The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 25, 1906, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK HAII.T NEWS. VOLUME 5, NUMBER 271. QUIET MU PHEW lU CM STATE MILITARY IS NOW IN CONTROL OF SERIOUS SITUATION Kill Pit if But it is Believed fiiat Trouble Between Beets is si an End "iIH LISi IS 111! Known That More Than Twenty Ne- Have Been Killed s.'nce Sat- Night—S. .:.e Think Fifty P Allaniu, Sept. .24.-—(Special,}—Al though reports of tat £* ienee on tho outskirts of- ’.in' been rifa dark, most otrepo; ts hW *" I,e 1 khotlt rounutiiiim, and, 'fc-AH 1 ' "‘ila .y cplti'pl- o-'y !■: rharg-' Atlanta was almost as Usual ? to-olmit. NVgroo BWnflra'. >" idiots not mnri than a liavo '-am seen on the M ® ml tin- ■ ;>i<it,>. i’.nnc or a,; " by tin; others were alVjtWd to 1 about thoir Business. How every n '.no seen’was searched and those who carried weapons of any kind were the ones a riously dealt with by the white: people,;. Several dead negroes, not previously reported, have been found to-day. One of them, it is said, was shu* in a well known hotel late last night. * <He wu found early this morning only a short distance from the hot I.- Other negroes, badly Injured, nave *?”■ moved to tlie hospital- According to reports, whicii have not yet been con firmed, three were found dead late this afternoon about two miles from th. city. Keports of this nature fly tluough the air furiously, but a ma jority of them like continuation. Soldiers on Duty. All of the soldiers from the several nearby cities arriv, and here to-day an-i are on duty. Several companies from Home, Griffin, and other nearby cities, came in last night, while all during the day troops have arrived lrom dir forest sections it!i L state. Most of them, however, are on duty iu tnc ; business section of the city, while numbers of squads have boon placed in the negro sections of Ihe city;. Col. Clifford Anderson, of the Fifth Geor vis i .'imont, is in con ampd of the troops. Along l'eaclit ree, Marietta, Fryer and other down-town streets quiet pre vailed to-day. The troops did not have the least trouble, but all during the day mobs of white citizens would pass hut not hint was raid to them by tne troops. They marched from one sec tion of the city to the other,/'Jut tha negroes had taken time by the fore jo k and wore well hid. la many in e(Ances to-dny the mobs v,qjld occas ionally catch a negro, give Mm a good thrashing and let him go, Business Tied Uu| The business of the c\tyWas bee'i seriously injured by the 1° many instances well-knoway business houses have been closed Jo prevent trouble at their places. Sot a halt dozen negro porters at /the large stores and elsewhere reporter for duty Btui on *** vv .... ... this morning. The hotels pre practi cally out of business. ■M*jr tlw Kimball, Piedmont, AragqM Majestic and others had their dips rooms closed, as it was ImpossitV to secure waiters. The cafe at U# piedmont and the new garden a Kimbad w.-re about tb< only >#§<;* in Ul , cur Where *** § It N sal# That at. L“„ B rA Wig w P Ft * 1 from TGvlng them v " 11 ’ l 'f *'^ rr n wesW' ron * h *• .. i 1, " ,,, t . i . rv— H \VknowO. "" s i D-,d \\known, SJX W 11 is lm(K>snhie to ‘‘-Jl,, , f . atartcd nmIKT l;Wd(Mwe yfe news-] on Saturday nigh. tame riot and that the number killed is far in excess of the number reported by the papers to-day. However, it Is known that the death list has passed twenty, and many people of the city are of the opinion that no less than i fifty negroes have been murdered I since Saturday night. The 1 coroner J finds it impossible to make a’ %qn i servative estimate. T Negroes are Leaving. ) The negroes are leaving the city b the hundreds. Most of them are wait lug to nearby stations where tbs board trains and go to other par* None of them dare to risk going tds the depot to take the train. Where all the negroes have gone in such i short space of time is a puzzle. It s known that not two dozen were seen in the entire city to-day, and while it is claimed that < ally to-night sev eral mobs marched through the negr.i section of the city, they did not sue coed in locating a single man. . It >.s believed, however, that the majority of theiji ’are still in*the city but if hid. Saloons Still Closed. | Not a saloon in Atlanta opened for j business this morning, under orders | from Mayor Woodward. Just when they will he permitted to open again cannrtt he foretold at this time. Sev eral meetings have been held by the authorities and everything possible' is being done to quell the disturbance. It iso elieved that if things pass off quietly to-night the trouble will he over. The mob, to a great extent, has disbanded. That is, several inde pendent mobs have been formed, but there were not as many members ns on thhe previous two nights, tip to 10 o’clock to-night, wv trouble | been reported, although tea ed ‘that tho mob will cohtlmieTte W rk later. Of the Tough Class. The moh, in the greater part*-*., composed of thr tought r set. of whit| of the city. Only a few of the botfti clement of citizens have been seen lot the tnoUjs, S iveral meetings have been held by prominent citizens and the shooting lias been si rtmglyeqgj donfail!, Thu better class oi , 1 of course, arc indignant over the con tinued aßsaults made upon white women in Atlanta, and r foretiiougm only has prevented them from ta' icr, a hand In the murdering of the blad 3. Stores are Damaged. Considerable damage has been done to property by, the mob. A number of large show cases and platc.-glasy Windows liave been broken. Yestei day afternoon a negro was coming along Whitehult street and was pur suvd by a mob. He saw that Ms only chance was to plunge through a plate glass window and this he did. Ho went through headforemost and safely secreted himself in the store. A search was made for him by member of the mob, but he had secmrly hi,, don himself. ■ Believed Trouble is Ova. The authorities of the <'■( ‘"in nounced to-night that they Micvt I the trouble was entirety over ail tnat no lucre negroes would be mule The military, which was late onzing Saturday nigh;, is now pivft. well in control of the situation. Sev eral little fights have occurred ne i ween Uie uiiiuia and members of : f-iob, but no si-rsms conflicts; have oc curred. If the flight passes wither any more trouble the conditio i In Georgia’s e vital will be normal to morrow. WRECK KILLS 5 jg| QUITE A SERIOUS WRECK OC CURRED YESTERDAY ON THE M. & ST. L. RY. Minneapoliß,\Minn., Sept. 24.—Five people were klnbd and a number bad ly Injured In a wreT to-day on the Minneapolis and St. bouts railroad at New Prague, forty miles from thi ci.y. A passenger trair was moving along at a rapt-4 rate when H struck an open switcuh*throwing two of tne I®*- senger coaches off the track and fll nuiat Capsizing the coaches. The lh- f Mred people were quickly carried vj Cfe city where they received I'treatment. A K MORE VESSELS KNOWN HERE ARE WRECKED Mill EHE Captain and Majority ot Crew Said to Have Been lost N sWell Known Trader Was Caught in Recent Gale and Completely Two of Crew Picked By a SteamePv 1 Hornid r M^\.... r<l i . mninai>- , * v I St •' * ' "’' ‘ it 4 E - , < 1 iirii The \ , Koval, S. cjrjjp Septo^^Mr/ m K ny "M, : r ,> u; York. Shiftfus eaugh^Kjr , Sr . W/e severe storm ivi* piwaty/k ~ JF, , y/along the ■ oar! r-‘Vi#al davs ag/.. / . fif vas com pletelv wrecked, bcint *uid ; 1 over. Two memlu rs of Jffho ci picked up by a steaii landed in NorfolUr They re,‘"‘ that the captain, cook and two ot s had been lost. The two men sa ( had been on the cabin of the sc boo lor two or three days. They report 1 that fifteen vessels passed them bn none seemed to discover the vv.s - vessel. Captain Bernard was in command of the Newberry, having made the run far Cap lain King, who Is one of it.B beet known schooner masters in tills wUi 1 . Bfelad to learn that he was ait the schooner. She is a %al wreck, the cargo being lost on \ SVioOners Heard From. The iirtacALschooucr J. W. Jlalauo j Jbipt. liar been towed i . ’JKI Ivit Anlt nothing has yet j been lieard from Capt. Wilson and the crew of the schooner, who are sup posed to have been picked up by the Clyde liner Chippewa and carried to Boston. The Balano was cleared for Port land. Me., on September<l with 422,8!’’ feet of yellow pine limber. In the storm, according to til reports, she war. stripped of Ifer and |*rt of her deck load was away. This schooner saildiHrom Jackson ville Saturday, Scrßuer 8. The schooners l) J.lsa w I and George 11. Ames also safttd A mat. date. Ac cording to the J). J. Saw yer was spoke* ;§J B’tember 19, twelvo miles sAibSHHif liat.teras, bound for Fall fES Mass. The George Ames iB"'l Bd as reach ing New York siAy ft September 21. The aniva'iof tliesiß Vayners takes c great load off the * of Bruns wick marine men, as it was feared Itnat would meet with tile saino. fate as the Balano. THE COMMERCIAL LEAGUE. Will Hold Its Reyular Weekly Meet jrscj This Aftpriionn The Brunswick Commercial League which was practically rboi iritzed at a special meeting held last Thursday, afternoon, will hold its tlrst meeting of the season In the grand jury room at 4SL. .aourt house this afternoon at 4 n0 °' tittu.J'' The i ]l?6 |s 01 -this popular eoni l mercial r . resolved to go to work JL Brunswick’s interest and It is expected tliat a number of interesting matters will be taken iffr at the meeting to be held this afternoon. It is urgently requested that thtre will be a large attendance. WORK FINISHED ON THE HESSIE Fast Little Steamer Has Been Thor oughly Overhauled, fyi Darien steamer Hassle, has-, been on the marine railway ofl the i’arker-Hensell Engineering Com-] pany jfor the past several days, re sumed her regular run yesterday. . The hmr.-.le, which is one of tlidj sVVteat bml smartest ll#.le steamed! iiflhese tati /has liei > ' h- uyißßj Cl. :. Ii mil I WB WW, (L 7 ° BRUNSWICK, GA„ TUESDAP MORNiNr cerw riiUHNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1906. BIKE II [lff Graves! fear is fnlerjaiueij hr Gapiain Moody anil ana Bis Vessel a I She Sailed From Boston for This Port Some Time Ago and Was No Doubt Wrecked In the Recent Severe Storm. ; Ciavesl (ears are ent.rlainod for , h:il, ‘ lJ ' 1,1 Captain Mood}’ and his the Hen,j Firke who know the clever captain ’’ that he was heavy gale and , s ' the ciotv bein - nothing ban been liearu ot the scf. tjuer or any ot the eiev, ■since the vessel nailed from Boston on September 14. | Captain Moody, the clever com mander of the Flake, lias been a rogv ,ar Colnei ’ to Brunswick h- year,., be and his Bchoouer being regular 11 'iliers to this port. The j’iske was en route to Brunswick and although '(her vessels which have sailed from T >s " m 81111 o hi;; departure have, a;- • ' I lii port nothing Ims b<vn hean liim u believed by makty marine pro >n the city that one of the u:i t "' n wrecked schooners re. ontl.v re la 1 ftiiS - u, ° b'-ske and tfc|t .yap. (I)i :o<ni.v ami hi H entire crew were hop ' but a ~ tlie same tipio the |y 1,,, uterliiineil that she ha-; men reach l:ty " 1 BO,IJ ' way and wi i port later. Mill GALE r 1 up-tf 0^0 T 0 EE making ’IsELS WARNED NOT V.6AVE PORT. Cap will if ,j 1 vessels about to sail weal)/ 1 advisable to consult the out, to-day before putting! The / yesteref 1111 bureau was advis-,. diu.fl Jborniug tlial a West in- Yuca® ance W!ls a l'l roacliing the ami ■ from the southeast, Jlreaslog in st’ength. ' n,’esl tlle WWluoxial period, (/■ om the dir ;ft.ion ol tin l ° 1,0 Jr °adpd, mas limit/ % wi)l 1,0 doubt get the urn ,^|#je f<| re sailing or wad ( nfj ■ reports tin,, j j- ff i ■*** ’V passed. j cii ,gL vf- l%> ufli ! s 5. : 1 ■ i t;ii p . i J|| .£y |. / , ‘ #' i fa;. ‘ J- j-" s M ’* ’ * ■ : ’ f <f dp* £ nu mm WERE HI In (he illlendancfi a! Public (f' ■'iyiools.on the Gpsn / ini flay IM nnUMEir IS 725 ■While some of the Gr a J s Are Rather Crowded Seats Have Been Pro- vided For All the Children— Outlobk is Bright. , Th0 1 ■ p,,bllc of vh-unswick op. ued for the term of I9u ( > vesto ‘ !