The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 27, 1906, Image 3

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F4LL BARG4INS IN iyr Refrigerators .■ 25 PER CENT REDUCTION ill J nn W jKj \ Bu r ;unv ,! ’ r next summer. You Ifl 'fXj® • i c f fcan't i- mon.'j easier. We Have H I ' 3 j J 10 Refrigerators left, which we want ,1 Bw~. 4. ; I SggiL t „. ———Mb to move out of our way. Next B *'summer you will have to pay 23 per cent more for tlie same Refrigerator \,'d f C.MeGfIRVEY. Sl< NEWCASTLE STREET r-r—T-^—rn ;if. our business. We TOILET AKTH’LKS f.yMP you will undoubted* ■'( ■ • s'ofCl * Not alone is Illy as ront me co B ,mf kl 1 --'. • suitiuonl more cum W-t< U,an ovei*!ie- yi > * lore, bm there is 11 p u .' character about, our 7 *s& ♦ i'ju i>. ognixe as ills- You cannot mett Pharmacy ,iM 12 jyrfwi (\ll p /JR F7 'm ' I® -, \ f V . M| ' 8BHH? : " ThM 1 R 9 1 BEFORE YOU BUY A WINTER SHI FOjjf BUSIMSS OR j Oil OR! 3S THB wnrntWlCK DAILY NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1906 m m Be Wot !d Scratch and Tear the Flesh Unless Hands Were Tied—Wasted to aSkeieton —Awful Suffering for Oter a Year —Grew' Worse Under Doctors—Skin Now Clear. WOULD HAVE DIED BUT FOR CUTICURA. ‘‘My little son, when about a year and a half old, began to have s. roa Como out on liis fat e, i h.ul a phy- eician treat linn, but the sores grew /y’-'xa worse. Then they Vy _ began to come on y <<r- 5 his arms, then nn \ I other parts ot his body, and then ona J/&\ came on his chest, -d';\ 'worse than the Jl IfJTi Dm V others. Then I call ed another physi cian. Still he growwort’e. At the end of about a year and a half of Buffering he grew so bad 1 had to tie bis hands in cloths at night to keep him from scratching thosores and tearing the flesh. “lie got to be a mere was hardly able to walk. My slpf advised me to try Cuticura Soap ami Ointment, So great was her faith in Sit that she gave me a small piece of Soap to try and a little ol the Oil - rapnt. I took it home v. ihout any faith, bnt to please her 1 i’ s Tml it . and it seemed to dry up the rorea a little. “I sent- tcrtWe drug store and got a cake of the Soap and a '< ■• k of Aho Ointment and followed the dii%cliJns f <m<4 at the end <Ji out two lMmyths the sores worts all well. Hmliaa never had any of any kind flhe, “lie is l #■ \ and I can Bineerely say that your most wonderful rentedieljHH | m . ;otis child would have died trmse terrible sores. I used only cake of Soap and about threes boflK of Ointment. (signed) Mrs. bert Sheldon, It. F ft., No. 1, W'M-' i*® ville. Coins, April 1905.” m Complete External ami li'i.rnnl Tr|£rfient iflrfevery Hum. ,fr un rimi’loß ti .'■•‘•ri f u, fs . I jfw Coli-uunff tit OutK'tirg Soup. f >fi , fl*v. (in fisii.i fSOtier I • ClwiJ srp,, • •|V w ' S' Cal! up Davis and TeFlor’s slab* If you want dir! for raAltfjj your US or Bidewalks. / AT ST. SIMON PIER MEALS AND LODGINGS W AT KING CITY \ST. SIMON PIER f MRS. B. HARRELL. %- mm u JF* u I Ilf. SEE JP IT WILL Bd DE.CIDEDLY TO YOUP * the/ COLLECTION OF THE NEW CONSEI, * OF CLOTHING, THEY ARE ENTIRELY ALL DESIGNED THOSE mA H WANT TO -W + THE IfrlL&k Q FINEST BANK NOTE PAPER. Where tilt Material For Onr ereec. • bark* I Made. The national flag files ov if v ernment