The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 16, 1906, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. VOLUME 5. NUMBER 265. STEAMER SATILLA IS ALREADY CHARTERED ? FITOF I m LI — ♦ — Will Be Loaded by the Souihern Tie and Tim ber Company TO TAKE CARGO OF TITS THE NEW COMPANY DISPLAYS ENTERPRISE IN BEING FIRST TO LOAD SHIP OF BRUNSWICK STEAMSHIP COMPANY. It has just been announced that the first steamship of tne Brunswick Steamship Company lias been charter ed. for its initial trip out of Bruns wick bv the American Tie and Tim ber Company, Bfunswick’s latest deal ers In crossties and Umber. The cargo for this initial trip of the Satilli^will consist of probably 35,000 crosstjes aud will he shipped to New York, j The securing of this first car go, ofi the part of the energetic young gentlemen, who are at the helm; of the American lie and Tim ber (Company, indicate a spirit of en ergy: and progressiveness, which s fairly abreast of the .present prog ress! now manifest in Brunswick. The Satilla will arrive in port in about thirty days to take on this cargo. Incidental with this charter eonpes the interesting announcement thajt the American Tie and Timber Company have opened their New York office at 11 Broadway, with Mr. S. H. president of the company, ac tively in harge of the eastern and northern .end ol the business. Mr. IS. K. Brown, vice president and general manager, will be . 1 charge: of the southern portion of the business. and will make Bruns wick bis headquarters and offices for operating through the ports of Bruns wick. Mobile, Jacksonville and Pei nandin*. It was stated by The News, when this coppany was launched in the timber' and crosstie market of this section, that, they were going to do tilings. They are energetic, and above (ill enjoy an acquaintanceship with tlie lumber and crosstie busi ness is bound to lead to suc cess. In order to expedite the hand ling of the immente business con templated by these people, it may be oif interest to state that they have re cently leased one of the handsomest djock properties in Brunswick, con sisting; of six hundred and twenty fdp of water front, with ample fa cilities', to accommodate 2110,000 cross ties at! one- time. i In mpktng this lease the company ptoposep to keep constantly on hand a large 1 , sfbclc of crossties in order 4 be ini position to fill emergency or dims with promptness and despatch, sich as pomes with the chartering of me steamship Satilla. W addition to the purchasing of ties in the opf n market the American Tie a id Timbfer Company own large tracts of timber'stands ar.d will manufacture Uieir own from tnelr timber hold figs, thus Enabling them to meet the demands oft the market. It affords\Tho News g:eat pleasure to note the\£plendid spirit of push ami energy displayed by the company isurrounded asi they are with all the (equipment for handling a great ho liness, and witli a competent corps ot I skilled co-laborers in every depart ment, there is no reason why they cannot easily forge to the front rank in the great crosstie and timber in- Idustry of the south. The News wishes them an abun dance of success in the great work the future holds for them. WEATHER IS PROMISED. ■ - Not Expected That tjne Mercury Will Visit the Nineties Again. Again the weathef man says that the backbone of thi hot season i3 broken and promised us much cooler weather. The past three 4ays have unques tionably • been amotig the hottest of the season, the mercury going well up into .the nineties, but a change came yesterday and it dropped to 80 before dark. It is hardly expected that we will have very many more smeltering days during the present summer. j VISITOR SAYS HE WAS TOUCHED Claims That Someone Relieved Him of a Bjcj Roll. J- W. Williams, who claimed to be from a smal/ station on the South ern railway abJve Jesup, claimed that somebody in Brunswick relieved him of his pocketpook, last night, which, he says, contained about SBO in cash. Williams came into The News office about 2 o'clock this morning with his tale of woe. f He had not quite reco - t>ed fu>m Jthe effects of his Sal urday night