The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 28, 1906, Image 2

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THE BBUHSWICK DAILY BEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY V LLARANCE H. LEAVY, Editor an Manager. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr , C lt, Edlto EVERY OAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Stored •* the Brunswick, Ga., pos MBce as Bacond class mall mailer SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms of subscription In the cit and by mail free of charge to ail parti of the United States and Canada, Mex leo, Porto Rico, Guam. Phh'.ppin Islands and Hawaiian Islands. • On* Month .50 Three Months $1.25 Six Months $2.50 One Year ss^o Notioe ed discontinuance ef Ads and Subscriptions must be made t business office In writing. flLaKHOhta Business Oflee Hk* itu. a R00m..15 The Bdl*ov .. _ Mw S3. The OltJ Iff bus, „ .. M 34, •f **‘ • •* Ufl,v 2 „/ cuouc-dter h rtt t. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Glynt County. Glynn County Commissioner!). The United States Court of Bank ruptcy for thje District Gorresponaence solicited, but to re jelve attention letters must be ac companied by a responsible name, no for pub icatlon, tut as a guarantee of good faith. Rejected communications will b returned It accompanied by postage. Remittance should be made by poe ail note, cheok, money order or registered letter Address Newn Publishing Cos., Brunswick, Ga. Here is a cordial welcome to the Glynn County Bank, may It live long and prosper. That Statesboro convention seems to be on the ragged edge of breaking up In a great big row. New enterprises of all kinds sboula receive a warm weloorne In Bruns wick. We need them In our business. Terrible Ted and Fearable Frei must be tickled to death over the Idea of getting some more notoriety out of Cuba. There Is a wave of progress on here In Brunswick, ana unless you are actually dodging it surely you must have felt It. These new bankers are after our own heart. They are going to worii and build house right at the start. " f ' : Lest you keep It. in ypur hat that Noycßor to is surely cdstUng' along andgflu uoib-y line u, not yet la Work 1:: rrcipßkl"* 1:1 pi'll;, "i, Hi* new of the A. B. & A., arid -It it*' going to he a jam-up little mpot. Wonder if irase lahgo insurance companies hi New YohAo-e going to vote for Hughes, the lMu requlsltor for the governorship? " The Board of Trade seem* to bo anticipating untorseeu trouble In that switching matter. But thou its nice .to have a free trip to Atlanta. K Then.- is still nope. The BrunawicK of Trade has actually movea of its summer quarters and really lit* a meeting yesterday. Ilravo.^_ She Democratic party has nomft rjlvd Hearst for governor of New York. Hie old party can always be depended on to do the wrong thing artlsy wrong time. If our good friends of tlie Last do not want us to lynch negroes In the south, then we would be very happv Ife they will remove the cause for the Southern Beil people tu# ceturact for the f rvtlMt| tneir Brunswick building, At Wer i 'K at Brunswick Kbiu. X plM|4llse and fictitious .on Self holdings. They irom trom past experience^ HHLe .ino Jr JES oi i^unswlck^^B M* SW m-M ' *$ DOWN WITH “THE CLANHiiAN.- The News is pleased to note that the local authorities of Macon hare decided not to permit the production of Thomas Dixon’s “The Clansman in that city. The News Is also please 1 to note that there Is a movement on foot to prevent the production from | being given in aay of the theater** of Georgia. The News is further , more glad to note that the city coun cil of Montgomery at its last meeting unanimously passed a measure call lng on the mayor to prohibit the production of this Incendiary ana peace-disturbing play In that city. Tbe News Is firmly of the opinion from what has already been seen am heard from trustworthy sources about the decidedly Injurious effects of thj play upon both races and more espe cially the negroes, and from the harmful and even dangerous influence j of "The Clansman as clearly display-! ed through Its encouragement of race feeiing and its engendering of bitter ness between the whites and blacks in the Bouth, that, the local authori ties of Brunswick should In the In terests of peace and order prohibit, its presentation In this city. "The Clansman" lias a very strong tendency towards the breach of the public peace. It Is a dangerous pla v and a breeder of strife