mill,” owned by . crane family at Dalton, Mass.. I use all the paper for the United 5t.... s gre. ü backs is made there. It is of a group of mills in which the ratios have made paper for more than a cou 'tury. The founder was Z is Before lie could get the first mi! start-, ed he had to have a large quantity of rags. But rags were scarcer In those days than now. The Italian had not I then arrived, the jtmk -l op wa? nn-i known, and, although the rag huyeJ passed through the streets of Hostojfl once a week, he had not yet nppeareS iu the western part of the state. ThM resulted in an appeal to the pcopm based on high econo nie and patrimfl grounds. Handbills ai...oared headlines iu large typo; encourare your own at;d they will improve! Ladies, your rags!” They were carried to all the hom* and shops in Berkshire and adjoirih.® counties, urging “every wetoan wh® has the good of her couutim and th - interests of her family tSeurt” t< save her rags and sisal t)A> to the new factory or toJhe suit store •b' perV.m I ;i Kjpriv.i, prS will he paid.” fcVhen AjF mill the rags wAyjo in op- once The working force consisted men, two girls and a .small boy, Zcuns Crime as superintendent pro prietor. The paper han<? molds, and the lWpounds a day. ft; many tons of the note-paper,— WoH|i Win-kr ■the wind bel.l. Is Con i rnpti-l I .1.-Vn, Itlj \ ' Home. " 1 •The wind bell, IM® is made to ring by the all, strictly speaking j used ■ of /*,n a from a • tngeth-r >•> .bat junto contact and pro duce sotil bv the wlndiv Bd®®Ai ind pvodtiee are Phasing ainmiausieal. ;aidants, simu' wiui l| -h -'lv.-: very n.’K’. b\ coutructk ■■te ■ - m ~ :-S' masaVe and Blabo [ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY As I am going into the coal an wood busbies wi U my father, 1 wan to sell my -sent business tli Brunswick LerUiunuit. H. E. Iverson. Removal Notic#. C. Goldsttln has removed ids she shop from 309 Newcastle street to 31 Newcastle street. ;Nsw Greek- American •Restaurant AND LUNCH ROOM. ! 1 i [ NIG*IT AND DAY • NEATEST PLACE IN THE CITY I EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS ! SERVICE UNSURPASSED. I I , I NOW OPEN, t ■ M , IN OID arcade building ; NoJpio GLOUCESTER Sf. ipOIETtS&HGODENPYLE: [ I TELEPHONE NO. 480. ti clean tli^Jßsti -iu 1 J i ;v LiVE. DROP Y Iru'* •k M. %lson E T. A COMPLETE shoes IN THE VERY LATEST ®YLES AT PEERSON’S. \ 9rke %i6t cf THE ORIGINAL BUDWEiSER To Dealers per I:, rc; sio , t To Consumers L , ANHEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $.3,50 To Consumers j^ o PABST CELEBRATED BLUE RIBBOt To Dealers j-|.. j To Consumers sll.iv THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers <t ;i. To Consumers ?!0 0u EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER * fi’o Dealers r J’o Qll nsumers EXPORT 9. Jieum 218 BAY STREET SOL. iiet in Touch With the ,f y s @Y HAViNfi A BELL TELE- )NE In Your Home, Your OHi ..r Store CALL. CONTRACT DEPART vt; . t eulhern Deli Telephone and Cos,, AND WE’LL TEL!, Y ■!> WE HAVE A FEW SECOND HAND FANS (AS GOOD AS NEW WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT $5.00 T' SUPPLY LIMITED. SEE US AT ONCE IF YOU WANT Ci - WE ALSO HAVE A SUPPLY OF BRAND L-.,V FANS riutuai Light&W -r Zo, ' ' | BRAND /% V' ||£ m W i