‘ IJ with thc ,ai 'fest attendance in 0t th ° Schools ’ Which wer- established 115 years ago. , , . numbers, exai Uy 721 white “JlTo ifeorfed for duly. Of (Eds nmilb( „, retorted to the Gl#nn a, ad, ami 204 to the Purvis Jfhooj i„ n,. v town. This Is an increase over ) u -.• }ear of ,5 pupils. Tl ;<; leathers were a „ in tlu>ir "|. olive rooms wiieu tlirtiiiour of eon Vfiliinp- n . “ ’ 'lt'll , ()J (•( V 1 I W!u, ? s and as soon as the k<ues opened the little ones liie.l e, j •>>■ were shown to their grade,. The first hour was Ax nt in i•? r :: ust s wcj-gj;;: To d-n t! nS '* Srn,SSO(l nnoui noon today they will all report vitl. ,i, oooks. their lessons will | v give,, j,!' ITZ- zi < ?j , : t,ve wm do. i f ,n ’ Uls *Ped that the pro.,.' tonu one ~f th „ „,o t *-[ t ' ,> 7N^ ,S have over enjov-d, lten( j%^ : , r ha:; - J a " ah,e por l ,s ofmchlrs. i u r .„, o city in the state 8 I a mor, e m -’nt and capable cor\ n-, r „, m 1 boy are familiar with every ~,,,,,,,, U / rlc an;i un<l(, r their able m, ! “ lB " s .that the , . "il|/make rapid progress. perl"tendont Ballard, to a n„- porter last night, stated that rJi I ' H I’ i r tv-. .. 1. . . - f' Very much gratified over (| iC 'ning, and that the indications w 11,0 ‘iYeiage attendance for n, >ear would show a marked incrcm. over any previous year In the liiston l of the schools. At the Colored Schools. The Rlsley colored school was alv, opened yesterday with an increar , attewame. the total being 3 0 pupii largest in the schools history ‘‘l Bch, ’ l Principal Carey has a very a,J,e 5P Pl>B ?f teachers and expects l , acoomplish much good work during the term. ■ Symons a Trustee. Terrell has appointed V f Bymous, of this city, one of tho urtees of the Georgia Industrial i.c.iool. ivacli county "in u,o state was rube. ~f tho board. NEGRO WHO HAS BEEN IN JAIL CHIRICO TO CAMDEN—DOUBLE charged. If J | J 1,1 ll "’ ' 1-m/dlhk Ram Qip ( . n> cm M j AZmiM for safe J,* M / Wkw l With nil —wien. Tim H f i,s convened' at at j ary.-, rfcJ* 1(1 hegro waH rcl to stand triai.^v' HW' it wili he fegterahered, sev-' ago, murdered two young ■ S ,r,s <> v r in Oamrten, using a V as 11l weapon. He succeeded Ub escape at the time, but P--|*JJ‘ ,eH °f 'he county were very t/ught up over !I K , murder was organ!, c.-u to seagt ■Mtwo m- three ( ia y J& Ibimn and urn *-' b/'.atigy Ilf fElf FROM A SCAFfOLO While Brick Mason was Badly Injured fssferday Afternoon fflf li BffiFL Of BBIGk W- H. Elliott, Who Came Here Re cently from Jacksonville, Fell From Second Story of the New First Methodist Church. Min. H. Elliott, a brick mason, who arrived in this city some Hum nr, J - , vv “ r ’ I,as since that time enipioyod on the First Methrim ' h, "' ch - niel with a painful and mi „ N a. culetH yesterday afternoon about .- clock. He has been placed in uio city Hospital lor treatment. Me Llhott was engaged in work 0,1 1,10 building and was g,,i„. to 'be second story when the scaffold way and he fell to the ground, ■t distance of probably eight on or ;''"..ty feet. Mr. Elliott ltl , ill! im ■> 1 flll/v,: .. , . . luwel filied with brick and was con- Mderahie bruised up. A number oi ■iTso '"f o ,<h Wili( hhe w:ls Working, *° (c ” ”b°n him. inflicting some ugly wounds, a negro, who was on Hit scaffold with tho white man felt the s< ' afM ‘ l giving way and swung to post just in Um to , ava The Injured man was immediately removed to the city hospital and Or. ’’ , V ' Cate was summoned and ex* "... ued the wounds. Tho doctor '!■ tes that whil. the man was prettv 1 scratched up he was not sere sly ‘ njl ‘ rtf1 ' !io bones being broken ** h is 1 liaa Promidy been dislocated. dalicn and western NOW IT CPEfViTING TRAINS FROM NEW STATION. V usterday was a proud day for the •eox-gia mast aud Fledmout Iladlwav "if ihe first passenger train wai operate;d Lhrough from w;"ns i' i eight trains have been running Hough for some weeks, but tit/ *<>;,- <>r Ul <’ road incident lg!*n ,v " e * s has ,10t ben such ~o ' .„ar ni"t the inauguration of p aswlt ,.