indulgence, and was ar able to static where he had been to lose his rnpney. He was positive, however that he had a pocketbook containing a good roll when he arriv ed in the iity yesterday afternoon, and all lie 4eemed to know about it was that it gone. — \ Auction Sale Monday. A big auction, sale will be lied at Justice I.ambrh ht’s office tomorrow morning -beginn ng at 11 o’cock. 4 number of ust fill articles such as household goods, etc., wil he offered from tile block, ind those in search o: genuine hargaii s should attend the sale. E' UR HOLIDATS / / JEWISH rsfEW YEARS WILL BE GIN WEDNESDAY—A RABBI w|ll BE HERE. Next Wednesday will be Rosh Has honah, wlflch is the Jewish new year, and ten c lys afterwards wil! he Yom Kippur, t ie day of atonement, which is anothe • of the Jewish holidays. All of t le Jewish establishments in the city i ill be closed and there will he a gen iral observance of the day in the cil y. Rosh Hashonah is gen erally kn< wn among the Jews as the day of r( membrance The ne y year will be SGG7, whica they claii i is from the beginning of time. T 1 ere will be solemn services at the s> nagogue and there will be no manner of work looked after by the Jews The closing of the celebration is with Yom Kippur. It is not known exactly when the rabbi will arrive, but one will be here to conduct the services during the rolidays first mm ■ ONE HUNDRED BALES, CONSIGN ED TO RIVED,? YESTERDAY. One hundre I bales of cotton, con signed to Stri chan & Company arri ved in port y isterday. , This is tha first shipment of cot ton to he recaved in Brunswick since the present dotton season opened, it came here o\t>r the Atlanta Birming ham and Atlajitic railroad from Thom asville and v*is delivered to the com pany at their wharves at the new docks. Th J present season is .ex pected to be a big one in Brunswick, and now that cotton is being ginned in all sections of the state it is ex pected that shipments wil be made to this port reguariy. NEWS NOTES FROM CAMDEN. Little Items of Interest from Our Sis . ter -County. Woodbine, Selt. 1. —The Agricul tural Society heW a meeting this week and decided to roid the fair on Tuts day, October 2< Some handsome pre miums have bJen offered for the dif ferent exhibit^ The Farme® Institute, which was held here fast Saturday, was not very well 'attended, considerable lask of interest being* shown by the farmers. Thf absence of Hon. Harvie Jordan, too, jjvas a disappointment to those who dfd attend. There is fa movement on foot to create a cofinty court in Camden. This would seem a step in the right direction, s nee it would provide for quick trial n the cases over which it would have jurisdiction and save the pxpe#ise jo feeding 'prisoners. Camden county has decided not to an Exhibit at the state fair this year, j The matter was left to a committee who arrived at this de cision at aj meeting held a few days ago. Christina/ Way, quite an old land mark arnaong the colored people of Camden ccAinty, died suddenly a few days ago.C Miss Nellie Brown, the afflicted daughter of J. N. Brown, died Tues -1 daw night from malarial fever. Tim gets APPOINTMENT —f — He is Again Rained as Oil Inspects! lor Ibis District was a mm cm There Were Three- Candidates for the Place in This City, Bui the Old Inspector Won Out and Received Appointment. Information was received in the city yesterday announcing that I*. \\\ Fleming, inspector of oiis of this district, had been rtvf’pci n t. to the position by ConiiuisMoner ei Agri culture Hudson. j There wore dhfi-ee applicants for this position, .1 J R. Hob its, the drifegist, J. St/vall Smith, propri-. tor of Smith's jPliarniarw and p. \y Fleniing, the p/esent incumbent.. The contest was lather spirif-.-d. all t the candidates circulating petitions among their friends, which wore gen erally pretty .Well signed. Ttie reap pi* nt men I is quite a com plimesnt to lil,r. Fleming and is a good indication ol Hie l'acl that, he lias served ■lie state to good advaitn tage. The cam-mission of Mr. Fleming will probably arrive in the city in the course of a few days. GENERAL CCfjt-BIN PASSES AGE LIMIT AN [j IS SUCCEEDED BY GEN, MACARTHUR. I ■ Washington,: Sepi 15.