The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 29, 1906, Image 2

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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY 1 HE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY fr- t,LARANCE H. LEAVY, Editor an Manager. LOUIS i. LEAVY, Jr, City Edito EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. W* '■ 1 _ Sntorod at the Brunswick, Ga., jx>s afflea aa aocond class mall matter SUBSCRIPTION RATER. Terms of subscription In the At and by mall free of 'charge to all parb of the United States and Canada, Mex Ico, Porto Rico, Guam, Phhippin Islands and Hawaiian Islands. On* Month ,50 Three Months si 25 Six Months S2BO One Year gsioo Notice of discontinuance ef Ads and Subseriotions must be made t business office in wrltlno ' *• senoecs Ruf > •if tt 'ituiul 110u.n.,18. 4 V v M t** M Be • s.ft.2 Tbr Uu> r-u.M*. .. .. g*. docst, Bono. . 468 Office . 07 Gloucester Street. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Qlyav Ponnty, Glytin County Commissioners. The United States Court of Bank ruptcy for this District correspondence solicited, but to re .elve attention letters must he ao tompanled by a responsible name, no , for pub icatiou, lut as a guarantee of good faith. Rejected communications will b .•turned if accompanied by postage. Kemlttancu should be made by po* .al note, check, tnoney order or registered letter. Address Nsws Publishing Cos., Brunswick, Gs. Alas, what hard luck: the stj-uw hai haa keen ordered into permanent win ter quarters. What does Huston care about that baseball, booby; hasn't she brow.. Tread and beaus leftT Taft and Funston are both In the limollghfcs again. They are regular radiators in that lino. Bob Evans ts waiting patiently for 111® word to drop tome thlrteen-lncn epithets in the harbor of Havana. Enforce the vugrancy laws rigidly in Brunswick. An ounce of preven tion is worth a whole bunch of cure. Ecuador to have Internal troubles lf Uncle Sinn will , fend caUelßjjaon to act as chief of iU3|tf*e, over JBreT s ujpfjßoaril of health ana Jpc 'lire wnhmg for it to iroeste ']■ Uie Ik II poopl > ihb t&JmF goto work In Brunswick. Its d9|'a to doughnuts that the New '■|W@ikiiierlcan. the San Fran cis* and the Chicago 'i * allwuinrse the llew df' democratic cWidi irate for gov ’c.tior W — 1 t Th*> tunmerciM League Is again ill a good healthy condition, and The -News desires to congratulate the mombt's of that splendid organisation on the fact. This league can and wi t be a great factor in the development of Brunswick. SOIDRE ONE FOR *JUsTfc|>^ I'rurtlpt, enforcement of tt£ law anuinst.criminals enhances re; poet for |lie law by., the criminally lncHnhc ri'his statement la Inspired by (ite an : nounceiueut that lbfti! O. Steullattd, Wlu, looted the Milwaukee Avoßhe 'State hunk of Chicago for million*, canalsg thousa®Uptnf -trusting deposit- to. lose their s, was actualiy onwls sentence within BQRurs utter tvH arrival in Chicago. uuen <agSrid In Africa aul hack. ■tlmwiapt qjftorcement ol the law lb# 1 ! lr'i.' l to he JVcut. Lu< la HRi.mMi ■ Hi ini .1' ■ c,...