The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 26, 1906, Image 4

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HART, i^HAFFHtR jmBiAND MARX. y M oTROUGE &. BROS. !*' Whenever a man Sj I puts his head into a | stein-bloch co. jf n CLOTHES 1 Stetson I stetson hats & SS CLAPP SHOES. I he can’t help but In Manhattan shirts I feel satisfied. Hie n JP i , , ~ &. WHERE YOU FIND ■ pleasant la*t i- a B i.miu il.ui of H THESE YOU FIND THE H comfort in the R BEST jj| •„ . it- ,mu ol Mie *■'! Jl certain ki.o. l !pe cl ■ that the hat is cor- ■ P rect in style and ■ i' : beautiful in finish. ■ LEVY -O * . tV so**cn New Fall Good * Just Received I AM JUST BACK FROM NEW YORKWITH A FULL LINE OF FALL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS. COME SEE THEM. Zelmenovifz, TELEPHONE 215, 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. BEFORE YOU BUY .4 WINTER SUIT FOR BUSINESS OR FOR PRESS 8 ir ■ 'I fli njf C|o|l ■i ‘The One Price Cloibiers.’ tHt BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. iso9 Mrs. Hearst has returned from i harleston. m m Miss Annie Pajipin i;> stopping with Mr K. K. Calnan. • • Mis. Buia O Quinn, of .Tesup, is the guest of Mi s Edith Ferguson. * * Mrs. C. T. Clanan, who has been quite ill. is reported much improved. m m m A tin!*- son arrived yesterday a tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Carina i’innney. * • ■ Mrs. Dave Bc-ags retimn-d yester day from a to airs. C. 11. Mel drim in Belfast. * <- * Mrs. \V. T. Hight, who has been | spending a month at Mrs. Hatchers, returns Saturday to h r hum; in Cave Springs. Miss Daisy Scarlett leaves to-day for Tliomasville, wliere r.lte will spend the winter with her si. ter, Mrs. Annlo Hilsitian. era Miniw-s Annoc ;in<! Maud*' (Itrvl’i will rt-furn fliis wok afl*r bp-mi(l!iij: tut* sunuiKT in North C.eorgia an I lilackahear. • ft m Mr:., I.aur? Hine returned yesterday to Bryan county alter spending a few dvys ip the city with relatives an i friends. Mrs. A- K. Chandler, who im lutf-i spending the oiiiim r on St. iVnuun witli her sister, Mrs. 11. Wallace, i now with Mr;;. C. Arnhelter oJ Union street.. t Dlttle Mis:; BthelV Ligyur enter tained several MU lit yester day in honor of her jend birthday The table '■■a., ;i pic! iii|‘/wii li its bowl i of roses, bright I in: efraud the pretty birthday cake, with its two red candles. At each plate was a little gilded violin filled with candy. Those present were Misses Mario and Elizabeth Hopkins, Frances and i iiuford Aiken. Kathrine O’Connor, i Margaret. Dunn and Sara Louivs ! Smil It. ! IF YOU R CHILDREN ARE IN NET. D OF SHOES FOR SCHOOL I TRY PEERSON’S. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE | SCHOOL SHOES AT LOW PRICES | PEERSON. lo ley’s Honey Mil] Tar cures colds, prevents pneumi mis. SHOES. BOYS AND GIRLS. AT ' PEERSON'3. IT WILL BE DECIDEDLY TO YOUR INTEREST TO SEE OUR SUPERB COLLECTION OF THE NE'V ULTRA-FASHIONABLE AND CONSERVATIVE COT MODELS IN OUR LINES OF CLOTHING. THEY AR ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS EXPRESS-': DLII lE.J FOR THOSE MEN WHO WANT TO WEAR CLOTHES THAT BEAR NOT THE TRACE Or • READY- 1 -MADE ISM” IN THEIR CUT, FABRIC, TINiSH OR TIT. WE si AVI TiiEM $ 1 0.00 TO $35.00 BOYS WHO WEAR COOD CLOTHES AND MOTHERS WHO TAKE A PRIC: !v 1 ’’' ‘ c, ° ' WELL DRESSED ARE INVITED TO VIEW OUR ASSORTMENT OF STYLISH ' EVERY SUIT HAS PATENT BU'iTONS ON THE TROUSERS, BEST QUALITY WAIST BAN Da. ALI SEAMS ARE WELL SEWED AND WILL NOT RIP WITH ORDINARY WEAR AND : EAR. WE WILL T„K - PLEASURE IN SHOWING THEM TO YOU. WE ALSO CARRY “MOTHERS FRIEND' BLOUSES AND SHIRT WAIST, BOYS SHIRTS SHOES AND HATS. Society Doings In CLEANU Y //OMAN. Kn on^ou-.t.