—Today wii nejssed the passing of Lieut. Gen. Henry C. Corbin, United States army, to tlie retired (list, ami the introduct ion of Lieut. Gen. Arthur MacArthur, his successor 1 Both of these distin guished officers are .pro.iucu, " tbe volunteer army created ioi service in the civil wafr. Both have played a prominent part in the regular amy ever since (hat war. Gen. MacArthur is a native of Mas sachusetts, jmt wnli his parents went to Wisconsin when an infant and grew up .in Milwaukee, passing through thf public schools. He was not 16 years old when President Lin coin’s firsts call for troops was made in 1861. It was no fault of his that he did ndt enlist in the first regi ment from that state. His father tli • late Judge Arthur MacArthur, who has also : served as lieutenant gov ernor of Wisconsin and for five day.-, as its governor, prevailed upon his boy to pdstpone his enlistment for a year 1). cjuse of his youth. Knowing of his proficiency and earnest desire to become a s tidier, Governor Salomon commissioned mm first. lieu ! enant and aiijrtnu of Ur* Twenty-fi uriu Wisconsin in August, 1862. W ien the delicate boy, siiin, with vole i not yet fully changed, re ported to the colonel for duty, that officer ga e him scant welcome an i sent a req rest to the governor to give him for at Jutant one of more mature years an< better qualified for the important station. The governor de clined the request He Wants to Sell Out. Harold rPerson, proprietor of the Brunswick Restaurant. advertises elsewhere in this issue for the sale of the Brunswick Restaurant, he hav ing concluded to go into the coal and wood business This is a very good chance for some active youn£ man to step into a splendid business. BIG EXPLOSION POWDER MAGAZINE IN NASH VILEE BLEW UP, DOING MUCH DAMAGE. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 15 —The large magazine of Urn .Keystone Pow der Company, containing one thous and pounds of powder, exploded to day. Great damage was done r to the house and nearby buildings! BRUNSWICK, GA„ SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 16. 1906. *S 'state Sat Dig Tighter Will Ini Enter Any of the Parts TO MON DOT AT SLA It Has Been Announced That the Battleship W-l! Visit Georgia Wa ters Latter Part of December or F’irst of January. It has boon announJed by the navy department that the liattleship Gcor g*.i will mil enter The harbor of either Brunswick or Ravannah, owing to the heavy draught or Ihe ship, ail Unit she will jome to Georgia waters and will Im* ai/viorod JuflE one of tin- ports so that Tope of the stale will have an opportunity to visit, and see ihe sluhi's nuiiH sake. The Atlanta Jon m,j of .festerday contained tin- folic wing story about the battleship, whi.-h will be of In terest to hie peon! of Ibis city gen era 11 : "The battleship (i.-orgia will not re ceive her commissi m In Georgia wa ters, as urged by Governor Terrell hut will niaki her maiden trip to the state f< r which the float in@.fortress has b en named the lat ter part ot Decern icr of the first of January. “Advices were received by the eliiot executive from the I navy department Friday that ii would be Impracticable for the big float! ig fortress to re ceive her commis ion at any other l iliico than the Boston yard wh-ere she will be turned lover to the United State:- Sunday miming. 'flic ship will be commissioned Monday morn ing, when in ihe >rder of the navy department will be receive and. “A crew will In selected for the battle ship and the will be fitted nut for a cruise, vliich wiil require several months’ werk. "The Georgia vil then be sent ofi the coast of the st rte, and anchored near the whistling buoy four miles from Tybee light. Owing to the heavy draught of he big ship, the vessel cannol he sail to either Sav annah or Brunswick! hut will be sta tioned at a position about twenty miles from Savannia and fifteen miles from Brunswick. "Governor 1 Terrell \ wil arrange a program for the receiUion of the ves sel by tbe state. He And the state of ficial.: and a number W military or gaiiieations will participate in the tx orrises." POSTAL teleg iaph company WILL SOON HAVE ONE TO CUBA. Washington, Sop . 