The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 19, 1906, Image 2

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THE BRUNSWICK OAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY 1 HE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY K mm. tLARANCE H. LEAVY, Editor an Manager. CUIS J. LEAVY. Jr, City Edito EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., poe office as second class mail matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms of subscription in the eit anl by mail free of chtrge to ait part, of the United States and Canada. Me* Ico, Porto Rico, Guam. Phiiippin Islands and Hawaiian Islands. One Month -50 Three Month* $1.25 Six Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 Notice of discontinuance ef Ads and Subscriptions must be made t business office in writing. rr.i k r mones <r . lj- t , v * 'f •• s< in-, n■< f ‘i>* *-*■ Ov >— > l.u V. . • 4 ‘’ 1 v ; . v 2j/ '..tout f ri it. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Uiyui, County, Glynn County Comiulsslonera. The United States Court of Bank ruptcy for Ibis JJisiricL Correspondence solicited, but to re delve attention letters must be ao tomi auied by a responsible name, no tor puu.iccUon, but us a guarantee ot -pood faith. Kc-jieeted communications will b returned if accompanied by postage. Bewiltaueo should be made tty pos ;al note, check, money order or registered letter Address Newr, Publishing Cos.,, Ga. That m■' for tilt' court of appeals stor.ts to be a iree-foi-ad scrub affair .Macon and Columbus will worry on i water these warm days. Foolish to do. That provisional! government In Cuba seems tu have trouble finding tsUmdlug room. That now idea of spelling is jiow well info the ranks of those eaniji who ado ran. Tims far in the iiryauization of the country, the Hon. David U. Hill is like •lie deponeth Hint nalth not The National Association of Den tints are now in session in Atlanta That another good pull fur that city. Pittsburg continues to make it* mark in tiie world, iiu 1 the trouble i-v .v. arc afraid it will never he erased. They used beer in Kentucky the other day to put out a fire, hut mark you : 1 -, ; not wr when the fire v.. u.. Auyuow those Cuban names ate not as bud to deal With as wire the ones in the Russian scrap with the Japs. VV.., : .. arv Taft draws that! sinii- ;.t .:i c Cubans why they wn. do the kow-tow and kau-kan to per lection. That New York millionaire who hu.> married three chorus girls must cer tainly he figuring on having a sextette of his own. A writer In Charleston insists that a girl is young until she is forty. Surely those Cuarleatoniaus are harl to wake up. Put your bhouiuer to the wheel and help make the Conunetcial la-ague It will ho a great factor In the growth ot Brunswick. Th. summer girls are now returns ..... ataaiuc an a the mouti- I _ .v. t.*v. ut laciUlU& li.'.' If tin is It. any uouht in your miuu I that the Southern Is not twin*? to mild new terminals in Brunswick, just loop your eye on Donuts' Folly But then again, perhaps Mr. Pratt know a that those trolley amemitnenu already agreed upon cannot posslby undergo a change until he asks tor them on November u, Tii re are set BrunswicUlans suffering with a peculiar ma-ady and a diagnosis would prohah y result in the disease being ciJK and pollUcstsle It effects the hratn. it you are a progT.'Rßive ltruns wickluu and belong to the Comma-- dal La ague go and attend that called meeting Friday atlernoon U is to Brunswick's interest. Out of courtesey to the Southern Bell Telephone Company Company ; t eettrns to us that the board'of health might hold a meeting end tell thej Company w hether or not It can no •>' proceed to spend several thousand dol lar* is Bnumwlek. A REFORM THAT WON'T CO. j If It were not for the mania to re ; form everything In sight in this more j or less pessimistic arid merodulousl period, a good many people would i have to go out and work for a living. Everywhere one turns there is a re form movement of one sort or an other. Some of these, of course, are! inecre and commendable, others even | urgently needful. Many of them ar.