The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 22, 1906, Image 4

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t r i 8 ■ mi r and 1 >-f v mkt orK \\ \ " Ijl %r< / jJbtLA 0 Your Suit Is Ready and You'll Like It. The first Btate rnent is justified because "> have the finest stock ever pre sented for public inspection in tills city. The second is true bo con so many other men have been delighted with what thev lave found here. oa, iv.ii.t, Hill ;’.:i.ored —one distinctive in many wap: . .hose 1. lie style and character!!! Mu ch •' -v. ti n,, a man ha bruise, himself of the expensive math* L it 1 r . vv tii o .uii: ’I. ..... 1 a s' (i i:Ui; r PRICE $15.00 TO $30.00 LEVYS New : a!l Goods Just j Received I AM JUST BACK FROM NEW YORKWITH A FULL LINE OF FALI_ DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS. COME SEE THEM. Zelmenovitz, TELEPHONE 215. 216 NEWCASTLE STREET. orroor von RHY A WINTER SU*T ! OR BUSINESS OR I OR DRESS iif I MtOe In^ 1 ‘The One Price Clothiers/ r *Ht finUriswiCK OA'.LY NEWS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1906. 'oiay for Miss Ruth Ajtins is the guest ot Miss Marie Bvm’etu r * * Misses Susie tand I.ulu Ralston will spend today pa St. Simon. r• * * Miss Annie ptevens is stopping with Mrs. Harvard o:i Monk street. ... Miss Jani Macon will spend tho winter with yMins Rita McKinnon. Miss Ells# McDonald has returned from a visiltto 1/icuds in Atlanta. Miss Maiftline Burdet t will spend today on St.jSiiuou the guest of Miss (l.oigiu Foster. * • • Miss Sara IL-auhani returns today to her home-in Way cross after t visit to Miss Louise Elliot. ... Master ClydelTaylor and little Miss Lilia Taylor entertained their little friends with a jawn party yesterday • w a Miss Jennie jWynn Dillon Is the guest of Dr. auji Mrsj H. F. Akers at their home oil Spruce street.—At lanta Journal. - * . Mr. and Mrs./I* R Akin and Misses Minnie and Agjkes Akin are iu Wash ington. lailei ' they will go to New York and L'ai^pda. Miss Mary Houston, who has been the guest of ban aunt, Mrs. Bynums returns tonioifow to her home in Wilmington. M C. Mr. and m|s. A. V. Wood will en tertain the members of the faculty of the Brunswick public schools very delightfully this evening at their home on Glilicester street. 7 Little Misi Georgian Foster, of tit ' Simon, entertains today in celebra- I lion of her ininth birthday. Several little friends, from Brunswick will lie among the gtiestß. •• • , Mrs. W. G. Brantley and Miss Brant ley, the wlfdj and sister of Con gressman Brantley, who have been at the Aragon! for the past week, have gone to Ti-puessee.- Atlanta Jour ; ... Mrs. lid. Mason and Miss Ethel Mason leave fuulght for Washington. Miss France Mason, who is in Penn sylvania, will tjoiu them In Washing ton, where Mil will spend the winter In school. \m m m Miss iFrancws Hopkins, who has been teaching Vchool in California. IT WILL BE DECIDEDLY TO YOUR INTEREST TO SEE OUR SUPERB COLLECTION OP THE NEW ULTRA FASHIONABLE AND CONSERVATIVE COT MODELS IN OUR LINES OF CLOTHING. THEY ARE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS EXPRESSLv DESIGNED FOR THOSE MEN WHO WANT TO WEAR CLOTHES THAT BEAR NOT THE SLIGHTEST TRACE O READY'MADEISM” IN THE'R CUT. FABRIC. TINISH OR FIT. Wl HAVE THU M #50.00 TO $35.00 BOYS WHO WEAR GOOD CLOTHES AN C^/\ OTHERS WHO TAKE A PRIDE IN SEEING THEIR BOY " WELI DRESSED ARE INVITED TO VIEW ASSORTMENT OF STYLISH AND LASTING CLOTHING EVERY SUIT HAS PATENT BUiTONsXn THE TROUSERS. BEST QUALITY WAIST BANDS. AL SEAMS AHE WELL SEWED AND Wi|/ NOT RIP WITH ORDINARY WEAR AND TEAR. WS WILL TAKE PLEASURE IN SHOWING THEM T o/ou. WE ALSO CARRY "MOTHERS FRIEND" BLOUSES AND SHIRT WAIST. BOYS SHIRTS AND HATS. ~oinits ,n - Society arrived yesterday to become a mem ber of the faculty of the Glynn higa school for the ensuing ierir.. Miss Hopkins will he located at Mrs. Coles berry's. m m m Mis. C. Syrames entertained a few of the younger set Thursday night in honor of Miss Mary Houston, of Wilmington. Those present were: Misses Dorothy Burford, Annie Dean and Carolyn Atkinson. Ruth Akin, Berry Burdette. Marie Nightingale, Marie Everett. Mary Houston. Mes srs. Pa ll l Morton. .Malcolm Fleming, E. B. Arnold. Alumford Tison. Frank Atkinson. Jake Blanton. Kenneth Berrle. TO Klgi- ’ ,-iJ DANDRUFF C-E3M. Is the Oilb I*,:-;-,:'..