The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 23, 1906, Image 4

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i!!■■■! ■■ ——■pw— Whenever a man puts liis head into a Stetson natural result of comfort in the v r.riii ;uui of the crrtrm !: r.oyledpe that the I . t i . t i.r rt t in style and beautiful in finish. Wr have the Stetson Soft and Drib* Halt in all the iatrat styles. New Fall Goods Just Received I AM JUST BACK FROM NEW YORKWITH A LINE OF FALL DRY GOODS MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS. 1 COME SEE THEM. i_ \ Zelmenovitz, TELEPHONE 215. 216 NEWCASTLE BTREBJT. ffsj i- I fU4t S*ro*is<. HART, SCHAFFNER AND MARX. STROUSE & BROS. STEIN-BLOCH CO. CLOTHES STETSON HATS CLAPP SHOES. nrs THESE YOU FIND THE BEST LEVY’S BEFORE YOU BUY A WINTER SUIT FOR BUSINESS OR TOR DRESS ‘The One Price Clothiers, 1 fMt oftuN&WfCK news Sunday, September 23, I<W. Mrs. E. J. McTighe Is visiting rela tives in Savannah. m m m Miss Cleo Harley lias returned from a visit 10 itelilsviile. • m Mrs. K. H. North is the guest fo rei ativ s in Thofuasville. * * * Mr. and Mbs. T. W. Causey iiave returned to Baltimore. • fc. • Master Billii- Bunkiey has relumed from a visit til St. Marys. * • * Mrs. C. Lorf-nt/an, of Savannah, i ; visiting relatives in the city. * * Miss Annie Mae Tosteuscii has re turned from a* visit to Savannah. • * * '• J . A. Robinson and daughter r.turned- f.oin Wavnesvil’.e. lies Louisd Baker returns today from a visit to Miss Elma fit lies. Mrs. fi. W. Cline and Mrs. Uaya are spending a few days in the city. * • * Mr. and Mri W. M. McDonald rt ttimed last night from Iteidsville, Oa. m m m Capt. William Merritt, or Portland Maine, is vlsitjng relatves n the etv. * • Mrs. O. V. lljseh, of Jacksonville, is tile guest of Mis. N. IS Wheeler on IS street. & * * Mrs. L. J. Ucrneater, of Charleston, is visiting Mri and A. Brockinton on St. Simon. * * • Mrs. A. (1. ’{Taylor, who has been visiting friends; here, has returned to Fernandiua. * * • Capt. B. A \ r hite has returned af ter spending three weeks with iris fair, ily ai Marietta. m m m Miss Kate H nson has returned :> her home rr Thpmasville after a visit to relatives herte. Mrs. H. it. Rcblnson returns tomor row from Ashtville. wlrere she Iras been spending (he summer. mm* Mrs. K I>. t ran ham, after spend ing bouie time n Macon. Atlanta and Montgomery ha j returned to Way cross. • • • Mrs. A. C. 1! ain and Miss Kather tne Ulalil have returued after spend lug several we dor in Richmond and Baltimore. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. C. (iailher. who have been spending tlie summer in North Carolina, are spending a few works with Mrs. C. L. Blliot, on route to their home in Tampa. IT WILL BE DECIDEDLY TO VOUR INTEREST TO SEE OUR SUPERB COLLECTION OF THE NEW ULTRA FASHIONABLE AND CONSERVATIVE COT MODELS IN OUR LINES OF CLOTHING. THEY AR~ ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER READY TO WEAR GARMENTS EXPRESSLY DESIGNED FOR THOSE MEN WHO WANT TO WEAR CLOTHES THAT BEAR NOT THE SLIGHTEST TRACE OF ' READY-IMADEISM" IN THEIR CUT. FABRIC, FINISH OR FIT. WF H4VE THEM $ 0.00 TO $35.00 BOYS WHO WEAR GOOD CLOTHES AND MOTHERS WHO TAKE A PRIDE IN SEEING THEIR BOYS WELL DRESSED ARE INVITED TO VIEW OUR ASSORTMENT OF STYLISH AND LASTING CLOTHING EVERY SUIT HAS PATENT BUiTONS ON THE TROUSERS, BEST QUALITY BANDS. ALI SEAMS ARE WELL SLWtD AND WILL NOT RIP WITH ORDINARY WEAR AND TEAR. ke. WiLL TAKIi PLEASURE IN SHOWING THEM TO YOU. WE ALSO CARRY “MOTHERS FRIEND’ SLOUSES AND SHIRT WAIST. BOYS SHIRTS SHOES AND HATS. * KiS&VMADE in Nf.w