- based on sinister motives, desir* s fo. j job.,, v v >'. a keen relish for flgurlny | lin the limelight, and what not .Tic uouble about not a few of the so tail'd reforms is that they tlieinse • ves give unmistakable evidence! of the need of overhauling soon dft*-•• they are put into operation It does seem that there \va- an am ple suffich nry of reform r rusad at ready in lull blast Or und< r n.iih-m i plation without an effort on tie- part; of certain fashionable and preoumu bly reputable milliners to n->omtio i-’ ize the styles in the headgear of tin .nen. The proposition is to introduce: hats for the male contingent adorned 1 with bewildering embeillKminents so that the different creations of (Jain --j boros, .pokes, picture olfects, turban: , toques and the rest of them that run be strictly in vogue at the time mav set off the domes of the men foil-: j craniunis to tiie envy oi the tend' i- . j sex. Fancy a inatter-of-ftjfd bachelor with corpulent inellnatfons and a Havana cigar in the/corner of his mouth wearing a soryof Louis Qnav torze creation witli a.-.-fully loliin ' brim, sweeping, plupie and jeweled ornaments Hcrc-\ J picture for you, ! especially if ho fljJiprns 10 be ban:- headed and endowed with whiskers or even a goatee. We leave the spec- facie to the fertile imaginations of la dies v/ho are fastirtiotif and author itative critics on costume effects. The men already have as many troubles of their own as they can take care of with philosophical resigna tion, and wo are sure we voice the sentiments of the great majority of our downtrodden e* vylten we re lster a protest against an.v .’Ue 1 ) revo lution in the matter of lids It mu' In- possible, of course, for a few i t femtumU members of the unjustly termed brute tpx to create some envy! in the hearts of the wemon wlw claim a monopoly on . ; onks both ' original and acquired, by uiq,earing in headgear biauiiful with f/linin'- osirieh illumes, algrctie.-i, clious, streamers . ye!) (U'.'iperl' , ii>.-• 11 i'H, nr rare representative.--- of the fowl fam ily, choice selections from ilie lioriii kingdom or luscious pickings iroip tiie foreign anil dome.-tie fruit crop. But these are exceptions Tim y.enenu- It<F mankind will live;. i upon eon versatlsni lir thls mutter, nnd will mu listen to tlie pri,posed reform A few; priviliges are stilj tel/ the sex, thank! heaven, and they will net tie mat- tyrs to the extent of appearing hmUiy In puhllc all bedecked in liinisy fa brics, feathers, furbelows, frllli, ami liiHinees so dear to the heart.", of wom en who ate victim!, ol’ Hie triple-faced Idol, Fashlow-Fojl\ Frotul We venture to assert that not oil - man in n thousaid will waste Uu least sympathy in the proposed re form. In the first place, men are "not built that way," and fiuilui more, it would lake ,i brave fellow of independent spirit to subj.