-. W j.i .il ' • l ' n jJ§| Mta-ti">' * t‘* .1,10 ilrfg| W .. -V , > "fill J% f* *. -Wn Jx •■ f ■ :$M ANOTHER DELAY TO SPEEDY PROGRESS. The News is sorry, rery sorry that the board of health and the city council have seen nt to turn down the request of the Bell Telephone people ! that they be permitted to go to work I at once on the laying the conduits for their new telephone system in Bruns wick. As we have said before in the treatment of this subject, we do n.-t believe that the excavation necessary for these Improvements would have menaced the public health, and we have the statement of two or three good physicians to that effect, and we are inclined to the belief that these professional gentlemen hold on that subject. The fall season is now yell upon us and the throwing up of dirt in this case would not have disturbed the health of Brunswick any more than its upturning in the mouths of .inly and August have done However, Brunswick has Jong since i anted to put off things' a* Tong a possible before taking action, and the city council Is the best perceptor ot these kind of teachings we know oi. its record on the trolley line project Is the best Indication of the regard it has for the public weal or the progress and growth of the city, ami the actio:, of the board of health confirmed by the city Council was anticipated by tnose business men and citizens erally, who believe In speedy process and prompt action. We are yet Indulging very fondly! the hope that the day will come when those In official places in the city government will brush the c<dwebs from their eyes, throw asideXtha*. small spirit of provincialism wuo> r manifest and learn to live !u 1A present century and not in those tHHi have tong since passed away. The Bell people will have to waiw until we have a real good snow storm and then perhaps some special dispensation *lll be Issued from the lountalu-head of the city government and the) may be permitted to sperm fifteen or twenty thousand dollars in uadly neoded improvements in Bruns wick. m Now we say, maybe those special favors will be conferred and maybe they won’t. Its speculative. OUR LAND-LOCKED HARBOR. Brunswick Is indeed a very fortu nate city. In addition to possessing one of the deepest and most acresßable harbors in the wofld, she also lias an advan tage that counts for millions of doi lars in commerce and in flu- saving oi property in the course of events. Her harbot is land-locked and great students of astronomy and scientists of kinds declare that she is so pro tected by nature that a severe hurri cane gale or tropical storm is #vell nigh an impossibility. M fitness New Orleans. Mobile. Pen sacola and other ports being struck broad shies by a storm only last Thursday and see the awftl damage ftu shipping and the appalling loss oi life as a r\rult, •while Hi |nswtc;t %Myaged to miss the disturbance en tlr&i,' ind even had’ it been at ha very safeguards place.! the • Mei i uni.l shonl# do our full part towards , ims the purl irovJi that paint site was so splendidly fashioned. Limit locked harbors are not very plentiful In this country, arid wick is doubly blessed valub<dS®>araut-e to her sltipijH -terosts.lf In the I States for the Si of (he So .them l>lJK||Spi|l In Ihe -MM>er of ."irftVr of 'gfWfM / & Soil? n.uihri^BS Je Uto creditors 4 JBSSsgj wdl NlrhoUs,J4H IWlttr/ tME BRUNawiCK DAILY NEWS