The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 15, 1906, Image 4

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d°~t& 4 ff jj I? v* Jk *■' j* • ¥ <f ' Tl.iUO : . *!■*■ ■ . 11l 'll II All Vil.i.ll i I II'"* for a ... : h ..nil <l. ir • • -Ki- /wear. If you have |,ini |j.:y .ii your lain J), U*> mil 'll for vour ..:• : i ' I Ji -.1. ill.! Ol) l ■( 111 v. r, j hi* j&i-t of lln* makers -in *h *. .. . n-. in", iftri'i? will Ik* in) no on 1.1 " 1.. "i '•s "11l :|I"!|1. fill* VV" know . r :•* .ill’! V. o: ■ 111 i , '*■ :-|E $15.00 TO $30.00 i r'’'-/V’cs frtimwif jJ wY" -fe. *+(('■? (]•-:,si Closing ***'■* LU £ I Suit. TANARUS; er Sale v ITS BARGAINS AIL CVt‘i THE STORE. WHITE AND BLACK SHIRT WAISTS WORTH v 1.9S AT $3.75. GENUINE BARGAINS- Zeimenovstz, TRLr-'*ONr- 71 s ;.. hk Newcastle street. r i ? *rv 'M ;.--nj *-• Walter, ( ashiei. !•’ u. .*ll ;,! >;t. ‘ No 4(M. H. Slieldon, Asst. Cashier w‘. .--J-'v-NAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK C iM- Address f NatCA.“ITAL $150,000. i BRUNSWICK, GA., Sepi. 12, 1906. TO IHS BOAR3 OF DIRECTORS, THE NATICT'At. BANK C” BRUNSWICK, GENTLEMAN: \ ' , , r t-MBER, 1856. MR. C. DOWNING AND MR. E. H. MASON o r r v-r A xt-VICE PRESIDENT, RESPECTIVELY, OF THIS EANK AND THE ACTIVE DIRECTION CF 11 ■ ' , THEIR RE SPEC.': VE OFFICES HAVING NOW COVERED A PER IOD OF TEN YEARS, IT p' R AND IT IS MY PLEASURE, TO BRING TO YOUR ATTEN ! i ■ *■ • r CIR EFFORTS BY SUBMITTING BELOW A COMPARATIVE STATE r- N : p- • OWN IN STATEMENTS RENDERED IN RESPONSE TO THE ■ >.4-' Cl r LARS NAMED OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. H SHOT JG MADE SHOULD NOT ONLY BE A SOURCE CF CONGRATULATION TO YOU TPr-. *> \ND THE ’ FICERS NAMED, BUT IS A STRIKING ILLUSTRATION OF THE PROSPERITY OF OUR COMMUNITY. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED E. D. WALTER, CASHIER. ! 1 < r , arative State ment of Gross Deposits !896 S 178 919.64 j IBSB 201,255,45 I *llll / 1302 350,125,79 I S3ii4 381,148,25 1906 588,147.52 frier ase in Ten Years $408,227.88 BRUNSWICK ua'.LV NEWS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, It#v*C, Miss Bessie Decker re turns today to her home in Baxley. • mm Mrs. X. H. Ballard and children have returned from. Greensboro. M; Pauline Scarlett wUI spen I iirxi w- i;i. li -te iL<* gu*-; t if. Mrs. F.! < Dunn / •* m / Mi \n .i' Mdton leaves this! i:io--:i!K for fl i./it ; . |llT '.vhere she i'i niaki lor home. / ** * /, 1 M;-:. Sakilind AH'.i’i e: i i..!iini'*d In Al.iaiila aflci i visit U> relatives i/i the city . w • Mrs. R B. I. liijfford and children! ~.i Lila Stallings leave today■ l. ml '>’.i'* lim in Douglas. All Jn!ph f,■ill hers and children! !i n\ ■ today in jii:i Mi . Curuihers in . York, wlieiti they will reside l’i| fill ure. j* • • Mir J. F. BiiJa, who is viri’irig Mr; j G. V’ i'liii" at {her country home, is! spenulng a fowjdays in the city •vita friends I . . '4 Mins I/i!lie Purdy, of Savannan, who has beerl vlriting Mrs. N- C Young, leaves {today to visit h r tin cle. Gant .lor* Clark, on Jekyl. Hon. .1 !.. foster, of Darien, will move shortly Mr. Thomas Ga* bu-’s former itnne. No. 21U Thirty seventh ;;n eel. Vast. Savannah New JSj • Mi. si's Carrie and Lulu Starr, Jh |i I)i < Ter, Mil Middleton. Mada Me. Donald. Laura bud Marie Frazier| Mi .rs. Kd Dri'kej Hrnesl McDon-j aid spent yesterday al Frederica. • mm Miss Marie Hopkins gave a birthday] party yesterday afternoon in honor ot her twelfth birthday. The table was a picture with its ojiiantlbles i of golden glow and the birthday eake with Its twelve red candles, each wound with ’bright tussel. which was also draped very artistically over the table Twenty-five children were present and earn received a tiny box of stationery as a sourvenlr. Notice. The Union Pressing Club has re i moved from 309 Newcastle street .o ; the rear of tlu* store at 3J7 Newcastle : Hereet. Phone 11J-3. VV. H. Martin | manager. | LO. ,T One goifl ueclace and lock* i et. Monogram 'l. It. B. on other ! side engraved fro® mama and papa. Suitable reward xvYl be paid for re I urn to B BorclmrSl. FOR RENT —Sevlti-room residence itt 7o'l Howe street. Apply to I'M Union street.. Society Doings In Misses Gale‘s Private School. The Fall term of Misses Gale's chool begins Sept. 24, lOOC. Pupils are Fitted for college or university. For further particulars enquire of Miss M. J, Gale. 708 E S* Yes* We Ha. v*i ’em Kalamazoo Celery Large Apples Sugar Loaf Pine Apples California Pcac! California Plums California Grapes. California Pears PHONE 3C7—See how quick you will get Fruits, Vege tables and Groceries out. 