- < ,luring A K Li'..- . - I If you i i v. .: - -,i with Iu: - urlaril gu, ..y i::r. .i; :u nf ther ha.-- i!j dr\T I , anythin , In nearly way omen ai 1 rner. have -. , . a tiiey ewe -t todinit.-ulf i.- ■ ' . of pic; -,s S’,a- . ,a." - - ■ irc- qandnj , but not one 1-ul : ..-rr : ~lr. te’ s you that dandruff - I jl! gni , burrowing i-to •_ 1,,• i , r-i .at pe - r.ignani our- o e . cori;;-.- quent f.-iiVmt; - id r, only ; had by klllir;- ho ;•< ; rn; i tnere is ro other pren-:- ■ r. . ;h: t germ but 1 1 r . ■ • ie< ...y tho cause, am, y - H - r-' 1 ut ’’ Sold by leading it,; ; . - - ;. i : ;u. in stamps fur -tii At . .P-rpir.ido Cos., ' Uetro't' r'toh For sale or Srahli':, i'banuacy MISS SMITH’S SCHOOL. Miss .losie Smith’s school will open Monday, Sept. 24. j Primary, gram mar in:l high iicliooi studies taught. For further particulars apply at 7'J G.a: street, i lepbone 27;;-:). Soeciai NoMce. NeitheV the (master, owners nor' consignee of the British steamship Kenilworth will be responsible fir any debts contracted by the crew of said steamship. F. D. M. Strachan & Cos., Consignees Misses Gale’s Private School. The Fall term of Misses Gale’s chc.ol begins Sept. 24, 1900. Pupils are Fitted for college or; niversity. For further particulars j enquire nf Miss M ,T. Gale. 708 E 8* j WANTED—A bood Jbicwcle boy to take up orders. .Must bfc ahustler. Come at once.. Geo. Harper... . TRANSIT AND /fI'XM'LAUS board era will find nice comfortable rooms and goo table boa and al 409 (1 street. LOST—New Rs nbler bicycle No. 114544. Wil pay i -ward for same if returned to News office. No ques tions asked. Ci Y//<c UJPtes/*/' ITkT'?**' Madi: in New York City •' f4*Clothe* <tai KF.F.P Men'Ybung" \ Seramak x M. Ml Brown, of Coffee, spent yes terday in the city. Hazel \£**iHlt has gone to A”.anta, where \x£ will'enter 'L et, J. S/ M. Symons spent ye:‘e; Cay at V/ah iiesvil’e on a business <ri.\ J. R, Abram rtturned yesterday from a'uik-asant visit to Savannah. Malcol’X rii-ming bit last night to attend sctHiQi in North Catalina. Judge A. jVT'r-; vaft r*-tuir.e-l yester day from a/msiness trip to Atlanta. Lon. Thpnirk \Y. Lamb, tint..’ treasurer-e ect. was in the city yes terday. Horace O, (fra r lititvr Corning A. Cos., of P >ri ’. L iont yesterday In the c'.L Walter CABrobstoa formerly of this eity, now o\ .Ipebtonvillc. was shak ing hands wliV hiyiiiany frh-iids her yesterday, j ' John C. LMlmap. the clev r ruii'-- sentative of Brewing Com pany, war ainoii£ thv vis tors to th eity' yesterdiy/^J Fred and his son, Moiiis. have Monday for Pitt;' lira, where the latter take a eburs:- in electricalVetu^ineiyflng. (}. M. Port urn. repreßentin'r E C. DeWitt & Cot, Chicago, war in th - city yesterday \ and- pi a -ed an order for annual advertising v.itii Ti • News. coney, m a 00, F-pefc I' r r'sv OY3 :: Ef<S 4m C SHRIMP. TELEPHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION phoVie 492. # CHARACTER J * vs, | I REPUTATION Cj The Difference between Character and Reputation is the difference between actual fact and appearance. : : : Tho/*| /// The difference between [k ffv T H 2 j\ /// For Gentle men at • and the ordinary makes is a > * a ?r~\ tr+ the difference between actual ISxAlOCtt o merit and disappointing appearances : : : : : : OREfiT KILLUIMY OPfcMHC Tiu- s-diw pept, 18 GGEAT DISPLAY OF ILdiEZ AND CHILDRENS HATS. ALL THE LATEST CREATIO NSf IN THE MILLINERY ART. STOCK ALL BRAND NEW, |OONES DIRECT FROM NEW YORK. ladies mvfrEDrro attend. Mi -S~L. G. JACKSON OPERA HOCSE BLOCK. LA MASSON PARI9IENNE ‘‘The ONLY Frenc-h Ladies Tai!or;g arc! Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. / f WILL HAVE ITS FALL—WINT wp. OPENING OCT FIRST. FASHION PLATES AND MODELS iMPORTED DIRECT FRO i'll PARIS. I MR. and MME. R. THANK THEIR CUSTOMERS FOR THE PATRONAGE EXT Elf DEO THEM THE PAST SEA SON, AND ASSURE THE P TffH VERY LATEST UP-TO DATE FASHIONS FROM f.ARISJ/OR THE COMING SEASON OF 1906—1907. brand m ' " % Sr : b ' : i A- 1 ' ' m ft 11 7 ' J A f