SATURDAY, EMBER , 1908 /* r* It’s your liver l In nearly KJUI OT iinr/c / every case i,s ,he iivtr w lO { That means constipation, ....... Z, , biliousness,dyspepsia, poor biood, headaches. Your doctor will tell you that good health demands at least one geod. free movement of the bowels each dav. Aik him if he knows any laxative better than Ayer’s Pills. wb. no •\. pnbM,h a. c.xx.rco.. ulu of g . on- medic.neg* Lowill Mgq. SHOES! SHOES! A FEW BROKEN LOTS MENS LOW CUT, LADIES ANO CHILDRENS SALE AT COST FOR A WHILE *? \ NEW FALL ON IS OVL R CRCWDBT ' ' TH | SEASON M |0 O Jfc KL V/ so f? k INbUTAG, Off f /b ;'S, * v §9njd! :j§jS *fjf £JO$l 1 ’ * { V r f A jV ~t ' ER ifpevyritcrt Rented end Repaired DOLLAR RIBBONS AT 75c. Under New Management IHE W Bhuf'WlCil P#iuV too A Street! I have purchased y§ ikery of Mr. J. M. Hoodcnpyi JuO A Street and .wi!KebtTifßjj|j|o do business tit i lie - me kHB Orders {pr Fancy (kikes give® special attention. We guarantee faction and you tfc'Vf yon will get lllat csn *® made trial. •JS®||®||ders re. rNG !N©dlß COLUMN \ Want a positionfelßftg,. ..' Have you lost aiS u yen yht yUI rofr\ or ::j jW p u ■n *a. jn fno 'new, T^EpjHpß.i.. WANTED—PeopIe to kno\. that Dnus t:g wiii loan you money* on anything cy value. Ail legitimate 'business so> *l*B Leviaou, '3OB ami Uua Bay at i cel. Wanted —Two mesMugef boys, at lily oaily. Western y„iuL. tul . co. ' WANTBD—Furnished r. <>m with privilege of Uaui room, vudress c, t*. O. Box 03, City. • ■WANTED—A bood bicycle boy t ■be ahustler* Harper i cottage on Eilis street 586 with a k. 3K Fouche ve fewai'd rtaMe rooms lAng Oi^i If- W' r i £*?'• eng. ii'rr, i| • -jMPfam# The yfe *u hn it neck we** 1 " Jhecity at JS f look and ; |< m % ’ltlve* tv fur i<-n f SOUTf IERN. ■ Railway y)V SCitEDLLt Effective January 9 1909. N. B. Following acneiuie hgures published only as informal on and are not guaranteed. TO The NORTH ANO CAST. isos. 23. 3*. 1,, SO Lv. Brunswick 3.50a. i.3bp Ar. Jesup li.2ua. 1u.20p Ar. Savannah 1.06 p. 12.13* Ar. Columbia V.OOp, 6.00a Ar. Asheville 1-Oap Ar. Charlotte 10.2ap. 9.55a Ar. Duavilie 2.21a 2.10 p Ar. Richmond O.aSp. 6.42 p Ar. Wa&trlaglon y.sda. .sup Ar. Baltimore lu.aoa. 11.1.-p Ar. Philadelphia l p. 2.3^a Ar. New York 3.30 p. 6.3ua TO THE WEST. Nrs. 15. 13 Lv. Brunswick 6.50a g.3tip Ar. Jer up B.loa. ULSbp A r. Maeon 1.30 p 4.00a Ar. Atlanta 4.10 p. 6.3ua Ar. Romo 7.1i,y i.ZI- Ar. Chattanooga 0.53 pt .4* Ar. Knoxville l.lup Ar. Louisville Hjy ,-w ~ B?it;p<. Ar. Cincinnati - l.ila. 7.40 p Vr. SL Louis T 6 i2p. 7.32- Ar. Birminghai 9.i6p. 12.01a Ar. Memphis / 7.05a S.osp Ar. Kansan Cfc y.40„ Ar. Chicago Jl 7.2; Trains irrH at Brunswick as foi lows: 8 K7ir''ft , ~ALi at Brunswick a. m. withMonaecUona fro* Ml t aunab sndKist, and also fiHy At tanta and H-r.: W Ho. 16 arrivrl|at 4 26 p. m. |F>m Al" lar.ta and iB-iu. THRGijJh CAR SERVICE, tos 29 auija, '‘ W ASHING TON AND if '-iRIDA wßsl.i .MITED., carrying Prdiloaßy Drawing room and Sleep I ing ci r* between Jesup and New 'York. Nos Ig at-i 14, "The FLORIDA LIMITED ' carry through Pullman Drawing room, Sleeping cars be tween /tmp, Atlanta, Cincinnati. Chb agojyahia*" City, and Colorado 1 < \TSHci?LLRt) Dining ear s vV^^Bultralns. a* to rubes 9.V ‘ schedules, tc., appi* to H. B. SraNCER, a M , Washing! o?. />. C. LH, n UROWIUK. P. T. H.Who- Ai*!n i) G m H ' v YL< a. O. P. A.. Wa 'h* P. C \ two :K" ..