-i i him self to the danger, every time he ap peared on the street, of being hailed with "Wjhere did you get that hat? Waiting for the Dog Show. The children ot Brunswick, and the old lotks, 100. lor lust mailer, are waiting with interest to bcu ijeutry ■ nog and pony show, which will glv two performances in the city next taturday. The show Is said io be larger and better than evt r this year u number of uew features bavin,; been added tilua Ribbon Beer. Jest leceived, a ear load < f Pabs Brewing Company's Blue liibuni beer dame is sold at all first class saloon ,u the city of Brunswick, iicuui io uts per Dottle and per eon a I', Kt-wnmi., sole agent, fits Uav street. Removal Notice. c. Goldstein has removed his shoe shop from 80U Newcastle street to ;!17 Newcastle street. WANTED Twenty-five tie choppers and te wood cutters to work at Leicht, on the A„ B. d> A. railroad. Apply *o superintendent of camp of i ayior- Cook Cypress Company, Leicht, Ga, Call tip Davis and Taylor's stables If you want dirt lor raising your lots or sidewalks. N otlce. The Union Pressing Club tins re moved from 309 Newcastle street to the rear of the store at ;>l7 Nowcastl sereet Phone Hi 3. W. 11. Martin manager. Ft>r loswous tu typewriting and (tea I ccrapby call on Mr*. Alma Hodman.j No. 117 #outl* 800 street j VTT If O • h Whe ” V' J - T "enc s are wsik, w|cn you ! §■—t /- f 4 arc - easily tuc*% w hen you feel all run JL JL vV £ p ~ Vsi'X down, then is the time you need a good / stTong tonic —Ayer’s Sarsapcrilta. Your doctor will tell you why it has such power over weak nerves, why it makes the blood rmh, and why it ?ivts courage ar,jj strength. Ask him if it is not • list thr m/riir : ne red We HMM teorettl WepubliiS J, C. Ayer Cos., ,U.l me niLU.Cn.- . U. I J. .. • .- i: . 1 BRUNSWICK, Sal.Sp6t.22 Iff Sjl vwgf'S I / f r M / y ; X &J*| PEPYS AND EVELYN. 1110- i- nee li M<llioU **f Tliexe Tw l-'umtiuN Uittrikl,. I’t-p.v.-.' !Kirrat.ive la ahvJya drnmntie —hill'— if In na; (lie • niijfof l!i<- j win:-! idvd;. n H hi pailietie f.r did . I til - 111 on. I I. ■ h , .11. I I " giv-< c\ tiie comeil.ugof hi., lime, a.j J *l.. h: 111 V 111 ! 'ldn .."/-iVC h Hat com band !;V !. >: -.--ill*.a of I.i y in hi.: ini m>i a little of i.’j.- ('oiujiai-olf imJhnce, their t oatmeut : n.' ti’ • .oil r.i-emuitl ■ u nc'.v in -i ii!'- li e and natl'e i>r#\ > u H cm. 'I !>u ' it in that I’- i .l,' af "mill la-gins: “Some of our hi 1 : iUp I- le !'t .! id -'it til get t!,:i. ■ ’\ri(ly agnitU'-t no- f* to day, .fine vtj u up about in tin nauniih.r to tell u-. <-! u vii-uj ,ii .tin;;, saw in the city. So i roue nt:d -dipped dll in. 1 iilglde lu'n and went‘ln her win dove." \ii-l ti-nv I uni In ii-.o !yn and mi? i’ll' temper in ■>■. Isi>• 11 lie views the drslruetirtu of Mi.* v-iiv. “Tim ciothbi of Mm I.i' v i re itivieMf .lid r i'' , ied up mi cotupiilation lienr rtly hides la JeligHi," ho ivrltea the day after the •ire “Thus ! left If this afternoon Inir’liii" .•> hiblaui.' of Seloui or the I dil l. ft /vii'tiiJi car.ed to my mlml licit |i:is-:."ge, ‘Non yutm lia It.Mims ;a-.iiijcm <i-,italeui.' the ruins rosonih’ii UiC pv-ttup ot 'i'rnj. I .on .'lnn e a--', hid it is no inure!" IVpvs set . the M'ene before yon tll: t, man; Evelyn relleots np-ni the (rage rtv rile ii wt'iler. ln:;en!ons In reference fthd quick allusion. We need not 1 1i ,■ t > -., lii !i is (Je. h liar iiielhod. itul it liny surely |)<? said thai *u. c.'orhl will produr" another tn ji-.lfi-il livlyiiy h"fore it fashioi l : a (Uting rivyl for , r, "py.s. r.emlon Rpy d.'ltor. in I ■'■■'.-.ii'.u ft.'.- iirst newspaper was publish' and in hav.'. liy Najoahi. 1 Butter he n uue id ibe sheet is ute cilalii iff io.' j i’.h tlral Dutch paper was prliitt’d U i ,ijtaiiu.u > o small folio pages of news. In Hie imperial library at Si. Peter id))-.' are two copies „t ibe lil'St Uus ian lieu ..paper, which have the dale IVb.J. I licit- itii- n|si> sigi v proofs 1 of Use ~.:i .■• paper on which a 1 c I'orrec Uvt. ■ u :en in tin* band of I‘elei liie 1 1 ii a' 7 I'-' leoiinroli tool; great lut*.j --i .i m v** 'i‘ ami pen.onnlly super Snti-im dk . ■ i■ : :il emupo. iliou. 