'Sm’MMkifieA 214 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 307. G F. ANDERSON, Agt,. i r smith t * V./ • tJ ’ - e 9 ifi VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Typewriters Rented and Repaired DOLLAR RIBBONS AT 75c. iPersonals J. Schofield Franklm. of Jackson ville, is in the city. J George T. Bailey, /f Nicholls,,spent] yesterday in the ciy. P. VV. Fleming lias returned from a business trip to/Atlanta. A. C Ban! s ieiver to-lit f,j- N< iv York fur a two/we.: 1 .-, vara :r> Constance Miller arrived yesterday' from a short Jui-ihcs. :rip tc New; York. I G. R. BrLirot. a wo!! ivu Way-] cross Klruggi. /. * i .ent y.-s’ ■ -l.iy in j the city Charlton Wright, of Sterling, was among the to ilie you | terday. Young Soil hard left last night Tor Colorado, where he goes for the bene fit of his lealth. A. J. Culvers, brother of Col, c. t Conyers, pan accepted a posit i u with Brow n & 00, Thomas O’Connor has accented a position i ; the Maim department ot the A., J 5 & A in this city. Col. W K. Kay, assistant general counsel rf the A. C. L.. arrived in the city -esterday and will be lr-r • for several days. Ilia friends will be pleased to learn that he has en tirely recovered from ids recent ill ness. Folev* s honey ar. . Tar for children,safe,sure. No a CONEY, KifiG h 00, Fref h Today OYSTERS TELEPHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION PHONE 492. C. Downing, President. E. D. Walter, Cashier. B E. H. Manon. Vice President. No. 4944. C. H. Sheldon, Asst. Cashier THE NATIONAL BANK OP BRUNSWICK 1 Cable Address •’Nathan!:” CAPITAL $150,000. BRUNSWICK, GA., Sep-. 12. 1906. TO THE PUBLIC: \ YOUR INTEREST IN THE STATEMENT OF OUR GROWTH AS PUBLISHED HEREWITH LIES IN THE FACTS. THAT YOUV CONFIDENCE AND PATRONAGE HAVE MADE THE GROWTH POS SIBLE. AND. THAT IT IS EVIDENCE OF THE PROSPERITY OF YOUR’ COMMUNITY. OUR AIM WILL BE TO MERIT A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR CONFIDENCE AND PATRON AGE BY GIVING PROMPT, EFFICIENT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION TO YOUR BANKING'REQUIRE 4 MENTS. AN IMMEDIATE IMPROVEMENT IN THE FACILITY WITH WHICH YOUR BUSINESS WITH US MAY BE TRANSACTED WILL BE THE INSTALLING OF A SECOND TELLER. OTHER IMPROVE MENTS WILL BE MADE AS OCCASION REQUIRES. OUR SERVICE COVE RS EVERY RAMIFICATION OF LEGITIMATE BANKING. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK (Cheok Books Free.) INTEREST BEARING CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ARE ISSUED. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS MAY BF. OPENED WITH ONE DOLLAR. loans ARE MADE ON PERSONAL SECURITY, APPROVCD COLLATERAL AND MER CHANDISE iN STORAGE AND IN TRANSIT, OR THE DISCOUNT OF BILLS RECEIVABLE. COLLECT YOUR CHECKS, DRAFTS AND NOTES THROUGH US, WHETHER PAYABLE IN, T BRUNSWICK OR ELSEWHERE. MONEY ORDERS A: D BILLS OF EXCHANGE WILL PROVIDE FOR YOUR REMITTANCE TO OTHER POINTS, DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR VALUABLE PAPERS, ETC, FOR RENT. ‘ INVITATION TO TRANSACT BUSINESS WITH US IS THEREFORE GIVEN TO EVEP,Y MAN * WOMAN. AND CHILD. IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER WE CAN SERVE THEM ALL. THE SIMPLE DETAIL OF ANY SERVICE WILL BE CHEERFULLY EXPLAINED ON REQUEST MADE PERSONALLY OR BY MAIL VERY TRULY YOURS. E. D. WALTER, CASHIER CHARACTER L REPUTATION €| The Difference between Character and Reputation is Mb ' tbet difference between actual fact and appearance. The/) /// The difference between a /// For Gentlemen /yCafy at 6 SHOE" and the ordinary is 1/ A tHe ditTcrenc , e j>. e ‘ween ap! r\ fi <3 *nerit and disappoiiilpng appearances : : i : : : GREAT MILLINERY OFiMNi - -in I.MIt iiiii n -n ■ Tuesday Sept. 18 < Sk GREAT DISPLAY OF LADIES AND CHILDRENS HATsI ALL THE LATEST CREATIONS IN THE MILLINERY AR® STOCK ALL BRAND NEW, COMES DIRECT FROM NEW Y® LADIES INVITED TO ATTEND. MfSs LG, JACKSONI OPERA HOCSE BLOCK. I LA MAI SOM PARSSIENNE “The ONLY French Ladies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. WILL HAVE ITS FALL—WINTER OPENING OCT FIRST. FASHION PLATES AND MODELS IMPORTED DiRE® FROM PARIS. MR. and MME. R. DENSZET THANK THEIP CUSTOMERS FOR THE PATRONAGE EXTENDED THEM THE PAST S SON, AND ASSURE THEM THE VERY LATEST UP '0 DATE FASHIONS FROM PARIS FOR THE COMING SEAS,!* OF 1906—1907.