY OF BRAND NEW FANS flutual Light & Water Cos. To The Public HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT STONJp PLONT CORNER OF F AND D STREETS IAM PREPARED TO DO A GENERAL CEMENT WORK FIRST CLASC WORK AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES OF WHITE AND COLORED HEXIGON TILE AND CURB CF THE REGU LATION SIZE, I RaSPECTFUI.LY SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PAT RONAGE, * J. D. Baldwin MALiLORY LINE Direct as. Service between New \ ork and Brunswick t- a|| |N(is . EVERY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORK AT 1 i M. *" EVERY FRIDAY FRIM BRUNSWICK TANARUS! SUIT TIDE. Lowest Rates and Unsurpassed Passenger Ac com mod stiAw Apply UW. M. VUFPEH * CO.. or C. H. MALLORY CO?, A (pint*, •mmwkL U*. US Hurling *ll p, Nw York City