York Citv ** Clothes that KEEP NWi^Vouno "*il : Society Mrs. \V. E. Lambert and little daughter have returned to Union Springs, Aia.. after a visit to Mr. and M is. X. Cohen. * * * Mrs. I-aura Hlne, wh<? is now re siding in Bryan county* is spending a few days in the cfy with rela tives. / mrn m j The Ladies Aid Society of the First Methodist church will meet to-morrow afternoon at 4:30 o’clielc at the resi dence of Mrs. R. li. Harley. Miss Christine Winter, of Savan nah, will assist with! the music at the Presbyterian churifli this morning and at the Baptist church this even ing. \ • • • The reception given! by Mr. ami Mrs. A. V. Wood to the members of the faculty of the public schools last evening was a most enjoyable a“air and a pleasant reunion of those who have spent the vacations away and a welcome to The new members. WANTED. A GOOD bICVCLE BOY TO TAKE UP ORDERS. MUST BE A HUSTLER. COME AT ONCE. '^€o'M7(aApj , A 214 NEWCASTLE ST. PHCNE 307. HID TRAVEL Rairoads in the South are Preparing <*• -5 0:. :x VL. U 1 n -11 . _ •W< U W• y vy.OOU|| l| MIC, UCIIIIVI Is Favorable. All of the railways are beginning to lire; are for thdlr winter business anil by next iiioiitl/ the gaily colored fold ers from roims ail ov< r the United States will Uygin to make their ap pearance in the city. The passenger reports of the roads claim tin- tonrist busin ms for the com ing season will be one ol the heaviest in a number of years if not the record breaker. I The tourist traffic will depend al most entindy oa the weather and if the wihteit proves as miid as last, year the traffia will not he any heavier The road* have evidentic made the equal utance of the weather m_-n though Rriuiswkk would mat.-nail ' rain by a heavy winter trail; , and is to he hoped the prognostications are correct. MISS SMITH’S SCHOOL. Miss Josie Suiitl’s school ope ' Monday, Sept. J 4. Primary, gram mar and high sctLiol studies taught. For further partielilars apply at 7>i.i Ivapt.street, telephone 273-3. Misses Gale’s Private School. The Fall term <*f Misses Gale’s chcol begins Septa 24, 1906. Pupils are Fitted for college or Diversity. For further particulars enquire of Miss M. J. Gale. 70S 10 S’ Special Notice. All bills against the British Steam ship Corby must be present il at our Office by noon of Monday. Ss-pfember 241 h. or payment thereof will he d< ■ barred. F. D. M. STRAW! AN g+ CO., Consigne s CONEY, KING & CO. F ref h Today OYSTERS AND SHRIMP. GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION PHONE 492. Boys Clothing: jf||i' —■—— ' NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE SHOWN SUCH A VARIETY OF STYLES •’d|r.'yy y. jf AND MATERIALS AS WE Tprgyj. £W'\ S HAVE THIS SEASON WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HAVE YOU INSPECT THEM HIGH GRADE MAKES That Embrace STYLE, FIT AND QUALITY W 7 7" — . l\ q. ist?r s2? ' :i ,s FALL HATS FOR LADIES I HAVE THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF FALL HATS EVER DISPLAYED IN BRUNSWICK. LADIES ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THEM. M i S sl7cT jack son OPERA HOCSE BLOCK. LA MAISOIN PARiSiENNE “The ONLY French Ladies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. DON’T WEAR READY MADE GARMENTS WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THEM MADE TO ORDER AT R. DENIZET AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATE. ALL KINDS OF PLAITING, BUTTONS MADE ON SHOR NOTICE. HAVE YOUR BANDS. FOLDS, PIPING, PINKING MADE AT 2c. PER YD. WHILE YOU WAIT. CALL OR PHONE 311 AAAA AAA A A t AAAAAAAA A A AAA AA'AAAAAAAAA AAA i jpOYAI BRAND