'i'll.- hi - | esj; bed ill North Alia ,M a was tla- at,. Letter, which tii-’! was i. ailed April b'f. tiO*. . This pap v.t printed on :i Ipa-i f'.iidii' i..e •> by eight auii conlalneii two . ot. turns of new.;, it survived un li! )77>i 1 ' qe.:ied the cause of the Bn:,-li g.i\ - "'ijv.ui y* the outbreak oi I he Kevoinlioa. Jl’r. si Ht’o ot Mint], An *. . ■*-. of pre eiice of iidiiU \v a - . , in who. lieiu ,- J. ft alone In tii ' I, ii ,' u ie pa,-jit, i.-..t| u uoiso in tiie ill. : r. ,m and km a ttc.u bur glars lemoveig t'ae plate. She was to., -i- from any oth r house to SUliil "h ia.ue. Fei.aa.g a large paper lev; v i.ieh ijy • -j a ta'de, site in .'late.l i: and broke it oiptli*) y ,ii ef t;.e si airs ii a loud report. Tiie ttijnves, tuistalna.; ii tel a pistol, dropped their ~'-■:i Vr and fled. I !.ere is no quality tea. ’■ eh w.e alt covet more than this read;, w' y!. makes action us prompt ns tho-.i iht in '■’.elf-eon trol, which we can eulllvale. !- i’ c gs to nttalu ii in a degree, hut It t.i lai . ly a gift of nature, like a keen eye or nimble toi.eUi- We who are horn with out it may console . ..rflves with the fact that emergencies come but once or twice ill life, while every hour calls for the n • of common sense, patience and self control, ;>!l of which we cau .have If we will. 0 A tIK mill o Hull. A certntn Irish otlieer responsible for dog licenses had a system of discover ing his victims, lie knocked nt the side door of every house, and If a dog harked 1;.- Immediately demanded that Hit owner show his license. Every dog must hi.. .. his day. however, ami one .lav tins cullt-civc *■ ached the street with Ids lovvr :;a.rUH -.iiii 'ntaet. "Dedad." he sat tying the terrier tlito.-.gli the sailings, "that * the sort of dog 1 like to sen out o’ uto Sight!" Fresh crt:.r.:, lgi-,t we, an l Grrsaui broad lop*. , |.eU-n*s bak ry. 100 A sfri'et We carry HIK stack of flooring, !u. n! e-tlinr. Brunswick Plan try .nd Forwarding Company. For U'esons In typewrUiag and ste< ogmphj call on Ur*. Anna Honaion, No 117 Soath u street THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS ■•&SDAY, SEPTEMBER ift, liOb YOUR WANTS WILL BE SURE COMING !N THIS COLUMN! Do you want a position, a house servant. Have you lost anything? U yeu want to rent a rcont, or have yoi a room or house to rent. ;f so pu *n ad. in The New* cheap column. WANTED. WANTED —I-eople to know thatUncie S;g will loan you money* on anything tj value. All business sol icited. Big Levison, Z9H and 3(l** Bay street. \ FOR RENT. FOR DENT. —Foui room cottage on the corner of George and Ellis street Apply at 222 Union, f I.OftT. —-One pair of gofc framed spec tacles. Will pay reward for return to News office. Under New Management THE BRUHSWiGif SMESY ICO A Street. I hare purchased the Bakery of Mr. J. M. Hood npyle at. 100 A Street and will continue to do business at the same stand. Orders for Fancy Cakes given special attention. We guarantee satisfaction and assure you that you will gel the best bread that can be made Just give us a. trial. Out of town orders wil! re ceive prompt attention. F. W. LEBEN, Pro. AT ST. SIMON PIER GOOt* MEALS AND LODGINGS AT KING CITY ST. SIMON PIER MRS. B. HARRELL. 'U G. F. ANUER3OM, AgL L. C. SvtITH V'filßLt IyPEWRITER Typewriters Rented and Repaired Ly/LLAR RIBBONS AT 75c. A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY As 1 am going into the coal an wihxl huskies with my father, I watt to sell my present business th Brunswick Restaurant. t-4 E. Iverson. Tin wotk of all girds oondi; lons promptly don Cobb A Wheeler, sit Newe.