„, berviee. | . * llP tfaia loft Collins for He morutn * aft r the a,.. a nf the Seaboard Air Line trains east ami. west,’and the train left Dan <u m time to make connections at the seai,oar(i 'Uio milage under operation Com eighty-four miles of the line now completed, and while no construction " to he done for a ft* montl,-, ,t is "nderstwd that the has . I'**" r(, “1 ,wl The construction tore--* will he - niployed in building ;K.atlon, sWe anq s puf tracks, a section houses for the time. i„r- "” e opeus a l' ar ticu!arty fl co t • nug and Industrial section, wiiic i waits development, one of the dr . | industries will h, a brick pi au , Chl , >r superior quality has been test, u and fciti.v.i i and h found in great deposits. snnpfng win naiurally turn g 0,,, |i ul of business through Un.nswi, t |w soon. negro REciTvEcTyilb cash. yenry Doll, e Slashed jjfooee the Face 1 ~J“ a 4BßfcuPper. m-i>p,.i PRICE five cents. m ei 1,1 ii you Botii Parlies*Sow Figuring m ike GuSernalorial Gandidales iGPBj m ||[ HEARSE Higgins Say s He Will Not Accent Nomination if Tenderea Hjm by - Republicans — Democrats Now Booming Jerome. JT°: N ’ Y - Sei,t ’ -‘-Buffalo is t ,,'‘, nU ’‘!'' ,ln,i omocratic taxi is of' ii',‘ nie,l “*-ns and lead !,:ir';' lrom ai ‘ sections of lu. sute are gathered here and many eonfei-em,", ; l;v . I . lie ~1“ Ul ‘l , bi".tnt announcement; b, -‘ was that Fader ~ow Ttii f> ftp porting W. j. " ea| - 111 l > ia .av for the demo uutc .mm, nation. „ seems that Mu Phy cannot e,,„ tbe atut(rcom mittee i,„ none of the caucuses TEioi id t * . . U.strl, Attorney Jerome is b. ing ooomed for the nomination by many t his tnend.s and it, may develop that on. T i" J, ' a ' " " ;,t1 0. 1 *’,0.-t oppo:,- , r . tbe i,Ju(:£ “' Be is looming u>, I H’GGINS says he WILL NOT ACCEPT THE NOMINATION, Albany N. Y„ S ~ t . 24,-Governor JUagUis tli, ,li,vuonn issued a long L,-.eiii nt, ~ vviiich lie made definite the announ -•-■ tent that he would not ... !*‘ ,t ’""ninut.ion for governor .1 it was ten do i"d to him. lhls annoilnc 'boat from the gover nor occasioned some. surprise in cer ,U“ r’'Publican gunners,, -hut other eatlers of the vis v. who have been i ose to Higgins, ■■ new that he wo take such a step L, t have been look- t ) ;eut for several < ays - xl “Tc i.A general boom tor ■era,! re.; hl.’cm: of llK; .'j 1 '"" uou an,l,Y cover, but none -ot " in have . l'ai*(Ven i m,, W,,W the k aders ~ icide ap & a -- J ,e ‘ an sJiL^anKho;!,‘er n cannotbe l m , tim. TWO SlAfftS MADE IT MERRY. Sm.iii %prnjany Furnished Amuse ment*t/he Grand Last Night, „ Mi:: " 'y'" 1 ’ Praxice, , stßr , & a H ", . J ■ e ’'■"'••'ical < ' pi".cc,l affair r/erl , "lion o at, the Grand last, night. ’„* for a musical ,-„ „■- !y the company 3 unusually ;mi.-11. there being onlv ■'bout six in l he chorus, but the com- I'tiy kept things moving at quite a hvely sail during the evening. Miss France, who was seen in Brunswick i lasi year In “When We Were TweiM- I'"' , mak * B a •’■‘•ry good comedi, une. ' iah av,, rJ sweet voice, is njm -1,1 r,> '" in 'l has tho catchy m ff iiiov,- about i-er on the stage v^iten win* the .-mdionoe. Of course JL xe docs not. have very much hard wok ln “VloleUe,** but- handles ‘ >ari - w ’’ll, arid, wit;, the sup or! (ll a good company, would really mak a St:>>.\ flabby Harrington added consul, ra> bie to the performance and shared the honors of the evening with the staVl While the chorus was a small one' and Hume were no realty good voices among the members of the company . . uv , " m " st lK - aid that the music was all catchy. Thor© were some unus- : ial,v Mttte songs rend red dur mg Hu- evening, which, according u “' “I'Plause, seemed to have please i the amllence. Willi a good-sized company anrt several good voicesflJ’Vkdette" coiu-i he made a very pleasing musical comedy. * Another Hot Day. /hat change in the weather pro ■|KGd by the forecaster some time- HL 4 *®* 111 11- j 1 arrived and yestcr umi.u/iiiy hot. ihormomc ‘"to Hie eightle.j. ■ni- " ! '' rs Session. sort i nj "cj* > -*■ $ m \' ' ma