15. —Clarence U. AlacKay. prosid nt of the Common i u Cable and Postal ’ ’elegraph Compan ies, accompanied I y Messrs. W. W Cook, general conn el, s. S. Dickinson, vice presndent; an I W Riddle, su perintendent, toda; visited the state, war and navy d<a. irtnient of justice, completing the p ellminary arrange ment for the land tig of the Commer cial icabo Com pa ly’s two new ca bles between the United States, Key West and Cuba. , The monopolist - franchise now in operation will api re on Decern li r (i. and the ('omqi >rcial Company de sires to ha ’c everything in readiness to afflo; and 1 ompeUtiye service ,0 Cuba imrae iatel after the expiration of the Iran blue. It will be recalled that the Commer cial Cable 1 oinpanv endeavored to make this c nnection while Cuba was under Unite! States contra!, but was prevented b| order of Secretary or War Alger. Ipuring the period of agi tations of till matter before con gress the monopoly reduced the rates by nearly seventy-five per cent. In an lnterwew today President. Mac Kay said:\ “Ws see no reason why out plan* should not proceed rapidly. We kYow that there is a very large cable \usiness ill Cuba and we propose to iiiLe our shart. of it. Removal Notice. U. Goldstein has removed his shoe shop from 309 Newcastle street to 317 Newcastle street. SENSATIONAL CASE OS TOIAF — ♦ — Georgia Rscior Testifying in Divorce Suit in Chicago MRS. HUNTINGTON A 10 Georgia Rector Said that Her Capacity Was a Quart of Rye in Three Hours—Some Very Sensa tional Testimony. < hicago, Sept 15.-/-Onp quart of J'.vc whiskey in thi&e hours is the record of capacity Ascribed today by witnesses against ifr s. Floren.e V. Hnuiington, Min njissionary, in her iiiicl suit against hi ov. Dowell Phil iiiis, former reclorf of fashionable St Aflmn s olmrcli, of Bast Chicago. Tim testimony £vas sensational In llin itxtivmo, until ;i former Georgia jjuxftu- ami Geoijia scenes eontrib uted largely to the tobasco injected into the proceedings. liev. John I<’. Mllbairks, an Kiplsco pal clergyman njw of Independence, Kan-;., formerly ii charge of a parish at Waycross, Gat testified to having flrst met Mr;;, flluntlngtoii sixteen yeans ago in Milwaukee. She told linn she hail a (brother who was a clergyman. ITvJ years later she visited him at tliueva, Ohio, and la ter at Way cross, La. lie said at Gene s'.i his wife "aJ about tu go to To 'onto for a \isit and Mrs. Hunting on suggesred that, she slay at his house after hislvife left. “I told her that it would le improper and It would never do J I insisted upon h r leaving,” replica tlie witness. “At Way, rosfc, Georgia, she lived at the hotel, lilt was in mill out of live rectory alllthe time. She wanted to go to St. Algustine, Fla., and ask ed me to take her there. My wife urged me to Jb with tine woman, a she declared ilie was ill and unable to travel along. 1 accompanied in; r anil introduced!her to the British con sul and the clurch people there and tnen came awly.’’ Several years afterwards sine said he gave her letters of introduction to his wealthy Adatives in England and she went alluad. He said while in England she/got in trouble witu his uncle. / On cross culmination he admitted that Mrs. Hinilßiiglon had paid Ihe ex penses of his *i ip io St. Augustine. Ihe witnewH, lw said, voluntarily came to Chicago to teslify in the case and he had paid his own expenses. I "1 th ink at an outrage that such a woman slulild make these charges against, a flergyman of Or. Phillips' character.’! Other witnesses told of how the sa icons oi Chicago had named sirnighi tiiiskey the “Huntington cocktail."lout of deference to Mrs. Hunting! Ai‘s capacity; of itow- siie carried a| stiletto for a tioubiesoincj landlady;|thai lu-r rejnii alien for va vanity wal bad and that her example was very Vad. The wife of an editor in East dirfeago asked 11 Mrs. Hun- tinglon had ever lived al her home, dn-mali ally responded; "Thank Uod, no, The :ime witness said Mrs. ;U:ntln.!'ton rfse to lean her head on the editor's Jahoulder and ask him to accompany flier out. at uiglit. ype replied: ’jßo. but he iriiglit, had no b "u a yowiger man. My husband la quite old.