*tsis etrent Tel to boa ?. GEO. COESTER. VETERINARY SURGEON All donwetlc animal* treated. (jaava Order* at •mo*'* Drug tt*r* wwpMR m> *i.O[ SON HARDWARE CO. * HARDWARE, MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES}. OF ALL KINDS SA MILL OUTFITS. Agents for ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS. WIRE FIELD FENCE. COLSON HARDWARE CO. as SOUTHERN j railway SUtbDULEj Effective January 9, 1906. N. B. Following schedule figured published only a- mformatioa and aie not guaranteed. TO THE NORTH AND EAGT. t Niio. 23 3-*. I*. **9l Lv. Brufiswick 3.50a. S.3t*p Ar. Jeoup 11.2'ia. lu.gup Ar. fcavuuuafi l.Uap. . 12.1? v Ar. Li iumhi.i V.thv. C.lifii Ar. Acbetiliis -- - "** Ai-. Charlotte 10.2.',p. a . ia Ar. Danville k.Jta. d.iup Ar. Hicuinoud ti.atsp. 5.-42 P Ar. Wasmagion b.aua. - b.aup ! Ax. Bulumoie li?..>oa. li.i.p Ar. Fiiiiadelphia i p *J.3aa Ar. New Yore “Top. to the wear. N is 15. lJ Lv. Brunswick ti.aOu k.Jvp Ar. Jeiup . g.iOa. lu.bop Ar. ivla.on I.3Uu. 4.00a Ar. Atlanta 4.JOp. 6.30a Ar. Base 'f lop. i-3 a Ar. Oiiatianooga o..'isp. t*.4.a Ar. Kuoxvilie LI Op At. Louisvillb e.f-Oa. y.iop Ar. Cincinnati s 15.. ' P fir. St. Louis 5 12;'. • 7.32a Ar. Birmingham 9.15 p. 12.01 a Ar. Memphis 7.05a K.osp Ar. Kansas City 9.4>)a Ar. Chicago 7.2.1- Trains arrive at Brunswick Vi tui lows: No. 14 arrives at Brunawii’k at 8.00 a. in. will; connections from Sav annafi end East, and also from at hint a and V si. No. 16 arrives at 4.25 p. ui. from At lanta and Vvcot. No. 2-i arrives at 7.10 i. in. with con nections from all points East THROUGH CAR SERVICE. /' Nos. 29 anil 39, "vV ALfHNGTOf'LA.'TiJ F LORII A LIMII :D„ 1 : ;.v Pullman, Drawing room hm moef- Ing cars betw-.-n J :-.tip jCml New. Noe. 13 and If, "Thor FLORIDA LIMITED” i-m-iv thuAigh Pullman Drawing room. Sleeping cais h— tween .To up, AUfti.ta, Ciccinaati. Chicago, an,; Coiora-lo Springs. / UN-LXCKiJenT* Dining car sa ne© oi, a l trains. For Information ur to rates an: achodv os. el/,., ajnfiv to 7-1 B fli BNORfIE . G. and , Washington D. C. 3. ii HARDWICK, P. T M .Was;- I 'nit 'h t . H. r EOF . G. P. A. Was! 1 ~ tvtor. P. 3R<J >-S .IORGAN, A. P. A • > Eli?till . g. ii lib JSBMAN.O. A„ Bnu.w.U- I r.*„ ‘Phone it 'New Greek-/ |Amerjcn : Restaurant AFJp LUNCH ROOM. i 1 J 1 NIGHT AMU DAY NEATEST PLACE IN THE CITY ■ EVERY IT: •MT ihfiST CLASS Service y/suRPASSED. V '• i OPEN. IN CLD ARCADE BUILDING , NO. 210 GLOUCESTER ST. ' POLETtS& HOBDEHPYLE TELEPHONE NO. 480. / C - 3fJt Vfcv‘ [Davis & Blackerhy Fine Press Peaches apples r: psct :c ,x 3 CHICKENS, EGGS and BUTT Eft the lowest market prlcea- SEE US KOR TRIA!. ORDF.D. Telephone 4 2C2 Monk Street For lesions iu typewriting and ale a ography call on .Mrs. Alma Uortman, No. 11l Louth 1 r.-e street. A torpid, inactive ilv*r can produe more bodily ills than anything else It is good to clean the system ou j occasionally. Stir the liver up nt ; get into shape generally. Th* be* results are derived from the us© o DeWitt's Uttlo Burly Kiser*. Kali* bio, effective, pleasant pißs with : reputation. Never grip*. Sold by a; drug gist*. Notice to Creditors. Georgia. Glynn couuty. All creditors of the estate of Han M& Coburn, late of said county, ar hereby uoutu.l u> render an aecoun of their demands against said esl,it properly made out. to the undersign ed or payment thereof will he debar red. H. F. dußigncn, As administrator ou the estate ot . Hanuah Coburn, deceased. New sweet potatoes at C. L. Par ker’s; phone 94. & HEALTH ►f ITbc ffreat tneuy let nertrous prostrai.oa and of the generutivi t organs of sej suen as Nervous Prostration. Tailifig or Lost Mauh >od impotet* y. N::*ht!y Emissions, Youthful Errors. Mental Worry, excessive ust • *i cSfMFyLa of Tobacco or Upiut**. which lead to Consumption and Insanity. With e?ery ,r*rrn CCIUP order we to cure or refund the moner. Sold at SI.OO per boot fitn UOIRO* 6 boxes for So.OO filK .HOTT’S CULTUC At CO.