and disorde- The News urges the mayor and aider men at its next meeting to pass %u ordinance prohibiting the production in this city, and also urges the con: mercial organizations of Brunswick tg bring to bear upon the proper authoJ ties such Influence as they can cefl mand by petition and otherwise to tffl end. The News would further tnfll similar action on the part of A authorities of all the Southern cilH and towns for the sake of good ordH “The Clansman” Is vicious In Its lfl fluence, and should be promptly an*| permanently suppressed throughout! the South. It can do no good, and It hae already done a great deal of harm. It la erroneously interpreted by nine-tenths of the negroes who witness It to encourage and advocate social equality between the races in the South, and for this reason aloud every Southern city and town ought to prohibit Its presentation. THE COMING OF THE NEW BANK. The fact that a party of Georgia financiers have determined to come to Brunswick and organize anew bank ing house in the city Is the very best character of evidence that Brunswick Is growing and Is rapidly attracting the attention of capital all over this country seeking legitimate ami profit able Investment. The coming of any new e|terprlße Is a most encouraging sign of the times and Is a splendid advertise ment of the growth aud progreas of s community, but when anew bank comes to locate In a city it is a doubly good indication ah tndus-i trial and commercial growth of that and the News congratu lates the people of Brunswick thl* morning on the fact that they are to a new banking Institution. 9 cordially welcome to Brunswick th’ an{ j the progres alve CTUjk? 11 n wijo to come with It; tt4 e lakch-strlng ou the outsF ■ '"-.jniqßt cordial and 3 bey ju > peopfL^El^i wick, who |re fully aware of t,he fdH that no Southern city, in these times of industrial growth and expansion, can have too much banning capital, they understand that the coming of new banka means something for thisl city and and wllliud to extend his assfl states the right fellow! ship, give them a w ***Pl|^ heart J welcome and wish them sure of success la their >vJ| pnse 0^ i * ' ABOUT IT7 p||'; n,e Mew it. Strong and healthy hair stavs v xsL there is to g.-tt„ings. T -.1 s genuine comfort in ...,„osome head of hair! ■. SHOES! SHOES! A FEW BROKEN LOTsIf MENS LOW CUT, LADIES ANO CHILDRENS OXFORDS SALE AT COST FOR A WHILE LONGER. I f|| NEW FALL &QDS ARE WING IN ON ME AND MY STORE • % M IS OVER rACT IS i HAVE OVEH BOUGHT | THIS SEASON AMEmA TURN ItHEM IN TO MONE* QUICKLY. SO aBJAeRING lA BEST 12 1 2c. VALUES IN OUTING, DRE# "TnGHAMS Ah I BOYS PANTS, SUlf 4nD tPHjjl- SHOES-Agl KIND ■kTHAT SaJiSFIES&AiE READY) Ift THE RUSH. -J 1 1 uJA' 4 " j J• ‘ 1 1 / I 1 W' wil ’ IE /v ' ni ' y if - ' ' JL *l. • A 1 "<■ ®. : !, a ! III' rT ! I : / \ Wl#, Repaired AT 7Be. Under New M.inagem^^ . THE \ BAKIHY 100 a TiJmmt 1 have flhrehascd tho\ ikery of Mr. ,3. M. HoodenpyiaY ,'>loo A Street and will contlS \U> do business at (lie SHine Y 41 Orders for Fancy Cakes special attention. % ,■ We guarantee satisfaction nnm assure youi that vou will get the best bread that can be made JHist give us a trial. Out of town orders re- SCHOOL SUP jj UiaM. | to ~ 1 iJW 1 Ip* Wfe- ** un, Mm jl)wen*j *L STREETS. |gnk > r • * ' v'r *fJ 1 . JrSlißf \ JT> GGt.LV . -f to renf 3 room. have yoi Wi or l <> rent^S fe.j>j|rf"V .it u\ in TlJr New* eneap Ov Jk \VANTI*-I’eopie tokSi Sig win loan you money oimt™lßug o! value. Ail K-gitlmale bulKesa ao;- lciiea. Big uevisou, 308 a tty aueet. Wanted—Two messenger boys. Ap ply early. Western Union Tel. Go. W A NT NO —Furnished room with privilege of bath room. Address c, t'. O. Box h3. City. WANTED—A hood bicycle boy t take up orders. Must be aliustler Come at once.. Geo. W. Harper... FOR RENT. I*X>R DBNT.—Four roo< cottage ou the corner of George am Ullis street Apply at 222 Uniou. LOST.-—One pair of gold rallied spec tacles. Will pay reward >r return to News office. V ANSIMNT AND iJiMMt boar I find nice rooms aiMgyud table liook Ri,;i \ MMitf 1 ' I *f I• . Ivk . $ m ■ J* m;i ' ' ' I fi '*! 'I f 4 ; I •*k wc a PlipiKf! &, ■-M1 fa a * 25 fair) i l Jdt, end # ' * I#**, au* ON Hsv v \ f - ‘ >/ - Khi. | 1 ’ ■ v ; 1 [f;./ ' r /J. v/' ' \ f x . 1 • '/ j r\ rift SOUTHERN 2vU> railway SCHEDULE Effective January s. iao. M. B. Following schedule figures published only as inioimation and are not guaranteed. To the north ano fast. Nos. 33. 3%. I',. 