* The hearing will be resumed Thurs day, Sepfcmber 20. ■mall Fire Yesterday. The (Apartment was called out yen- Urday Afternoon about 3 o’clock by a small blaze In the residence occu pied hi Peter Devarls, 1200 Glouces ter stAet. A chimney hue was on (Ire, tie damage being very small. m. n ill i SOCIETY LEADER IS AGAIN RE PORTED TO BE IN A SER- CONDITION. Newport, Mppf. 15.—Mrs Astor the great. Header ;of society, who was so jil in Boston a few weeks ago, is hgain critically ill. The physicians announce her condh ftion to be very serious, GENERALFUNSTONSS GOING TO THE SCENE NOW A SCENE OF Ap'flVITY. / Much Work is Being Dona at the A B. & A. Terminahy Wort; is now progressing rapidly at the terminals of the 1 Atlryfta. Birm ingham and Atlantic raiinfcui in the southern section of the cjfv. and one "ill have to visit the sc/ne to know exactly how much work going on. Filings for the mammota piers are now being placed in positi/n and con siderable other work is iuf progress. Just when the big drfdge Atlantic "ill return lo resume jfworl; at tlie terminals is not know it. but she is expected iierc shortly. LA MAI SON PARISI^NNE TO OPEN dCTOBrS JST lifr. and Mrs. K. Deni/el, proprie tors of la Maison / Parisienne, an noiTnee (TTSewhere tfi this issue tliat. tlioy will open tlrpir handsome par airs on Newcastle/ street on October 1. and will display tiio handsomest line of gowns, /loaks and models. These niodicjs iiave ihecn import ee* from Paris an® will not doubt be a surprise to tliel ladles of Brunswick, who have iongt waited an establish ment of this kind and enable them to have their gowns made here/ TEDOn LETTER WHAT THE PRESIDENT WROTE TO QUESADA. THE CUBAN MINISTER. Oyster Bay, Sept. 15.—Following m ihe letter oi Bresident Roosevelt to the Cuban minister; Oyster Bay, N. Y., Sept; 14, 1906. My Dear Senor Quosada: In this crisis in the affairs of the Republic of Cuba, 1 write you not merely because you are the minister ol Cuba accredited to this government but because yuu and 1 were intimate ly drawn together at the time when the United States intervened in the affairs of Cuba with tiie result of making her an independent nation. You know how sincere my affection and admiration and regard for Cub i are. You know that 1 never have- done and never shall do anything in 'reference to Cuba save with such sincere regard lor her welfare., You also know the pride 1 felt because it came to me as president to with draw the American troops from tin' island of Cuba and officially to pro claim her independence and to wish her Godspeed in her career as a free repubic. 1 desire now through yoi to say a word of solemn warning to your people, whose vainest well wish er 1 am. For seven years Cuba has been in a condition of profound peace and of steadily growing prosperity. For four years this peace and pros perity have obtained under her own independent government. Her peace, prosperity and independence are now menaced for of all possible evils that can befall Cuba tlio worse is the evil of anarchy into which civil war and vevoutionary disturbances will as suredly throw her. Our intervention in Cuban affairs will only come if Cuba herself shows that she has fall en into the insurrectionary habit, that she la ks the self-restraint necessary to peaceful self-government and that her contending factions have plunged the country into anarchy. 1 solemn ly adjure all Cuban patriots to band together to sink all diff rences and personal ambitions and to remember that the only way they can preserve the independence of the republic ii prevent the necessity of outside inter fereuce by rescuing it from the an arehy of civil war. Under the treaty with your govern ment, ! as president of the Unite-l Stakes have duly in this matter wide i l cannot shirk. The information at hand shows that the social bonds throughout the island have been so re laxed that life, proierty and indivi dual liberty are no longer safe. 1 have received authentic information of injury to and destruction ol