The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 22, 1906, Image 3

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FALL BARGAINS > • . C.MeGARVEY. 316 NEWCASTLE STREET >•- *' J. B, DAVIS, • E. F. TAYLOR D4VIS & TAYLOR Ltivery Feed and Sale Stable UEAVY DRAYAGE, STOCK FOR SALE. PROMPT HACK SERVICE Cor G and D Street* IJbone H t The Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing Go Manufacturers of WATER AND MINERAL WATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NEC VINEGARS, SIMONS SPECIAL GINGER ALE AND R/i-. OLA, (\HONE 273 218 OGLETHOFfVE ST We Refund Money if you are Not Benefited i - ~ T A I'B f\ i ■ A rC U~- —= An Excellent remedy have no appetite. Cures coughs, bronchial and lung troubles. For pale weak women Claro has no equal. . / f , • J E~MORGAN P 2? NE > IN Refrigerators 25 PFR CENT REDUCTION Buy now for next summer, You can't make money easier. We have 10 Refrigerators left, which we want to move out of our way. Next summer you will have to pay 25 per cent more for the same Refrigerator SUCCESS is what we are al ways striving for in our business. We have succeeded in buying just what you want. Whc you see our TUILETAHTICI.ES you will undoubted ly agree with us. Not alone is the as so rut uie co gemr sort men t more com plete than ever be t'ore, but there is a character about our goods that you will recognize as dis tinctly high grade. You cannot men tion anything we ought tto have that is nol there. We ill be glad to have you get Pro seriptions filled They’ll be ust righ Smith’s Pharmacy THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEW* SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1906. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Night of Mirth and Music MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1906. BRANDON COURTNEY —PRESENTS— ;Th ©eautifu! Accomplished Come dienne, | Miss Osrinne Frances And an Excellent Company ;n ; COWRIE AND GIBLER’S LATEST MUSICAL COMEDY. VIOLETTE 19 BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL GEMS 19 Gorgeous Costumes and Scenery Sale of Seats at Box Office Opera House —Price 25c, sbe, 75c SI.OO NEXT ATTRACTION AL. G. FIELDS MINSTRELS, OCT. 9th. C jinc 9rees I CAN FURNISH AND PLANT ON SHORT NOTICE, CABBAGE, MAG NOLI A, SYCAMORE, MAPLE DOG WOOD, OAK MxlD UMBRELLA TREES. GIVE mLRiAi... “ra B. PVLES. 023 E Street. NOTICE. is hereby given to the creditoi of llie estale ot John Henderson late of said county, deceased, to ivn der in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law properly made oul. An I all person indebted t/.i said deceased ale here by requested to make iiKfudiate pay ment to the 'undei^igff;d. 'this Au gust 31, laoo. J. M. Mosely Administrator of John Henderson Cail uj> Davis and Taylor's stables if you want dirt for raising your lots or sidewalks. Fofey's Honey and lar cures colds, prevents pneumi aia. WANTED Twenty-five tie choppers and te wood cutters to work at Leicht, o the A., B. <5. A. railroad. Apply ♦ superintendent of camp of l aylor- Cook Cypress Company, Leicht, Ga, Removal Notice. O. Goldstein has*removed his shoe' shop from 309 Newcastle street to 31 j Newcastle street. Hr— Vou can save money uy ouyiig yon clothing, shoes, hats and gent's tur uishings from Big Ueviaon, 30s an Soy Bay street. Cali on Robertson & Cos., tel. 420 ! for wire fencing. Wait for the opening. Wood-Baile | Clothing Cos. ! New sweet potatoes at C. L. Par liter’s; phone y 4. j Call up Davis v.ntl Taylor's stables if you want dirt for raising your lot. or sidewalks. Call ui> Davis and Taylor’s stable if you want dirt for raising your lois or sidewalks. A sure enough one price store. Wood-Bailey Clothing Company The prettiest line of rour-In-hand' neckwear ever offered in tbccity at 25 cents each. Come and look and be ostoalsbed. Big "Levi sen. 308 an* ! What vve know you would always say ;/ “ Sch!itz beer ” when you order. If yo u | V could visit our brewery -as thousands have f Li. done—you would insist on tile beer that is JMj | brewed here. B | would want a beer clean—as ours is. j||| |/ You would want it filtered and aged as f ' r we do it. You would want to know that K| every bottle is sterilized that it is pure- if as is every Mfi -Ask for the Brewery Bottling. J Wj Common beer is sometimes substituted for Sc/ilitz. bottle of §' 1 o avoid bang imposed upon, see that the cork or crown is branded r , . FmA Jr J e r ll i Jg That Made M ifwau Kee Famous NOTICE. Nolice is hereby given to Hie crod ! ltors of the estate of J. It. Dillard, lale of Glynn county, Ga.. deceased to render in an acount of their de mands to me within the time pres cribed by law, properly made out And all versons indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make immediate'payment to tii unui This August 31. 1 90fi. Kate D. Holzcndor*. i Adminisistratrix Cum. Testemento Atinexo of J It. DillarJ. , Old fashioned pound cake, tire kin. ! mother used to make, 25 rents per pound at Cohen's bakery, 100 A street. No other beer contains the wealt.l of 'brain and brawn for Blue ftlbmov bon. Notice to Debtors ana Creditors Notice is hereby given to the debtors to the estate of Hannah T. Osborne late of said county, deceased, to ren der in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out All persons udebted to said deceased are request d to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 29th. day of aL gust, taco. j Executor of the estatV'of n J un T. Osborne. 9-28-6 wks. All old time cough *yripa Mod tn bowels This is wrong. A new ld was advanced two year’, ago 1 Kennedy’s Lf.xattve iUmor and TANARUS: This remedy >wf.s on the mucus mem tewnr.-: of t.h*‘, throat and lung* *p. FOR SALE Six Hundred Thousand Acres Virgin Pine -"Timber, in Oa. and Fla.- READY ALSO TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES TIMB . LOCATED P^ AW PU M R CHASERS 0S ADDRFS V S NG B ° XED ’ WgUi Southern ‘ ;? nd & Tim her Cos ?. O. BOX. 177, BRUNSWICK, (in _ OPERA HOUSE BLOCK.