(OU\tN, A. (i. P. A. kilfU, tJa. . H. HOOdEMAN'.O. A.. Brutawtck. Qa.. D'hote fa) OOj Q &5 2 C/3 r-f <rb ft # & A 0 s \ 5 To The Public HAVING LOCATEO A CEMENT STONE PLONT CORNER OF F AN. D STREETS lA‘,l PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WORK FIRST CLASS WORK AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES OF WHITE AND COLBRED HEXIGON TILE AND CURB OF THE LATION SIZE. I RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PAT P.ONAGE. J D. Baldwin m HEALTH m wmirv • ano k tiki ® w H - **OTO’is Tec greatr.-io-.v mr r.-rvoii -.. -.4^ **• •“ **n2X* .. '' tpy & ocgaaxof sillier e.:x. auco a-A:,,,'. -i- 0. • ’ni of tbo ci ectstiTi MHr lmpeK.-iiey.Ne-' riy ..;f‘ io a Faibego. Last iiauhooU •tfTES iISINS. I s ovdvrvrcauue maaorty. With eserj ForiSaie by HUNTER’S PHARMACa | YOUR BANKING with trC^|JJl h e ISationai Bank | Urj 1 of Brunswick * I I Mapital $150,000.00 ' \ SURPLUS $84.0004 9 V -O, I"” Department Pa y* Four per st coumpounded quarterly^. WESLEY H* GREENFIELD, Pile Driving Contractor * WHARF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SPECIALTY. 500 L street, Brunswick, Ga. C Springs \\ ater WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS CELEBRATED WATER bf THE OLABB, BY THE CASE OR BY THE BARREL HUNTER'S bOS GLOUCESTER ST, FROM THE BEST SOURCES I How and where a grocery stock 1 bought determine* its val ueaud qual tty. We could buy cheap stuff and sell to you at cheap prices, y tt , might think w e wotrld b© good peo pie to trade with—but we wouldn’t be. We buy from the best source pay fair prices and charge you a fair profit just enough to pay fsr handl the goods. We wouldn't touch cheap quality for a great deal. We inten to maintain ottr reputation for honest In all things. THOB. KEANY. ARE YOU THIRSTY. •f you ar* and a good drink of tha Best CUhiskey or Finest Beer wit! quench it I can fix you. See my wine and ciga# list. H. Seiig, 229 Grant rfitrest / ' 1 :HT / /oc*.tfbull Jvork. mgr. .vJF> and 417. ’ (?< / fc 'rM<' rUI r *‘ a * Ul *** j/ 41-WAY* WCI.COMA /w. WALLACE tjnaWgSf 'sUM*. ‘lht for raising your lot I |g fl kg - • I ' S■ UPOWN & CO Ikalers Jr* MANUFACTURERS AND I' BHIPPERB OF wiiiway AND DEALERS IN Yellow V umber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. '||fSir' i. .. ha- ever eqmilifd it. ■ ■ •- r 'll: pa s It. |; Ki;s f * bmk-y^ A Perfect For All Throat and Cure ; LuiljJ Troubles. Mone hark If. it f-iji, Trial Bottles t: o. Cobb and Wheeler GNERAL tinners, the old RELIABLES. 25 Years In the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TSD. Phone 313, 313 Newcastle St. CAR LOAD OF page WOVEN WIRE FENCE WIRE FENCES ARE CHEAPER THAN WOOD ROBERSON * CO. Aon the subject No 2 Wright's Spuara ."I a /now Prepar^ed'to~do~ U^nerai Plumbing OF A'.L KINO We carry a full and complate lint fn m T ? VEC and ra NGES and 5 HI kind of STOVE REPAIRING J. H. BOH NE. IWM 397, 428 Newcastle Street. DeVos’s ole, Stand. H. B. OARNfcTT. I'Jv GENERAL CONTRACTOR Vhen fn need of A PLASTERER, '§L A PAINTER, ggL a CARPENTER ft Call on the aid original H| y *• Q A R N E T T. and oten W.-.I Alma HortntM, 3