Amer ican property, it is, in my judgment Imperative for the sake of Cuba tin . there shall be an immediate cessa tion of hostilities and some arrange ment which will secure tire perraa eneut pacification of the island. t am sending to Havana, the sec retary of war, Mr. Taft, and the as sistant secretary of state, Mr. Bacon, as the special representatives of this government, who will render such aid as is possible toward these ends. Through you I desire in this way to communicate with the Cuban gov ernment and with the Cuban people, and accordingly, 1 am sending you a copy of this letter to he presented to President Palma anil have also direct ed immediate publication, Siucerely yours Theodore Roosevelt. Senor Don Gonzale de Quesada, the Cuban minister. PRICE FIVE oents. i in on TO GO TH CUBA leaves Tacoma, Was!)., for National Capital, Thence La Havana INSURGENTS ML ROUTED A THOU3ANC WERE . PUT TO FLIGHT YESTERDAY BY FOUR HUNDRED PURAL GUARDSMEN NEAR HAVAINA. Tacoma. WaJh., Sept. 15.—Genera! Funston was tiday ordered to Wash ington from this place, where-he ns 3 been stationed for some time. It is undsralßod he is to pro cesd direct to r-übt fro 1. V asb.egton, though nothiii defm.t; *0 that effect has been lec evjd. It is said th it lie- s go’ 13 to Cuba for the purpos-. of assist! 13 Secretary Taft in his wo k of investigating and and conciliation of the affairs of tha island. Havana, Sept. 15.—A thousand in surgents were put to filght today by four hundred rural guardsmen near the capitol. MAJOR OSCAR DEAD. Well Known Georgia limitary Man Passes Away iiy’ Texas. The following Aianth teegram will be of interest in th/military circles of this city. Majo/ Brown was wen known in Brunswick and during liia service as luspe/or general iio very often visit,i it liery and will be remem bered by many/Bnmswicklaus, espe cially those wpo were members of the Brunswick/Rifi,men |,i I lie nine- Hes. The tiiwH of Ids death wiU he regretted f>y his old friends hero. Tire tclegramf is as follows; “Major Ort-ar Brown of the First United Stalls cavalry, died at Fort Sam, llousfifn, Texas, Thursday nigh;, as the result of pneumonia, it ts said, by exposnril during a long inarch. "News of the death of Major Brown reached All into, yesterday in a tele gram to T A. Burke, whose wife is a relative o Major Brown. The tel gram also staled tlial Hie body would be se J. to Athens, Ua.. for bo na] and wl I pass through Atlanta on i(s way there some time next week. ‘‘The nowslof Major Brown's deatn will be received In Georgia wttti deep regreat, lie!was stationed tiere for several years! and while here made many friends Who knew him well and loved him fort hth Dig-hearted amt whole-souled nature. “Major BrowVi was appointed from Georgia to Ihot military academy at West Point. In 1572, and graduated in 1877. tie went wilh the first Unite i Slates cavalry Immediately upon leav ing lh,e academy and lias been coil iieried wifli that, regiment ever since except when detached on special duty as he was while in rt-orgia. He was promoted to captain in 1896. and on November 30. 1004, received his m i Jorshlp. “From 1895 until May, 1898, Majc • Brown was located in Georgia, hav ing been d‘'tailed u> serve- with the state troops here us acting assistant adjutant general and as acting in spector general, in which capacity h ■ made numerous friends among tire mi litiamen of the state and others whom he came in contact with.’’ PURCHASED A LARGE STOCK. A. Zelmenovitz Just jfiok from the Markets of /the East. A. Zelmenovitz. [the enterprising Newcastle street dri goods marchant, has just, returned fVim New York, where he purchasocK ono of the handsomest line ever dis played in this city. They are arriv ing on every trablf and 110 invites the people of Brunswick to come and ex amine them. / If you arc /looking for real bar gains you shrtuld visit this store. in tour} Circles. Everything Ot <riiet in Brunswick court circles just at present, none of the tribunals b dug in session, and but few cases be ng tried. The city [court will meet o September 20, bui the only business will bo the draw ing of a new jury