© Clevelands Ob*- For Sale by HUNTER’S PHARMACi General Headquarters for Automobiles. II you are mth e market foi an automotiJe ,a bicycle, or if you want fairs in either of,-these department* see me. I also have a fuil line of cyci s.ii-dres. Sole a£eut OLESMOBILE, FRANKLIN AND PORF TOLEDO AUTOS. I am ndy in my new quarters N o. i'4o Newcastle Btrcet. Call and *ec my stock. I nave witk me an ex per t automobile repairer, Mr Sweat, <K Savannah. B. J. Olewine. | . • BY DOING YOUR BANKING yiTH ’{Jje N<itional Bank a t, of Bruns*? k £ M V CAPITAL $150,000.00 SURPLUS $84.0004 cent interest coumpounded quarterly. WESLEY H. GREENFIELD, Pile Driving Contraetor WHARF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SPECIALTY. 500 L street, Brunswick, Gr„ Springs WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS CELEBRATED WATER b i THE GLASS, BY THE CASE OR BY THE BARREi / SO6 GLGUCfcSTKR ST. FROM THE BEST SOURCES How aud wnere a grocery aleck i bought determines its val ueand qual ity. We could buy cheap stuff and sell to you at cheap prices. Yo' might think we would be good peo pie to trade with—ibut we wouldn’t be. We buy from the beat source pay fair prices and charge you a fait profit—just enough to pay far handl the goods. We wouldn’t touch cheap quafU.y for a great deal. We iuteu to maintain our reputatjqp fop jiftfiPSt in ail thing*. THOS. KEANY. ARE YOU THIRSTY. If you urc and a good drink of the Best CUhiskey or Finest Beer will quench it I can fix you. See my wine and cigar list. H, Seii£ f 229 Grant Street. GKAS. BUNKLtY Contractor of Piiedrivlng, Dockbuild iug and - Trestle Work. WM. GREENFIELD, UGS7. Phona* 214 and 417. f Open All the Y ear The W*i:ac* House at Oeeut rt St. Simon .stand, will rant!a eyr all tfea year round. VISITOR*. kL WAY# WELCOME MRS. W, L, WALLACE Ring up 286-3. Leben’s bakery an get some of those delicious almonu maroons tday, 100 A street. New sweet t- s Uatqep at C. h. Par ker's; phuns 94. S.g Levison can stop your troubi ? It Is money yon need. Money *• !OMd on anrshin# of vs-itsa &ad riot king for *d* by Sic Lvriaa* •m'mb akMk BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF Railway Crossties • i •> 4 AND DEALERS iisj -r-TO- *1 Yellow Pine ! umber * BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. -**V S- N.s . - - ?<.' • and 1 i da'.: ever surj.a/s it. i ■ si' Wmmmry s u j i • fors Ti u ti.vv.l .V’’” y '"* f V.ij P'j sycA|J.s9 „ A ferfect iVr All T|ir;>&VTmd Cure: Linii’Troiibl'tfs, 1 ■ . ° i Money buck ii it fails. Trie) Dottles fs-ea. 7T,-. , -W) ) - vl-a.-e!' •.Trr<WvftftSsM Cobb and Wheeler GNEPAL TINNERS. ‘ THE OLD RELIABLES. ? r j Years In the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. 212 Newcastle 81. CAR LOAD QF PAGE WOVEN WIRE FERC* WIRE FENCES ARE CHEAPER THAN WOOD / 1 e Figure With ROBERSON & CO. on the subject Phone 426 No 2 Wright's Spuar© _ • > b - ,I A % I AM NOW PREPARED TO DC} General Plumbing OF ALL KIND WWOtM We carry a full gnd complete line of STOVES and RANGES and do ail kind of STOVE REPAIRING. J. H. BOH NE. Phone 397, 428 Newcastle Street. CeVoe’B old Stand. H. B. GARNETT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR •e - ■■ • When In need of—— ' A PLASTERER, A PAINTER, A CARPENTER Call on the old original 14. B. G A R N E T f. For lessons ha typewriting and atep tgraphy call on Mrs. Alin* Hartman No. 117 South Lea ttref>i. -■ • -V \ CASTOR i A F- cifan to au<J Children. F!ie wind Vcl* Hrfe Always Bought clear-, ins 7 , / ’ Rrunuut-0 o.< Shoes! shoe©!! shoes!!! for men women and children, all kind*, aJI *!**, ail prloe*. Price* toautt th* K| Levtcea, M id IN li{