30 L,v. Brunswick 3-oua. . 3.3 Up Ar. Jesup 11.2ua. 10.2 up Ar. Bavannah l.uap. . i2.iia Ar. Columbia 7.bdp. 6.uoa Ar. Asneville i.Uop Ar. Charlotte 10.26 p. . y.b&a Ar. Danville 2.21a. imp Ar. Richmond fi.oSp. fi.42p Ar. Washington 3.50a. Si.&upi Ar. Baltimore 10.55a. li.iipj Ar. Philadelphia l .p. 2.35a Ar. New York 3.30 p. 6.30a TO THE WES r. Nos. la. 13 Lv. Brunowlcx B.oOa 8.30 p Ar. Jetup B.loa. 10.20 p Ar. Ma ton 1.30 p. 4.oua Ar. Atiahta 4.10 p. 5.30a Ar. Borne 7.10 p. 7.25a Ar. Chattanooga fi.&op. 8.45a 1 Ar. Knoxville I.4ua. I.lop Ar. Louiavills B.sba, B.ibp| . a .r. Cincinnati 8.15a. 7.4 up Ar. St. Louis 6 12 p. 7.32a Ar. Birmingham 9.15 p. 12.01a Ar. Memphis 7.05a 8.05 p Ar. Kansas City 9.40a Ar. Chicago 7.23s Trains arrive mL Brunswick as fol lows: K No. 14 arrives (|t Brunswick at 8.00 a. m. wltli eCTinectiotiß from Bar ;/ annah and Rc.H, and also from At - ianta and V’-vst. J Ho. 16 arrives at 4.25 p. m. froiuM “ lanta and West THROUGH CAR SERVICE. Nos. 29 and 30, "WASHINGTON Wo FLORIDA LIMITED,, caJfing Drawing room jgUUJrci between Jesup and New. VI X and The FLORIDA carry through Pullmau room, Sleeping cars b*e Rreta Jesuit Atlanta, Cincinnati. Ka*as City. and'Colora.lP I Springs. ■ UNEXCELLED Dining car iw-- V vice on ail trains. f For Information a* to rates aai ' scheduJee, etc., appi* to H. B. SPBNCFR, G. A . Washington j a c S rt HARDWICK, P. T. M.Wasi ftigtori (; C aw H. TaTUOB, G. P. A.. Wail I %ton. r. C. WL.AB MORGAN. A. ,’J. P.*A. a?!%4 Ga. *.\IOOSEMAN,a. A., Srutevrlcfc ■ Da. I*l \ ou(ift ofail st - vi^a IjiMkH v Leathers* ToPijMH|B To The Public • HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT 3TONE PLONT CORNER OF F AN. D STREETS lAM PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WORK FIRST CLASS WORK AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES OF WHITE AND COLORED HEXSGON TILE AND CURB OF THE REGb* LATION SIZE. I RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PAT RONAGE. J* D. Baldwin St HEALTH m MkwM jrirscsof enter sex. suc& as Nervous Prostration Faiiini . r ii.lsi !? *aafcSßP WwbH? Emissions Youthful Errors Mental .^ fra For Sale by HUNTER’S PHARMACs Op I f-1 BY °°' NO YOUR SANKj N<i WITH THe National Bank Thf” ® runsw * f 'k I IX V*Y CAPITAL $150,000.00 SURPLUS $84.0003 9 'C ' IT Sav, ns Bepartment Pay. Four per cent interest coumpounded quarterly. WESLEY H. GREENFIELD, P*le Driving Contractor WHARF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SF%CIALTY. 500 L street, Brunswick, Ga. Tate 'Spring’s V\ r ater WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS CELEBRATED WATER • hY THE 6LABB, BY THE CASE OR BY THE BARREL "HUNTER’S 506 GLOUCESTER BT. from'tke best sources How and where a grocery stock I bought determine* Its val ueaud qual Ky. We could buy cheap stuff and sell to you at cheap prices. Yo< might think we would be good peo pie to trade with—ibut we wouldn't be. We buy from the best source pay fair prices aud charge you a fair profit—just enough to pay fer handl the goods. We wouldn’t touch cheap quality for a great deal. We inten to maintain our reputation for honest iu all ib'ngs. THOS. KEANY. ARE YOU THIRSTY. I M If you ars and a good drink the Beet y CGhiskey ft or Pins*t Beer will quench it I ean fix you. See my wine and cigar list. I 229 Grant Street. Ijhas. mil* C^^ctorofPl|ed^^ fc _DocMi BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS ANO SHIPPERS OF Railway Crossties AND DEALERS IN bellow Pine I umbeAitf BRUNSWICK. aEOblgl X - ia-vau.-saaM—M r* if-Sa 2 ever equalled it.M .'.gl Car evt-r sutpaes it.^V ■4f. King’s I : L3ai ( /JBsce?@ry UrfrXMl™]*" M ir’ex- Tdßj; ‘ Mcnev bark If .1 fJH. Tmin<^4 s hoe. Cobb and Wheeler GNEPAL TINNERS. THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. Edg3LKi3K2IBaA.. Phone 313, 313 Newcastle St. CAR LOAD OH | PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE WIRE FENCES ARE CHEAPER THAN WOOD A §4 i Ml f U Figure With ROBERSON A CO. on the subject Phone 426 No 2 Wrlght'e Spuaie I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO~ General Jrlumbipg * OF ALL KIND J Jr* rr y a full and oomplete line /ef STOVES and RANGES and Wall kind jf STOVE REPAIRING. JlI yj- H- BoH HE. r* W ' , 428 Neweaatia |trat. old Stand- I. B. GARNETT. MINERAL CONTRACTOR Sn it##4 •►LArrwKa i V PAINT**, I A CAffMMTK* j H ll *° th alt •NglMf fl*- Q A W N ITT. ■f 1* tjTwrwrrtisj n<l Hr* Aim Hortaw! (tor IA OuMiaa Mb Aiwafs Bwgfel ■ <s/ &■ / /#y •* . Klfcr , ''Kii nti ,/ ii ar '