The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 18, 1906, Image 4

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There is no occasion lor you to pay an extravagant pricv for a stylish suit for dress or business wear. if you have been paying your tailor txx, much for your made t ; o.d " c'.otlies. you will find a pleasant change in one i “ on • Sni’s Thi v <- i. i gi.i-ss work on the part of I lie makers- in tin i. dn o: o;n in the Inlying—there will be none on i rt in tt:<- v;e;c'i’.r% ______ \V r .k<- our reputation on every garment, for we know v tint may l> • < .| and ot tlie materials, style iind workiiiun t , it in ilia. PRICE $15.00 TO $30.00 LEVY’S Fall Goods %L> ir L Received /• I AM JUST BACK FROM NEW Y ORKWITH A FULL LINE OF FAL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS. COME SEE THEM Zeimenovitz, TELEPHONE 215. 216 NEWCASTLE BTREET. h J jj; J We make a specialty of pleasing our custom e/’s, Our opening was a decided success and the expres sions of our many visitors assured our eff~>' rs in se curing the m sr up*to-'late lines ot mens and boys goods Vi -'iW .A*— mw WOOD-BAILEY CLOTHING CO. ‘The One Price Clothiers.' fill BKUNSWittf oA'LV NEWS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1906. Mrs. R. E. Hunter leaves today for Atlanta. • a. • Miss Loie Ware has returned from Hawkinsville • • • Mr. and Mrs. 13. A. White are vis iting in Marietta. • A little son is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Tostensen. * m Mrs. l„ M. iiealer is Uie guest ot friends in Carrollton. m m m Mr :. That .1. McCall lias returned iron) a viat. to Macon. Mrs. H.jH. Herndon lias returned from a visit to Kl'oerton. m m m Master /.Morton Wiggins has return oil to his/horne in Albany. m Miss Claire Boluffeulel'c-t has re tained 16 her home in Macon. • • • Mrs. P. D'-varis has returned from a visit Jo friends in Savannah. • •* • Mrs.lS. Marks returns today from a visit/ to relatives in Alabama. ■ * • A| little son has arrived at thj home’ of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bur hanks. Miss Annie O’Connor lias returned frond a visit to Albany and north Gerntia. * • • M ss Carrie Stacy will spend this wee; iii Savannah the guest of frit-i ds. A! ss Lulu Stacy leaves in a few dais to visit Mrs. A. it. Harrell in Aug ista. * * • Mih.C. C. CaliCf returned yesterday frfun a pleasant visit to reatives in f'nr. itrsvllle. • ■it --., v ..n t SlilPF has left Eli: ltid -A Mr., and is now in Baltimore. --Savannah News. 1• • • Mlss\iJeßsie Decker, who has -been • visitina her brother, Mr. Ed Decker, |i lives t fed ay for her home in Baxlev. • a 11 Miss Mary Houston, who is the guest of Miss Fannie Symines, re turns this week to Wilmington. N. C. a a Mr. and Mrs. Alva Beaufort Greene, of Fort Valley, have announced the "iigageinent of ttieir daughter, Ixiuise, to Mr. Henry Bass Nichols, of Grif fin, the wedding to take place at the family residence, on Beauty Square Fort Valley, on the evening of Octo tier 17. Miss Green made many friends here during her visits to her Society Doings In WE ARE ON THE RUN lOIIR MlffS WORTH OR MONtY RACK sister, Mrs. Leighton Sheiiard. and the announcement of her approach ing wedding will be of much interest to them. * * a invitations , were received yester day to the marriage of Miss Irene Pjitzel, of Savannah, to Mr. Joseph Brooks Abrams, the wedding to take place on Tuesday evening, October 2, at 9 o’clock at the home of the bride’s mother, Mr. and Mrs. Lehiinhi Put/.el, Lafayette Square, SavannaliV LOST—One gold ueclace and lock et. Monogram 1. R. B. on other side engraved from mama and papa. Suitable reward will be paid for re turn to B. Borchardt. FOJI RENT—Seven-room residence at 709 Howe street. Apply to 426 Union street. f-iotlce. The Union Pressing Club lias re moved from 309 Newcastle street to the rear of the store at 317 Newcastl sereet. Phone 141-3. W. H. Martin manager. COTTON To cotton ginrus. iartkis own lag or operating cotton gins or ginning plants, are requested immediately to send me their names, their postoffice addresses and also their telegraphic addresses, that I may submit to them appreciations which may be to theit ruhstantial financial advantage shall appreciate it. if any one of my regular correnpondents to whose eyes this advertisement may come tvii send me list of the names and ad dresses of cotton ginners in their lo cality. All commuications will be treated confidentially. Address Then H. Price, 82 Beaver street, New Yoru City, N. Y; CL F. ANDERSON, AgL L. C. SMITH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Typewriters Rented and Repaired DOLLAR RIBBONS AT 75c. Personate Mayor Hopkins spent yesterday in Atlanta. Cot. \V. E. Kay returned to Jackson ville last night. T. J Scranton, of Jacksonville, was in the city yesterday. VV B. Scott, a; Darien, was among the visitors to the city yesterday. John D. Frey, representing the Mon a h Book Company, of Chicago, was (among the visitors to the city yes terday. 1 Dr. D. D. Atkinson and Dr. E . K. Iteker left last night to attend the fleeting of tli dentists in Atlanta. (Andrew Lorenson, who been lijing in Savannah for several years, his returned to make Brunswick lit home. RV. E. Burbage, for many years a prominent business man of Brunswick now of Johnson City, Tenu., is in the citw for a few days. Vt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY As I am going into the coal an wool husiues with my father, I wan to sell my present business th Brunswick Restaurant. ' H. E. Iverson. \ . •_ Misses Gale’s Private School. The Fall term of Misses Gale’s chool begins Sept. 24, 1906. Pupils are Fitted for college or university. For further particulars enquire of Miss M. J. Gale, 708 E S’ CONEY, KING l P" Fiefh Today OYSTERS TELEPHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION PHONE 492. You and your friends are offered an opportunity cf view ing the j SMARTEST FAIL FASH IONS TOR MEN AND YOUNG M*S\ j which has come in\ troijn makers who enjoy a national Deputation as manufacturers ofynigh class clothing (A CHARACTER i I REPUTATION (J The Difference between Character and Reputation is the difference between fact and appearance. The difference between For Gentlemen at U .SHOE* and the ordinary makes is nr A 1 R —' O the difference between actual aSk AI Q |l\ Q merit and disappointing appearances : : : : ; : CRUiT MILLINERY OPENING Tuesday Sept. 18 GREAT DISPLAY OF LADIES AND CHILDRENS HATS. ALL THE LATEST CREATIO NS IN THE MILLINERY ART. STOCK ALL BRAND NEW, COMES DIRECT FROM NEW YORK LADIES INVITED TO ATTEND. Mi S S L. G. JACK SON OPERA HOCSE BLOCK. LA MAISON PARISiENNE “The ONLY French Ladies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. WILL HAVE ITS FALL—WINTER OPENING OCT FIRST. FASHION PLATES AND MODELS IMPORTED DIRECT FROM PARIS. MR. and MME. R. DENIZET THANK THEIR CUSTOMERS FOR THE PATRONAGE EXTENDED THEM THE PAST SEA SON, AND ASSURE THEM THE VERY LATEST UP-TO DATE FASHIONS FROM PARIS FOR THE COMING SEASON OF 1906—1907. FORWJ TMREE COPYRIGHT, J9C3 THE FECHHEIMER FI3HELCO. NEW YOHK "CFPIIFf-'*