** T ' y 1 H?r Sen! 3 Cleanly u- „ . t > that \y ' t • ’ . ' m'tvn:: t.’io \ 'if ! • I'iit'j t’o*'lr*.' 1 • • ;i Y f r every ■l , y, ' r.r-.:ff h r . r life lcn v. ‘ ’ *' 3■ ;** too. T'< *3 f . -3 > cur-- iJandruff * 4 • y , ?.rm. and •- * -• r ' r\ i! do til? i f “ • . :'—tv !v Vj. ? V • i-T-rr leaver to • -5■ . • : • • hfsnUhy Nature* • 7 ■* r--y Icause you r:nirt' t • • •'* ■ ■■'•. . ,'iil tW d:.n dru'f r . lv leadlrr '• * r* i • •- •• . '.wnpg for .;f; 1 ii Jho Cos. De troit, f>i : •. For sale O.v SrnHh's Pharmacy. FOR SCHOOL SHOES SEE PEER SON. SHOES OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES AT PEERSON’S. '. It. -1/ f IS T/Tck* rs . JUST IN FRESH— NABISCO MARSH MELLOW BAiNTIF. GRAHAF WAFER LADY FINGERS ZEVEIBACK - SATINS U MEED A MILK LEMON SNAPS GINGER SNAPS CRACKER MEAL AND MANY OTHERS 'Se&M/iiifineA L&SESk. ; v:- r & 214 NEWCASTLE ST. PIICNE 307. & £y<rS&j rr^^ar /Mxdc in Nf.'.v York City •• rt £)oth# thnt KE£P MonVoung' {Personals Dr. J. E. Morgan returned yesterday from a visit to New York. Capt. TV. tt. Townsend, Anenille. was in the city yesterday. Edwin VV. Dart In!':, yesterday on a tiip to Waycross Dr. 0. W. Blanton left last night to sp nd a few days in Atlanta. Christie Arnhejter pas returned to Atlanta, v.-herc he will re-enter Try. Yesterday’s Chipping Rerord. Following is the record of the movement of vessels at this por' ; ’• nlay: Srrivod, : 0 .:oi r : and ■ i io, •>niilh. New York; bar j, i! -. • land. Nor tv y, sclioi.acr lit* y Fiskc. Moody, Boston. Special Notice. A!1 !fills awiinat the Urli;: ilor ■ 'ii;> Ri<-i!ia bo yre.-’r";. 1 ■ <.. ofli c liy i l'“v ii o : '.if Si- :• V I ■>' ' tli( roof will i>f (lpT;ari‘o<!. li F. n. M. Strachan ,'i Cos.. Con. Removal Notice. C. (lob! i(in has removed hi-; sli-Q shop from ill'll Newcastle 3l Newcastle street. y j WANTED Twenty-five tie choppers and te ; wood cutters to work f l.' '. c , the. A.. 6. & A. railroad. Apply * superintendent of camp of Taylor. Cook Cipreis Company, Leicht, Go, WE DEVOTE Al l. OF OUR TIME ! TO SHOES AND CAM GIVE THE; PEST QUALITY. MOST COMFORT, j AND LATEST STYLES. PEERSCN.I COEY, KiH6 :* F t<2 c h Tn and <>. v O V b : rj<s AMD SHRIMP. TELEPHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION PHONE 492. Boys iS( Ciothing 0m NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE SHOWN SUCH A VARIETY OF STYLES ° b W AND MATERIALS AS WE 'THE HAVE THIS SEASON WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HAVE L'# . YOU INSPECT THEM HIGH GRADE MAKES That Embrace STYLE, FIT AND QUALITY. Pj 1/ ?- , . <- " X 4. s | 0J OsßTjl.*o€ Clones Ell s.i sTO rnn I ftnitr'C’ l i'i.L lift Id rUli LnUli.V * I HAVE THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF FALL HATS EVER DISPLAYED IN BRUNSWICK. LADIES ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THEM. a—Bacawaufn i m-ttmmmVK * era aoMOAW'jnM>-B MivS’L. G, JACKSON, OPERA HOcSE BLOCK. f LA MAISON PARISPENNE "The ONLY French Ladies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. DON’T WEAR READY MADE GARMENTS WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THEM MADE TO ORDER AT R. DENIZET AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATE. ALL KINDS OF PLAITING, BUTTONS MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. HAVE YOUR BANDS, FOLDS, PIPING, PINKING MADE AT 2c. PER YD. WHILE YOU WAIT. GALL OR PHONE POYAL BRANS? tbfßP I